path: root/vendor/
diff options
authorChristopher Speller <>2016-05-12 23:56:07 -0400
committerChristopher Speller <>2016-05-12 23:56:07 -0400
commit38ee83e45b4de7edf89bf9f0ef629eb4c6ad0fa8 (patch)
treea4fde09672192b97d453ad605b030bd5a10c5a45 /vendor/
parent84d2482ddbff9564c9ad75b2d30af66e3ddfd44d (diff)
Moving to glide
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
12 files changed, 7251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6ec612cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,2267 @@
+// goamz - Go packages to interact with the Amazon Web Services.
+// Copyright (c) 2011 Canonical Ltd.
+// Written by Gustavo Niemeyer <>
+package ec2
+import (
+ "crypto/rand"
+ "encoding/hex"
+ "encoding/xml"
+ "fmt"
+ "log"
+ "net/http"
+ "net/http/httputil"
+ "net/url"
+ "sort"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ ""
+const debug = false
+// The EC2 type encapsulates operations with a specific EC2 region.
+type EC2 struct {
+ aws.Auth
+ aws.Region
+ httpClient *http.Client
+ private byte // Reserve the right of using private data.
+// NewWithClient creates a new EC2 with a custom http client
+func NewWithClient(auth aws.Auth, region aws.Region, client *http.Client) *EC2 {
+ return &EC2{auth, region, client, 0}
+// New creates a new EC2.
+func New(auth aws.Auth, region aws.Region) *EC2 {
+ return NewWithClient(auth, region, aws.RetryingClient)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Filtering helper.
+// Filter builds filtering parameters to be used in an EC2 query which supports
+// filtering. For example:
+// filter := NewFilter()
+// filter.Add("architecture", "i386")
+// filter.Add("launch-index", "0")
+// resp, err := ec2.Instances(nil, filter)
+type Filter struct {
+ m map[string][]string
+// NewFilter creates a new Filter.
+func NewFilter() *Filter {
+ return &Filter{make(map[string][]string)}
+// Add appends a filtering parameter with the given name and value(s).
+func (f *Filter) Add(name string, value ...string) {
+ f.m[name] = append(f.m[name], value...)
+func (f *Filter) addParams(params map[string]string) {
+ if f != nil {
+ a := make([]string, len(f.m))
+ i := 0
+ for k := range f.m {
+ a[i] = k
+ i++
+ }
+ sort.StringSlice(a).Sort()
+ for i, k := range a {
+ prefix := "Filter." + strconv.Itoa(i+1)
+ params[prefix+".Name"] = k
+ for j, v := range f.m[k] {
+ params[prefix+".Value."+strconv.Itoa(j+1)] = v
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Request dispatching logic.
+// Error encapsulates an error returned by EC2.
+// See for more details.
+type Error struct {
+ // HTTP status code (200, 403, ...)
+ StatusCode int
+ // EC2 error code ("UnsupportedOperation", ...)
+ Code string
+ // The human-oriented error message
+ Message string
+ RequestId string `xml:"RequestID"`
+func (err *Error) Error() string {
+ if err.Code == "" {
+ return err.Message
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", err.Message, err.Code)
+// For now a single error inst is being exposed. In the future it may be useful
+// to provide access to all of them, but rather than doing it as an array/slice,
+// use a *next pointer, so that it's backward compatible and it continues to be
+// easy to handle the first error, which is what most people will want.
+type xmlErrors struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"RequestID"`
+ Errors []Error `xml:"Errors>Error"`
+var timeNow = time.Now
+func (ec2 *EC2) query(params map[string]string, resp interface{}) error {
+ params["Version"] = "2014-02-01"
+ params["Timestamp"] = timeNow().In(time.UTC).Format(time.RFC3339)
+ endpoint, err := url.Parse(ec2.Region.EC2Endpoint)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if endpoint.Path == "" {
+ endpoint.Path = "/"
+ }
+ sign(ec2.Auth, "GET", endpoint.Path, params, endpoint.Host)
+ endpoint.RawQuery = multimap(params).Encode()
+ if debug {
+ log.Printf("get { %v } -> {\n", endpoint.String())
+ }
+ r, err := ec2.httpClient.Get(endpoint.String())
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ defer r.Body.Close()
+ if debug {
+ dump, _ := httputil.DumpResponse(r, true)
+ log.Printf("response:\n")
+ log.Printf("%v\n}\n", string(dump))
+ }
+ if r.StatusCode != 200 {
+ return buildError(r)
+ }
+ err = xml.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(resp)
+ return err
+func multimap(p map[string]string) url.Values {
+ q := make(url.Values, len(p))
+ for k, v := range p {
+ q[k] = []string{v}
+ }
+ return q
+func buildError(r *http.Response) error {
+ errors := xmlErrors{}
+ xml.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&errors)
+ var err Error
+ if len(errors.Errors) > 0 {
+ err = errors.Errors[0]
+ }
+ err.RequestId = errors.RequestId
+ err.StatusCode = r.StatusCode
+ if err.Message == "" {
+ err.Message = r.Status
+ }
+ return &err
+func makeParams(action string) map[string]string {
+ params := make(map[string]string)
+ params["Action"] = action
+ return params
+func addParamsList(params map[string]string, label string, ids []string) {
+ for i, id := range ids {
+ params[label+"."+strconv.Itoa(i+1)] = id
+ }
+func addBlockDeviceParams(prename string, params map[string]string, blockdevices []BlockDeviceMapping) {
+ for i, k := range blockdevices {
+ // Fixup index since Amazon counts these from 1
+ prefix := prename + "BlockDeviceMapping." + strconv.Itoa(i+1) + "."
+ if k.DeviceName != "" {
+ params[prefix+"DeviceName"] = k.DeviceName
+ }
+ if k.VirtualName != "" {
+ params[prefix+"VirtualName"] = k.VirtualName
+ }
+ if k.SnapshotId != "" {
+ params[prefix+"Ebs.SnapshotId"] = k.SnapshotId
+ }
+ if k.VolumeType != "" {
+ params[prefix+"Ebs.VolumeType"] = k.VolumeType
+ }
+ if k.IOPS != 0 {
+ params[prefix+"Ebs.Iops"] = strconv.FormatInt(k.IOPS, 10)
+ }
+ if k.VolumeSize != 0 {
+ params[prefix+"Ebs.VolumeSize"] = strconv.FormatInt(k.VolumeSize, 10)
+ }
+ if k.DeleteOnTermination {
+ params[prefix+"Ebs.DeleteOnTermination"] = "true"
+ }
+ if k.NoDevice {
+ params[prefix+"NoDevice"] = "true"
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Instance management functions and types.
+// RunInstancesOptions encapsulates options for the respective request in EC2.
+// See for more details.
+type RunInstancesOptions struct {
+ ImageId string
+ MinCount int
+ MaxCount int
+ KeyName string
+ InstanceType string
+ SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup
+ KernelId string
+ RamdiskId string
+ UserData []byte
+ AvailabilityZone string
+ PlacementGroupName string
+ Tenancy string
+ Monitoring bool
+ SubnetId string
+ DisableAPITermination bool
+ ShutdownBehavior string
+ PrivateIPAddress string
+ IamInstanceProfile IamInstanceProfile
+ BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping
+ EbsOptimized bool
+ AssociatePublicIpAddress bool
+// Response to a RunInstances request.
+// See for more details.
+type RunInstancesResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ ReservationId string `xml:"reservationId"`
+ OwnerId string `xml:"ownerId"`
+ SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup `xml:"groupSet>item"`
+ Instances []Instance `xml:"instancesSet>item"`
+// Instance encapsulates a running instance in EC2.
+// See for more details.
+type Instance struct {
+ // General instance information
+ InstanceId string `xml:"instanceId"` // The ID of the instance launched
+ InstanceType string `xml:"instanceType"` // The instance type eg. m1.small | m1.medium | m1.large etc
+ AvailabilityZone string `xml:"placement>availabilityZone"` // The Availability Zone the instance is located in
+ Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"` // Any tags assigned to the resource
+ State InstanceState `xml:"instanceState"` // The current state of the instance
+ Reason string `xml:"reason"` // The reason for the most recent state transition. This might be an empty string
+ StateReason InstanceStateReason `xml:"stateReason"` // The reason for the most recent state transition
+ ImageId string `xml:"imageId"` // The ID of the AMI used to launch the instance
+ KeyName string `xml:"keyName"` // The key pair name, if this instance was launched with an associated key pair
+ Monitoring string `xml:"monitoring>state"` // Valid values: disabled | enabled | pending
+ IamInstanceProfile IamInstanceProfile `xml:"iamInstanceProfile"` // The IAM instance profile associated with the instance
+ LaunchTime string `xml:"launchTime"` // The time the instance was launched
+ OwnerId string // This isn't currently returned in the response, and is taken from the parent reservation
+ // More specific information
+ Architecture string `xml:"architecture"` // Valid values: i386 | x86_64
+ Hypervisor string `xml:"hypervisor"` // Valid values: ovm | xen
+ KernelId string `xml:"kernelId"` // The kernel associated with this instance
+ RamDiskId string `xml:"ramdiskId"` // The RAM disk associated with this instance
+ Platform string `xml:"platform"` // The value is Windows for Windows AMIs; otherwise blank
+ VirtualizationType string `xml:"virtualizationType"` // Valid values: paravirtual | hvm
+ AMILaunchIndex int `xml:"amiLaunchIndex"` // The AMI launch index, which can be used to find this instance in the launch group
+ PlacementGroupName string `xml:"placement>groupName"` // The name of the placement group the instance is in (for cluster compute instances)
+ Tenancy string `xml:"placement>tenancy"` // (VPC only) Valid values: default | dedicated
+ InstanceLifecycle string `xml:"instanceLifecycle"` // Spot instance? Valid values: "spot" or blank
+ SpotInstanceRequestId string `xml:"spotInstanceRequestId"` // The ID of the Spot Instance request
+ ClientToken string `xml:"clientToken"` // The idempotency token you provided when you launched the instance
+ ProductCodes []ProductCode `xml:"productCodes>item"` // The product codes attached to this instance
+ // Storage
+ RootDeviceType string `xml:"rootDeviceType"` // Valid values: ebs | instance-store
+ RootDeviceName string `xml:"rootDeviceName"` // The root device name (for example, /dev/sda1)
+ BlockDevices []BlockDevice `xml:"blockDeviceMapping>item"` // Any block device mapping entries for the instance
+ EbsOptimized bool `xml:"ebsOptimized"` // Indicates whether the instance is optimized for Amazon EBS I/O
+ // Network
+ DNSName string `xml:"dnsName"` // The public DNS name assigned to the instance. This element remains empty until the instance enters the running state
+ PrivateDNSName string `xml:"privateDnsName"` // The private DNS name assigned to the instance. This DNS name can only be used inside the Amazon EC2 network. This element remains empty until the instance enters the running state
+ IPAddress string `xml:"ipAddress"` // The public IP address assigned to the instance
+ PrivateIPAddress string `xml:"privateIpAddress"` // The private IP address assigned to the instance
+ SubnetId string `xml:"subnetId"` // The ID of the subnet in which the instance is running
+ VpcId string `xml:"vpcId"` // The ID of the VPC in which the instance is running
+ SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup `xml:"groupSet>item"` // A list of the security groups for the instance
+ // Advanced Networking
+ NetworkInterfaces []InstanceNetworkInterface `xml:"networkInterfaceSet>item"` // (VPC) One or more network interfaces for the instance
+ SourceDestCheck bool `xml:"sourceDestCheck"` // Controls whether source/destination checking is enabled on the instance
+ SriovNetSupport string `xml:"sriovNetSupport"` // Specifies whether enhanced networking is enabled. Valid values: simple
+// isSpotInstance returns if the instance is a spot instance
+func (i Instance) IsSpotInstance() bool {
+ if i.InstanceLifecycle == "spot" {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+type BlockDevice struct {
+ DeviceName string `xml:"deviceName"`
+ EBS EBS `xml:"ebs"`
+type EBS struct {
+ VolumeId string `xml:"volumeId"`
+ Status string `xml:"status"`
+ AttachTime string `xml:"attachTime"`
+ DeleteOnTermination bool `xml:"deleteOnTermination"`
+// ProductCode represents a product code
+// See for more details.
+type ProductCode struct {
+ ProductCode string `xml:"productCode"` // The product code
+ Type string `xml:"type"` // Valid values: devpay | marketplace
+// InstanceNetworkInterface represents a network interface attached to an instance
+// See for more details.
+type InstanceNetworkInterface struct {
+ Id string `xml:"networkInterfaceId"`
+ Description string `xml:"description"`
+ SubnetId string `xml:"subnetId"`
+ VpcId string `xml:"vpcId"`
+ OwnerId string `xml:"ownerId"` // The ID of the AWS account that created the network interface.
+ Status string `xml:"status"` // Valid values: available | attaching | in-use | detaching
+ MacAddress string `xml:"macAddress"`
+ PrivateIPAddress string `xml:"privateIpAddress"`
+ PrivateDNSName string `xml:"privateDnsName"`
+ SourceDestCheck bool `xml:"sourceDestCheck"`
+ SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup `xml:"groupSet>item"`
+ Attachment InstanceNetworkInterfaceAttachment `xml:"attachment"`
+ Association InstanceNetworkInterfaceAssociation `xml:"association"`
+ PrivateIPAddresses []InstancePrivateIpAddress `xml:"privateIpAddressesSet>item"`
+// InstanceNetworkInterfaceAttachment describes a network interface attachment to an instance
+// See for more details
+type InstanceNetworkInterfaceAttachment struct {
+ AttachmentID string `xml:"attachmentID"` // The ID of the network interface attachment.
+ DeviceIndex int32 `xml:"deviceIndex"` // The index of the device on the instance for the network interface attachment.
+ Status string `xml:"status"` // Valid values: attaching | attached | detaching | detached
+ AttachTime string `xml:"attachTime"` // Time attached, as a Datetime
+ DeleteOnTermination bool `xml:"deleteOnTermination"` // Indicates whether the network interface is deleted when the instance is terminated.
+// Describes association information for an Elastic IP address.
+// See for more details
+type InstanceNetworkInterfaceAssociation struct {
+ PublicIP string `xml:"publicIp"` // The address of the Elastic IP address bound to the network interface
+ PublicDNSName string `xml:"publicDnsName"` // The public DNS name
+ IPOwnerId string `xml:"ipOwnerId"` // The ID of the owner of the Elastic IP address
+// InstancePrivateIpAddress describes a private IP address
+// See for more details
+type InstancePrivateIpAddress struct {
+ PrivateIPAddress string `xml:"privateIpAddress"` // The private IP address of the network interface
+ PrivateDNSName string `xml:"privateDnsName"` // The private DNS name
+ Primary bool `xml:"primary"` // Indicates whether this IP address is the primary private IP address of the network interface
+ Association InstanceNetworkInterfaceAssociation `xml:"association"` // The association information for an Elastic IP address for the network interface
+// IamInstanceProfile
+// See for more details
+type IamInstanceProfile struct {
+ ARN string `xml:"arn"`
+ Id string `xml:"id"`
+ Name string `xml:"name"`
+// RunInstances starts new instances in EC2.
+// If options.MinCount and options.MaxCount are both zero, a single instance
+// will be started; otherwise if options.MaxCount is zero, options.MinCount
+// will be used instead.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) RunInstances(options *RunInstancesOptions) (resp *RunInstancesResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("RunInstances")
+ params["ImageId"] = options.ImageId
+ params["InstanceType"] = options.InstanceType
+ var min, max int
+ if options.MinCount == 0 && options.MaxCount == 0 {
+ min = 1
+ max = 1
+ } else if options.MaxCount == 0 {
+ min = options.MinCount
+ max = min
+ } else {
+ min = options.MinCount
+ max = options.MaxCount
+ }
+ params["MinCount"] = strconv.Itoa(min)
+ params["MaxCount"] = strconv.Itoa(max)
+ token, err := clientToken()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ params["ClientToken"] = token
+ if options.KeyName != "" {
+ params["KeyName"] = options.KeyName
+ }
+ if options.KernelId != "" {
+ params["KernelId"] = options.KernelId
+ }
+ if options.RamdiskId != "" {
+ params["RamdiskId"] = options.RamdiskId
+ }
+ if options.UserData != nil {
+ userData := make([]byte, b64.EncodedLen(len(options.UserData)))
+ b64.Encode(userData, options.UserData)
+ params["UserData"] = string(userData)
+ }
+ if options.AvailabilityZone != "" {
+ params["Placement.AvailabilityZone"] = options.AvailabilityZone
+ }
+ if options.PlacementGroupName != "" {
+ params["Placement.GroupName"] = options.PlacementGroupName
+ }
+ if options.Tenancy != "" {
+ params["Placement.Tenancy"] = options.Tenancy
+ }
+ if options.Monitoring {
+ params["Monitoring.Enabled"] = "true"
+ }
+ if options.SubnetId != "" && options.AssociatePublicIpAddress {
+ // If we have a non-default VPC / Subnet specified, we can flag
+ // AssociatePublicIpAddress to get a Public IP assigned. By default these are not provided.
+ // You cannot specify both SubnetId and the NetworkInterface.0.* parameters though, otherwise
+ // you get: Network interfaces and an instance-level subnet ID may not be specified on the same request
+ // You also need to attach Security Groups to the NetworkInterface instead of the instance,
+ // to avoid: Network interfaces and an instance-level security groups may not be specified on
+ // the same request
+ params["NetworkInterface.0.DeviceIndex"] = "0"
+ params["NetworkInterface.0.AssociatePublicIpAddress"] = "true"
+ params["NetworkInterface.0.SubnetId"] = options.SubnetId
+ i := 1
+ for _, g := range options.SecurityGroups {
+ // We only have SecurityGroupId's on NetworkInterface's, no SecurityGroup params.
+ if g.Id != "" {
+ params["NetworkInterface.0.SecurityGroupId."+strconv.Itoa(i)] = g.Id
+ i++
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if options.SubnetId != "" {
+ params["SubnetId"] = options.SubnetId
+ }
+ i, j := 1, 1
+ for _, g := range options.SecurityGroups {
+ if g.Id != "" {
+ params["SecurityGroupId."+strconv.Itoa(i)] = g.Id
+ i++
+ } else {
+ params["SecurityGroup."+strconv.Itoa(j)] = g.Name
+ j++
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if options.IamInstanceProfile.ARN != "" {
+ params["IamInstanceProfile.Arn"] = options.IamInstanceProfile.ARN
+ }
+ if options.IamInstanceProfile.Name != "" {
+ params["IamInstanceProfile.Name"] = options.IamInstanceProfile.Name
+ }
+ if options.DisableAPITermination {
+ params["DisableApiTermination"] = "true"
+ }
+ if options.ShutdownBehavior != "" {
+ params["InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior"] = options.ShutdownBehavior
+ }
+ if options.PrivateIPAddress != "" {
+ params["PrivateIpAddress"] = options.PrivateIPAddress
+ }
+ if options.EbsOptimized {
+ params["EbsOptimized"] = "true"
+ }
+ addBlockDeviceParams("", params, options.BlockDevices)
+ resp = &RunInstancesResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+func clientToken() (string, error) {
+ // Maximum EC2 client token size is 64 bytes.
+ // Each byte expands to two when hex encoded.
+ buf := make([]byte, 32)
+ _, err := rand.Read(buf)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return hex.EncodeToString(buf), nil
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Spot Instance management functions and types.
+// The RequestSpotInstances type encapsulates options for the respective request in EC2.
+// See for more details.
+type RequestSpotInstances struct {
+ SpotPrice string
+ InstanceCount int
+ Type string
+ ImageId string
+ KeyName string
+ InstanceType string
+ SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup
+ IamInstanceProfile string
+ KernelId string
+ RamdiskId string
+ UserData []byte
+ AvailZone string
+ PlacementGroupName string
+ Monitoring bool
+ SubnetId string
+ AssociatePublicIpAddress bool
+ PrivateIPAddress string
+ BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping
+type SpotInstanceSpec struct {
+ ImageId string
+ KeyName string
+ InstanceType string
+ SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup
+ IamInstanceProfile string
+ KernelId string
+ RamdiskId string
+ UserData []byte
+ AvailZone string
+ PlacementGroupName string
+ Monitoring bool
+ SubnetId string
+ AssociatePublicIpAddress bool
+ PrivateIPAddress string
+ BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping
+type SpotLaunchSpec struct {
+ ImageId string `xml:"imageId"`
+ KeyName string `xml:"keyName"`
+ InstanceType string `xml:"instanceType"`
+ SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup `xml:"groupSet>item"`
+ IamInstanceProfile string `xml:"iamInstanceProfile"`
+ KernelId string `xml:"kernelId"`
+ RamdiskId string `xml:"ramdiskId"`
+ PlacementGroupName string `xml:"placement>groupName"`
+ Monitoring bool `xml:"monitoring>enabled"`
+ SubnetId string `xml:"subnetId"`
+ BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping `xml:"blockDeviceMapping>item"`
+type SpotRequestResult struct {
+ SpotRequestId string `xml:"spotInstanceRequestId"`
+ SpotPrice string `xml:"spotPrice"`
+ Type string `xml:"type"`
+ AvailZone string `xml:"launchedAvailabilityZone"`
+ InstanceId string `xml:"instanceId"`
+ State string `xml:"state"`
+ SpotLaunchSpec SpotLaunchSpec `xml:"launchSpecification"`
+ CreateTime string `xml:"createTime"`
+ Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
+// Response to a RequestSpotInstances request.
+// See for more details.
+type RequestSpotInstancesResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ SpotRequestResults []SpotRequestResult `xml:"spotInstanceRequestSet>item"`
+// RequestSpotInstances requests a new spot instances in EC2.
+func (ec2 *EC2) RequestSpotInstances(options *RequestSpotInstances) (resp *RequestSpotInstancesResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("RequestSpotInstances")
+ prefix := "LaunchSpecification" + "."
+ params["SpotPrice"] = options.SpotPrice
+ params[prefix+"ImageId"] = options.ImageId
+ params[prefix+"InstanceType"] = options.InstanceType
+ if options.InstanceCount != 0 {
+ params["InstanceCount"] = strconv.Itoa(options.InstanceCount)
+ }
+ if options.KeyName != "" {
+ params[prefix+"KeyName"] = options.KeyName
+ }
+ if options.KernelId != "" {
+ params[prefix+"KernelId"] = options.KernelId
+ }
+ if options.RamdiskId != "" {
+ params[prefix+"RamdiskId"] = options.RamdiskId
+ }
+ if options.UserData != nil {
+ userData := make([]byte, b64.EncodedLen(len(options.UserData)))
+ b64.Encode(userData, options.UserData)
+ params[prefix+"UserData"] = string(userData)
+ }
+ if options.AvailZone != "" {
+ params[prefix+"Placement.AvailabilityZone"] = options.AvailZone
+ }
+ if options.PlacementGroupName != "" {
+ params[prefix+"Placement.GroupName"] = options.PlacementGroupName
+ }
+ if options.Monitoring {
+ params[prefix+"Monitoring.Enabled"] = "true"
+ }
+ if options.SubnetId != "" && options.AssociatePublicIpAddress {
+ // If we have a non-default VPC / Subnet specified, we can flag
+ // AssociatePublicIpAddress to get a Public IP assigned. By default these are not provided.
+ // You cannot specify both SubnetId and the NetworkInterface.0.* parameters though, otherwise
+ // you get: Network interfaces and an instance-level subnet ID may not be specified on the same request
+ // You also need to attach Security Groups to the NetworkInterface instead of the instance,
+ // to avoid: Network interfaces and an instance-level security groups may not be specified on
+ // the same request
+ params[prefix+"NetworkInterface.0.DeviceIndex"] = "0"
+ params[prefix+"NetworkInterface.0.AssociatePublicIpAddress"] = "true"
+ params[prefix+"NetworkInterface.0.SubnetId"] = options.SubnetId
+ i := 1
+ for _, g := range options.SecurityGroups {
+ // We only have SecurityGroupId's on NetworkInterface's, no SecurityGroup params.
+ if g.Id != "" {
+ params[prefix+"NetworkInterface.0.SecurityGroupId."+strconv.Itoa(i)] = g.Id
+ i++
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if options.SubnetId != "" {
+ params[prefix+"SubnetId"] = options.SubnetId
+ }
+ i, j := 1, 1
+ for _, g := range options.SecurityGroups {
+ if g.Id != "" {
+ params[prefix+"SecurityGroupId."+strconv.Itoa(i)] = g.Id
+ i++
+ } else {
+ params[prefix+"SecurityGroup."+strconv.Itoa(j)] = g.Name
+ j++
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if options.IamInstanceProfile != "" {
+ params[prefix+"IamInstanceProfile.Name"] = options.IamInstanceProfile
+ }
+ if options.PrivateIPAddress != "" {
+ params[prefix+"PrivateIpAddress"] = options.PrivateIPAddress
+ }
+ addBlockDeviceParams(prefix, params, options.BlockDevices)
+ resp = &RequestSpotInstancesResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// Response to a DescribeSpotInstanceRequests request.
+// See for more details.
+type SpotRequestsResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ SpotRequestResults []SpotRequestResult `xml:"spotInstanceRequestSet>item"`
+// DescribeSpotInstanceRequests returns details about spot requests in EC2. Both parameters
+// are optional, and if provided will limit the spot requests returned to those
+// matching the given spot request ids or filtering rules.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) DescribeSpotRequests(spotrequestIds []string, filter *Filter) (resp *SpotRequestsResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DescribeSpotInstanceRequests")
+ addParamsList(params, "SpotInstanceRequestId", spotrequestIds)
+ filter.addParams(params)
+ resp = &SpotRequestsResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// Response to a CancelSpotInstanceRequests request.
+// See for more details.
+type CancelSpotRequestResult struct {
+ SpotRequestId string `xml:"spotInstanceRequestId"`
+ State string `xml:"state"`
+type CancelSpotRequestsResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ CancelSpotRequestResults []CancelSpotRequestResult `xml:"spotInstanceRequestSet>item"`
+// CancelSpotRequests requests the cancellation of spot requests when the given ids.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) CancelSpotRequests(spotrequestIds []string) (resp *CancelSpotRequestsResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("CancelSpotInstanceRequests")
+ addParamsList(params, "SpotInstanceRequestId", spotrequestIds)
+ resp = &CancelSpotRequestsResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// Response to a TerminateInstances request.
+// See for more details.
+type TerminateInstancesResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ StateChanges []InstanceStateChange `xml:"instancesSet>item"`
+// InstanceState encapsulates the state of an instance in EC2.
+// See for more details.
+type InstanceState struct {
+ Code int `xml:"code"` // Watch out, bits 15-8 have unpublished meaning.
+ Name string `xml:"name"`
+// InstanceStateChange informs of the previous and current states
+// for an instance when a state change is requested.
+type InstanceStateChange struct {
+ InstanceId string `xml:"instanceId"`
+ CurrentState InstanceState `xml:"currentState"`
+ PreviousState InstanceState `xml:"previousState"`
+// InstanceStateReason describes a state change for an instance in EC2
+// See for more details
+type InstanceStateReason struct {
+ Code string `xml:"code"`
+ Message string `xml:"message"`
+// TerminateInstances requests the termination of instances when the given ids.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) TerminateInstances(instIds []string) (resp *TerminateInstancesResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("TerminateInstances")
+ addParamsList(params, "InstanceId", instIds)
+ resp = &TerminateInstancesResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// Response to a DescribeInstances request.
+// See for more details.
+type DescribeInstancesResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Reservations []Reservation `xml:"reservationSet>item"`
+// Reservation represents details about a reservation in EC2.
+// See for more details.
+type Reservation struct {
+ ReservationId string `xml:"reservationId"`
+ OwnerId string `xml:"ownerId"`
+ RequesterId string `xml:"requesterId"`
+ SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup `xml:"groupSet>item"`
+ Instances []Instance `xml:"instancesSet>item"`
+// Instances returns details about instances in EC2. Both parameters
+// are optional, and if provided will limit the instances returned to those
+// matching the given instance ids or filtering rules.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) DescribeInstances(instIds []string, filter *Filter) (resp *DescribeInstancesResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DescribeInstances")
+ addParamsList(params, "InstanceId", instIds)
+ filter.addParams(params)
+ resp = &DescribeInstancesResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // Add additional parameters to instances which aren't available in the response
+ for i, rsv := range resp.Reservations {
+ ownerId := rsv.OwnerId
+ for j, inst := range rsv.Instances {
+ inst.OwnerId = ownerId
+ resp.Reservations[i].Instances[j] = inst
+ }
+ }
+ return
+// DescribeInstanceStatusOptions encapsulates the query parameters for the corresponding action.
+// See http://// for more details.
+type DescribeInstanceStatusOptions struct {
+ InstanceIds []string // If non-empty, limit the query to this subset of instances. Maximum length of 100.
+ IncludeAllInstances bool // If true, describe all instances, instead of just running instances (the default).
+ MaxResults int // Maximum number of results to return. Minimum of 5. Maximum of 1000.
+ NextToken string // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a prior call.)
+// Response to a DescribeInstanceStatus request.
+// See for more details.
+type DescribeInstanceStatusResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ InstanceStatusSet []InstanceStatusItem `xml:"instanceStatusSet>item"`
+ NextToken string `xml:"nextToken"`
+// InstanceStatusItem describes the instance status, cause, details, and potential actions to take in response.
+// See for more details.
+type InstanceStatusItem struct {
+ InstanceId string `xml:"instanceId"`
+ AvailabilityZone string `xml:"availabilityZone"`
+ Events []InstanceStatusEvent `xml:"eventsSet>item"` // Extra information regarding events associated with the instance.
+ InstanceState InstanceState `xml:"instanceState"` // The intended state of the instance. Calls to DescribeInstanceStatus require that an instance be in the running state.
+ SystemStatus InstanceStatus `xml:"systemStatus"`
+ InstanceStatus InstanceStatus `xml:"instanceStatus"`
+// InstanceStatusEvent describes an instance event.
+// See for more details.
+type InstanceStatusEvent struct {
+ Code string `xml:"code"` // The associated code of the event.
+ Description string `xml:"description"` // A description of the event.
+ NotBefore string `xml:"notBefore"` // The earliest scheduled start time for the event.
+ NotAfter string `xml:"notAfter"` // The latest scheduled end time for the event.
+// InstanceStatus describes the status of an instance with details.
+// See for more details.
+type InstanceStatus struct {
+ Status string `xml:"status"` // The instance status.
+ Details InstanceStatusDetails `xml:"details"` // The system instance health or application instance health.
+// InstanceStatusDetails describes the instance status with the cause and more detail.
+// See for more details.
+type InstanceStatusDetails struct {
+ Name string `xml:"name"` // The type of instance status.
+ Status string `xml:"status"` // The status.
+ ImpairedSince string `xml:"impairedSince"` // The time when a status check failed. For an instance that was launched and impaired, this is the time when the instance was launched.
+// DescribeInstanceStatus returns instance status information about instances in EC2.
+// instIds and filter are optional, and if provided will limit the instances returned to those
+// matching the given instance ids or filtering rules.
+// all determines whether to report all matching instances or only those in the running state
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) DescribeInstanceStatus(options *DescribeInstanceStatusOptions, filter *Filter) (resp *DescribeInstanceStatusResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DescribeInstanceStatus")
+ if len(options.InstanceIds) > 0 {
+ addParamsList(params, "InstanceId", options.InstanceIds)
+ }
+ if options.IncludeAllInstances {
+ params["IncludeAllInstances"] = "true"
+ }
+ if options.MaxResults != 0 {
+ params["MaxResults"] = strconv.Itoa(options.MaxResults)
+ }
+ if options.NextToken != "" {
+ params["NextToken"] = options.NextToken
+ }
+ filter.addParams(params)
+ resp = &DescribeInstanceStatusResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// KeyPair management functions and types.
+type CreateKeyPairResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ KeyName string `xml:"keyName"`
+ KeyFingerprint string `xml:"keyFingerprint"`
+ KeyMaterial string `xml:"keyMaterial"`
+// CreateKeyPair creates a new key pair and returns the private key contents.
+// See
+func (ec2 *EC2) CreateKeyPair(keyName string) (resp *CreateKeyPairResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("CreateKeyPair")
+ params["KeyName"] = keyName
+ resp = &CreateKeyPairResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err == nil {
+ resp.KeyFingerprint = strings.TrimSpace(resp.KeyFingerprint)
+ }
+ return
+// DeleteKeyPair deletes a key pair.
+// See
+func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteKeyPair(name string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DeleteKeyPair")
+ params["KeyName"] = name
+ resp = &SimpleResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ return
+type ImportKeyPairOptions struct {
+ KeyName string
+ PublicKeyMaterial string
+type ImportKeyPairResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ KeyName string `xml:"keyName"`
+ KeyFingerprint string `xml:"keyFingerprint"`
+// ImportKeyPair import a key pair.
+// See
+func (ec2 *EC2) ImportKeyPair(options *ImportKeyPairOptions) (resp *ImportKeyPairResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("ImportKeyPair")
+ params["KeyName"] = options.KeyName
+ params["PublicKeyMaterial"] = options.PublicKeyMaterial
+ resp = &ImportKeyPairResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ return
+// ResourceTag represents key-value metadata used to classify and organize
+// EC2 instances.
+// See for more details
+type Tag struct {
+ Key string `xml:"key"`
+ Value string `xml:"value"`
+// CreateTags adds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified taggable resources.
+// For a list of tagable resources, see:
+// See for more details
+func (ec2 *EC2) CreateTags(resourceIds []string, tags []Tag) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("CreateTags")
+ addParamsList(params, "ResourceId", resourceIds)
+ for j, tag := range tags {
+ params["Tag."+strconv.Itoa(j+1)+".Key"] = tag.Key
+ params["Tag."+strconv.Itoa(j+1)+".Value"] = tag.Value
+ }
+ resp = &SimpleResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+// Response to a StartInstances request.
+// See for more details.
+type StartInstanceResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ StateChanges []InstanceStateChange `xml:"instancesSet>item"`
+// Response to a StopInstances request.
+// See for more details.
+type StopInstanceResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ StateChanges []InstanceStateChange `xml:"instancesSet>item"`
+// StartInstances starts an Amazon EBS-backed AMI that you've previously stopped.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) StartInstances(ids ...string) (resp *StartInstanceResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("StartInstances")
+ addParamsList(params, "InstanceId", ids)
+ resp = &StartInstanceResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+// StopInstances requests stopping one or more Amazon EBS-backed instances.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) StopInstances(ids ...string) (resp *StopInstanceResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("StopInstances")
+ addParamsList(params, "InstanceId", ids)
+ resp = &StopInstanceResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+// RebootInstance requests a reboot of one or more instances. This operation is asynchronous;
+// it only queues a request to reboot the specified instance(s). The operation will succeed
+// if the instances are valid and belong to you.
+// Requests to reboot terminated instances are ignored.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) RebootInstances(ids ...string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("RebootInstances")
+ addParamsList(params, "InstanceId", ids)
+ resp = &SimpleResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+// The ModifyInstanceAttribute request parameters.
+type ModifyInstance struct {
+ InstanceType string
+ BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping
+ DisableAPITermination bool
+ EbsOptimized bool
+ SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup
+ ShutdownBehavior string
+ KernelId string
+ RamdiskId string
+ SourceDestCheck bool
+ SriovNetSupport bool
+ UserData []byte
+// Response to a ModifyInstanceAttribute request.
+// for more details.
+type ModifyInstanceResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Return bool `xml:"return"`
+// ModifyImageAttribute modifies the specified attribute of the specified instance.
+// You can specify only one attribute at a time. To modify some attributes, the
+// instance must be stopped.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) ModifyInstance(instId string, options *ModifyInstance) (resp *ModifyInstanceResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("ModifyInstanceAttribute")
+ params["InstanceId"] = instId
+ addBlockDeviceParams("", params, options.BlockDevices)
+ if options.InstanceType != "" {
+ params["InstanceType.Value"] = options.InstanceType
+ }
+ if options.DisableAPITermination {
+ params["DisableApiTermination.Value"] = "true"
+ }
+ if options.EbsOptimized {
+ params["EbsOptimized"] = "true"
+ }
+ if options.ShutdownBehavior != "" {
+ params["InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior.Value"] = options.ShutdownBehavior
+ }
+ if options.KernelId != "" {
+ params["Kernel.Value"] = options.KernelId
+ }
+ if options.RamdiskId != "" {
+ params["Ramdisk.Value"] = options.RamdiskId
+ }
+ if options.SourceDestCheck {
+ params["SourceDestCheck.Value"] = "true"
+ }
+ if options.SriovNetSupport {
+ params["SriovNetSupport.Value"] = "simple"
+ }
+ if options.UserData != nil {
+ userData := make([]byte, b64.EncodedLen(len(options.UserData)))
+ b64.Encode(userData, options.UserData)
+ params["UserData"] = string(userData)
+ }
+ i := 1
+ for _, g := range options.SecurityGroups {
+ if g.Id != "" {
+ params["GroupId."+strconv.Itoa(i)] = g.Id
+ i++
+ }
+ }
+ resp = &ModifyInstanceResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ resp = nil
+ }
+ return
+// Reserved Instances
+// Structures
+// DescribeReservedInstancesResponse structure returned from a DescribeReservedInstances request.
+// See
+type DescribeReservedInstancesResponse struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ ReservedInstances []ReservedInstancesResponseItem `xml:"reservedInstancesSet>item"`
+// See
+type ReservedInstancesResponseItem struct {
+ ReservedInstanceId string `xml:"reservedInstancesId"`
+ InstanceType string `xml:"instanceType"`
+ AvailabilityZone string `xml:"availabilityZone"`
+ Start string `xml:"start"`
+ Duration uint64 `xml:"duration"`
+ End string `xml:"end"`
+ FixedPrice float32 `xml:"fixedPrice"`
+ UsagePrice float32 `xml:"usagePrice"`
+ InstanceCount int `xml:"instanceCount"`
+ ProductDescription string `xml:"productDescription"`
+ State string `xml:"state"`
+ Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet->item"`
+ InstanceTenancy string `xml:"instanceTenancy"`
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode"`
+ OfferingType string `xml:"offeringType"`
+ RecurringCharges []RecurringCharge `xml:"recurringCharges>item"`
+// See
+type RecurringCharge struct {
+ Frequency string `xml:"frequency"`
+ Amount float32 `xml:"amount"`
+// functions
+// DescribeReservedInstances
+// See
+func (ec2 *EC2) DescribeReservedInstances(instIds []string, filter *Filter) (resp *DescribeReservedInstancesResponse, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DescribeReservedInstances")
+ for i, id := range instIds {
+ params["ReservedInstancesId."+strconv.Itoa(i+1)] = id
+ }
+ filter.addParams(params)
+ resp = &DescribeReservedInstancesResponse{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Image and snapshot management functions and types.
+// The CreateImage request parameters.
+// See for more details.
+type CreateImage struct {
+ InstanceId string
+ Name string
+ Description string
+ NoReboot bool
+ BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping
+// Response to a CreateImage request.
+// See for more details.
+type CreateImageResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ ImageId string `xml:"imageId"`
+// Response to a DescribeImages request.
+// See for more details.
+type ImagesResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Images []Image `xml:"imagesSet>item"`
+// Response to a DescribeImageAttribute request.
+// See for more details.
+type ImageAttributeResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ ImageId string `xml:"imageId"`
+ Kernel string `xml:"kernel>value"`
+ RamDisk string `xml:"ramdisk>value"`
+ Description string `xml:"description>value"`
+ Group string `xml:"launchPermission>item>group"`
+ UserIds []string `xml:"launchPermission>item>userId"`
+ ProductCodes []string `xml:"productCodes>item>productCode"`
+ BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping `xml:"blockDeviceMapping>item"`
+// The RegisterImage request parameters.
+type RegisterImage struct {
+ ImageLocation string
+ Name string
+ Description string
+ Architecture string
+ KernelId string
+ RamdiskId string
+ RootDeviceName string
+ VirtType string
+ BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping
+// Response to a RegisterImage request.
+type RegisterImageResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ ImageId string `xml:"imageId"`
+// Response to a DegisterImage request.
+// See
+type DeregisterImageResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Return bool `xml:"return"`
+// BlockDeviceMapping represents the association of a block device with an image.
+// See for more details.
+type BlockDeviceMapping struct {
+ DeviceName string `xml:"deviceName"`
+ VirtualName string `xml:"virtualName"`
+ SnapshotId string `xml:"ebs>snapshotId"`
+ VolumeType string `xml:"ebs>volumeType"`
+ VolumeSize int64 `xml:"ebs>volumeSize"`
+ DeleteOnTermination bool `xml:"ebs>deleteOnTermination"`
+ NoDevice bool `xml:"noDevice"`
+ // The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports.
+ IOPS int64 `xml:"ebs>iops"`
+// Image represents details about an image.
+// See for more details.
+type Image struct {
+ Id string `xml:"imageId"`
+ Name string `xml:"name"`
+ Description string `xml:"description"`
+ Type string `xml:"imageType"`
+ State string `xml:"imageState"`
+ Location string `xml:"imageLocation"`
+ Public bool `xml:"isPublic"`
+ Architecture string `xml:"architecture"`
+ Platform string `xml:"platform"`
+ ProductCodes []string `xml:"productCode>item>productCode"`
+ KernelId string `xml:"kernelId"`
+ RamdiskId string `xml:"ramdiskId"`
+ StateReason string `xml:"stateReason"`
+ OwnerId string `xml:"imageOwnerId"`
+ OwnerAlias string `xml:"imageOwnerAlias"`
+ RootDeviceType string `xml:"rootDeviceType"`
+ RootDeviceName string `xml:"rootDeviceName"`
+ VirtualizationType string `xml:"virtualizationType"`
+ Hypervisor string `xml:"hypervisor"`
+ BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping `xml:"blockDeviceMapping>item"`
+ Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
+// The ModifyImageAttribute request parameters.
+type ModifyImageAttribute struct {
+ AddUsers []string
+ RemoveUsers []string
+ AddGroups []string
+ RemoveGroups []string
+ ProductCodes []string
+ Description string
+// The CopyImage request parameters.
+// See for more details.
+type CopyImage struct {
+ SourceRegion string
+ SourceImageId string
+ Name string
+ Description string
+ ClientToken string
+// Response to a CopyImage request.
+// See for more details.
+type CopyImageResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ ImageId string `xml:"imageId"`
+// Creates an Amazon EBS-backed AMI from an Amazon EBS-backed instance
+// that is either running or stopped.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) CreateImage(options *CreateImage) (resp *CreateImageResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("CreateImage")
+ params["InstanceId"] = options.InstanceId
+ params["Name"] = options.Name
+ if options.Description != "" {
+ params["Description"] = options.Description
+ }
+ if options.NoReboot {
+ params["NoReboot"] = "true"
+ }
+ addBlockDeviceParams("", params, options.BlockDevices)
+ resp = &CreateImageResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// Images returns details about available images.
+// The ids and filter parameters, if provided, will limit the images returned.
+// For example, to get all the private images associated with this account set
+// the boolean filter "is-public" to 0.
+// For list of filters:
+// Note: calling this function with nil ids and filter parameters will result in
+// a very large number of images being returned.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) Images(ids []string, filter *Filter) (resp *ImagesResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DescribeImages")
+ for i, id := range ids {
+ params["ImageId."+strconv.Itoa(i+1)] = id
+ }
+ filter.addParams(params)
+ resp = &ImagesResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// ImagesByOwners returns details about available images.
+// The ids, owners, and filter parameters, if provided, will limit the images returned.
+// For example, to get all the private images associated with this account set
+// the boolean filter "is-public" to 0.
+// For list of filters:
+// Note: calling this function with nil ids and filter parameters will result in
+// a very large number of images being returned.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) ImagesByOwners(ids []string, owners []string, filter *Filter) (resp *ImagesResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DescribeImages")
+ for i, id := range ids {
+ params["ImageId."+strconv.Itoa(i+1)] = id
+ }
+ for i, owner := range owners {
+ params[fmt.Sprintf("Owner.%d", i+1)] = owner
+ }
+ filter.addParams(params)
+ resp = &ImagesResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// ImageAttribute describes an attribute of an AMI.
+// You can specify only one attribute at a time.
+// Valid attributes are:
+// description | kernel | ramdisk | launchPermission | productCodes | blockDeviceMapping
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) ImageAttribute(imageId, attribute string) (resp *ImageAttributeResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DescribeImageAttribute")
+ params["ImageId"] = imageId
+ params["Attribute"] = attribute
+ resp = &ImageAttributeResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// ModifyImageAttribute sets attributes for an image.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) ModifyImageAttribute(imageId string, options *ModifyImageAttribute) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("ModifyImageAttribute")
+ params["ImageId"] = imageId
+ if options.Description != "" {
+ params["Description.Value"] = options.Description
+ }
+ if options.AddUsers != nil {
+ for i, user := range options.AddUsers {
+ p := fmt.Sprintf("LaunchPermission.Add.%d.UserId", i+1)
+ params[p] = user
+ }
+ }
+ if options.RemoveUsers != nil {
+ for i, user := range options.RemoveUsers {
+ p := fmt.Sprintf("LaunchPermission.Remove.%d.UserId", i+1)
+ params[p] = user
+ }
+ }
+ if options.AddGroups != nil {
+ for i, group := range options.AddGroups {
+ p := fmt.Sprintf("LaunchPermission.Add.%d.Group", i+1)
+ params[p] = group
+ }
+ }
+ if options.RemoveGroups != nil {
+ for i, group := range options.RemoveGroups {
+ p := fmt.Sprintf("LaunchPermission.Remove.%d.Group", i+1)
+ params[p] = group
+ }
+ }
+ if options.ProductCodes != nil {
+ addParamsList(params, "ProductCode", options.ProductCodes)
+ }
+ resp = &SimpleResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ resp = nil
+ }
+ return
+// Registers a new AMI with EC2.
+// See:
+func (ec2 *EC2) RegisterImage(options *RegisterImage) (resp *RegisterImageResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("RegisterImage")
+ params["Name"] = options.Name
+ if options.ImageLocation != "" {
+ params["ImageLocation"] = options.ImageLocation
+ }
+ if options.Description != "" {
+ params["Description"] = options.Description
+ }
+ if options.Architecture != "" {
+ params["Architecture"] = options.Architecture
+ }
+ if options.KernelId != "" {
+ params["KernelId"] = options.KernelId
+ }
+ if options.RamdiskId != "" {
+ params["RamdiskId"] = options.RamdiskId
+ }
+ if options.RootDeviceName != "" {
+ params["RootDeviceName"] = options.RootDeviceName
+ }
+ if options.VirtType != "" {
+ params["VirtualizationType"] = options.VirtType
+ }
+ addBlockDeviceParams("", params, options.BlockDevices)
+ resp = &RegisterImageResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// Degisters an image. Note that this does not delete the backing stores of the AMI.
+// See
+func (ec2 *EC2) DeregisterImage(imageId string) (resp *DeregisterImageResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DeregisterImage")
+ params["ImageId"] = imageId
+ resp = &DeregisterImageResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// Copy and Image from one region to another.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) CopyImage(options *CopyImage) (resp *CopyImageResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("CopyImage")
+ if options.SourceRegion != "" {
+ params["SourceRegion"] = options.SourceRegion
+ }
+ if options.SourceImageId != "" {
+ params["SourceImageId"] = options.SourceImageId
+ }
+ if options.Name != "" {
+ params["Name"] = options.Name
+ }
+ if options.Description != "" {
+ params["Description"] = options.Description
+ }
+ if options.ClientToken != "" {
+ params["ClientToken"] = options.ClientToken
+ }
+ resp = &CopyImageResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// Response to a CreateSnapshot request.
+// See for more details.
+type CreateSnapshotResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Snapshot
+// CreateSnapshot creates a volume snapshot and stores it in S3.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) CreateSnapshot(volumeId, description string) (resp *CreateSnapshotResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("CreateSnapshot")
+ params["VolumeId"] = volumeId
+ params["Description"] = description
+ resp = &CreateSnapshotResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// DeleteSnapshots deletes the volume snapshots with the given ids.
+// Note: If you make periodic snapshots of a volume, the snapshots are
+// incremental so that only the blocks on the device that have changed
+// since your last snapshot are incrementally saved in the new snapshot.
+// Even though snapshots are saved incrementally, the snapshot deletion
+// process is designed so that you need to retain only the most recent
+// snapshot in order to restore the volume.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteSnapshots(ids []string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DeleteSnapshot")
+ for i, id := range ids {
+ params["SnapshotId."+strconv.Itoa(i+1)] = id
+ }
+ resp = &SimpleResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// Response to a DescribeSnapshots request.
+// See for more details.
+type SnapshotsResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Snapshots []Snapshot `xml:"snapshotSet>item"`
+// Snapshot represents details about a volume snapshot.
+// See for more details.
+type Snapshot struct {
+ Id string `xml:"snapshotId"`
+ VolumeId string `xml:"volumeId"`
+ VolumeSize string `xml:"volumeSize"`
+ Status string `xml:"status"`
+ StartTime string `xml:"startTime"`
+ Description string `xml:"description"`
+ Progress string `xml:"progress"`
+ OwnerId string `xml:"ownerId"`
+ OwnerAlias string `xml:"ownerAlias"`
+ Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
+// Snapshots returns details about volume snapshots available to the user.
+// The ids and filter parameters, if provided, limit the snapshots returned.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) Snapshots(ids []string, filter *Filter) (resp *SnapshotsResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DescribeSnapshots")
+ for i, id := range ids {
+ params["SnapshotId."+strconv.Itoa(i+1)] = id
+ }
+ filter.addParams(params)
+ resp = &SnapshotsResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Volume management
+// The CreateVolume request parameters
+// See
+type CreateVolume struct {
+ AvailZone string
+ Size int64
+ SnapshotId string
+ VolumeType string
+ IOPS int64
+// Response to an AttachVolume request
+type AttachVolumeResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ VolumeId string `xml:"volumeId"`
+ InstanceId string `xml:"instanceId"`
+ Device string `xml:"device"`
+ Status string `xml:"status"`
+ AttachTime string `xml:"attachTime"`
+// Response to a CreateVolume request
+type CreateVolumeResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ VolumeId string `xml:"volumeId"`
+ Size int64 `xml:"size"`
+ SnapshotId string `xml:"snapshotId"`
+ AvailZone string `xml:"availabilityZone"`
+ Status string `xml:"status"`
+ CreateTime string `xml:"createTime"`
+ VolumeType string `xml:"volumeType"`
+ IOPS int64 `xml:"iops"`
+// Volume is a single volume.
+type Volume struct {
+ VolumeId string `xml:"volumeId"`
+ Size string `xml:"size"`
+ SnapshotId string `xml:"snapshotId"`
+ AvailZone string `xml:"availabilityZone"`
+ Status string `xml:"status"`
+ Attachments []VolumeAttachment `xml:"attachmentSet>item"`
+ VolumeType string `xml:"volumeType"`
+ IOPS int64 `xml:"iops"`
+ Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
+type VolumeAttachment struct {
+ VolumeId string `xml:"volumeId"`
+ InstanceId string `xml:"instanceId"`
+ Device string `xml:"device"`
+ Status string `xml:"status"`
+// Response to a DescribeVolumes request
+type VolumesResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Volumes []Volume `xml:"volumeSet>item"`
+// Attach a volume.
+func (ec2 *EC2) AttachVolume(volumeId string, instanceId string, device string) (resp *AttachVolumeResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("AttachVolume")
+ params["VolumeId"] = volumeId
+ params["InstanceId"] = instanceId
+ params["Device"] = device
+ resp = &AttachVolumeResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+// Create a new volume.
+func (ec2 *EC2) CreateVolume(options *CreateVolume) (resp *CreateVolumeResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("CreateVolume")
+ params["AvailabilityZone"] = options.AvailZone
+ if options.Size > 0 {
+ params["Size"] = strconv.FormatInt(options.Size, 10)
+ }
+ if options.SnapshotId != "" {
+ params["SnapshotId"] = options.SnapshotId
+ }
+ if options.VolumeType != "" {
+ params["VolumeType"] = options.VolumeType
+ }
+ if options.IOPS > 0 {
+ params["Iops"] = strconv.FormatInt(options.IOPS, 10)
+ }
+ resp = &CreateVolumeResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+// Delete an EBS volume.
+func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteVolume(id string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DeleteVolume")
+ params["VolumeId"] = id
+ resp = &SimpleResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// Detaches an EBS volume.
+func (ec2 *EC2) DetachVolume(id string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DetachVolume")
+ params["VolumeId"] = id
+ resp = &SimpleResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// Finds or lists all volumes.
+func (ec2 *EC2) Volumes(volIds []string, filter *Filter) (resp *VolumesResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DescribeVolumes")
+ addParamsList(params, "VolumeId", volIds)
+ filter.addParams(params)
+ resp = &VolumesResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Security group management functions and types.
+// SimpleResp represents a response to an EC2 request which on success will
+// return no other information besides a request id.
+type SimpleResp struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+// CreateSecurityGroupResp represents a response to a CreateSecurityGroup request.
+type CreateSecurityGroupResp struct {
+ SecurityGroup
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+// CreateSecurityGroup run a CreateSecurityGroup request in EC2, with the provided
+// name and description.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) CreateSecurityGroup(group SecurityGroup) (resp *CreateSecurityGroupResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("CreateSecurityGroup")
+ params["GroupName"] = group.Name
+ params["GroupDescription"] = group.Description
+ if group.VpcId != "" {
+ params["VpcId"] = group.VpcId
+ }
+ resp = &CreateSecurityGroupResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ resp.Name = group.Name
+ return resp, nil
+// SecurityGroupsResp represents a response to a DescribeSecurityGroups
+// request in EC2.
+// See for more details.
+type SecurityGroupsResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Groups []SecurityGroupInfo `xml:"securityGroupInfo>item"`
+// SecurityGroup encapsulates details for a security group in EC2.
+// See for more details.
+type SecurityGroupInfo struct {
+ SecurityGroup
+ OwnerId string `xml:"ownerId"`
+ Description string `xml:"groupDescription"`
+ IPPerms []IPPerm `xml:"ipPermissions>item"`
+ IPPermsEgress []IPPerm `xml:"ipPermissionsEgress>item"`
+// IPPerm represents an allowance within an EC2 security group.
+// See for more details.
+type IPPerm struct {
+ Protocol string `xml:"ipProtocol"`
+ FromPort int `xml:"fromPort"`
+ ToPort int `xml:"toPort"`
+ SourceIPs []string `xml:"ipRanges>item>cidrIp"`
+ SourceGroups []UserSecurityGroup `xml:"groups>item"`
+// UserSecurityGroup holds a security group and the owner
+// of that group.
+type UserSecurityGroup struct {
+ Id string `xml:"groupId"`
+ Name string `xml:"groupName"`
+ OwnerId string `xml:"userId"`
+// SecurityGroup represents an EC2 security group.
+// If SecurityGroup is used as a parameter, then one of Id or Name
+// may be empty. If both are set, then Id is used.
+type SecurityGroup struct {
+ Id string `xml:"groupId"`
+ Name string `xml:"groupName"`
+ Description string `xml:"groupDescription"`
+ VpcId string `xml:"vpcId"`
+// SecurityGroupNames is a convenience function that
+// returns a slice of security groups with the given names.
+func SecurityGroupNames(names ...string) []SecurityGroup {
+ g := make([]SecurityGroup, len(names))
+ for i, name := range names {
+ g[i] = SecurityGroup{Name: name}
+ }
+ return g
+// SecurityGroupNames is a convenience function that
+// returns a slice of security groups with the given ids.
+func SecurityGroupIds(ids ...string) []SecurityGroup {
+ g := make([]SecurityGroup, len(ids))
+ for i, id := range ids {
+ g[i] = SecurityGroup{Id: id}
+ }
+ return g
+// SecurityGroups returns details about security groups in EC2. Both parameters
+// are optional, and if provided will limit the security groups returned to those
+// matching the given groups or filtering rules.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) SecurityGroups(groups []SecurityGroup, filter *Filter) (resp *SecurityGroupsResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DescribeSecurityGroups")
+ i, j := 1, 1
+ for _, g := range groups {
+ if g.Id != "" {
+ params["GroupId."+strconv.Itoa(i)] = g.Id
+ i++
+ } else {
+ params["GroupName."+strconv.Itoa(j)] = g.Name
+ j++
+ }
+ }
+ filter.addParams(params)
+ resp = &SecurityGroupsResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+// DeleteSecurityGroup removes the given security group in EC2.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteSecurityGroup(group SecurityGroup) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DeleteSecurityGroup")
+ if group.Id != "" {
+ params["GroupId"] = group.Id
+ } else {
+ params["GroupName"] = group.Name
+ }
+ resp = &SimpleResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+// AuthorizeSecurityGroup creates an allowance for clients matching the provided
+// rules to access instances within the given security group.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) AuthorizeSecurityGroup(group SecurityGroup, perms []IPPerm) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
+ return ec2.authOrRevoke("AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress", group, perms)
+// RevokeSecurityGroup revokes permissions from a group.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) RevokeSecurityGroup(group SecurityGroup, perms []IPPerm) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
+ return ec2.authOrRevoke("RevokeSecurityGroupIngress", group, perms)
+// AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress creates an allowance for instances within the
+// given security group to access servers matching the provided rules.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress(group SecurityGroup, perms []IPPerm) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
+ return ec2.authOrRevoke("AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress", group, perms)
+// RevokeSecurityGroupEgress revokes egress permissions from a group
+// see
+func (ec2 *EC2) RevokeSecurityGroupEgress(group SecurityGroup, perms []IPPerm) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
+ return ec2.authOrRevoke("RevokeSecurityGroupEgress", group, perms)
+func (ec2 *EC2) authOrRevoke(op string, group SecurityGroup, perms []IPPerm) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams(op)
+ if group.Id != "" {
+ params["GroupId"] = group.Id
+ } else {
+ params["GroupName"] = group.Name
+ }
+ for i, perm := range perms {
+ prefix := "IpPermissions." + strconv.Itoa(i+1)
+ params[prefix+".IpProtocol"] = perm.Protocol
+ params[prefix+".FromPort"] = strconv.Itoa(perm.FromPort)
+ params[prefix+".ToPort"] = strconv.Itoa(perm.ToPort)
+ for j, ip := range perm.SourceIPs {
+ params[prefix+".IpRanges."+strconv.Itoa(j+1)+".CidrIp"] = ip
+ }
+ for j, g := range perm.SourceGroups {
+ subprefix := prefix + ".Groups." + strconv.Itoa(j+1)
+ if g.OwnerId != "" {
+ params[subprefix+".UserId"] = g.OwnerId
+ }
+ if g.Id != "" {
+ params[subprefix+".GroupId"] = g.Id
+ } else {
+ params[subprefix+".GroupName"] = g.Name
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ resp = &SimpleResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Elastic IP management functions and types.
+// Response to a DescribeAddresses request.
+// See for more details.
+type DescribeAddressesResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Addresses []Address `xml:"addressesSet>item"`
+// Address represents an Elastic IP Address
+// See for more details
+type Address struct {
+ PublicIp string `xml:"publicIp"`
+ AllocationId string `xml:"allocationId"`
+ Domain string `xml:"domain"`
+ InstanceId string `xml:"instanceId"`
+ AssociationId string `xml:"associationId"`
+ NetworkInterfaceId string `xml:"networkInterfaceId"`
+ NetworkInterfaceOwnerId string `xml:"networkInterfaceOwnerId"`
+ PrivateIpAddress string `xml:"privateIpAddress"`
+// DescribeAddresses returns details about one or more
+// Elastic IP Addresses. Returned addresses can be
+// filtered by Public IP, Allocation ID or multiple filters
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) DescribeAddresses(publicIps []string, allocationIds []string, filter *Filter) (resp *DescribeAddressesResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DescribeAddresses")
+ addParamsList(params, "PublicIp", publicIps)
+ addParamsList(params, "AllocationId", allocationIds)
+ filter.addParams(params)
+ resp = &DescribeAddressesResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// AllocateAddressOptions are request parameters for allocating an Elastic IP Address
+// See
+type AllocateAddressOptions struct {
+ Domain string
+// Response to an AllocateAddress request
+// See for more details
+type AllocateAddressResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ PublicIp string `xml:"publicIp"`
+ Domain string `xml:"domain"`
+ AllocationId string `xml:"allocationId"`
+// Allocates a new Elastic IP address.
+// The domain parameter is optional and is used for provisioning an ip address
+// in EC2 or in VPC respectively
+// See for more details
+func (ec2 *EC2) AllocateAddress(options *AllocateAddressOptions) (resp *AllocateAddressResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("AllocateAddress")
+ params["Domain"] = options.Domain
+ resp = &AllocateAddressResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+// Response to a ReleaseAddress request
+// See for more details
+type ReleaseAddressResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Return bool `xml:"return"`
+// Release existing elastic ip address from the account
+// PublicIp = Required for EC2
+// AllocationId = Required for VPC
+// See for more details
+func (ec2 *EC2) ReleaseAddress(publicIp, allocationId string) (resp *ReleaseAddressResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("ReleaseAddress")
+ if publicIp != "" {
+ params["PublicIp"] = publicIp
+ }
+ if allocationId != "" {
+ params["AllocationId"] = allocationId
+ }
+ resp = &ReleaseAddressResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+// Options set for AssociateAddress
+// See for more details
+type AssociateAddressOptions struct {
+ PublicIp string
+ InstanceId string
+ AllocationId string
+ NetworkInterfaceId string
+ PrivateIpAddress string
+ AllowReassociation bool
+// Response to an AssociateAddress request
+// See for more details
+type AssociateAddressResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Return bool `xml:"return"`
+ AssociationId string `xml:"associationId"`
+// Associate an Elastic ip address to an instance id or a network interface
+// See for more details
+func (ec2 *EC2) AssociateAddress(options *AssociateAddressOptions) (resp *AssociateAddressResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("AssociateAddress")
+ params["InstanceId"] = options.InstanceId
+ if options.PublicIp != "" {
+ params["PublicIp"] = options.PublicIp
+ }
+ if options.AllocationId != "" {
+ params["AllocationId"] = options.AllocationId
+ }
+ if options.NetworkInterfaceId != "" {
+ params["NetworkInterfaceId"] = options.NetworkInterfaceId
+ }
+ if options.PrivateIpAddress != "" {
+ params["PrivateIpAddress"] = options.PrivateIpAddress
+ }
+ if options.AllowReassociation {
+ params["AllowReassociation"] = "true"
+ }
+ resp = &AssociateAddressResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+// Response to a Disassociate Address request
+// See more details
+type DisassociateAddressResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Return bool `xml:"return"`
+// Disassociate an elastic ip address from an instance
+// PublicIp - Required for EC2
+// AssociationId - Required for VPC
+// See for more details
+func (ec2 *EC2) DisassociateAddress(publicIp, associationId string) (resp *DisassociateAddressResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DisassociateAddress")
+ if publicIp != "" {
+ params["PublicIp"] = publicIp
+ }
+ if associationId != "" {
+ params["AssociationId"] = associationId
+ }
+ resp = &DisassociateAddressResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return resp, nil
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ca3a220d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,1280 @@
+package ec2_test
+import (
+ "testing"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ . ""
+func Test(t *testing.T) {
+ TestingT(t)
+var _ = Suite(&S{})
+type S struct {
+ ec2 *ec2.EC2
+var testServer = testutil.NewHTTPServer()
+func (s *S) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
+ testServer.Start()
+ auth := aws.Auth{AccessKey: "abc", SecretKey: "123"}
+ s.ec2 = ec2.NewWithClient(
+ auth,
+ aws.Region{EC2Endpoint: testServer.URL},
+ testutil.DefaultClient,
+ )
+func (s *S) TearDownTest(c *C) {
+ testServer.Flush()
+func (s *S) TestRunInstancesErrorDump(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(400, nil, ErrorDump)
+ options := ec2.RunInstancesOptions{
+ ImageId: "ami-a6f504cf", // Ubuntu Maverick, i386, instance store
+ InstanceType: "t1.micro", // Doesn't work with micro, results in 400.
+ }
+ msg := `AMIs with an instance-store root device are not supported for the instance type 't1\.micro'\.`
+ resp, err := s.ec2.RunInstances(&options)
+ testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(resp, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, msg+` \(UnsupportedOperation\)`)
+ ec2err, ok := err.(*ec2.Error)
+ c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
+ c.Assert(ec2err.StatusCode, Equals, 400)
+ c.Assert(ec2err.Code, Equals, "UnsupportedOperation")
+ c.Assert(ec2err.Message, Matches, msg)
+ c.Assert(ec2err.RequestId, Equals, "0503f4e9-bbd6-483c-b54f-c4ae9f3b30f4")
+func (s *S) TestRequestSpotInstancesErrorDump(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(400, nil, ErrorDump)
+ options := ec2.RequestSpotInstances{
+ SpotPrice: "0.01",
+ ImageId: "ami-a6f504cf", // Ubuntu Maverick, i386, instance store
+ InstanceType: "t1.micro", // Doesn't work with micro, results in 400.
+ }
+ msg := `AMIs with an instance-store root device are not supported for the instance type 't1\.micro'\.`
+ resp, err := s.ec2.RequestSpotInstances(&options)
+ testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(resp, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, msg+` \(UnsupportedOperation\)`)
+ ec2err, ok := err.(*ec2.Error)
+ c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
+ c.Assert(ec2err.StatusCode, Equals, 400)
+ c.Assert(ec2err.Code, Equals, "UnsupportedOperation")
+ c.Assert(ec2err.Message, Matches, msg)
+ c.Assert(ec2err.RequestId, Equals, "0503f4e9-bbd6-483c-b54f-c4ae9f3b30f4")
+func (s *S) TestRunInstancesErrorWithoutXML(c *C) {
+ testServer.Responses(5, 500, nil, "")
+ options := ec2.RunInstancesOptions{ImageId: "image-id"}
+ resp, err := s.ec2.RunInstances(&options)
+ testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(resp, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "500 Internal Server Error")
+ ec2err, ok := err.(*ec2.Error)
+ c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
+ c.Assert(ec2err.StatusCode, Equals, 500)
+ c.Assert(ec2err.Code, Equals, "")
+ c.Assert(ec2err.Message, Equals, "500 Internal Server Error")
+ c.Assert(ec2err.RequestId, Equals, "")
+func (s *S) TestRequestSpotInstancesErrorWithoutXML(c *C) {
+ testServer.Responses(5, 500, nil, "")
+ options := ec2.RequestSpotInstances{SpotPrice: "spot-price", ImageId: "image-id"}
+ resp, err := s.ec2.RequestSpotInstances(&options)
+ testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(resp, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "500 Internal Server Error")
+ ec2err, ok := err.(*ec2.Error)
+ c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
+ c.Assert(ec2err.StatusCode, Equals, 500)
+ c.Assert(ec2err.Code, Equals, "")
+ c.Assert(ec2err.Message, Equals, "500 Internal Server Error")
+ c.Assert(ec2err.RequestId, Equals, "")
+func (s *S) TestRunInstancesExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, RunInstancesExample)
+ options := ec2.RunInstancesOptions{
+ KeyName: "my-keys",
+ ImageId: "image-id",
+ InstanceType: "inst-type",
+ SecurityGroups: []ec2.SecurityGroup{{Name: "g1"}, {Id: "g2"}, {Name: "g3"}, {Id: "g4"}},
+ UserData: []byte("1234"),
+ KernelId: "kernel-id",
+ RamdiskId: "ramdisk-id",
+ AvailabilityZone: "zone",
+ PlacementGroupName: "group",
+ Monitoring: true,
+ SubnetId: "subnet-id",
+ DisableAPITermination: true,
+ ShutdownBehavior: "terminate",
+ PrivateIPAddress: "",
+ BlockDevices: []ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{
+ {DeviceName: "/dev/sdb", VirtualName: "ephemeral0"},
+ {DeviceName: "/dev/sdc", SnapshotId: "snap-a08912c9", DeleteOnTermination: true},
+ },
+ }
+ resp, err := s.ec2.RunInstances(&options)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"RunInstances"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["ImageId"], DeepEquals, []string{"image-id"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["MinCount"], DeepEquals, []string{"1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["MaxCount"], DeepEquals, []string{"1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["KeyName"], DeepEquals, []string{"my-keys"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceType"], DeepEquals, []string{"inst-type"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["SecurityGroup.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"g1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["SecurityGroup.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"g3"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["SecurityGroupId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"g2"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["SecurityGroupId.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"g4"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["UserData"], DeepEquals, []string{"MTIzNA=="})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["KernelId"], DeepEquals, []string{"kernel-id"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["RamdiskId"], DeepEquals, []string{"ramdisk-id"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Placement.AvailabilityZone"], DeepEquals, []string{"zone"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Placement.GroupName"], DeepEquals, []string{"group"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Monitoring.Enabled"], DeepEquals, []string{"true"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["SubnetId"], DeepEquals, []string{"subnet-id"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["DisableApiTermination"], DeepEquals, []string{"true"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior"], DeepEquals, []string{"terminate"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["PrivateIpAddress"], DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["BlockDeviceMapping.1.DeviceName"], DeepEquals, []string{"/dev/sdb"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["BlockDeviceMapping.1.VirtualName"], DeepEquals, []string{"ephemeral0"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["BlockDeviceMapping.2.Ebs.SnapshotId"], DeepEquals, []string{"snap-a08912c9"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["BlockDeviceMapping.2.Ebs.DeleteOnTermination"], DeepEquals, []string{"true"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.ReservationId, Equals, "r-47a5402e")
+ c.Assert(resp.OwnerId, Equals, "999988887777")
+ c.Assert(resp.SecurityGroups, DeepEquals, []ec2.SecurityGroup{{Name: "default", Id: "sg-67ad940e"}})
+ c.Assert(resp.Instances, HasLen, 3)
+ i0 := resp.Instances[0]
+ c.Assert(i0.InstanceId, Equals, "i-2ba64342")
+ c.Assert(i0.InstanceType, Equals, "m1.small")
+ c.Assert(i0.ImageId, Equals, "ami-60a54009")
+ c.Assert(i0.Monitoring, Equals, "enabled")
+ c.Assert(i0.KeyName, Equals, "example-key-name")
+ c.Assert(i0.AMILaunchIndex, Equals, 0)
+ c.Assert(i0.VirtualizationType, Equals, "paravirtual")
+ c.Assert(i0.Hypervisor, Equals, "xen")
+ i1 := resp.Instances[1]
+ c.Assert(i1.InstanceId, Equals, "i-2bc64242")
+ c.Assert(i1.InstanceType, Equals, "m1.small")
+ c.Assert(i1.ImageId, Equals, "ami-60a54009")
+ c.Assert(i1.Monitoring, Equals, "enabled")
+ c.Assert(i1.KeyName, Equals, "example-key-name")
+ c.Assert(i1.AMILaunchIndex, Equals, 1)
+ c.Assert(i1.VirtualizationType, Equals, "paravirtual")
+ c.Assert(i1.Hypervisor, Equals, "xen")
+ i2 := resp.Instances[2]
+ c.Assert(i2.InstanceId, Equals, "i-2be64332")
+ c.Assert(i2.InstanceType, Equals, "m1.small")
+ c.Assert(i2.ImageId, Equals, "ami-60a54009")
+ c.Assert(i2.Monitoring, Equals, "enabled")
+ c.Assert(i2.KeyName, Equals, "example-key-name")
+ c.Assert(i2.AMILaunchIndex, Equals, 2)
+ c.Assert(i2.VirtualizationType, Equals, "paravirtual")
+ c.Assert(i2.Hypervisor, Equals, "xen")
+func (s *S) TestRequestSpotInstancesExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, RequestSpotInstancesExample)
+ options := ec2.RequestSpotInstances{
+ SpotPrice: "0.5",
+ KeyName: "my-keys",
+ ImageId: "image-id",
+ InstanceType: "inst-type",
+ SecurityGroups: []ec2.SecurityGroup{{Name: "g1"}, {Id: "g2"}, {Name: "g3"}, {Id: "g4"}},
+ UserData: []byte("1234"),
+ KernelId: "kernel-id",
+ RamdiskId: "ramdisk-id",
+ AvailZone: "zone",
+ PlacementGroupName: "group",
+ Monitoring: true,
+ SubnetId: "subnet-id",
+ PrivateIPAddress: "",
+ BlockDevices: []ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{
+ {DeviceName: "/dev/sdb", VirtualName: "ephemeral0"},
+ {DeviceName: "/dev/sdc", SnapshotId: "snap-a08912c9", DeleteOnTermination: true},
+ },
+ }
+ resp, err := s.ec2.RequestSpotInstances(&options)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"RequestSpotInstances"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["SpotPrice"], DeepEquals, []string{"0.5"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.ImageId"], DeepEquals, []string{"image-id"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.KeyName"], DeepEquals, []string{"my-keys"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.InstanceType"], DeepEquals, []string{"inst-type"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.SecurityGroup.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"g1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.SecurityGroup.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"g3"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.SecurityGroupId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"g2"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.SecurityGroupId.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"g4"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.UserData"], DeepEquals, []string{"MTIzNA=="})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.KernelId"], DeepEquals, []string{"kernel-id"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.RamdiskId"], DeepEquals, []string{"ramdisk-id"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.Placement.AvailabilityZone"], DeepEquals, []string{"zone"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.Placement.GroupName"], DeepEquals, []string{"group"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.Monitoring.Enabled"], DeepEquals, []string{"true"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.SubnetId"], DeepEquals, []string{"subnet-id"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.PrivateIpAddress"], DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.BlockDeviceMapping.1.DeviceName"], DeepEquals, []string{"/dev/sdb"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.BlockDeviceMapping.1.VirtualName"], DeepEquals, []string{"ephemeral0"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.BlockDeviceMapping.2.Ebs.SnapshotId"], DeepEquals, []string{"snap-a08912c9"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchSpecification.BlockDeviceMapping.2.Ebs.DeleteOnTermination"], DeepEquals, []string{"true"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.SpotRequestResults[0].SpotRequestId, Equals, "sir-1a2b3c4d")
+ c.Assert(resp.SpotRequestResults[0].SpotPrice, Equals, "0.5")
+ c.Assert(resp.SpotRequestResults[0].State, Equals, "open")
+ c.Assert(resp.SpotRequestResults[0].SpotLaunchSpec.ImageId, Equals, "ami-1a2b3c4d")
+func (s *S) TestCancelSpotRequestsExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, CancelSpotRequestsExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.CancelSpotRequests([]string{"s-1", "s-2"})
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"CancelSpotInstanceRequests"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["SpotInstanceRequestId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"s-1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["SpotInstanceRequestId.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"s-2"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.CancelSpotRequestResults[0].SpotRequestId, Equals, "sir-1a2b3c4d")
+ c.Assert(resp.CancelSpotRequestResults[0].State, Equals, "cancelled")
+func (s *S) TestTerminateInstancesExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, TerminateInstancesExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.TerminateInstances([]string{"i-1", "i-2"})
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"TerminateInstances"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"i-1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceId.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"i-2"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["UserData"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["KernelId"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["RamdiskId"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Placement.AvailabilityZone"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Placement.GroupName"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Monitoring.Enabled"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["SubnetId"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["DisableApiTermination"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["PrivateIpAddress"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.StateChanges, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(resp.StateChanges[0].InstanceId, Equals, "i-3ea74257")
+ c.Assert(resp.StateChanges[0].CurrentState.Code, Equals, 32)
+ c.Assert(resp.StateChanges[0].CurrentState.Name, Equals, "shutting-down")
+ c.Assert(resp.StateChanges[0].PreviousState.Code, Equals, 16)
+ c.Assert(resp.StateChanges[0].PreviousState.Name, Equals, "running")
+func (s *S) TestDescribeSpotRequestsExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DescribeSpotRequestsExample)
+ filter := ec2.NewFilter()
+ filter.Add("key1", "value1")
+ filter.Add("key2", "value2", "value3")
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DescribeSpotRequests([]string{"s-1", "s-2"}, filter)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DescribeSpotInstanceRequests"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["SpotInstanceRequestId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"s-1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["SpotInstanceRequestId.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"s-2"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "b1719f2a-5334-4479-b2f1-26926EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.SpotRequestResults[0].SpotRequestId, Equals, "sir-1a2b3c4d")
+ c.Assert(resp.SpotRequestResults[0].State, Equals, "active")
+ c.Assert(resp.SpotRequestResults[0].SpotPrice, Equals, "0.5")
+ c.Assert(resp.SpotRequestResults[0].SpotLaunchSpec.ImageId, Equals, "ami-1a2b3c4d")
+func (s *S) TestDescribeInstancesExample1(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DescribeInstancesExample1)
+ filter := ec2.NewFilter()
+ filter.Add("key1", "value1")
+ filter.Add("key2", "value2", "value3")
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DescribeInstances([]string{"i-1", "i-2"}, nil)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DescribeInstances"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"i-1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceId.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"i-2"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "98e3c9a4-848c-4d6d-8e8a-b1bdEXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.Reservations, HasLen, 2)
+ r0 := resp.Reservations[0]
+ c.Assert(r0.ReservationId, Equals, "r-b27e30d9")
+ c.Assert(r0.OwnerId, Equals, "999988887777")
+ c.Assert(r0.RequesterId, Equals, "854251627541")
+ c.Assert(r0.SecurityGroups, DeepEquals, []ec2.SecurityGroup{{Name: "default", Id: "sg-67ad940e"}})
+ c.Assert(r0.Instances, HasLen, 1)
+ r0i := r0.Instances[0]
+ c.Assert(r0i.InstanceId, Equals, "i-c5cd56af")
+ c.Assert(r0i.PrivateDNSName, Equals, "domU-12-31-39-10-56-34.compute-1.internal")
+ c.Assert(r0i.DNSName, Equals, "")
+ c.Assert(r0i.AvailabilityZone, Equals, "us-east-1b")
+ c.Assert(r0i.IPAddress, Equals, "")
+ c.Assert(r0i.PrivateIPAddress, Equals, "")
+func (s *S) TestDescribeInstancesExample2(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DescribeInstancesExample2)
+ filter := ec2.NewFilter()
+ filter.Add("key1", "value1")
+ filter.Add("key2", "value2", "value3")
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DescribeInstances([]string{"i-1", "i-2"}, filter)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DescribeInstances"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"i-1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceId.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"i-2"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.1.Name"], DeepEquals, []string{"key1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.1.Value.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"value1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.1.Value.2"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.2.Name"], DeepEquals, []string{"key2"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.2.Value.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"value2"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.2.Value.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"value3"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.Reservations, HasLen, 1)
+ r0 := resp.Reservations[0]
+ r0i := r0.Instances[0]
+ c.Assert(r0i.State.Code, Equals, 16)
+ c.Assert(r0i.State.Name, Equals, "running")
+ r0t0 := r0i.Tags[0]
+ r0t1 := r0i.Tags[1]
+ c.Assert(r0t0.Key, Equals, "webserver")
+ c.Assert(r0t0.Value, Equals, "")
+ c.Assert(r0t1.Key, Equals, "stack")
+ c.Assert(r0t1.Value, Equals, "Production")
+func (s *S) TestDescribeInstanceStatusExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DescribeInstanceStatusExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DescribeInstanceStatus(&ec2.DescribeInstanceStatusOptions{}, nil)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DescribeInstanceStatus"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.InstanceStatusSet, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(resp.NextToken, Equals, "exampleToken")
+ i0 := resp.InstanceStatusSet[0]
+ c.Assert(i0.InstanceId, Equals, "i-c7cd56ad")
+ c.Assert(i0.AvailabilityZone, Equals, "us-east-1b")
+ c.Assert(i0.Events, HasLen, 1)
+ e0 := i0.Events[0]
+ c.Assert(e0.Code, Equals, "instance-reboot")
+ c.Assert(e0.Description, Equals, "example description")
+ c.Assert(e0.NotBefore, Equals, "2010-08-17T01:15:18.000Z")
+ c.Assert(e0.NotAfter, Equals, "2010-08-17T01:15:18.000Z")
+ c.Assert(i0.InstanceState.Code, Equals, 16)
+ c.Assert(i0.InstanceState.Name, Equals, "running")
+ c.Assert(i0.SystemStatus.Status, Equals, "ok")
+ c.Assert(i0.SystemStatus.Details.Name, Equals, "reachability")
+ c.Assert(i0.SystemStatus.Details.Status, Equals, "passed")
+ c.Assert(i0.SystemStatus.Details.ImpairedSince, Equals, "2010-08-17T01:15:18.000Z")
+ c.Assert(i0.InstanceStatus.Status, Equals, "ok")
+ c.Assert(i0.InstanceStatus.Details.Name, Equals, "reachability")
+ c.Assert(i0.InstanceStatus.Details.Status, Equals, "passed")
+ c.Assert(i0.InstanceStatus.Details.ImpairedSince, Equals, "2010-08-17T01:15:18.000Z")
+func (s *S) TestDescribeAddressesPublicIPExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DescribeAddressesExample)
+ filter := ec2.NewFilter()
+ filter.Add("key1", "value1")
+ filter.Add("key2", "value2", "value3")
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DescribeAddresses([]string{"", "", ""}, []string{}, nil)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DescribeAddresses"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["PublicIp.1"], DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["PublicIp.2"], DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["PublicIp.3"], DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.Addresses, HasLen, 3)
+ r0 := resp.Addresses[0]
+ c.Assert(r0.PublicIp, Equals, "")
+ c.Assert(r0.Domain, Equals, "standard")
+ c.Assert(r0.InstanceId, Equals, "i-f15ebb98")
+ r0i := resp.Addresses[1]
+ c.Assert(r0i.PublicIp, Equals, "")
+ c.Assert(r0i.Domain, Equals, "standard")
+ c.Assert(r0i.InstanceId, Equals, "")
+ r0ii := resp.Addresses[2]
+ c.Assert(r0ii.PublicIp, Equals, "")
+ c.Assert(r0ii.Domain, Equals, "vpc")
+ c.Assert(r0ii.InstanceId, Equals, "i-64600030")
+ c.Assert(r0ii.AssociationId, Equals, "eipassoc-f0229899")
+ c.Assert(r0ii.AllocationId, Equals, "eipalloc-08229861")
+ c.Assert(r0ii.NetworkInterfaceOwnerId, Equals, "053230519467")
+ c.Assert(r0ii.NetworkInterfaceId, Equals, "eni-ef229886")
+ c.Assert(r0ii.PrivateIpAddress, Equals, "")
+func (s *S) TestDescribeAddressesAllocationIDExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DescribeAddressesAllocationIdExample)
+ filter := ec2.NewFilter()
+ filter.Add("key1", "value1")
+ filter.Add("key2", "value2", "value3")
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DescribeAddresses([]string{}, []string{"eipalloc-08229861", "eipalloc-08364752"}, nil)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DescribeAddresses"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["AllocationId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"eipalloc-08229861"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["AllocationId.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"eipalloc-08364752"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.Addresses, HasLen, 2)
+ r0 := resp.Addresses[0]
+ c.Assert(r0.PublicIp, Equals, "")
+ c.Assert(r0.AllocationId, Equals, "eipalloc-08229861")
+ c.Assert(r0.Domain, Equals, "vpc")
+ c.Assert(r0.InstanceId, Equals, "i-64600030")
+ c.Assert(r0.AssociationId, Equals, "eipassoc-f0229899")
+ c.Assert(r0.NetworkInterfaceId, Equals, "eni-ef229886")
+ c.Assert(r0.NetworkInterfaceOwnerId, Equals, "053230519467")
+ c.Assert(r0.PrivateIpAddress, Equals, "")
+ r1 := resp.Addresses[1]
+ c.Assert(r1.PublicIp, Equals, "")
+ c.Assert(r1.AllocationId, Equals, "eipalloc-08364752")
+ c.Assert(r1.Domain, Equals, "vpc")
+ c.Assert(r1.InstanceId, Equals, "i-64693456")
+ c.Assert(r1.AssociationId, Equals, "eipassoc-f0348693")
+ c.Assert(r1.NetworkInterfaceId, Equals, "eni-da764039")
+ c.Assert(r1.NetworkInterfaceOwnerId, Equals, "053230519467")
+ c.Assert(r1.PrivateIpAddress, Equals, "")
+func (s *S) TestCreateImageExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, CreateImageExample)
+ options := &ec2.CreateImage{
+ InstanceId: "i-123456",
+ Name: "foo",
+ Description: "Test CreateImage",
+ NoReboot: true,
+ BlockDevices: []ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{
+ {DeviceName: "/dev/sdb", VirtualName: "ephemeral0"},
+ {DeviceName: "/dev/sdc", SnapshotId: "snap-a08912c9", DeleteOnTermination: true},
+ },
+ }
+ resp, err := s.ec2.CreateImage(options)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"CreateImage"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceId"], DeepEquals, []string{options.InstanceId})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Name"], DeepEquals, []string{options.Name})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Description"], DeepEquals, []string{options.Description})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["NoReboot"], DeepEquals, []string{"true"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["BlockDeviceMapping.1.DeviceName"], DeepEquals, []string{"/dev/sdb"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["BlockDeviceMapping.1.VirtualName"], DeepEquals, []string{"ephemeral0"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["BlockDeviceMapping.2.DeviceName"], DeepEquals, []string{"/dev/sdc"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["BlockDeviceMapping.2.Ebs.SnapshotId"], DeepEquals, []string{"snap-a08912c9"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["BlockDeviceMapping.2.Ebs.DeleteOnTermination"], DeepEquals, []string{"true"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.ImageId, Equals, "ami-4fa54026")
+func (s *S) TestDescribeImagesExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DescribeImagesExample)
+ filter := ec2.NewFilter()
+ filter.Add("key1", "value1")
+ filter.Add("key2", "value2", "value3")
+ resp, err := s.ec2.Images([]string{"ami-1", "ami-2"}, filter)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DescribeImages"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["ImageId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"ami-1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["ImageId.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"ami-2"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.1.Name"], DeepEquals, []string{"key1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.1.Value.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"value1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.1.Value.2"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.2.Name"], DeepEquals, []string{"key2"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.2.Value.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"value2"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.2.Value.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"value3"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "4a4a27a2-2e7c-475d-b35b-ca822EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.Images, HasLen, 1)
+ i0 := resp.Images[0]
+ c.Assert(i0.Id, Equals, "ami-a2469acf")
+ c.Assert(i0.Type, Equals, "machine")
+ c.Assert(i0.Name, Equals, "example-marketplace-amzn-ami.1")
+ c.Assert(i0.Description, Equals, "Amazon Linux AMI i386 EBS")
+ c.Assert(i0.Location, Equals, "aws-marketplace/example-marketplace-amzn-ami.1")
+ c.Assert(i0.State, Equals, "available")
+ c.Assert(i0.Public, Equals, true)
+ c.Assert(i0.OwnerId, Equals, "123456789999")
+ c.Assert(i0.OwnerAlias, Equals, "aws-marketplace")
+ c.Assert(i0.Architecture, Equals, "i386")
+ c.Assert(i0.KernelId, Equals, "aki-805ea7e9")
+ c.Assert(i0.RootDeviceType, Equals, "ebs")
+ c.Assert(i0.RootDeviceName, Equals, "/dev/sda1")
+ c.Assert(i0.VirtualizationType, Equals, "paravirtual")
+ c.Assert(i0.Hypervisor, Equals, "xen")
+ c.Assert(i0.Tags, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(i0.Tags[0].Key, Equals, "Purpose")
+ c.Assert(i0.Tags[0].Value, Equals, "EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(i0.BlockDevices, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(i0.BlockDevices[0].DeviceName, Equals, "/dev/sda1")
+ c.Assert(i0.BlockDevices[0].SnapshotId, Equals, "snap-787e9403")
+ c.Assert(i0.BlockDevices[0].VolumeSize, Equals, int64(8))
+ c.Assert(i0.BlockDevices[0].DeleteOnTermination, Equals, true)
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DescribeImagesExample)
+ resp2, err := s.ec2.ImagesByOwners([]string{"ami-1", "ami-2"}, []string{"123456789999", "id2"}, filter)
+ req2 := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req2.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DescribeImages"})
+ c.Assert(req2.Form["ImageId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"ami-1"})
+ c.Assert(req2.Form["ImageId.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"ami-2"})
+ c.Assert(req2.Form["Owner.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"123456789999"})
+ c.Assert(req2.Form["Owner.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"id2"})
+ c.Assert(req2.Form["Filter.1.Name"], DeepEquals, []string{"key1"})
+ c.Assert(req2.Form["Filter.1.Value.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"value1"})
+ c.Assert(req2.Form["Filter.1.Value.2"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req2.Form["Filter.2.Name"], DeepEquals, []string{"key2"})
+ c.Assert(req2.Form["Filter.2.Value.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"value2"})
+ c.Assert(req2.Form["Filter.2.Value.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"value3"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp2.RequestId, Equals, "4a4a27a2-2e7c-475d-b35b-ca822EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp2.Images, HasLen, 1)
+ i1 := resp2.Images[0]
+ c.Assert(i1.Id, Equals, "ami-a2469acf")
+ c.Assert(i1.Type, Equals, "machine")
+ c.Assert(i1.Name, Equals, "example-marketplace-amzn-ami.1")
+ c.Assert(i1.Description, Equals, "Amazon Linux AMI i386 EBS")
+ c.Assert(i1.Location, Equals, "aws-marketplace/example-marketplace-amzn-ami.1")
+ c.Assert(i1.State, Equals, "available")
+ c.Assert(i1.Public, Equals, true)
+ c.Assert(i1.OwnerId, Equals, "123456789999")
+ c.Assert(i1.OwnerAlias, Equals, "aws-marketplace")
+ c.Assert(i1.Architecture, Equals, "i386")
+ c.Assert(i1.KernelId, Equals, "aki-805ea7e9")
+ c.Assert(i1.RootDeviceType, Equals, "ebs")
+ c.Assert(i1.RootDeviceName, Equals, "/dev/sda1")
+ c.Assert(i1.VirtualizationType, Equals, "paravirtual")
+ c.Assert(i1.Hypervisor, Equals, "xen")
+ c.Assert(i1.BlockDevices, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(i1.BlockDevices[0].DeviceName, Equals, "/dev/sda1")
+ c.Assert(i1.BlockDevices[0].SnapshotId, Equals, "snap-787e9403")
+ c.Assert(i1.BlockDevices[0].VolumeSize, Equals, int64(8))
+ c.Assert(i1.BlockDevices[0].DeleteOnTermination, Equals, true)
+func (s *S) TestImageAttributeExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, ImageAttributeExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.ImageAttribute("ami-61a54008", "launchPermission")
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DescribeImageAttribute"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.ImageId, Equals, "ami-61a54008")
+ c.Assert(resp.Group, Equals, "all")
+ c.Assert(resp.UserIds[0], Equals, "495219933132")
+func (s *S) TestCreateSnapshotExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, CreateSnapshotExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.CreateSnapshot("vol-4d826724", "Daily Backup")
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"CreateSnapshot"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["VolumeId"], DeepEquals, []string{"vol-4d826724"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Description"], DeepEquals, []string{"Daily Backup"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.Snapshot.Id, Equals, "snap-78a54011")
+ c.Assert(resp.Snapshot.VolumeId, Equals, "vol-4d826724")
+ c.Assert(resp.Snapshot.Status, Equals, "pending")
+ c.Assert(resp.Snapshot.StartTime, Equals, "2008-05-07T12:51:50.000Z")
+ c.Assert(resp.Snapshot.Progress, Equals, "60%")
+ c.Assert(resp.Snapshot.OwnerId, Equals, "111122223333")
+ c.Assert(resp.Snapshot.VolumeSize, Equals, "10")
+ c.Assert(resp.Snapshot.Description, Equals, "Daily Backup")
+func (s *S) TestDeleteSnapshotsExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DeleteSnapshotExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DeleteSnapshots([]string{"snap-78a54011"})
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DeleteSnapshot"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["SnapshotId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"snap-78a54011"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+func (s *S) TestDescribeSnapshotsExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DescribeSnapshotsExample)
+ filter := ec2.NewFilter()
+ filter.Add("key1", "value1")
+ filter.Add("key2", "value2", "value3")
+ resp, err := s.ec2.Snapshots([]string{"snap-1", "snap-2"}, filter)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DescribeSnapshots"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["SnapshotId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"snap-1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["SnapshotId.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"snap-2"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.1.Name"], DeepEquals, []string{"key1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.1.Value.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"value1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.1.Value.2"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.2.Name"], DeepEquals, []string{"key2"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.2.Value.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"value2"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.2.Value.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"value3"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.Snapshots, HasLen, 1)
+ s0 := resp.Snapshots[0]
+ c.Assert(s0.Id, Equals, "snap-1a2b3c4d")
+ c.Assert(s0.VolumeId, Equals, "vol-8875daef")
+ c.Assert(s0.VolumeSize, Equals, "15")
+ c.Assert(s0.Status, Equals, "pending")
+ c.Assert(s0.StartTime, Equals, "2010-07-29T04:12:01.000Z")
+ c.Assert(s0.Progress, Equals, "30%")
+ c.Assert(s0.OwnerId, Equals, "111122223333")
+ c.Assert(s0.Description, Equals, "Daily Backup")
+ c.Assert(s0.Tags, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(s0.Tags[0].Key, Equals, "Purpose")
+ c.Assert(s0.Tags[0].Value, Equals, "demo_db_14_backup")
+func (s *S) TestModifyImageAttributeExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, ModifyImageAttributeExample)
+ options := ec2.ModifyImageAttribute{
+ Description: "Test Description",
+ }
+ resp, err := s.ec2.ModifyImageAttribute("ami-4fa54026", &options)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"ModifyImageAttribute"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+func (s *S) TestModifyImageAttributeExample_complex(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, ModifyImageAttributeExample)
+ options := ec2.ModifyImageAttribute{
+ AddUsers: []string{"u1", "u2"},
+ RemoveUsers: []string{"u3"},
+ AddGroups: []string{"g1", "g3"},
+ RemoveGroups: []string{"g2"},
+ Description: "Test Description",
+ }
+ resp, err := s.ec2.ModifyImageAttribute("ami-4fa54026", &options)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"ModifyImageAttribute"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchPermission.Add.1.UserId"], DeepEquals, []string{"u1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchPermission.Add.2.UserId"], DeepEquals, []string{"u2"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchPermission.Remove.1.UserId"], DeepEquals, []string{"u3"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchPermission.Add.1.Group"], DeepEquals, []string{"g1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchPermission.Add.2.Group"], DeepEquals, []string{"g3"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["LaunchPermission.Remove.1.Group"], DeepEquals, []string{"g2"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+func (s *S) TestCopyImageExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, CopyImageExample)
+ options := ec2.CopyImage{
+ SourceRegion: "us-west-2",
+ SourceImageId: "ami-1a2b3c4d",
+ Description: "Test Description",
+ }
+ resp, err := s.ec2.CopyImage(&options)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"CopyImage"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "60bc441d-fa2c-494d-b155-5d6a3EXAMPLE")
+func (s *S) TestCreateKeyPairExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, CreateKeyPairExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.CreateKeyPair("foo")
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"CreateKeyPair"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["KeyName"], DeepEquals, []string{"foo"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.KeyName, Equals, "foo")
+ c.Assert(resp.KeyFingerprint, Equals, "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00")
+func (s *S) TestDeleteKeyPairExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DeleteKeyPairExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DeleteKeyPair("foo")
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DeleteKeyPair"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["KeyName"], DeepEquals, []string{"foo"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+func (s *S) TestCreateSecurityGroupExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, CreateSecurityGroupExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.CreateSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: "websrv", Description: "Web Servers"})
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"CreateSecurityGroup"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["GroupName"], DeepEquals, []string{"websrv"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["GroupDescription"], DeepEquals, []string{"Web Servers"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.Name, Equals, "websrv")
+ c.Assert(resp.Id, Equals, "sg-67ad940e")
+func (s *S) TestDescribeSecurityGroupsExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DescribeSecurityGroupsExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.SecurityGroups([]ec2.SecurityGroup{{Name: "WebServers"}, {Name: "RangedPortsBySource"}}, nil)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DescribeSecurityGroups"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["GroupName.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"WebServers"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["GroupName.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"RangedPortsBySource"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.Groups, HasLen, 2)
+ g0 := resp.Groups[0]
+ c.Assert(g0.OwnerId, Equals, "999988887777")
+ c.Assert(g0.Name, Equals, "WebServers")
+ c.Assert(g0.Id, Equals, "sg-67ad940e")
+ c.Assert(g0.Description, Equals, "Web Servers")
+ c.Assert(g0.IPPerms, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(g0.IPPermsEgress, HasLen, 1)
+ g0ipp := g0.IPPerms[0]
+ c.Assert(g0ipp.Protocol, Equals, "tcp")
+ c.Assert(g0ipp.FromPort, Equals, 80)
+ c.Assert(g0ipp.ToPort, Equals, 80)
+ c.Assert(g0ipp.SourceIPs, DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ g0ippe := g0.IPPermsEgress[0]
+ c.Assert(g0ippe.Protocol, Equals, "tcp")
+ c.Assert(g0ippe.FromPort, Equals, 80)
+ c.Assert(g0ippe.ToPort, Equals, 80)
+ c.Assert(g0ippe.SourceIPs, DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ g1 := resp.Groups[1]
+ c.Assert(g1.OwnerId, Equals, "999988887777")
+ c.Assert(g1.Name, Equals, "RangedPortsBySource")
+ c.Assert(g1.Id, Equals, "sg-76abc467")
+ c.Assert(g1.Description, Equals, "Group A")
+ c.Assert(g1.IPPerms, HasLen, 1)
+ g1ipp := g1.IPPerms[0]
+ c.Assert(g1ipp.Protocol, Equals, "tcp")
+ c.Assert(g1ipp.FromPort, Equals, 6000)
+ c.Assert(g1ipp.ToPort, Equals, 7000)
+ c.Assert(g1ipp.SourceIPs, IsNil)
+func (s *S) TestDescribeSecurityGroupsExampleWithFilter(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DescribeSecurityGroupsExample)
+ filter := ec2.NewFilter()
+ filter.Add("ip-permission.protocol", "tcp")
+ filter.Add("ip-permission.from-port", "22")
+ filter.Add("", "22")
+ filter.Add("", "app_server_group", "database_group")
+ _, err := s.ec2.SecurityGroups(nil, filter)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DescribeSecurityGroups"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.1.Name"], DeepEquals, []string{"ip-permission.from-port"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.1.Value.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"22"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.2.Name"], DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.2.Value.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"app_server_group"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.2.Value.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"database_group"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.3.Name"], DeepEquals, []string{"ip-permission.protocol"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.3.Value.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"tcp"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.4.Name"], DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.4.Value.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"22"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+func (s *S) TestDescribeSecurityGroupsDumpWithGroup(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DescribeSecurityGroupsDump)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.SecurityGroups(nil, nil)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DescribeSecurityGroups"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Check(resp.Groups, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Check(resp.Groups[0].IPPerms, HasLen, 2)
+ ipp0 := resp.Groups[0].IPPerms[0]
+ c.Assert(ipp0.SourceIPs, IsNil)
+ c.Check(ipp0.Protocol, Equals, "icmp")
+ c.Assert(ipp0.SourceGroups, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Check(ipp0.SourceGroups[0].OwnerId, Equals, "12345")
+ c.Check(ipp0.SourceGroups[0].Name, Equals, "default")
+ c.Check(ipp0.SourceGroups[0].Id, Equals, "sg-67ad940e")
+ ipp1 := resp.Groups[0].IPPerms[1]
+ c.Check(ipp1.Protocol, Equals, "tcp")
+ c.Assert(ipp0.SourceIPs, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(ipp0.SourceGroups, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Check(ipp1.SourceGroups[0].Id, Equals, "sg-76abc467")
+ c.Check(ipp1.SourceGroups[0].OwnerId, Equals, "12345")
+ c.Check(ipp1.SourceGroups[0].Name, Equals, "other")
+func (s *S) TestDeleteSecurityGroupExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DeleteSecurityGroupExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DeleteSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: "websrv"})
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DeleteSecurityGroup"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["GroupName"], DeepEquals, []string{"websrv"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["GroupId"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+func (s *S) TestDeleteSecurityGroupExampleWithId(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DeleteSecurityGroupExample)
+ // ignore return and error - we're only want to check the parameter handling.
+ s.ec2.DeleteSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Id: "sg-67ad940e", Name: "ignored"})
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["GroupName"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["GroupId"], DeepEquals, []string{"sg-67ad940e"})
+func (s *S) TestAuthorizeSecurityGroupExample1(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressExample)
+ perms := []ec2.IPPerm{{
+ Protocol: "tcp",
+ FromPort: 80,
+ ToPort: 80,
+ SourceIPs: []string{"", ""},
+ }}
+ resp, err := s.ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: "websrv"}, perms)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["GroupName"], DeepEquals, []string{"websrv"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["IpPermissions.1.IpProtocol"], DeepEquals, []string{"tcp"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["IpPermissions.1.FromPort"], DeepEquals, []string{"80"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["IpPermissions.1.ToPort"], DeepEquals, []string{"80"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["IpPermissions.1.IpRanges.1.CidrIp"], DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["IpPermissions.1.IpRanges.2.CidrIp"], DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+func (s *S) TestAuthorizeSecurityGroupExample1WithId(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressExample)
+ perms := []ec2.IPPerm{{
+ Protocol: "tcp",
+ FromPort: 80,
+ ToPort: 80,
+ SourceIPs: []string{"", ""},
+ }}
+ // ignore return and error - we're only want to check the parameter handling.
+ s.ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Id: "sg-67ad940e", Name: "ignored"}, perms)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["GroupName"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["GroupId"], DeepEquals, []string{"sg-67ad940e"})
+func (s *S) TestAuthorizeSecurityGroupExample2(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressExample)
+ perms := []ec2.IPPerm{{
+ Protocol: "tcp",
+ FromPort: 80,
+ ToPort: 81,
+ SourceGroups: []ec2.UserSecurityGroup{
+ {OwnerId: "999988887777", Name: "OtherAccountGroup"},
+ {Id: "sg-67ad940e"},
+ },
+ }}
+ resp, err := s.ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: "websrv"}, perms)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["GroupName"], DeepEquals, []string{"websrv"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["IpPermissions.1.IpProtocol"], DeepEquals, []string{"tcp"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["IpPermissions.1.FromPort"], DeepEquals, []string{"80"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["IpPermissions.1.ToPort"], DeepEquals, []string{"81"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["IpPermissions.1.Groups.1.UserId"], DeepEquals, []string{"999988887777"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["IpPermissions.1.Groups.1.GroupName"], DeepEquals, []string{"OtherAccountGroup"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["IpPermissions.1.Groups.2.UserId"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["IpPermissions.1.Groups.2.GroupName"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["IpPermissions.1.Groups.2.GroupId"], DeepEquals, []string{"sg-67ad940e"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+func (s *S) TestRevokeSecurityGroupExample(c *C) {
+ // RevokeSecurityGroup is implemented by the same code as AuthorizeSecurityGroup
+ // so there's no need to duplicate all the tests.
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, RevokeSecurityGroupIngressExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.RevokeSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: "websrv"}, nil)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"RevokeSecurityGroupIngress"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["GroupName"], DeepEquals, []string{"websrv"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+func (s *S) TestCreateTags(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, CreateTagsExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.CreateTags([]string{"ami-1a2b3c4d", "i-7f4d3a2b"}, []ec2.Tag{{"webserver", ""}, {"stack", "Production"}})
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["ResourceId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"ami-1a2b3c4d"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["ResourceId.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"i-7f4d3a2b"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Tag.1.Key"], DeepEquals, []string{"webserver"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Tag.1.Value"], DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Tag.2.Key"], DeepEquals, []string{"stack"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Tag.2.Value"], DeepEquals, []string{"Production"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+func (s *S) TestStartInstances(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, StartInstancesExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.StartInstances("i-10a64379")
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"StartInstances"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"i-10a64379"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ s0 := resp.StateChanges[0]
+ c.Assert(s0.InstanceId, Equals, "i-10a64379")
+ c.Assert(s0.CurrentState.Code, Equals, 0)
+ c.Assert(s0.CurrentState.Name, Equals, "pending")
+ c.Assert(s0.PreviousState.Code, Equals, 80)
+ c.Assert(s0.PreviousState.Name, Equals, "stopped")
+func (s *S) TestStopInstances(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, StopInstancesExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.StopInstances("i-10a64379")
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"StopInstances"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"i-10a64379"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ s0 := resp.StateChanges[0]
+ c.Assert(s0.InstanceId, Equals, "i-10a64379")
+ c.Assert(s0.CurrentState.Code, Equals, 64)
+ c.Assert(s0.CurrentState.Name, Equals, "stopping")
+ c.Assert(s0.PreviousState.Code, Equals, 16)
+ c.Assert(s0.PreviousState.Name, Equals, "running")
+func (s *S) TestRebootInstances(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, RebootInstancesExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.RebootInstances("i-10a64379")
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"RebootInstances"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"i-10a64379"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+func (s *S) TestSignatureWithEndpointPath(c *C) {
+ ec2.FakeTime(true)
+ defer ec2.FakeTime(false)
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, RebootInstancesExample)
+ //
+ ec2 := ec2.NewWithClient(s.ec2.Auth, aws.Region{EC2Endpoint: testServer.URL + "/services/Cloud"}, testutil.DefaultClient)
+ _, err := ec2.RebootInstances("i-10a64379")
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Signature"], DeepEquals, []string{"VVoC6Y6xfES+KvZo+789thP8+tye4F6fOKBiKmXk4S4="})
+func (s *S) TestAllocateAddressExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, AllocateAddressExample)
+ options := &ec2.AllocateAddressOptions{
+ Domain: "vpc",
+ }
+ resp, err := s.ec2.AllocateAddress(options)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"AllocateAddress"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Domain"], DeepEquals, []string{"vpc"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.PublicIp, Equals, "")
+ c.Assert(resp.Domain, Equals, "vpc")
+ c.Assert(resp.AllocationId, Equals, "eipalloc-5723d13e")
+func (s *S) TestReleaseAddressExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, ReleaseAddressExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.ReleaseAddress("", "eipalloc-5723d13e")
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"ReleaseAddress"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["PublicIp"], DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["AllocationId"], DeepEquals, []string{"eipalloc-5723d13e"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.Return, Equals, true)
+func (s *S) TestAssociateAddressExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, AssociateAddressExample)
+ options := &ec2.AssociateAddressOptions{
+ PublicIp: "",
+ InstanceId: "i-4fd2431a",
+ AllocationId: "eipalloc-5723d13e",
+ AllowReassociation: true,
+ }
+ resp, err := s.ec2.AssociateAddress(options)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"AssociateAddress"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["PublicIp"], DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceId"], DeepEquals, []string{"i-4fd2431a"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["AllocationId"], DeepEquals, []string{"eipalloc-5723d13e"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["AllowReassociation"], DeepEquals, []string{"true"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.AssociationId, Equals, "eipassoc-fc5ca095")
+ c.Assert(resp.Return, Equals, true)
+func (s *S) TestDisassociateAddressExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DisassociateAddressExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DisassociateAddress("", "eipassoc-aa7486c3")
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DisassociateAddress"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["PublicIp"], DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["AssociationId"], DeepEquals, []string{"eipassoc-aa7486c3"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.Return, Equals, true)
+func (s *S) TestModifyInstance(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, ModifyInstanceExample)
+ options := ec2.ModifyInstance{
+ InstanceType: "m1.small",
+ DisableAPITermination: true,
+ EbsOptimized: true,
+ SecurityGroups: []ec2.SecurityGroup{{Id: "g1"}, {Id: "g2"}},
+ ShutdownBehavior: "terminate",
+ KernelId: "kernel-id",
+ RamdiskId: "ramdisk-id",
+ SourceDestCheck: true,
+ SriovNetSupport: true,
+ UserData: []byte("1234"),
+ BlockDevices: []ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{
+ {DeviceName: "/dev/sda1", SnapshotId: "snap-a08912c9", DeleteOnTermination: true},
+ },
+ }
+ resp, err := s.ec2.ModifyInstance("i-2ba64342", &options)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"ModifyInstanceAttribute"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceId"], DeepEquals, []string{"i-2ba64342"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceType.Value"], DeepEquals, []string{"m1.small"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["BlockDeviceMapping.1.DeviceName"], DeepEquals, []string{"/dev/sda1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["BlockDeviceMapping.1.Ebs.SnapshotId"], DeepEquals, []string{"snap-a08912c9"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["BlockDeviceMapping.1.Ebs.DeleteOnTermination"], DeepEquals, []string{"true"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["DisableApiTermination.Value"], DeepEquals, []string{"true"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["EbsOptimized"], DeepEquals, []string{"true"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["GroupId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"g1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["GroupId.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"g2"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior.Value"], DeepEquals, []string{"terminate"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Kernel.Value"], DeepEquals, []string{"kernel-id"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Ramdisk.Value"], DeepEquals, []string{"ramdisk-id"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["SourceDestCheck.Value"], DeepEquals, []string{"true"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["SriovNetSupport.Value"], DeepEquals, []string{"simple"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["UserData"], DeepEquals, []string{"MTIzNA=="})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+func (s *S) TestDescribeReservedInstancesExample(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DescribeReservedInstancesExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DescribeReservedInstances([]string{"i-1", "i-2"}, nil)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DescribeReservedInstances"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.ReservedInstances, HasLen, 1)
+ r0 := resp.ReservedInstances[0]
+ c.Assert(r0.ReservedInstanceId, Equals, "e5a2ff3b-7d14-494f-90af-0b5d0EXAMPLE")
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8656f19f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+package ec2_test
+import (
+ "crypto/rand"
+ "fmt"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ . ""
+// AmazonServer represents an Amazon EC2 server.
+type AmazonServer struct {
+ auth aws.Auth
+func (s *AmazonServer) SetUp(c *C) {
+ auth, err := aws.EnvAuth()
+ if err != nil {
+ c.Fatal(err.Error())
+ }
+ s.auth = auth
+// Suite cost per run: 0.02 USD
+var _ = Suite(&AmazonClientSuite{})
+// AmazonClientSuite tests the client against a live EC2 server.
+type AmazonClientSuite struct {
+ srv AmazonServer
+ ClientTests
+func (s *AmazonClientSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
+ if !testutil.Amazon {
+ c.Skip("AmazonClientSuite tests not enabled")
+ }
+ s.srv.SetUp(c)
+ s.ec2 = ec2.NewWithClient(s.srv.auth, aws.USEast, testutil.DefaultClient)
+// ClientTests defines integration tests designed to test the client.
+// It is not used as a test suite in itself, but embedded within
+// another type.
+type ClientTests struct {
+ ec2 *ec2.EC2
+var imageId = "ami-ccf405a5" // Ubuntu Maverick, i386, EBS store
+// Cost: 0.00 USD
+func (s *ClientTests) TestRunInstancesError(c *C) {
+ options := ec2.RunInstancesOptions{
+ ImageId: "ami-a6f504cf", // Ubuntu Maverick, i386, instance store
+ InstanceType: "t1.micro", // Doesn't work with micro, results in 400.
+ }
+ resp, err := s.ec2.RunInstances(&options)
+ c.Assert(resp, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "AMI.*root device.*not supported.*")
+ ec2err, ok := err.(*ec2.Error)
+ c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
+ c.Assert(ec2err.StatusCode, Equals, 400)
+ c.Assert(ec2err.Code, Equals, "UnsupportedOperation")
+ c.Assert(ec2err.Message, Matches, "AMI.*root device.*not supported.*")
+ c.Assert(ec2err.RequestId, Matches, ".+")
+// Cost: 0.02 USD
+func (s *ClientTests) TestRunAndTerminate(c *C) {
+ options := ec2.RunInstancesOptions{
+ ImageId: imageId,
+ InstanceType: "t1.micro",
+ }
+ resp1, err := s.ec2.RunInstances(&options)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Check(resp1.ReservationId, Matches, "r-[0-9a-f]*")
+ c.Check(resp1.OwnerId, Matches, "[0-9]+")
+ c.Check(resp1.Instances, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Check(resp1.Instances[0].InstanceType, Equals, "t1.micro")
+ instId := resp1.Instances[0].InstanceId
+ resp2, err := s.ec2.DescribeInstances([]string{instId}, nil)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ if c.Check(resp2.Reservations, HasLen, 1) && c.Check(len(resp2.Reservations[0].Instances), Equals, 1) {
+ inst := resp2.Reservations[0].Instances[0]
+ c.Check(inst.InstanceId, Equals, instId)
+ }
+ resp3, err := s.ec2.TerminateInstances([]string{instId})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Check(resp3.StateChanges, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Check(resp3.StateChanges[0].InstanceId, Equals, instId)
+ c.Check(resp3.StateChanges[0].CurrentState.Name, Equals, "shutting-down")
+ c.Check(resp3.StateChanges[0].CurrentState.Code, Equals, 32)
+// Cost: 0.00 USD
+func (s *ClientTests) TestSecurityGroups(c *C) {
+ name := "goamz-test"
+ descr := "goamz security group for tests"
+ // Clean it up, if a previous test left it around and avoid leaving it around.
+ s.ec2.DeleteSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: name})
+ defer s.ec2.DeleteSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: name})
+ resp1, err := s.ec2.CreateSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: name, Description: descr})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp1.RequestId, Matches, ".+")
+ c.Assert(resp1.Name, Equals, name)
+ c.Assert(resp1.Id, Matches, ".+")
+ resp1, err = s.ec2.CreateSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: name, Description: descr})
+ ec2err, _ := err.(*ec2.Error)
+ c.Assert(resp1, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(ec2err, NotNil)
+ c.Assert(ec2err.Code, Equals, "InvalidGroup.Duplicate")
+ perms := []ec2.IPPerm{{
+ Protocol: "tcp",
+ FromPort: 0,
+ ToPort: 1024,
+ SourceIPs: []string{""},
+ }}
+ resp2, err := s.ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: name}, perms)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp2.RequestId, Matches, ".+")
+ resp3, err := s.ec2.SecurityGroups(ec2.SecurityGroupNames(name), nil)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp3.RequestId, Matches, ".+")
+ c.Assert(resp3.Groups, HasLen, 1)
+ g0 := resp3.Groups[0]
+ c.Assert(g0.Name, Equals, name)
+ c.Assert(g0.Description, Equals, descr)
+ c.Assert(g0.IPPerms, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(g0.IPPerms[0].Protocol, Equals, "tcp")
+ c.Assert(g0.IPPerms[0].FromPort, Equals, 0)
+ c.Assert(g0.IPPerms[0].ToPort, Equals, 1024)
+ c.Assert(g0.IPPerms[0].SourceIPs, DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ resp2, err = s.ec2.DeleteSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: name})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp2.RequestId, Matches, ".+")
+var sessionId = func() string {
+ buf := make([]byte, 8)
+ // if we have no randomness, we'll just make do, so ignore the error.
+ rand.Read(buf)
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%x", buf)
+// sessionName reutrns a name that is probably
+// unique to this test session.
+func sessionName(prefix string) string {
+ return prefix + "-" + sessionId
+var allRegions = []aws.Region{
+ aws.USEast,
+ aws.USWest,
+ aws.EUWest,
+ aws.APSoutheast,
+ aws.APNortheast,
+// Communicate with all EC2 endpoints to see if they are alive.
+func (s *ClientTests) TestRegions(c *C) {
+ name := sessionName("goamz-region-test")
+ perms := []ec2.IPPerm{{
+ Protocol: "tcp",
+ FromPort: 80,
+ ToPort: 80,
+ SourceIPs: []string{""},
+ }}
+ errs := make(chan error, len(allRegions))
+ for _, region := range allRegions {
+ go func(r aws.Region) {
+ e := ec2.NewWithClient(s.ec2.Auth, r, testutil.DefaultClient)
+ _, err := e.AuthorizeSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: name}, perms)
+ errs <- err
+ }(region)
+ }
+ for _ = range allRegions {
+ err := <-errs
+ if err != nil {
+ ec2_err, ok := err.(*ec2.Error)
+ if ok {
+ c.Check(ec2_err.Code, Matches, "InvalidGroup.NotFound")
+ } else {
+ c.Errorf("Non-EC2 error: %s", err)
+ }
+ } else {
+ c.Errorf("Test should have errored but it seems to have succeeded")
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37c2e7eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+package ec2_test
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "regexp"
+ "sort"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ . ""
+// LocalServer represents a local ec2test fake server.
+type LocalServer struct {
+ auth aws.Auth
+ region aws.Region
+ srv *ec2test.Server
+func (s *LocalServer) SetUp(c *C) {
+ srv, err := ec2test.NewServer()
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(srv, NotNil)
+ s.srv = srv
+ s.region = aws.Region{EC2Endpoint: srv.URL()}
+// LocalServerSuite defines tests that will run
+// against the local ec2test server. It includes
+// selected tests from ClientTests;
+// when the ec2test functionality is sufficient, it should
+// include all of them, and ClientTests can be simply embedded.
+type LocalServerSuite struct {
+ srv LocalServer
+ ServerTests
+ clientTests ClientTests
+var _ = Suite(&LocalServerSuite{})
+func (s *LocalServerSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
+ s.srv.SetUp(c)
+ s.ServerTests.ec2 = ec2.NewWithClient(s.srv.auth, s.srv.region, testutil.DefaultClient)
+ s.clientTests.ec2 = ec2.NewWithClient(s.srv.auth, s.srv.region, testutil.DefaultClient)
+func (s *LocalServerSuite) TestRunAndTerminate(c *C) {
+ s.clientTests.TestRunAndTerminate(c)
+func (s *LocalServerSuite) TestSecurityGroups(c *C) {
+ s.clientTests.TestSecurityGroups(c)
+// TestUserData is not defined on ServerTests because it
+// requires the ec2test server to function.
+func (s *LocalServerSuite) TestUserData(c *C) {
+ data := make([]byte, 256)
+ for i := range data {
+ data[i] = byte(i)
+ }
+ inst, err := s.ec2.RunInstances(&ec2.RunInstancesOptions{
+ ImageId: imageId,
+ InstanceType: "t1.micro",
+ UserData: data,
+ })
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(inst, NotNil)
+ c.Assert(inst.Instances[0].DNSName, Equals, inst.Instances[0].InstanceId+"")
+ id := inst.Instances[0].InstanceId
+ defer s.ec2.TerminateInstances([]string{id})
+ tinst := s.srv.srv.Instance(id)
+ c.Assert(tinst, NotNil)
+ c.Assert(tinst.UserData, DeepEquals, data)
+// AmazonServerSuite runs the ec2test server tests against a live EC2 server.
+// It will only be activated if the -all flag is specified.
+type AmazonServerSuite struct {
+ srv AmazonServer
+ ServerTests
+var _ = Suite(&AmazonServerSuite{})
+func (s *AmazonServerSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
+ if !testutil.Amazon {
+ c.Skip("AmazonServerSuite tests not enabled")
+ }
+ s.srv.SetUp(c)
+ s.ServerTests.ec2 = ec2.NewWithClient(s.srv.auth, aws.USEast, testutil.DefaultClient)
+// ServerTests defines a set of tests designed to test
+// the ec2test local fake ec2 server.
+// It is not used as a test suite in itself, but embedded within
+// another type.
+type ServerTests struct {
+ ec2 *ec2.EC2
+func terminateInstances(c *C, e *ec2.EC2, insts []*ec2.Instance) {
+ var ids []string
+ for _, inst := range insts {
+ if inst != nil {
+ ids = append(ids, inst.InstanceId)
+ }
+ }
+ _, err := e.TerminateInstances(ids)
+ c.Check(err, IsNil, Commentf("%d INSTANCES LEFT RUNNING!!!", len(ids)))
+func (s *ServerTests) makeTestGroup(c *C, name, descr string) ec2.SecurityGroup {
+ // Clean it up if a previous test left it around.
+ _, err := s.ec2.DeleteSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: name})
+ if err != nil && err.(*ec2.Error).Code != "InvalidGroup.NotFound" {
+ c.Fatalf("delete security group: %v", err)
+ }
+ resp, err := s.ec2.CreateSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: name, Description: descr})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.Name, Equals, name)
+ return resp.SecurityGroup
+func (s *ServerTests) TestIPPerms(c *C) {
+ g0 := s.makeTestGroup(c, "goamz-test0", "ec2test group 0")
+ defer s.ec2.DeleteSecurityGroup(g0)
+ g1 := s.makeTestGroup(c, "goamz-test1", "ec2test group 1")
+ defer s.ec2.DeleteSecurityGroup(g1)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.SecurityGroups([]ec2.SecurityGroup{g0, g1}, nil)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.Groups, HasLen, 2)
+ c.Assert(resp.Groups[0].IPPerms, HasLen, 0)
+ c.Assert(resp.Groups[1].IPPerms, HasLen, 0)
+ ownerId := resp.Groups[0].OwnerId
+ // test some invalid parameters
+ // TODO more
+ _, err = s.ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroup(g0, []ec2.IPPerm{{
+ Protocol: "tcp",
+ FromPort: 0,
+ ToPort: 1024,
+ SourceIPs: []string{"z127.0.0.1/24"},
+ }})
+ c.Assert(err, NotNil)
+ c.Check(err.(*ec2.Error).Code, Equals, "InvalidPermission.Malformed")
+ // Check that AuthorizeSecurityGroup adds the correct authorizations.
+ _, err = s.ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroup(g0, []ec2.IPPerm{{
+ Protocol: "tcp",
+ FromPort: 2000,
+ ToPort: 2001,
+ SourceIPs: []string{""},
+ SourceGroups: []ec2.UserSecurityGroup{{
+ Name: g1.Name,
+ }, {
+ Id: g0.Id,
+ }},
+ }, {
+ Protocol: "tcp",
+ FromPort: 2000,
+ ToPort: 2001,
+ SourceIPs: []string{""},
+ }})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ resp, err = s.ec2.SecurityGroups([]ec2.SecurityGroup{g0}, nil)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.Groups, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(resp.Groups[0].IPPerms, HasLen, 1)
+ perm := resp.Groups[0].IPPerms[0]
+ srcg := perm.SourceGroups
+ c.Assert(srcg, HasLen, 2)
+ // Normalize so we don't care about returned order.
+ if srcg[0].Name == g1.Name {
+ srcg[0], srcg[1] = srcg[1], srcg[0]
+ }
+ c.Check(srcg[0].Name, Equals, g0.Name)
+ c.Check(srcg[0].Id, Equals, g0.Id)
+ c.Check(srcg[0].OwnerId, Equals, ownerId)
+ c.Check(srcg[1].Name, Equals, g1.Name)
+ c.Check(srcg[1].Id, Equals, g1.Id)
+ c.Check(srcg[1].OwnerId, Equals, ownerId)
+ sort.Strings(perm.SourceIPs)
+ c.Check(perm.SourceIPs, DeepEquals, []string{"", ""})
+ // Check that we can't delete g1 (because g0 is using it)
+ _, err = s.ec2.DeleteSecurityGroup(g1)
+ c.Assert(err, NotNil)
+ c.Check(err.(*ec2.Error).Code, Equals, "InvalidGroup.InUse")
+ _, err = s.ec2.RevokeSecurityGroup(g0, []ec2.IPPerm{{
+ Protocol: "tcp",
+ FromPort: 2000,
+ ToPort: 2001,
+ SourceGroups: []ec2.UserSecurityGroup{{Id: g1.Id}},
+ }, {
+ Protocol: "tcp",
+ FromPort: 2000,
+ ToPort: 2001,
+ SourceIPs: []string{""},
+ }})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ resp, err = s.ec2.SecurityGroups([]ec2.SecurityGroup{g0}, nil)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.Groups, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(resp.Groups[0].IPPerms, HasLen, 1)
+ perm = resp.Groups[0].IPPerms[0]
+ srcg = perm.SourceGroups
+ c.Assert(srcg, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Check(srcg[0].Name, Equals, g0.Name)
+ c.Check(srcg[0].Id, Equals, g0.Id)
+ c.Check(srcg[0].OwnerId, Equals, ownerId)
+ c.Check(perm.SourceIPs, DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ // We should be able to delete g1 now because we've removed its only use.
+ _, err = s.ec2.DeleteSecurityGroup(g1)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ _, err = s.ec2.DeleteSecurityGroup(g0)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ f := ec2.NewFilter()
+ f.Add("group-id", g0.Id, g1.Id)
+ resp, err = s.ec2.SecurityGroups(nil, f)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.Groups, HasLen, 0)
+func (s *ServerTests) TestDuplicateIPPerm(c *C) {
+ name := "goamz-test"
+ descr := "goamz security group for tests"
+ // Clean it up, if a previous test left it around and avoid leaving it around.
+ s.ec2.DeleteSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: name})
+ defer s.ec2.DeleteSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: name})
+ resp1, err := s.ec2.CreateSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: name, Description: descr})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp1.Name, Equals, name)
+ perms := []ec2.IPPerm{{
+ Protocol: "tcp",
+ FromPort: 200,
+ ToPort: 1024,
+ SourceIPs: []string{""},
+ }, {
+ Protocol: "tcp",
+ FromPort: 0,
+ ToPort: 100,
+ SourceIPs: []string{""},
+ }}
+ _, err = s.ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: name}, perms[0:1])
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ _, err = s.ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: name}, perms[0:2])
+ c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, `.*\(InvalidPermission.Duplicate\)`)
+type filterSpec struct {
+ name string
+ values []string
+func (s *ServerTests) TestInstanceFiltering(c *C) {
+ groupResp, err := s.ec2.CreateSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: sessionName("testgroup1"), Description: "testgroup one description"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ group1 := groupResp.SecurityGroup
+ defer s.ec2.DeleteSecurityGroup(group1)
+ groupResp, err = s.ec2.CreateSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: sessionName("testgroup2"), Description: "testgroup two description"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ group2 := groupResp.SecurityGroup
+ defer s.ec2.DeleteSecurityGroup(group2)
+ insts := make([]*ec2.Instance, 3)
+ inst, err := s.ec2.RunInstances(&ec2.RunInstancesOptions{
+ MinCount: 2,
+ ImageId: imageId,
+ InstanceType: "t1.micro",
+ SecurityGroups: []ec2.SecurityGroup{group1},
+ })
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ insts[0] = &inst.Instances[0]
+ insts[1] = &inst.Instances[1]
+ defer terminateInstances(c, s.ec2, insts)
+ imageId2 := "ami-e358958a" // Natty server, i386, EBS store
+ inst, err = s.ec2.RunInstances(&ec2.RunInstancesOptions{
+ ImageId: imageId2,
+ InstanceType: "t1.micro",
+ SecurityGroups: []ec2.SecurityGroup{group2},
+ })
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ insts[2] = &inst.Instances[0]
+ ids := func(indices (instIds []string) {
+ for _, index := range indices {
+ instIds = append(instIds, insts[index].InstanceId)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ tests := []struct {
+ about string
+ instanceIds []string // instanceIds argument to Instances method.
+ filters []filterSpec // filters argument to Instances method.
+ resultIds []string // set of instance ids of expected results.
+ allowExtra bool // resultIds may be incomplete.
+ err string // expected error.
+ }{
+ {
+ about: "check that Instances returns all instances",
+ resultIds: ids(0, 1, 2),
+ allowExtra: true,
+ }, {
+ about: "check that specifying two instance ids returns them",
+ instanceIds: ids(0, 2),
+ resultIds: ids(0, 2),
+ }, {
+ about: "check that specifying a non-existent instance id gives an error",
+ instanceIds: append(ids(0), "i-deadbeef"),
+ err: `.*\(InvalidInstanceID\.NotFound\)`,
+ }, {
+ about: "check that a filter allowed both instances returns both of them",
+ filters: []filterSpec{
+ {"instance-id", ids(0, 2)},
+ },
+ resultIds: ids(0, 2),
+ }, {
+ about: "check that a filter allowing only one instance returns it",
+ filters: []filterSpec{
+ {"instance-id", ids(1)},
+ },
+ resultIds: ids(1),
+ }, {
+ about: "check that a filter allowing no instances returns none",
+ filters: []filterSpec{
+ {"instance-id", []string{"i-deadbeef12345"}},
+ },
+ }, {
+ about: "check that filtering on group id works",
+ filters: []filterSpec{
+ {"group-id", []string{group1.Id}},
+ },
+ resultIds: ids(0, 1),
+ }, {
+ about: "check that filtering on group name works",
+ filters: []filterSpec{
+ {"group-name", []string{group1.Name}},
+ },
+ resultIds: ids(0, 1),
+ }, {
+ about: "check that filtering on image id works",
+ filters: []filterSpec{
+ {"image-id", []string{imageId}},
+ },
+ resultIds: ids(0, 1),
+ allowExtra: true,
+ }, {
+ about: "combination filters 1",
+ filters: []filterSpec{
+ {"image-id", []string{imageId, imageId2}},
+ {"group-name", []string{group1.Name}},
+ },
+ resultIds: ids(0, 1),
+ }, {
+ about: "combination filters 2",
+ filters: []filterSpec{
+ {"image-id", []string{imageId2}},
+ {"group-name", []string{group1.Name}},
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ for i, t := range tests {
+ c.Logf("%d. %s", i, t.about)
+ var f *ec2.Filter
+ if t.filters != nil {
+ f = ec2.NewFilter()
+ for _, spec := range t.filters {
+ f.Add(, spec.values...)
+ }
+ }
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DescribeInstances(t.instanceIds, f)
+ if t.err != "" {
+ c.Check(err, ErrorMatches, t.err)
+ continue
+ }
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ insts := make(map[string]*ec2.Instance)
+ for _, r := range resp.Reservations {
+ for j := range r.Instances {
+ inst := &r.Instances[j]
+ c.Check(insts[inst.InstanceId], IsNil, Commentf("duplicate instance id: %q", inst.InstanceId))
+ insts[inst.InstanceId] = inst
+ }
+ }
+ if !t.allowExtra {
+ c.Check(insts, HasLen, len(t.resultIds), Commentf("expected %d instances got %#v", len(t.resultIds), insts))
+ }
+ for j, id := range t.resultIds {
+ c.Check(insts[id], NotNil, Commentf("instance id %d (%q) not found; got %#v", j, id, insts))
+ }
+ }
+func idsOnly(gs []ec2.SecurityGroup) []ec2.SecurityGroup {
+ for i := range gs {
+ gs[i].Name = ""
+ }
+ return gs
+func namesOnly(gs []ec2.SecurityGroup) []ec2.SecurityGroup {
+ for i := range gs {
+ gs[i].Id = ""
+ }
+ return gs
+func (s *ServerTests) TestGroupFiltering(c *C) {
+ g := make([]ec2.SecurityGroup, 4)
+ for i := range g {
+ resp, err := s.ec2.CreateSecurityGroup(ec2.SecurityGroup{Name: sessionName(fmt.Sprintf("testgroup%d", i)), Description: fmt.Sprintf("testdescription%d", i)})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ g[i] = resp.SecurityGroup
+ c.Logf("group %d: %v", i, g[i])
+ defer s.ec2.DeleteSecurityGroup(g[i])
+ }
+ perms := [][]ec2.IPPerm{
+ {{
+ Protocol: "tcp",
+ FromPort: 100,
+ ToPort: 200,
+ SourceIPs: []string{""},
+ }},
+ {{
+ Protocol: "tcp",
+ FromPort: 200,
+ ToPort: 300,
+ SourceGroups: []ec2.UserSecurityGroup{{Id: g[1].Id}},
+ }},
+ {{
+ Protocol: "udp",
+ FromPort: 200,
+ ToPort: 400,
+ SourceGroups: []ec2.UserSecurityGroup{{Id: g[1].Id}},
+ }},
+ }
+ for i, ps := range perms {
+ _, err := s.ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroup(g[i], ps)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ }
+ groups := func(indices (gs []ec2.SecurityGroup) {
+ for _, index := range indices {
+ gs = append(gs, g[index])
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ type groupTest struct {
+ about string
+ groups []ec2.SecurityGroup // groupIds argument to SecurityGroups method.
+ filters []filterSpec // filters argument to SecurityGroups method.
+ results []ec2.SecurityGroup // set of expected result groups.
+ allowExtra bool // specified results may be incomplete.
+ err string // expected error.
+ }
+ filterCheck := func(name, val string, gs []ec2.SecurityGroup) groupTest {
+ return groupTest{
+ about: "filter check " + name,
+ filters: []filterSpec{{name, []string{val}}},
+ results: gs,
+ allowExtra: true,
+ }
+ }
+ tests := []groupTest{
+ {
+ about: "check that SecurityGroups returns all groups",
+ results: groups(0, 1, 2, 3),
+ allowExtra: true,
+ }, {
+ about: "check that specifying two group ids returns them",
+ groups: idsOnly(groups(0, 2)),
+ results: groups(0, 2),
+ }, {
+ about: "check that specifying names only works",
+ groups: namesOnly(groups(0, 2)),
+ results: groups(0, 2),
+ }, {
+ about: "check that specifying a non-existent group id gives an error",
+ groups: append(groups(0), ec2.SecurityGroup{Id: "sg-eeeeeeeee"}),
+ err: `.*\(InvalidGroup\.NotFound\)`,
+ }, {
+ about: "check that a filter allowed two groups returns both of them",
+ filters: []filterSpec{
+ {"group-id", []string{g[0].Id, g[2].Id}},
+ },
+ results: groups(0, 2),
+ },
+ {
+ about: "check that the previous filter works when specifying a list of ids",
+ groups: groups(1, 2),
+ filters: []filterSpec{
+ {"group-id", []string{g[0].Id, g[2].Id}},
+ },
+ results: groups(2),
+ }, {
+ about: "check that a filter allowing no groups returns none",
+ filters: []filterSpec{
+ {"group-id", []string{"sg-eeeeeeeee"}},
+ },
+ },
+ filterCheck("description", "testdescription1", groups(1)),
+ filterCheck("group-name", g[2].Name, groups(2)),
+ filterCheck("ip-permission.cidr", "", groups(0)),
+ filterCheck("", g[1].Name, groups(1, 2)),
+ filterCheck("ip-permission.protocol", "udp", groups(2)),
+ filterCheck("ip-permission.from-port", "200", groups(1, 2)),
+ filterCheck("", "200", groups(0)),
+ // TODO owner-id
+ }
+ for i, t := range tests {
+ c.Logf("%d. %s", i, t.about)
+ var f *ec2.Filter
+ if t.filters != nil {
+ f = ec2.NewFilter()
+ for _, spec := range t.filters {
+ f.Add(, spec.values...)
+ }
+ }
+ resp, err := s.ec2.SecurityGroups(t.groups, f)
+ if t.err != "" {
+ c.Check(err, ErrorMatches, t.err)
+ continue
+ }
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ groups := make(map[string]*ec2.SecurityGroup)
+ for j := range resp.Groups {
+ group := &resp.Groups[j].SecurityGroup
+ c.Check(groups[group.Id], IsNil, Commentf("duplicate group id: %q", group.Id))
+ groups[group.Id] = group
+ }
+ // If extra groups may be returned, eliminate all groups that
+ // we did not create in this session apart from the default group.
+ if t.allowExtra {
+ namePat := regexp.MustCompile(sessionName("testgroup[0-9]"))
+ for id, g := range groups {
+ if !namePat.MatchString(g.Name) {
+ delete(groups, id)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ c.Check(groups, HasLen, len(t.results))
+ for j, g := range t.results {
+ rg := groups[g.Id]
+ c.Assert(rg, NotNil, Commentf("group %d (%v) not found; got %#v", j, g, groups))
+ c.Check(rg.Name, Equals, g.Name, Commentf("group %d (%v)", j, g))
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a0c04619
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+package ec2test
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "net/url"
+ "strings"
+// filter holds an ec2 filter. A filter maps an attribute to a set of
+// possible values for that attribute. For an item to pass through the
+// filter, every attribute of the item mentioned in the filter must match
+// at least one of its given values.
+type filter map[string][]string
+// newFilter creates a new filter from the Filter fields in the url form.
+// The filtering is specified through a map of name=>values, where the
+// name is a well-defined key identifying the data to be matched,
+// and the list of values holds the possible values the filtered
+// item can take for the key to be included in the
+// result set. For example:
+// Filter.1.Name=instance-type
+// Filter.1.Value.1=m1.small
+// Filter.1.Value.2=m1.large
+func newFilter(form url.Values) filter {
+ // TODO return an error if the fields are not well formed?
+ names := make(map[int]string)
+ values := make(map[int][]string)
+ maxId := 0
+ for name, fvalues := range form {
+ var rest string
+ var id int
+ if x, _ := fmt.Sscanf(name, "Filter.%d.%s", &id, &rest); x != 2 {
+ continue
+ }
+ if id > maxId {
+ maxId = id
+ }
+ if rest == "Name" {
+ names[id] = fvalues[0]
+ continue
+ }
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(rest, "Value.") {
+ continue
+ }
+ values[id] = append(values[id], fvalues[0])
+ }
+ f := make(filter)
+ for id, name := range names {
+ f[name] = values[id]
+ }
+ return f
+func notDigit(r rune) bool {
+ return r < '0' || r > '9'
+// filterable represents an object that can be passed through a filter.
+type filterable interface {
+ // matchAttr returns true if given attribute of the
+ // object matches value. It returns an error if the
+ // attribute is not recognised or the value is malformed.
+ matchAttr(attr, value string) (bool, error)
+// ok returns true if x passes through the filter.
+func (f filter) ok(x filterable) (bool, error) {
+ for a, vs := range f {
+ for _, v := range vs {
+ if ok, err := x.matchAttr(a, v); ok {
+ continue next
+ } else if err != nil {
+ return false, fmt.Errorf("bad attribute or value %q=%q for type %T: %v", a, v, x, err)
+ }
+ }
+ return false, nil
+ }
+ return true, nil
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e25d4ea20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,993 @@
+// The ec2test package implements a fake EC2 provider with
+// the capability of inducing errors on any given operation,
+// and retrospectively determining what operations have been
+// carried out.
+package ec2test
+import (
+ "encoding/base64"
+ "encoding/xml"
+ "fmt"
+ ""
+ "io"
+ "net"
+ "net/http"
+ "net/url"
+ "regexp"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+var b64 = base64.StdEncoding
+// Action represents a request that changes the ec2 state.
+type Action struct {
+ RequestId string
+ // Request holds the requested action as a url.Values instance
+ Request url.Values
+ // If the action succeeded, Response holds the value that
+ // was marshalled to build the XML response for the request.
+ Response interface{}
+ // If the action failed, Err holds an error giving details of the failure.
+ Err *ec2.Error
+// TODO possible other things:
+// - some virtual time stamp interface, so a client
+// can ask for all actions after a certain virtual time.
+// Server implements an EC2 simulator for use in testing.
+type Server struct {
+ url string
+ listener net.Listener
+ mu sync.Mutex
+ reqs []*Action
+ instances map[string]*Instance // id -> instance
+ reservations map[string]*reservation // id -> reservation
+ groups map[string]*securityGroup // id -> group
+ maxId counter
+ reqId counter
+ reservationId counter
+ groupId counter
+ initialInstanceState ec2.InstanceState
+// reservation holds a simulated ec2 reservation.
+type reservation struct {
+ id string
+ instances map[string]*Instance
+ groups []*securityGroup
+// instance holds a simulated ec2 instance
+type Instance struct {
+ // UserData holds the data that was passed to the RunInstances request
+ // when the instance was started.
+ UserData []byte
+ id string
+ imageId string
+ reservation *reservation
+ instType string
+ state ec2.InstanceState
+// permKey represents permission for a given security
+// group or IP address (but not both) to access a given range of
+// ports. Equality of permKeys is used in the implementation of
+// permission sets, relying on the uniqueness of securityGroup
+// instances.
+type permKey struct {
+ protocol string
+ fromPort int
+ toPort int
+ group *securityGroup
+ ipAddr string
+// securityGroup holds a simulated ec2 security group.
+// Instances of securityGroup should only be created through
+// Server.createSecurityGroup to ensure that groups can be
+// compared by pointer value.
+type securityGroup struct {
+ id string
+ name string
+ description string
+ perms map[permKey]bool
+func (g *securityGroup) ec2SecurityGroup() ec2.SecurityGroup {
+ return ec2.SecurityGroup{
+ Name:,
+ Id:,
+ }
+func (g *securityGroup) matchAttr(attr, value string) (ok bool, err error) {
+ switch attr {
+ case "description":
+ return g.description == value, nil
+ case "group-id":
+ return == value, nil
+ case "group-name":
+ return == value, nil
+ case "ip-permission.cidr":
+ return g.hasPerm(func(k permKey) bool { return k.ipAddr == value }), nil
+ case "":
+ return g.hasPerm(func(k permKey) bool {
+ return != nil && == value
+ }), nil
+ case "ip-permission.from-port":
+ port, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
+ if err != nil {
+ return false, err
+ }
+ return g.hasPerm(func(k permKey) bool { return k.fromPort == port }), nil
+ case "":
+ port, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
+ if err != nil {
+ return false, err
+ }
+ return g.hasPerm(func(k permKey) bool { return k.toPort == port }), nil
+ case "ip-permission.protocol":
+ return g.hasPerm(func(k permKey) bool { return k.protocol == value }), nil
+ case "owner-id":
+ return value == ownerId, nil
+ }
+ return false, fmt.Errorf("unknown attribute %q", attr)
+func (g *securityGroup) hasPerm(test func(k permKey) bool) bool {
+ for k := range g.perms {
+ if test(k) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+// ec2Perms returns the list of EC2 permissions granted
+// to g. It groups permissions by port range and protocol.
+func (g *securityGroup) ec2Perms() (perms []ec2.IPPerm) {
+ // The grouping is held in result. We use permKey for convenience,
+ // (ensuring that the group and ipAddr of each key is zero). For
+ // each protocol/port range combination, we build up the permission
+ // set in the associated value.
+ result := make(map[permKey]*ec2.IPPerm)
+ for k := range g.perms {
+ groupKey := k
+ = nil
+ groupKey.ipAddr = ""
+ ec2p := result[groupKey]
+ if ec2p == nil {
+ ec2p = &ec2.IPPerm{
+ Protocol: k.protocol,
+ FromPort: k.fromPort,
+ ToPort: k.toPort,
+ }
+ result[groupKey] = ec2p
+ }
+ if != nil {
+ ec2p.SourceGroups = append(ec2p.SourceGroups,
+ ec2.UserSecurityGroup{
+ Id:,
+ Name:,
+ OwnerId: ownerId,
+ })
+ } else {
+ ec2p.SourceIPs = append(ec2p.SourceIPs, k.ipAddr)
+ }
+ }
+ for _, ec2p := range result {
+ perms = append(perms, *ec2p)
+ }
+ return
+var actions = map[string]func(*Server, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, string) interface{}{
+ "RunInstances": (*Server).runInstances,
+ "TerminateInstances": (*Server).terminateInstances,
+ "DescribeInstances": (*Server).describeInstances,
+ "CreateSecurityGroup": (*Server).createSecurityGroup,
+ "DescribeSecurityGroups": (*Server).describeSecurityGroups,
+ "DeleteSecurityGroup": (*Server).deleteSecurityGroup,
+ "AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress": (*Server).authorizeSecurityGroupIngress,
+ "RevokeSecurityGroupIngress": (*Server).revokeSecurityGroupIngress,
+const ownerId = "9876"
+// newAction allocates a new action and adds it to the
+// recorded list of server actions.
+func (srv *Server) newAction() *Action {
+ defer
+ a := new(Action)
+ srv.reqs = append(srv.reqs, a)
+ return a
+// NewServer returns a new server.
+func NewServer() (*Server, error) {
+ srv := &Server{
+ instances: make(map[string]*Instance),
+ groups: make(map[string]*securityGroup),
+ reservations: make(map[string]*reservation),
+ initialInstanceState: Pending,
+ }
+ // Add default security group.
+ g := &securityGroup{
+ name: "default",
+ description: "default group",
+ id: fmt.Sprintf("sg-%d",,
+ }
+ g.perms = map[permKey]bool{
+ permKey{
+ protocol: "icmp",
+ fromPort: -1,
+ toPort: -1,
+ group: g,
+ }: true,
+ permKey{
+ protocol: "tcp",
+ fromPort: 0,
+ toPort: 65535,
+ group: g,
+ }: true,
+ permKey{
+ protocol: "udp",
+ fromPort: 0,
+ toPort: 65535,
+ group: g,
+ }: true,
+ }
+ srv.groups[] = g
+ l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:0")
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot listen on localhost: %v", err)
+ }
+ srv.listener = l
+ srv.url = "http://" + l.Addr().String()
+ // we use HandlerFunc rather than *Server directly so that we
+ // can avoid exporting HandlerFunc from *Server.
+ go http.Serve(l, http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
+ srv.serveHTTP(w, req)
+ }))
+ return srv, nil
+// Quit closes down the server.
+func (srv *Server) Quit() {
+ srv.listener.Close()
+// SetInitialInstanceState sets the state that any new instances will be started in.
+func (srv *Server) SetInitialInstanceState(state ec2.InstanceState) {
+ srv.initialInstanceState = state
+// URL returns the URL of the server.
+func (srv *Server) URL() string {
+ return srv.url
+// serveHTTP serves the EC2 protocol.
+func (srv *Server) serveHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
+ req.ParseForm()
+ a := srv.newAction()
+ a.RequestId = fmt.Sprintf("req%d",
+ a.Request = req.Form
+ // Methods on Server that deal with parsing user data
+ // may fail. To save on error handling code, we allow these
+ // methods to call fatalf, which will panic with an *ec2.Error
+ // which will be caught here and returned
+ // to the client as a properly formed EC2 error.
+ defer func() {
+ switch err := recover().(type) {
+ case *ec2.Error:
+ a.Err = err
+ err.RequestId = a.RequestId
+ writeError(w, err)
+ case nil:
+ default:
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ }()
+ f := actions[req.Form.Get("Action")]
+ if f == nil {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "Unrecognized Action")
+ }
+ response := f(srv, w, req, a.RequestId)
+ a.Response = response
+ w.Header().Set("Content-Type", `xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"`)
+ xmlMarshal(w, response)
+// Instance returns the instance for the given instance id.
+// It returns nil if there is no such instance.
+func (srv *Server) Instance(id string) *Instance {
+ defer
+ return srv.instances[id]
+// writeError writes an appropriate error response.
+// TODO how should we deal with errors when the
+// error itself is potentially generated by backend-agnostic
+// code?
+func writeError(w http.ResponseWriter, err *ec2.Error) {
+ // Error encapsulates an error returned by EC2.
+ // TODO merge with ec2.Error when xml supports ignoring a field.
+ type ec2error struct {
+ Code string // EC2 error code ("UnsupportedOperation", ...)
+ Message string // The human-oriented error message
+ RequestId string
+ }
+ type Response struct {
+ RequestId string
+ Errors []ec2error `xml:"Errors>Error"`
+ }
+ w.Header().Set("Content-Type", `xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"`)
+ w.WriteHeader(err.StatusCode)
+ xmlMarshal(w, Response{
+ RequestId: err.RequestId,
+ Errors: []ec2error{{
+ Code: err.Code,
+ Message: err.Message,
+ }},
+ })
+// xmlMarshal is the same as xml.Marshal except that
+// it panics on error. The marshalling should not fail,
+// but we want to know if it does.
+func xmlMarshal(w io.Writer, x interface{}) {
+ if err := xml.NewEncoder(w).Encode(x); err != nil {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("error marshalling %#v: %v", x, err))
+ }
+// formToGroups parses a set of SecurityGroup form values
+// as found in a RunInstances request, and returns the resulting
+// slice of security groups.
+// It calls fatalf if a group is not found.
+func (srv *Server) formToGroups(form url.Values) []*securityGroup {
+ var groups []*securityGroup
+ for name, values := range form {
+ switch {
+ case strings.HasPrefix(name, "SecurityGroupId."):
+ if g := srv.groups[values[0]]; g != nil {
+ groups = append(groups, g)
+ } else {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidGroup.NotFound", "unknown group id %q", values[0])
+ }
+ case strings.HasPrefix(name, "SecurityGroup."):
+ var found *securityGroup
+ for _, g := range srv.groups {
+ if == values[0] {
+ found = g
+ }
+ }
+ if found == nil {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidGroup.NotFound", "unknown group name %q", values[0])
+ }
+ groups = append(groups, found)
+ }
+ }
+ return groups
+// runInstances implements the EC2 RunInstances entry point.
+func (srv *Server) runInstances(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, reqId string) interface{} {
+ min := atoi(req.Form.Get("MinCount"))
+ max := atoi(req.Form.Get("MaxCount"))
+ if min < 0 || max < 1 {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "bad values for MinCount or MaxCount")
+ }
+ if min > max {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidParameterCombination", "MinCount is greater than MaxCount")
+ }
+ var userData []byte
+ if data := req.Form.Get("UserData"); data != "" {
+ var err error
+ userData, err = b64.DecodeString(data)
+ if err != nil {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "bad UserData value: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO attributes still to consider:
+ // ImageId: accept anything, we can verify later
+ // KeyName ?
+ // InstanceType ?
+ // KernelId ?
+ // RamdiskId ?
+ // AvailabilityZone ?
+ // GroupName tag
+ // Monitoring ignore?
+ // SubnetId ?
+ // DisableAPITermination bool
+ // ShutdownBehavior string
+ // PrivateIPAddress string
+ defer
+ // make sure that form fields are correct before creating the reservation.
+ instType := req.Form.Get("InstanceType")
+ imageId := req.Form.Get("ImageId")
+ r := srv.newReservation(srv.formToGroups(req.Form))
+ var resp ec2.RunInstancesResp
+ resp.RequestId = reqId
+ resp.ReservationId =
+ resp.OwnerId = ownerId
+ for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
+ inst := srv.newInstance(r, instType, imageId, srv.initialInstanceState)
+ inst.UserData = userData
+ resp.Instances = append(resp.Instances, inst.ec2instance())
+ }
+ return &resp
+func (srv *Server) group(group ec2.SecurityGroup) *securityGroup {
+ if group.Id != "" {
+ return srv.groups[group.Id]
+ }
+ for _, g := range srv.groups {
+ if == group.Name {
+ return g
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// NewInstances creates n new instances in srv with the given instance type,
+// image ID, initial state and security groups. If any group does not already
+// exist, it will be created. NewInstances returns the ids of the new instances.
+func (srv *Server) NewInstances(n int, instType string, imageId string, state ec2.InstanceState, groups []ec2.SecurityGroup) []string {
+ defer
+ rgroups := make([]*securityGroup, len(groups))
+ for i, group := range groups {
+ g :=
+ if g == nil {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidGroup.NotFound", "no such group %v", g)
+ }
+ rgroups[i] = g
+ }
+ r := srv.newReservation(rgroups)
+ ids := make([]string, n)
+ for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
+ inst := srv.newInstance(r, instType, imageId, state)
+ ids[i] =
+ }
+ return ids
+func (srv *Server) newInstance(r *reservation, instType string, imageId string, state ec2.InstanceState) *Instance {
+ inst := &Instance{
+ id: fmt.Sprintf("i-%d",,
+ instType: instType,
+ imageId: imageId,
+ state: state,
+ reservation: r,
+ }
+ srv.instances[] = inst
+ r.instances[] = inst
+ return inst
+func (srv *Server) newReservation(groups []*securityGroup) *reservation {
+ r := &reservation{
+ id: fmt.Sprintf("r-%d",,
+ instances: make(map[string]*Instance),
+ groups: groups,
+ }
+ srv.reservations[] = r
+ return r
+func (srv *Server) terminateInstances(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, reqId string) interface{} {
+ defer
+ var resp ec2.TerminateInstancesResp
+ resp.RequestId = reqId
+ var insts []*Instance
+ for attr, vals := range req.Form {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(attr, "InstanceId.") {
+ id := vals[0]
+ inst := srv.instances[id]
+ if inst == nil {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidInstanceID.NotFound", "no such instance id %q", id)
+ }
+ insts = append(insts, inst)
+ }
+ }
+ for _, inst := range insts {
+ resp.StateChanges = append(resp.StateChanges, inst.terminate())
+ }
+ return &resp
+func (inst *Instance) terminate() (d ec2.InstanceStateChange) {
+ d.PreviousState = inst.state
+ inst.state = ShuttingDown
+ d.CurrentState = inst.state
+ d.InstanceId =
+ return d
+func (inst *Instance) ec2instance() ec2.Instance {
+ return ec2.Instance{
+ InstanceId:,
+ InstanceType: inst.instType,
+ ImageId: inst.imageId,
+ DNSName: fmt.Sprintf("",,
+ // TODO the rest
+ }
+func (inst *Instance) matchAttr(attr, value string) (ok bool, err error) {
+ switch attr {
+ case "architecture":
+ return value == "i386", nil
+ case "instance-id":
+ return == value, nil
+ case "group-id":
+ for _, g := range inst.reservation.groups {
+ if == value {
+ return true, nil
+ }
+ }
+ return false, nil
+ case "group-name":
+ for _, g := range inst.reservation.groups {
+ if == value {
+ return true, nil
+ }
+ }
+ return false, nil
+ case "image-id":
+ return value == inst.imageId, nil
+ case "instance-state-code":
+ code, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
+ if err != nil {
+ return false, err
+ }
+ return code&0xff == inst.state.Code, nil
+ case "instance-state-name":
+ return value == inst.state.Name, nil
+ }
+ return false, fmt.Errorf("unknown attribute %q", attr)
+var (
+ Pending = ec2.InstanceState{0, "pending"}
+ Running = ec2.InstanceState{16, "running"}
+ ShuttingDown = ec2.InstanceState{32, "shutting-down"}
+ Terminated = ec2.InstanceState{16, "terminated"}
+ Stopped = ec2.InstanceState{16, "stopped"}
+func (srv *Server) createSecurityGroup(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, reqId string) interface{} {
+ name := req.Form.Get("GroupName")
+ if name == "" {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "empty security group name")
+ }
+ defer
+ if{Name: name}) != nil {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidGroup.Duplicate", "group %q already exists", name)
+ }
+ g := &securityGroup{
+ name: name,
+ description: req.Form.Get("GroupDescription"),
+ id: fmt.Sprintf("sg-%d",,
+ perms: make(map[permKey]bool),
+ }
+ srv.groups[] = g
+ // we define a local type for this because ec2.CreateSecurityGroupResp
+ // contains SecurityGroup, but the response to this request
+ // should not contain the security group name.
+ type CreateSecurityGroupResponse struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Return bool `xml:"return"`
+ GroupId string `xml:"groupId"`
+ }
+ r := &CreateSecurityGroupResponse{
+ RequestId: reqId,
+ Return: true,
+ GroupId:,
+ }
+ return r
+func (srv *Server) notImplemented(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, reqId string) interface{} {
+ fatalf(500, "InternalError", "not implemented")
+ panic("not reached")
+func (srv *Server) describeInstances(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, reqId string) interface{} {
+ defer
+ insts := make(map[*Instance]bool)
+ for name, vals := range req.Form {
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "InstanceId.") {
+ continue
+ }
+ inst := srv.instances[vals[0]]
+ if inst == nil {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidInstanceID.NotFound", "instance %q not found", vals[0])
+ }
+ insts[inst] = true
+ }
+ f := newFilter(req.Form)
+ var resp ec2.DescribeInstancesResp
+ resp.RequestId = reqId
+ for _, r := range srv.reservations {
+ var instances []ec2.Instance
+ for _, inst := range r.instances {
+ if len(insts) > 0 && !insts[inst] {
+ continue
+ }
+ ok, err := f.ok(inst)
+ if ok {
+ instances = append(instances, inst.ec2instance())
+ } else if err != nil {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "describe instances: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ if len(instances) > 0 {
+ var groups []ec2.SecurityGroup
+ for _, g := range r.groups {
+ groups = append(groups, g.ec2SecurityGroup())
+ }
+ resp.Reservations = append(resp.Reservations, ec2.Reservation{
+ ReservationId:,
+ OwnerId: ownerId,
+ Instances: instances,
+ SecurityGroups: groups,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ return &resp
+func (srv *Server) describeSecurityGroups(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, reqId string) interface{} {
+ // BUG similar bug to describeInstances, but for GroupName and GroupId
+ defer
+ var groups []*securityGroup
+ for name, vals := range req.Form {
+ var g ec2.SecurityGroup
+ switch {
+ case strings.HasPrefix(name, "GroupName."):
+ g.Name = vals[0]
+ case strings.HasPrefix(name, "GroupId."):
+ g.Id = vals[0]
+ default:
+ continue
+ }
+ sg :=
+ if sg == nil {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidGroup.NotFound", "no such group %v", g)
+ }
+ groups = append(groups, sg)
+ }
+ if len(groups) == 0 {
+ for _, g := range srv.groups {
+ groups = append(groups, g)
+ }
+ }
+ f := newFilter(req.Form)
+ var resp ec2.SecurityGroupsResp
+ resp.RequestId = reqId
+ for _, group := range groups {
+ ok, err := f.ok(group)
+ if ok {
+ resp.Groups = append(resp.Groups, ec2.SecurityGroupInfo{
+ OwnerId: ownerId,
+ SecurityGroup: group.ec2SecurityGroup(),
+ Description: group.description,
+ IPPerms: group.ec2Perms(),
+ })
+ } else if err != nil {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "describe security groups: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ return &resp
+func (srv *Server) authorizeSecurityGroupIngress(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, reqId string) interface{} {
+ defer
+ g :={
+ Name: req.Form.Get("GroupName"),
+ Id: req.Form.Get("GroupId"),
+ })
+ if g == nil {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidGroup.NotFound", "group not found")
+ }
+ perms := srv.parsePerms(req)
+ for _, p := range perms {
+ if g.perms[p] {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidPermission.Duplicate", "Permission has already been authorized on the specified group")
+ }
+ }
+ for _, p := range perms {
+ g.perms[p] = true
+ }
+ return &ec2.SimpleResp{
+ XMLName: xml.Name{"", "AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResponse"},
+ RequestId: reqId,
+ }
+func (srv *Server) revokeSecurityGroupIngress(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, reqId string) interface{} {
+ defer
+ g :={
+ Name: req.Form.Get("GroupName"),
+ Id: req.Form.Get("GroupId"),
+ })
+ if g == nil {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidGroup.NotFound", "group not found")
+ }
+ perms := srv.parsePerms(req)
+ // Note EC2 does not give an error if asked to revoke an authorization
+ // that does not exist.
+ for _, p := range perms {
+ delete(g.perms, p)
+ }
+ return &ec2.SimpleResp{
+ XMLName: xml.Name{"", "RevokeSecurityGroupIngressResponse"},
+ RequestId: reqId,
+ }
+var secGroupPat = regexp.MustCompile(`^sg-[a-z0-9]+$`)
+var ipPat = regexp.MustCompile(`^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/[0-9]+$`)
+var ownerIdPat = regexp.MustCompile(`^[0-9]+$`)
+// parsePerms returns a slice of permKey values extracted
+// from the permission fields in req.
+func (srv *Server) parsePerms(req *http.Request) []permKey {
+ // perms maps an index found in the form to its associated
+ // IPPerm. For instance, the form value with key
+ // "IpPermissions.3.FromPort" will be stored in perms[3].FromPort
+ perms := make(map[int]ec2.IPPerm)
+ type subgroupKey struct {
+ id1, id2 int
+ }
+ // Each IPPerm can have many source security groups. The form key
+ // for a source security group contains two indices: the index
+ // of the IPPerm and the sub-index of the security group. The
+ // sourceGroups map maps from a subgroupKey containing these
+ // two indices to the associated security group. For instance,
+ // the form value with key "IPPermissions.3.Groups.2.GroupName"
+ // will be stored in sourceGroups[subgroupKey{3, 2}].Name.
+ sourceGroups := make(map[subgroupKey]ec2.UserSecurityGroup)
+ // For each value in the form we store its associated information in the
+ // above maps. The maps are necessary because the form keys may
+ // arrive in any order, and the indices are not
+ // necessarily sequential or even small.
+ for name, vals := range req.Form {
+ val := vals[0]
+ var id1 int
+ var rest string
+ if x, _ := fmt.Sscanf(name, "IpPermissions.%d.%s", &id1, &rest); x != 2 {
+ continue
+ }
+ ec2p := perms[id1]
+ switch {
+ case rest == "FromPort":
+ ec2p.FromPort = atoi(val)
+ case rest == "ToPort":
+ ec2p.ToPort = atoi(val)
+ case rest == "IpProtocol":
+ switch val {
+ case "tcp", "udp", "icmp":
+ ec2p.Protocol = val
+ default:
+ // check it's a well formed number
+ atoi(val)
+ ec2p.Protocol = val
+ }
+ case strings.HasPrefix(rest, "Groups."):
+ k := subgroupKey{id1: id1}
+ if x, _ := fmt.Sscanf(rest[len("Groups."):], "%d.%s", &k.id2, &rest); x != 2 {
+ continue
+ }
+ g := sourceGroups[k]
+ switch rest {
+ case "UserId":
+ // BUG if the user id is blank, this does not conform to the
+ // way that EC2 handles it - a specified but blank owner id
+ // can cause RevokeSecurityGroupIngress to fail with
+ // "group not found" even if the security group id has been
+ // correctly specified.
+ // By failing here, we ensure that we fail early in this case.
+ if !ownerIdPat.MatchString(val) {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidUserID.Malformed", "Invalid user ID: %q", val)
+ }
+ g.OwnerId = val
+ case "GroupName":
+ g.Name = val
+ case "GroupId":
+ if !secGroupPat.MatchString(val) {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidGroupId.Malformed", "Invalid group ID: %q", val)
+ }
+ g.Id = val
+ default:
+ fatalf(400, "UnknownParameter", "unknown parameter %q", name)
+ }
+ sourceGroups[k] = g
+ case strings.HasPrefix(rest, "IpRanges."):
+ var id2 int
+ if x, _ := fmt.Sscanf(rest[len("IpRanges."):], "%d.%s", &id2, &rest); x != 2 {
+ continue
+ }
+ switch rest {
+ case "CidrIp":
+ if !ipPat.MatchString(val) {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidPermission.Malformed", "Invalid IP range: %q", val)
+ }
+ ec2p.SourceIPs = append(ec2p.SourceIPs, val)
+ default:
+ fatalf(400, "UnknownParameter", "unknown parameter %q", name)
+ }
+ default:
+ fatalf(400, "UnknownParameter", "unknown parameter %q", name)
+ }
+ perms[id1] = ec2p
+ }
+ // Associate each set of source groups with its IPPerm.
+ for k, g := range sourceGroups {
+ p := perms[k.id1]
+ p.SourceGroups = append(p.SourceGroups, g)
+ perms[k.id1] = p
+ }
+ // Now that we have built up the IPPerms we need, we check for
+ // parameter errors and build up a permKey for each permission,
+ // looking up security groups from srv as we do so.
+ var result []permKey
+ for _, p := range perms {
+ if p.FromPort > p.ToPort {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "invalid port range")
+ }
+ k := permKey{
+ protocol: p.Protocol,
+ fromPort: p.FromPort,
+ toPort: p.ToPort,
+ }
+ for _, g := range p.SourceGroups {
+ if g.OwnerId != "" && g.OwnerId != ownerId {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidGroup.NotFound", "group %q not found", g.Name)
+ }
+ var ec2g ec2.SecurityGroup
+ switch {
+ case g.Id != "":
+ ec2g.Id = g.Id
+ case g.Name != "":
+ ec2g.Name = g.Name
+ }
+ =
+ if == nil {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidGroup.NotFound", "group %v not found", g)
+ }
+ result = append(result, k)
+ }
+ = nil
+ for _, ip := range p.SourceIPs {
+ k.ipAddr = ip
+ result = append(result, k)
+ }
+ }
+ return result
+func (srv *Server) deleteSecurityGroup(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, reqId string) interface{} {
+ defer
+ g :={
+ Name: req.Form.Get("GroupName"),
+ Id: req.Form.Get("GroupId"),
+ })
+ if g == nil {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidGroup.NotFound", "group not found")
+ }
+ for _, r := range srv.reservations {
+ for _, h := range r.groups {
+ if h == g && r.hasRunningMachine() {
+ fatalf(500, "InvalidGroup.InUse", "group is currently in use by a running instance")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for _, sg := range srv.groups {
+ // If a group refers to itself, it's ok to delete it.
+ if sg == g {
+ continue
+ }
+ for k := range sg.perms {
+ if == g {
+ fatalf(500, "InvalidGroup.InUse", "group is currently in use by group %q",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete(srv.groups,
+ return &ec2.SimpleResp{
+ XMLName: xml.Name{"", "DeleteSecurityGroupResponse"},
+ RequestId: reqId,
+ }
+func (r *reservation) hasRunningMachine() bool {
+ for _, inst := range r.instances {
+ if inst.state.Code != ShuttingDown.Code && inst.state.Code != Terminated.Code {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+type counter int
+func (c *counter) next() (i int) {
+ i = int(*c)
+ (*c)++
+ return
+// atoi is like strconv.Atoi but is fatal if the
+// string is not well formed.
+func atoi(s string) int {
+ i, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
+ if err != nil {
+ fatalf(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "bad number: %v", err)
+ }
+ return i
+func fatalf(statusCode int, code string, f string, a ...interface{}) {
+ panic(&ec2.Error{
+ StatusCode: statusCode,
+ Code: code,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf(f, a...),
+ })
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78da91a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+package ec2
+import (
+ ""
+ "time"
+func Sign(auth aws.Auth, method, path string, params map[string]string, host string) {
+ sign(auth, method, path, params, host)
+func fixedTime() time.Time {
+ return time.Date(2012, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
+func FakeTime(fakeIt bool) {
+ if fakeIt {
+ timeNow = fixedTime
+ } else {
+ timeNow = time.Now
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84186c1be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,1084 @@
+package ec2_test
+var ErrorDump = `
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<Message>AMIs with an instance-store root device are not supported for the instance type 't1.micro'.</Message>
+var RunInstancesExample = `
+<RunInstancesResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <reservationId>r-47a5402e</reservationId>
+ <ownerId>999988887777</ownerId>
+ <groupSet>
+ <item>
+ <groupId>sg-67ad940e</groupId>
+ <groupName>default</groupName>
+ </item>
+ </groupSet>
+ <instancesSet>
+ <item>
+ <instanceId>i-2ba64342</instanceId>
+ <imageId>ami-60a54009</imageId>
+ <instanceState>
+ <code>0</code>
+ <name>pending</name>
+ </instanceState>
+ <privateDnsName></privateDnsName>
+ <dnsName></dnsName>
+ <keyName>example-key-name</keyName>
+ <amiLaunchIndex>0</amiLaunchIndex>
+ <instanceType>m1.small</instanceType>
+ <launchTime>2007-08-07T11:51:50.000Z</launchTime>
+ <placement>
+ <availabilityZone>us-east-1b</availabilityZone>
+ </placement>
+ <monitoring>
+ <state>enabled</state>
+ </monitoring>
+ <virtualizationType>paravirtual</virtualizationType>
+ <clientToken/>
+ <tagSet/>
+ <hypervisor>xen</hypervisor>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <instanceId>i-2bc64242</instanceId>
+ <imageId>ami-60a54009</imageId>
+ <instanceState>
+ <code>0</code>
+ <name>pending</name>
+ </instanceState>
+ <privateDnsName></privateDnsName>
+ <dnsName></dnsName>
+ <keyName>example-key-name</keyName>
+ <amiLaunchIndex>1</amiLaunchIndex>
+ <instanceType>m1.small</instanceType>
+ <launchTime>2007-08-07T11:51:50.000Z</launchTime>
+ <placement>
+ <availabilityZone>us-east-1b</availabilityZone>
+ </placement>
+ <monitoring>
+ <state>enabled</state>
+ </monitoring>
+ <virtualizationType>paravirtual</virtualizationType>
+ <clientToken/>
+ <tagSet/>
+ <hypervisor>xen</hypervisor>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <instanceId>i-2be64332</instanceId>
+ <imageId>ami-60a54009</imageId>
+ <instanceState>
+ <code>0</code>
+ <name>pending</name>
+ </instanceState>
+ <privateDnsName></privateDnsName>
+ <dnsName></dnsName>
+ <keyName>example-key-name</keyName>
+ <amiLaunchIndex>2</amiLaunchIndex>
+ <instanceType>m1.small</instanceType>
+ <launchTime>2007-08-07T11:51:50.000Z</launchTime>
+ <placement>
+ <availabilityZone>us-east-1b</availabilityZone>
+ </placement>
+ <monitoring>
+ <state>enabled</state>
+ </monitoring>
+ <virtualizationType>paravirtual</virtualizationType>
+ <clientToken/>
+ <tagSet/>
+ <hypervisor>xen</hypervisor>
+ </item>
+ </instancesSet>
+var RequestSpotInstancesExample = `
+<RequestSpotInstancesResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <spotInstanceRequestSet>
+ <item>
+ <spotInstanceRequestId>sir-1a2b3c4d</spotInstanceRequestId>
+ <spotPrice>0.5</spotPrice>
+ <type>one-time</type>
+ <state>open</state>
+ <status>
+ <code>pending-evaluation</code>
+ <updateTime>YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000Z</updateTime>
+ <message>Your Spot request has been submitted for review, and is pending evaluation.</message>
+ </status>
+ <availabilityZoneGroup>MyAzGroup</availabilityZoneGroup>
+ <launchSpecification>
+ <imageId>ami-1a2b3c4d</imageId>
+ <keyName>gsg-keypair</keyName>
+ <groupSet>
+ <item>
+ <groupId>sg-1a2b3c4d</groupId>
+ <groupName>websrv</groupName>
+ </item>
+ </groupSet>
+ <instanceType>m1.small</instanceType>
+ <blockDeviceMapping/>
+ <monitoring>
+ <enabled>false</enabled>
+ </monitoring>
+ <ebsOptimized>false</ebsOptimized>
+ </launchSpecification>
+ <createTime>YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000Z</createTime>
+ <productDescription>Linux/UNIX</productDescription>
+ </item>
+ </spotInstanceRequestSet>
+var DescribeSpotRequestsExample = `
+<DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>b1719f2a-5334-4479-b2f1-26926EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <spotInstanceRequestSet>
+ <item>
+ <spotInstanceRequestId>sir-1a2b3c4d</spotInstanceRequestId>
+ <spotPrice>0.5</spotPrice>
+ <type>one-time</type>
+ <state>active</state>
+ <status>
+ <code>fulfilled</code>
+ <updateTime>YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000Z</updateTime>
+ <message>Your Spot request is fulfilled.</message>
+ </status>
+ <launchSpecification>
+ <imageId>ami-1a2b3c4d</imageId>
+ <keyName>gsg-keypair</keyName>
+ <groupSet>
+ <item>
+ <groupId>sg-1a2b3c4d</groupId>
+ <groupName>websrv</groupName>
+ </item>
+ </groupSet>
+ <instanceType>m1.small</instanceType>
+ <monitoring>
+ <enabled>false</enabled>
+ </monitoring>
+ <ebsOptimized>false</ebsOptimized>
+ </launchSpecification>
+ <instanceId>i-1a2b3c4d</instanceId>
+ <createTime>YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000Z</createTime>
+ <productDescription>Linux/UNIX</productDescription>
+ <launchedAvailabilityZone>us-east-1a</launchedAvailabilityZone>
+ </item>
+ </spotInstanceRequestSet>
+var CancelSpotRequestsExample = `
+<CancelSpotInstanceRequestsResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <spotInstanceRequestSet>
+ <item>
+ <spotInstanceRequestId>sir-1a2b3c4d</spotInstanceRequestId>
+ <state>cancelled</state>
+ </item>
+ </spotInstanceRequestSet>
+var TerminateInstancesExample = `
+<TerminateInstancesResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <instancesSet>
+ <item>
+ <instanceId>i-3ea74257</instanceId>
+ <currentState>
+ <code>32</code>
+ <name>shutting-down</name>
+ </currentState>
+ <previousState>
+ <code>16</code>
+ <name>running</name>
+ </previousState>
+ </item>
+ </instancesSet>
+var DescribeInstancesExample1 = `
+<DescribeInstancesResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>98e3c9a4-848c-4d6d-8e8a-b1bdEXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <reservationSet>
+ <item>
+ <reservationId>r-b27e30d9</reservationId>
+ <ownerId>999988887777</ownerId>
+ <groupSet>
+ <item>
+ <groupId>sg-67ad940e</groupId>
+ <groupName>default</groupName>
+ </item>
+ </groupSet>
+ <instancesSet>
+ <item>
+ <instanceId>i-c5cd56af</instanceId>
+ <imageId>ami-1a2b3c4d</imageId>
+ <instanceState>
+ <code>16</code>
+ <name>running</name>
+ </instanceState>
+ <privateDnsName>domU-12-31-39-10-56-34.compute-1.internal</privateDnsName>
+ <dnsName></dnsName>
+ <reason/>
+ <keyName>GSG_Keypair</keyName>
+ <amiLaunchIndex>0</amiLaunchIndex>
+ <productCodes/>
+ <instanceType>m1.small</instanceType>
+ <launchTime>2010-08-17T01:15:18.000Z</launchTime>
+ <placement>
+ <availabilityZone>us-east-1b</availabilityZone>
+ <groupName/>
+ </placement>
+ <kernelId>aki-94c527fd</kernelId>
+ <ramdiskId>ari-96c527ff</ramdiskId>
+ <monitoring>
+ <state>disabled</state>
+ </monitoring>
+ <privateIpAddress></privateIpAddress>
+ <ipAddress></ipAddress>
+ <architecture>i386</architecture>
+ <rootDeviceType>ebs</rootDeviceType>
+ <rootDeviceName>/dev/sda1</rootDeviceName>
+ <blockDeviceMapping>
+ <item>
+ <deviceName>/dev/sda1</deviceName>
+ <ebs>
+ <volumeId>vol-a082c1c9</volumeId>
+ <status>attached</status>
+ <attachTime>2010-08-17T01:15:21.000Z</attachTime>
+ <deleteOnTermination>false</deleteOnTermination>
+ </ebs>
+ </item>
+ </blockDeviceMapping>
+ <instanceLifecycle>spot</instanceLifecycle>
+ <spotInstanceRequestId>sir-7a688402</spotInstanceRequestId>
+ <virtualizationType>paravirtual</virtualizationType>
+ <clientToken/>
+ <tagSet/>
+ <hypervisor>xen</hypervisor>
+ </item>
+ </instancesSet>
+ <requesterId>854251627541</requesterId>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <reservationId>r-b67e30dd</reservationId>
+ <ownerId>999988887777</ownerId>
+ <groupSet>
+ <item>
+ <groupId>sg-67ad940e</groupId>
+ <groupName>default</groupName>
+ </item>
+ </groupSet>
+ <instancesSet>
+ <item>
+ <instanceId>i-d9cd56b3</instanceId>
+ <imageId>ami-1a2b3c4d</imageId>
+ <instanceState>
+ <code>16</code>
+ <name>running</name>
+ </instanceState>
+ <privateDnsName>domU-12-31-39-10-54-E5.compute-1.internal</privateDnsName>
+ <dnsName></dnsName>
+ <reason/>
+ <keyName>GSG_Keypair</keyName>
+ <amiLaunchIndex>0</amiLaunchIndex>
+ <productCodes/>
+ <instanceType>m1.large</instanceType>
+ <launchTime>2010-08-17T01:15:19.000Z</launchTime>
+ <placement>
+ <availabilityZone>us-east-1b</availabilityZone>
+ <groupName/>
+ </placement>
+ <kernelId>aki-94c527fd</kernelId>
+ <ramdiskId>ari-96c527ff</ramdiskId>
+ <monitoring>
+ <state>disabled</state>
+ </monitoring>
+ <privateIpAddress></privateIpAddress>
+ <ipAddress></ipAddress>
+ <architecture>i386</architecture>
+ <rootDeviceType>ebs</rootDeviceType>
+ <rootDeviceName>/dev/sda1</rootDeviceName>
+ <blockDeviceMapping>
+ <item>
+ <deviceName>/dev/sda1</deviceName>
+ <ebs>
+ <volumeId>vol-a282c1cb</volumeId>
+ <status>attached</status>
+ <attachTime>2010-08-17T01:15:23.000Z</attachTime>
+ <deleteOnTermination>false</deleteOnTermination>
+ </ebs>
+ </item>
+ </blockDeviceMapping>
+ <instanceLifecycle>spot</instanceLifecycle>
+ <spotInstanceRequestId>sir-55a3aa02</spotInstanceRequestId>
+ <virtualizationType>paravirtual</virtualizationType>
+ <clientToken/>
+ <tagSet/>
+ <hypervisor>xen</hypervisor>
+ </item>
+ </instancesSet>
+ <requesterId>854251627541</requesterId>
+ </item>
+ </reservationSet>
+var DescribeInstancesExample2 = `
+<DescribeInstancesResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <reservationSet>
+ <item>
+ <reservationId>r-bc7e30d7</reservationId>
+ <ownerId>999988887777</ownerId>
+ <groupSet>
+ <item>
+ <groupId>sg-67ad940e</groupId>
+ <groupName>default</groupName>
+ </item>
+ </groupSet>
+ <instancesSet>
+ <item>
+ <instanceId>i-c7cd56ad</instanceId>
+ <imageId>ami-b232d0db</imageId>
+ <instanceState>
+ <code>16</code>
+ <name>running</name>
+ </instanceState>
+ <privateDnsName>domU-12-31-39-01-76-06.compute-1.internal</privateDnsName>
+ <dnsName></dnsName>
+ <keyName>GSG_Keypair</keyName>
+ <amiLaunchIndex>0</amiLaunchIndex>
+ <productCodes/>
+ <instanceType>m1.small</instanceType>
+ <launchTime>2010-08-17T01:15:16.000Z</launchTime>
+ <placement>
+ <availabilityZone>us-east-1b</availabilityZone>
+ </placement>
+ <kernelId>aki-94c527fd</kernelId>
+ <ramdiskId>ari-96c527ff</ramdiskId>
+ <monitoring>
+ <state>disabled</state>
+ </monitoring>
+ <privateIpAddress></privateIpAddress>
+ <ipAddress></ipAddress>
+ <architecture>i386</architecture>
+ <rootDeviceType>ebs</rootDeviceType>
+ <rootDeviceName>/dev/sda1</rootDeviceName>
+ <blockDeviceMapping>
+ <item>
+ <deviceName>/dev/sda1</deviceName>
+ <ebs>
+ <volumeId>vol-a482c1cd</volumeId>
+ <status>attached</status>
+ <attachTime>2010-08-17T01:15:26.000Z</attachTime>
+ <deleteOnTermination>true</deleteOnTermination>
+ </ebs>
+ </item>
+ </blockDeviceMapping>
+ <virtualizationType>paravirtual</virtualizationType>
+ <clientToken/>
+ <tagSet>
+ <item>
+ <key>webserver</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <key>stack</key>
+ <value>Production</value>
+ </item>
+ </tagSet>
+ <hypervisor>xen</hypervisor>
+ </item>
+ </instancesSet>
+ </item>
+ </reservationSet>
+var DescribeInstanceStatusExample = `
+<DescribeInstanceStatusResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <instanceStatusSet>
+ <item>
+ <instanceId>i-c7cd56ad</instanceId>
+ <availabilityZone>us-east-1b</availabilityZone>
+ <eventsSet>
+ <item>
+ <code>instance-reboot</code>
+ <description>example description</description>
+ <notBefore>2010-08-17T01:15:18.000Z</notBefore>
+ <notAfter>2010-08-17T01:15:18.000Z</notAfter>
+ </item>
+ </eventsSet>
+ <instanceState>
+ <code>16</code>
+ <name>running</name>
+ </instanceState>
+ <systemStatus>
+ <status>ok</status>
+ <details>
+ <name>reachability</name>
+ <status>passed</status>
+ <impairedSince>2010-08-17T01:15:18.000Z</impairedSince>
+ </details>
+ </systemStatus>
+ <instanceStatus>
+ <status>ok</status>
+ <details>
+ <name>reachability</name>
+ <status>passed</status>
+ <impairedSince>2010-08-17T01:15:18.000Z</impairedSince>
+ </details>
+ </instanceStatus>
+ </item>
+ </instanceStatusSet>
+ <nextToken>exampleToken</nextToken>
+var ModifyInstanceExample = `
+<ModifyImageAttributeResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
+var AllocateAddressExample = `
+<AllocateAddressResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <publicIp></publicIp>
+ <domain>vpc</domain>
+ <allocationId>eipalloc-5723d13e</allocationId>
+var ReleaseAddressExample = `
+<ReleaseAddressResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
+var AssociateAddressExample = `
+<AssociateAddressResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
+ <associationId>eipassoc-fc5ca095</associationId>
+var DisassociateAddressExample = `
+<DisassociateAddressResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
+var DescribeAddressesExample = `
+<DescribeAddressesResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <addressesSet>
+ <item>
+ <publicIp></publicIp>
+ <domain>standard</domain>
+ <instanceId>i-f15ebb98</instanceId>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <publicIp></publicIp>
+ <domain>standard</domain>
+ <instanceId/>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <publicIp></publicIp>
+ <allocationId>eipalloc-08229861</allocationId>
+ <domain>vpc</domain>
+ <instanceId>i-64600030</instanceId>
+ <associationId>eipassoc-f0229899</associationId>
+ <networkInterfaceId>eni-ef229886</networkInterfaceId>
+ <networkInterfaceOwnerId>053230519467</networkInterfaceOwnerId>
+ <privateIpAddress></privateIpAddress>
+ </item>
+ </addressesSet>
+var DescribeAddressesAllocationIdExample = `
+<DescribeAddressesResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <addressesSet>
+ <item>
+ <publicIp></publicIp>
+ <allocationId>eipalloc-08229861</allocationId>
+ <domain>vpc</domain>
+ <instanceId>i-64600030</instanceId>
+ <associationId>eipassoc-f0229899</associationId>
+ <networkInterfaceId>eni-ef229886</networkInterfaceId>
+ <networkInterfaceOwnerId>053230519467</networkInterfaceOwnerId>
+ <privateIpAddress></privateIpAddress>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <publicIp></publicIp>
+ <allocationId>eipalloc-08364752</allocationId>
+ <domain>vpc</domain>
+ <instanceId>i-64693456</instanceId>
+ <associationId>eipassoc-f0348693</associationId>
+ <networkInterfaceId>eni-da764039</networkInterfaceId>
+ <networkInterfaceOwnerId>053230519467</networkInterfaceOwnerId>
+ <privateIpAddress></privateIpAddress>
+ </item>
+ </addressesSet>
+var CreateImageExample = `
+<CreateImageResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <imageId>ami-4fa54026</imageId>
+var DescribeImagesExample = `
+<DescribeImagesResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>4a4a27a2-2e7c-475d-b35b-ca822EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <imagesSet>
+ <item>
+ <imageId>ami-a2469acf</imageId>
+ <imageLocation>aws-marketplace/example-marketplace-amzn-ami.1</imageLocation>
+ <imageState>available</imageState>
+ <imageOwnerId>123456789999</imageOwnerId>
+ <isPublic>true</isPublic>
+ <productCodes>
+ <item>
+ <productCode>a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j10k11</productCode>
+ <type>marketplace</type>
+ </item>
+ </productCodes>
+ <architecture>i386</architecture>
+ <imageType>machine</imageType>
+ <kernelId>aki-805ea7e9</kernelId>
+ <imageOwnerAlias>aws-marketplace</imageOwnerAlias>
+ <name>example-marketplace-amzn-ami.1</name>
+ <description>Amazon Linux AMI i386 EBS</description>
+ <rootDeviceType>ebs</rootDeviceType>
+ <rootDeviceName>/dev/sda1</rootDeviceName>
+ <blockDeviceMapping>
+ <item>
+ <deviceName>/dev/sda1</deviceName>
+ <ebs>
+ <snapshotId>snap-787e9403</snapshotId>
+ <volumeSize>8</volumeSize>
+ <deleteOnTermination>true</deleteOnTermination>
+ </ebs>
+ </item>
+ </blockDeviceMapping>
+ <virtualizationType>paravirtual</virtualizationType>
+ <tagSet>
+ <item>
+ <key>Purpose</key>
+ <value>EXAMPLE</value>
+ </item>
+ </tagSet>
+ <hypervisor>xen</hypervisor>
+ </item>
+ </imagesSet>
+var ImageAttributeExample = `
+<DescribeImageAttributeResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <imageId>ami-61a54008</imageId>
+ <launchPermission>
+ <item>
+ <group>all</group>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <userId>495219933132</userId>
+ </item>
+ </launchPermission>
+var CreateSnapshotExample = `
+<CreateSnapshotResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <snapshotId>snap-78a54011</snapshotId>
+ <volumeId>vol-4d826724</volumeId>
+ <status>pending</status>
+ <startTime>2008-05-07T12:51:50.000Z</startTime>
+ <progress>60%</progress>
+ <ownerId>111122223333</ownerId>
+ <volumeSize>10</volumeSize>
+ <description>Daily Backup</description>
+var DeleteSnapshotExample = `
+<DeleteSnapshotResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
+var DescribeSnapshotsExample = `
+<DescribeSnapshotsResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <snapshotSet>
+ <item>
+ <snapshotId>snap-1a2b3c4d</snapshotId>
+ <volumeId>vol-8875daef</volumeId>
+ <status>pending</status>
+ <startTime>2010-07-29T04:12:01.000Z</startTime>
+ <progress>30%</progress>
+ <ownerId>111122223333</ownerId>
+ <volumeSize>15</volumeSize>
+ <description>Daily Backup</description>
+ <tagSet>
+ <item>
+ <key>Purpose</key>
+ <value>demo_db_14_backup</value>
+ </item>
+ </tagSet>
+ </item>
+ </snapshotSet>
+var ModifyImageAttributeExample = `
+<ModifyImageAttributeResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
+var CopyImageExample = `
+<CopyImageResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>60bc441d-fa2c-494d-b155-5d6a3EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <imageId>ami-4d3c2b1a</imageId>
+var CreateKeyPairExample = `
+<CreateKeyPairResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <keyName>foo</keyName>
+ <keyFingerprint>
+ 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
+ </keyFingerprint>
+ <keyMaterial>---- BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY ----
+var DeleteKeyPairExample = `
+<DeleteKeyPairResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
+var CreateSecurityGroupExample = `
+<CreateSecurityGroupResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
+ <groupId>sg-67ad940e</groupId>
+var DescribeSecurityGroupsExample = `
+<DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <securityGroupInfo>
+ <item>
+ <ownerId>999988887777</ownerId>
+ <groupName>WebServers</groupName>
+ <groupId>sg-67ad940e</groupId>
+ <groupDescription>Web Servers</groupDescription>
+ <ipPermissions>
+ <item>
+ <ipProtocol>tcp</ipProtocol>
+ <fromPort>80</fromPort>
+ <toPort>80</toPort>
+ <groups/>
+ <ipRanges>
+ <item>
+ <cidrIp></cidrIp>
+ </item>
+ </ipRanges>
+ </item>
+ </ipPermissions>
+ <ipPermissionsEgress>
+ <item>
+ <ipProtocol>tcp</ipProtocol>
+ <fromPort>80</fromPort>
+ <toPort>80</toPort>
+ <groups/>
+ <ipRanges>
+ <item>
+ <cidrIp></cidrIp>
+ </item>
+ </ipRanges>
+ </item>
+ </ipPermissionsEgress>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <ownerId>999988887777</ownerId>
+ <groupName>RangedPortsBySource</groupName>
+ <groupId>sg-76abc467</groupId>
+ <groupDescription>Group A</groupDescription>
+ <ipPermissions>
+ <item>
+ <ipProtocol>tcp</ipProtocol>
+ <fromPort>6000</fromPort>
+ <toPort>7000</toPort>
+ <groups/>
+ <ipRanges/>
+ </item>
+ </ipPermissions>
+ </item>
+ </securityGroupInfo>
+// A dump which includes groups within ip permissions.
+var DescribeSecurityGroupsDump = `
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>87b92b57-cc6e-48b2-943f-f6f0e5c9f46c</requestId>
+ <securityGroupInfo>
+ <item>
+ <ownerId>12345</ownerId>
+ <groupName>default</groupName>
+ <groupDescription>default group</groupDescription>
+ <ipPermissions>
+ <item>
+ <ipProtocol>icmp</ipProtocol>
+ <fromPort>-1</fromPort>
+ <toPort>-1</toPort>
+ <groups>
+ <item>
+ <userId>12345</userId>
+ <groupName>default</groupName>
+ <groupId>sg-67ad940e</groupId>
+ </item>
+ </groups>
+ <ipRanges/>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <ipProtocol>tcp</ipProtocol>
+ <fromPort>0</fromPort>
+ <toPort>65535</toPort>
+ <groups>
+ <item>
+ <userId>12345</userId>
+ <groupName>other</groupName>
+ <groupId>sg-76abc467</groupId>
+ </item>
+ </groups>
+ <ipRanges/>
+ </item>
+ </ipPermissions>
+ </item>
+ </securityGroupInfo>
+var DeleteSecurityGroupExample = `
+<DeleteSecurityGroupResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
+var AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressExample = `
+<AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
+var RevokeSecurityGroupIngressExample = `
+<RevokeSecurityGroupIngressResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
+var CreateTagsExample = `
+<CreateTagsResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
+var StartInstancesExample = `
+<StartInstancesResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <instancesSet>
+ <item>
+ <instanceId>i-10a64379</instanceId>
+ <currentState>
+ <code>0</code>
+ <name>pending</name>
+ </currentState>
+ <previousState>
+ <code>80</code>
+ <name>stopped</name>
+ </previousState>
+ </item>
+ </instancesSet>
+var StopInstancesExample = `
+<StopInstancesResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <instancesSet>
+ <item>
+ <instanceId>i-10a64379</instanceId>
+ <currentState>
+ <code>64</code>
+ <name>stopping</name>
+ </currentState>
+ <previousState>
+ <code>16</code>
+ <name>running</name>
+ </previousState>
+ </item>
+ </instancesSet>
+var RebootInstancesExample = `
+<RebootInstancesResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
+var DescribeRouteTablesExample = `
+<DescribeRouteTablesResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>6f570b0b-9c18-4b07-bdec-73740dcf861aEXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <routeTableSet>
+ <item>
+ <routeTableId>rtb-13ad487a</routeTableId>
+ <vpcId>vpc-11ad4878</vpcId>
+ <routeSet>
+ <item>
+ <destinationCidrBlock></destinationCidrBlock>
+ <gatewayId>local</gatewayId>
+ <state>active</state>
+ <origin>CreateRouteTable</origin>
+ </item>
+ </routeSet>
+ <associationSet>
+ <item>
+ <routeTableAssociationId>rtbassoc-12ad487b</routeTableAssociationId>
+ <routeTableId>rtb-13ad487a</routeTableId>
+ <main>true</main>
+ </item>
+ </associationSet>
+ <tagSet/>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <routeTableId>rtb-f9ad4890</routeTableId>
+ <vpcId>vpc-11ad4878</vpcId>
+ <routeSet>
+ <item>
+ <destinationCidrBlock></destinationCidrBlock>
+ <gatewayId>local</gatewayId>
+ <state>active</state>
+ <origin>CreateRouteTable</origin>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <destinationCidrBlock></destinationCidrBlock>
+ <gatewayId>igw-eaad4883</gatewayId>
+ <state>active</state>
+ </item>
+ </routeSet>
+ <associationSet>
+ <item>
+ <routeTableAssociationId>rtbassoc-faad4893</routeTableAssociationId>
+ <routeTableId>rtb-f9ad4890</routeTableId>
+ <subnetId>subnet-15ad487c</subnetId>
+ </item>
+ </associationSet>
+ <tagSet/>
+ </item>
+ </routeTableSet>
+var CreateRouteTableExample = `
+<CreateRouteTableResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59abcd43-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <routeTable>
+ <routeTableId>rtb-f9ad4890</routeTableId>
+ <vpcId>vpc-11ad4878</vpcId>
+ <routeSet>
+ <item>
+ <destinationCidrBlock></destinationCidrBlock>
+ <gatewayId>local</gatewayId>
+ <state>active</state>
+ </item>
+ </routeSet>
+ <associationSet/>
+ <tagSet/>
+ </routeTable>
+var DeleteRouteTableExample = `
+<DeleteRouteTableResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>49dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
+var AssociateRouteTableExample = `
+<AssociateRouteTableResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <associationId>rtbassoc-f8ad4891</associationId>
+var DisassociateRouteTableExample = `
+<DisassociateRouteTableResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
+var ReplaceRouteTableAssociationExample = `
+<ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-88ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <newAssociationId>rtbassoc-faad2958</newAssociationId>
+var DescribeReservedInstancesExample = `
+<DescribeReservedInstancesResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <reservedInstancesSet>
+ <item>
+ <reservedInstancesId>e5a2ff3b-7d14-494f-90af-0b5d0EXAMPLE</reservedInstancesId>
+ <instanceType>m1.xlarge</instanceType>
+ <availabilityZone>us-east-1b</availabilityZone>
+ <duration>31536000</duration>
+ <fixedPrice>61.0</fixedPrice>
+ <usagePrice>0.034</usagePrice>
+ <instanceCount>3</instanceCount>
+ <productDescription>Linux/UNIX</productDescription>
+ <state>active</state>
+ <instanceTenancy>default</instanceTenancy>
+ <currencyCode>USD</currencyCode>
+ <offeringType>Light Utilization</offeringType>
+ <recurringCharges/>
+ </item>
+ </reservedInstancesSet>
+var DescribeVpcsExample = `
+<DescribeVpcsResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>7a62c49f-347e-4fc4-9331-6e8eEXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <vpcSet>
+ <item>
+ <vpcId>vpc-1a2b3c4d</vpcId>
+ <state>available</state>
+ <cidrBlock></cidrBlock>
+ <dhcpOptionsId>dopt-7a8b9c2d</dhcpOptionsId>
+ <instanceTenancy>default</instanceTenancy>
+ <isDefault>false</isDefault>
+ <tagSet/>
+ </item>
+ </vpcSet>
+var CreateVpcExample = `
+<CreateVpcResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>7a62c49f-347e-4fc4-9331-6e8eEXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <vpc>
+ <vpcId>vpc-1a2b3c4d</vpcId>
+ <state>pending</state>
+ <cidrBlock></cidrBlock>
+ <dhcpOptionsId>dopt-1a2b3c4d2</dhcpOptionsId>
+ <instanceTenancy>default</instanceTenancy>
+ <tagSet/>
+ </vpc>
+var DeleteVpcExample = `
+<DeleteVpcResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>7a62c49f-347e-4fc4-9331-6e8eEXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
+var CreateRouteExample = `
+<CreateRouteResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>b4998629-3000-437f-b382-cc96fEXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
+var DeleteRouteExample = `
+<DeleteRouteResponse xmlns="">
+ <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
+ <return>true</return>
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c30f13bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+package ec2
+import (
+ "crypto/hmac"
+ "crypto/sha256"
+ "encoding/base64"
+ ""
+ "sort"
+ "strings"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// EC2 signing (
+var b64 = base64.StdEncoding
+func sign(auth aws.Auth, method, path string, params map[string]string, host string) {
+ params["AWSAccessKeyId"] = auth.AccessKey
+ params["SignatureVersion"] = "2"
+ params["SignatureMethod"] = "HmacSHA256"
+ if auth.Token() != "" {
+ params["SecurityToken"] = auth.Token()
+ }
+ // AWS specifies that the parameters in a signed request must
+ // be provided in the natural order of the keys. This is distinct
+ // from the natural order of the encoded value of key=value.
+ // Percent and equals affect the sorting order.
+ var keys, sarray []string
+ for k, _ := range params {
+ keys = append(keys, k)
+ }
+ sort.Strings(keys)
+ for _, k := range keys {
+ sarray = append(sarray, aws.Encode(k)+"="+aws.Encode(params[k]))
+ }
+ joined := strings.Join(sarray, "&")
+ payload := method + "\n" + host + "\n" + path + "\n" + joined
+ hash := hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(auth.SecretKey))
+ hash.Write([]byte(payload))
+ signature := make([]byte, b64.EncodedLen(hash.Size()))
+ b64.Encode(signature, hash.Sum(nil))
+ params["Signature"] = string(signature)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc6996cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+package ec2_test
+import (
+ ""
+ ""
+ . ""
+// EC2 ReST authentication docs:
+var testAuth = aws.Auth{AccessKey: "user", SecretKey: "secret"}
+func (s *S) TestBasicSignature(c *C) {
+ params := map[string]string{}
+ ec2.Sign(testAuth, "GET", "/path", params, "localhost")
+ c.Assert(params["SignatureVersion"], Equals, "2")
+ c.Assert(params["SignatureMethod"], Equals, "HmacSHA256")
+ expected := "6lSe5QyXum0jMVc7cOUz32/52ZnL7N5RyKRk/09yiK4="
+ c.Assert(params["Signature"], Equals, expected)
+func (s *S) TestParamSignature(c *C) {
+ params := map[string]string{
+ "param1": "value1",
+ "param2": "value2",
+ "param3": "value3",
+ }
+ ec2.Sign(testAuth, "GET", "/path", params, "localhost")
+ expected := "XWOR4+0lmK8bD8CGDGZ4kfuSPbb2JibLJiCl/OPu1oU="
+ c.Assert(params["Signature"], Equals, expected)
+func (s *S) TestManyParams(c *C) {
+ params := map[string]string{
+ "param1": "value10",
+ "param2": "value2",
+ "param3": "value3",
+ "param4": "value4",
+ "param5": "value5",
+ "param6": "value6",
+ "param7": "value7",
+ "param8": "value8",
+ "param9": "value9",
+ "param10": "value1",
+ }
+ ec2.Sign(testAuth, "GET", "/path", params, "localhost")
+ expected := "di0sjxIvezUgQ1SIL6i+C/H8lL+U0CQ9frLIak8jkVg="
+ c.Assert(params["Signature"], Equals, expected)
+func (s *S) TestEscaping(c *C) {
+ params := map[string]string{"Nonce": "+ +"}
+ ec2.Sign(testAuth, "GET", "/path", params, "localhost")
+ c.Assert(params["Nonce"], Equals, "+ +")
+ expected := "bqffDELReIqwjg/W0DnsnVUmfLK4wXVLO4/LuG+1VFA="
+ c.Assert(params["Signature"], Equals, expected)
+func (s *S) TestSignatureExample1(c *C) {
+ params := map[string]string{
+ "Timestamp": "2009-02-01T12:53:20+00:00",
+ "Version": "2007-11-07",
+ "Action": "ListDomains",
+ }
+ ec2.Sign(aws.Auth{AccessKey: "access", SecretKey: "secret"}, "GET", "/", params, "")
+ expected := "okj96/5ucWBSc1uR2zXVfm6mDHtgfNv657rRtt/aunQ="
+ c.Assert(params["Signature"], Equals, expected)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a2ff7c6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+package ec2
+// RouteTable describes a route table which contains a set of rules, called routes
+// that are used to determine where network traffic is directed.
+// See for more details.
+type RouteTable struct {
+ Id string `xml:"routeTableId"`
+ VpcId string `xml:"vpcId"`
+ Routes []Route `xml:"routeSet>item"`
+ Associations []RouteTableAssociation `xml:"associationSet>item"`
+ PropagatingVgws []PropagatingVgw `xml:"propagatingVgwSet>item"`
+ Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
+// Route describes a route in a route table.
+// See for more details.
+type Route struct {
+ DestinationCidrBlock string `xml:"destinationCidrBlock"` // The CIDR block used for the destination match.
+ GatewayId string `xml:"gatewayId"` // The ID of a gateway attached to your VPC.
+ InstanceId string `xml:"instanceId"` // The ID of a NAT instance in your VPC.
+ InstanceOwnerId string `xml:"instanceOwnerId"` // The AWS account ID of the owner of the instance.
+ NetworkInterfaceId string `xml:"networkInterfaceId"` // The ID of the network interface.
+ State string `xml:"state"` // The state of the route. Valid values: active | blackhole
+ Origin string `xml:"origin"` // Describes how the route was created. Valid values: Valid values: CreateRouteTable | CreateRoute | EnableVgwRoutePropagation
+ VpcPeeringConnectionId string `xml:"vpcPeeringConnectionId"` // The ID of the VPC peering connection.
+// RouteTableAssociation describes an association between a route table and a subnet.
+// See for more details.
+type RouteTableAssociation struct {
+ Id string `xml:"routeTableAssociationId"` // The ID of the association between a route table and a subnet.
+ RouteTableId string `xml:"routeTableId"` // The ID of the route table.
+ SubnetId string `xml:"subnetId"` // The ID of the subnet.
+ Main bool `xml:"main"` // Indicates whether this is the main route table.
+// PropagatingVgw describes a virtual private gateway propagating route.
+// See for more details.
+type PropagatingVgw struct {
+ GatewayId string `xml:"gatewayID"`
+// CreateRouteTableResp represents a response from a CreateRouteTable request
+// See for more details.
+type CreateRouteTableResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ RouteTable RouteTable `xml:"routeTable"`
+// CreateRouteTable creates a route table for the specified VPC.
+// After you create a route table, you can add routes and associate the table with a subnet.
+// See for more details..
+func (ec2 *EC2) CreateRouteTable(vpcId string) (resp *CreateRouteTableResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("CreateRouteTable")
+ params["VpcId"] = vpcId
+ resp = &CreateRouteTableResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// DescribeRouteTablesResp represents a response from a DescribeRouteTables call
+// See for more details.
+type DescribeRouteTablesResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ RouteTables []RouteTable `xml:"routeTableSet>item"`
+// DescribeRouteTables describes one or more of your route tables
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) DescribeRouteTables(routeTableIds []string, filter *Filter) (resp *DescribeRouteTablesResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DescribeRouteTables")
+ addParamsList(params, "RouteTableId", routeTableIds)
+ filter.addParams(params)
+ resp = &DescribeRouteTablesResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// AssociateRouteTableResp represents a response from an AssociateRouteTable call
+// See for more details.
+type AssociateRouteTableResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ AssociationId string `xml:"associationId"`
+// AssociateRouteTable associates a subnet with a route table.
+// The subnet and route table must be in the same VPC. This association causes
+// traffic originating from the subnet to be routed according to the routes
+// in the route table. The action returns an association ID, which you need in
+// order to disassociate the route table from the subnet later.
+// A route table can be associated with multiple subnets.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) AssociateRouteTable(routeTableId, subnetId string) (resp *AssociateRouteTableResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("AssociateRouteTable")
+ params["RouteTableId"] = routeTableId
+ params["SubnetId"] = subnetId
+ resp = &AssociateRouteTableResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// DisassociateRouteTableResp represents the response from a DisassociateRouteTable request
+// See for more details.
+type DisassociateRouteTableResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Return bool `xml:"return"` // True if the request succeeds
+// DisassociateRouteTable disassociates a subnet from a route table.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) DisassociateRouteTable(associationId string) (resp *DisassociateRouteTableResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DisassociateRouteTable")
+ params["AssociationId"] = associationId
+ resp = &DisassociateRouteTableResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResp represents a response from a ReplaceRouteTableAssociation call
+// See for more details.
+type ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ NewAssociationId string `xml:"newAssociationId"`
+// ReplaceRouteTableAssociation changes the route table associated with a given subnet in a VPC.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) ReplaceRouteTableAssociation(associationId, routeTableId string) (resp *ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("ReplaceRouteTableAssociation")
+ params["AssociationId"] = associationId
+ params["RouteTableId"] = routeTableId
+ resp = &ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// DeleteRouteTableResp represents a response from a DeleteRouteTable request
+// See for more details.
+type DeleteRouteTableResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Return bool `xml:"return"` // True if the request succeeds
+// DeleteRouteTable deletes the specified route table.
+// You must disassociate the route table from any subnets before you can delete it.
+// You can't delete the main route table.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteRouteTable(routeTableId string) (resp *DeleteRouteTableResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DeleteRouteTable")
+ params["RouteTableId"] = routeTableId
+ resp = &DeleteRouteTableResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// VPC describes a VPC.
+// See for more details.
+type VPC struct {
+ CidrBlock string `xml:"cidrBlock"`
+ DHCPOptionsID string `xml:"dhcpOptionsId"`
+ State string `xml:"state"`
+ VpcId string `xml:"vpcId"`
+ InstanceTenancy string `xml:"instanceTenancy"`
+ IsDefault bool `xml:"isDefault"`
+ Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
+// CreateVpcResp represents a response from a CreateVpcResp request
+// See for more details.
+type CreateVpcResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ VPC VPC `xml:"vpc"` // Information about the VPC.
+// CreateVpc creates a VPC with the specified CIDR block.
+// The smallest VPC you can create uses a /28 netmask (16 IP addresses),
+// and the largest uses a /16 netmask (65,536 IP addresses).
+// By default, each instance you launch in the VPC has the default DHCP options,
+// which includes only a default DNS server that Amazon provides (AmazonProvidedDNS).
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) CreateVpc(cidrBlock, instanceTenancy string) (resp *CreateVpcResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("CreateVpc")
+ params["CidrBlock"] = cidrBlock
+ if instanceTenancy != "" {
+ params["InstanceTenancy"] = instanceTenancy
+ }
+ resp = &CreateVpcResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// DeleteVpcResp represents a response from a DeleteVpc request
+// See for more details.
+type DeleteVpcResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Return bool `xml:"return"` // True if the request succeeds
+// DeleteVpc deletes the specified VPC.
+// You must detach or delete all gateways and resources that are associated with
+// the VPC before you can delete it. For example, you must terminate all
+// instances running in the VPC, delete all security groups associated with
+// the VPC (except the default one), delete all route tables associated with
+// the VPC (except the default one), and so on.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteVpc(vpcId string) (resp *DeleteVpcResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DeleteVpc")
+ params["VpcId"] = vpcId
+ resp = &DeleteVpcResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// DescribeVpcsResp represents a response from a DescribeVpcs request
+// See for more details.
+type DescribeVpcsResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ VPCs []VPC `xml:"vpcSet>item"` // Information about one or more VPCs.
+// DescribeVpcs describes one or more of your VPCs.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) DescribeVpcs(vpcIds []string, filter *Filter) (resp *DescribeVpcsResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DescribeVpcs")
+ addParamsList(params, "VpcId", vpcIds)
+ filter.addParams(params)
+ resp = &DescribeVpcsResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// DeleteRouteResp represents a response from a DeleteRoute request
+// See for more details.
+type DeleteRouteResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Return bool `xml:"return"` // True if the request succeeds
+// DeleteRoute deletes the specified route from the specified route table.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteRoute(routeTableId, destinationCidrBlock string) (resp *DeleteRouteResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DeleteRoute")
+ params["RouteTableId"] = routeTableId
+ params["DestinationCidrBlock"] = destinationCidrBlock
+ resp = &DeleteRouteResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// CreateRouteResp represents a response from a CreateRoute request
+// See for more details.
+type CreateRouteResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Return bool `xml:"return"` // True if the request succeeds
+// CreateRoute structure contains the options for a CreateRoute API call.
+type CreateRoute struct {
+ DestinationCidrBlock string
+ GatewayId string
+ InstanceId string
+ NetworkInterfaceId string
+ VpcPeeringConnectionId string
+// CreateRoute creates a route in a route table within a VPC.
+// You must specify one of the following targets: Internet gateway or virtual
+// private gateway, NAT instance, VPC peering connection, or network interface.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) CreateRoute(routeTableId string, options *CreateRoute) (resp *CreateRouteResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("CreateRoute")
+ params["RouteTableId"] = routeTableId
+ if options.DestinationCidrBlock != "" {
+ params["DestinationCidrBlock"] = options.DestinationCidrBlock
+ }
+ if options.GatewayId != "" {
+ params["GatewayId"] = options.GatewayId
+ }
+ if options.InstanceId != "" {
+ params["InstanceId"] = options.InstanceId
+ }
+ if options.NetworkInterfaceId != "" {
+ params["NetworkInterfaceId"] = options.NetworkInterfaceId
+ }
+ if options.VpcPeeringConnectionId != "" {
+ params["VpcPeeringConnectionId"] = options.VpcPeeringConnectionId
+ }
+ resp = &CreateRouteResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
+// Subnet describes a subnet
+// See
+type Subnet struct {
+ AvailabilityZone string `xml:"availabilityZone"`
+ AvailableIpAddressCount int `xml:"availableIpAddressCount"`
+ CidrBlock string `xml:"cidrBlock"`
+ DefaultForAZ bool `xml:"defaultForAz"`
+ MapPublicIpOnLaunch bool `xml:"mapPublicIpOnLaunch"`
+ State string `xml:"state"`
+ SubnetId string `xml:"subnetId"`
+ Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
+ VpcId string `xml:"vpcId"`
+// DescribeSubnetsResp represents a response from a DescribeSubnets request
+// See for more details.
+type DescribeSubnetsResp struct {
+ RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
+ Subnets []Subnet `xml:"subnetSet>item"`
+// DescribeSubnets describes one or more Subnets.
+// See for more details.
+func (ec2 *EC2) DescribeSubnets(subnetIds []string, filter *Filter) (resp *DescribeSubnetsResp, err error) {
+ params := makeParams("DescribeSubnets")
+ addParamsList(params, "SubnetId", subnetIds)
+ filter.addParams(params)
+ resp = &DescribeSubnetsResp{}
+ err = ec2.query(params, resp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6e67eeed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+package ec2_test
+import (
+ ""
+ . ""
+func (s *S) TestCreateRouteTable(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, CreateRouteTableExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.CreateRouteTable("vpc-11ad4878")
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"CreateRouteTable"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["VpcId"], DeepEquals, []string{"vpc-11ad4878"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59abcd43-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.RouteTable.Id, Equals, "rtb-f9ad4890")
+ c.Assert(resp.RouteTable.VpcId, Equals, "vpc-11ad4878")
+ c.Assert(resp.RouteTable.Routes, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(resp.RouteTable.Routes[0], DeepEquals, ec2.Route{
+ DestinationCidrBlock: "",
+ GatewayId: "local",
+ State: "active",
+ })
+ c.Assert(resp.RouteTable.Associations, HasLen, 0)
+ c.Assert(resp.RouteTable.Tags, HasLen, 0)
+func (s *S) TestDescribeRouteTables(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DescribeRouteTablesExample)
+ filter := ec2.NewFilter()
+ filter.Add("key1", "value1")
+ filter.Add("key2", "value2", "value3")
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DescribeRouteTables([]string{"rt1", "rt2"}, nil)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DescribeRouteTables"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["RouteTableId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"rt1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["RouteTableId.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"rt2"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "6f570b0b-9c18-4b07-bdec-73740dcf861aEXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.RouteTables, HasLen, 2)
+ rt1 := resp.RouteTables[0]
+ c.Assert(rt1.Id, Equals, "rtb-13ad487a")
+ c.Assert(rt1.VpcId, Equals, "vpc-11ad4878")
+ c.Assert(rt1.Routes, DeepEquals, []ec2.Route{
+ {DestinationCidrBlock: "", GatewayId: "local", State: "active", Origin: "CreateRouteTable"},
+ })
+ c.Assert(rt1.Associations, DeepEquals, []ec2.RouteTableAssociation{
+ {Id: "rtbassoc-12ad487b", RouteTableId: "rtb-13ad487a", Main: true},
+ })
+ rt2 := resp.RouteTables[1]
+ c.Assert(rt2.Id, Equals, "rtb-f9ad4890")
+ c.Assert(rt2.VpcId, Equals, "vpc-11ad4878")
+ c.Assert(rt2.Routes, DeepEquals, []ec2.Route{
+ {DestinationCidrBlock: "", GatewayId: "local", State: "active", Origin: "CreateRouteTable"},
+ {DestinationCidrBlock: "", GatewayId: "igw-eaad4883", State: "active"},
+ })
+ c.Assert(rt2.Associations, DeepEquals, []ec2.RouteTableAssociation{
+ {Id: "rtbassoc-faad4893", RouteTableId: "rtb-f9ad4890", SubnetId: "subnet-15ad487c"},
+ })
+func (s *S) TestAssociateRouteTable(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, AssociateRouteTableExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.AssociateRouteTable("rtb-e4ad488d", "subnet-15ad487c")
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"AssociateRouteTable"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["RouteTableId"], DeepEquals, []string{"rtb-e4ad488d"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["SubnetId"], DeepEquals, []string{"subnet-15ad487c"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.AssociationId, Equals, "rtbassoc-f8ad4891")
+func (s *S) TestDisassociateRouteTable(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DisassociateRouteTableExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DisassociateRouteTable("rtbassoc-f8ad4891")
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DisassociateRouteTable"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["AssociationId"], DeepEquals, []string{"rtbassoc-f8ad4891"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.Return, Equals, true)
+func (s *S) TestReplaceRouteTableAssociation(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, ReplaceRouteTableAssociationExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.ReplaceRouteTableAssociation("rtbassoc-f8ad4891", "rtb-f9ad4890")
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"ReplaceRouteTableAssociation"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["RouteTableId"], DeepEquals, []string{"rtb-f9ad4890"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["AssociationId"], DeepEquals, []string{"rtbassoc-f8ad4891"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-88ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.NewAssociationId, Equals, "rtbassoc-faad2958")
+func (s *S) TestDeleteRouteTable(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DeleteRouteTableExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DeleteRouteTable("rtb-f9ad4890")
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DeleteRouteTable"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["RouteTableId"], DeepEquals, []string{"rtb-f9ad4890"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "49dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.Return, Equals, true)
+func (s *S) TestDescribeVpcs(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DescribeVpcsExample)
+ filter := ec2.NewFilter()
+ filter.Add("key1", "value1")
+ filter.Add("key2", "value2", "value3")
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DescribeVpcs([]string{"id1", "id2"}, filter)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Action"], DeepEquals, []string{"DescribeVpcs"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["VpcId.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"id1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["VpcId.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"id2"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["VpcId.3"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.1.Name"], DeepEquals, []string{"key1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.1.Value.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"value1"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.1.Value.2"], IsNil)
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.2.Name"], DeepEquals, []string{"key2"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.2.Value.1"], DeepEquals, []string{"value2"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["Filter.2.Value.2"], DeepEquals, []string{"value3"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "7a62c49f-347e-4fc4-9331-6e8eEXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.VPCs[0].VpcId, Equals, "vpc-1a2b3c4d")
+ c.Assert(resp.VPCs, HasLen, 1)
+func (s *S) TestCreateVpc(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, CreateVpcExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.CreateVpc("foo", "bar")
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["CidrBlock"], DeepEquals, []string{"foo"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceTenancy"], DeepEquals, []string{"bar"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "7a62c49f-347e-4fc4-9331-6e8eEXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.VPC.VpcId, Equals, "vpc-1a2b3c4d")
+ c.Assert(resp.VPC.State, Equals, "pending")
+ c.Assert(resp.VPC.CidrBlock, Equals, "")
+ c.Assert(resp.VPC.DHCPOptionsID, Equals, "dopt-1a2b3c4d2")
+ c.Assert(resp.VPC.InstanceTenancy, Equals, "default")
+func (s *S) TestDeleteVpc(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DeleteVpcExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DeleteVpc("id1")
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["VpcId"], DeepEquals, []string{"id1"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "7a62c49f-347e-4fc4-9331-6e8eEXAMPLE")
+func (s *S) TestCreateRoute(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, CreateRouteExample)
+ options := ec2.CreateRoute{
+ DestinationCidrBlock: "",
+ GatewayId: "foo",
+ InstanceId: "i-bar",
+ NetworkInterfaceId: "foobar",
+ VpcPeeringConnectionId: "barfoo",
+ }
+ resp, err := s.ec2.CreateRoute("rtb-deadbeef", &options)
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["RouteTableId"], DeepEquals, []string{"rtb-deadbeef"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["DestinationCidrBlock"], DeepEquals, []string{""})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["GatewayId"], DeepEquals, []string{"foo"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["InstanceId"], DeepEquals, []string{"i-bar"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["NetworkInterfaceId"], DeepEquals, []string{"foobar"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["VpcPeeringConnectionId"], DeepEquals, []string{"barfoo"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "b4998629-3000-437f-b382-cc96fEXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.Return, Equals, true)
+func (s *S) TestDeleteRoute(c *C) {
+ testServer.Response(200, nil, DeleteRouteExample)
+ resp, err := s.ec2.DeleteRoute("rtb-baddcafe", "foobar")
+ req := testServer.WaitRequest()
+ c.Assert(req.Form["RouteTableId"], DeepEquals, []string{"rtb-baddcafe"})
+ c.Assert(req.Form["DestinationCidrBlock"], DeepEquals, []string{"foobar"})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(resp.RequestId, Equals, "59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE")
+ c.Assert(resp.Return, Equals, true)