#!/usr/bin/env python import lxml.etree import sys important = {'Package':['name', 'version'], 'Service':['name', 'status'], 'Directory':['name', 'owner', 'group', 'perms'], 'SymLink':['name', 'owner', 'from'], 'ConfigFile':['name', 'owner', 'group', 'perms']} def compare(new, old): for i in range(2): #this is hardcoded.. may be a better looping method for child in new.getchildren(): equiv = old.xpath('%s[@name="%s"]' % (child.tag, child.get('name'))) if not important.has_key(child.tag): print "tag type %s not handled" % (child.tag) continue if len(equiv) == 0: print "didn't find matching %s %s" % (child.tag, child.get('name')) continue elif len(equiv) >= 1: if child.tag == 'ConfigFile': if child.text != equiv[0].text: continue if [child.get(field) for field in important[child.tag]] == \ [equiv[0].get(field) for field in important[child.tag]]: if len(old.getchildren()) == 0 and len(new.getchildren()) == 0: return True if new.tag == 'Independant': name = 'Indep' else: name = new.get('name') print name, ["%s.%s" % (child.tag, child.get('name')) for child in old.getchildren()], print ["%s.%s" % (child.tag, child.get('name')) for child in new.getchildren()] return False if __name__ == '__main__': try: (new, old) = sys.argv[1:3] except IndexError: print "Usage: crosscheck.py " raise SystemExit new = lxml.etree.parse(new).getroot() old = lxml.etree.parse(old).getroot() for src in [new, old]: for bundle in src.findall('./Bundle'): if bundle.get('name')[-4:] == '.xml': bundle.set('name', bundle.get('name')[:-4]) for bundle in new.findall('./Bundle'): equiv = old.xpath('Bundle[@name="%s"]' % (bundle.get('name'))) if len(equiv) == 0: print "couldnt find matching bundle for %s" % bundle.get('name') continue if len(equiv) == 1: if compare(bundle, equiv[0]): new.remove(bundle) old.remove(equiv[0]) else: print "dunno what is going on for bundle %s" % (bundle.get('name')) i1 = new.find('./Independant') i2 = old.find('./Independant') if compare(i1, i2): new.remove(i1) old.remove(i2) #print lxml.etree.tostring(new) #print lxml.etree.tostring(old)