path: root/Makefile
diff options
author=Corey Hulen <>2015-06-14 23:53:32 -0800
committer=Corey Hulen <>2015-06-14 23:53:32 -0800
commitcf7a05f80f68b5b1c8bcc0089679dd497cec2506 (patch)
tree70007378570a6962d7c175ca96af732b71aeb6da /Makefile
first commit
Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc6cc3dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+.PHONY: all test clean build install run stop cover dist dist-battlehouse cleandb
+ifeq ($(BUILD_NUMBER),)
+all: build
+ @go build $(GOFLAGS) ./...
+ @go get $(GOFLAGS)
+ @if [ $(shell docker ps | grep -ci mattermost-mysql) -eq 0 ]; then \
+ echo restoring go libs using godep; \
+ ../../../../bin/godep restore; \
+ echo starting mattermost-mysql; \
+ docker run --name mattermost-mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mostest \
+ -e MYSQL_USER=mmuser -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=mostest -e MYSQL_DATABASE=mattermost_test -d mysql > /dev/null; \
+ fi
+ @if [ $(shell docker ps | grep -ci mattermost-redis) -eq 0 ]; then \
+ echo starting mattermost-redis; \
+ docker run --name mattermost-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis > /dev/null; \
+ fi
+ @cd web/react/ && npm install
+test: install
+ @mkdir -p logs
+ @go test $(GOFLAGS) -run=$(TESTS) -test.v -test.timeout=180s ./api || exit 1
+ @go test $(GOFLAGS) -run=$(TESTS) -test.v -test.timeout=12s ./model || exit 1
+ @go test $(GOFLAGS) -run=$(TESTS) -test.v -test.timeout=120s ./store || exit 1
+ @go test $(GOFLAGS) -run=$(TESTS) -test.v -test.timeout=120s ./utils || exit 1
+ @go test $(GOFLAGS) -run=$(TESTS) -test.v -test.timeout=120s ./web || exit 1
+benchmark: install
+ @mkdir -p logs
+ @go test $(GOFLAGS) -test.v -run=NO_TESTS -bench=$(BENCH) ./api || exit 1
+cover: install
+ rm -Rf $(DIST_RESULTS)
+ mkdir -p $(DIST_RESULTS)
+ @go test $(GOFLAGS) -coverprofile=$(DIST_RESULTS)/api.cover.out
+ @go test $(GOFLAGS) -coverprofile=$(DIST_RESULTS)/model.cover.out
+ @go test $(GOFLAGS) -coverprofile=$(DIST_RESULTS)/store.cover.out
+ @go test $(GOFLAGS) -coverprofile=$(DIST_RESULTS)/utils.cover.out
+ @go test $(GOFLAGS) -coverprofile=$(DIST_RESULTS)/web.cover.out
+ cd $(DIST_RESULTS) && \
+ echo "mode: set" > coverage.out && cat *.cover.out | grep -v mode: | sort -r | \
+ awk '{if($$1 != last) {print $$0;last=$$1}}' >> coverage.out
+ cd $(DIST_RESULTS) && go tool cover -html=coverage.out -o=coverage.html
+ rm -f $(DIST_RESULTS)/*.cover.out
+ rm -Rf $(DIST_ROOT)
+ @go clean $(GOFLAGS) -i ./...
+ @if [ $(shell docker ps -a | grep -ci mattermost-mysql) -eq 1 ]; then \
+ echo stopping mattermost-mysql; \
+ docker stop mattermost-mysql > /dev/null; \
+ docker rm -v mattermost-mysql > /dev/null; \
+ fi
+ @if [ $(shell docker ps -a | grep -ci mattermost-redis) -eq 1 ]; then \
+ echo stopping mattermost-redis; \
+ docker stop mattermost-redis > /dev/null; \
+ docker rm -v mattermost-redis > /dev/null; \
+ fi
+ rm -rf web/react/node_modules
+ rm -f web/static/js/bundle*.js
+ rm -f web/static/css/styles.css
+ rm -rf logs/*
+run: install
+ mkdir -p web/static/js
+ @echo starting react processor
+ @cd web/react && npm start &
+ @echo starting go web server
+ @go run $(GOFLAGS) mattermost.go -config=config.json &
+ @echo starting compass watch
+ @cd web/sass-files && compass watch &
+ @for PID in $$(ps -ef | grep [c]ompass | awk '{ print $$2 }'); do \
+ echo stopping css watch $$PID; \
+ kill $$PID; \
+ done
+ @for PID in $$(ps -ef | grep [n]pm | awk '{ print $$2 }'); do \
+ echo stopping watchify $$PID; \
+ kill $$PID; \
+ done
+ @for PID in $$(ps -ef | grep [m]atterm | awk '{ print $$2 }'); do \
+ echo stopping go web $$PID; \
+ kill $$PID; \
+ done
+ echo $$(boot2docker ip 2> /dev/null) dockerhost | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
+ @if [ $(shell docker ps -a | grep -ci mattermost-mysql) -eq 1 ]; then \
+ docker stop mattermost-mysql > /dev/null; \
+ docker rm -v mattermost-mysql > /dev/null; \
+ fi
+ @if [ $(shell docker ps -a | grep -ci mattermost-redis) -eq 1 ]; then \
+ docker stop mattermost-redis > /dev/null; \
+ docker rm -v mattermost-redis > /dev/null; \
+ fi
+dist: install
+ @go build $(GOFLAGS) -i -a ./...
+ @go install $(GOFLAGS) -a ./...
+ mkdir -p $(DIST_PATH)/bin
+ cp $(GOPATH)/bin/platform $(DIST_PATH)/bin
+ cp -RL config $(DIST_PATH)/config
+ touch $(DIST_PATH)/config/build.txt
+ echo $(BUILD_NUMBER) | tee -a $(DIST_PATH)/config/build.txt
+ mkdir -p $(DIST_PATH)/logs
+ mkdir -p web/static/js
+ cd web/react && npm run build
+ cd web/sass-files && compass compile
+ mkdir -p $(DIST_PATH)/web
+ cp -RL web/static $(DIST_PATH)/web
+ cp -RL web/templates $(DIST_PATH)/web
+ mkdir -p $(DIST_PATH)/api
+ cp -RL api/templates $(DIST_PATH)/api
+ mv $(DIST_PATH)/web/static/js/bundle.min.js $(DIST_PATH)/web/static/js/bundle-$(BUILD_NUMBER).min.js
+ @sed -i'.bak' 's|react-with-addons-0.13.1.js|react-with-addons-0.13.1.min.js|g' $(DIST_PATH)/web/templates/head.html
+ @sed -i'.bak' 's|bundle.js|bundle-$(BUILD_NUMBER).min.js|g' $(DIST_PATH)/web/templates/head.html
+ rm $(DIST_PATH)/web/templates/*.bak
+ tar -C dist -czf $(DIST_PATH).tar.gz mattermost \ No newline at end of file