path: root/vendor/
diff options
authorChristopher Speller <>2018-04-16 05:37:14 -0700
committerJoram Wilander <>2018-04-16 08:37:14 -0400
commit6e2cb00008cbf09e556b00f87603797fcaa47e09 (patch)
tree3c0eb55ff4226a3f024aad373140d1fb860a6404 /vendor/
parentbf24f51c4e1cc6286885460672f7f449e8c6f5ef (diff)
Depenancy upgrades and movign to dep. (#8630)
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 239 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
deleted file mode 100644
index e9914ffc1..000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-# `sockaddr(1)`
-`sockaddr` is a CLI utility that wraps and exposes `go-sockaddr` functionality
-from the command line.
-$ go get -u
-% sockaddr -h
-usage: sockaddr [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]
-Available commands are:
- dump Parses IP addresses
- eval Evaluates a sockaddr template
- rfc Test to see if an IP is part of a known RFC
- version Prints the sockaddr version
-## `sockaddr dump`
-Usage: sockaddr dump [options] input [...]
- Parse address(es) or interface and dumps various output.
- -4 Parse the input as IPv4 only
- -6 Parse the input as IPv6 only
- -H Machine readable output
- -I Parse the argument as an interface name
- -i Parse the input as IP address (either IPv4 or IPv6)
- -n Show only the value
- -o Name of an attribute to pass through
- -u Parse the input as a UNIX Socket only
-### `sockaddr dump` example output
-By default it prints out all available information unless the `-o` flag is
-% sockaddr dump
-Attribute Value
-type IPv4
-port 0
-mask_bits 8
-binary 01111111000000000000000000000010
-hex 7f000002
-octets 127 0 0 2
-size 16777216
-uint32 2130706434
-DialPacket "udp4" ""
-DialStream "tcp4" ""
-ListenPacket "udp4" ""
-ListenStream "tcp4" ""
-$ sockaddr dump -H -o host,address,port -o mask_bits
-port 8600
-mask_bits 32
-$ sockaddr dump -H -n -o host,address,port -o mask_bits
-$ sockaddr dump -o type,address,hex,network '[2001:db8::3/32]'
-Attribute Value
-type IPv6
-address 2001:db8::3
-network 2001:db8::/32
-hex 20010db8000000000000000000000003
-$ sockaddr dump /tmp/example.sock
-Attribute Value
-type UNIX
-string "/tmp/example.sock"
-path /tmp/example.sock
-DialPacket "unixgram" "/tmp/example.sock"
-DialStream "unix" "/tmp/example.sock"
-ListenPacket "unixgram" "/tmp/example.sock"
-ListenStream "unix" "/tmp/example.sock"
-## `sockaddr eval`
-Usage: sockaddr eval [options] [template ...]
- Parse the sockaddr template and evaluates the output.
- The `sockaddr` library has the potential to be very complex,
- which is why the `sockaddr` command supports an `eval`
- subcommand in order to test configurations from the command
- line. The `eval` subcommand automatically wraps its input
- with the `{{` and `}}` template delimiters unless the `-r`
- command is specified, in which case `eval` parses the raw
- input. If the `template` argument passed to `eval` is a
- dash (`-`), then `sockaddr eval` will read from stdin and
- automatically sets the `-r` flag.
- -d Debug output
- -n Suppress newlines between args
- -r Suppress wrapping the input with {{ }} delimiters
-Here are a few impractical examples to get you started:
-$ sockaddr eval 'GetAllInterfaces | include "flags" "forwardable" | include "up" | sort "default,type,size" | include "RFC" "6890" | attr "address"'
-$ sockaddr eval 'GetDefaultInterfaces | sort "type,size" | include "RFC" "6890" | limit 1 | join "address" " "'
-$ sockaddr eval 'GetPublicIP'
-$ sockaddr eval 'GetPrivateIP'
-$ sockaddr eval 'GetInterfaceIP "eth0"'
-$ sockaddr eval 'GetAllInterfaces | include "network" "" | attr "address"'
-$ sockaddr eval 'GetPrivateInterfaces | join "type" " "'
-IPv4 IPv6
-$ sockaddr eval 'GetAllInterfaces | include "flags" "forwardable" | join "address" " "'
- 2001:0DB8::1
-$ sockaddr eval 'GetAllInterfaces | include "name" "lo0" | include "type" "IPv6" | sort "address" | join "address" " "'
-100:: fe80::1
-$ sockaddr eval '. | include "rfc" "1918" | print | len | lt 2'
-$ sockaddr eval -r '{{with $ifSet := include "name" "lo0" . }}{{ range include "type" "IPv6" $ifSet | sort "address" | reverse}}{{ . }} {{end}}{{end}}'
-fe80::1/64 {1 16384 lo0 up|loopback|multicast} 100:: {1 16384 lo0 up|loopback|multicast}
-$ sockaddr eval '. | include "name" "lo0" | include "type" "IPv6" | sort "address" | join "address" " "'
-100:: fe80::1
-$ cat <<'EOF' | sockaddr eval -
-{{. | include "name" "lo0" | include "type" "IPv6" | sort "address" | join "address" " "}}
-100:: fe80::1
-$ sockaddr eval 'GetPrivateInterfaces | include "flags" "forwardable|up" | include "type" "IPv4" | math "network" "+2" | attr "address"'
-$ cat <<'EOF' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile
-export CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR="http://`sockaddr eval 'GetInterfaceIP \"eth0\"'`:8500"
-## `sockaddr rfc`
-$ sockaddr rfc
-Usage: sockaddr rfc [RFC Number] [IP Address]
- Tests a given IP address to see if it is part of a known
- RFC. If the IP address belongs to a known RFC, return exit
- code 0 and print the status. If the IP does not belong to
- an RFC, return 1. If the RFC is not known, return 2.
- -s Silent, only return different exit codes
-$ sockaddr rfc 1918
- is part of RFC 1918
-$ sockaddr rfc 6890 '[::1]'
-100:: is part of RFC 6890
-$ sockaddr rfc list
-## `sockaddr tech-support`
-If one of the helper methods that derives its output from `GetDefaultInterfaces`
-is misbehaving, submit the output from this command as an issue along with
-any miscellaneous details that are specific to your environment.
-Usage: sockaddr tech-support [options]
- Print out network diagnostic information that can be used by
- support.
- The `sockaddr` library relies on OS-specific commands and
- output which can potentially be brittle. The `tech-support`
- subcommand emits all of the platform-specific network
- details required to debug why a given `sockaddr` API call is
- behaving differently than expected. The `-output` flag
- controls the output format. The default output mode is
- Markdown (`md`) however a raw mode (`raw`) is available to
- obtain the original output.
- -output Encode the output using one of Markdown ("md") or Raw ("raw")
-## `sockaddr version`
-The lowly version stub.
-$ sockaddr version
-sockaddr 0.1.0-dev