path: root/vendor/
diff options
authorChristopher Speller <>2018-04-16 05:37:14 -0700
committerJoram Wilander <>2018-04-16 08:37:14 -0400
commit6e2cb00008cbf09e556b00f87603797fcaa47e09 (patch)
tree3c0eb55ff4226a3f024aad373140d1fb860a6404 /vendor/
parentbf24f51c4e1cc6286885460672f7f449e8c6f5ef (diff)
Depenancy upgrades and movign to dep. (#8630)
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 2323 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
deleted file mode 100644
index ed63c1109..000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-// Package query performs JSONPath-like queries on a TOML document.
-// The query path implementation is based loosely on the JSONPath specification:
-// The idea behind a query path is to allow quick access to any element, or set
-// of elements within TOML document, with a single expression.
-// result, err := query.CompileAndExecute("$", tree)
-// This is roughly equivalent to:
-// next := tree.Get("foo")
-// if next != nil {
-// next = next.Get("bar")
-// if next != nil {
-// next = next.Get("baz")
-// }
-// }
-// result := next
-// err is nil if any parsing exception occurs.
-// If no node in the tree matches the query, result will simply contain an empty list of
-// items.
-// As illustrated above, the query path is much more efficient, especially since
-// the structure of the TOML file can vary. Rather than making assumptions about
-// a document's structure, a query allows the programmer to make structured
-// requests into the document, and get zero or more values as a result.
-// Query syntax
-// The syntax of a query begins with a root token, followed by any number
-// sub-expressions:
-// $
-// Root of the TOML tree. This must always come first.
-// .name
-// Selects child of this node, where 'name' is a TOML key
-// name.
-// ['name']
-// Selects child of this node, where 'name' is a string
-// containing a TOML key name.
-// [index]
-// Selcts child array element at 'index'.
-// ..expr
-// Recursively selects all children, filtered by an a union,
-// index, or slice expression.
-// ..*
-// Recursive selection of all nodes at this point in the
-// tree.
-// .*
-// Selects all children of the current node.
-// [expr,expr]
-// Union operator - a logical 'or' grouping of two or more
-// sub-expressions: index, key name, or filter.
-// [start:end:step]
-// Slice operator - selects array elements from start to
-// end-1, at the given step. All three arguments are
-// optional.
-// [?(filter)]
-// Named filter expression - the function 'filter' is
-// used to filter children at this node.
-// Query Indexes And Slices
-// Index expressions perform no bounds checking, and will contribute no
-// values to the result set if the provided index or index range is invalid.
-// Negative indexes represent values from the end of the array, counting backwards.
-// // select the last index of the array named 'foo'
-// query.CompileAndExecute("$.foo[-1]", tree)
-// Slice expressions are supported, by using ':' to separate a start/end index pair.
-// // select up to the first five elements in the array
-// query.CompileAndExecute("$.foo[0:5]", tree)
-// Slice expressions also allow negative indexes for the start and stop
-// arguments.
-// // select all array elements.
-// query.CompileAndExecute("$.foo[0:-1]", tree)
-// Slice expressions may have an optional stride/step parameter:
-// // select every other element
-// query.CompileAndExecute("$.foo[0:-1:2]", tree)
-// Slice start and end parameters are also optional:
-// // these are all equivalent and select all the values in the array
-// query.CompileAndExecute("$.foo[:]", tree)
-// query.CompileAndExecute("$.foo[0:]", tree)
-// query.CompileAndExecute("$.foo[:-1]", tree)
-// query.CompileAndExecute("$.foo[0:-1:]", tree)
-// query.CompileAndExecute("$.foo[::1]", tree)
-// query.CompileAndExecute("$.foo[0::1]", tree)
-// query.CompileAndExecute("$.foo[:-1:1]", tree)
-// query.CompileAndExecute("$.foo[0:-1:1]", tree)
-// Query Filters
-// Query filters are used within a Union [,] or single Filter [] expression.
-// A filter only allows nodes that qualify through to the next expression,
-// and/or into the result set.
-// // returns children of foo that are permitted by the 'bar' filter.
-// query.CompileAndExecute("$.foo[?(bar)]", tree)
-// There are several filters provided with the library:
-// tree
-// Allows nodes of type Tree.
-// int
-// Allows nodes of type int64.
-// float
-// Allows nodes of type float64.
-// string
-// Allows nodes of type string.
-// time
-// Allows nodes of type time.Time.
-// bool
-// Allows nodes of type bool.
-// Query Results
-// An executed query returns a Result object. This contains the nodes
-// in the TOML tree that qualify the query expression. Position information
-// is also available for each value in the set.
-// // display the results of a query
-// results := query.CompileAndExecute("$", tree)
-// for idx, value := results.Values() {
-// fmt.Println("%v: %v", results.Positions()[idx], value)
-// }
-// Compiled Queries
-// Queries may be executed directly on a Tree object, or compiled ahead
-// of time and executed discretely. The former is more convenient, but has the
-// penalty of having to recompile the query expression each time.
-// // basic query
-// results := query.CompileAndExecute("$", tree)
-// // compiled query
-// query, err := toml.Compile("$")
-// results := query.Execute(tree)
-// // run the compiled query again on a different tree
-// moreResults := query.Execute(anotherTree)
-// User Defined Query Filters
-// Filter expressions may also be user defined by using the SetFilter()
-// function on the Query object. The function must return true/false, which
-// signifies if the passed node is kept or discarded, respectively.
-// // create a query that references a user-defined filter
-// query, _ := query.Compile("$[?(bazOnly)]")
-// // define the filter, and assign it to the query
-// query.SetFilter("bazOnly", func(node interface{}) bool{
-// if tree, ok := node.(*Tree); ok {
-// return tree.Has("baz")
-// }
-// return false // reject all other node types
-// })
-// // run the query
-// query.Execute(tree)
-package query
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index 2dc319408..000000000
--- a/vendor/
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@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-// TOML JSONPath lexer.
-// Written using the principles developed by Rob Pike in
-package query
-import (
- "fmt"
- ""
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "unicode/utf8"
-// Lexer state function
-type queryLexStateFn func() queryLexStateFn
-// Lexer definition
-type queryLexer struct {
- input string
- start int
- pos int
- width int
- tokens chan token
- depth int
- line int
- col int
- stringTerm string
-func (l *queryLexer) run() {
- for state := l.lexVoid; state != nil; {
- state = state()
- }
- close(l.tokens)
-func (l *queryLexer) nextStart() {
- // iterate by runes (utf8 characters)
- // search for newlines and advance line/col counts
- for i := l.start; i < l.pos; {
- r, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.input[i:])
- if r == '\n' {
- l.line++
- l.col = 1
- } else {
- l.col++
- }
- i += width
- }
- // advance start position to next token
- l.start = l.pos
-func (l *queryLexer) emit(t tokenType) {
- l.tokens <- token{
- Position: toml.Position{Line: l.line, Col: l.col},
- typ: t,
- val: l.input[l.start:l.pos],
- }
- l.nextStart()
-func (l *queryLexer) emitWithValue(t tokenType, value string) {
- l.tokens <- token{
- Position: toml.Position{Line: l.line, Col: l.col},
- typ: t,
- val: value,
- }
- l.nextStart()
-func (l *queryLexer) next() rune {
- if l.pos >= len(l.input) {
- l.width = 0
- return eof
- }
- var r rune
- r, l.width = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.input[l.pos:])
- l.pos += l.width
- return r
-func (l *queryLexer) ignore() {
- l.nextStart()
-func (l *queryLexer) backup() {
- l.pos -= l.width
-func (l *queryLexer) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) queryLexStateFn {
- l.tokens <- token{
- Position: toml.Position{Line: l.line, Col: l.col},
- typ: tokenError,
- val: fmt.Sprintf(format, args...),
- }
- return nil
-func (l *queryLexer) peek() rune {
- r :=
- l.backup()
- return r
-func (l *queryLexer) accept(valid string) bool {
- if strings.ContainsRune(valid, {
- return true
- }
- l.backup()
- return false
-func (l *queryLexer) follow(next string) bool {
- return strings.HasPrefix(l.input[l.pos:], next)
-func (l *queryLexer) lexVoid() queryLexStateFn {
- for {
- next := l.peek()
- switch next {
- case '$':
- l.pos++
- l.emit(tokenDollar)
- continue
- case '.':
- if l.follow("..") {
- l.pos += 2
- l.emit(tokenDotDot)
- } else {
- l.pos++
- l.emit(tokenDot)
- }
- continue
- case '[':
- l.pos++
- l.emit(tokenLeftBracket)
- continue
- case ']':
- l.pos++
- l.emit(tokenRightBracket)
- continue
- case ',':
- l.pos++
- l.emit(tokenComma)
- continue
- case '*':
- l.pos++
- l.emit(tokenStar)
- continue
- case '(':
- l.pos++
- l.emit(tokenLeftParen)
- continue
- case ')':
- l.pos++
- l.emit(tokenRightParen)
- continue
- case '?':
- l.pos++
- l.emit(tokenQuestion)
- continue
- case ':':
- l.pos++
- l.emit(tokenColon)
- continue
- case '\'':
- l.ignore()
- l.stringTerm = string(next)
- return l.lexString
- case '"':
- l.ignore()
- l.stringTerm = string(next)
- return l.lexString
- }
- if isSpace(next) {
- l.ignore()
- continue
- }
- if isAlphanumeric(next) {
- return l.lexKey
- }
- if next == '+' || next == '-' || isDigit(next) {
- return l.lexNumber
- }
- if == eof {
- break
- }
- return l.errorf("unexpected char: '%v'", next)
- }
- l.emit(tokenEOF)
- return nil
-func (l *queryLexer) lexKey() queryLexStateFn {
- for {
- next := l.peek()
- if !isAlphanumeric(next) {
- l.emit(tokenKey)
- return l.lexVoid
- }
- if == eof {
- break
- }
- }
- l.emit(tokenEOF)
- return nil
-func (l *queryLexer) lexString() queryLexStateFn {
- l.pos++
- l.ignore()
- growingString := ""
- for {
- if l.follow(l.stringTerm) {
- l.emitWithValue(tokenString, growingString)
- l.pos++
- l.ignore()
- return l.lexVoid
- }
- if l.follow("\\\"") {
- l.pos++
- growingString += "\""
- } else if l.follow("\\'") {
- l.pos++
- growingString += "'"
- } else if l.follow("\\n") {
- l.pos++
- growingString += "\n"
- } else if l.follow("\\b") {
- l.pos++
- growingString += "\b"
- } else if l.follow("\\f") {
- l.pos++
- growingString += "\f"
- } else if l.follow("\\/") {
- l.pos++
- growingString += "/"
- } else if l.follow("\\t") {
- l.pos++
- growingString += "\t"
- } else if l.follow("\\r") {
- l.pos++
- growingString += "\r"
- } else if l.follow("\\\\") {
- l.pos++
- growingString += "\\"
- } else if l.follow("\\u") {
- l.pos += 2
- code := ""
- for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
- c := l.peek()
- l.pos++
- if !isHexDigit(c) {
- return l.errorf("unfinished unicode escape")
- }
- code = code + string(c)
- }
- l.pos--
- intcode, err := strconv.ParseInt(code, 16, 32)
- if err != nil {
- return l.errorf("invalid unicode escape: \\u" + code)
- }
- growingString += string(rune(intcode))
- } else if l.follow("\\U") {
- l.pos += 2
- code := ""
- for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
- c := l.peek()
- l.pos++
- if !isHexDigit(c) {
- return l.errorf("unfinished unicode escape")
- }
- code = code + string(c)
- }
- l.pos--
- intcode, err := strconv.ParseInt(code, 16, 32)
- if err != nil {
- return l.errorf("invalid unicode escape: \\u" + code)
- }
- growingString += string(rune(intcode))
- } else if l.follow("\\") {
- l.pos++
- return l.errorf("invalid escape sequence: \\" + string(l.peek()))
- } else {
- growingString += string(l.peek())
- }
- if == eof {
- break
- }
- }
- return l.errorf("unclosed string")
-func (l *queryLexer) lexNumber() queryLexStateFn {
- l.ignore()
- if !l.accept("+") {
- l.accept("-")
- }
- pointSeen := false
- digitSeen := false
- for {
- next :=
- if next == '.' {
- if pointSeen {
- return l.errorf("cannot have two dots in one float")
- }
- if !isDigit(l.peek()) {
- return l.errorf("float cannot end with a dot")
- }
- pointSeen = true
- } else if isDigit(next) {
- digitSeen = true
- } else {
- l.backup()
- break
- }
- if pointSeen && !digitSeen {
- return l.errorf("cannot start float with a dot")
- }
- }
- if !digitSeen {
- return l.errorf("no digit in that number")
- }
- if pointSeen {
- l.emit(tokenFloat)
- } else {
- l.emit(tokenInteger)
- }
- return l.lexVoid
-// Entry point
-func lexQuery(input string) chan token {
- l := &queryLexer{
- input: input,
- tokens: make(chan token),
- line: 1,
- col: 1,
- }
- go
- return l.tokens
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ce0501fe..000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-package query
-import (
- ""
- "testing"
-func testQLFlow(t *testing.T, input string, expectedFlow []token) {
- ch := lexQuery(input)
- for idx, expected := range expectedFlow {
- token := <-ch
- if token != expected {
- t.Log("While testing #", idx, ":", input)
- t.Log("compared (got)", token, "to (expected)", expected)
- t.Log("\tvalue:", token.val, "<->", expected.val)
- t.Log("\tvalue as bytes:", []byte(token.val), "<->", []byte(expected.val))
- t.Log("\ttype:", token.typ.String(), "<->", expected.typ.String())
- t.Log("\tline:", token.Line, "<->", expected.Line)
- t.Log("\tcolumn:", token.Col, "<->", expected.Col)
- t.Log("compared", token, "to", expected)
- t.FailNow()
- }
- }
- tok, ok := <-ch
- if ok {
- t.Log("channel is not closed!")
- t.Log(len(ch)+1, "tokens remaining:")
- t.Log("token ->", tok)
- for token := range ch {
- t.Log("token ->", token)
- }
- t.FailNow()
- }
-func TestLexSpecialChars(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, " .$[]..()?*", []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenDot, "."},
- {toml.Position{1, 3}, tokenDollar, "$"},
- {toml.Position{1, 4}, tokenLeftBracket, "["},
- {toml.Position{1, 5}, tokenRightBracket, "]"},
- {toml.Position{1, 6}, tokenDotDot, ".."},
- {toml.Position{1, 8}, tokenLeftParen, "("},
- {toml.Position{1, 9}, tokenRightParen, ")"},
- {toml.Position{1, 10}, tokenQuestion, "?"},
- {toml.Position{1, 11}, tokenStar, "*"},
- {toml.Position{1, 12}, tokenEOF, ""},
- })
-func TestLexString(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, "'foo\n'", []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenString, "foo\n"},
- {toml.Position{2, 2}, tokenEOF, ""},
- })
-func TestLexDoubleString(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, `"bar"`, []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenString, "bar"},
- {toml.Position{1, 6}, tokenEOF, ""},
- })
-func TestLexStringEscapes(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, `"foo \" \' \b \f \/ \t \r \\ \u03A9 \U00012345 \n bar"`, []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenString, "foo \" ' \b \f / \t \r \\ \u03A9 \U00012345 \n bar"},
- {toml.Position{1, 55}, tokenEOF, ""},
- })
-func TestLexStringUnfinishedUnicode4(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, `"\u000"`, []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenError, "unfinished unicode escape"},
- })
-func TestLexStringUnfinishedUnicode8(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, `"\U0000"`, []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenError, "unfinished unicode escape"},
- })
-func TestLexStringInvalidEscape(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, `"\x"`, []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenError, "invalid escape sequence: \\x"},
- })
-func TestLexStringUnfinished(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, `"bar`, []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenError, "unclosed string"},
- })
-func TestLexKey(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, "foo", []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenKey, "foo"},
- {toml.Position{1, 4}, tokenEOF, ""},
- })
-func TestLexRecurse(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, "$..*", []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenDollar, "$"},
- {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenDotDot, ".."},
- {toml.Position{1, 4}, tokenStar, "*"},
- {toml.Position{1, 5}, tokenEOF, ""},
- })
-func TestLexBracketKey(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, "$[foo]", []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenDollar, "$"},
- {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenLeftBracket, "["},
- {toml.Position{1, 3}, tokenKey, "foo"},
- {toml.Position{1, 6}, tokenRightBracket, "]"},
- {toml.Position{1, 7}, tokenEOF, ""},
- })
-func TestLexSpace(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, "foo bar baz", []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenKey, "foo"},
- {toml.Position{1, 5}, tokenKey, "bar"},
- {toml.Position{1, 9}, tokenKey, "baz"},
- {toml.Position{1, 12}, tokenEOF, ""},
- })
-func TestLexInteger(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, "100 +200 -300", []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenInteger, "100"},
- {toml.Position{1, 5}, tokenInteger, "+200"},
- {toml.Position{1, 10}, tokenInteger, "-300"},
- {toml.Position{1, 14}, tokenEOF, ""},
- })
-func TestLexFloat(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, "100.0 +200.0 -300.0", []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenFloat, "100.0"},
- {toml.Position{1, 7}, tokenFloat, "+200.0"},
- {toml.Position{1, 14}, tokenFloat, "-300.0"},
- {toml.Position{1, 20}, tokenEOF, ""},
- })
-func TestLexFloatWithMultipleDots(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, "4.2.", []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenError, "cannot have two dots in one float"},
- })
-func TestLexFloatLeadingDot(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, "+.1", []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenError, "cannot start float with a dot"},
- })
-func TestLexFloatWithTrailingDot(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, "42.", []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenError, "float cannot end with a dot"},
- })
-func TestLexNumberWithoutDigit(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, "+", []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenError, "no digit in that number"},
- })
-func TestLexUnknown(t *testing.T) {
- testQLFlow(t, "^", []token{
- {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenError, "unexpected char: '94'"},
- })
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deleted file mode 100644
index d7bb15a45..000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-package query
-import (
- "fmt"
- ""
-// base match
-type matchBase struct {
- next pathFn
-func (f *matchBase) setNext(next pathFn) {
- = next
-// terminating functor - gathers results
-type terminatingFn struct {
- // empty
-func newTerminatingFn() *terminatingFn {
- return &terminatingFn{}
-func (f *terminatingFn) setNext(next pathFn) {
- // do nothing
-func (f *terminatingFn) call(node interface{}, ctx *queryContext) {
- ctx.result.appendResult(node, ctx.lastPosition)
-// match single key
-type matchKeyFn struct {
- matchBase
- Name string
-func newMatchKeyFn(name string) *matchKeyFn {
- return &matchKeyFn{Name: name}
-func (f *matchKeyFn) call(node interface{}, ctx *queryContext) {
- if array, ok := node.([]*toml.Tree); ok {
- for _, tree := range array {
- item := tree.Get(f.Name)
- if item != nil {
- ctx.lastPosition = tree.GetPosition(f.Name)
-, ctx)
- }
- }
- } else if tree, ok := node.(*toml.Tree); ok {
- item := tree.Get(f.Name)
- if item != nil {
- ctx.lastPosition = tree.GetPosition(f.Name)
-, ctx)
- }
- }
-// match single index
-type matchIndexFn struct {
- matchBase
- Idx int
-func newMatchIndexFn(idx int) *matchIndexFn {
- return &matchIndexFn{Idx: idx}
-func (f *matchIndexFn) call(node interface{}, ctx *queryContext) {
- if arr, ok := node.([]interface{}); ok {
- if f.Idx < len(arr) && f.Idx >= 0 {
- if treesArray, ok := node.([]*toml.Tree); ok {
- if len(treesArray) > 0 {
- ctx.lastPosition = treesArray[0].Position()
- }
- }
-[f.Idx], ctx)
- }
- }
-// filter by slicing
-type matchSliceFn struct {
- matchBase
- Start, End, Step int
-func newMatchSliceFn(start, end, step int) *matchSliceFn {
- return &matchSliceFn{Start: start, End: end, Step: step}
-func (f *matchSliceFn) call(node interface{}, ctx *queryContext) {
- if arr, ok := node.([]interface{}); ok {
- // adjust indexes for negative values, reverse ordering
- realStart, realEnd := f.Start, f.End
- if realStart < 0 {
- realStart = len(arr) + realStart
- }
- if realEnd < 0 {
- realEnd = len(arr) + realEnd
- }
- if realEnd < realStart {
- realEnd, realStart = realStart, realEnd // swap
- }
- // loop and gather
- for idx := realStart; idx < realEnd; idx += f.Step {
- if treesArray, ok := node.([]*toml.Tree); ok {
- if len(treesArray) > 0 {
- ctx.lastPosition = treesArray[0].Position()
- }
- }
-[idx], ctx)
- }
- }
-// match anything
-type matchAnyFn struct {
- matchBase
-func newMatchAnyFn() *matchAnyFn {
- return &matchAnyFn{}
-func (f *matchAnyFn) call(node interface{}, ctx *queryContext) {
- if tree, ok := node.(*toml.Tree); ok {
- for _, k := range tree.Keys() {
- v := tree.Get(k)
- ctx.lastPosition = tree.GetPosition(k)
-, ctx)
- }
- }
-// filter through union
-type matchUnionFn struct {
- Union []pathFn
-func (f *matchUnionFn) setNext(next pathFn) {
- for _, fn := range f.Union {
- fn.setNext(next)
- }
-func (f *matchUnionFn) call(node interface{}, ctx *queryContext) {
- for _, fn := range f.Union {
-, ctx)
- }
-// match every single last node in the tree
-type matchRecursiveFn struct {
- matchBase
-func newMatchRecursiveFn() *matchRecursiveFn {
- return &matchRecursiveFn{}
-func (f *matchRecursiveFn) call(node interface{}, ctx *queryContext) {
- originalPosition := ctx.lastPosition
- if tree, ok := node.(*toml.Tree); ok {
- var visit func(tree *toml.Tree)
- visit = func(tree *toml.Tree) {
- for _, k := range tree.Keys() {
- v := tree.Get(k)
- ctx.lastPosition = tree.GetPosition(k)
-, ctx)
- switch node := v.(type) {
- case *toml.Tree:
- visit(node)
- case []*toml.Tree:
- for _, subtree := range node {
- visit(subtree)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ctx.lastPosition = originalPosition
-, ctx)
- visit(tree)
- }
-// match based on an externally provided functional filter
-type matchFilterFn struct {
- matchBase
- Pos toml.Position
- Name string
-func newMatchFilterFn(name string, pos toml.Position) *matchFilterFn {
- return &matchFilterFn{Name: name, Pos: pos}
-func (f *matchFilterFn) call(node interface{}, ctx *queryContext) {
- fn, ok := (*ctx.filters)[f.Name]
- if !ok {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s: query context does not have filter '%s'",
- f.Pos.String(), f.Name))
- }
- switch castNode := node.(type) {
- case *toml.Tree:
- for _, k := range castNode.Keys() {
- v := castNode.Get(k)
- if fn(v) {
- ctx.lastPosition = castNode.GetPosition(k)
-, ctx)
- }
- }
- case []*toml.Tree:
- for _, v := range castNode {
- if fn(v) {
- if len(castNode) > 0 {
- ctx.lastPosition = castNode[0].Position()
- }
-, ctx)
- }
- }
- case []interface{}:
- for _, v := range castNode {
- if fn(v) {
-, ctx)
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
deleted file mode 100644
index 429b8f6b9..000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-package query
-import (
- "fmt"
- ""
- "testing"
-// dump path tree to a string
-func pathString(root pathFn) string {
- result := fmt.Sprintf("%T:", root)
- switch fn := root.(type) {
- case *terminatingFn:
- result += "{}"
- case *matchKeyFn:
- result += fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", fn.Name)
- result += pathString(
- case *matchIndexFn:
- result += fmt.Sprintf("{%d}", fn.Idx)
- result += pathString(
- case *matchSliceFn:
- result += fmt.Sprintf("{%d:%d:%d}",
- fn.Start, fn.End, fn.Step)
- result += pathString(
- case *matchAnyFn:
- result += "{}"
- result += pathString(
- case *matchUnionFn:
- result += "{["
- for _, v := range fn.Union {
- result += pathString(v) + ", "
- }
- result += "]}"
- case *matchRecursiveFn:
- result += "{}"
- result += pathString(
- case *matchFilterFn:
- result += fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", fn.Name)
- result += pathString(
- }
- return result
-func assertPathMatch(t *testing.T, path, ref *Query) bool {
- pathStr := pathString(path.root)
- refStr := pathString(ref.root)
- if pathStr != refStr {
- t.Errorf("paths do not match")
- t.Log("test:", pathStr)
- t.Log("ref: ", refStr)
- return false
- }
- return true
-func assertPath(t *testing.T, query string, ref *Query) {
- path, _ := parseQuery(lexQuery(query))
- assertPathMatch(t, path, ref)
-func buildPath(parts ...pathFn) *Query {
- query := newQuery()
- for _, v := range parts {
- query.appendPath(v)
- }
- return query
-func TestPathRoot(t *testing.T) {
- assertPath(t,
- "$",
- buildPath(
- // empty
- ))
-func TestPathKey(t *testing.T) {
- assertPath(t,
- "$.foo",
- buildPath(
- newMatchKeyFn("foo"),
- ))
-func TestPathBracketKey(t *testing.T) {
- assertPath(t,
- "$[foo]",
- buildPath(
- newMatchKeyFn("foo"),
- ))
-func TestPathBracketStringKey(t *testing.T) {
- assertPath(t,
- "$['foo']",
- buildPath(
- newMatchKeyFn("foo"),
- ))
-func TestPathIndex(t *testing.T) {
- assertPath(t,
- "$[123]",
- buildPath(
- newMatchIndexFn(123),
- ))
-func TestPathSliceStart(t *testing.T) {
- assertPath(t,
- "$[123:]",
- buildPath(
- newMatchSliceFn(123, maxInt, 1),
- ))
-func TestPathSliceStartEnd(t *testing.T) {
- assertPath(t,
- "$[123:456]",
- buildPath(
- newMatchSliceFn(123, 456, 1),
- ))
-func TestPathSliceStartEndColon(t *testing.T) {
- assertPath(t,
- "$[123:456:]",
- buildPath(
- newMatchSliceFn(123, 456, 1),
- ))
-func TestPathSliceStartStep(t *testing.T) {
- assertPath(t,
- "$[123::7]",
- buildPath(
- newMatchSliceFn(123, maxInt, 7),
- ))
-func TestPathSliceEndStep(t *testing.T) {
- assertPath(t,
- "$[:456:7]",
- buildPath(
- newMatchSliceFn(0, 456, 7),
- ))
-func TestPathSliceStep(t *testing.T) {
- assertPath(t,
- "$[::7]",
- buildPath(
- newMatchSliceFn(0, maxInt, 7),
- ))
-func TestPathSliceAll(t *testing.T) {
- assertPath(t,
- "$[123:456:7]",
- buildPath(
- newMatchSliceFn(123, 456, 7),
- ))
-func TestPathAny(t *testing.T) {
- assertPath(t,
- "$.*",
- buildPath(
- newMatchAnyFn(),
- ))
-func TestPathUnion(t *testing.T) {
- assertPath(t,
- "$[foo, bar, baz]",
- buildPath(
- &matchUnionFn{[]pathFn{
- newMatchKeyFn("foo"),
- newMatchKeyFn("bar"),
- newMatchKeyFn("baz"),
- }},
- ))
-func TestPathRecurse(t *testing.T) {
- assertPath(t,
- "$..*",
- buildPath(
- newMatchRecursiveFn(),
- ))
-func TestPathFilterExpr(t *testing.T) {
- assertPath(t,
- "$[?('foo'),?(bar)]",
- buildPath(
- &matchUnionFn{[]pathFn{
- newMatchFilterFn("foo", toml.Position{}),
- newMatchFilterFn("bar", toml.Position{}),
- }},
- ))
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f69b70d4..000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
- Based on the "jsonpath" spec/concept.
-package query
-import (
- "fmt"
-const maxInt = int(^uint(0) >> 1)
-type queryParser struct {
- flow chan token
- tokensBuffer []token
- query *Query
- union []pathFn
- err error
-type queryParserStateFn func() queryParserStateFn
-// Formats and panics an error message based on a token
-func (p *queryParser) parseError(tok *token, msg string, args ...interface{}) queryParserStateFn {
- p.err = fmt.Errorf(tok.Position.String()+": "+msg, args...)
- return nil // trigger parse to end
-func (p *queryParser) run() {
- for state := p.parseStart; state != nil; {
- state = state()
- }
-func (p *queryParser) backup(tok *token) {
- p.tokensBuffer = append(p.tokensBuffer, *tok)
-func (p *queryParser) peek() *token {
- if len(p.tokensBuffer) != 0 {
- return &(p.tokensBuffer[0])
- }
- tok, ok := <-p.flow
- if !ok {
- return nil
- }
- p.backup(&tok)
- return &tok
-func (p *queryParser) lookahead(types ...tokenType) bool {
- result := true
- buffer := []token{}
- for _, typ := range types {
- tok := p.getToken()
- if tok == nil {
- result = false
- break
- }
- buffer = append(buffer, *tok)
- if tok.typ != typ {
- result = false
- break
- }
- }
- // add the tokens back to the buffer, and return
- p.tokensBuffer = append(p.tokensBuffer, buffer...)
- return result
-func (p *queryParser) getToken() *token {
- if len(p.tokensBuffer) != 0 {
- tok := p.tokensBuffer[0]
- p.tokensBuffer = p.tokensBuffer[1:]
- return &tok
- }
- tok, ok := <-p.flow
- if !ok {
- return nil
- }
- return &tok
-func (p *queryParser) parseStart() queryParserStateFn {
- tok := p.getToken()
- if tok == nil || tok.typ == tokenEOF {
- return nil
- }
- if tok.typ != tokenDollar {
- return p.parseError(tok, "Expected '$' at start of expression")
- }
- return p.parseMatchExpr
-// handle '.' prefix, '[]', and '..'
-func (p *queryParser) parseMatchExpr() queryParserStateFn {
- tok := p.getToken()
- switch tok.typ {
- case tokenDotDot:
- p.query.appendPath(&matchRecursiveFn{})
- // nested parse for '..'
- tok := p.getToken()
- switch tok.typ {
- case tokenKey:
- p.query.appendPath(newMatchKeyFn(tok.val))
- return p.parseMatchExpr
- case tokenLeftBracket:
- return p.parseBracketExpr
- case tokenStar:
- // do nothing - the recursive predicate is enough
- return p.parseMatchExpr
- }
- case tokenDot:
- // nested parse for '.'
- tok := p.getToken()
- switch tok.typ {
- case tokenKey:
- p.query.appendPath(newMatchKeyFn(tok.val))
- return p.parseMatchExpr
- case tokenStar:
- p.query.appendPath(&matchAnyFn{})
- return p.parseMatchExpr
- }
- case tokenLeftBracket:
- return p.parseBracketExpr
- case tokenEOF:
- return nil // allow EOF at this stage
- }
- return p.parseError(tok, "expected match expression")
-func (p *queryParser) parseBracketExpr() queryParserStateFn {
- if p.lookahead(tokenInteger, tokenColon) {
- return p.parseSliceExpr
- }
- if p.peek().typ == tokenColon {
- return p.parseSliceExpr
- }
- return p.parseUnionExpr
-func (p *queryParser) parseUnionExpr() queryParserStateFn {
- var tok *token
- // this state can be traversed after some sub-expressions
- // so be careful when setting up state in the parser
- if p.union == nil {
- p.union = []pathFn{}
- }
-loop: // labeled loop for easy breaking
- for {
- if len(p.union) > 0 {
- // parse delimiter or terminator
- tok = p.getToken()
- switch tok.typ {
- case tokenComma:
- // do nothing
- case tokenRightBracket:
- break loop
- default:
- return p.parseError(tok, "expected ',' or ']', not '%s'", tok.val)
- }
- }
- // parse sub expression
- tok = p.getToken()
- switch tok.typ {
- case tokenInteger:
- p.union = append(p.union, newMatchIndexFn(tok.Int()))
- case tokenKey:
- p.union = append(p.union, newMatchKeyFn(tok.val))
- case tokenString:
- p.union = append(p.union, newMatchKeyFn(tok.val))
- case tokenQuestion:
- return p.parseFilterExpr
- default:
- return p.parseError(tok, "expected union sub expression, not '%s', %d", tok.val, len(p.union))
- }
- }
- // if there is only one sub-expression, use that instead
- if len(p.union) == 1 {
- p.query.appendPath(p.union[0])
- } else {
- p.query.appendPath(&matchUnionFn{p.union})
- }
- p.union = nil // clear out state
- return p.parseMatchExpr
-func (p *queryParser) parseSliceExpr() queryParserStateFn {
- // init slice to grab all elements
- start, end, step := 0, maxInt, 1
- // parse optional start
- tok := p.getToken()
- if tok.typ == tokenInteger {
- start = tok.Int()
- tok = p.getToken()
- }
- if tok.typ != tokenColon {
- return p.parseError(tok, "expected ':'")
- }
- // parse optional end
- tok = p.getToken()
- if tok.typ == tokenInteger {
- end = tok.Int()
- tok = p.getToken()
- }
- if tok.typ == tokenRightBracket {
- p.query.appendPath(newMatchSliceFn(start, end, step))
- return p.parseMatchExpr
- }
- if tok.typ != tokenColon {
- return p.parseError(tok, "expected ']' or ':'")
- }
- // parse optional step
- tok = p.getToken()
- if tok.typ == tokenInteger {
- step = tok.Int()
- if step < 0 {
- return p.parseError(tok, "step must be a positive value")
- }
- tok = p.getToken()
- }
- if tok.typ != tokenRightBracket {
- return p.parseError(tok, "expected ']'")
- }
- p.query.appendPath(newMatchSliceFn(start, end, step))
- return p.parseMatchExpr
-func (p *queryParser) parseFilterExpr() queryParserStateFn {
- tok := p.getToken()
- if tok.typ != tokenLeftParen {
- return p.parseError(tok, "expected left-parenthesis for filter expression")
- }
- tok = p.getToken()
- if tok.typ != tokenKey && tok.typ != tokenString {
- return p.parseError(tok, "expected key or string for filter function name")
- }
- name := tok.val
- tok = p.getToken()
- if tok.typ != tokenRightParen {
- return p.parseError(tok, "expected right-parenthesis for filter expression")
- }
- p.union = append(p.union, newMatchFilterFn(name, tok.Position))
- return p.parseUnionExpr
-func parseQuery(flow chan token) (*Query, error) {
- parser := &queryParser{
- flow: flow,
- tokensBuffer: []token{},
- query: newQuery(),
- }
- return parser.query, parser.err
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
deleted file mode 100644
index 473896a02..000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
-package query
-import (
- "fmt"
- ""
- "io/ioutil"
- "sort"
- "strings"
- "testing"
- "time"
-type queryTestNode struct {
- value interface{}
- position toml.Position
-func valueString(root interface{}) string {
- result := "" //fmt.Sprintf("%T:", root)
- switch node := root.(type) {
- case *Result:
- items := []string{}
- for i, v := range node.Values() {
- items = append(items, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s",
- node.Positions()[i].String(), valueString(v)))
- }
- sort.Strings(items)
- result = "[" + strings.Join(items, ", ") + "]"
- case queryTestNode:
- result = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s",
- node.position.String(), valueString(node.value))
- case []interface{}:
- items := []string{}
- for _, v := range node {
- items = append(items, valueString(v))
- }
- sort.Strings(items)
- result = "[" + strings.Join(items, ", ") + "]"
- case *toml.Tree:
- // workaround for unreliable map key ordering
- items := []string{}
- for _, k := range node.Keys() {
- v := node.GetPath([]string{k})
- items = append(items, k+":"+valueString(v))
- }
- sort.Strings(items)
- result = "{" + strings.Join(items, ", ") + "}"
- case map[string]interface{}:
- // workaround for unreliable map key ordering
- items := []string{}
- for k, v := range node {
- items = append(items, k+":"+valueString(v))
- }
- sort.Strings(items)
- result = "{" + strings.Join(items, ", ") + "}"
- case int64:
- result += fmt.Sprintf("%d", node)
- case string:
- result += "'" + node + "'"
- case float64:
- result += fmt.Sprintf("%f", node)
- case bool:
- result += fmt.Sprintf("%t", node)
- case time.Time:
- result += fmt.Sprintf("'%v'", node)
- }
- return result
-func assertValue(t *testing.T, result, ref interface{}) {
- pathStr := valueString(result)
- refStr := valueString(ref)
- if pathStr != refStr {
- t.Errorf("values do not match")
- t.Log("test:", pathStr)
- t.Log("ref: ", refStr)
- }
-func assertQueryPositions(t *testing.T, tomlDoc string, query string, ref []interface{}) {
- tree, err := toml.Load(tomlDoc)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("Non-nil toml parse error: %v", err)
- return
- }
- q, err := Compile(query)
- if err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- return
- }
- results := q.Execute(tree)
- assertValue(t, results, ref)
-func TestQueryRoot(t *testing.T) {
- assertQueryPositions(t,
- "a = 42",
- "$",
- []interface{}{
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(42),
- }, toml.Position{1, 1},
- },
- })
-func TestQueryKey(t *testing.T) {
- assertQueryPositions(t,
- "[foo]\na = 42",
- "$.foo.a",
- []interface{}{
- queryTestNode{
- int64(42), toml.Position{2, 1},
- },
- })
-func TestQueryKeyString(t *testing.T) {
- assertQueryPositions(t,
- "[foo]\na = 42",
- "$.foo['a']",
- []interface{}{
- queryTestNode{
- int64(42), toml.Position{2, 1},
- },
- })
-func TestQueryIndex(t *testing.T) {
- assertQueryPositions(t,
- "[foo]\na = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]",
- "$.foo.a[5]",
- []interface{}{
- queryTestNode{
- int64(6), toml.Position{2, 1},
- },
- })
-func TestQuerySliceRange(t *testing.T) {
- assertQueryPositions(t,
- "[foo]\na = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]",
- "$.foo.a[0:5]",
- []interface{}{
- queryTestNode{
- int64(1), toml.Position{2, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- int64(2), toml.Position{2, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- int64(3), toml.Position{2, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- int64(4), toml.Position{2, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- int64(5), toml.Position{2, 1},
- },
- })
-func TestQuerySliceStep(t *testing.T) {
- assertQueryPositions(t,
- "[foo]\na = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]",
- "$.foo.a[0:5:2]",
- []interface{}{
- queryTestNode{
- int64(1), toml.Position{2, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- int64(3), toml.Position{2, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- int64(5), toml.Position{2, 1},
- },
- })
-func TestQueryAny(t *testing.T) {
- assertQueryPositions(t,
- "[]\na=1\nb=2\n[foo.baz]\na=3\nb=4",
- "$.foo.*",
- []interface{}{
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(1),
- "b": int64(2),
- }, toml.Position{1, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(3),
- "b": int64(4),
- }, toml.Position{4, 1},
- },
- })
-func TestQueryUnionSimple(t *testing.T) {
- assertQueryPositions(t,
- "[]\na=1\nb=2\n[]\na=3\nb=4\n[]\na=5\nb=6",
- "$.*[bar,foo]",
- []interface{}{
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(1),
- "b": int64(2),
- }, toml.Position{1, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(3),
- "b": int64(4),
- }, toml.Position{4, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(5),
- "b": int64(6),
- }, toml.Position{7, 1},
- },
- })
-func TestQueryRecursionAll(t *testing.T) {
- assertQueryPositions(t,
- "[]\na=1\nb=2\n[]\na=3\nb=4\n[]\na=5\nb=6",
- "$..*",
- []interface{}{
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "foo": map[string]interface{}{
- "bar": map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(1),
- "b": int64(2),
- },
- },
- "baz": map[string]interface{}{
- "foo": map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(3),
- "b": int64(4),
- },
- },
- "gorf": map[string]interface{}{
- "foo": map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(5),
- "b": int64(6),
- },
- },
- }, toml.Position{1, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "bar": map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(1),
- "b": int64(2),
- },
- }, toml.Position{1, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(1),
- "b": int64(2),
- }, toml.Position{1, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- int64(1), toml.Position{2, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- int64(2), toml.Position{3, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "foo": map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(3),
- "b": int64(4),
- },
- }, toml.Position{4, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(3),
- "b": int64(4),
- }, toml.Position{4, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- int64(3), toml.Position{5, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- int64(4), toml.Position{6, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "foo": map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(5),
- "b": int64(6),
- },
- }, toml.Position{7, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(5),
- "b": int64(6),
- }, toml.Position{7, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- int64(5), toml.Position{8, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- int64(6), toml.Position{9, 1},
- },
- })
-func TestQueryRecursionUnionSimple(t *testing.T) {
- assertQueryPositions(t,
- "[]\na=1\nb=2\n[]\na=3\nb=4\n[]\na=5\nb=6",
- "$..['foo','bar']",
- []interface{}{
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "bar": map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(1),
- "b": int64(2),
- },
- }, toml.Position{1, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(3),
- "b": int64(4),
- }, toml.Position{4, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(1),
- "b": int64(2),
- }, toml.Position{1, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "a": int64(5),
- "b": int64(6),
- }, toml.Position{7, 1},
- },
- })
-func TestQueryFilterFn(t *testing.T) {
- buff, err := ioutil.ReadFile("../example.toml")
- if err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- return
- }
- assertQueryPositions(t, string(buff),
- "$..[?(int)]",
- []interface{}{
- queryTestNode{
- int64(8001), toml.Position{13, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- int64(8001), toml.Position{13, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- int64(8002), toml.Position{13, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- int64(5000), toml.Position{14, 1},
- },
- })
- assertQueryPositions(t, string(buff),
- "$..[?(string)]",
- []interface{}{
- queryTestNode{
- "TOML Example", toml.Position{3, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- "Tom Preston-Werner", toml.Position{6, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- "GitHub", toml.Position{7, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- "GitHub Cofounder & CEO\nLikes tater tots and beer.",
- toml.Position{8, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- "", toml.Position{12, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- "", toml.Position{21, 3},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- "eqdc10", toml.Position{22, 3},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- "", toml.Position{25, 3},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- "eqdc10", toml.Position{26, 3},
- },
- })
- assertQueryPositions(t, string(buff),
- "$..[?(float)]",
- []interface{}{
- // no float values in document
- })
- tv, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "1979-05-27T07:32:00Z")
- assertQueryPositions(t, string(buff),
- "$..[?(tree)]",
- []interface{}{
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "name": "Tom Preston-Werner",
- "organization": "GitHub",
- "bio": "GitHub Cofounder & CEO\nLikes tater tots and beer.",
- "dob": tv,
- }, toml.Position{5, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "server": "",
- "ports": []interface{}{int64(8001), int64(8001), int64(8002)},
- "connection_max": int64(5000),
- "enabled": true,
- }, toml.Position{11, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "alpha": map[string]interface{}{
- "ip": "",
- "dc": "eqdc10",
- },
- "beta": map[string]interface{}{
- "ip": "",
- "dc": "eqdc10",
- },
- }, toml.Position{17, 1},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "ip": "",
- "dc": "eqdc10",
- }, toml.Position{20, 3},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "ip": "",
- "dc": "eqdc10",
- }, toml.Position{24, 3},
- },
- queryTestNode{
- map[string]interface{}{
- "data": []interface{}{
- []interface{}{"gamma", "delta"},
- []interface{}{int64(1), int64(2)},
- },
- }, toml.Position{28, 1},
- },
- })
- assertQueryPositions(t, string(buff),
- "$..[?(time)]",
- []interface{}{
- queryTestNode{
- tv, toml.Position{9, 1},
- },
- })
- assertQueryPositions(t, string(buff),
- "$..[?(bool)]",
- []interface{}{
- queryTestNode{
- true, toml.Position{15, 1},
- },
- })
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1c6cd8014..000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-package query
-import (
- "time"
- ""
-// NodeFilterFn represents a user-defined filter function, for use with
-// Query.SetFilter().
-// The return value of the function must indicate if 'node' is to be included
-// at this stage of the TOML path. Returning true will include the node, and
-// returning false will exclude it.
-// NOTE: Care should be taken to write script callbacks such that they are safe
-// to use from multiple goroutines.
-type NodeFilterFn func(node interface{}) bool
-// Result is the result of Executing a Query.
-type Result struct {
- items []interface{}
- positions []toml.Position
-// appends a value/position pair to the result set.
-func (r *Result) appendResult(node interface{}, pos toml.Position) {
- r.items = append(r.items, node)
- r.positions = append(r.positions, pos)
-// Values is a set of values within a Result. The order of values is not
-// guaranteed to be in document order, and may be different each time a query is
-// executed.
-func (r Result) Values() []interface{} {
- return r.items
-// Positions is a set of positions for values within a Result. Each index
-// in Positions() corresponds to the entry in Value() of the same index.
-func (r Result) Positions() []toml.Position {
- return r.positions
-// runtime context for executing query paths
-type queryContext struct {
- result *Result
- filters *map[string]NodeFilterFn
- lastPosition toml.Position
-// generic path functor interface
-type pathFn interface {
- setNext(next pathFn)
- // it is the caller's responsibility to set the ctx.lastPosition before invoking call()
- // node can be one of: *toml.Tree, []*toml.Tree, or a scalar
- call(node interface{}, ctx *queryContext)
-// A Query is the representation of a compiled TOML path. A Query is safe
-// for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
-type Query struct {
- root pathFn
- tail pathFn
- filters *map[string]NodeFilterFn
-func newQuery() *Query {
- return &Query{
- root: nil,
- tail: nil,
- filters: &defaultFilterFunctions,
- }
-func (q *Query) appendPath(next pathFn) {
- if q.root == nil {
- q.root = next
- } else {
- q.tail.setNext(next)
- }
- q.tail = next
- next.setNext(newTerminatingFn()) // init the next functor
-// Compile compiles a TOML path expression. The returned Query can be used
-// to match elements within a Tree and its descendants. See Execute.
-func Compile(path string) (*Query, error) {
- return parseQuery(lexQuery(path))
-// Execute executes a query against a Tree, and returns the result of the query.
-func (q *Query) Execute(tree *toml.Tree) *Result {
- result := &Result{
- items: []interface{}{},
- positions: []toml.Position{},
- }
- if q.root == nil {
- result.appendResult(tree, tree.GetPosition(""))
- } else {
- ctx := &queryContext{
- result: result,
- filters: q.filters,
- }
- ctx.lastPosition = tree.Position()
-, ctx)
- }
- return result
-// CompileAndExecute is a shorthand for Compile(path) followed by Execute(tree).
-func CompileAndExecute(path string, tree *toml.Tree) (*Result, error) {
- query, err := Compile(path)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return query.Execute(tree), nil
-// SetFilter sets a user-defined filter function. These may be used inside
-// "?(..)" query expressions to filter TOML document elements within a query.
-func (q *Query) SetFilter(name string, fn NodeFilterFn) {
- if q.filters == &defaultFilterFunctions {
- // clone the static table
- q.filters = &map[string]NodeFilterFn{}
- for k, v := range defaultFilterFunctions {
- (*q.filters)[k] = v
- }
- }
- (*q.filters)[name] = fn
-var defaultFilterFunctions = map[string]NodeFilterFn{
- "tree": func(node interface{}) bool {
- _, ok := node.(*toml.Tree)
- return ok
- },
- "int": func(node interface{}) bool {
- _, ok := node.(int64)
- return ok
- },
- "float": func(node interface{}) bool {
- _, ok := node.(float64)
- return ok
- },
- "string": func(node interface{}) bool {
- _, ok := node.(string)
- return ok
- },
- "time": func(node interface{}) bool {
- _, ok := node.(time.Time)
- return ok
- },
- "bool": func(node interface{}) bool {
- _, ok := node.(bool)
- return ok
- },
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deleted file mode 100644
index 903a8dc73..000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-package query
-import (
- "fmt"
- "testing"
- ""
-func assertArrayContainsInAnyOrder(t *testing.T, array []interface{}, objects ...interface{}) {
- if len(array) != len(objects) {
- t.Fatalf("array contains %d objects but %d are expected", len(array), len(objects))
- }
- for _, o := range objects {
- found := false
- for _, a := range array {
- if a == o {
- found = true
- break
- }
- }
- if !found {
- t.Fatal(o, "not found in array", array)
- }
- }
-func TestQueryExample(t *testing.T) {
- config, _ := toml.Load(`
- [[book]]
- title = "The Stand"
- author = "Stephen King"
- [[book]]
- title = "For Whom the Bell Tolls"
- author = "Ernest Hemmingway"
- [[book]]
- title = "Neuromancer"
- author = "William Gibson"
- `)
- authors, err := CompileAndExecute("$", config)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("unexpected error:", err)
- }
- names := authors.Values()
- if len(names) != 3 {
- t.Fatalf("query should return 3 names but returned %d", len(names))
- }
- assertArrayContainsInAnyOrder(t, names, "Stephen King", "Ernest Hemmingway", "William Gibson")
-func TestQueryReadmeExample(t *testing.T) {
- config, _ := toml.Load(`
-user = "pelletier"
-password = "mypassword"
- query, err := Compile("$..[user,password]")
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("unexpected error:", err)
- }
- results := query.Execute(config)
- values := results.Values()
- if len(values) != 2 {
- t.Fatalf("query should return 2 values but returned %d", len(values))
- }
- assertArrayContainsInAnyOrder(t, values, "pelletier", "mypassword")
-func TestQueryPathNotPresent(t *testing.T) {
- config, _ := toml.Load(`a = "hello"`)
- query, err := Compile("$")
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("unexpected error:", err)
- }
- results := query.Execute(config)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("err should be nil. got %s instead", err)
- }
- if len(results.items) != 0 {
- t.Fatalf("no items should be matched. %d matched instead", len(results.items))
- }
-func ExampleNodeFilterFn_filterExample() {
- tree, _ := toml.Load(`
- [struct_one]
- foo = "foo"
- bar = "bar"
- [struct_two]
- baz = "baz"
- gorf = "gorf"
- `)
- // create a query that references a user-defined-filter
- query, _ := Compile("$[?(bazOnly)]")
- // define the filter, and assign it to the query
- query.SetFilter("bazOnly", func(node interface{}) bool {
- if tree, ok := node.(*toml.Tree); ok {
- return tree.Has("baz")
- }
- return false // reject all other node types
- })
- // results contain only the 'struct_two' Tree
- query.Execute(tree)
-func ExampleQuery_queryExample() {
- config, _ := toml.Load(`
- [[book]]
- title = "The Stand"
- author = "Stephen King"
- [[book]]
- title = "For Whom the Bell Tolls"
- author = "Ernest Hemmingway"
- [[book]]
- title = "Neuromancer"
- author = "William Gibson"
- `)
- // find and print all the authors in the document
- query, _ := Compile("$")
- authors := query.Execute(config)
- for _, name := range authors.Values() {
- fmt.Println(name)
- }
-func TestTomlQuery(t *testing.T) {
- tree, err := toml.Load("[]\na=1\nb=2\n[]\na=3\nb=4\n[]\na=5\nb=6")
- if err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- return
- }
- query, err := Compile("$")
- if err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- return
- }
- result := query.Execute(tree)
- values := result.Values()
- if len(values) != 1 {
- t.Errorf("Expected resultset of 1, got %d instead: %v", len(values), values)
- }
- if tt, ok := values[0].(*toml.Tree); !ok {
- t.Errorf("Expected type of Tree: %T", values[0])
- } else if tt.Get("a") != int64(1) {
- t.Errorf("Expected 'a' with a value 1: %v", tt.Get("a"))
- } else if tt.Get("b") != int64(2) {
- t.Errorf("Expected 'b' with a value 2: %v", tt.Get("b"))
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9ae579de2..000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-package query
-import (
- "fmt"
- ""
- "strconv"
- "unicode"
-// Define tokens
-type tokenType int
-const (
- eof = -(iota + 1)
-const (
- tokenError tokenType = iota
- tokenEOF
- tokenKey
- tokenString
- tokenInteger
- tokenFloat
- tokenLeftBracket
- tokenRightBracket
- tokenLeftParen
- tokenRightParen
- tokenComma
- tokenColon
- tokenDollar
- tokenStar
- tokenQuestion
- tokenDot
- tokenDotDot
-var tokenTypeNames = []string{
- "Error",
- "EOF",
- "Key",
- "String",
- "Integer",
- "Float",
- "[",
- "]",
- "(",
- ")",
- ",",
- ":",
- "$",
- "*",
- "?",
- ".",
- "..",
-type token struct {
- toml.Position
- typ tokenType
- val string
-func (tt tokenType) String() string {
- idx := int(tt)
- if idx < len(tokenTypeNames) {
- return tokenTypeNames[idx]
- }
- return "Unknown"
-func (t token) Int() int {
- if result, err := strconv.Atoi(t.val); err != nil {
- panic(err)
- } else {
- return result
- }
-func (t token) String() string {
- switch t.typ {
- case tokenEOF:
- return "EOF"
- case tokenError:
- return t.val
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf("%q", t.val)
-func isSpace(r rune) bool {
- return r == ' ' || r == '\t'
-func isAlphanumeric(r rune) bool {
- return unicode.IsLetter(r) || r == '_'
-func isDigit(r rune) bool {
- return unicode.IsNumber(r)
-func isHexDigit(r rune) bool {
- return isDigit(r) ||
- (r >= 'a' && r <= 'f') ||
- (r >= 'A' && r <= 'F')