path: root/app/file.go
diff options
authorGeorge Goldberg <>2017-08-25 15:38:13 +0100
committerHarrison Healey <>2017-08-25 10:38:13 -0400
commit50fc6e1e9e8d286fd6a406cef75e48a28f9427ad (patch)
tree0689de640729194b9a123ec8bfef36cbecd8cefd /app/file.go
parent99acf6106833a2186c0f7e07985feac5d9c25de1 (diff)
PLT-???? Prepare file upload infrastructure for Data Retention. (#7266)
* Prepare file upload infrastructure for Data Retention. This commit prepares the file upload infrastructure for the data retention feature that is under construction. Changes are: * Move file management code to utils to allow access to it from jobs. * From now on, store all file uploads in a top level folder which is the date of the day on which they were uploaded. This commit is based on Harrison Healey's branch, but updated to work with the latest master. * Use NewAppError
Diffstat (limited to 'app/file.go')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 245 deletions
diff --git a/app/file.go b/app/file.go
index dc7caff41..10fb1425c 100644
--- a/app/file.go
+++ b/app/file.go
@@ -14,23 +14,21 @@ import (
_ "image/gif"
- "io/ioutil"
- "os"
+ "time"
l4g ""
- ""
- ""
- s3 ""
- ""
_ ""
+ ""
+ ""
const (
@@ -57,222 +55,8 @@ const (
- TEST_FILE_PATH = "/testfile"
-// Similar to s3.New() but allows initialization of signature v2 or signature v4 client.
-// If signV2 input is false, function always returns signature v4.
-// Additionally this function also takes a user defined region, if set
-// disables automatic region lookup.
-func s3New(endpoint, accessKey, secretKey string, secure bool, signV2 bool, region string) (*s3.Client, error) {
- var creds *credentials.Credentials
- if signV2 {
- creds = credentials.NewStatic(accessKey, secretKey, "", credentials.SignatureV2)
- } else {
- creds = credentials.NewStatic(accessKey, secretKey, "", credentials.SignatureV4)
- }
- return s3.NewWithCredentials(endpoint, creds, secure, region)
-func TestFileConnection() *model.AppError {
- if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_S3 {
- endpoint := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Endpoint
- accessKey := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3AccessKeyId
- secretKey := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SecretAccessKey
- secure := *utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SSL
- signV2 := *utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SignV2
- region := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Region
- bucket := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Bucket
- s3Clnt, err := s3New(endpoint, accessKey, secretKey, secure, signV2, region)
- if err != nil {
- return model.NewLocAppError("TestFileConnection", "Bad connection to S3 or minio.", nil, err.Error())
- }
- exists, err := s3Clnt.BucketExists(bucket)
- if err != nil {
- return model.NewLocAppError("TestFileConnection", "Error checking if bucket exists.", nil, err.Error())
- }
- if !exists {
- l4g.Warn("Bucket specified does not exist. Attempting to create...")
- err := s3Clnt.MakeBucket(bucket, region)
- if err != nil {
- l4g.Error("Unable to create bucket.")
- return model.NewAppError("TestFileConnection", "Unable to create bucket", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
- }
- }
- l4g.Info("Connection to S3 or minio is good. Bucket exists.")
- } else if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_LOCAL {
- f := []byte("testingwrite")
- if err := writeFileLocally(f, utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory+TEST_FILE_PATH); err != nil {
- return model.NewAppError("TestFileConnection", "Don't have permissions to write to local path specified or other error.", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
- }
- os.Remove(utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory + TEST_FILE_PATH)
- l4g.Info("Able to write files to local storage.")
- } else {
- return model.NewLocAppError("TestFileConnection", "No file driver selected.", nil, "")
- }
- return nil
-func ReadFile(path string) ([]byte, *model.AppError) {
- if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_S3 {
- endpoint := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Endpoint
- accessKey := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3AccessKeyId
- secretKey := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SecretAccessKey
- secure := *utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SSL
- signV2 := *utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SignV2
- region := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Region
- s3Clnt, err := s3New(endpoint, accessKey, secretKey, secure, signV2, region)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, model.NewLocAppError("ReadFile", "api.file.read_file.s3.app_error", nil, err.Error())
- }
- bucket := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Bucket
- minioObject, err := s3Clnt.GetObject(bucket, path)
- defer minioObject.Close()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, model.NewLocAppError("ReadFile", "api.file.read_file.s3.app_error", nil, err.Error())
- }
- if f, err := ioutil.ReadAll(minioObject); err != nil {
- return nil, model.NewLocAppError("ReadFile", "api.file.read_file.s3.app_error", nil, err.Error())
- } else {
- return f, nil
- }
- } else if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_LOCAL {
- if f, err := ioutil.ReadFile(utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory + path); err != nil {
- return nil, model.NewLocAppError("ReadFile", "api.file.read_file.reading_local.app_error", nil, err.Error())
- } else {
- return f, nil
- }
- } else {
- return nil, model.NewAppError("ReadFile", "api.file.read_file.configured.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusNotImplemented)
- }
-func MoveFile(oldPath, newPath string) *model.AppError {
- if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_S3 {
- endpoint := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Endpoint
- accessKey := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3AccessKeyId
- secretKey := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SecretAccessKey
- secure := *utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SSL
- signV2 := *utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SignV2
- region := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Region
- encrypt := false
- if *utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SSE && utils.IsLicensed() && *utils.License().Features.Compliance {
- encrypt = true
- }
- s3Clnt, err := s3New(endpoint, accessKey, secretKey, secure, signV2, region)
- if err != nil {
- return model.NewLocAppError("moveFile", "api.file.write_file.s3.app_error", nil, err.Error())
- }
- bucket := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Bucket
- source := s3.NewSourceInfo(bucket, oldPath, nil)
- destination, err := s3.NewDestinationInfo(bucket, newPath, nil, CopyMetadata(encrypt))
- if err != nil {
- return model.NewLocAppError("moveFile", "api.file.write_file.s3.app_error", nil, err.Error())
- }
- if err = s3Clnt.CopyObject(destination, source); err != nil {
- return model.NewLocAppError("moveFile", "api.file.move_file.delete_from_s3.app_error", nil, err.Error())
- }
- if err = s3Clnt.RemoveObject(bucket, oldPath); err != nil {
- return model.NewLocAppError("moveFile", "api.file.move_file.delete_from_s3.app_error", nil, err.Error())
- }
- } else if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_LOCAL {
- if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory+newPath), 0774); err != nil {
- return model.NewLocAppError("moveFile", "api.file.move_file.rename.app_error", nil, err.Error())
- }
- if err := os.Rename(utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory+oldPath, utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory+newPath); err != nil {
- return model.NewLocAppError("moveFile", "api.file.move_file.rename.app_error", nil, err.Error())
- }
- } else {
- return model.NewLocAppError("moveFile", "api.file.move_file.configured.app_error", nil, "")
- }
- return nil
-func WriteFile(f []byte, path string) *model.AppError {
- if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_S3 {
- endpoint := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Endpoint
- accessKey := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3AccessKeyId
- secretKey := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SecretAccessKey
- secure := *utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SSL
- signV2 := *utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SignV2
- region := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Region
- encrypt := false
- if *utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SSE && utils.IsLicensed() && *utils.License().Features.Compliance {
- encrypt = true
- }
- s3Clnt, err := s3New(endpoint, accessKey, secretKey, secure, signV2, region)
- if err != nil {
- return model.NewLocAppError("WriteFile", "api.file.write_file.s3.app_error", nil, err.Error())
- }
- bucket := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Bucket
- ext := filepath.Ext(path)
- metaData := S3Metadata(encrypt, "binary/octet-stream")
- if model.IsFileExtImage(ext) {
- metaData = S3Metadata(encrypt, model.GetImageMimeType(ext))
- }
- _, err = s3Clnt.PutObjectWithMetadata(bucket, path, bytes.NewReader(f), metaData, nil)
- if err != nil {
- return model.NewLocAppError("WriteFile", "api.file.write_file.s3.app_error", nil, err.Error())
- }
- } else if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_LOCAL {
- if err := writeFileLocally(f, utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory+path); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- } else {
- return model.NewLocAppError("WriteFile", "api.file.write_file.configured.app_error", nil, "")
- }
- return nil
-func writeFileLocally(f []byte, path string) *model.AppError {
- if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0774); err != nil {
- directory, _ := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(path))
- return model.NewLocAppError("WriteFile", "api.file.write_file_locally.create_dir.app_error", nil, "directory="+directory+", err="+err.Error())
- }
- if err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, f, 0644); err != nil {
- return model.NewLocAppError("WriteFile", "api.file.write_file_locally.writing.app_error", nil, err.Error())
- }
- return nil
-func openFileWriteStream(path string) (io.Writer, *model.AppError) {
- if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_S3 {
- return nil, model.NewLocAppError("openFileWriteStream", "api.file.open_file_write_stream.s3.app_error", nil, "")
- } else if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_LOCAL {
- if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory+path), 0774); err != nil {
- return nil, model.NewLocAppError("openFileWriteStream", "api.file.open_file_write_stream.creating_dir.app_error", nil, err.Error())
- }
- if fileHandle, err := os.Create(utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory + path); err != nil {
- return nil, model.NewLocAppError("openFileWriteStream", "api.file.open_file_write_stream.local_server.app_error", nil, err.Error())
- } else {
- fileHandle.Chmod(0644)
- return fileHandle, nil
- }
- }
- return nil, model.NewLocAppError("openFileWriteStream", "api.file.open_file_write_stream.configured.app_error", nil, "")
-func closeFileWriteStream(file io.Writer) {
- file.(*os.File).Close()
func GetInfoForFilename(post *model.Post, teamId string, filename string) *model.FileInfo {
// Find the path from the Filename of the form /{channelId}/{userId}/{uid}/{nameWithExtension}
split := strings.SplitN(filename, "/", 5)
@@ -295,7 +79,7 @@ func GetInfoForFilename(post *model.Post, teamId string, filename string) *model
// Open the file and populate the fields of the FileInfo
var info *model.FileInfo
- if data, err := ReadFile(path); err != nil {
+ if data, err := utils.ReadFile(path); err != nil {
l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.file_not_found.error"), post.Id, filename, path, err)
return nil
} else {
@@ -337,7 +121,7 @@ func FindTeamIdForFilename(post *model.Post, filename string) string {
} else {
for _, team := range teams {
path := fmt.Sprintf("teams/%s/channels/%s/users/%s/%s/%s", team.Id, post.ChannelId, post.UserId, id, name)
- if _, err := ReadFile(path); err == nil {
+ if _, err := utils.ReadFile(path); err == nil {
// Found the team that this file was posted from
return team.Id
@@ -484,7 +268,7 @@ func UploadFiles(teamId string, channelId string, userId string, fileHeaders []*
io.Copy(buf, file)
data := buf.Bytes()
- info, err := DoUploadFile(teamId, channelId, userId, fileHeader.Filename, data)
+ info, err := DoUploadFile(time.Now(), teamId, channelId, userId, fileHeader.Filename, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@@ -507,7 +291,7 @@ func UploadFiles(teamId string, channelId string, userId string, fileHeaders []*
return resStruct, nil
-func DoUploadFile(teamId string, channelId string, userId string, rawFilename string, data []byte) (*model.FileInfo, *model.AppError) {
+func DoUploadFile(now time.Time, teamId string, channelId string, userId string, rawFilename string, data []byte) (*model.FileInfo, *model.AppError) {
filename := filepath.Base(rawFilename)
info, err := model.GetInfoForBytes(filename, data)
@@ -519,7 +303,7 @@ func DoUploadFile(teamId string, channelId string, userId string, rawFilename st
info.Id = model.NewId()
info.CreatorId = userId
- pathPrefix := "teams/" + teamId + "/channels/" + channelId + "/users/" + userId + "/" + info.Id + "/"
+ pathPrefix := now.Format("20060102") + "/teams/" + teamId + "/channels/" + channelId + "/users/" + userId + "/" + info.Id + "/"
info.Path = pathPrefix + filename
if info.IsImage() {
@@ -535,7 +319,7 @@ func DoUploadFile(teamId string, channelId string, userId string, rawFilename st
info.ThumbnailPath = pathPrefix + nameWithoutExtension + "_thumb.jpg"
- if err := WriteFile(data, info.Path); err != nil {
+ if err := utils.WriteFile(data, info.Path); err != nil {
return nil, err
@@ -652,7 +436,7 @@ func generateThumbnailImage(img image.Image, thumbnailPath string, width int, he
- if err := WriteFile(buf.Bytes(), thumbnailPath); err != nil {
+ if err := utils.WriteFile(buf.Bytes(), thumbnailPath); err != nil {
l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.handle_images_forget.upload_thumb.error"), thumbnailPath, err)
@@ -674,7 +458,7 @@ func generatePreviewImage(img image.Image, previewPath string, width int) {
- if err := WriteFile(buf.Bytes(), previewPath); err != nil {
+ if err := utils.WriteFile(buf.Bytes(), previewPath); err != nil {
l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.handle_images_forget.upload_preview.error"), previewPath, err)
@@ -687,20 +471,3 @@ func GetFileInfo(fileId string) (*model.FileInfo, *model.AppError) {
return result.Data.(*model.FileInfo), nil
-func S3Metadata(encrypt bool, contentType string) map[string][]string {
- metaData := make(map[string][]string)
- if contentType != "" {
- metaData["Content-Type"] = []string{"contentType"}
- }
- if encrypt {
- metaData["x-amz-server-side-encryption"] = []string{"AES256"}
- }
- return metaData
-func CopyMetadata(encrypt bool) map[string]string {
- metaData := make(map[string]string)
- metaData["x-amz-server-side-encryption"] = "AES256"
- return metaData