path: root/store/sql_store.go
diff options
author=Corey Hulen <>2015-06-14 23:53:32 -0800
committer=Corey Hulen <>2015-06-14 23:53:32 -0800
commitcf7a05f80f68b5b1c8bcc0089679dd497cec2506 (patch)
tree70007378570a6962d7c175ca96af732b71aeb6da /store/sql_store.go
first commit
Diffstat (limited to 'store/sql_store.go')
1 files changed, 372 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/store/sql_store.go b/store/sql_store.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2deea6ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/store/sql_store.go
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 Spinpunch, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// See License.txt for license information.
+package store
+import (
+ l4g ""
+ "crypto/aes"
+ "crypto/cipher"
+ crand "crypto/rand"
+ dbsql "database/sql"
+ "encoding/base64"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ ""
+ _ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ "io"
+ sqltrace "log"
+ "math/rand"
+ "os"
+ "time"
+type SqlStore struct {
+ master *gorp.DbMap
+ replicas []*gorp.DbMap
+ team TeamStore
+ channel ChannelStore
+ post PostStore
+ user UserStore
+ audit AuditStore
+ session SessionStore
+func NewSqlStore() Store {
+ sqlStore := &SqlStore{}
+ sqlStore.master = setupConnection("master", utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.DriverName,
+ utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.DataSource, utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.MaxIdleConns,
+ utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.MaxOpenConns, utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.Trace)
+ sqlStore.replicas = make([]*gorp.DbMap, len(utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.DataSourceReplicas))
+ for i, replica := range utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.DataSourceReplicas {
+ sqlStore.replicas[i] = setupConnection(fmt.Sprintf("replica-%v", i), utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.DriverName, replica,
+ utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.MaxIdleConns, utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.MaxOpenConns,
+ utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.Trace)
+ }
+ = NewSqlTeamStore(sqlStore)
+ = NewSqlChannelStore(sqlStore)
+ = NewSqlPostStore(sqlStore)
+ sqlStore.user = NewSqlUserStore(sqlStore)
+ sqlStore.audit = NewSqlAuditStore(sqlStore)
+ sqlStore.session = NewSqlSessionStore(sqlStore)
+ sqlStore.master.CreateTablesIfNotExists()
+ sqlStore.user.(*SqlUserStore).CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
+ sqlStore.audit.(*SqlAuditStore).CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
+ sqlStore.session.(*SqlSessionStore).CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
+ sqlStore.user.(*SqlUserStore).UpgradeSchemaIfNeeded()
+ sqlStore.audit.(*SqlAuditStore).UpgradeSchemaIfNeeded()
+ sqlStore.session.(*SqlSessionStore).UpgradeSchemaIfNeeded()
+ return sqlStore
+func setupConnection(con_type string, driver string, dataSource string, maxIdle int, maxOpen int, trace bool) *gorp.DbMap {
+ db, err := dbsql.Open(driver, dataSource)
+ if err != nil {
+ l4g.Critical("Failed to open sql connection to '%v' err:%v", dataSource, err)
+ time.Sleep(time.Second)
+ panic("Failed to open sql connection" + err.Error())
+ }
+ l4g.Info("Pinging sql %v database at '%v'", con_type, dataSource)
+ err = db.Ping()
+ if err != nil {
+ l4g.Critical("Failed to ping db err:%v", err)
+ time.Sleep(time.Second)
+ panic("Failed to open sql connection " + err.Error())
+ }
+ db.SetMaxIdleConns(maxIdle)
+ db.SetMaxOpenConns(maxOpen)
+ var dbmap *gorp.DbMap
+ if driver == "sqlite3" {
+ dbmap = &gorp.DbMap{Db: db, TypeConverter: mattermConverter{}, Dialect: gorp.SqliteDialect{}}
+ } else if driver == "mysql" {
+ dbmap = &gorp.DbMap{Db: db, TypeConverter: mattermConverter{}, Dialect: gorp.MySQLDialect{Engine: "InnoDB", Encoding: "UTF8"}}
+ } else {
+ l4g.Critical("Failed to create dialect specific driver")
+ time.Sleep(time.Second)
+ panic("Failed to create dialect specific driver " + err.Error())
+ }
+ if trace {
+ dbmap.TraceOn("", sqltrace.New(os.Stdout, "sql-trace:", sqltrace.Lmicroseconds))
+ }
+ return dbmap
+func (ss SqlStore) CreateColumnIfNotExists(tableName string, columnName string, afterName string, colType string, defaultValue string) bool {
+ count, err := ss.GetMaster().SelectInt(
+ COUNT(0) AS column_exists
+ information_schema.COLUMNS
+ tableName,
+ columnName,
+ )
+ if err != nil {
+ l4g.Critical("Failed to check if column exists %v", err)
+ time.Sleep(time.Second)
+ panic("Failed to check if column exists " + err.Error())
+ }
+ if count > 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ _, err = ss.GetMaster().Exec("ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " ADD " + columnName + " " + colType + " DEFAULT '" + defaultValue + "'" + " AFTER " + afterName)
+ if err != nil {
+ l4g.Critical("Failed to create column %v", err)
+ time.Sleep(time.Second)
+ panic("Failed to create column " + err.Error())
+ }
+ return true
+func (ss SqlStore) RemoveColumnIfExists(tableName string, columnName string) bool {
+ count, err := ss.GetMaster().SelectInt(
+ COUNT(0) AS column_exists
+ information_schema.COLUMNS
+ tableName,
+ columnName,
+ )
+ if err != nil {
+ l4g.Critical("Failed to check if column exists %v", err)
+ time.Sleep(time.Second)
+ panic("Failed to check if column exists " + err.Error())
+ }
+ if count == 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ _, err = ss.GetMaster().Exec("ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " DROP COLUMN " + columnName)
+ if err != nil {
+ l4g.Critical("Failed to drop column %v", err)
+ time.Sleep(time.Second)
+ panic("Failed to drop column " + err.Error())
+ }
+ return true
+func (ss SqlStore) CreateIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string) {
+ ss.createIndexIfNotExists(indexName, tableName, columnName, false)
+func (ss SqlStore) CreateFullTextIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string) {
+ ss.createIndexIfNotExists(indexName, tableName, columnName, true)
+func (ss SqlStore) createIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string, fullText bool) {
+ count, err := ss.GetMaster().SelectInt("SELECT COUNT(0) AS index_exists FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() and table_name = ? AND index_name = ?", tableName, indexName)
+ if err != nil {
+ l4g.Critical("Failed to check index", err)
+ time.Sleep(time.Second)
+ panic("Failed to check index" + err.Error())
+ }
+ if count > 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ fullTextIndex := ""
+ if fullText {
+ fullTextIndex = " FULLTEXT "
+ }
+ _, err = ss.GetMaster().Exec("CREATE " + fullTextIndex + " INDEX " + indexName + " ON " + tableName + " (" + columnName + ")")
+ if err != nil {
+ l4g.Critical("Failed to create index", err)
+ time.Sleep(time.Second)
+ panic("Failed to create index " + err.Error())
+ }
+func (ss SqlStore) GetMaster() *gorp.DbMap {
+ return ss.master
+func (ss SqlStore) GetReplica() *gorp.DbMap {
+ return ss.replicas[rand.Intn(len(ss.replicas))]
+func (ss SqlStore) GetAllConns() []*gorp.DbMap {
+ all := make([]*gorp.DbMap, len(ss.replicas)+1)
+ copy(all, ss.replicas)
+ all[len(ss.replicas)] = ss.master
+ return all
+func (ss SqlStore) Close() {
+ l4g.Info("Closing SqlStore")
+ ss.master.Db.Close()
+ for _, replica := range ss.replicas {
+ replica.Db.Close()
+ }
+func (ss SqlStore) Team() TeamStore {
+ return
+func (ss SqlStore) Channel() ChannelStore {
+ return
+func (ss SqlStore) Post() PostStore {
+ return
+func (ss SqlStore) User() UserStore {
+ return ss.user
+func (ss SqlStore) Session() SessionStore {
+ return ss.session
+func (ss SqlStore) Audit() AuditStore {
+ return ss.audit
+type mattermConverter struct{}
+func (me mattermConverter) ToDb(val interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ switch t := val.(type) {
+ case model.StringMap:
+ return model.MapToJson(t), nil
+ case model.StringArray:
+ return model.ArrayToJson(t), nil
+ case model.EncryptStringMap:
+ return encrypt([]byte(utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.AtRestEncryptKey), model.MapToJson(t))
+ }
+ return val, nil
+func (me mattermConverter) FromDb(target interface{}) (gorp.CustomScanner, bool) {
+ switch target.(type) {
+ case *model.StringMap:
+ binder := func(holder, target interface{}) error {
+ s, ok := holder.(*string)
+ if !ok {
+ return errors.New("FromDb: Unable to convert StringMap to *string")
+ }
+ b := []byte(*s)
+ return json.Unmarshal(b, target)
+ }
+ return gorp.CustomScanner{new(string), target, binder}, true
+ case *model.StringArray:
+ binder := func(holder, target interface{}) error {
+ s, ok := holder.(*string)
+ if !ok {
+ return errors.New("FromDb: Unable to convert StringArray to *string")
+ }
+ b := []byte(*s)
+ return json.Unmarshal(b, target)
+ }
+ return gorp.CustomScanner{new(string), target, binder}, true
+ case *model.EncryptStringMap:
+ binder := func(holder, target interface{}) error {
+ s, ok := holder.(*string)
+ if !ok {
+ return errors.New("FromDb: Unable to convert EncryptStringMap to *string")
+ }
+ ue, err := decrypt([]byte(utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.AtRestEncryptKey), *s)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ b := []byte(ue)
+ return json.Unmarshal(b, target)
+ }
+ return gorp.CustomScanner{new(string), target, binder}, true
+ }
+ return gorp.CustomScanner{}, false
+func encrypt(key []byte, text string) (string, error) {
+ if text == "" || text == "{}" {
+ return "", nil
+ }
+ plaintext := []byte(text)
+ block, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ ciphertext := make([]byte, aes.BlockSize+len(plaintext))
+ iv := ciphertext[:aes.BlockSize]
+ if _, err := io.ReadFull(crand.Reader, iv); err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ stream := cipher.NewCFBEncrypter(block, iv)
+ stream.XORKeyStream(ciphertext[aes.BlockSize:], plaintext)
+ return base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(ciphertext), nil
+func decrypt(key []byte, cryptoText string) (string, error) {
+ if cryptoText == "" || cryptoText == "{}" {
+ return "{}", nil
+ }
+ ciphertext, _ := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(cryptoText)
+ block, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ if len(ciphertext) < aes.BlockSize {
+ return "", errors.New("ciphertext too short")
+ }
+ iv := ciphertext[:aes.BlockSize]
+ ciphertext = ciphertext[aes.BlockSize:]
+ stream := cipher.NewCFBDecrypter(block, iv)
+ stream.XORKeyStream(ciphertext, ciphertext)
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s", ciphertext), nil