#!/usr/bin/env sh name="bcfg2" repo="https://svn.mcs.anl.gov/repos/bcfg" version="${1}" expath="/tmp/${name}-${version}/" tarname="/tmp/${name}-${version}.tar.gz" url=`svn info | grep URL | awk '{print $2}'` if [ -z "${version}" ] ; then echo "must supply version number" exit 1 fi # update the version deblogtmp=`mktemp` majorver=`/usr/bin/python -c "print '${version}'[:5]"` minorver=`/usr/bin/python -c "print '${version}'[5:]"` printf "name: " read name printf "email: " read email cat > deblogtmp << EOF bcfg2 (${majorver}-0.0${minorver}) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release -- ${name} <${email}> `/bin/date -R` EOF sed -i "s/^\(Version:\) [:digits:]*.*$/\1 ${version}/" misc/bcfg2.spec sed -i "s|^\(Source0:\).*$|\1 ftp://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/bcfg/bcfg2-${version}.tar.gz|" misc/bcfg2.spec sed -i "s/^\(%setup -q -n\).*/\1 bcfg2-${version}/" misc/bcfg2.spec cat debian/changelog >> deblogtmp mv deblogtmp debian/changelog echo ${majorver} > redhat/VERSION echo 0.0${minorver} > redhat/RELEASE sed -i "s/\(version=\).*/\1\"${version}\",/" setup.py sed -i "s/^\(VERS\).*/\1=${version}-1/" solaris/Makefile svn ci -m "Version bump to ${version}" # tag the release tagstr=`echo ${version} | sed -e 's/\./_/g'` svn copy "$url" "${repo}/tags/${name}_${tagstr}" -m "tagged ${version} release" svn export . "${expath}" svn log -v "${repo}/tags/${name}_${tagstr}" > "${expath}/ChangeLog" cd /tmp tar czf "${tarname}" "${name}-${version}" gpg --armor --output "${tarname}".gpg --detach-sig "${tarname}" scp "${tarname}"* terra.mcs.anl.gov:/mcs/ftp/pub/bcfg