#!/bin/bash -ex # install script for Travis-CI pip install -r testsuite/requirements.txt --use-mirrors PYVER=$(python -c 'import sys;print(".".join(str(v) for v in sys.version_info[0:2]))') if [[ ${PYVER:0:1} == "2" && $PYVER != "2.7" ]]; then pip install --use-mirrors unittest2 fi if [[ "$WITH_OPTIONAL_DEPS" == "yes" ]]; then pip install --use-mirrors PyYAML pyinotify boto pylibacl 'django<1.5' easy_install https://fedorahosted.org/released/python-augeas/python-augeas-0.4.1.tar.gz if [[ ${PYVER:0:1} == "2" ]]; then # django supports py3k, but South doesn't, and the django bits # in bcfg2 require South pip install cheetah 'South<0.8' pip install m2crypto fi fi