#!/usr/bin/python -O """ Send email about Bcfg2 commits from an SVN postcommit hook This script can be used to send email from a Subversion postcommit hook. It emails out a list of diffs, with a few exceptions: * If a file was deleted, the deletion is noted but no diff is included * If the file matches a set of blacklist patterns (configurable; by default: /Ohai/*.json, */Probes/probed.xml, */SSHbase/*, */Packages/packages.conf), then the diff is not included but the file is listed as 'sensitive.' (This is a bit of a broad brush, since the stuff in Probes and Ohai isn't necessarily sensitive, just annoying to get diffs for.) * If the file is a directory, not a file, it is omitted * If he file is binary, that is noted instead of a diff being included * If the diff exceeds 100 lines (configurable), then a 'large diff' is mentioned, but not included. * If the file is a Property file and is flagged as sensitive in the opening Property tag, then it is listed as sensitive and no diff is included. * If the file is flagged as sensitive in its info.xml, then it is listed as sensitive and no diff is included. The script attempts to look up the committing user's email address in LDAP; it uses the system LDAP config to do so. Currently it looks in /etc/ldap.conf, /etc/openldap/ldap.conf, and /etc/nss_ldap.conf to figure out the LDAP config, so it doesn't work with SSSD or with OSes that keep their LDAP configs in other places. The config file, /etc/bcfg2_svnlog.conf, should contain one stanza per repository. (If you just have one Bcfg2 repo, then you only need one stanza. This script unfortunately does not support different configurations for different branches.) Each stanza should look like this: [] email=
subject= largediff=<# of lines a diff must exceed to be considered too large to include in the email> blacklist= Only 'email' is required. The commit message can itself contain some magic that will influence the email sent out. The following patterns are special: * Subject: Use the specified text as the subject of the message. Otherwise, the first line (up to the first [.!;:?] or 120 characters) will be used. * Resolve: Add some magic to the email that will resolve the specified RT ticket. These patterns can either be listed on a line by themselves, or enclosed in curly braces ({...}). Whitespace after the colon is optional. The patterns are all case-insensitive. So these two commits are identical: svn ci -m '{resolve:108934}Fixed DNS error' svn ci -m 'Fixed DNS error Resolve: 108934' """ __author__ = "Chris St Pierre" __email__ = "chris.a.st.pierre@gmail.com" import re import os import sys import ldap import pysvn import shutil import fnmatch import smtplib import logging import logging.handlers import tempfile import lxml.etree from email.Message import Message from optparse import OptionParser, OptionError from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser SEPARATOR = "=" * 67 LOGGER = None def get_logger(verbose=0): """ set up logging according to the verbose level given on the command line """ global LOGGER if LOGGER is None: LOGGER = logging.getLogger(sys.argv[0]) stderr = logging.StreamHandler() level = logging.WARNING lformat = "%(message)s" if verbose == 1: level = logging.INFO elif verbose > 1: stderr.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s")) level = logging.DEBUG LOGGER.setLevel(level) LOGGER.addHandler(stderr) syslog = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler("/dev/log") syslog.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(name)s: %(message)s")) LOGGER.addHandler(syslog) LOGGER.debug("Setting verbose to %s" % verbose) return LOGGER def parse_log_message(message): """ Parse the commit log message """ keywords = dict(subject=None, resolve=None) logger = get_logger() for keyword in keywords.iterkeys(): pattern = re.compile((r'(?:\A|\n|\{)%s:\s*([^\}\n]+)(?:\Z|\n|\})' % keyword), re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) match = pattern.search(message) if match: keywords[keyword] = match.group(1).strip() logger.debug("Found log message keyword %s=%s" % (keyword, match.group(0))) message = pattern.sub('', message) return (message, keywords) def build_summary(changes): """ build a summary of changes """ summary = dict() logger = get_logger() for change in changes: logger.info("Summarizing %s file %s" % (change.summarize_kind, change.path)) if change.summarize_kind not in summary: summary[change.summarize_kind] = [] summary[change.summarize_kind].append(change.path) return summary def get_author_email(author): """looks up author email in ldap""" logger = get_logger() ldapconf = dict() for conffile in ["/etc/ldap.conf", "/etc/openldap/ldap.conf", "/etc/nss_ldap.conf"]: # short-circuit if we have both a base and a host if 'base' in ldapconf and 'host' in ldapconf: break logger.debug("Reading LDAP configuration from %s" % conffile) try: for line in open(conffile).read().splitlines(): match = re.search(r'^(base|host|ssl)\s+(.*)', line) if match: ldapconf[match.group(1)] = match.group(2) except IOError: pass if 'base' in ldapconf and 'host' in ldapconf: # host can be a space-delimited list; in that case, we just # use the first host ldapconf['host'] = ldapconf['host'].split()[0] # ensure that we have an ldap uri if not re.search(r'^ldap[si]?://', ldapconf['host']): if ('ssl' in ldapconf and ldapconf['ssl'] in ['on', 'yes', 'start_tls']): ldapconf['host'] = "ldaps://%s" % ldapconf['host'] else: ldapconf['host'] = "ldap://%s" % ldapconf['host'] logger.debug("Connecting to LDAP server at %s" % ldapconf['host']) try: conn = ldap.initialize(ldapconf['host']) except ldap.LDAPError, err: logger.warn("Could not connect to LDAP server at %s: %s" % (ldapconf['host'], err)) return author if 'ssl' in ldapconf and ldapconf['ssl'] == 'start_tls': # try TLS, but don't require it. if starting TLS fails # but the connection requires confidentiality, the search # will fail below logger.debug("Starting TLS") try: conn.start_tls_s() except ldap.LDAPError, err: if err[0]['info'] != 'TLS already started': logger.warn("Could not start TLS: %s" % err) ldap_filter = "uid=%s" % author logger.debug("Searching for %s in %s" % (ldap_filter, ldapconf['base'])) try: res = conn.search_s(ldapconf['base'], ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, ldap_filter, ['mail']) if len(res) == 1: attrs = res.pop()[1] logger.debug("Got %s for email address" % attrs['mail'][0]) return attrs['mail'][0] elif len(res): logger.warn("More than one LDAP entry found for %s" % ldap_filter) return author elif not res: logger.warn("No LDAP entries found for %s" % ldap_filter) return author except ldap.LDAPError, err: logger.warn("Could not search for %s in LDAP at %s: %s" % (ldap_filter, ldapconf['host'], err)) return author else: logger.warn("Could not determine LDAP configuration") return author def get_diff_set(change, baseuri, largediff=100, rev=None, blacklist=None): """ generate diffs for the given change object. returns a tuple of (, ). Type is one of None, 'sensitive', 'large', 'binary', or 'diff'""" logger = get_logger() client = pysvn.Client() revision = pysvn.Revision(pysvn.opt_revision_kind.number, rev) previous = pysvn.Revision(pysvn.opt_revision_kind.number, rev - 1) logger.info("Diffing %s file %s" % (change.summarize_kind, change.path)) change_uri = os.path.join(baseuri, change.path) if plugin_blacklist is None: plugin_blacklist = [] # There are a number of reasons a diff might not be included in an # svnlog message: # # * The file was deleted # * The file matches a blacklist pattern (default */Ohai/*.json, # */Probes/probed.xml, */SSHbase/*, */Packages/packages.conf) # * The file is a directory, not a file # * The file is binary # * The diff exceeds 100 lines # * The file is a Property file and is flagged as sensitive in the # opening Property tag # * The file is flagged as sensitive in its info.xml # # These are listed here in approximate order from least expensive # to most expensive. Consequently, if we can do a simple filename # match and avoid generating a diff, we win; and so on. if change.summarize_kind == pysvn.diff_summarize_kind.delete: logger.debug("%s was %s, skipping diff" % (change.path, change.summarize_kind)) return (None, None) if ("/SSHbase/" in change.path or change.path.endswith("/Packages/packages.conf")): logger.debug("%s is hard-coded as sensitive, skipping diff" % change.path) return ("sensitive", change.path) for pattern in blacklist: if fnmatch.fnmatch(change.path, pattern): logger.debug("% is blacklisted, skipping diff") return (None, None) info = client.info2(change_uri, revision=revision, recurse=False)[0][1] if info.kind == pysvn.node_kind.dir: logger.debug("%s is a directory, skipping diff" % change.path) return (None, None) mime = client.propget('svn:mime-type', change_uri, revision=revision) if change_uri in mime: logger.debug("%s is binary (%s), skipping diff" % (change.path, mime[change_uri])) return ('binary', change.path) diff = None if change.summarize_kind == pysvn.diff_summarize_kind.modified: tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() diff = client.diff(tempdir, change_uri, revision1=previous, revision2=revision) shutil.rmtree(tempdir) else: diff = ("Added: %s\n%s\n%s" % (change.path, SEPARATOR, client.cat(change_uri, revision=revision))) if len(diff.splitlines()) > largediff: logger.debug("Diff for %s is large (%d lines), skipping diff" % (change.path, len(diff.splitlines()))) return ('large', change.path) if fnmatch.fnmatch(change.path, "*/Properties/*.xml"): logger.info("Checking out %s" % os.path.dirname(change.path)) tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: client.checkout(os.path.join(baseuri, os.path.dirname(change.path)), tempdir, revision=revision) xdata = \ lxml.etree.parse(os.path.join(tempdir, os.path.basename(change.path))) finally: shutil.rmtree(tempdir) if xdata.getroot().get("sensitive", "false").lower() == "true": return ("sensitive", change.path) if ("/Cfg/" in change.path and os.path.basename(change.path) != "info.xml"): # try to check out an info.xml for this file logger.info("Checking out %s" % os.path.dirname(change.path)) tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # in python 2.4, try...except...finally isn't supported; you # have to nest a try...except block inside try...finally try: try: client.checkout(os.path.join(baseuri, os.path.dirname(change.path)), tempdir, revision=revision) root = lxml.etree.parse(os.path.join(tempdir, "info.xml")).getroot() except IOError: logger.debug("No info.xml found for %s" % change.path) except: raise finally: shutil.rmtree(tempdir) if root is not None: for el in root.xpath("//Info"): if el.get("sensitive", "false").lower() == "true": return ("sensitive", change.path) return ('diff', diff) def parse_args(): """ parse command-line arguments """ usage = """Usage: bcfg2_svnlog.py [options] -r """ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", help="Be verbose", action="count") parser.add_option("-c", "--config", help="Config file", default="/etc/bcfg2_svnlog.conf") parser.add_option("-r", "--rev", help="Revision") parser.add_option("--stdout", help="Print log message to stdout") try: (options, args) = parser.parse_args() except OptionError: parser.print_help() raise SystemExit(1) if not len(args): parser.print_help() raise SystemExit(1) get_logger(options.verbose) return (options, args.pop()) def get_config(configfile, repos_name): """ read config for the given repository """ logger = get_logger() defaults = dict(largediff=100, subject='', blacklist="*/Ohai/*.json */Probes/probed.xml */SSHbase/ssh_host*_key.[GH]* */Packages/packages.conf") config = SafeConfigParser(defaults) if os.path.exists(configfile): config.read(configfile) else: logger.fatal("Config file %s does not exist" % configfile) raise SystemExit(1) if not config.has_section(repos_name): logger.fatal("No configuration section found for '%s' repo, aborting" % repos_name) raise SystemExit(2) return config def main(): """ main subroutine """ (options, path) = parse_args() uri = "file://%s" % path logger = get_logger() repos_name = os.path.basename(uri) config = get_config(options.config, repos_name) client = pysvn.Client() revision = pysvn.Revision(pysvn.opt_revision_kind.number, options.rev) previous = pysvn.Revision(pysvn.opt_revision_kind.number, int(options.rev) - 1) changes = client.diff_summarize(uri, revision1=previous, revision2=revision) # parse log message log = client.log(uri, revision_end=revision)[0] logger.info("Examining commit %s by %s" % (options.rev, log.author)) (message, keywords) = parse_log_message(log.message) summary = build_summary(changes) diffs = dict(diff=[], large=[], binary=[], sensitive=[]) for change in changes: (dtype, ddata) = get_diff_set(change, uri, rev=int(options.rev), largediff=int(config.get(repos_name, 'largediff'))) if dtype is not None: diffs[dtype].append(ddata) # construct the email body = [message.strip(), '', "Author: %s" % log.author, "Revision: %s" % options.rev, '', "Affected files:", ''] for ctype in summary: body.extend(["%-65s %-10s" % (f, ctype) for f in summary[ctype]]) body.append('') if diffs['binary']: body.extend([SEPARATOR, '', "The following binary files were changed:", '']) body.extend(diffs['binary']) body.append('') if diffs['large']: body.extend([SEPARATOR, '', "Diffs for the following files were too large to include:", '']) body.extend(diffs['large']) body.append('') if diffs['sensitive']: body.extend([SEPARATOR, '', "The following sensitive files were changed:", '']) body.extend(diffs['sensitive']) body.append('') if diffs['diff']: body.extend([SEPARATOR, '', "The following files were changed:", '']) body.extend(diffs['diff']) if keywords['resolve']: body.extend(['', "RT-AddRefersTo: %s" % keywords['resolve'], "RT-AddReferredToBy: %s" % keywords['resolve'], "RT-ResolveTicket: %s" % keywords['resolve']]) if config.has_option(repos_name, 'email') and not options.stdout: msg = Message() msg.set_payload("\n".join(body)) subject = None if keywords['subject']: subject = keywords['subject'] elif "\n" in message: subject = message[0:max(120, message.index("\n"))] else: subject = message[0:120] msg['Subject'] = "%s %s" % (config.get(repos_name, 'subject'), subject) msg['From'] = get_author_email(log.author) msg['To'] = config.get(repos_name, 'email') logger.debug("Sending message from %s to %s: %s" % (msg['From'], msg['To'], msg['Subject'])) smtp = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') if options.verbose > 2: # this is _really_ verbose smtp.set_debuglevel(options.verbose - 1) smtp.sendmail(msg['From'], [msg['To']], msg.as_string()) smtp.quit() else: print "\n".join(body) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())