""" In order to make testing easier and more consistent, we provide a number of convenience functions, variables, and classes, for a wide variety of reasons. To import this module, first set up :ref:`development-unit-testing-relative-imports` and then simply do: .. code-block:: python from common import * """ import os import re import sys import codecs import unittest import lxml.etree import Bcfg2.Options from mock import patch, MagicMock, _patch, DEFAULT from Bcfg2.Compat import wraps #: The path to the Bcfg2 specification root for the tests. Using the #: root directory exposes a lot of potential problems with building #: paths. datastore = "/" #: The XInclude namespace name XI_NAMESPACE = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" #: The XInclude namespace in a format suitable for use in XPath #: expressions XI = "{%s}" % XI_NAMESPACE #: Whether or not the tests are being run on Python 3. inPy3k = False if sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000: inPy3k = True try: from django.core.management import setup_environ has_django = True os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = "Bcfg2.settings" import Bcfg2.settings Bcfg2.settings.DATABASE_NAME = \ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "test.sqlite") Bcfg2.settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = Bcfg2.settings.DATABASE_NAME except ImportError: has_django = False try: from mock import call except ImportError: def call(*args, **kwargs): """ Analog to the Mock call object, which is a fairly recent addition, but it's very very useful, so we create our own function to create Mock calls""" return (args, kwargs) #: The name of the builtin module, for mocking Python builtins. In #: Python 2, this is ``__builtin__``, in Python 3 ``builtins``. To #: patch a builtin, you must do something like: #: #: .. code-block:: python #: #: @patch("%s.open" % open) #: def test_something(self, mock_open): #: ... builtins = "__builtin__" if inPy3k: builtins = "builtins" def u(s): """ Get a unicode string, whatever that means. In Python 2, returns a unicode object; in Python 3, returns a str object. :param s: The string to unicode-ify. :type s: str :returns: str or unicode """ return s else: def u(s): """ Get a unicode string, whatever that means. In Python 2, returns a unicode object; in Python 3, returns a str object. :param s: The string to unicode-ify. :type s: str :returns: str or unicode """ return codecs.unicode_escape_decode(s)[0] #: Whether or not skipping tests is natively supported by #: :mod:`unittest`. If it isn't, then we have to make tests that #: would be skipped succeed instead. can_skip = False if hasattr(unittest, "skip"): can_skip = True #: skip decorator from :func:`unittest.skip` skip = unittest.skip #: skipIf decorator from :func:`unittest.skipIf` skipIf = unittest.skipIf #: skipUnless decorator from :func:`unittest.skipUnless` skipUnless = unittest.skipUnless else: # we can't actually skip tests, we just make them pass can_skip = False def skip(msg): """ skip decorator used when :mod:`unittest` doesn't support skipping tests. Replaces the decorated function with a no-op. """ def decorator(func): return lambda *args, **kwargs: None return decorator def skipIf(condition, msg): """ skipIf decorator used when :mod:`unittest` doesn't support skipping tests """ if not condition: return lambda f: f else: return skip(msg) def skipUnless(condition, msg): """ skipUnless decorator used when :mod:`unittest` doesn't support skipping tests """ if condition: return lambda f: f else: return skip(msg) def _count_diff_all_purpose(actual, expected): '''Returns list of (cnt_act, cnt_exp, elem) triples where the counts differ''' # elements need not be hashable s, t = list(actual), list(expected) m, n = len(s), len(t) NULL = object() result = [] for i, elem in enumerate(s): if elem is NULL: continue cnt_s = cnt_t = 0 for j in range(i, m): if s[j] == elem: cnt_s += 1 s[j] = NULL for j, other_elem in enumerate(t): if other_elem == elem: cnt_t += 1 t[j] = NULL if cnt_s != cnt_t: diff = (cnt_s, cnt_t, elem) result.append(diff) for i, elem in enumerate(t): if elem is NULL: continue cnt_t = 0 for j in range(i, n): if t[j] == elem: cnt_t += 1 t[j] = NULL diff = (0, cnt_t, elem) result.append(diff) return result def _assertion(predicate, default_msg=None): @wraps(predicate) def inner(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'msg' in kwargs: msg = kwargs['msg'] del kwargs['msg'] else: try: msg = default_msg % args except TypeError: # message passed as final (non-keyword) argument? msg = args[-1] args = args[:-1] assert predicate(*args, **kwargs), msg return inner def _regex_matches(val, regex): if hasattr(regex, 'search'): return regex.search(val) else: return re.search(regex, val) class Bcfg2TestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Base TestCase class that inherits from :class:`unittest.TestCase`. This class does a few things: * Adds :func:`assertXMLEqual`, a useful assertion method given all the XML used by Bcfg2; * Defines convenience methods that were (mostly) added in Python 2.7. """ if not hasattr(unittest.TestCase, "assertItemsEqual"): # TestCase in Py3k lacks assertItemsEqual, but has the other # convenience methods. this code is (mostly) cribbed from the # py2.7 unittest library def assertItemsEqual(self, expected_seq, actual_seq, msg=None): """ Implementation of :func:`unittest.TestCase.assertItemsEqual` for python versions that lack it """ first_seq, second_seq = list(actual_seq), list(expected_seq) differences = _count_diff_all_purpose(first_seq, second_seq) if differences: standardMsg = 'Element counts were not equal:\n' lines = ['First has %d, Second has %d: %r' % diff for diff in differences] diffMsg = '\n'.join(lines) standardMsg = self._truncateMessage(standardMsg, diffMsg) msg = self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg) self.fail(msg) if not hasattr(unittest.TestCase, "assertRegexpMatches"): # Some versions of TestCase in Py3k seem to lack # assertRegexpMatches, but have the other convenience methods. assertRegexpMatches = _assertion(lambda s, r: _regex_matches(s, r), "%s does not contain /%s/") if not hasattr(unittest.TestCase, "assertNotRegexpMatches"): # Some versions of TestCase in Py3k seem to lack # assertNotRegexpMatches even though they have # assertRegexpMatches assertNotRegexpMatches = \ _assertion(lambda s, r: not _regex_matches(s, r), "%s contains /%s/") if not hasattr(unittest.TestCase, "assertIn"): # versions of TestCase before python 2.7 and python 3.1 lacked # a lot of the really handy convenience methods, so we provide # them -- at least the easy ones and the ones we use. assertIs = _assertion(lambda a, b: a is b, "%s is not %s") assertIsNot = _assertion(lambda a, b: a is not b, "%s is %s") assertIsNone = _assertion(lambda x: x is None, "%s is not None") assertIsNotNone = _assertion(lambda x: x is not None, "%s is None") assertIn = _assertion(lambda a, b: a in b, "%s is not in %s") assertNotIn = _assertion(lambda a, b: a not in b, "%s is in %s") assertIsInstance = _assertion(isinstance, "%s is not instance of %s") assertNotIsInstance = _assertion(lambda a, b: not isinstance(a, b), "%s is instance of %s") assertGreater = _assertion(lambda a, b: a > b, "%s is not greater than %s") assertGreaterEqual = _assertion(lambda a, b: a >= b, "%s is not greater than or equal to %s") assertLess = _assertion(lambda a, b: a < b, "%s is not less than %s") assertLessEqual = _assertion(lambda a, b: a <= b, "%s is not less than or equal to %s") def assertXMLEqual(self, el1, el2, msg=None): """ Test that the two XML trees given are equal. Both elements and all children are expected to have ``name`` attributes. """ if msg is None: msg = "XML trees were not equal" fullmsg = msg + "\nFirst: %s" % lxml.etree.tostring(el1) + \ "\nSecond: %s" % lxml.etree.tostring(el2) self.assertEqual(el1.tag, el2.tag, msg=fullmsg) self.assertEqual(el1.text, el2.text, msg=fullmsg) self.assertItemsEqual(el1.attrib.items(), el2.attrib.items(), msg=fullmsg) self.assertEqual(len(el1.getchildren()), len(el2.getchildren()), msg=fullmsg) for child1 in el1.getchildren(): cname = child1.get("name") self.assertIsNotNone(cname, msg="Element %s has no 'name' attribute" % child1.tag) children2 = el2.xpath("%s[@name='%s']" % (child1.tag, cname)) self.assertEqual(len(children2), 1, msg="More than one %s element named %s" % \ (child1.tag, cname)) self.assertXMLEqual(child1, children2[0], msg=msg) class DBModelTestCase(Bcfg2TestCase): """ Test case class for Django database models """ models = [] @skipUnless(has_django, "Django not found, skipping") def test_syncdb(self): """ Create the test database and sync the schema """ setup_environ(Bcfg2.settings) import django.core.management django.core.management.call_command("syncdb", interactive=False, verbosity=0) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(Bcfg2.settings.DATABASE_NAME)) @skipUnless(has_django, "Django not found, skipping") def test_cleandb(self): """ Ensure that we a) can connect to the database; b) start with a clean database """ for model in self.models: model.objects.all().delete() self.assertItemsEqual(list(model.objects.all()), []) def syncdb(modeltest): """ Given an instance of a :class:`DBModelTestCase` object, sync and clean the database """ inst = modeltest(methodName='test_syncdb') inst.test_syncdb() inst.test_cleandb() # in order for patchIf() to decorate a function in the same way as # patch(), we override the default behavior of __enter__ and __exit__ # on the _patch() object to basically be noops. class _noop_patch(_patch): def __enter__(self): return MagicMock(name=self.attribute) def __exit__(self, *args): pass class patchIf(object): """ Decorator class to perform conditional patching. This is necessary because some libraries might not be installed (e.g., selinux, pylibacl), and patching will barf on that. Other workarounds are not available to us; e.g., context managers aren't in python 2.4, and using inner functions doesn't work because python 2.6 parses all decorators at compile-time, not at run-time, so decorating inner functions does not prevent the decorators from being run. """ def __init__(self, condition, target, new=DEFAULT, spec=None, create=False, spec_set=None): """ :param condition: The condition to evaluate to decide if the patch will be applied. :type condition: bool :param target: The name of the target object to patch :type target: str :param new: The new object to replace the target with. If this is omitted, a new :class:`mock.MagicMock` is created and passed as an extra argument to the decorated function. :type new: any :param spec: Spec passed to the MagicMock object if ``patchIf`` is creating one for you. :type spec: List of strings or existing object :param create: Tell patch to create attributes on the fly. See the documentation for :func:`mock.patch` for more details on this. :type create: bool :param spec_set: Spec set passed to the MagicMock object if ``patchIf`` is creating one for you. :type spec_set: List of strings or existing object """ self.condition = condition self.target = target self.patch_args = dict(new=new, spec=spec, create=create, spec_set=spec_set) def __call__(self, func): if self.condition: return patch(self.target, **self.patch_args)(func) else: args = [lambda: True, self.target.rsplit('.', 1)[-1], self.patch_args['new'], self.patch_args['spec'], self.patch_args['create'], None, self.patch_args['spec_set']] try: # in older versions of mock, _patch() takes 8 args return _noop_patch(*args)(func) except TypeError: # in some intermediate versions of mock, _patch # takes 11 args args.extend([None, None, None]) try: return _noop_patch(*args)(func) except TypeError: # in the latest versions of mock, _patch() takes # 10 args -- mocksignature has been removed args.pop(5) return _noop_patch(*args)(func) #: The type of compiled regular expression objects re_type = None try: re_type = re._pattern_type except AttributeError: re_type = type(re.compile("")) #: A function to set a default config option if it's not already set def set_setup_default(option, value=None): if not hasattr(Bcfg2.Options.setup, option): setattr(Bcfg2.Options.setup, option, value)