path: root/vendor/
diff options
authorChristopher Speller <>2018-02-16 06:47:51 -0800
committerJoram Wilander <>2018-02-16 09:47:51 -0500
commit6d8f122a5160f6d9e4c51579f2429dfaa62c7271 (patch)
tree6e0242cd6709260abd74060a7ec7dc1381efa36e /vendor/
parentb112747de76f9c11c4d8083207049fac6e435019 (diff)
Upgrading server dependancies (#8308)
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 273 deletions
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+++ /dev/null
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-# lego
-Let's Encrypt client and ACME library written in Go
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-#### General
-This is a work in progress. Please do *NOT* run this on a production server and please report any bugs you find!
-#### Installation
-lego supports both binary installs and install from source.
-To get the binary just download the latest release for your OS/Arch from [the release page](
-and put the binary somewhere convenient. lego does not assume anything about the location you run it from.
-To install from source, just run
-go get -u
-To build lego inside a Docker container, just run
-docker build -t lego .
-##### From the package manager
-- [ArchLinux (AUR)](
-yaourt -S lego-git
-#### Features
-- Register with CA
-- Obtain certificates, both from scratch or with an existing CSR
-- Renew certificates
-- Revoke certificates
-- Robust implementation of all ACME challenges
- - HTTP (http-01)
- - TLS with Server Name Indication (tls-sni-01)
- - DNS (dns-01)
-- SAN certificate support
-- Comes with multiple optional [DNS providers](
-- [Custom challenge solvers](
-- Certificate bundling
-- OCSP helper function
-Please keep in mind that CLI switches and APIs are still subject to change.
-When using the standard `--path` option, all certificates and account configurations are saved to a folder *.lego* in the current working directory.
-#### Sudo
-The CLI does not require root permissions but needs to bind to port 80 and 443 for certain challenges.
-To run the CLI without sudo, you have four options:
-- Use setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /path/to/program
-- Pass the `--http` or/and the `--tls` option and specify a custom port to bind to. In this case you have to forward port 80/443 to these custom ports (see [Port Usage](#port-usage)).
-- Pass the `--webroot` option and specify the path to your webroot folder. In this case the challenge will be written in a file in `.well-known/acme-challenge/` inside your webroot.
-- Pass the `--dns` option and specify a DNS provider.
-#### Port Usage
-By default lego assumes it is able to bind to ports 80 and 443 to solve challenges.
-If this is not possible in your environment, you can use the `--http` and `--tls` options to instruct
-lego to listen on that interface:port for any incoming challenges.
-If you are using this option, make sure you proxy all of the following traffic to these ports.
-HTTP Port:
-- All plaintext HTTP requests to port 80 which begin with a request path of `/.well-known/acme-challenge/` for the HTTP challenge.
-TLS Port:
-- All TLS handshakes on port 443 for the TLS-SNI challenge.
-This traffic redirection is only needed as long as lego solves challenges. As soon as you have received your certificates you can deactivate the forwarding.
-#### Usage
- lego - Let's Encrypt client written in Go
- lego [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
- 0.4.1
- run Register an account, then create and install a certificate
- revoke Revoke a certificate
- renew Renew a certificate
- dnshelp Shows additional help for the --dns global option
- help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
- --domains value, -d value Add a domain to the process. Can be specified multiple times.
- --csr value, -c value Certificate signing request filename, if an external CSR is to be used
- --server value, -s value CA hostname (and optionally :port). The server certificate must be trusted in order to avoid further modifications to the client. (default: "")
- --email value, -m value Email used for registration and recovery contact.
- --accept-tos, -a By setting this flag to true you indicate that you accept the current Let's Encrypt terms of service.
- --key-type value, -k value Key type to use for private keys. Supported: rsa2048, rsa4096, rsa8192, ec256, ec384 (default: "rsa2048")
- --path value Directory to use for storing the data (default: "/.lego")
- --exclude value, -x value Explicitly disallow solvers by name from being used. Solvers: "http-01", "tls-sni-01".
- --webroot value Set the webroot folder to use for HTTP based challenges to write directly in a file in .well-known/acme-challenge
- --memcached-host value Set the memcached host(s) to use for HTTP based challenges. Challenges will be written to all specified hosts.
- --http value Set the port and interface to use for HTTP based challenges to listen on. Supported: interface:port or :port
- --tls value Set the port and interface to use for TLS based challenges to listen on. Supported: interface:port or :port
- --dns value Solve a DNS challenge using the specified provider. Disables all other challenges. Run 'lego dnshelp' for help on usage.
- --http-timeout value Set the HTTP timeout value to a specific value in seconds. The default is 10 seconds. (default: 0)
- --dns-timeout value Set the DNS timeout value to a specific value in seconds. The default is 10 seconds. (default: 0)
- --dns-resolvers value Set the resolvers to use for performing recursive DNS queries. Supported: host:port. The default is to use Google's DNS resolvers.
- --pem Generate a .pem file by concatanating the .key and .crt files together.
- --help, -h show help
- --version, -v print the version
-##### CLI Example
-Assumes the `lego` binary has permission to bind to ports 80 and 443. You can get a pre-built binary from the [releases]( page.
-If your environment does not allow you to bind to these ports, please read [Port Usage](#port-usage).
-Obtain a certificate:
-$ lego --email="" --domains="" run
-(Find your certificate in the `.lego` folder of current working directory.)
-To renew the certificate:
-$ lego --email="" --domains="" renew
-To renew the certificate only if it's older than 30 days
-$ lego --email="" --domains="" renew --days 30
-Obtain a certificate using the DNS challenge and AWS Route 53:
-$ AWS_REGION=us-east-1 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=my_id AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=my_key lego --email="" --domains="" --dns="route53" run
-Note that `--dns=foo` implies `--exclude=http-01` and `--exclude=tls-sni-01`. lego will not attempt other challenges if you've told it to use DNS instead.
-Obtain a certificate given a certificate signing request (CSR) generated by something else:
-$ lego --email="" --csr=/path/to/csr.pem run
-(lego will infer the domains to be validated based on the contents of the CSR, so make sure the CSR's Common Name and optional SubjectAltNames are set correctly.)
-lego defaults to communicating with the production Let's Encrypt ACME server. If you'd like to test something without issuing real certificates, consider using the staging endpoint instead:
-$ lego --server= …
-#### DNS Challenge API Details
-##### AWS Route 53
-The following AWS IAM policy document describes the permissions required for lego to complete the DNS challenge.
-Replace `<INSERT_YOUR_HOSTED_ZONE_ID_HERE>` with the Route 53 zone ID of the domain you are authorizing.
- "Version": "2012-10-17",
- "Statement": [
- {
- "Effect": "Allow",
- "Action": [
- "route53:GetChange",
- "route53:ListHostedZonesByName"
- ],
- "Resource": [
- "*"
- ]
- },
- {
- "Effect": "Allow",
- "Action": [
- "route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets"
- ],
- "Resource": [
- "arn:aws:route53:::hostedzone/<INSERT_YOUR_HOSTED_ZONE_ID_HERE>"
- ]
- }
- ]
-#### ACME Library Usage
-A valid, but bare-bones example use of the acme package:
-// You'll need a user or account type that implements acme.User
-type MyUser struct {
- Email string
- Registration *acme.RegistrationResource
- key crypto.PrivateKey
-func (u MyUser) GetEmail() string {
- return u.Email
-func (u MyUser) GetRegistration() *acme.RegistrationResource {
- return u.Registration
-func (u MyUser) GetPrivateKey() crypto.PrivateKey {
- return u.key
-// Create a user. New accounts need an email and private key to start.
-const rsaKeySize = 2048
-privateKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, rsaKeySize)
-if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
-myUser := MyUser{
- Email: "",
- key: privateKey,
-// A client facilitates communication with the CA server. This CA URL is
-// configured for a local dev instance of Boulder running in Docker in a VM.
-client, err := acme.NewClient("", &myUser, acme.RSA2048)
-if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
-// We specify an http port of 5002 and an tls port of 5001 on all interfaces
-// because we aren't running as root and can't bind a listener to port 80 and 443
-// (used later when we attempt to pass challenges). Keep in mind that we still
-// need to proxy challenge traffic to port 5002 and 5001.
-// New users will need to register
-reg, err := client.Register()
-if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
-myUser.Registration = reg
-// The client has a URL to the current Let's Encrypt Subscriber
-// Agreement. The user will need to agree to it.
-err = client.AgreeToTOS()
-if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
-// The acme library takes care of completing the challenges to obtain the certificate(s).
-// The domains must resolve to this machine or you have to use the DNS challenge.
-bundle := false
-certificates, failures := client.ObtainCertificate([]string{""}, bundle, nil, false)
-if len(failures) > 0 {
- log.Fatal(failures)
-// Each certificate comes back with the cert bytes, the bytes of the client's
-// private key, and a certificate URL. SAVE THESE TO DISK.
-fmt.Printf("%#v\n", certificates)
-// ... all done.