path: root/vendor/
diff options
authorChristopher Speller <>2017-11-13 09:09:58 -0800
committerGitHub <>2017-11-13 09:09:58 -0800
commit1329aa51b605cb54ba9aae3a82a0a87b881fb7b3 (patch)
tree93cbf354ab894a560fc2cef8ef685d681b4ff889 /vendor/
parent7304a61ef597970be3031b14e652fb3a4df44304 (diff)
Updating server dependancies. (#7816)
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
1 files changed, 456 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..56637c73f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package cldrtree
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "flag"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "log"
+ "math/rand"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "reflect"
+ "regexp"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+var genOutput = flag.Bool("gen", false, "generate output files")
+func TestAliasRegexp(t *testing.T) {
+ testCases := []struct {
+ alias string
+ want []string
+ }{{
+ alias: "miscPatterns[@numberSystem='latn']",
+ want: []string{
+ "miscPatterns[@numberSystem='latn']",
+ "miscPatterns",
+ "[@numberSystem='latn']",
+ "numberSystem",
+ "latn",
+ },
+ }, {
+ alias: `calendar[@type='greg-foo']/days/`,
+ want: []string{
+ "calendar[@type='greg-foo']",
+ "calendar",
+ "[@type='greg-foo']",
+ "type",
+ "greg-foo",
+ },
+ }, {
+ alias: "eraAbbr",
+ want: []string{
+ "eraAbbr",
+ "eraAbbr",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ },
+ }, {
+ // match must be anchored at beginning.
+ alias: `../calendar[@type='gregorian']/days/`,
+ }}
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ t.Run(tc.alias, func(t *testing.T) {
+ got := aliasRe.FindStringSubmatch(tc.alias)
+ if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tc.want) {
+ t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tc.want)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+func TestBuild(t *testing.T) {
+ tree1, _ := loadTestdata(t, "test1")
+ tree2, _ := loadTestdata(t, "test2")
+ // Constants for second test test
+ const (
+ calendar = iota
+ field
+ )
+ const (
+ month = iota
+ era
+ filler
+ cyclicNameSet
+ )
+ const (
+ abbreviated = iota
+ narrow
+ wide
+ )
+ testCases := []struct {
+ desc string
+ tree *Tree
+ locale string
+ path []uint16
+ isFeature bool
+ result string
+ }{{
+ desc: "und/chinese month format wide m1",
+ tree: tree1,
+ locale: "und",
+ path: path(calendar, 0, month, 0, wide, 1),
+ result: "cM01",
+ }, {
+ desc: "und/chinese month format wide m12",
+ tree: tree1,
+ locale: "und",
+ path: path(calendar, 0, month, 0, wide, 12),
+ result: "cM12",
+ }, {
+ desc: "und/non-existing value",
+ tree: tree1,
+ locale: "und",
+ path: path(calendar, 0, month, 0, wide, 13),
+ result: "",
+ }, {
+ desc: "und/dangi:chinese month format wide",
+ tree: tree1,
+ locale: "und",
+ path: path(calendar, 1, month, 0, wide, 1),
+ result: "cM01",
+ }, {
+ desc: "und/chinese month format abbreviated:wide",
+ tree: tree1,
+ locale: "und",
+ path: path(calendar, 0, month, 0, abbreviated, 1),
+ result: "cM01",
+ }, {
+ desc: "und/chinese month format narrow:wide",
+ tree: tree1,
+ locale: "und",
+ path: path(calendar, 0, month, 0, narrow, 1),
+ result: "cM01",
+ }, {
+ desc: "und/gregorian month format wide",
+ tree: tree1,
+ locale: "und",
+ path: path(calendar, 2, month, 0, wide, 2),
+ result: "gM02",
+ }, {
+ desc: "und/gregorian month format:stand-alone narrow",
+ tree: tree1,
+ locale: "und",
+ path: path(calendar, 2, month, 0, narrow, 1),
+ result: "1",
+ }, {
+ desc: "und/gregorian month stand-alone:format abbreviated",
+ tree: tree1,
+ locale: "und",
+ path: path(calendar, 2, month, 1, abbreviated, 1),
+ result: "gM01",
+ }, {
+ desc: "und/gregorian month stand-alone:format wide ",
+ tree: tree1,
+ locale: "und",
+ path: path(calendar, 2, month, 1, abbreviated, 1),
+ result: "gM01",
+ }, {
+ desc: "und/dangi:chinese month format narrow:wide ",
+ tree: tree1,
+ locale: "und",
+ path: path(calendar, 1, month, 0, narrow, 4),
+ result: "cM04",
+ }, {
+ desc: "und/field era displayname 0",
+ tree: tree2,
+ locale: "und",
+ path: path(field, 0, 0, 0),
+ result: "Era",
+ }, {
+ desc: "en/field era displayname 0",
+ tree: tree2,
+ locale: "en",
+ path: path(field, 0, 0, 0),
+ result: "era",
+ }, {
+ desc: "und/calendar hebrew format wide 7-leap",
+ tree: tree2,
+ locale: "und",
+ path: path(calendar, 7, month, 0, wide, 0),
+ result: "Adar II",
+ }, {
+ desc: "en-GB:en-001:en:und/calendar hebrew format wide 7-leap",
+ tree: tree2,
+ locale: "en-GB",
+ path: path(calendar, 7, month, 0, wide, 0),
+ result: "Adar II",
+ }, {
+ desc: "und/buddhist month format wide 11",
+ tree: tree2,
+ locale: "und",
+ path: path(calendar, 0, month, 0, wide, 12),
+ result: "genWideM12",
+ }, {
+ desc: "en-GB/gregorian month stand-alone narrow 2",
+ tree: tree2,
+ locale: "en-GB",
+ path: path(calendar, 6, month, 1, narrow, 3),
+ result: "gbNarrowM3",
+ }, {
+ desc: "en-GB/gregorian month format narrow 3/missing in en-GB",
+ tree: tree2,
+ locale: "en-GB",
+ path: path(calendar, 6, month, 0, narrow, 4),
+ result: "enNarrowM4",
+ }, {
+ desc: "en-GB/gregorian month format narrow 3/missing in en and en-GB",
+ tree: tree2,
+ locale: "en-GB",
+ path: path(calendar, 6, month, 0, narrow, 7),
+ result: "gregNarrowM7",
+ }, {
+ desc: "en-GB/gregorian month format narrow 3/missing in en and en-GB",
+ tree: tree2,
+ locale: "en-GB",
+ path: path(calendar, 6, month, 0, narrow, 7),
+ result: "gregNarrowM7",
+ }, {
+ desc: "en-GB/gregorian era narrow",
+ tree: tree2,
+ locale: "en-GB",
+ path: path(calendar, 6, era, abbreviated, 0, 1),
+ isFeature: true,
+ result: "AD",
+ }, {
+ desc: "en-GB/gregorian era narrow",
+ tree: tree2,
+ locale: "en-GB",
+ path: path(calendar, 6, era, narrow, 0, 0),
+ isFeature: true,
+ result: "BC",
+ }, {
+ desc: "en-GB/gregorian era narrow",
+ tree: tree2,
+ locale: "en-GB",
+ path: path(calendar, 6, era, wide, 1, 0),
+ isFeature: true,
+ result: "Before Common Era",
+ }, {
+ desc: "en-GB/dangi:chinese cyclicName, months, format, narrow:abbreviated 2",
+ tree: tree2,
+ locale: "en-GB",
+ path: path(calendar, 1, cyclicNameSet, 3, 0, 1, 2),
+ isFeature: true,
+ result: "year2",
+ }, {
+ desc: "en-GB/field era-narrow ",
+ tree: tree2,
+ locale: "en-GB",
+ path: path(field, 2, 0, 0),
+ result: "era",
+ }, {
+ desc: "en-GB/field month-narrow relativeTime future one",
+ tree: tree2,
+ locale: "en-GB",
+ path: path(field, 5, 2, 0, 1),
+ isFeature: true,
+ result: "001NarrowFutMOne",
+ }, {
+ // Don't fall back to the one of "en".
+ desc: "en-GB/field month-short relativeTime past one:other",
+ tree: tree2,
+ locale: "en-GB",
+ path: path(field, 4, 2, 1, 1),
+ isFeature: true,
+ result: "001ShortPastMOther",
+ }, {
+ desc: "en-GB/field month relativeTime future two:other",
+ tree: tree2,
+ locale: "en-GB",
+ path: path(field, 3, 2, 0, 2),
+ isFeature: true,
+ result: "enFutMOther",
+ }}
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
+ tag, _ := language.CompactIndex(language.MustParse(tc.locale))
+ s := tc.tree.lookup(tag, tc.isFeature, tc.path...)
+ if s != tc.result {
+ t.Errorf("got %q; want %q", s, tc.result)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+func path(e ...uint16) []uint16 { return e }
+func TestGen(t *testing.T) {
+ testCases := []string{"test1", "test2"}
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ t.Run(tc, func(t *testing.T) {
+ _, got := loadTestdata(t, tc)
+ // Remove sizes that may vary per architecture.
+ re := regexp.MustCompile("// Size: [0-9]*")
+ got = re.ReplaceAllLiteral(got, []byte("// Size: xxxx"))
+ re = regexp.MustCompile("// Total table size [0-9]*")
+ got = re.ReplaceAllLiteral(got, []byte("// Total table size: xxxx"))
+ file := filepath.Join("testdata", tc, "output.go")
+ if *genOutput {
+ ioutil.WriteFile(file, got, 0700)
+ t.SkipNow()
+ }
+ b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to open file: %v", err)
+ }
+ if want := string(b); string(got) != want {
+ t.Log(string(got))
+ t.Errorf("files differ")
+ }
+ })
+ }
+func loadTestdata(t *testing.T, test string) (tree *Tree, file []byte) {
+ b := New("test")
+ var d cldr.Decoder
+ data, err := d.DecodePath(filepath.Join("testdata", test))
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("error decoding testdata: %v", err)
+ }
+ context := Enum("context")
+ widthMap := func(s string) string {
+ // Align era with width values.
+ if r, ok := map[string]string{
+ "eraAbbr": "abbreviated",
+ "eraNarrow": "narrow",
+ "eraNames": "wide",
+ }[s]; ok {
+ s = r
+ }
+ return "w" + strings.Title(s)
+ }
+ width := EnumFunc("width", widthMap, "abbreviated", "narrow", "wide")
+ month := Enum("month", "leap7")
+ relative := EnumFunc("relative", func(s string) string {
+ x, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 8)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal("Invalid number:", err)
+ }
+ return []string{
+ "before1",
+ "current",
+ "after1",
+ }[x+1]
+ })
+ cycleType := EnumFunc("cycleType", func(s string) string {
+ return "cyc" + strings.Title(s)
+ })
+ r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(0))
+ for _, loc := range data.Locales() {
+ ldml := data.RawLDML(loc)
+ x := b.Locale(language.Make(loc))
+ if x := x.Index(ldml.Dates.Calendars); x != nil {
+ for _, cal := range ldml.Dates.Calendars.Calendar {
+ x := x.IndexFromType(cal)
+ if x := x.Index(cal.Months); x != nil {
+ for _, mc := range cal.Months.MonthContext {
+ x := x.IndexFromType(mc, context)
+ for _, mw := range mc.MonthWidth {
+ x := x.IndexFromType(mw, width)
+ for _, m := range mw.Month {
+ x.SetValue(m.Yeartype+m.Type, m, month)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if x := x.Index(cal.CyclicNameSets); x != nil {
+ for _, cns := range cal.CyclicNameSets.CyclicNameSet {
+ x := x.IndexFromType(cns, cycleType)
+ for _, cc := range cns.CyclicNameContext {
+ x := x.IndexFromType(cc, context)
+ for _, cw := range cc.CyclicNameWidth {
+ x := x.IndexFromType(cw, width)
+ for _, c := range cw.CyclicName {
+ x.SetValue(c.Type, c)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if x := x.Index(cal.Eras); x != nil {
+ opts := []Option{width, SharedType()}
+ if x := x.Index(cal.Eras.EraNames, opts...); x != nil {
+ for _, e := range cal.Eras.EraNames.Era {
+ x.IndexFromAlt(e).SetValue(e.Type, e)
+ }
+ }
+ if x := x.Index(cal.Eras.EraAbbr, opts...); x != nil {
+ for _, e := range cal.Eras.EraAbbr.Era {
+ x.IndexFromAlt(e).SetValue(e.Type, e)
+ }
+ }
+ if x := x.Index(cal.Eras.EraNarrow, opts...); x != nil {
+ for _, e := range cal.Eras.EraNarrow.Era {
+ x.IndexFromAlt(e).SetValue(e.Type, e)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ // Ensure having more than 2 buckets.
+ f := x.IndexWithName("filler")
+ b := make([]byte, maxStrlen)
+ opt := &options{parent: x}
+ r.Read(b)
+ f.setValue("0", string(b), opt)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if x := x.Index(ldml.Dates.Fields); x != nil {
+ for _, f := range ldml.Dates.Fields.Field {
+ x := x.IndexFromType(f)
+ for _, d := range f.DisplayName {
+ x.Index(d).SetValue("", d)
+ }
+ for _, r := range f.Relative {
+ x.Index(r).SetValue(r.Type, r, relative)
+ }
+ for _, rt := range f.RelativeTime {
+ x := x.Index(rt).IndexFromType(rt)
+ for _, p := range rt.RelativeTimePattern {
+ x.SetValue(p.Count, p)
+ }
+ }
+ for _, rp := range f.RelativePeriod {
+ x.Index(rp).SetValue("", rp)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tree, err = build(b)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal("error building tree:", err)
+ }
+ w := gen.NewCodeWriter()
+ generate(b, tree, w)
+ generateTestData(b, w)
+ buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
+ if _, err = w.WriteGo(buf, "test"); err != nil {
+ t.Log(buf.String())
+ t.Fatal("error generating code:", err)
+ }
+ return tree, buf.Bytes()