path: root/webapp/components/admin_console/push_settings.jsx
diff options
authorChristopher Speller <>2017-09-06 23:04:13 -0700
committerChristopher Speller <>2017-09-06 23:11:58 -0700
commitd8bd57901e33a7057e26e782e295099ffcc0da89 (patch)
treee12dfc8cad42b1576756d19d7fbfd82646a009bf /webapp/components/admin_console/push_settings.jsx
parent7bc8e9a08dfde56387f946fdf5086252aa4d0491 (diff)
Removing webapp
Diffstat (limited to 'webapp/components/admin_console/push_settings.jsx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 233 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/components/admin_console/push_settings.jsx b/webapp/components/admin_console/push_settings.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index b5f788c86..000000000
--- a/webapp/components/admin_console/push_settings.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// See License.txt for license information.
-import React from 'react';
-import Constants from 'utils/constants.jsx';
-import * as Utils from 'utils/utils.jsx';
-import AdminSettings from './admin_settings.jsx';
-import DropdownSetting from './dropdown_setting.jsx';
-import {FormattedMessage, FormattedHTMLMessage} from 'react-intl';
-import SettingsGroup from './settings_group.jsx';
-import TextSetting from './text_setting.jsx';
-export default class PushSettings extends AdminSettings {
- constructor(props) {
- super(props);
- this.canSave = this.canSave.bind(this);
- this.handleAgreeChange = this.handleAgreeChange.bind(this);
- this.getConfigFromState = this.getConfigFromState.bind(this);
- this.renderSettings = this.renderSettings.bind(this);
- }
- canSave() {
- return this.state.pushNotificationServerType !== PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_MHPNS || this.state.agree;
- }
- handleAgreeChange(e) {
- this.setState({
- agree:
- });
- }
- handleChange(id, value) {
- if (id === 'pushNotificationServerType') {
- this.setState({
- agree: false
- });
- this.setState({
- pushNotificationServer: Constants.MHPNS
- });
- } else if (value === PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_MTPNS) {
- this.setState({
- pushNotificationServer: Constants.MTPNS
- });
- }
- }
- super.handleChange(id, value);
- }
- getConfigFromState(config) {
- config.EmailSettings.SendPushNotifications = this.state.pushNotificationServerType !== PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_OFF;
- config.EmailSettings.PushNotificationServer = this.state.pushNotificationServer.trim();
- config.EmailSettings.PushNotificationContents = this.state.pushNotificationContents;
- return config;
- }
- getStateFromConfig(config) {
- let pushNotificationServerType = PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_CUSTOM;
- let agree = false;
- if (!config.EmailSettings.SendPushNotifications) {
- pushNotificationServerType = PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_OFF;
- } else if (config.EmailSettings.PushNotificationServer === Constants.MHPNS &&
- global.window.mm_license.IsLicensed === 'true' && global.window.mm_license.MHPNS === 'true') {
- pushNotificationServerType = PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_MHPNS;
- agree = true;
- } else if (config.EmailSettings.PushNotificationServer === Constants.MTPNS) {
- pushNotificationServerType = PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_MTPNS;
- }
- let pushNotificationServer = config.EmailSettings.PushNotificationServer;
- if (pushNotificationServerType === PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_MTPNS) {
- pushNotificationServer = Constants.MTPNS;
- } else if (pushNotificationServerType === PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_MHPNS) {
- pushNotificationServer = Constants.MHPNS;
- }
- return {
- pushNotificationServerType,
- pushNotificationServer,
- pushNotificationContents: config.EmailSettings.PushNotificationContents,
- agree
- };
- }
- renderTitle() {
- return (
- <FormattedMessage
- id='admin.notifications.title'
- defaultMessage='Notification Settings'
- />
- );
- }
- renderSettings() {
- const pushNotificationServerTypes = [];
- pushNotificationServerTypes.push({value: PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_OFF, text: Utils.localizeMessage('', 'Do not send push notifications')});
- if (global.window.mm_license.IsLicensed === 'true' && global.window.mm_license.MHPNS === 'true') {
- pushNotificationServerTypes.push({value: PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_MHPNS, text: Utils.localizeMessage('', 'Use encrypted, production-quality HPNS connection to iOS and Android apps')});
- }
- pushNotificationServerTypes.push({value: PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_MTPNS, text: Utils.localizeMessage('', 'Use iOS and Android apps on iTunes and Google Play with TPNS')});
- pushNotificationServerTypes.push({value: PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_CUSTOM, text: Utils.localizeMessage('', 'Manually enter Push Notification Service location')});
- let sendHelpText = null;
- let pushServerHelpText = null;
- if (this.state.pushNotificationServerType === PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_OFF) {
- sendHelpText = (
- <FormattedHTMLMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Please see <a href="" target="_blank">documentation on push notifications</a> to learn more about setup options.'
- />
- );
- } else if (this.state.pushNotificationServerType === PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_MHPNS) {
- pushServerHelpText = (
- <FormattedHTMLMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Download <a href="" target="_blank">Mattermost iOS app</a> from iTunes. Download <a href="" target="_blank">Mattermost Android app</a> from Google Play. Learn more about the <a href="" target="_blank">Mattermost Hosted Push Notification Service</a>.'
- />
- );
- } else if (this.state.pushNotificationServerType === PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_MTPNS) {
- pushServerHelpText = (
- <FormattedHTMLMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Download <a href="" target="_blank">Mattermost iOS app</a> from iTunes. Download <a href="" target="_blank">Mattermost Android app</a> from Google Play. Learn more about the <a href="" target="_blank">Mattermost Test Push Notification Service</a>.'
- />
- );
- } else {
- pushServerHelpText = (
- <FormattedHTMLMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Learn more about compiling and deploying your own mobile apps from an <a href="" target="_blank">Enterprise App Store</a>.'
- />
- );
- }
- let tosCheckbox;
- if (this.state.pushNotificationServerType === PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_MHPNS) {
- tosCheckbox = (
- <div className='form-group'>
- <div className='col-sm-4'/>
- <div className='col-sm-8'>
- <input
- type='checkbox'
- ref='agree'
- checked={this.state.agree}
- onChange={this.handleAgreeChange}
- />
- <FormattedHTMLMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage=' I understand and accept the Mattermost Hosted Push Notification Service <a href="" target="_blank">Terms of Service</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a>.'
- />
- </div>
- </div>
- );
- }
- return (
- <SettingsGroup
- header={
- <FormattedMessage
- id='admin.notifications.push'
- defaultMessage='Mobile Push'
- />
- }
- >
- <DropdownSetting
- id='pushNotificationServerType'
- values={pushNotificationServerTypes}
- label={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Enable Push Notifications: '
- />
- }
- value={this.state.pushNotificationServerType}
- onChange={this.handleChange}
- helpText={sendHelpText}
- />
- {tosCheckbox}
- <TextSetting
- id='pushNotificationServer'
- label={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Push Notification Server:'
- />
- }
- placeholder={Utils.localizeMessage('', 'E.g.: ""')}
- helpText={pushServerHelpText}
- value={this.state.pushNotificationServer}
- onChange={this.handleChange}
- disabled={this.state.pushNotificationServerType !== PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_CUSTOM}
- />
- <DropdownSetting
- id='pushNotificationContents'
- values={[
- {value: 'generic_no_channel', text: Utils.localizeMessage('', '"Send generic description with only sender name')},
- {value: 'generic', text: Utils.localizeMessage('', 'Send generic description with sender and channel names')},
- {value: 'full', text: Utils.localizeMessage('', 'Send full message snippet')}
- ]}
- label={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Push Notification Contents:'
- />
- }
- value={this.state.pushNotificationContents}
- onChange={this.handleChange}
- disabled={this.state.pushNotificationServerType === PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_OFF}
- helpText={
- <FormattedHTMLMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='"Send generic description with only sender name" includes only the name of the person who sent the message in push notifications, with no information about channel name or message contents.<br /><br />"Send generic description with sender and channel names" includes the name of the person who sent the message and the channel it was sent in, but not the message text.<br /><br />"Send full message snippet" includes a message excerpt in push notifications, which may contain confidential information sent in messages. If your Push Notification Service is outside your firewall, it is *highly recommended* this option only be used with an "https" protocol to encrypt the connection.'
- />
- }
- />
- </SettingsGroup>
- );
- }