path: root/webapp/components/sidebar.jsx
diff options
authorChristopher Speller <>2017-09-06 23:04:13 -0700
committerChristopher Speller <>2017-09-06 23:11:58 -0700
commitd8bd57901e33a7057e26e782e295099ffcc0da89 (patch)
treee12dfc8cad42b1576756d19d7fbfd82646a009bf /webapp/components/sidebar.jsx
parent7bc8e9a08dfde56387f946fdf5086252aa4d0491 (diff)
Removing webapp
Diffstat (limited to 'webapp/components/sidebar.jsx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 994 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/components/sidebar.jsx b/webapp/components/sidebar.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 3399734a6..000000000
--- a/webapp/components/sidebar.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,994 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// See License.txt for license information.
-import $ from 'jquery';
-import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
-import NewChannelFlow from './new_channel_flow.jsx';
-import MoreDirectChannels from 'components/more_direct_channels';
-import MoreChannels from 'components/more_channels';
-import SidebarHeader from './sidebar_header.jsx';
-import UnreadChannelIndicator from './unread_channel_indicator.jsx';
-import TutorialTip from './tutorial/tutorial_tip.jsx';
-import StatusIcon from './status_icon.jsx';
-import ChannelStore from 'stores/channel_store.jsx';
-import UserStore from 'stores/user_store.jsx';
-import TeamStore from 'stores/team_store.jsx';
-import PreferenceStore from 'stores/preference_store.jsx';
-import ModalStore from 'stores/modal_store.jsx';
-import AppDispatcher from 'dispatcher/app_dispatcher.jsx';
-import * as Utils from 'utils/utils.jsx';
-import * as ChannelUtils from 'utils/channel_utils.jsx';
-import * as ChannelActions from 'actions/channel_actions.jsx';
-import * as GlobalActions from 'actions/global_actions.jsx';
-import {trackEvent} from 'actions/diagnostics_actions.jsx';
-import {ActionTypes, Constants} from 'utils/constants.jsx';
-import {FormattedMessage, FormattedHTMLMessage} from 'react-intl';
-const Preferences = Constants.Preferences;
-const TutorialSteps = Constants.TutorialSteps;
-import {Tooltip, OverlayTrigger} from 'react-bootstrap';
-import loadingGif from 'images/load.gif';
-import React from 'react';
-import {browserHistory, Link} from 'react-router/es6';
-import favicon from 'images/favicon/favicon-16x16.png';
-import redFavicon from 'images/favicon/redfavicon-16x16.png';
-import store from 'stores/redux_store.jsx';
-const dispatch = store.dispatch;
-const getState = store.getState;
-import {getChannelsByCategory} from 'mattermost-redux/selectors/entities/channels';
-import {savePreferences} from 'mattermost-redux/actions/preferences';
-export default class Sidebar extends React.Component {
- constructor(props) {
- super(props);
- this.badgesActive = false;
- this.firstUnreadChannel = null;
- this.lastUnreadChannel = null;
- this.isLeaving = new Map();
- this.isSwitchingChannel = false;
- this.closedDirectChannel = false;
- const state = this.getStateFromStores();
- state.newChannelModalType = '';
- state.showDirectChannelsModal = false;
- state.showMoreChannelsModal = false;
- state.loadingDMChannel = -1;
- state.inChannelChange = false;
- this.state = state;
- }
- getTotalUnreadCount = () => {
- const unreads = ChannelUtils.getCountsStateFromStores(this.state.currentTeam, this.state.teamMembers, this.state.unreadCounts);
- return {msgs: unreads.messageCount, mentions: unreads.mentionCount};
- }
- getStateFromStores = () => {
- const members = ChannelStore.getMyMembers();
- const teamMembers = TeamStore.getMyTeamMembers();
- const currentChannelId = ChannelStore.getCurrentId();
- const tutorialStep = PreferenceStore.getInt(Preferences.TUTORIAL_STEP, UserStore.getCurrentId(), 999);
- const displayableChannels = getChannelsByCategory(store.getState());
- return {
- activeId: currentChannelId,
- members,
- teamMembers,
- ...displayableChannels,
- unreadCounts: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ChannelStore.getUnreadCounts())),
- showTutorialTip: tutorialStep === TutorialSteps.CHANNEL_POPOVER,
- currentTeam: TeamStore.getCurrent(),
- currentUser: UserStore.getCurrentUser(),
- townSquare: ChannelStore.getByName(Constants.DEFAULT_CHANNEL),
- offTopic: ChannelStore.getByName(Constants.OFFTOPIC_CHANNEL)
- };
- }
- onInChannelChange = () => {
- this.setState({inChannelChange: !this.state.inChannelChange});
- }
- componentDidMount() {
- ChannelStore.addChangeListener(this.onChange);
- UserStore.addChangeListener(this.onChange);
- UserStore.addInTeamChangeListener(this.onChange);
- UserStore.addInChannelChangeListener(this.onInChannelChange);
- UserStore.addStatusesChangeListener(this.onChange);
- TeamStore.addChangeListener(this.onChange);
- PreferenceStore.addChangeListener(this.onChange);
- ModalStore.addModalListener(ActionTypes.TOGGLE_DM_MODAL, this.onModalChange);
- this.updateTitle();
- this.updateUnreadIndicators();
- document.addEventListener('keydown', this.navigateChannelShortcut);
- document.addEventListener('keydown', this.navigateUnreadChannelShortcut);
- }
- shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
- if (!Utils.areObjectsEqual(nextState, this.state)) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
- this.updateTitle();
- this.updateUnreadIndicators();
- if (!Utils.isMobile()) {
- $('.sidebar--left .nav-pills__container').perfectScrollbar();
- }
- // reset the scrollbar upon switching teams
- if (this.state.currentTeam !== prevState.currentTeam) {
- this.refs.container.scrollTop = 0;
- $('.nav-pills__container').perfectScrollbar('update');
- }
- // close the LHS on mobile when you change channels
- if (this.state.activeId !== prevState.activeId) {
- if (this.closedDirectChannel) {
- this.closedDirectChannel = false;
- } else {
- $('.app__body .inner-wrap').removeClass('move--right');
- $('.app__body .sidebar--left').removeClass('move--right');
- $('.multi-teams .team-sidebar').removeClass('move--right');
- }
- }
- }
- componentWillUnmount() {
- ChannelStore.removeChangeListener(this.onChange);
- UserStore.removeChangeListener(this.onChange);
- UserStore.removeInTeamChangeListener(this.onChange);
- UserStore.removeInChannelChangeListener(this.onChange);
- UserStore.removeStatusesChangeListener(this.onChange);
- TeamStore.removeChangeListener(this.onChange);
- PreferenceStore.removeChangeListener(this.onChange);
- ModalStore.removeModalListener(ActionTypes.TOGGLE_DM_MODAL, this.onModalChange);
- document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.navigateChannelShortcut);
- document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.navigateUnreadChannelShortcut);
- }
- onModalChange = (value, args) => {
- this.showMoreDirectChannelsModal(args.startingUsers);
- }
- handleOpenMoreDirectChannelsModal = (e) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- if (this.state.showDirectChannelsModal) {
- this.hideMoreDirectChannelsModal();
- } else {
- this.showMoreDirectChannelsModal();
- }
- }
- onChange = () => {
- if ( !== TeamStore.getCurrentId()) {
- ChannelStore.clear();
- }
- this.setState(this.getStateFromStores());
- this.updateTitle();
- }
- updateTitle = () => {
- const channel = ChannelStore.getCurrent();
- if (channel && this.state.currentTeam) {
- let currentSiteName = '';
- if (global.window.mm_config.SiteName != null) {
- currentSiteName = global.window.mm_config.SiteName;
- }
- let currentChannelName = channel.display_name;
- if (channel.type === Constants.DM_CHANNEL) {
- const teammate = Utils.getDirectTeammate(;
- if (teammate != null) {
- currentChannelName = teammate.username;
- }
- } else if (channel.type === Constants.GM_CHANNEL) {
- currentChannelName = ChannelUtils.buildGroupChannelName(;
- }
- const unread = this.getTotalUnreadCount();
- const mentionTitle = unread.mentions > 0 ? '(' + unread.mentions + ') ' : '';
- const unreadTitle = unread.msgs > 0 ? '* ' : '';
- document.title = mentionTitle + unreadTitle + currentChannelName + ' - ' + this.state.currentTeam.display_name + ' ' + currentSiteName;
- }
- }
- onScroll = () => {
- this.updateUnreadIndicators();
- }
- updateUnreadIndicators = () => {
- const container = $(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.container));
- var showTopUnread = false;
- var showBottomUnread = false;
- // Consider partially obscured channels as above/below
- const unreadMargin = 15;
- if (this.firstUnreadChannel) {
- var firstUnreadElement = $(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs[this.firstUnreadChannel]));
- if (firstUnreadElement.position().top + firstUnreadElement.height() < unreadMargin) {
- showTopUnread = true;
- }
- }
- if (this.lastUnreadChannel) {
- var lastUnreadElement = $(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs[this.lastUnreadChannel]));
- if (lastUnreadElement.position().top > container.height() - unreadMargin) {
- showBottomUnread = true;
- }
- }
- this.setState({
- showTopUnread,
- showBottomUnread
- });
- }
- updateScrollbarOnChannelChange = (channel) => {
- const curChannel = this.refs[].getBoundingClientRect();
- if (( - Constants.CHANNEL_SCROLL_ADJUSTMENT < 0) || ( + curChannel.height > this.refs.container.getBoundingClientRect().height)) {
- this.refs.container.scrollTop = this.refs.container.scrollTop + ( - Constants.CHANNEL_SCROLL_ADJUSTMENT);
- $('.nav-pills__container').perfectScrollbar('update');
- }
- }
- navigateChannelShortcut = (e) => {
- if (e.altKey && !e.shiftKey && (e.keyCode === Constants.KeyCodes.UP || e.keyCode === Constants.KeyCodes.DOWN)) {
- e.preventDefault();
- if (this.isSwitchingChannel) {
- return;
- }
- this.isSwitchingChannel = true;
- const allChannels = this.getDisplayedChannels();
- const curChannelId = this.state.activeId;
- let curIndex = -1;
- for (let i = 0; i < allChannels.length; i++) {
- if (allChannels[i].id === curChannelId) {
- curIndex = i;
- }
- }
- let nextIndex = curIndex;
- if (e.keyCode === Constants.KeyCodes.DOWN) {
- nextIndex = curIndex + 1;
- } else if (e.keyCode === Constants.KeyCodes.UP) {
- nextIndex = curIndex - 1;
- }
- const nextChannel = allChannels[Utils.mod(nextIndex, allChannels.length)];
- ChannelActions.goToChannel(nextChannel);
- this.updateScrollbarOnChannelChange(nextChannel);
- this.isSwitchingChannel = false;
- } else if (Utils.cmdOrCtrlPressed(e) && e.shiftKey && e.keyCode === Constants.KeyCodes.K) {
- this.handleOpenMoreDirectChannelsModal(e);
- }
- }
- navigateUnreadChannelShortcut = (e) => {
- if (e.altKey && e.shiftKey && (e.keyCode === Constants.KeyCodes.UP || e.keyCode === Constants.KeyCodes.DOWN)) {
- e.preventDefault();
- if (this.isSwitchingChannel) {
- return;
- }
- this.isSwitchingChannel = true;
- const allChannels = this.getDisplayedChannels();
- const curChannelId = this.state.activeId;
- let curIndex = -1;
- for (let i = 0; i < allChannels.length; i++) {
- if (allChannels[i].id === curChannelId) {
- curIndex = i;
- }
- }
- let nextIndex = curIndex;
- let count = 0;
- let increment = 0;
- if (e.keyCode === Constants.KeyCodes.UP) {
- increment = -1;
- } else if (e.keyCode === Constants.KeyCodes.DOWN) {
- increment = 1;
- }
- let unreadCounts = ChannelStore.getUnreadCount(allChannels[nextIndex].id);
- while (count < allChannels.length && unreadCounts.msgs === 0 && unreadCounts.mentions === 0) {
- nextIndex += increment;
- count++;
- nextIndex = Utils.mod(nextIndex, allChannels.length);
- unreadCounts = ChannelStore.getUnreadCount(allChannels[nextIndex].id);
- }
- if (unreadCounts.msgs !== 0 || unreadCounts.mentions !== 0) {
- const nextChannel = allChannels[nextIndex];
- ChannelActions.goToChannel(nextChannel);
- this.updateScrollbarOnChannelChange(nextChannel);
- }
- this.isSwitchingChannel = false;
- }
- }
- getDisplayedChannels = () => {
- return this.state.favoriteChannels.concat(this.state.publicChannels).concat(this.state.privateChannels).concat(this.state.directAndGroupChannels);
- }
- handleLeavePublicChannel = (e, channel) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- ChannelActions.leaveChannel(;
- trackEvent('ui', 'ui_public_channel_x_button_clicked');
- }
- handleLeavePrivateChannel = (e, channel) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- GlobalActions.showLeavePrivateChannelModal(channel);
- trackEvent('ui', 'ui_private_channel_x_button_clicked');
- }
- handleLeaveDirectChannel = (e, channel) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- if (!this.isLeaving.get( {
- this.isLeaving.set(, true);
- let id;
- let category;
- if (channel.type === Constants.DM_CHANNEL) {
- id = channel.teammate_id;
- category = Constants.Preferences.CATEGORY_DIRECT_CHANNEL_SHOW;
- } else {
- id =;
- category = Constants.Preferences.CATEGORY_GROUP_CHANNEL_SHOW;
- }
- const currentUserId = UserStore.getCurrentId();
- savePreferences(currentUserId, [{user_id: currentUserId, category, name: id, value: 'false'}])(dispatch, getState).then(
- () => {
- this.isLeaving.set(, false);
- }
- );
- if (ChannelUtils.isFavoriteChannel(channel)) {
- ChannelActions.unmarkFavorite(;
- }
- this.setState(this.getStateFromStores());
- trackEvent('ui', 'ui_direct_channel_x_button_clicked');
- }
- if ( === this.state.activeId) {
- this.closedDirectChannel = true;
- browserHistory.push('/' + + '/channels/town-square');
- }
- }
- showMoreChannelsModal = () => {
- this.setState({showMoreChannelsModal: true});
- trackEvent('ui', 'ui_channels_more_public');
- }
- hideMoreChannelsModal = () => {
- this.setState({showMoreChannelsModal: false});
- }
- showNewChannelModal = (type) => {
- this.setState({newChannelModalType: type});
- }
- hideNewChannelModal = () => {
- this.setState({newChannelModalType: ''});
- }
- showMoreDirectChannelsModal = (startingUsers) => {
- trackEvent('ui', 'ui_channels_more_direct');
- this.setState({showDirectChannelsModal: true, startingUsers});
- }
- hideMoreDirectChannelsModal = () => {
- this.setState({showDirectChannelsModal: false, startingUsers: null});
- }
- openLeftSidebar = () => {
- if (Utils.isMobile()) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- document.querySelector('.app__body .inner-wrap').classList.add('move--right');
- document.querySelector('.app__body .sidebar--left').classList.add('move--right');
- });
- }
- }
- openQuickSwitcher = (e) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- AppDispatcher.handleViewAction({
- });
- }
- createTutorialTip = () => {
- const screens = [];
- let townSquareDisplayName = Constants.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_UI_NAME;
- if (this.state.townSquare) {
- townSquareDisplayName = this.state.townSquare.display_name;
- }
- let offTopicDisplayName = Constants.OFFTOPIC_CHANNEL_UI_NAME;
- if (this.state.offTopic) {
- offTopicDisplayName = this.state.offTopic.display_name;
- }
- screens.push(
- <div>
- <FormattedHTMLMessage
- id='sidebar.tutorialScreen1'
- defaultMessage='<h4>Channels</h4><p><strong>Channels</strong> organize conversations across different topics. They’re open to everyone on your team. To send private communications use <strong>Direct Messages</strong> for a single person or <strong>Private Channels</strong> for multiple people.</p>'
- />
- </div>
- );
- screens.push(
- <div>
- <FormattedHTMLMessage
- id='sidebar.tutorialScreen2'
- defaultMessage='<h4>"{townsquare}" and "{offtopic}" channels</h4>
- <p>Here are two public channels to start:</p>
- <p><strong>{townsquare}</strong> is a place for team-wide communication. Everyone in your team is a member of this channel.</p>
- <p><strong>{offtopic}</strong> is a place for fun and humor outside of work-related channels. You and your team can decide what other channels to create.</p>'
- values={{
- townsquare: townSquareDisplayName,
- offtopic: offTopicDisplayName
- }}
- />
- </div>
- );
- screens.push(
- <div>
- <FormattedHTMLMessage
- id='sidebar.tutorialScreen3'
- defaultMessage='<h4>Creating and Joining Channels</h4>
- <p>Click <strong>"More..."</strong> to create a new channel or join an existing one.</p>
- <p>You can also create a new public or private channel by clicking the <strong>"+" symbol</strong> next to the public or private channel header.</p>'
- />
- </div>
- );
- return (
- <TutorialTip
- placement='right'
- screens={screens}
- overlayClass='tip-overlay--sidebar'
- diagnosticsTag='tutorial_tip_2_channels'
- />
- );
- }
- createChannelElement = (channel, index, arr, handleClose) => {
- const members = this.state.members;
- const activeId = this.state.activeId;
- const channelMember = members[];
- const unreadCount = this.state.unreadCounts[] || {msgs: 0, mentions: 0};
- let msgCount;
- let linkClass = '';
- if ( === activeId) {
- linkClass = 'active';
- }
- let rowClass = 'sidebar-item';
- var unread = false;
- if (channelMember) {
- msgCount = unreadCount.msgs + unreadCount.mentions;
- unread = msgCount > 0 || channelMember.mention_count > 0;
- }
- if (unread) {
- rowClass += ' unread-title';
- if ( !== activeId) {
- if (!this.firstUnreadChannel) {
- this.firstUnreadChannel =;
- }
- this.lastUnreadChannel =;
- }
- }
- var badge = null;
- if (channelMember) {
- if (unreadCount.mentions) {
- badge = <span className='badge'>{unreadCount.mentions}</span>;
- this.badgesActive = true;
- }
- } else if (this.state.loadingDMChannel === index && channel.type === Constants.DM_CHANNEL) {
- badge = (
- <img
- className='channel-loading-gif pull-right'
- src={loadingGif}
- />
- );
- }
- if (unreadCount.mentions > 0) {
- rowClass += ' has-badge';
- }
- let displayName = channel.display_name;
- var icon = null;
- const globeIcon = Constants.GLOBE_ICON_SVG;
- const lockIcon = Constants.LOCK_ICON_SVG;
- if (channel.type === Constants.OPEN_CHANNEL) {
- icon = (
- <span
- className='icon icon__globe'
- dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: globeIcon}}
- />
- );
- } else if (channel.type === Constants.PRIVATE_CHANNEL) {
- icon = (
- <span
- className='icon icon__lock'
- dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: lockIcon}}
- />
- );
- } else if (channel.type === Constants.GM_CHANNEL) {
- displayName = ChannelUtils.buildGroupChannelName(;
- icon = <div className='status status--group'>{UserStore.getProfileListInChannel(, true).length}</div>;
- } else {
- // set up status icon for direct message channels (status is null for other channel types)
- icon = (
- <StatusIcon
- type='avatar'
- status={channel.status}
- />);
- }
- let closeButton = null;
- let removeTooltip = (
- <Tooltip id='remove-dm-tooltip'>
- <FormattedMessage
- id='sidebar.removeList'
- defaultMessage='Remove from list'
- />
- </Tooltip>
- );
- if (channel.type === Constants.OPEN_CHANNEL || channel.type === Constants.PRIVATE_CHANNEL) {
- removeTooltip = (
- <Tooltip id='remove-dm-tooltip'>
- <FormattedMessage
- id='sidebar.leave'
- defaultMessage='Leave channel'
- />
- </Tooltip>
- );
- }
- if (handleClose && !badge) {
- closeButton = (
- <OverlayTrigger
- trigger={['hover', 'focus']}
- delayShow={1000}
- placement='top'
- overlay={removeTooltip}
- >
- <span
- onClick={(e) => handleClose(e, channel)}
- className='btn-close'
- >
- {'×'}
- </span>
- </OverlayTrigger>
- );
- rowClass += ' has-close';
- }
- let tutorialTip = null;
- if (this.state.showTutorialTip && === Constants.DEFAULT_CHANNEL) {
- tutorialTip = this.createTutorialTip();
- this.openLeftSidebar();
- }
- let link = '';
- if (channel.fake) {
- link = '/' + + '/channels/' + + '?fakechannel=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(channel));
- } else {
- link = '/' + + '/channels/' +;
- }
- return (
- <li
- key={}
- ref={}
- className={linkClass}
- >
- <Link
- to={link}
- className={rowClass}
- onClick={this.trackChannelSelectedEvent}
- >
- {icon}
- <span className='sidebar-item__name'>{displayName}</span>
- {badge}
- {closeButton}
- </Link>
- {tutorialTip}
- </li>
- );
- }
- trackChannelSelectedEvent = () => {
- trackEvent('ui', 'ui_channel_selected');
- }
- render() {
- const switchChannelIcon = Constants.SWITCH_CHANNEL_ICON_SVG;
- // Check if we have all info needed to render
- if (this.state.currentTeam == null || this.state.currentUser == null) {
- return (<div/>);
- }
- this.lastBadgesActive = this.badgesActive;
- this.badgesActive = false;
- // keep track of the first and last unread channels so we can use them to set the unread indicators
- this.firstUnreadChannel = null;
- this.lastUnreadChannel = null;
- // create elements for all 4 types of channels
- const favoriteItems = this.state.favoriteChannels.
- map((channel, index, arr) => {
- if (channel.type === Constants.DM_CHANNEL || channel.type === Constants.GM_CHANNEL) {
- return this.createChannelElement(channel, index, arr, this.handleLeaveDirectChannel);
- } else if (global.window.mm_config.EnableXToLeaveChannelsFromLHS === 'true') {
- if (channel.type === Constants.OPEN_CHANNEL && !== Constants.DEFAULT_CHANNEL) {
- return this.createChannelElement(channel, index, arr, this.handleLeavePublicChannel);
- } else if (channel.type === Constants.PRIVATE_CHANNEL) {
- return this.createChannelElement(channel, index, arr, this.handleLeavePrivateChannel);
- }
- }
- return this.createChannelElement(channel);
- });
- const publicChannelItems =, index, arr) => {
- if (global.window.mm_config.EnableXToLeaveChannelsFromLHS !== 'true' ||
- === Constants.DEFAULT_CHANNEL
- ) {
- return this.createChannelElement(channel);
- }
- return this.createChannelElement(channel, index, arr, this.handleLeavePublicChannel);
- });
- const privateChannelItems =, index, arr) => {
- if (global.window.mm_config.EnableXToLeaveChannelsFromLHS !== 'true') {
- return this.createChannelElement(channel);
- }
- return this.createChannelElement(channel, index, arr, this.handleLeavePrivateChannel);
- });
- const directMessageItems =, index, arr) => {
- return this.createChannelElement(channel, index, arr, this.handleLeaveDirectChannel);
- });
- // update the favicon to show if there are any notifications
- if (this.lastBadgesActive !== this.badgesActive) {
- var link = document.createElement('link');
- link.type = 'image/x-icon';
- link.rel = 'shortcut icon';
- = 'favicon';
- if (this.badgesActive) {
- link.href = redFavicon;
- } else {
- link.href = favicon;
- }
- var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
- var oldLink = document.getElementById('favicon');
- if (oldLink) {
- head.removeChild(oldLink);
- }
- head.appendChild(link);
- }
- var directMessageMore = (
- <li key='more'>
- <a
- id='moreDirectMessage'
- href='#'
- onClick={this.handleOpenMoreDirectChannelsModal}
- >
- <FormattedMessage
- id='sidebar.moreElips'
- defaultMessage='More...'
- />
- </a>
- </li>
- );
- let showChannelModal = false;
- if (this.state.newChannelModalType !== '') {
- showChannelModal = true;
- }
- const createChannelTootlip = (
- <Tooltip id='new-channel-tooltip' >
- <FormattedMessage
- id='sidebar.createChannel'
- defaultMessage='Create new public channel'
- />
- </Tooltip>
- );
- const createGroupTootlip = (
- <Tooltip id='new-group-tooltip'>
- <FormattedMessage
- id='sidebar.createGroup'
- defaultMessage='Create new private channel'
- />
- </Tooltip>
- );
- const createDirectMessageTooltip = (
- <Tooltip
- id='new-group-tooltip'
- className='hidden-xs'
- >
- <FormattedMessage
- id='sidebar.createDirectMessage'
- defaultMessage='Create new direct message'
- />
- </Tooltip>
- );
- const above = (
- <FormattedMessage
- id='sidebar.unreads'
- defaultMessage='More unreads'
- />
- );
- const below = (
- <FormattedMessage
- id='sidebar.unreads'
- defaultMessage='More unreads'
- />
- );
- const isTeamAdmin = TeamStore.isTeamAdminForCurrentTeam();
- const isSystemAdmin = UserStore.isSystemAdminForCurrentUser();
- let createPublicChannelIcon = (
- <OverlayTrigger
- trigger={['hover', 'focus']}
- delayShow={500}
- placement='top'
- overlay={createChannelTootlip}
- >
- <a
- id='createPublicChannel'
- className='add-channel-btn'
- href='#'
- onClick={this.showNewChannelModal.bind(this, Constants.OPEN_CHANNEL)}
- >
- {'+'}
- </a>
- </OverlayTrigger>
- );
- let createPrivateChannelIcon = (
- <OverlayTrigger
- trigger={['hover', 'focus']}
- delayShow={500}
- placement='top'
- overlay={createGroupTootlip}
- >
- <a
- id='createPrivateChannel'
- className='add-channel-btn'
- href='#'
- onClick={this.showNewChannelModal.bind(this, Constants.PRIVATE_CHANNEL)}
- >
- {'+'}
- </a>
- </OverlayTrigger>
- );
- if (!ChannelUtils.showCreateOption(Constants.OPEN_CHANNEL, isTeamAdmin, isSystemAdmin)) {
- createPublicChannelIcon = null;
- }
- const createDirectMessageIcon = (
- <OverlayTrigger
- className='hidden-xs'
- delayShow={500}
- placement='top'
- overlay={createDirectMessageTooltip}
- >
- <a
- className='add-channel-btn'
- href='#'
- onClick={this.handleOpenMoreDirectChannelsModal}
- >
- {'+'}
- </a>
- </OverlayTrigger>
- );
- if (!ChannelUtils.showCreateOption(Constants.PRIVATE_CHANNEL, isTeamAdmin, isSystemAdmin)) {
- createPrivateChannelIcon = null;
- }
- let moreDirectChannelsModal;
- if (this.state.showDirectChannelsModal) {
- moreDirectChannelsModal = (
- <MoreDirectChannels
- onModalDismissed={this.hideMoreDirectChannelsModal}
- startingUsers={this.state.startingUsers}
- />
- );
- }
- let moreChannelsModal;
- if (this.state.showMoreChannelsModal) {
- moreChannelsModal = (
- <MoreChannels
- onModalDismissed={this.hideMoreChannelsModal}
- handleNewChannel={() => {
- this.hideMoreChannelsModal();
- this.showNewChannelModal(Constants.OPEN_CHANNEL);
- }}
- />
- );
- }
- let quickSwitchTextShortcutId = '';
- let quickSwitchTextShortcutDefault = '- CTRL+K';
- if (Utils.isMac()) {
- quickSwitchTextShortcutId = 'quick_switch_modal.channelsShortcut.mac';
- quickSwitchTextShortcutDefault = '- ⌘K';
- }
- const quickSwitchTextShortcut = (
- <span className='switch__shortcut hidden-xs'>
- <FormattedMessage
- id={quickSwitchTextShortcutId}
- defaultMessage={quickSwitchTextShortcutDefault}
- />
- </span>
- );
- return (
- <div
- className='sidebar--left'
- id='sidebar-left'
- key='sidebar-left'
- >
- <NewChannelFlow
- show={showChannelModal}
- channelType={this.state.newChannelModalType}
- onModalDismissed={this.hideNewChannelModal}
- />
- {moreDirectChannelsModal}
- {moreChannelsModal}
- <SidebarHeader
- teamDisplayName={this.state.currentTeam.display_name}
- teamDescription={this.state.currentTeam.description}
- teamName={}
- teamType={this.state.currentTeam.type}
- currentUser={this.state.currentUser}
- />
- <UnreadChannelIndicator
- show={this.state.showTopUnread}
- extraClass='nav-pills__unread-indicator-top'
- text={above}
- />
- <UnreadChannelIndicator
- show={this.state.showBottomUnread}
- extraClass='nav-pills__unread-indicator-bottom'
- text={below}
- />
- <div
- ref='container'
- className='nav-pills__container'
- onScroll={this.onScroll}
- >
- {favoriteItems.length !== 0 && <ul className='nav nav-pills nav-stacked'>
- <li>
- <h4>
- <FormattedMessage
- id='sidebar.favorite'
- defaultMessage='FAVORITE CHANNELS'
- />
- </h4>
- </li>
- {favoriteItems}
- </ul>}
- <ul className='nav nav-pills nav-stacked'>
- <li>
- <h4>
- <FormattedMessage
- id='sidebar.channels'
- defaultMessage='PUBLIC CHANNELS'
- />
- {createPublicChannelIcon}
- </h4>
- </li>
- {publicChannelItems}
- <li>
- <a
- id='sidebarChannelsMore'
- href='#'
- className='nav-more'
- onClick={this.showMoreChannelsModal}
- >
- <FormattedMessage
- id='sidebar.moreElips'
- defaultMessage='More...'
- />
- </a>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <ul className='nav nav-pills nav-stacked'>
- <li>
- <h4>
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='PRIVATE CHANNELS'
- />
- {createPrivateChannelIcon}
- </h4>
- </li>
- {privateChannelItems}
- </ul>
- <ul className='nav nav-pills nav-stacked'>
- <li>
- <h4>
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='DIRECT MESSAGES'
- />
- {createDirectMessageIcon}
- </h4>
- </li>
- {directMessageItems}
- {directMessageMore}
- </ul>
- </div>
- <div className='sidebar__switcher'>
- <button
- className='btn btn-link'
- onClick={this.openQuickSwitcher}
- >
- <span
- className='icon icon__switch'
- dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: switchChannelIcon}}
- />
- <FormattedMessage
- id={'channel_switch_modal.title'}
- defaultMessage='Switch Channels'
- />
- {quickSwitchTextShortcut}
- </button>
- </div>
- </div>
- );
- }