#!/usr/bin/env python '''Build debian/ubuntu package indexes''' # Original code from Bcfg2 sources import apt_pkg import gzip import os import re import sys # Compatibility imports from Bcfg2.Bcfg2Py3k import StringIO from Bcfg2.Bcfg2Py3k import ConfigParser from Bcfg2.Bcfg2Py3k import urlopen apt_pkg.init() def debug(msg): '''print debug messages''' if '-v' in sys.argv: sys.stdout.write(msg) def get_as_list(somestring): """ Input : a string like this : 'a, g, f,w' Output : a list like this : ['a', 'g', 'f', 'w'] """ return somestring.replace(' ', '').split(',') def list_contains_all_the_same_values(l): if len(l) == 0: return True # The list contains all the same values if all elements in # the list are equal to the first element. first = l[0] for elem in l: if first != elem: return False return True class SourceURL: def __init__(self, deb_url, arch): deb_url_tokens = deb_url.split() # ex: deb http://somemirror.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe self.url = deb_url_tokens[1] self.distribution = deb_url_tokens[2] self.sections = deb_url_tokens[3:] self.arch = arch def __str__(self): return "deb %s %s %s" % (self.url, self.distribution, ' '.join(self.sections)) def __repr__(self): return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self)) class Source: def __init__(self, confparser, section, bcfg2_repos_prefix): self.filename = "%s/Pkgmgr/%s.xml" % (bcfg2_repos_prefix, section) self.groups = get_as_list(confparser.get(section, "group_names")) self.priority = confparser.getint(section, "priority") try: self.pattern = confparser.get(section, "pattern", raw=True) except: self.pattern = '.*' self.architectures = get_as_list(confparser.get(section, "architectures")) self.arch_specialurl = set() self.source_urls = [] self.source_urls.append(SourceURL(confparser.get(section, "deb_url"), "all")) # Agregate urls in the form of deb_url0, deb_url1, ... to deb_url9 for i in range(10): # 0 to 9 option_name = "deb_url%s" % i if confparser.has_option(section, option_name): self.source_urls.append(SourceURL(confparser.get(section, option_name), "all")) # Aggregate architecture specific urls (if present) for arch in self.architectures: if not confparser.has_option(section, "deb_" + arch + "_url"): continue self.source_urls.append(SourceURL(confparser.get(section, "deb_" + arch + "_url"), arch)) # Agregate urls in the form of deb_url0, deb_url1, ... to deb_url9 for i in range(10): # 0 to 9 option_name = "deb_" + arch + "_url%s" % i if confparser.has_option(section, option_name): self.source_urls.append(SourceURL(confparser.get(section, option_name), arch)) self.arch_specialurl.add(arch) self.file = None self.indent_level = 0 def __str__(self): return """File: %s Groups: %s Priority: %s Architectures: %s Source URLS: %s""" % (self.filename, self.groups, self.priority, self.architectures, self.source_urls) def __repr__(self): return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self)) def _open_file(self): self.file = open(self.filename + '~', 'w') def _close_file(self): self.file.close() def _write_to_file(self, msg): self.file.write("%s%s\n" % (self.indent_level * ' ', msg)) def _rename_file(self): os.rename(self.filename + '~', self.filename) def _pkg_version_is_older(self, version1, version2): """ Use dpkg to compare the two version Return true if version1 < version2 """ # Avoid forking a new process if the two strings are equals if version1 == version2: return False status = apt_pkg.VersionCompare(version1, version2) return status < 0 def _update_pkgdata(self, pkgdata, source_url): for section in source_url.sections: for arch in self.architectures: if source_url.arch != arch and source_url.arch != "all": continue if source_url.arch == "all" and arch in self.arch_specialurl: continue url = "%s/dists/%s/%s/binary-%s/Packages.gz" % (source_url.url, source_url.distribution, section, arch) debug("Processing url %s\n" % (url)) try: data = urlopen(url) buf = StringIO(''.join(data.readlines())) reader = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) for line in reader.readlines(): if line[:8] == 'Package:': pkgname = line.split(' ')[1].strip() elif line[:8] == 'Version:': version = line.split(' ')[1].strip() if pkgname in pkgdata: if arch in pkgdata[pkgname]: # The package is listed twice for the same architecture # We keep the most recent version old_version = pkgdata[pkgname][arch] if self._pkg_version_is_older(old_version, version): pkgdata[pkgname][arch] = version else: # The package data exists for another architecture, # but not for this one. Add it. pkgdata[pkgname][arch] = version else: # First entry for this package pkgdata[pkgname] = {arch: version} else: continue except: raise Exception("Could not process URL %s\n%s\nPlease " "verify the URL." % (url, sys.exc_info()[1])) return dict((k, v) for (k, v) in list(pkgdata.items()) \ if re.search(self.pattern, k)) def _get_sorted_pkg_keys(self, pkgdata): pkgs = [] for k in list(pkgdata.keys()): pkgs.append(k) pkgs.sort() return pkgs def _write_common_entries(self, pkgdata): # Write entries for packages that have the same version # across all architectures #coalesced = 0 for pkg in self._get_sorted_pkg_keys(pkgdata): # Dictionary of archname: pkgversion # (There is exactly one version per architecture) archdata = pkgdata[pkg] # List of versions for all architectures of this package pkgversions = list(archdata.values()) # If the versions for all architectures are the same if len(self.architectures) == len(pkgversions) and list_contains_all_the_same_values(pkgversions): # Write the package data ver = pkgversions[0] self._write_to_file('' % (pkg, ver)) #coalesced += 1 # Remove this package entry del pkgdata[pkg] def _write_perarch_entries(self, pkgdata): # Write entries that are left, i.e. packages that have different # versions per architecture #perarch = 0 if pkgdata: for arch in self.architectures: self._write_to_file('' % (arch)) self.indent_level = self.indent_level + 1 for pkg in self._get_sorted_pkg_keys(pkgdata): if arch in pkgdata[pkg]: self._write_to_file('' % (pkg, pkgdata[pkg][arch])) #perarch += 1 self.indent_level = self.indent_level - 1 self._write_to_file('') #debug("Got %s coalesced, %s per-arch\n" % (coalesced, perarch)) def process(self): '''Build package indices for source''' # First, build the pkgdata structure without touching the file, # so the file does not contain incomplete informations if the # network in not reachable. pkgdata = {} for source_url in self.source_urls: pkgdata = self._update_pkgdata(pkgdata, source_url) # Construct the file. self._open_file() for source_url in self.source_urls: self._write_to_file('' % source_url) self._write_to_file('' % self.priority) self.indent_level = self.indent_level + 1 for group in self.groups: self._write_to_file('' % group) self.indent_level = self.indent_level + 1 self._write_common_entries(pkgdata) self._write_perarch_entries(pkgdata) for group in self.groups: self.indent_level = self.indent_level - 1 self._write_to_file('') self.indent_level = self.indent_level - 1 self._write_to_file('') self._close_file() self._rename_file() if __name__ == '__main__': # Prefix is relative to script path complete_script_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), sys.argv[0]) prefix = complete_script_path[:-len('etc/create-debian-pkglist.py')] confparser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() confparser.read(prefix + "etc/debian-pkglist.conf") # We read the whole configuration file before processing each entries # to avoid doing work if there is a problem in the file. sources_list = [] for section in confparser.sections(): sources_list.append(Source(confparser, section, prefix)) for source in sources_list: source.process()