#!/usr/bin/python """ Program to update an existing bcfg2 Pkgmgr configuration file from a list of directories that contain RPMS. Only the epoch, version, release and simplefiles attributes are updated in existing entries. All other entries and attributes are preserved. This is a total hack until a proper more generalised system for managing Pkgmgr configuation files is developed. """ __version__ = '0.1' import datetime import glob import gzip import optparse import os import rpm import sys # Compatibility imports from py3kcompat import urljoin try: from lxml.etree import parse, tostring except: from elementtree.ElementTree import parse, tostring installOnlyPkgs = ['kernel', 'kernel-bigmem', 'kernel-enterprise', 'kernel-smp', 'kernel-modules', 'kernel-debug', 'kernel-unsupported', 'kernel-source', 'kernel-devel', 'kernel-default', 'kernel-largesmp-devel', 'kernel-largesmp', 'kernel-xen', 'gpg-pubkey'] def readRpmHeader(ts, filename): """ Read an rpm header from an RPM file. """ try: fd = os.open(filename, os.O_RDONLY) except: print("Failed to open RPM file %s" % filename) h = ts.hdrFromFdno(fd) os.close(fd) return h def sortedDictValues(adict): """ Sort a dictionary by its keys and return the items in sorted key order. """ keys = list(adict.keys()) keys.sort() return list(map(adict.get, keys)) def cmpRpmHeader(a, b): """ cmp() implemetation suitable for use with sort. """ n1 = str(a.get('name')) e1 = str(a.get('epoch')) v1 = str(a.get('version')) r1 = str(a.get('release')) n2 = str(b.get('name')) e2 = str(b.get('epoch')) v2 = str(b.get('version')) r2 = str(b.get('release')) return rpm.labelCompare((e1, v1, r1), (e2, v2, r2)) def loadRpms(dirs): """ dirs is a list of directories to search for rpms. Builds a multilevel dictionary keyed by the package name and arch. Arch dictionary item is a list, one entry per package instance found. The list entries are dictionaries. Keys are 'filename', 'mtime' 'name', 'arch', 'epoch', 'version' and 'release'. e.g. packages = { 'bcfg2' : { 'noarch' : [ {'filename':'bcfg2-0.9.2-0.0rc1.noarch.rpm', 'mtime':'', 'name':'bcfg2', 'arch':'noarch', 'epoch':None, 'version':'0.9.2', 'release':'0.0rc1'} {'filename':'bcfg2-0.9.2-0.0rc5.noarch.rpm', 'mtime':'', 'name':'bcfg2', 'arch':'noarch', 'epoch':None, 'version':'0.9.2', 'release':'0.0rc5'}]}, 'bcfg2-server' { 'noarch' : [ {'filename':'bcfg2-server-0.9.2-0.0rc1.noarch.rpm', 'mtime':'', 'name':'bcfg2-server', 'arch':'noarch', 'epoch':None, 'version':'0.9.2', 'release':'0.0rc1'} {'filename':'bcfg2-server-0.9.2-0.0rc5.noarch.rpm', 'mtime':'', 'name':"bcfg2-server', 'arch':'noarch', 'epoch':None, 'version':'0.9.2', 'release':'0.0rc5'}]}, } """ packages = {} ts = rpm.TransactionSet() vsflags = 0 vsflags |= rpm._RPMVSF_NODIGESTS vsflags |= rpm._RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURES ovsflags = ts.setVSFlags(vsflags) for dir in dirs: if options.verbose: print("Scanning directory: %s" % dir) for file in [files for files in os.listdir(dir) if files.endswith('.rpm')]: filename = os.path.join(dir, file) # Get the mtime of the RPM file. file_mtime = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(os.stat(filename).st_mtime) # Get the RPM header header = readRpmHeader(ts, filename) # Get what we are interesting in out of the header. name = header[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME] epoch = header[rpm.RPMTAG_EPOCH] version = header[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION] release = header[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE] subarch = header[rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH] if name not in installOnlyPkgs: packages.setdefault(name, {}).setdefault(subarch, []).append({'filename': file, 'mtime': file_mtime, 'name': name, 'arch': subarch, 'epoch': epoch, 'version': version, 'release': release}) if options.verbose: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() if options.verbose: sys.stdout.write('\n') return packages class pkgmgr_URLopener(urllib.FancyURLopener): """ Override default error handling so that we can see what the errors are. """ def http_error_default(self, url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers): """ Override default error handling so that we can see what the errors are. """ print("ERROR %s: Unable to retrieve %s" % (errcode, url)) def loadRepos(repolist): """ repolist is a list of urls to yum repositories. Builds a multilevel dictionary keyed by the package name and arch. Arch dictionary item is a list, one entry per package instance found. The list entries are dictionaries. Keys are 'filename', 'mtime' 'name', 'arch', 'epoch', 'version' and 'release'. e.g. packages = { 'bcfg2' : { 'noarch' : [ {'filename':'bcfg2-0.9.2-0.0rc1.noarch.rpm', 'mtime':'', 'name':'bcfg2', 'arch':'noarch', 'epoch':None, 'version':'0.9.2', 'release':'0.0rc1'} {'filename':'bcfg2-0.9.2-0.0rc5.noarch.rpm', 'mtime':'', 'name':'bcfg2', 'arch':'noarch', 'epoch':None, 'version':'0.9.2', 'release':'0.0rc5'}]}, 'bcfg2-server' { 'noarch' : [ {'filename':'bcfg2-server-0.9.2-0.0rc1.noarch.rpm', 'mtime':'', 'name':'bcfg2-server', 'arch':'noarch', 'epoch':None, 'version':'0.9.2', 'release':'0.0rc1'} {'filename':'bcfg2-server-0.9.2-0.0rc5.noarch.rpm', 'mtime':'', 'name':"bcfg2-server', 'arch':'noarch', 'epoch':None, 'version':'0.9.2', 'release':'0.0rc5'}]}, } """ packages = {} for repo in repolist: url = urljoin(repo, './repodata/repomd.xml') try: opener = pkgmgr_URLopener() file, message = opener.retrieve(url) except: sys.exit() try: tree = parse(file) except IOError: print("ERROR: Unable to parse retrieved repomd.xml.") sys.exit() repomd = tree.getroot() for element in repomd: if element.tag.endswith('data') and element.attrib['type'] == 'primary': for property in element: if property.tag.endswith('location'): primaryhref = property.attrib['href'] url = urljoin(repo, './' + primaryhref) if options.verbose: print("Loading : %s" % url) try: opener = pkgmgr_URLopener() file, message = opener.retrieve(url) except: sys.exit() try: repo_file = gzip.open(file) tree = parse(repo_file) except IOError: print("ERROR: Unable to parse retrieved file.") sys.exit() root = tree.getroot() for element in root: if element.tag.endswith('package'): for property in element: if property.tag.endswith('name'): name = property.text elif property.tag.endswith('arch'): subarch = property.text elif property.tag.endswith('version'): version = property.get('ver') epoch = property.get('epoch') release = property.get('rel') elif property.tag.endswith('location'): file = property.get('href') if name not in installOnlyPkgs: packages.setdefault(name, {}).setdefault(subarch, []).append({'filename': file, 'name': name, 'arch': subarch, 'epoch': epoch, 'version': version, 'release': release}) if options.verbose: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() if options.verbose: sys.stdout.write('\n') return packages def str_evra(instance): """ Convert evra dict entries to a string. """ if instance.get('epoch', '*') == '*' or instance.get('epoch', '*') == None: return '%s-%s.%s' % (instance.get('version', '*'), instance.get('release', '*'), instance.get('arch', '*')) else: return '%s:%s-%s.%s' % (instance.get('epoch', '*'), instance.get('version', '*'), instance.get('release', '*'), instance.get('arch', '*')) def updatepkg(pkg): """ """ global package_dict name = pkg.get('name') if name not in installOnlyPkgs: for inst in [inst for inst in pkg if inst.tag == 'Instance']: arch = inst.get('arch') if name in package_dict: if arch in package_dict[name]: package_dict[name][arch].sort(cmpRpmHeader) latest = package_dict[name][arch][-1] if cmpRpmHeader(inst, latest) == -1: if options.verbose: print("Found newer version of package %s" % name) print(" Updating %s to %s" % (str_evra(inst), str_evra(latest))) if latest['epoch'] != None: inst.attrib['epoch'] = str(latest['epoch']) inst.attrib['version'] = latest['version'] inst.attrib['release'] = latest['release'] if inst.get('simplefile', False): inst.attrib['simplefile'] = latest['filename'] if options.altconfigfile: ignoretags = pkg.xpath(".//Ignore") # if we find Ignore tags, then assume they're correct; # otherwise, check the altconfigfile if not ignoretags: altpkgs = alttree.xpath(".//Package[@name='%s'][Ignore]" % name) if (len(altpkgs) == 1): for ignoretag in altpkgs[0].xpath(".//Ignore"): if options.verbose: print(" Found Ignore tag in altconfigfile for package %s" % name) pkg.append(ignoretag) def main(): global package_dict global alttree if options.verbose: print("Loading Pkgmgr config file %s." % (options.configfile)) tree = parse(options.configfile) config = tree.getroot() if options.altconfigfile: if options.verbose: print("Loading Pkgmgr alternate config file %s." % (options.altconfigfile)) alttree = parse(options.altconfigfile) if options.verbose: print("Loading package headers") if options.rpmdirs: package_dict = loadRpms(search_dirs) elif options.yumrepos: package_dict = loadRepos(repos) if options.verbose: print("Processing package headers") for pkg in config.getiterator('Package'): updatepkg(pkg) output.write(tostring(config)) if __name__ == "__main__": p = optparse.OptionParser() p.add_option('--configfile', '-c', action='store', \ type='string', \ help='Existing Pkgmgr configuration file name.') p.add_option('--altconfigfile', '-a', action='store', \ type='string', \ help='''Alternate, existing Pkgmgr configuration file name to read Ignore tags from (used for upgrades).''') p.add_option('--rpmdirs', '-d', action='store', type='string', \ help='''Comma separated list of directories to scan for RPMS. Wilcards are permitted.''') p.add_option('--outfile', '-o', action='store', \ type='string', \ help='Output file name or new Pkgrmgr file.') p.add_option('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', \ help='Enable verbose output.') p.add_option('--yumrepos', '-y', action='store', type='string', \ help='''Comma separated list of YUM repository URLs to load. NOTE: Each URL must end in a '/' character.''') options, arguments = p.parse_args() if not options.configfile: print("An existing Pkgmgr configuration file must be specified with " "the -c option.") sys.exit() if not options.rpmdirs and not options.yumrepos: print("One of --rpmdirs and --yumrepos must be specified") sys.exit(1) # Set up list of directories to search if options.rpmdirs: search_dirs = [] for d in options.rpmdirs.split(','): search_dirs += glob.glob(d) if options.verbose: print("The following directories will be scanned:") for d in search_dirs: print(" %s" % d) # Setup list of repos if options.yumrepos: repos = [] for r in options.yumrepos.split(','): repos.append(r) if options.verbose: print("The following repositories will be scanned:") for d in repos: print(" %s" % d) if options.outfile: output = file(options.outfile, "w") else: output = sys.stdout package_dict = {} main()