diff options
13 files changed, 350 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/doc/usage/ b/doc/usage/
index 9e2342a0b..055f47619 100644
--- a/doc/usage/
+++ b/doc/usage/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Renders as:
code block
-Create in-line monospaced font by surrounding it with back spaces.
+Create in-line monospaced font by surrounding it with backticks.
diff --git a/utils/textgeneration.go b/utils/textgeneration.go
index 420d6fb29..fd0284a2e 100644
--- a/utils/textgeneration.go
+++ b/utils/textgeneration.go
@@ -15,6 +15,241 @@ const (
// Strings that should pass as acceptable posts
var FUZZY_STRINGS_POSTS = []string{
+ `**[1] - [Markdown Tests]**
+more _italics_
+more **bold**
+more **_bold-italic_*8
+more ~~strikethrough~~
+` + "```" + `
+multi-line code block<enter here>
+multi-line code block
+emoji that should not render in code block: :ice_cream:
+` + "```" + `
+` + "`monospace`" + `
+[Link to Mattermost](
+Inline Image with link, alt text, and hover text: ![Build Status](](
+Three types of lines:
+ ` **[2] - **[More Markdown Tests]**
+> i am a blockquote!
+> i am a 2nd multiline
+> quote.
+i am text right after a multiline quote, but not in the quote
+* list item
+* another list item
+ * indented list item
+1. numbered list, item number 1
+2. item number two
+ ` **[3]** - **[More Markdown Tests]**
+| Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned |
+| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|
+| Left column 1 | this text | $100 |
+| Left column 2 | is | $10 |
+| Left column 3 | centered | $1 |
+Ugly table
+Markdown | Less | Pretty
+--- | --- | ---
+*Still* | ~~renders~~ | **nicely**
+1 | 2 | 3
+# Large heading
+## Smaller heading
+### Even smaller heading
+# Large heading
+## Smaller heading
+### Even smaller heading
+ /* `**[2] [Username Linking Test]**
+ I saw @alice--and I said "Hi @alice!" then "What's up @alice?" and then @alice, was totally @alice; she just "@alice"'d me and walked on by. That's @alice...
+ @alice‽‽
+ `,
+ `**[3] [Mention Highlighting Test]**
+ `,*/
+ `**[4] [Emoji Display Test 1]**
+:+1: :-1: :100: :1234: :8ball: :a: :ab: :abc: :abcd: :accept:
+:aerial_tramway: :airplane: :alarm_clock: :ambulance: :anchor: :angel: :anger: :angry: :anguished: :ant:
+:apple: :aquarius: :aries: :arrow_backward: :arrow_double_down: :arrow_double_up: :arrow_down: :arrow_down_small: :arrow_forward: :arrow_heading_down:
+:arrow_heading_up: :arrow_left: :arrow_lower_left: :arrow_lower_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right_hook: :arrow_up: :arrow_up_down:
+:arrow_upper_left: :arrow_upper_right: :arrows_clockwise: :arrows_counterclockwise: :art: :articulated_lorry: :astonished: :atm: :arrow_up_small: :b:
+:baby: :baby_bottle: :baby_chick: :baby_symbol: :back: :baggage_claim: :balloon: :ballot_box_with_check: :bamboo: :banana:
+:bangbang: :bank: :bar_chart: :barber: :baseball: :basketball: :bath: :bathtub: :battery: :bear:
+:bee: :beer: :beers: :beetle: :beginner: :bell: :bento: :bicyclist: :bike: :bikini:
+:bird: :birthday: :black_circle: :black_joker: :black_medium_small_square: :black_medium_square: :black_nib: :black_small_square: :black_square: :black_square_button:
+:blossom: :blowfish: :blue_book: :blue_car: :blue_heart: :blush: :boar: :boat: :bomb: :book:
+:bookmark: :bookmark_tabs: :books: :boom: :boot: :bouquet: :bow: :bowling: :bowtie: :boy:
+:bread: :bride_with_veil: :bridge_at_night: :briefcase: :broken_heart: :bug: :bulb: :bullettrain_front: :bullettrain_side: :bus:
+:busstop: :bust_in_silhouette: :busts_in_silhouette: :cactus: :cake: :calendar: :calling: :camel: :camera: :cancer:
+:candy: :capital_abcd: :capricorn: :car: :card_index: :carousel_horse: :cat: :cat2: :cd: :chart:
+:chart_with_downwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :checkered_flag: :cherries: :cherry_blossom: :chestnut: :chicken: :children_crossing: :chocolate_bar: :christmas_tree:
+:church: :cinema: :circus_tent: :city_sunrise: :city_sunset: :cl: :clap: :clapper: :clipboard: :clock1:
+:clock10: :clock1030: :clock11: :clock1130: :clock12: :clock1230: :clock130: :clock2: :clock230: :clock3:
+:clock330: :clock4: :clock430: :clock5: :clock530: :clock6: :clock630: :clock7: :clock730: :clock8:
+:clock830: :clock9: :clock930: :closed_book: :closed_lock_with_key: :closed_umbrella: :cloud: :clubs: :cn: :cocktail:
+:coffee: :cold_sweat: :collision: :computer: :confetti_ball: :confounded: :confused: :congratulations: :construction: :construction_worker:
+:convenience_store: :cookie: :cool: :cop: :copyright: :corn: :couple: :couple_with_heart: :couplekiss: :cow:
+:cow2: :credit_card: :crescent_moon: :crocodile: :crossed_flags: :crown: :cry: :crying_cat_face: :crystal_ball: :cupid:
+:curly_loop: :currency_exchange: :curry: :custard: :customs: :cyclone: :dancer: :dancers: :dango: :dart:
+:dash: :date: :de: :deciduous_tree: :department_store: :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: :diamonds: :disappointed: :disappointed_relieved: :dizzy:
+:dizzy_face: :do_not_litter: :dog: :dog2: :dollar: :dolls: :dolphin: :donut: :door: :doughnut:
+:dragon: :dragon_face: :dress: :dromedary_camel: :droplet: :dvd: :e-mail: :ear: :ear_of_rice: :earth_africa:
+:earth_americas: :earth_asia: :egg: :eggplant: :eight: :eight_pointed_black_star: :eight_spoked_asterisk: :electric_plug: :elephant: :email:
+ :end: :envelope: :es: :euro: :european_castle: :european_post_office: :evergreen_tree: :exclamation: :expressionless: :eyeglasses:
+:eyes: :facepunch: :factory: :fallen_leaf: :family: :fast_forward: :fax: :fearful: :feelsgood: :feet:
+:ferris_wheel: :file_folder: :finnadie: :fire: :fire_engine: :fireworks: :first_quarter_moon: :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :fish: :fish_cake:
+:fishing_pole_and_fish: :fist: :five: :flags: :flashlight: :floppy_disk: :flower_playing_cards: :flushed: :foggy: :football:
+:fork_and_knife: :fountain: :four: :four_leaf_clover: :fr: :free: :fried_shrimp: :fries: :frog: :frowning:
+:fu: :fuelpump: :full_moon: :full_moon_with_face: :game_die: :gb: :gem: :gemini: :ghost: :gift:`,
+ `**[5] [Emoji Display Test 2]**
+:gift_heart: :girl: :globe_with_meridians: :goat: :goberserk: :godmode: :golf: :grapes: :green_apple: :green_book:
+:green_heart: :grey_exclamation: :grey_question: :grimacing: :grin: :grinning: :guardsman: :guitar: :gun: :haircut:
+:hamburger: :hammer: :hamster: :hand: :handbag: :hankey: :hash: :hatched_chick: :hatching_chick: :headphones:
+:hear_no_evil: :heart: :heart_decoration: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes_cat: :heartbeat: :heartpulse: :hearts: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_division_sign:
+:heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_exclamation_mark: :heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_multiplication_x: :heavy_plus_sign: :helicopter: :herb: :hibiscus: :high_brightness: :high_heel:
+:hocho: :honey_pot: :honeybee: :horse: :horse_racing: :hospital: :hotel: :hotsprings: :hourglass: :hourglass_flowing_sand:
+:house: :house_with_garden: :hurtrealbad: :hushed: :ice_cream: :icecream: :id: :ideograph_advantage: :imp: :inbox_tray:
+:incoming_envelope: :information_desk_person: :information_source: :innocent: :interrobang: :iphone: :it: :izakaya_lantern: :jack_o_lantern:
+:japan: :japanese_castle: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_ogre: :jeans: :joy: :joy_cat: :jp: :key: :keycap_ten:
+:kimono: :kiss: :kissing: :kissing_cat: :kissing_closed_eyes: :kissing_face: :kissing_heart: :kissing_smiling_eyes: :koala: :koko:
+:kr: :large_blue_circle: :large_blue_diamond: :large_orange_diamond: :last_quarter_moon: :last_quarter_moon_with_face: :laughing: :leaves: :ledger: :left_luggage:
+:left_right_arrow: :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: :lemon: :leo: :leopard: :libra: :light_rail: :link: :lips: :lipstick:
+:lock: :lock_with_ink_pen: :lollipop: :loop: :loudspeaker: :love_hotel: :love_letter: :low_brightness: :m: :mag:
+:mag_right: :mahjong: :mailbox: :mailbox_closed: :mailbox_with_mail: :mailbox_with_no_mail: :man: :man_with_gua_pi_mao: :man_with_turban: :mans_shoe:
+:maple_leaf: :mask: :massage: :meat_on_bone: :mega: :melon: :memo: :mens: :metal: :metro:
+:microphone: :microscope: :milky_way: :minibus: :minidisc: :mobile_phone_off: :money_with_wings: :moneybag: :monkey: :monkey_face:
+:monorail: :mortar_board: :mount_fuji: :mountain_bicyclist: :mountain_cableway: :mountain_railway: :mouse: :mouse2: :movie_camera: :moyai:
+:muscle: :mushroom: :musical_keyboard: :musical_note: :musical_score: :mute: :nail_care: :name_badge: :neckbeard: :necktie:
+:negative_squared_cross_mark: :neutral_face: :new: :new_moon: :new_moon_with_face: :newspaper: :ng: :nine: :no_bell:
+:no_bicycles: :no_entry: :no_entry_sign: :no_good: :no_mobile_phones: :no_mouth: :no_pedestrians: :no_smoking: :non-potable_water: :nose:
+:notebook: :notebook_with_decorative_cover: :notes: :nut_and_bolt: :o: :o2: :ocean: :octocat: :octopus: :oden:
+:office: :ok: :ok_hand: :ok_woman: :older_man: :older_woman: :on: :oncoming_automobile: :oncoming_bus: :oncoming_police_car:
+:oncoming_taxi: :one: :open_file_folder: :open_hands: :open_mouth: :ophiuchus: :orange_book: :outbox_tray: :ox: :package:
+:page_facing_up: :page_with_curl: :pager: :palm_tree: :panda_face: :paperclip: :parking: :part_alternation_mark: :partly_sunny: :passport_control:
+:paw_prints: :peach: :pear: :pencil: :pencil2: :penguin: :pensive: :performing_arts: :persevere: :person_frowning:
+:person_with_blond_hair: :person_with_pouting_face: :phone: :pig: :pig2: :pig_nose: :pill: :pineapple: :pisces: :pizza:
+ `**[6] [Emoji Display Test 3]**
+:plus1: :point_down: :point_left: :point_right: :point_up: :point_up_2: :police_car: :poodle: :poop: :post_office:
+:postal_horn: :postbox: :potable_water: :pouch: :poultry_leg: :pound: :pouting_cat: :pray: :princess: :punch:
+:purple_heart: :purse: :pushpin: :put_litter_in_its_place: :question: :rabbit: :rabbit2: :racehorse: :radio: :radio_button:
+:rage: :rage1: :rage2: :rage3: :rage4: :railway_car: :rainbow: :raised_hand: :raised_hands: :raising_hand:
+:ram: :ramen: :rat: :recycle: :red_car: :red_circle: :registered: :relaxed: :relieved: :repeat:
+:repeat_one: :restroom: :revolving_hearts: :rewind: :ribbon: :rice: :rice_ball: :rice_cracker: :rice_scene: :ring:
+:rocket: :roller_coaster: :rooster: :rose: :rotating_light: :round_pushpin: :rowboat: :ru:
+:rugby_football: :runner: :running: :running_shirt_with_sash: :sa: :sagittarius: :sailboat: :sake: :sandal: :santa:
+:satellite: :satisfied: :saxophone: :school: :school_satchel: :scissors: :scorpius: :scream: :scream_cat: :scroll:
+:seat: :secret: :see_no_evil: :seedling: :seven: :shaved_ice: :sheep: :shell: :ship: :shipit:
+:shirt: :shit: :shoe: :shower: :signal_strength: :six: :six_pointed_star: :ski: :skull: :sleeping:
+:sleepy: :slot_machine: :small_blue_diamond: :small_orange_diamond: :small_red_triangle: :small_red_triangle_down: :smile: :smile_cat: :smiley: :smiley_cat:
+:smiling_imp: :smirk: :smirk_cat: :smoking: :snail: :snake: :snowboarder: :snowflake: :snowman: :sob:
+:soccer: :soon: :sos: :sound: :space_invader: :spades: :spaghetti: :sparkle: :sparkler: :sparkles:
+:sparkling_heart: :speak_no_evil: :speaker: :speech_balloon: :speedboat: :squirrel: :star: :star2: :stars: :station:
+:statue_of_liberty: :steam_locomotive: :stew: :straight_ruler: :strawberry: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :sun_with_face: :sunflower:
+ :sunglasses: :sunny: :sunrise: :sunrise_over_mountains: :surfer: :sushi: :suspect: :suspension_railway: :sweat: :sweat_drops:
+:sweat_smile: :sweet_potato: :swimmer: :symbols: :syringe: :tada: :tanabata_tree: :tangerine: :taurus: :taxi:
+:tea: :telephone: :telephone_receiver: :telescope: :tennis: :tent: :thought_balloon: :three: :thumbsdown: :thumbsup:
+:ticket: :tiger: :tiger2: :tired_face: :tm: :toilet: :tokyo_tower: :tomato: :tongue: :top:
+:tophat: :tractor: :traffic_light: :train: :train2: :tram: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_ruler: :trident: :triumph:
+:trolleybus: :trollface: :trophy: :tropical_drink: :tropical_fish: :truck: :trumpet: :tshirt: :tulip: :turtle:
+:tv: :twisted_rightwards_arrows: :two: :two_hearts: :two_men_holding_hands: :two_women_holding_hands:
+:uk: :umbrella: :unamused: :underage: :unlock: :up: :us: :v: :vertical_traffic_light: :vhs:
+:vibration_mode: :video_camera: :video_game: :violin: :virgo: :volcano: :vs: :walking: :waning_crescent_moon: :waning_gibbous_moon:
+:warning: :watch: :water_buffalo: :watermelon: :wave: :wavy_dash: :waxing_crescent_moon: :waxing_gibbous_moon: :wc: :weary:
+:wedding: :whale: :whale2: :wheelchair: :white_check_mark: :white_circle: :white_flower: :white_large_square: :white_medium_small_square: :white_medium_square:
+:white_small_square: :white_square_button: :wind_chime: :wine_glass: :wink: :wolf: :woman: :womans_clothes: :womans_hat: :womens:
+:worried: :wrench: :x: :yellow_heart: :yen: :yum: :zap: :zero: :zzz:
+Unnamed: :u5272: :u5408: :u55b6: :u6307: :u6708: :u6709: :u6e80: :u7121: :u7533: :u7981: :u7a7a:
+ `**[7] [Auto Linking]**
+#### should be turned into links:
+#### should be turned into links which link to the correct place:
+[example link]( links to ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `
+[]( links to ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `
+[]( links to ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `
+[]( links to ` + "`" + `` + "`" + ` links to ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `
+ links to ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `and not ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `
+🐬 links to the Wikipedia article on dolphins
+ links to the Syntax section of the Wikipedia article on URLs links to ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `
+[email link]( links to ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `and not ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `
+[other link](ts3server:// links to ` + "`" + `ts3server://` + "`" + `and not ` + "`" + `http://ts3server://` + "`" + `
+#### should not be turned into links:
+#### should only turn the actual link into a link and not change surrounding text
+This is a sentence with a in it.
+This is a sentence with a [link]( in it.
+This is a sentence with a in it.
+This is a sentence with a link ( in it.
+This is a sentence with a ( in it.
+This is a sentence with a in it.
+This is a sentence with a https://::1 in it.
+This is a link to
"*", "?", ".", "}{][)(><", "{}[]()<>",
"qahwah ( قهوة)",
@@ -238,5 +473,5 @@ func RandomText(length Range, hashtags Range, mentions Range, users []string) st
func FuzzPost() string {
- return FUZZY_STRINGS_POSTS[RandIntFromRange(Range{0, len(FUZZY_STRINGS_NAMES) - 1})]
+ return FUZZY_STRINGS_POSTS[RandIntFromRange(Range{0, len(FUZZY_STRINGS_POSTS) - 1})]
diff --git a/web/react/components/search_results.jsx b/web/react/components/search_results.jsx
index ce19c48f0..b56a7b006 100644
--- a/web/react/components/search_results.jsx
+++ b/web/react/components/search_results.jsx
@@ -83,7 +83,16 @@ export default class SearchResults extends React.Component {
var ctls = null;
if (noResults) {
- ctls = <div className='sidebar--right__subheader'>No results</div>;
+ ctls =
+ (
+ <div className='sidebar--right__subheader'>
+ <h4>{'NO RESULTS'}</h4>
+ <ul>
+ <li>If you're searching a partial phrase (ex. searching "rea", looking for "reach" or "reaction"), append a * to your search term</li>
+ <li>Due to the volume of results, two letter searches and common words like "this", "a" and "is" won't appear in search results</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ );
} else {
ctls = mymap(id) {
var post = results.posts[id];
diff --git a/web/react/components/settings_sidebar.jsx b/web/react/components/settings_sidebar.jsx
index 4af46c35a..68d9cea48 100644
--- a/web/react/components/settings_sidebar.jsx
+++ b/web/react/components/settings_sidebar.jsx
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See License.txt for license information.
+var utils = require('../utils/utils.jsx');
export default class SettingsSidebar extends React.Component {
componentDidUpdate() {
+ if (utils.isSafari()) {
+ $('.settings-modal .settings-links .nav').addClass('absolute');
+ }
constructor(props) {
diff --git a/web/react/components/team_general_tab.jsx b/web/react/components/team_general_tab.jsx
index c7c4fa2ea..587ef5ec2 100644
--- a/web/react/components/team_general_tab.jsx
+++ b/web/react/components/team_general_tab.jsx
@@ -372,29 +372,28 @@ export default class GeneralTab extends React.Component {
const inputs = [];
- <div
- key='teamInviteSetting'
- className='form-group'
- >
- <label className='col-sm-5 control-label'>{'Invite Code'}</label>
- <div className='col-sm-7'>
- <input
- className='form-control'
- type='text'
- onChange={this.updateInviteId}
- value={this.state.invite_id}
- maxLength='32'
- />
- </div>
- <div><br/>{'Your Invite Code is used in the URL sent to people to join your team. Regenerating your Invite Code will invalidate the URLs in previous invitations, unless "Allow anyone to sign-up from login page" is enabled.'}</div>
- <div className='help-text'>
- <button
- className='btn btn-default'
- onClick={this.handleGenerateInviteId}
- >
- {'Re-Generate'}
- </button>
+ <div key='teamInviteSetting'>
+ <div className='row'>
+ <label className='col-sm-5 control-label'>{'Invite Code'}</label>
+ <div className='col-sm-7'>
+ <input
+ className='form-control'
+ type='text'
+ onChange={this.updateInviteId}
+ value={this.state.invite_id}
+ maxLength='32'
+ />
+ <div className='padding-top x2'>
+ <a
+ href='#'
+ onClick={this.handleGenerateInviteId}
+ >
+ {'Re-Generate'}
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div className='setting-list__hint'>{'When allowing open invites this code is used as part of the signup process. Changing this code will invalidate the previous open signup link.'}</div>
@@ -493,8 +492,11 @@ export default class GeneralTab extends React.Component {
<h3 className='tab-header'>{'General Settings'}</h3>
<div className='divider-dark first'/>
+ <div className='divider-light'/>
+ <div className='divider-light'/>
+ <div className='divider-light'/>
<div className='divider-dark'/>
diff --git a/web/react/components/tutorial/tutorial_intro_screens.jsx b/web/react/components/tutorial/tutorial_intro_screens.jsx
index c7abccae3..8fc38b1e3 100644
--- a/web/react/components/tutorial/tutorial_intro_screens.jsx
+++ b/web/react/components/tutorial/tutorial_intro_screens.jsx
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ export default class TutorialIntroScreens extends React.Component {
preference = PreferenceStore.setPreference(Preferences.TUTORIAL_STEP, UserStore.getCurrentId(), newValue);
+ componentDidMount() {
+ $('.tutorials__scroll').perfectScrollbar();
+ }
createScreen() {
switch (this.state.currentScreen) {
case 0:
@@ -130,20 +133,26 @@ export default class TutorialIntroScreens extends React.Component {
render() {
+ const height = Utils.windowHeight() - 100;
const screen = this.createScreen();
return (
- <div className='tutorial-steps__container'>
- <div className='tutorial__content'>
- <div className='tutorial__steps'>
- {screen}
- <button
- className='btn btn-primary'
- tabIndex='1'
- onClick={this.handleNext}
- >
- {'Next'}
- </button>
+ <div
+ className='tutorials__scroll'
+ style={{height}}
+ >
+ <div className='tutorial-steps__container'>
+ <div className='tutorial__content'>
+ <div className='tutorial__steps'>
+ {screen}
+ <button
+ className='btn btn-primary'
+ tabIndex='1'
+ onClick={this.handleNext}
+ >
+ {'Next'}
+ </button>
+ </div>
diff --git a/web/react/utils/utils.jsx b/web/react/utils/utils.jsx
index 296307bc6..c82bd1065 100644
--- a/web/react/utils/utils.jsx
+++ b/web/react/utils/utils.jsx
@@ -59,6 +59,20 @@ export function isTestDomain() {
return false;
+export function isChrome() {
+ if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > -1) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+export function isSafari() {
+ if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') !== -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') === -1) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
export function isInRole(roles, inRole) {
var parts = roles.split(' ');
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
@@ -500,16 +514,16 @@ export function applyTheme(theme) {
changeCss('#post-create', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
changeCss('.date-separator .separator__text, .new-separator .separator__text', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
changeCss('.post-image__column .post-image__details', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
- changeCss('.sidebar--right, .dropdown-menu, .popover', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
+ changeCss('.sidebar--right, .dropdown-menu, .popover, .tip-overlay', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
changeCss('.popover.bottom>.arrow:after', 'border-bottom-color:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
- changeCss('.popover.right>.arrow:after', 'border-right-color:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
+ changeCss('.popover.right>.arrow:after, .tip-overlay.tip-overlay--sidebar .arrow, .tip-overlay.tip-overlay--header .arrow', 'border-right-color:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
changeCss('.popover.left>.arrow:after', 'border-left-color:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
- changeCss('>.arrow:after', 'border-top-color:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
+ changeCss('>.arrow:after, .tip-overlay.tip-overlay--chat .arrow', 'border-top-color:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
changeCss('.search-bar__container .search__form .search-bar, .form-control', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
if (theme.centerChannelColor) {
- changeCss('.app__content, .post-create__container .post-create-body .btn-file, .post-create__container .post-create-footer .msg-typing, .command-name, .modal .modal-content, .dropdown-menu, .popover, .mentions-name', 'color:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 1);
+ changeCss('.app__content, .post-create__container .post-create-body .btn-file, .post-create__container .post-create-footer .msg-typing, .command-name, .modal .modal-content, .dropdown-menu, .popover, .mentions-name, .tip-overlay', 'color:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 1);
changeCss('#post-create', 'color:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 2);
changeCss('.channel-header__links a', 'fill:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.7), 1);
changeCss('.channel-header__links a:hover, .channel-header__links a:active', 'fill:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 2);
@@ -519,7 +533,7 @@ export function applyTheme(theme) {
changeCss('.dropdown-menu, .popover ', 'box-shadow:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.1) + ' 0px 6px 12px', 3);
changeCss('.dropdown-menu, .popover ', '-webkit-box-shadow:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.1) + ' 0px 6px 12px', 2);
changeCss('.dropdown-menu, .popover ', '-moz-box-shadow:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.1) + ' 0px 6px 12px', 1);
- changeCss('.post-body hr, .loading-screen .loading__content .round', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 1);
+ changeCss('.post-body hr, .loading-screen .loading__content .round, .tutorial__circles .circle, .tip-overlay .tutorial__circles', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 1);
changeCss('.channel-header .heading', 'color:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 1);
changeCss('.markdown__table tbody tr:nth-child(2n)', 'background:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.07), 1);
changeCss('.channel-header__info>div.dropdown .header-dropdown__icon', 'color:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.8), 1);
@@ -568,7 +582,7 @@ export function applyTheme(theme) {
if (theme.buttonBg) {
- changeCss('.btn.btn-primary', 'background:' + theme.buttonBg, 1);
+ changeCss('.btn.btn-primary, .tutorial__circles', 'background:' + theme.buttonBg, 1);
changeCss('.btn.btn-primary:hover, .btn.btn-primary:active, .btn.btn-primary:focus', 'background:' + changeColor(theme.buttonBg, -0.25), 1);
changeCss('.file-playback-controls', 'color:' + changeColor(theme.buttonBg, -0.25), 1);
diff --git a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_base.scss b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_base.scss
index c286927a2..2830026c9 100644
--- a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_base.scss
+++ b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_base.scss
@@ -133,9 +133,6 @@ a:focus, a:hover {
&.no-resize {
resize: none;
- &.min-height {
- min-height: 100px;
- }
.form-control[disabled], .form-control[readonly], fieldset[disabled] .form-control {
diff --git a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_responsive.scss b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_responsive.scss
index a49a98952..8f25f58cd 100644
--- a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_responsive.scss
+++ b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_responsive.scss
@@ -275,6 +275,14 @@
@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
+ .form-control {
+ &.min-height {
+ min-height: 100px;
+ }
+ }
+ .gif-div {
+ max-width: 100%;
+ }
.tip-div {
left: 15px;
right: auto;
@@ -460,7 +468,7 @@
.settings-table {
- .nav {
+ .nav, .nav.absolute {
position: relative;
top: auto;
width: 100%;
diff --git a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_settings.scss b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_settings.scss
index fbbd07485..96a6cf2ab 100644
--- a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_settings.scss
+++ b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_settings.scss
@@ -72,6 +72,10 @@
position: fixed;
top: 57px;
width: 179px;
+ &.absolute {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ }
.security-links {
margin-right: 20px;
diff --git a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_sidebar--right.scss b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_sidebar--right.scss
index c954b03d8..a4267294c 100644
--- a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_sidebar--right.scss
+++ b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_sidebar--right.scss
@@ -80,13 +80,18 @@
.sidebar--right__subheader {
font-size: 1em;
- text-transform: uppercase;
- color: #999;
- font-weight: 400;
- color: #888;
- height: 44px;
- line-height: 44px;
- padding: 0 1em;
+ padding: 1em 1em 0;
+ h4 {
+ font-size: 1em;
+ }
+ ul {
+ @include opacity(0.7);
+ padding: 10px 0 0 30px;
+ }
+ li {
+ font-size: 0.95em;
+ padding-bottom: 10px;
+ }
diff --git a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_tutorial.scss b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_tutorial.scss
index 42183d599..70216aa97 100644
--- a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_tutorial.scss
+++ b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_tutorial.scss
@@ -146,11 +146,12 @@
text-align: center;
width: 100%;
display: table;
+ height: 100%;
.tutorial__content {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
padding-bottom: 100px;
- padding: 0 40px;
+ padding: 20px 40px 40px;
.tutorial__steps {
max-width: 310px;
min-height: 420px;
@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@
width: 9px;
height: 9px;
@include border-radius(9px);
- @include opacity(0.1);
+ @include opacity(0.2);
background: #000;
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 5px;
diff --git a/web/templates/head.html b/web/templates/head.html
index 9d8dcdd66..24f9862c0 100644
--- a/web/templates/head.html
+++ b/web/templates/head.html
@@ -84,15 +84,14 @@
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