#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Second attempt to make our export script more portable than export.sh """ import fileinput from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import sys # py3k compatibility try: from email.Utils import formatdate except ImportError: from email.utils import formatdate def run(command): return Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=PIPE).communicate() def find_and_replace(f, iftest, rline, startswith=False): for line in fileinput.input(f, inplace=1): if startswith: if line.startswith(iftest): line = line.replace(line, rline) sys.stdout.write(line) else: if iftest in line and line != "Version: %{version}\n": line = line.replace(line, rline) sys.stdout.write(line) if __name__ == '__main__': pkgname = 'bcfg2' ftphost = 'terra.mcs.anl.gov' ftpdir = '/mcs/ftp/pub/bcfg' # py3k compatibility try: version = raw_input("Please enter the version you are tagging (e.g. 1.0.0): ") name = raw_input("Your name: ") email = raw_input("Your email: ") except NameError: version = input("Please enter the version you are tagging (e.g. 1.0.0): ") name = input("Your name: ") email = input("Your email: ") tarname = '/tmp/%s-%s.tar.gz' % (pkgname, version) # update the version majorver = version[:5] minorver = version[5:] newchangelog = \ """bcfg2 (%s%s-0.0) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release -- %s <%s> %s """ % (majorver, minorver, name, email, formatdate(localtime=True)) # write out the new debian changelog with open('debian/changelog', 'r+') as f: old = f.read() f.seek(0) f.write(newchangelog + old) f.close() quit() # Update redhat directory versions with open('redhat/VERSION', 'w') as f: f.write("%s\n" % majorver) f.close() with open('redhat/RELEASE', 'w') as f: f.write("0.0%s\n" % minorver) f.close() # update solaris version find_and_replace('solaris/Makefile', 'VERS=', 'VERS=%s-1\n' % version, startswith=True) find_and_replace('solaris/pkginfo.bcfg2', 'VERSION=', 'VERSION="%s"\n' % version, startswith=True) find_and_replace('solaris/pkginfo.bcfg2-server', 'VERSION=', 'VERSION="%s"\n' % version, startswith=True) # set new version in setup.py find_and_replace('setup.py', 'version=', ' version="%s",\n' % version) # replace version in misc/bcfg2.spec find_and_replace('misc/bcfg2.spec', 'Version:', 'Version: %s\n' % version) # update the version in reports find_and_replace('src/lib/Server/Reports/reports/templates/base.html', 'Bcfg2 Version', ' Bcfg2 Version %s\n' % version) # update the version in the docs find_and_replace('doc/conf.py', 'version =', 'version = \'%s\'\n' % majorver[0:3], startswith=True) find_and_replace('doc/conf.py', 'release =', 'release = \'%s\'\n' % (majorver), startswith=True) # tag the release #FIXME: do this using python-dulwich cmd = "git commit -asm 'Version bump to %s'" % version output = run(cmd)[0].strip() # NOTE: This will use the default email address key. If you want to sign the tag # using a different key, you will need to set 'signingkey' to the proper # value in the [user] section of your git configuration. cmd = "git tag -s v%s -m 'tagged %s release'" % (version, version) output = run(cmd)[0].strip() cmd = "git archive --format=tar --prefix=%s-%s/ v%s | gzip > %s" % \ (pkgname, version, version, tarname) output = run(cmd)[0].strip() cmd = "gpg --armor --output %s.gpg --detach-sig %s" % (tarname, tarname) output = run(cmd)[0].strip() # upload release to ftp cmd = "scp %s* terra.mcs.anl.gov:/mcs/ftp/pub/bcfg/" % tarname output = run(cmd)[0].strip()