#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys from Bcfg2.Compat import ConfigParser import Bcfg2.Options def copy_section(src_file, tgt_cfg, section, newsection=None): if newsection is None: newsection = section cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if len(cfg.read(src_file)) == 1: if cfg.has_section(section): try: tgt_cfg.add_section(newsection) except ConfigParser.DuplicateSectionError: print("[%s] section already exists in %s, adding options" % (newsection, setup['cfile'])) for opt in cfg.options(section): val = cfg.get(section, opt) if tgt_cfg.has_option(newsection, opt): print("%s in [%s] already populated in %s, skipping" % (opt, newsection, setup['cfile'])) print(" %s: %s" % (setup['cfile'], tgt_cfg.get(newsection, opt))) print(" %s: %s" % (src_file, val)) else: print("Set %s in [%s] to %s" % (opt, newsection, val)) tgt_cfg.set(newsection, opt, val) def main(): opts = dict(repo=Bcfg2.Options.SERVER_REPOSITORY, configfile=Bcfg2.Options.CFILE) setup = Bcfg2.Options.OptionParser(opts) setup.parse(sys.argv[1:]) # files that you should remove manually remove = [] # move rules config out of rules.conf and into bcfg2.conf rules_conf = os.path.join(setup['repo'], 'Rules', 'rules.conf') if os.path.exists(rules_conf): remove.append(rules_conf) copy_section(rules_conf, setup.cfp, "rules") # move packages config out of packages.conf and into bcfg2.conf pkgs_conf = os.path.join(setup['repo'], 'Packages', 'packages.conf') if os.path.exists(pkgs_conf): remove.append(pkgs_conf) copy_section(pkgs_conf, setup.cfp, "global", newsection="packages") for section in ["apt", "yum", "pulp"]: copy_section(pkgs_conf, setup.cfp, section, newsection="packages:" + section) # move reports database config into [database] section if setup.cfp.has_section("statistics"): if not setup.cfp.has_section("database"): setup.cfp.add_section("database") for opt in setup.cfp.options("statistics"): if opt.startswith("database_"): newopt = opt[9:] if setup.cfp.has_option("database", newopt): print("%s in [database] already populated, skipping" % newopt) else: setup.cfp.set("database", newopt, setup.cfp.get("statistics", opt)) setup.cfp.remove_option("statistics", opt) print("Writing %s" % setup['configfile']) try: setup.cfp.write(open(setup['configfile'], "w")) if len(remove): print("Settings were migrated, but you must remove these files " "manually:") for path in remove: print(" %s" % path) except IOError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] print("Could not write %s: %s" % (setup['configfile'], err)) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())