path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/
diff options
author=Corey Hulen <>2015-11-23 15:53:48 -0800
committer=Corey Hulen <>2015-11-23 15:53:48 -0800
commit4f4cd5e63573da4d6edcc7d4213afaca67c19f88 (patch)
treecefbc7af53629d97644ca2f6b2369e9d879f0101 /Godeps/_workspace/src/
parentf8a3c9a14edca6df0647d89cf225f2470cbe025c (diff)
upgrading libs
Diffstat (limited to 'Godeps/_workspace/src/')
1 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1727d0d09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+// Copyright 2012 James Cooper. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package gorp provides a simple way to marshal Go structs to and from
+// SQL databases. It uses the database/sql package, and should work with any
+// compliant database/sql driver.
+// Source code and project home:
+package gorp
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "reflect"
+// CustomScanner binds a database column value to a Go type
+type CustomScanner struct {
+ // After a row is scanned, Holder will contain the value from the database column.
+ // Initialize the CustomScanner with the concrete Go type you wish the database
+ // driver to scan the raw column into.
+ Holder interface{}
+ // Target typically holds a pointer to the target struct field to bind the Holder
+ // value to.
+ Target interface{}
+ // Binder is a custom function that converts the holder value to the target type
+ // and sets target accordingly. This function should return error if a problem
+ // occurs converting the holder to the target.
+ Binder func(holder interface{}, target interface{}) error
+// Used to filter columns when selectively updating
+type ColumnFilter func(*ColumnMap) bool
+func acceptAllFilter(col *ColumnMap) bool {
+ return true
+// Bind is called automatically by gorp after Scan()
+func (me CustomScanner) Bind() error {
+ return me.Binder(me.Holder, me.Target)
+type bindPlan struct {
+ query string
+ argFields []string
+ keyFields []string
+ versField string
+ autoIncrIdx int
+ autoIncrFieldName string
+func (plan bindPlan) createBindInstance(elem reflect.Value, conv TypeConverter) (bindInstance, error) {
+ bi := bindInstance{query: plan.query, autoIncrIdx: plan.autoIncrIdx, autoIncrFieldName: plan.autoIncrFieldName, versField: plan.versField}
+ if plan.versField != "" {
+ bi.existingVersion = elem.FieldByName(plan.versField).Int()
+ }
+ var err error
+ for i := 0; i < len(plan.argFields); i++ {
+ k := plan.argFields[i]
+ if k == versFieldConst {
+ newVer := bi.existingVersion + 1
+ bi.args = append(bi.args, newVer)
+ if bi.existingVersion == 0 {
+ elem.FieldByName(plan.versField).SetInt(int64(newVer))
+ }
+ } else {
+ val := elem.FieldByName(k).Interface()
+ if conv != nil {
+ val, err = conv.ToDb(val)
+ if err != nil {
+ return bindInstance{}, err
+ }
+ }
+ bi.args = append(bi.args, val)
+ }
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < len(plan.keyFields); i++ {
+ k := plan.keyFields[i]
+ val := elem.FieldByName(k).Interface()
+ if conv != nil {
+ val, err = conv.ToDb(val)
+ if err != nil {
+ return bindInstance{}, err
+ }
+ }
+ bi.keys = append(bi.keys, val)
+ }
+ return bi, nil
+type bindInstance struct {
+ query string
+ args []interface{}
+ keys []interface{}
+ existingVersion int64
+ versField string
+ autoIncrIdx int
+ autoIncrFieldName string
+func (t *TableMap) bindInsert(elem reflect.Value) (bindInstance, error) {
+ plan := t.insertPlan
+ if plan.query == "" {
+ plan.autoIncrIdx = -1
+ s := bytes.Buffer{}
+ s2 := bytes.Buffer{}
+ s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("insert into %s (", t.dbmap.Dialect.QuotedTableForQuery(t.SchemaName, t.TableName)))
+ x := 0
+ first := true
+ for y := range t.Columns {
+ col := t.Columns[y]
+ if !(col.isAutoIncr && t.dbmap.Dialect.AutoIncrBindValue() == "") {
+ if !col.Transient {
+ if !first {
+ s.WriteString(",")
+ s2.WriteString(",")
+ }
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.QuoteField(col.ColumnName))
+ if col.isAutoIncr {
+ s2.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.AutoIncrBindValue())
+ plan.autoIncrIdx = y
+ plan.autoIncrFieldName = col.fieldName
+ } else {
+ if col.DefaultValue == "" {
+ s2.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.BindVar(x))
+ if col == t.version {
+ plan.versField = col.fieldName
+ plan.argFields = append(plan.argFields, versFieldConst)
+ } else {
+ plan.argFields = append(plan.argFields, col.fieldName)
+ }
+ x++
+ } else {
+ s2.WriteString(col.DefaultValue)
+ }
+ }
+ first = false
+ }
+ } else {
+ plan.autoIncrIdx = y
+ plan.autoIncrFieldName = col.fieldName
+ }
+ }
+ s.WriteString(") values (")
+ s.WriteString(s2.String())
+ s.WriteString(")")
+ if plan.autoIncrIdx > -1 {
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.AutoIncrInsertSuffix(t.Columns[plan.autoIncrIdx]))
+ }
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.QuerySuffix())
+ plan.query = s.String()
+ t.insertPlan = plan
+ }
+ return plan.createBindInstance(elem, t.dbmap.TypeConverter)
+func (t *TableMap) bindUpdate(elem reflect.Value, colFilter ColumnFilter) (bindInstance, error) {
+ if colFilter == nil {
+ colFilter = acceptAllFilter
+ }
+ plan := t.updatePlan
+ if plan.query == "" {
+ s := bytes.Buffer{}
+ s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("update %s set ", t.dbmap.Dialect.QuotedTableForQuery(t.SchemaName, t.TableName)))
+ x := 0
+ for y := range t.Columns {
+ col := t.Columns[y]
+ if !col.isAutoIncr && !col.Transient && colFilter(col) {
+ if x > 0 {
+ s.WriteString(", ")
+ }
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.QuoteField(col.ColumnName))
+ s.WriteString("=")
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.BindVar(x))
+ if col == t.version {
+ plan.versField = col.fieldName
+ plan.argFields = append(plan.argFields, versFieldConst)
+ } else {
+ plan.argFields = append(plan.argFields, col.fieldName)
+ }
+ x++
+ }
+ }
+ s.WriteString(" where ")
+ for y := range t.keys {
+ col := t.keys[y]
+ if y > 0 {
+ s.WriteString(" and ")
+ }
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.QuoteField(col.ColumnName))
+ s.WriteString("=")
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.BindVar(x))
+ plan.argFields = append(plan.argFields, col.fieldName)
+ plan.keyFields = append(plan.keyFields, col.fieldName)
+ x++
+ }
+ if plan.versField != "" {
+ s.WriteString(" and ")
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.QuoteField(t.version.ColumnName))
+ s.WriteString("=")
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.BindVar(x))
+ plan.argFields = append(plan.argFields, plan.versField)
+ }
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.QuerySuffix())
+ plan.query = s.String()
+ t.updatePlan = plan
+ }
+ return plan.createBindInstance(elem, t.dbmap.TypeConverter)
+func (t *TableMap) bindDelete(elem reflect.Value) (bindInstance, error) {
+ plan := t.deletePlan
+ if plan.query == "" {
+ s := bytes.Buffer{}
+ s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("delete from %s", t.dbmap.Dialect.QuotedTableForQuery(t.SchemaName, t.TableName)))
+ for y := range t.Columns {
+ col := t.Columns[y]
+ if !col.Transient {
+ if col == t.version {
+ plan.versField = col.fieldName
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ s.WriteString(" where ")
+ for x := range t.keys {
+ k := t.keys[x]
+ if x > 0 {
+ s.WriteString(" and ")
+ }
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.QuoteField(k.ColumnName))
+ s.WriteString("=")
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.BindVar(x))
+ plan.keyFields = append(plan.keyFields, k.fieldName)
+ plan.argFields = append(plan.argFields, k.fieldName)
+ }
+ if plan.versField != "" {
+ s.WriteString(" and ")
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.QuoteField(t.version.ColumnName))
+ s.WriteString("=")
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.BindVar(len(plan.argFields)))
+ plan.argFields = append(plan.argFields, plan.versField)
+ }
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.QuerySuffix())
+ plan.query = s.String()
+ t.deletePlan = plan
+ }
+ return plan.createBindInstance(elem, t.dbmap.TypeConverter)
+func (t *TableMap) bindGet() bindPlan {
+ plan := t.getPlan
+ if plan.query == "" {
+ s := bytes.Buffer{}
+ s.WriteString("select ")
+ x := 0
+ for _, col := range t.Columns {
+ if !col.Transient {
+ if x > 0 {
+ s.WriteString(",")
+ }
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.QuoteField(col.ColumnName))
+ plan.argFields = append(plan.argFields, col.fieldName)
+ x++
+ }
+ }
+ s.WriteString(" from ")
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.QuotedTableForQuery(t.SchemaName, t.TableName))
+ s.WriteString(" where ")
+ for x := range t.keys {
+ col := t.keys[x]
+ if x > 0 {
+ s.WriteString(" and ")
+ }
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.QuoteField(col.ColumnName))
+ s.WriteString("=")
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.BindVar(x))
+ plan.keyFields = append(plan.keyFields, col.fieldName)
+ }
+ s.WriteString(t.dbmap.Dialect.QuerySuffix())
+ plan.query = s.String()
+ t.getPlan = plan
+ }
+ return plan