bcfg2-server(8) -- Server for client configuration specifications ================================================================= ## SYNOPSIS `bcfg2-server` [-d] [-v] [-C ] [-D ] [-E ] [-Q ] [-S ] [-o ] [-x ] [--ssl-key=] ## DESCRIPTION `bcfg2-server` is the daemon component of Bcfg2 which serves configurations to clients based on the data in its repository. ## OPTIONS * `-C` : Specify alternate bcfg2.conf location. * `-D` : Daemonize, placing the program pid in the specified pidfile. * `-E` : Specify alternate encoding (default is UTF-8). * `-Q` : Set repository path. * `-S` : Set server address. * `-d`: Run `bcfg2-server` in debug mode. * `-v`: Run `bcfg2-server` in verbose mode. * `--ssl-key=`: Set path to SSL key. ## SEE ALSO bcfg2(1), bcfg2-lint(8)