path: root/webapp/components/post_view/post_message_view
diff options
authorChristopher Speller <>2017-09-06 23:04:13 -0700
committerChristopher Speller <>2017-09-06 23:11:58 -0700
commitd8bd57901e33a7057e26e782e295099ffcc0da89 (patch)
treee12dfc8cad42b1576756d19d7fbfd82646a009bf /webapp/components/post_view/post_message_view
parent7bc8e9a08dfde56387f946fdf5086252aa4d0491 (diff)
Removing webapp
Diffstat (limited to 'webapp/components/post_view/post_message_view')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 488 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/components/post_view/post_message_view/index.js b/webapp/components/post_view/post_message_view/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 84682eb89..000000000
--- a/webapp/components/post_view/post_message_view/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2017 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// See License.txt for license information.
-import {connect} from 'react-redux';
-import {getCustomEmojisByName} from 'mattermost-redux/selectors/entities/emojis';
-import {getBool} from 'mattermost-redux/selectors/entities/preferences';
-import {getCurrentUserMentionKeys, getUsersByUsername} from 'mattermost-redux/selectors/entities/users';
-import {getCurrentTeam} from 'mattermost-redux/selectors/entities/teams';
-import {Preferences} from 'mattermost-redux/constants';
-import {getSiteURL} from 'utils/url.jsx';
-import {EmojiMap} from 'stores/emoji_store.jsx';
-import PostMessageView from './post_message_view.jsx';
-function makeMapStateToProps() {
- let emojiMap;
- let oldCustomEmoji;
- return function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
- const newCustomEmoji = getCustomEmojisByName(state);
- if (newCustomEmoji !== oldCustomEmoji) {
- emojiMap = new EmojiMap(newCustomEmoji);
- }
- oldCustomEmoji = newCustomEmoji;
- return {
- ...ownProps,
- emojis: emojiMap,
- enableFormatting: getBool(state, Preferences.CATEGORY_ADVANCED_SETTINGS, 'formatting', true),
- mentionKeys: getCurrentUserMentionKeys(state),
- usernameMap: getUsersByUsername(state),
- team: getCurrentTeam(state),
- siteUrl: getSiteURL()
- };
- };
-export default connect(makeMapStateToProps)(PostMessageView);
diff --git a/webapp/components/post_view/post_message_view/post_message_view.jsx b/webapp/components/post_view/post_message_view/post_message_view.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 348748450..000000000
--- a/webapp/components/post_view/post_message_view/post_message_view.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// See License.txt for license information.
-import {Parser, ProcessNodeDefinitions} from 'html-to-react';
-import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import React from 'react';
-import {FormattedMessage} from 'react-intl';
-import AtMention from 'components/at_mention';
-import MarkdownImage from 'components/markdown_image';
-import store from 'stores/redux_store.jsx';
-import * as PostUtils from 'utils/post_utils.jsx';
-import * as TextFormatting from 'utils/text_formatting.jsx';
-import * as Utils from 'utils/utils.jsx';
-import {getChannelsNameMapInCurrentTeam} from 'mattermost-redux/selectors/entities/channels';
-import {Posts} from 'mattermost-redux/constants';
-import {renderSystemMessage} from './system_message_helpers.jsx';
-export default class PostMessageView extends React.PureComponent {
- static propTypes = {
- /*
- * The post to render the message for
- */
- post: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
- /*
- * Object using emoji names as keys with custom emojis as the values
- */
- emojis: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
- /*
- * The team the post was made in
- */
- team: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
- /*
- * Set to enable Markdown formatting
- */
- enableFormatting: PropTypes.bool,
- /*
- * An array of words that can be used to mention a user
- */
- mentionKeys: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
- /*
- * The URL that the app is hosted on
- */
- siteUrl: PropTypes.string,
- /*
- * Options specific to text formatting
- */
- options: PropTypes.object,
- /*
- * Post identifiers for selenium tests
- */
- lastPostCount: PropTypes.number,
- /**
- * Set to render post body compactly
- */
- compactDisplay: PropTypes.bool,
- /**
- * Flags if the post_message_view is for the RHS (Reply).
- */
- isRHS: PropTypes.bool,
- /**
- * Flags if the post_message_view is for the RHS (Reply).
- */
- hasMention: PropTypes.bool
- };
- static defaultProps = {
- options: {},
- mentionKeys: [],
- isRHS: false,
- hasMention: false
- };
- renderDeletedPost() {
- return (
- <p>
- <FormattedMessage
- id='post_body.deleted'
- defaultMessage='(message deleted)'
- />
- </p>
- );
- }
- renderEditedIndicator() {
- if (!PostUtils.isEdited( {
- return null;
- }
- return (
- <span className='post-edited-indicator'>
- <FormattedMessage
- id='post_message_view.edited'
- defaultMessage='(edited)'
- />
- </span>
- );
- }
- postMessageHtmlToComponent(html) {
- const parser = new Parser();
- const attrib = 'data-mention';
- const processNodeDefinitions = new ProcessNodeDefinitions(React);
- function isValidNode() {
- return true;
- }
- const processingInstructions = [
- {
- replaceChildren: true,
- shouldProcessNode: (node) => node.attribs && node.attribs[attrib],
- processNode: (node) => {
- const mentionName = node.attribs[attrib];
- return (
- <AtMention
- mentionName={mentionName}
- isRHS={this.props.isRHS}
- hasMention={this.props.hasMention}
- />
- );
- }
- },
- {
- shouldProcessNode: (node) => node.type === 'tag' && === 'img',
- processNode: (node) => {
- const {
- class: className,
- ...attribs
- } = node.attribs;
- return (
- <MarkdownImage
- className={className}
- {...attribs}
- />
- );
- }
- },
- {
- shouldProcessNode: () => true,
- processNode: processNodeDefinitions.processDefaultNode
- }
- ];
- return parser.parseWithInstructions(html, isValidNode, processingInstructions);
- }
- render() {
- if ( === Posts.POST_DELETED) {
- return this.renderDeletedPost();
- }
- if (!this.props.enableFormatting) {
- return <span>{}</span>;
- }
- const options = Object.assign({}, this.props.options, {
- emojis: this.props.emojis,
- siteURL: this.props.siteUrl,
- mentionKeys: this.props.mentionKeys,
- atMentions: true,
- channelNamesMap: getChannelsNameMapInCurrentTeam(store.getState()),
- team:
- });
- const renderedSystemMessage = renderSystemMessage(, options);
- if (renderedSystemMessage) {
- return <div>{renderedSystemMessage}</div>;
- }
- let postId = null;
- if (this.props.lastPostCount >= 0) {
- postId = Utils.createSafeId('lastPostMessageText' + this.props.lastPostCount);
- }
- let message =;
- const isEphemeral = Utils.isPostEphemeral(;
- if (this.props.compactDisplay && isEphemeral) {
- const visibleMessage = Utils.localizeMessage('post_info.message.visible.compact', ' (Only visible to you)');
- message = message.concat(visibleMessage);
- }
- const htmlFormattedText = TextFormatting.formatText(message, options);
- const postMessageComponent = this.postMessageHtmlToComponent(htmlFormattedText);
- return (
- <div>
- <span
- id={postId}
- className='post-message__text'
- onClick={Utils.handleFormattedTextClick}
- >
- {postMessageComponent}
- </span>
- {this.renderEditedIndicator()}
- </div>
- );
- }
diff --git a/webapp/components/post_view/post_message_view/system_message_helpers.jsx b/webapp/components/post_view/post_message_view/system_message_helpers.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index c134e1a7a..000000000
--- a/webapp/components/post_view/post_message_view/system_message_helpers.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2017-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// See License.txt for license information.
-import React from 'react';
-import {FormattedMessage} from 'react-intl';
-import {PostTypes} from 'utils/constants.jsx';
-import {formatText} from 'utils/text_formatting.jsx';
-function renderUsername(value, options) {
- return renderFormattedText(value, {...options, markdown: false});
-function renderFormattedText(value, options) {
- return <span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: formatText(value, options)}}/>;
-function renderJoinChannelMessage(post, options) {
- const username = renderUsername(post.props.username, options);
- return (
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='{username} has joined the channel.'
- values={{username}}
- />
- );
-function renderLeaveChannelMessage(post, options) {
- const username = renderUsername(post.props.username, options);
- return (
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='{username} has left the channel.'
- values={{username}}
- />
- );
-function renderAddToChannelMessage(post, options) {
- const username = renderUsername(post.props.username, options);
- const addedUsername = renderUsername(post.props.addedUsername, options);
- return (
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='{addedUsername} added to the channel by {username}'
- values={{
- username,
- addedUsername
- }}
- />
- );
-function renderRemoveFromChannelMessage(post, options) {
- const removedUsername = renderUsername(post.props.removedUsername, options);
- return (
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='{removedUsername} was removed from the channel'
- values={{
- removedUsername
- }}
- />
- );
-function renderHeaderChangeMessage(post, options) {
- if (!post.props.username) {
- return null;
- }
- const headerOptions = {
- ...options,
- singleline: true
- };
- const username = renderUsername(post.props.username, options);
- const oldHeader = post.props.old_header ? renderFormattedText(post.props.old_header, headerOptions) : null;
- const newHeader = post.props.new_header ? renderFormattedText(post.props.new_header, headerOptions) : null;
- if (post.props.new_header) {
- if (post.props.old_header) {
- return (
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='{username} updated the channel header from: {old} to: {new}'
- values={{
- username,
- old: oldHeader,
- new: newHeader
- }}
- />
- );
- }
- return (
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='{username} updated the channel header to: {new}'
- values={{
- username,
- new: newHeader
- }}
- />
- );
- } else if (post.props.old_header) {
- return (
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='{username} removed the channel header (was: {old})'
- values={{
- username,
- old: oldHeader
- }}
- />
- );
- }
- return null;
-function renderDisplayNameChangeMessage(post, options) {
- if (!(post.props.username && post.props.old_displayname && post.props.new_displayname)) {
- return null;
- }
- const username = renderUsername(post.props.username, options);
- const oldDisplayName = post.props.old_displayname;
- const newDisplayName = post.props.new_displayname;
- return (
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='{username} updated the channel display name from: {old} to: {new}'
- values={{
- username,
- old: oldDisplayName,
- new: newDisplayName
- }}
- />
- );
-function renderPurposeChangeMessage(post, options) {
- if (!post.props.username) {
- return null;
- }
- const username = renderUsername(post.props.username, options);
- const oldPurpose = post.props.old_purpose;
- const newPurpose = post.props.new_purpose;
- if (post.props.new_purpose) {
- if (post.props.old_purpose) {
- return (
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='{username} updated the channel purpose from: {old} to: {new}'
- values={{
- username,
- old: oldPurpose,
- new: newPurpose
- }}
- />
- );
- }
- return (
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='{username} updated the channel purpose to: {new}'
- values={{
- username,
- new: newPurpose
- }}
- />
- );
- } else if (post.props.old_purpose) {
- return (
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='{username} removed the channel purpose (was: {old})'
- values={{
- username,
- old: oldPurpose
- }}
- />
- );
- }
- return null;
-function renderChannelDeletedMessage(post, options) {
- if (!post.props.username) {
- return null;
- }
- const username = renderUsername(post.props.username, options);
- return (
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='{username} has archived the channel.'
- values={{username}}
- />
- );
-const systemMessageRenderers = {
- [PostTypes.JOIN_CHANNEL]: renderJoinChannelMessage,
- [PostTypes.LEAVE_CHANNEL]: renderLeaveChannelMessage,
- [PostTypes.ADD_TO_CHANNEL]: renderAddToChannelMessage,
- [PostTypes.REMOVE_FROM_CHANNEL]: renderRemoveFromChannelMessage,
- [PostTypes.HEADER_CHANGE]: renderHeaderChangeMessage,
- [PostTypes.DISPLAYNAME_CHANGE]: renderDisplayNameChangeMessage,
- [PostTypes.PURPOSE_CHANGE]: renderPurposeChangeMessage,
- [PostTypes.CHANNEL_DELETED]: renderChannelDeletedMessage
-export function renderSystemMessage(post, options) {
- if (!systemMessageRenderers[post.type]) {
- return null;
- }
- return systemMessageRenderers[post.type](post, options);