"""test subcommand option parsing.""" import argparse import sys from Bcfg2.Compat import StringIO from Bcfg2.Options import Option, get_parser, new_parser, Subcommand, \ Subparser, CommandRegistry import Bcfg2.Options.Subcommands from testsuite.Testsrc.Testlib.TestOptions import make_config, OptionTestCase class MockSubcommand(Subcommand): """fake subcommand that just records the options it was called with.""" run_options = None def run(self, setup): self.__class__.run_options = setup class One(MockSubcommand): """fake subcommand for testing.""" options = [Option("--test-one")] class Two(MockSubcommand): """fake subcommand for testing.""" options = [Option("--test-two")] def local_subclass(cls): """get a subclass of ``cls`` that adds no functionality. This can be used to subclass the various test classes above so that their options don't get modified by option parsing. """ return type("Local%s" % cls.__name__, (cls,), {}) class TestSubcommands(OptionTestCase): """tests for subcommands and subparsers.""" def setUp(self): self.registry = CommandRegistry() self.one = local_subclass(One) self.two = local_subclass(Two) self.registry.register_command(self.one) self.registry.register_command(self.two) self.result = argparse.Namespace() Bcfg2.Options.Subcommands.master_setup = self.result new_parser() self.parser = get_parser(namespace=self.result, components=[self]) self.parser.add_options(self.registry.subcommand_options) def test_register_commands(self): """register subcommands.""" registry = CommandRegistry() registry.register_commands(globals().values(), parent=MockSubcommand) self.assertItemsEqual(registry.commands.keys(), ["one", "two", "help"]) self.assertIsInstance(registry.commands['one'], One) self.assertIsInstance(registry.commands['two'], Two) @make_config() def test_get_subcommand(self, config_file): """parse simple subcommands.""" self.parser.parse(["-C", config_file, "localone"]) self.assertEqual(self.result.subcommand, "localone") def test_subcommand_usage(self): """sane usage message from subcommands.""" self.assertEqual( One().usage(), "one [--test-one TEST_ONE] - fake subcommand for testing.") # subclasses do not inherit the docstring from the parent, so # this tests a command subclass without a docstring, even # though that should never happen due to the pylint tests. self.assertEqual(self.one().usage().strip(), "localone [--test-one TEST_ONE]") @make_config() def test_help(self, config_file): """sane help message from subcommand registry.""" self.parser.parse(["-C", config_file, "help"]) old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() self.assertIn(self.registry.runcommand(), [0, None]) help_message = sys.stdout.getvalue().splitlines() sys.stdout = old_stdout # the help message will look like: # # localhelp [] # localone [--test-one TEST_ONE] # localtwo [--test-two TEST_TWO] commands = [] command_help = { "help": self.registry.help.usage(), "localone": self.one().usage(), "localtwo": self.two().usage()} for line in help_message: command = line.split()[0] commands.append(command) if command not in command_help: self.fail("Got help for unknown command %s: %s" % (command, line)) self.assertEqual(line, command_help[command]) self.assertItemsEqual(commands, command_help.keys()) @make_config() def test_subcommand_help(self, config_file): """get help message on a single command.""" self.parser.parse(["-C", config_file, "help", "localone"]) old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() self.assertIn(self.registry.runcommand(), [0, None]) help_message = sys.stdout.getvalue().splitlines() sys.stdout = old_stdout self.assertEqual(help_message[0].strip(), "usage: %s" % self.one().usage().strip()) @make_config() def test_nonexistent_subcommand_help(self, config_file): """get help message on a nonexistent command.""" self.parser.parse(["-C", config_file, "help", "blargle"]) old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() self.assertNotEqual(self.registry.runcommand(), 0) help_message = sys.stdout.getvalue().splitlines() sys.stdout = old_stdout self.assertIn("No such command", help_message[0])