#!/bin/sh # # Import client configuration in to repository like tarball. # This tarball can then be extracted on the server straight in to the server # Repository. This makes it easier to import a live host in to bcfg2 # - Sami Haahtinen # # TODO: # - Fetch filelist from server usage() { echo "$0: tool to import files in to bcfg2-server repository" echo " -s Copy SSH Key files" echo " -p Create :info files with current file permissions" echo " -n No suffix. Generate global files" echo " --debian Run debsums to detect changed configuration files" echo " ** debsums is only able to detect part of changes!" echo " -h Help (You are here)" } ## Start Getopt TEMP=`getopt -o snph --long help,debian -n $0 -- "$@"` if [ $? != 0 ] ; then ( usage ) >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi eval set -- "$TEMP" ## End Getopt ## Start Defaults NEEDSSH=0 NEEDPERM=0 DEBSUMS=0 NOSUFFIX=0 # End Defaults ## Start option parse while true ; do case "$1" in -s) NEEDSSH=1; shift ;; -p) NEEDPERM=1; shift ;; --debian) DEBSUMS=1; shift ;; -n) NOSUFFIX=1; shift ;; -h|--help) usage exit 0 ;; --) shift; break ;; *) echo "Internal error!" exit 1 ;; esac done FILES=$@ ## End option parse ## Start functions init_temp_repo() { TMPREPO=`mktemp -d` if [ $NEEDSSH -ne 0 ]; then SSHBASE="$TMPREPO/SSHbase" mkdir $SSHBASE fi CFGREPO="$TMPREPO/Cfg" HOSTNAME=`hostname -f` if [ $NOSUFFIX -eq 0 ]; then SUFFIX=".H_$HOSTNAME" else SUFFIX="" fi } package_temp_repo() { echo "Creating tarball to: /tmp/$HOSTNAME-bcfg2.tar.gz" # We should test for files here. tar -cz -C $TMPREPO -f /tmp/$HOSTNAME-bcfg2.tar.gz . } clean_temp_repo() { rm -r "$TMPREPO" } get_ssh() { if [ $NEEDSSH -ne 0 ]; then echo "Importing SSH host keys (if exists)" for i in $(find /etc/ssh -name ssh_host\*); do FILE=$(basename $i) cp $i $SSHBASE/${FILE}${SUFFIX} done fi } get_files() { if [ -n "$FILES" ]; then echo "Copying files:" # TODO: Files need an absolute path! for i in $FILES; do if [ -f $i ]; then echo -n "$i: " FILE=$(basename $i) mkdir -p $CFGREPO/$i cp $i $CFGREPO/$i/${FILE}${SUFFIX} if [ $NEEDPERM -ne 0 ]; then # Get permissions for the file echo -n "(permissions) " find $i -printf "owner:%u\ngroup:%g\nperms:%#m\n" > "$CFGREPO/$i/:info" fi echo "OK" else echo "$i: Not a file" fi done fi } get_debsums() { if [ $DEBSUMS -ne 0 ]; then echo "Locating changed configuration with debsums" echo " ** debsums by design is unable to find all changed files" echo " you need to add missing files by hand." DEBSUMSFILES=$(debsums -ec 2> /dev/null) FILES="$FILES $DEBSUMSFILES" fi } ## End Functions if [ $(($NEEDPERM + $NEEDSSH + $DEBSUMS)) -eq 0 -a -z "$FILES" ]; then usage ; exit 0; fi init_temp_repo get_debsums get_ssh get_files package_temp_repo clean_temp_repo