#!/bin/sh # rsync all the repo stuff to keep it up to date # this pulls the debian repo from mirror.mcs.anl.gov if the currect sync is finished. # If it isn't finished it will just back off and try again when the script runs next time. if ! /root/bin/rsync-debian-repo ; then echo "repo not synced "; fi # now rebuild the local repo so that it will grab everything that was added today. if ! /root/bin/local-deb-repo-maker ; then echo "local repos are not up to date "; fi #make a back up of the current pkglist so we can diff later cp /disks/bcfg2/Pkgmgr/debian-sarge.xml /tmp/debian-sarge.xml.current if /root/bin/create-debian-pkglist.pl ; then diff /tmp/debian-sarge.xml.current /disks/bcfg2/Pkgmgr/debian-sarge.xml rm -f /tmp/debian-sarge.xml.current #this is mainly cause this dies from time to time.. so this is protection /etc/init.d/apt-proxy restart else echo "there was a problem with creating the new pkglist.xml"; exit 1; fi #this was problem-matic so I found that it was more realiable to just make its #own cron job to restart every couple of days to reduce the memory consumption #restart the server.. shouldn't be needed but memory leaks make it needed. #/etc/init.d/bcfg2-server restart