path: root/webapp/components/change_url_modal.jsx
diff options
authorChristopher Speller <>2017-09-06 23:04:13 -0700
committerChristopher Speller <>2017-09-06 23:11:58 -0700
commitd8bd57901e33a7057e26e782e295099ffcc0da89 (patch)
treee12dfc8cad42b1576756d19d7fbfd82646a009bf /webapp/components/change_url_modal.jsx
parent7bc8e9a08dfde56387f946fdf5086252aa4d0491 (diff)
Removing webapp
Diffstat (limited to 'webapp/components/change_url_modal.jsx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/components/change_url_modal.jsx b/webapp/components/change_url_modal.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 88304a4a7..000000000
--- a/webapp/components/change_url_modal.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// See License.txt for license information.
-import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
-import Constants from 'utils/constants.jsx';
-import {Modal, Tooltip, OverlayTrigger} from 'react-bootstrap';
-import TeamStore from 'stores/team_store.jsx';
-import * as URL from 'utils/url.jsx';
-import {FormattedMessage} from 'react-intl';
-import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import React from 'react';
-export default class ChangeUrlModal extends React.Component {
- constructor(props) {
- super(props);
- this.onURLChanged = this.onURLChanged.bind(this);
- this.doSubmit = this.doSubmit.bind(this);
- this.doCancel = this.doCancel.bind(this);
- this.state = {
- currentURL: props.currentURL,
- urlError: '',
- userEdit: false
- };
- }
- componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
- // This check prevents the url being deleted when we re-render
- // because of user status check
- if (!this.state.userEdit) {
- this.setState({
- currentURL: nextProps.currentURL
- });
- }
- }
- componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
- if ( === true && === false) {
- ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.urlinput).select();
- }
- }
- onURLChanged(e) {
- const url =;
- this.setState({currentURL: url.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9-_]/g, '').toLowerCase(), userEdit: true});
- }
- getURLError(url) {
- let error = []; //eslint-disable-line prefer-const
- if (url.length < 2) {
- error.push(
- <span key='error1'>
- <FormattedMessage
- id='change_url.longer'
- defaultMessage='URL must be two or more characters.'
- />
- <br/>
- </span>
- );
- }
- if (url.charAt(0) === '-' || url.charAt(0) === '_') {
- error.push(
- <span key='error2'>
- <FormattedMessage
- id='change_url.startWithLetter'
- defaultMessage='URL must start with a letter or number.'
- />
- <br/>
- </span>
- );
- }
- if (url.length > 1 && (url.charAt(url.length - 1) === '-' || url.charAt(url.length - 1) === '_')) {
- error.push(
- <span key='error3'>
- <FormattedMessage
- id='change_url.endWithLetter'
- defaultMessage='URL must end with a letter or number.'
- />
- <br/>
- </span>);
- }
- if (url.indexOf('__') > -1) {
- error.push(
- <span key='error4'>
- <FormattedMessage
- id='change_url.noUnderscore'
- defaultMessage='URL can not contain two underscores in a row.'
- />
- <br/>
- </span>);
- }
- // In case of error we don't detect
- if (error.length === 0) {
- error.push(
- <span key='errorlast'>
- <FormattedMessage
- id='change_url.invalidUrl'
- defaultMessage='Invalid URL'
- />
- <br/>
- </span>);
- }
- return error;
- }
- doSubmit(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- const url = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.urlinput).value;
- const cleanedURL = URL.cleanUpUrlable(url);
- if (cleanedURL !== url || url.length < 2 || url.indexOf('__') > -1) {
- this.setState({urlError: this.getURLError(url)});
- return;
- }
- this.setState({urlError: '', userEdit: false});
- this.props.onModalSubmit(url);
- }
- doCancel() {
- this.setState({urlError: '', userEdit: false});
- this.props.onModalDismissed();
- }
- render() {
- let urlClass = 'input-group input-group--limit';
- let error = null;
- if (this.state.urlError) {
- urlClass += ' has-error';
- }
- if (this.props.serverError || this.state.urlError) {
- error = (
- <div className='form-group has-error'>
- <p className='input__help error'>
- {this.state.urlError || this.props.serverError}
- </p>
- </div>
- );
- }
- const fullUrl = TeamStore.getCurrentTeamUrl() + '/channels';
- const shortURL = URL.getShortenedURL(fullUrl);
- const urlTooltip = (
- <Tooltip id='urlTooltip'>{fullUrl}</Tooltip>
- );
- return (
- <Modal
- show={}
- onHide={this.doCancel}
- onExited={this.props.onModalExited}
- >
- <Modal.Header closeButton={true}>
- <Modal.Title>{this.props.title}</Modal.Title>
- </Modal.Header>
- <form
- role='form'
- className='form-horizontal'
- >
- <Modal.Body>
- <div className='modal-intro'>
- <FormattedMessage
- id='channel_flow.changeUrlDescription'
- defaultMessage='Some characters are now allowed in URLs and may be removed.'
- />
- </div>
- <div className='form-group'>
- <label className='col-sm-2 form__label control-label'>
- <FormattedMessage
- id='change_url.urlLabel'
- defaultMessage='Channel URL'
- />
- </label>
- <div className='col-sm-10'>
- <div className={urlClass}>
- <OverlayTrigger
- trigger={['hover', 'focus']}
- delayShow={Constants.OVERLAY_TIME_DELAY}
- placement='top'
- overlay={urlTooltip}
- >
- <span className='input-group-addon'>{shortURL}</span>
- </OverlayTrigger>
- <input
- type='text'
- ref='urlinput'
- className='form-control'
- maxLength={Constants.MAX_CHANNELNAME_LENGTH}
- onChange={this.onURLChanged}
- value={this.state.currentURL}
- autoFocus={true}
- tabIndex='1'
- />
- </div>
- {error}
- </div>
- </div>
- </Modal.Body>
- <Modal.Footer>
- <button
- type='button'
- className='btn btn-default'
- onClick={this.doCancel}
- >
- <FormattedMessage
- id='change_url.close'
- defaultMessage='Close'
- />
- </button>
- <button
- onClick={this.doSubmit}
- type='submit'
- className='btn btn-primary'
- tabIndex='2'
- >
- {this.props.submitButtonText}
- </button>
- </Modal.Footer>
- </form>
- </Modal>
- );
- }
-ChangeUrlModal.defaultProps = {
- show: false,
- title: 'Change URL',
- submitButtonText: 'Save',
- currentURL: '',
- serverError: null
-ChangeUrlModal.propTypes = {
- show: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
- title: PropTypes.node,
- submitButtonText: PropTypes.node,
- currentURL: PropTypes.string,
- serverError: PropTypes.node,
- onModalSubmit: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
- onModalExited: PropTypes.func,
- onModalDismissed: PropTypes.func.isRequired