diff options
33 files changed, 839 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/api/post.go b/api/post.go
index c98bf2d71..31a7ab3b5 100644
--- a/api/post.go
+++ b/api/post.go
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ func InitPost(r *mux.Router) {
sr.Handle("/posts/{time:[0-9]+}", ApiUserRequiredActivity(getPostsSince, false)).Methods("GET")
sr.Handle("/post/{post_id:[A-Za-z0-9]+}", ApiUserRequired(getPost)).Methods("GET")
sr.Handle("/post/{post_id:[A-Za-z0-9]+}/delete", ApiUserRequired(deletePost)).Methods("POST")
+ sr.Handle("/post/{post_id:[A-Za-z0-9]+}/before/{offset:[0-9]+}/{num_posts:[0-9]+}", ApiUserRequired(getPostsBefore)).Methods("GET")
+ sr.Handle("/post/{post_id:[A-Za-z0-9]+}/after/{offset:[0-9]+}/{num_posts:[0-9]+}", ApiUserRequired(getPostsAfter)).Methods("GET")
func createPost(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
@@ -812,6 +814,70 @@ func deletePost(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+func getPostsBefore(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ getPostsBeforeOrAfter(c, w, r, true)
+func getPostsAfter(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ getPostsBeforeOrAfter(c, w, r, false)
+func getPostsBeforeOrAfter(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, before bool) {
+ params := mux.Vars(r)
+ id := params["id"]
+ if len(id) != 26 {
+ c.SetInvalidParam("getPostsBeforeOrAfter", "channelId")
+ return
+ }
+ postId := params["post_id"]
+ if len(postId) != 26 {
+ c.SetInvalidParam("getPostsBeforeOrAfter", "postId")
+ return
+ }
+ numPosts, err := strconv.Atoi(params["num_posts"])
+ if err != nil || numPosts <= 0 {
+ c.SetInvalidParam("getPostsBeforeOrAfter", "numPosts")
+ return
+ }
+ offset, err := strconv.Atoi(params["offset"])
+ if err != nil || offset < 0 {
+ c.SetInvalidParam("getPostsBeforeOrAfter", "offset")
+ return
+ }
+ cchan := Srv.Store.Channel().CheckPermissionsTo(c.Session.TeamId, id, c.Session.UserId)
+ // We can do better than this etag in this situation
+ etagChan := Srv.Store.Post().GetEtag(id)
+ if !c.HasPermissionsToChannel(cchan, "getPostsBeforeOrAfter") {
+ return
+ }
+ etag := (<-etagChan).Data.(string)
+ if HandleEtag(etag, w, r) {
+ return
+ }
+ var pchan store.StoreChannel
+ if before {
+ pchan = Srv.Store.Post().GetPostsBefore(id, postId, numPosts, offset)
+ } else {
+ pchan = Srv.Store.Post().GetPostsAfter(id, postId, numPosts, offset)
+ }
+ if result := <-pchan; result.Err != nil {
+ c.Err = result.Err
+ return
+ } else {
+ list := result.Data.(*model.PostList)
+ w.Header().Set(model.HEADER_ETAG_SERVER, etag)
+ w.Write([]byte(list.ToJson()))
+ }
func searchPosts(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
terms := r.FormValue("terms")
diff --git a/api/post_test.go b/api/post_test.go
index e54e9ef0c..3452c9788 100644
--- a/api/post_test.go
+++ b/api/post_test.go
@@ -329,6 +329,83 @@ func TestGetPostsSince(t *testing.T) {
+func TestGetPostsBeforeAfter(t *testing.T) {
+ Setup()
+ team := &model.Team{DisplayName: "Name", Name: "z-z-" + model.NewId() + "a", Email: "", Type: model.TEAM_OPEN}
+ team = Client.Must(Client.CreateTeam(team)).Data.(*model.Team)
+ user1 := &model.User{TeamId: team.Id, Email: model.NewId() + "", Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "pwd"}
+ user1 = Client.Must(Client.CreateUser(user1, "")).Data.(*model.User)
+ store.Must(Srv.Store.User().VerifyEmail(user1.Id))
+ Client.LoginByEmail(team.Name, user1.Email, "pwd")
+ channel1 := &model.Channel{DisplayName: "TestGetPosts", Name: "a" + model.NewId() + "a", Type: model.CHANNEL_OPEN, TeamId: team.Id}
+ channel1 = Client.Must(Client.CreateChannel(channel1)).Data.(*model.Channel)
+ time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
+ post0 := &model.Post{ChannelId: channel1.Id, Message: "a" + model.NewId() + "a"}
+ post0 = Client.Must(Client.CreatePost(post0)).Data.(*model.Post)
+ time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
+ post1 := &model.Post{ChannelId: channel1.Id, Message: "a" + model.NewId() + "a"}
+ post1 = Client.Must(Client.CreatePost(post1)).Data.(*model.Post)
+ time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
+ post1a1 := &model.Post{ChannelId: channel1.Id, Message: "a" + model.NewId() + "a", RootId: post1.Id}
+ post1a1 = Client.Must(Client.CreatePost(post1a1)).Data.(*model.Post)
+ time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
+ post2 := &model.Post{ChannelId: channel1.Id, Message: "a" + model.NewId() + "a"}
+ post2 = Client.Must(Client.CreatePost(post2)).Data.(*model.Post)
+ time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
+ post3 := &model.Post{ChannelId: channel1.Id, Message: "a" + model.NewId() + "a"}
+ post3 = Client.Must(Client.CreatePost(post3)).Data.(*model.Post)
+ time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
+ post3a1 := &model.Post{ChannelId: channel1.Id, Message: "a" + model.NewId() + "a", RootId: post3.Id}
+ post3a1 = Client.Must(Client.CreatePost(post3a1)).Data.(*model.Post)
+ r1 := Client.Must(Client.GetPostsBefore(channel1.Id, post1a1.Id, 0, 10, "")).Data.(*model.PostList)
+ if r1.Order[0] != post1.Id {
+ t.Fatal("wrong order")
+ }
+ if r1.Order[1] != post0.Id {
+ t.Fatal("wrong order")
+ }
+ if len(r1.Posts) != 2 {
+ t.Fatal("wrong size")
+ }
+ r2 := Client.Must(Client.GetPostsAfter(channel1.Id, post3a1.Id, 0, 3, "")).Data.(*model.PostList)
+ if len(r2.Posts) != 0 {
+ t.Fatal("should have been empty")
+ }
+ post2.Message = "new message"
+ Client.Must(Client.UpdatePost(post2))
+ r3 := Client.Must(Client.GetPostsAfter(channel1.Id, post1a1.Id, 0, 2, "")).Data.(*model.PostList)
+ if r3.Order[0] != post3.Id {
+ t.Fatal("wrong order")
+ }
+ if r3.Order[1] != post2.Id {
+ t.Fatal("wrong order")
+ }
+ if len(r3.Order) != 2 {
+ t.Fatal("missing post update")
+ }
func TestSearchPosts(t *testing.T) {
diff --git a/doc/integrations/Single-Sign-On/ b/doc/integrations/Single-Sign-On/
index 7939c47fb..1242fd13e 100644
--- a/doc/integrations/Single-Sign-On/
+++ b/doc/integrations/Single-Sign-On/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Follow these steps to configure Mattermost to use GitLab as a single-sign-on (SS
3. Submit the application and copy the given _Id_ and _Secret_ into the appropriate _SSOSettings_ fields in config/config.json
-4. Also in config/config.json, set _Allow_ to `true` for the _gitlab_ section, leave _Scope_ blank and use the following for the endpoints:
+4. Also in config/config.json, set _Enable_ to `true` for the _gitlab_ section, leave _Scope_ blank and use the following for the endpoints:
* _AuthEndpoint_: `https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/authorize` (example
* _TokenEndpoint_: `https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/token`
* _UserApiEndpoint_: `https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user`
diff --git a/doc/usage/ b/doc/usage/
index 9e2342a0b..055f47619 100644
--- a/doc/usage/
+++ b/doc/usage/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Renders as:
code block
-Create in-line monospaced font by surrounding it with back spaces.
+Create in-line monospaced font by surrounding it with backticks.
diff --git a/model/client.go b/model/client.go
index 19183098e..a15cb5eaf 100644
--- a/model/client.go
+++ b/model/client.go
@@ -618,6 +618,24 @@ func (c *Client) GetPostsSince(channelId string, time int64) (*Result, *AppError
+func (c *Client) GetPostsBefore(channelId string, postid string, offset int, limit int, etag string) (*Result, *AppError) {
+ if r, err := c.DoApiGet(fmt.Sprintf("/channels/%v/post/%v/before/%v/%v", channelId, postid, offset, limit), "", etag); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ } else {
+ return &Result{r.Header.Get(HEADER_REQUEST_ID),
+ r.Header.Get(HEADER_ETAG_SERVER), PostListFromJson(r.Body)}, nil
+ }
+func (c *Client) GetPostsAfter(channelId string, postid string, offset int, limit int, etag string) (*Result, *AppError) {
+ if r, err := c.DoApiGet(fmt.Sprintf("/channels/%v/post/%v/after/%v/%v", channelId, postid, offset, limit), "", etag); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ } else {
+ return &Result{r.Header.Get(HEADER_REQUEST_ID),
+ r.Header.Get(HEADER_ETAG_SERVER), PostListFromJson(r.Body)}, nil
+ }
func (c *Client) GetPost(channelId string, postId string, etag string) (*Result, *AppError) {
if r, err := c.DoApiGet(fmt.Sprintf("/channels/%v/post/%v", channelId, postId), "", etag); err != nil {
return nil, err
diff --git a/store/sql_post_store.go b/store/sql_post_store.go
index de8c4f356..fdae20f60 100644
--- a/store/sql_post_store.go
+++ b/store/sql_post_store.go
@@ -332,6 +332,104 @@ func (s SqlPostStore) GetPostsSince(channelId string, time int64) StoreChannel {
return storeChannel
+func (s SqlPostStore) GetPostsBefore(channelId string, postId string, numPosts int, offset int) StoreChannel {
+ return s.getPostsAround(channelId, postId, numPosts, offset, true)
+func (s SqlPostStore) GetPostsAfter(channelId string, postId string, numPosts int, offset int) StoreChannel {
+ return s.getPostsAround(channelId, postId, numPosts, offset, false)
+func (s SqlPostStore) getPostsAround(channelId string, postId string, numPosts int, offset int, before bool) StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(StoreChannel)
+ go func() {
+ result := StoreResult{}
+ var direction string
+ var sort string
+ if before {
+ direction = "<"
+ sort = "DESC"
+ } else {
+ direction = ">"
+ sort = "ASC"
+ }
+ var posts []*model.Post
+ var parents []*model.Post
+ _, err1 := s.GetReplica().Select(&posts,
+ *
+ Posts
+ (CreateAt `+direction+` (SELECT CreateAt FROM Posts WHERE Id = :PostId)
+ AND ChannelId = :ChannelId
+ AND DeleteAt = 0)
+ ORDER BY CreateAt `+sort+`
+ LIMIT :NumPosts
+ OFFSET :Offset)`,
+ map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId, "PostId": postId, "NumPosts": numPosts, "Offset": offset})
+ _, err2 := s.GetReplica().Select(&parents,
+ *
+ Posts
+ Id
+ IN
+ RootId
+ Posts
+ (CreateAt `+direction+` (SELECT CreateAt FROM Posts WHERE Id = :PostId)
+ AND ChannelId = :ChannelId
+ AND DeleteAt = 0)
+ ORDER BY CreateAt `+sort+`
+ LIMIT :NumPosts
+ OFFSET :Offset)
+ temp_tab))
+ ORDER BY CreateAt DESC`,
+ map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId, "PostId": postId, "NumPosts": numPosts, "Offset": offset})
+ if err1 != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlPostStore.GetPostContext", "We couldn't get the posts for the channel", "channelId="+channelId+err1.Error())
+ } else if err2 != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlPostStore.GetPostContext", "We couldn't get the parent posts for the channel", "channelId="+channelId+err2.Error())
+ } else {
+ list := &model.PostList{Order: make([]string, 0, len(posts))}
+ // We need to flip the order if we selected backwards
+ if before {
+ for _, p := range posts {
+ list.AddPost(p)
+ list.AddOrder(p.Id)
+ }
+ } else {
+ l := len(posts)
+ for i := range posts {
+ list.AddPost(posts[l-i-1])
+ list.AddOrder(posts[l-i-1].Id)
+ }
+ }
+ for _, p := range parents {
+ list.AddPost(p)
+ }
+ result.Data = list
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
func (s SqlPostStore) getRootPosts(channelId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel {
storeChannel := make(StoreChannel)
diff --git a/store/sql_post_store_test.go b/store/sql_post_store_test.go
index 0980b1a11..fe7195a54 100644
--- a/store/sql_post_store_test.go
+++ b/store/sql_post_store_test.go
@@ -383,6 +383,111 @@ func TestPostStoreGetPostsWtihDetails(t *testing.T) {
+func TestPostStoreGetPostsBeforeAfter(t *testing.T) {
+ Setup()
+ o0 := &model.Post{}
+ o0.ChannelId = model.NewId()
+ o0.UserId = model.NewId()
+ o0.Message = "a" + model.NewId() + "b"
+ o0 = (<-store.Post().Save(o0)).Data.(*model.Post)
+ time.Sleep(2 * time.Millisecond)
+ o1 := &model.Post{}
+ o1.ChannelId = model.NewId()
+ o1.UserId = model.NewId()
+ o1.Message = "a" + model.NewId() + "b"
+ o1 = (<-store.Post().Save(o1)).Data.(*model.Post)
+ time.Sleep(2 * time.Millisecond)
+ o2 := &model.Post{}
+ o2.ChannelId = o1.ChannelId
+ o2.UserId = model.NewId()
+ o2.Message = "a" + model.NewId() + "b"
+ o2.ParentId = o1.Id
+ o2.RootId = o1.Id
+ o2 = (<-store.Post().Save(o2)).Data.(*model.Post)
+ time.Sleep(2 * time.Millisecond)
+ o2a := &model.Post{}
+ o2a.ChannelId = o1.ChannelId
+ o2a.UserId = model.NewId()
+ o2a.Message = "a" + model.NewId() + "b"
+ o2a.ParentId = o1.Id
+ o2a.RootId = o1.Id
+ o2a = (<-store.Post().Save(o2a)).Data.(*model.Post)
+ time.Sleep(2 * time.Millisecond)
+ o3 := &model.Post{}
+ o3.ChannelId = o1.ChannelId
+ o3.UserId = model.NewId()
+ o3.Message = "a" + model.NewId() + "b"
+ o3.ParentId = o1.Id
+ o3.RootId = o1.Id
+ o3 = (<-store.Post().Save(o3)).Data.(*model.Post)
+ time.Sleep(2 * time.Millisecond)
+ o4 := &model.Post{}
+ o4.ChannelId = o1.ChannelId
+ o4.UserId = model.NewId()
+ o4.Message = "a" + model.NewId() + "b"
+ o4 = (<-store.Post().Save(o4)).Data.(*model.Post)
+ time.Sleep(2 * time.Millisecond)
+ o5 := &model.Post{}
+ o5.ChannelId = o1.ChannelId
+ o5.UserId = model.NewId()
+ o5.Message = "a" + model.NewId() + "b"
+ o5.ParentId = o4.Id
+ o5.RootId = o4.Id
+ o5 = (<-store.Post().Save(o5)).Data.(*model.Post)
+ r1 := (<-store.Post().GetPostsBefore(o1.ChannelId, o1.Id, 4, 0)).Data.(*model.PostList)
+ if len(r1.Posts) != 0 {
+ t.Fatal("Wrong size")
+ }
+ r2 := (<-store.Post().GetPostsAfter(o1.ChannelId, o1.Id, 4, 0)).Data.(*model.PostList)
+ if r2.Order[0] != o4.Id {
+ t.Fatal("invalid order")
+ }
+ if r2.Order[1] != o3.Id {
+ t.Fatal("invalid order")
+ }
+ if r2.Order[2] != o2a.Id {
+ t.Fatal("invalid order")
+ }
+ if r2.Order[3] != o2.Id {
+ t.Fatal("invalid order")
+ }
+ if len(r2.Posts) != 5 {
+ t.Fatal("wrong size")
+ }
+ r3 := (<-store.Post().GetPostsBefore(o3.ChannelId, o3.Id, 2, 0)).Data.(*model.PostList)
+ if r3.Order[0] != o2a.Id {
+ t.Fatal("invalid order")
+ }
+ if r3.Order[1] != o2.Id {
+ t.Fatal("invalid order")
+ }
+ if len(r3.Posts) != 3 {
+ t.Fatal("wrong size")
+ }
+ if r3.Posts[o1.Id].Message != o1.Message {
+ t.Fatal("Missing parent")
+ }
func TestPostStoreGetPostsSince(t *testing.T) {
o0 := &model.Post{}
diff --git a/store/sql_team_store.go b/store/sql_team_store.go
index dfc07d3d8..e0f95fa7e 100644
--- a/store/sql_team_store.go
+++ b/store/sql_team_store.go
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func NewSqlTeamStore(sqlStore *SqlStore) TeamStore {
func (s SqlTeamStore) UpgradeSchemaIfNeeded() {
// REMOVE AFTER 1.2 SHIP see PLT-828
s.RemoveColumnIfExists("Teams", "AllowValet")
- s.CreateColumnIfNotExists("Teams", "InviteId", "varchar(26)", "varchar(26)", "")
+ s.CreateColumnIfNotExists("Teams", "InviteId", "varchar(32)", "varchar(32)", "")
s.CreateColumnIfNotExists("Teams", "AllowOpenInvite", "tinyint(1)", "boolean", "0")
s.CreateColumnIfNotExists("Teams", "AllowTeamListing", "tinyint(1)", "boolean", "0")
diff --git a/store/store.go b/store/store.go
index 53a6e053b..ce4d90883 100644
--- a/store/store.go
+++ b/store/store.go
@@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ type PostStore interface {
Get(id string) StoreChannel
Delete(postId string, time int64) StoreChannel
GetPosts(channelId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
+ GetPostsBefore(channelId string, postId string, numPosts int, offset int) StoreChannel
+ GetPostsAfter(channelId string, postId string, numPosts int, offset int) StoreChannel
GetPostsSince(channelId string, time int64) StoreChannel
GetEtag(channelId string) StoreChannel
Search(teamId string, userId string, params *model.SearchParams) StoreChannel
diff --git a/utils/textgeneration.go b/utils/textgeneration.go
index 420d6fb29..fd0284a2e 100644
--- a/utils/textgeneration.go
+++ b/utils/textgeneration.go
@@ -15,6 +15,241 @@ const (
// Strings that should pass as acceptable posts
var FUZZY_STRINGS_POSTS = []string{
+ `**[1] - [Markdown Tests]**
+more _italics_
+more **bold**
+more **_bold-italic_*8
+more ~~strikethrough~~
+` + "```" + `
+multi-line code block<enter here>
+multi-line code block
+emoji that should not render in code block: :ice_cream:
+` + "```" + `
+` + "`monospace`" + `
+[Link to Mattermost](
+Inline Image with link, alt text, and hover text: ![Build Status](](
+Three types of lines:
+ ` **[2] - **[More Markdown Tests]**
+> i am a blockquote!
+> i am a 2nd multiline
+> quote.
+i am text right after a multiline quote, but not in the quote
+* list item
+* another list item
+ * indented list item
+1. numbered list, item number 1
+2. item number two
+ ` **[3]** - **[More Markdown Tests]**
+| Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned |
+| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|
+| Left column 1 | this text | $100 |
+| Left column 2 | is | $10 |
+| Left column 3 | centered | $1 |
+Ugly table
+Markdown | Less | Pretty
+--- | --- | ---
+*Still* | ~~renders~~ | **nicely**
+1 | 2 | 3
+# Large heading
+## Smaller heading
+### Even smaller heading
+# Large heading
+## Smaller heading
+### Even smaller heading
+ /* `**[2] [Username Linking Test]**
+ I saw @alice--and I said "Hi @alice!" then "What's up @alice?" and then @alice, was totally @alice; she just "@alice"'d me and walked on by. That's @alice...
+ @alice‽‽
+ `,
+ `**[3] [Mention Highlighting Test]**
+ `,*/
+ `**[4] [Emoji Display Test 1]**
+:+1: :-1: :100: :1234: :8ball: :a: :ab: :abc: :abcd: :accept:
+:aerial_tramway: :airplane: :alarm_clock: :ambulance: :anchor: :angel: :anger: :angry: :anguished: :ant:
+:apple: :aquarius: :aries: :arrow_backward: :arrow_double_down: :arrow_double_up: :arrow_down: :arrow_down_small: :arrow_forward: :arrow_heading_down:
+:arrow_heading_up: :arrow_left: :arrow_lower_left: :arrow_lower_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right_hook: :arrow_up: :arrow_up_down:
+:arrow_upper_left: :arrow_upper_right: :arrows_clockwise: :arrows_counterclockwise: :art: :articulated_lorry: :astonished: :atm: :arrow_up_small: :b:
+:baby: :baby_bottle: :baby_chick: :baby_symbol: :back: :baggage_claim: :balloon: :ballot_box_with_check: :bamboo: :banana:
+:bangbang: :bank: :bar_chart: :barber: :baseball: :basketball: :bath: :bathtub: :battery: :bear:
+:bee: :beer: :beers: :beetle: :beginner: :bell: :bento: :bicyclist: :bike: :bikini:
+:bird: :birthday: :black_circle: :black_joker: :black_medium_small_square: :black_medium_square: :black_nib: :black_small_square: :black_square: :black_square_button:
+:blossom: :blowfish: :blue_book: :blue_car: :blue_heart: :blush: :boar: :boat: :bomb: :book:
+:bookmark: :bookmark_tabs: :books: :boom: :boot: :bouquet: :bow: :bowling: :bowtie: :boy:
+:bread: :bride_with_veil: :bridge_at_night: :briefcase: :broken_heart: :bug: :bulb: :bullettrain_front: :bullettrain_side: :bus:
+:busstop: :bust_in_silhouette: :busts_in_silhouette: :cactus: :cake: :calendar: :calling: :camel: :camera: :cancer:
+:candy: :capital_abcd: :capricorn: :car: :card_index: :carousel_horse: :cat: :cat2: :cd: :chart:
+:chart_with_downwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :checkered_flag: :cherries: :cherry_blossom: :chestnut: :chicken: :children_crossing: :chocolate_bar: :christmas_tree:
+:church: :cinema: :circus_tent: :city_sunrise: :city_sunset: :cl: :clap: :clapper: :clipboard: :clock1:
+:clock10: :clock1030: :clock11: :clock1130: :clock12: :clock1230: :clock130: :clock2: :clock230: :clock3:
+:clock330: :clock4: :clock430: :clock5: :clock530: :clock6: :clock630: :clock7: :clock730: :clock8:
+:clock830: :clock9: :clock930: :closed_book: :closed_lock_with_key: :closed_umbrella: :cloud: :clubs: :cn: :cocktail:
+:coffee: :cold_sweat: :collision: :computer: :confetti_ball: :confounded: :confused: :congratulations: :construction: :construction_worker:
+:convenience_store: :cookie: :cool: :cop: :copyright: :corn: :couple: :couple_with_heart: :couplekiss: :cow:
+:cow2: :credit_card: :crescent_moon: :crocodile: :crossed_flags: :crown: :cry: :crying_cat_face: :crystal_ball: :cupid:
+:curly_loop: :currency_exchange: :curry: :custard: :customs: :cyclone: :dancer: :dancers: :dango: :dart:
+:dash: :date: :de: :deciduous_tree: :department_store: :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: :diamonds: :disappointed: :disappointed_relieved: :dizzy:
+:dizzy_face: :do_not_litter: :dog: :dog2: :dollar: :dolls: :dolphin: :donut: :door: :doughnut:
+:dragon: :dragon_face: :dress: :dromedary_camel: :droplet: :dvd: :e-mail: :ear: :ear_of_rice: :earth_africa:
+:earth_americas: :earth_asia: :egg: :eggplant: :eight: :eight_pointed_black_star: :eight_spoked_asterisk: :electric_plug: :elephant: :email:
+ :end: :envelope: :es: :euro: :european_castle: :european_post_office: :evergreen_tree: :exclamation: :expressionless: :eyeglasses:
+:eyes: :facepunch: :factory: :fallen_leaf: :family: :fast_forward: :fax: :fearful: :feelsgood: :feet:
+:ferris_wheel: :file_folder: :finnadie: :fire: :fire_engine: :fireworks: :first_quarter_moon: :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :fish: :fish_cake:
+:fishing_pole_and_fish: :fist: :five: :flags: :flashlight: :floppy_disk: :flower_playing_cards: :flushed: :foggy: :football:
+:fork_and_knife: :fountain: :four: :four_leaf_clover: :fr: :free: :fried_shrimp: :fries: :frog: :frowning:
+:fu: :fuelpump: :full_moon: :full_moon_with_face: :game_die: :gb: :gem: :gemini: :ghost: :gift:`,
+ `**[5] [Emoji Display Test 2]**
+:gift_heart: :girl: :globe_with_meridians: :goat: :goberserk: :godmode: :golf: :grapes: :green_apple: :green_book:
+:green_heart: :grey_exclamation: :grey_question: :grimacing: :grin: :grinning: :guardsman: :guitar: :gun: :haircut:
+:hamburger: :hammer: :hamster: :hand: :handbag: :hankey: :hash: :hatched_chick: :hatching_chick: :headphones:
+:hear_no_evil: :heart: :heart_decoration: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes_cat: :heartbeat: :heartpulse: :hearts: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_division_sign:
+:heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_exclamation_mark: :heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_multiplication_x: :heavy_plus_sign: :helicopter: :herb: :hibiscus: :high_brightness: :high_heel:
+:hocho: :honey_pot: :honeybee: :horse: :horse_racing: :hospital: :hotel: :hotsprings: :hourglass: :hourglass_flowing_sand:
+:house: :house_with_garden: :hurtrealbad: :hushed: :ice_cream: :icecream: :id: :ideograph_advantage: :imp: :inbox_tray:
+:incoming_envelope: :information_desk_person: :information_source: :innocent: :interrobang: :iphone: :it: :izakaya_lantern: :jack_o_lantern:
+:japan: :japanese_castle: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_ogre: :jeans: :joy: :joy_cat: :jp: :key: :keycap_ten:
+:kimono: :kiss: :kissing: :kissing_cat: :kissing_closed_eyes: :kissing_face: :kissing_heart: :kissing_smiling_eyes: :koala: :koko:
+:kr: :large_blue_circle: :large_blue_diamond: :large_orange_diamond: :last_quarter_moon: :last_quarter_moon_with_face: :laughing: :leaves: :ledger: :left_luggage:
+:left_right_arrow: :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: :lemon: :leo: :leopard: :libra: :light_rail: :link: :lips: :lipstick:
+:lock: :lock_with_ink_pen: :lollipop: :loop: :loudspeaker: :love_hotel: :love_letter: :low_brightness: :m: :mag:
+:mag_right: :mahjong: :mailbox: :mailbox_closed: :mailbox_with_mail: :mailbox_with_no_mail: :man: :man_with_gua_pi_mao: :man_with_turban: :mans_shoe:
+:maple_leaf: :mask: :massage: :meat_on_bone: :mega: :melon: :memo: :mens: :metal: :metro:
+:microphone: :microscope: :milky_way: :minibus: :minidisc: :mobile_phone_off: :money_with_wings: :moneybag: :monkey: :monkey_face:
+:monorail: :mortar_board: :mount_fuji: :mountain_bicyclist: :mountain_cableway: :mountain_railway: :mouse: :mouse2: :movie_camera: :moyai:
+:muscle: :mushroom: :musical_keyboard: :musical_note: :musical_score: :mute: :nail_care: :name_badge: :neckbeard: :necktie:
+:negative_squared_cross_mark: :neutral_face: :new: :new_moon: :new_moon_with_face: :newspaper: :ng: :nine: :no_bell:
+:no_bicycles: :no_entry: :no_entry_sign: :no_good: :no_mobile_phones: :no_mouth: :no_pedestrians: :no_smoking: :non-potable_water: :nose:
+:notebook: :notebook_with_decorative_cover: :notes: :nut_and_bolt: :o: :o2: :ocean: :octocat: :octopus: :oden:
+:office: :ok: :ok_hand: :ok_woman: :older_man: :older_woman: :on: :oncoming_automobile: :oncoming_bus: :oncoming_police_car:
+:oncoming_taxi: :one: :open_file_folder: :open_hands: :open_mouth: :ophiuchus: :orange_book: :outbox_tray: :ox: :package:
+:page_facing_up: :page_with_curl: :pager: :palm_tree: :panda_face: :paperclip: :parking: :part_alternation_mark: :partly_sunny: :passport_control:
+:paw_prints: :peach: :pear: :pencil: :pencil2: :penguin: :pensive: :performing_arts: :persevere: :person_frowning:
+:person_with_blond_hair: :person_with_pouting_face: :phone: :pig: :pig2: :pig_nose: :pill: :pineapple: :pisces: :pizza:
+ `**[6] [Emoji Display Test 3]**
+:plus1: :point_down: :point_left: :point_right: :point_up: :point_up_2: :police_car: :poodle: :poop: :post_office:
+:postal_horn: :postbox: :potable_water: :pouch: :poultry_leg: :pound: :pouting_cat: :pray: :princess: :punch:
+:purple_heart: :purse: :pushpin: :put_litter_in_its_place: :question: :rabbit: :rabbit2: :racehorse: :radio: :radio_button:
+:rage: :rage1: :rage2: :rage3: :rage4: :railway_car: :rainbow: :raised_hand: :raised_hands: :raising_hand:
+:ram: :ramen: :rat: :recycle: :red_car: :red_circle: :registered: :relaxed: :relieved: :repeat:
+:repeat_one: :restroom: :revolving_hearts: :rewind: :ribbon: :rice: :rice_ball: :rice_cracker: :rice_scene: :ring:
+:rocket: :roller_coaster: :rooster: :rose: :rotating_light: :round_pushpin: :rowboat: :ru:
+:rugby_football: :runner: :running: :running_shirt_with_sash: :sa: :sagittarius: :sailboat: :sake: :sandal: :santa:
+:satellite: :satisfied: :saxophone: :school: :school_satchel: :scissors: :scorpius: :scream: :scream_cat: :scroll:
+:seat: :secret: :see_no_evil: :seedling: :seven: :shaved_ice: :sheep: :shell: :ship: :shipit:
+:shirt: :shit: :shoe: :shower: :signal_strength: :six: :six_pointed_star: :ski: :skull: :sleeping:
+:sleepy: :slot_machine: :small_blue_diamond: :small_orange_diamond: :small_red_triangle: :small_red_triangle_down: :smile: :smile_cat: :smiley: :smiley_cat:
+:smiling_imp: :smirk: :smirk_cat: :smoking: :snail: :snake: :snowboarder: :snowflake: :snowman: :sob:
+:soccer: :soon: :sos: :sound: :space_invader: :spades: :spaghetti: :sparkle: :sparkler: :sparkles:
+:sparkling_heart: :speak_no_evil: :speaker: :speech_balloon: :speedboat: :squirrel: :star: :star2: :stars: :station:
+:statue_of_liberty: :steam_locomotive: :stew: :straight_ruler: :strawberry: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :sun_with_face: :sunflower:
+ :sunglasses: :sunny: :sunrise: :sunrise_over_mountains: :surfer: :sushi: :suspect: :suspension_railway: :sweat: :sweat_drops:
+:sweat_smile: :sweet_potato: :swimmer: :symbols: :syringe: :tada: :tanabata_tree: :tangerine: :taurus: :taxi:
+:tea: :telephone: :telephone_receiver: :telescope: :tennis: :tent: :thought_balloon: :three: :thumbsdown: :thumbsup:
+:ticket: :tiger: :tiger2: :tired_face: :tm: :toilet: :tokyo_tower: :tomato: :tongue: :top:
+:tophat: :tractor: :traffic_light: :train: :train2: :tram: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_ruler: :trident: :triumph:
+:trolleybus: :trollface: :trophy: :tropical_drink: :tropical_fish: :truck: :trumpet: :tshirt: :tulip: :turtle:
+:tv: :twisted_rightwards_arrows: :two: :two_hearts: :two_men_holding_hands: :two_women_holding_hands:
+:uk: :umbrella: :unamused: :underage: :unlock: :up: :us: :v: :vertical_traffic_light: :vhs:
+:vibration_mode: :video_camera: :video_game: :violin: :virgo: :volcano: :vs: :walking: :waning_crescent_moon: :waning_gibbous_moon:
+:warning: :watch: :water_buffalo: :watermelon: :wave: :wavy_dash: :waxing_crescent_moon: :waxing_gibbous_moon: :wc: :weary:
+:wedding: :whale: :whale2: :wheelchair: :white_check_mark: :white_circle: :white_flower: :white_large_square: :white_medium_small_square: :white_medium_square:
+:white_small_square: :white_square_button: :wind_chime: :wine_glass: :wink: :wolf: :woman: :womans_clothes: :womans_hat: :womens:
+:worried: :wrench: :x: :yellow_heart: :yen: :yum: :zap: :zero: :zzz:
+Unnamed: :u5272: :u5408: :u55b6: :u6307: :u6708: :u6709: :u6e80: :u7121: :u7533: :u7981: :u7a7a:
+ `**[7] [Auto Linking]**
+#### should be turned into links:
+#### should be turned into links which link to the correct place:
+[example link]( links to ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `
+[]( links to ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `
+[]( links to ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `
+[]( links to ` + "`" + `` + "`" + ` links to ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `
+ links to ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `and not ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `
+🐬 links to the Wikipedia article on dolphins
+ links to the Syntax section of the Wikipedia article on URLs links to ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `
+[email link]( links to ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `and not ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `
+[other link](ts3server:// links to ` + "`" + `ts3server://` + "`" + `and not ` + "`" + `http://ts3server://` + "`" + `
+#### should not be turned into links:
+#### should only turn the actual link into a link and not change surrounding text
+This is a sentence with a in it.
+This is a sentence with a [link]( in it.
+This is a sentence with a in it.
+This is a sentence with a link ( in it.
+This is a sentence with a ( in it.
+This is a sentence with a in it.
+This is a sentence with a https://::1 in it.
+This is a link to
"*", "?", ".", "}{][)(><", "{}[]()<>",
"qahwah ( قهوة)",
@@ -238,5 +473,5 @@ func RandomText(length Range, hashtags Range, mentions Range, users []string) st
func FuzzPost() string {
- return FUZZY_STRINGS_POSTS[RandIntFromRange(Range{0, len(FUZZY_STRINGS_NAMES) - 1})]
+ return FUZZY_STRINGS_POSTS[RandIntFromRange(Range{0, len(FUZZY_STRINGS_POSTS) - 1})]
diff --git a/web/react/components/admin_console/admin_controller.jsx b/web/react/components/admin_console/admin_controller.jsx
index d309ced2e..8e0ab0555 100644
--- a/web/react/components/admin_console/admin_controller.jsx
+++ b/web/react/components/admin_console/admin_controller.jsx
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ var AdminStore = require('../../stores/admin_store.jsx');
var TeamStore = require('../../stores/team_store.jsx');
var AsyncClient = require('../../utils/async_client.jsx');
var LoadingScreen = require('../loading_screen.jsx');
+var Utils = require('../../utils/utils.jsx');
var EmailSettingsTab = require('./email_settings.jsx');
var LogSettingsTab = require('./log_settings.jsx');
@@ -46,7 +47,8 @@ export default class AdminController extends React.Component {
if (! {
- history.replaceState(null, null, `/admin_console/${this.state.selected}`);
+ var tokenIndex = Utils.getUrlParameter('session_token_index');
+ history.replaceState(null, null, `/admin_console/${this.state.selected}?session_token_index=${tokenIndex}`);
diff --git a/web/react/components/admin_console/admin_sidebar.jsx b/web/react/components/admin_console/admin_sidebar.jsx
index f2fb1c96d..0d52ae347 100644
--- a/web/react/components/admin_console/admin_sidebar.jsx
+++ b/web/react/components/admin_console/admin_sidebar.jsx
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
var AdminSidebarHeader = require('./admin_sidebar_header.jsx');
var SelectTeamModal = require('./select_team_modal.jsx');
+var Utils = require('../../utils/utils.jsx');
export default class AdminSidebar extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
@@ -24,12 +25,13 @@ export default class AdminSidebar extends React.Component {
handleClick(name, teamId, e) {
this.props.selectTab(name, teamId);
- history.pushState({name, teamId}, null, `/admin_console/${name}/${teamId || ''}`);
+ var tokenIndex = Utils.getUrlParameter('session_token_index');
+ history.pushState({name, teamId}, null, `/admin_console/${name}/${teamId || ''}?session_token_index=${tokenIndex}`);
isSelected(name, teamId) {
if (this.props.selected === name) {
- if (name === 'team_users') {
+ if (name === 'team_users' || name === 'team_analytics') {
if (this.props.selectedTeam != null && this.props.selectedTeam === teamId) {
return 'active';
diff --git a/web/react/components/login.jsx b/web/react/components/login.jsx
index c519959af..2b9ce67ca 100644
--- a/web/react/components/login.jsx
+++ b/web/react/components/login.jsx
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ export default class Login extends React.Component {
if (this.props.inviteId) {
userSignUp = (
- <span>{'Do not have an account? '}
+ <span>{`Don't have an account? `}
href={'/signup_user_complete/?id=' + this.props.inviteId}
diff --git a/web/react/components/post_body.jsx b/web/react/components/post_body.jsx
index e1f495d54..e4094daf3 100644
--- a/web/react/components/post_body.jsx
+++ b/web/react/components/post_body.jsx
@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ export default class PostBody extends React.Component {
this.isGifLoading = true;
const gif = new Image();
- gif.src = src;
gif.onload = (
() => {
this.setState({gifLoaded: true});
+ gif.src = src;
createGifEmbed(link) {
@@ -92,7 +92,12 @@ export default class PostBody extends React.Component {
if (!this.state.gifLoaded) {
- return null;
+ return (
+ <img
+ className='gif-div placeholder'
+ height='500px'
+ />
+ );
return (
diff --git a/web/react/components/search_results.jsx b/web/react/components/search_results.jsx
index ce19c48f0..b56a7b006 100644
--- a/web/react/components/search_results.jsx
+++ b/web/react/components/search_results.jsx
@@ -83,7 +83,16 @@ export default class SearchResults extends React.Component {
var ctls = null;
if (noResults) {
- ctls = <div className='sidebar--right__subheader'>No results</div>;
+ ctls =
+ (
+ <div className='sidebar--right__subheader'>
+ <h4>{'NO RESULTS'}</h4>
+ <ul>
+ <li>If you're searching a partial phrase (ex. searching "rea", looking for "reach" or "reaction"), append a * to your search term</li>
+ <li>Due to the volume of results, two letter searches and common words like "this", "a" and "is" won't appear in search results</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ );
} else {
ctls = mymap(id) {
var post = results.posts[id];
diff --git a/web/react/components/settings_sidebar.jsx b/web/react/components/settings_sidebar.jsx
index 4af46c35a..68d9cea48 100644
--- a/web/react/components/settings_sidebar.jsx
+++ b/web/react/components/settings_sidebar.jsx
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See License.txt for license information.
+var utils = require('../utils/utils.jsx');
export default class SettingsSidebar extends React.Component {
componentDidUpdate() {
+ if (utils.isSafari()) {
+ $('.settings-modal .settings-links .nav').addClass('absolute');
+ }
constructor(props) {
diff --git a/web/react/components/sidebar_header.jsx b/web/react/components/sidebar_header.jsx
index 3f777d93c..46730e1e6 100644
--- a/web/react/components/sidebar_header.jsx
+++ b/web/react/components/sidebar_header.jsx
@@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ export default class SidebarHeader extends React.Component {
{'Team administrators can also access their '}<strong>{'Team Settings'}</strong>{' from this menu.'}
+ <p>
+ {'System administrators will find a '}<strong>{'System Console'}</strong>{' option to administrate the entire system.'}
+ </p>
diff --git a/web/react/components/signup_team.jsx b/web/react/components/signup_team.jsx
index f926f5cbb..37760a2a2 100644
--- a/web/react/components/signup_team.jsx
+++ b/web/react/components/signup_team.jsx
@@ -12,11 +12,6 @@ export default class TeamSignUp extends React.Component {
this.updatePage = this.updatePage.bind(this);
- if (global.window.mm_config.EnableTeamListing === 'true') {
- this.state = {page: 'team_listing'};
- return;
- }
var count = 0;
if (global.window.mm_config.EnableSignUpWithEmail === 'true') {
@@ -41,50 +36,83 @@ export default class TeamSignUp extends React.Component {
render() {
- if ( === 'team_listing') {
- return (
- <div>
- <h3>{'Choose a Team'}</h3>
- <div className='signup-team-all'>
- {
- => {
- return (
- <div
- key={'team_' +}
- className='signup-team-dir'
- >
- <a
- href={'/' +}
+ var teamListing = null;
+ if (global.window.mm_config.EnableTeamListing === 'true') {
+ if (this.props.teams.length === 0) {
+ if (global.window.mm_config.EnableTeamCreation !== 'true') {
+ teamListing = (<div>{'There are no teams include in the Team Directory and team creation has been disabled.'}</div>);
+ }
+ } else {
+ teamListing = (
+ <div>
+ <h3>{'Choose a Team'}</h3>
+ <div className='signup-team-all'>
+ {
+ => {
+ return (
+ <div
+ key={'team_' +}
+ className='signup-team-dir'
- <div className='signup-team-dir__group'>
- <span className='signup-team-dir__name'>{team.display_name}</span>
- <span
- className='glyphicon glyphicon-menu-right right signup-team-dir__arrow'
- aria-hidden='true'
- />
- </div>
- </a>
- </div>
- );
- })
- }
+ <a
+ href={'/' +}
+ >
+ <div className='signup-team-dir__group'>
+ <span className='signup-team-dir__name'>{team.display_name}</span>
+ <span
+ className='glyphicon glyphicon-menu-right right signup-team-dir__arrow'
+ aria-hidden='true'
+ />
+ </div>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ );
+ })
+ }
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if (global.window.mm_config.EnableTeamCreation !== 'true') {
+ if (teamListing == null) {
+ return (<div>{'Team creation has been disabled. Please contact an administrator for access.'}</div>);
+ }
+ return (
+ <div>
+ {teamListing}
if ( === 'choose') {
return (
- <ChoosePage
- updatePage={this.updatePage}
- />
+ <div>
+ {teamListing}
+ <ChoosePage
+ updatePage={this.updatePage}
+ />
+ </div>
if ( === 'email') {
- return <EmailSignUpPage />;
+ return (
+ <div>
+ {teamListing}
+ <EmailSignUpPage />
+ </div>
+ );
} else if ( === 'gitlab') {
- return <SSOSignupPage service={Constants.GITLAB_SERVICE} />;
+ return (
+ <div>
+ {teamListing}
+ <SSOSignupPage service={Constants.GITLAB_SERVICE} />
+ </div>
+ );
diff --git a/web/react/components/team_general_tab.jsx b/web/react/components/team_general_tab.jsx
index 69ba44664..587ef5ec2 100644
--- a/web/react/components/team_general_tab.jsx
+++ b/web/react/components/team_general_tab.jsx
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ export default class GeneralTab extends React.Component {
handleTeamListingRadio(listing) {
if (global.window.mm_config.EnableTeamListing !== 'true' && listing) {
- ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.teamListingRadioNo).checked = true;
this.setState({clientError: 'Team directory has been disabled. Please ask a system admin to enable it.'});
} else {
this.setState({allow_team_listing: listing});
@@ -278,13 +277,13 @@ export default class GeneralTab extends React.Component {
- <div><br/>{'When allowed the team will appear on the main page as part of team directory.'}</div>
+ <div><br/>{'Including this team will display the team name from the Team Directory section of the Home Page, and provide a link to the sign-in page.'}</div>
teamListingSection = (
- title='Allow in Team Directory'
+ title='Include this team in the Team Directory'
@@ -302,7 +301,7 @@ export default class GeneralTab extends React.Component {
teamListingSection = (
- title='Allow in Team Directory'
+ title='Include this team in the Team Directory'
@@ -337,13 +336,13 @@ export default class GeneralTab extends React.Component {
- <div><br/>{'When allowed the team signup link will be included on the login page and anyone can signup to this team.'}</div>
+ <div><br/>{'When allowed, a link to account creation will be included on the sign-in page of this team and allow any visitor to sign-up.'}</div>
openInviteSection = (
- title='Allow Open Invitations'
+ title='Allow anyone to sign-up from login page'
@@ -360,7 +359,7 @@ export default class GeneralTab extends React.Component {
openInviteSection = (
- title='Allow Open Invitations'
+ title='Allow anyone to sign-up from login page'
@@ -373,29 +372,28 @@ export default class GeneralTab extends React.Component {
const inputs = [];
- <div
- key='teamInviteSetting'
- className='form-group'
- >
- <label className='col-sm-5 control-label'>{'Invite Code'}</label>
- <div className='col-sm-7'>
- <input
- className='form-control'
- type='text'
- onChange={this.updateInviteId}
- value={this.state.invite_id}
- maxLength='32'
- />
- </div>
- <div><br/>{'When allowing open invites this code is used as part of the signup process. Changing this code will invalidate the previous open signup link.'}</div>
- <div className='help-text'>
- <button
- className='btn btn-default'
- onClick={this.handleGenerateInviteId}
- >
- {'Re-Generate'}
- </button>
+ <div key='teamInviteSetting'>
+ <div className='row'>
+ <label className='col-sm-5 control-label'>{'Invite Code'}</label>
+ <div className='col-sm-7'>
+ <input
+ className='form-control'
+ type='text'
+ onChange={this.updateInviteId}
+ value={this.state.invite_id}
+ maxLength='32'
+ />
+ <div className='padding-top x2'>
+ <a
+ href='#'
+ onClick={this.handleGenerateInviteId}
+ >
+ {'Re-Generate'}
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div className='setting-list__hint'>{'When allowing open invites this code is used as part of the signup process. Changing this code will invalidate the previous open signup link.'}</div>
@@ -413,7 +411,7 @@ export default class GeneralTab extends React.Component {
inviteSection = (
title={`Invite Code`}
- describe={`Click 'Edit' to re-generate invite Code.`}
+ describe={`Click 'Edit' to regenerate Invite Code.`}
@@ -494,8 +492,11 @@ export default class GeneralTab extends React.Component {
<h3 className='tab-header'>{'General Settings'}</h3>
<div className='divider-dark first'/>
+ <div className='divider-light'/>
+ <div className='divider-light'/>
+ <div className='divider-light'/>
<div className='divider-dark'/>
diff --git a/web/react/components/tutorial/tutorial_intro_screens.jsx b/web/react/components/tutorial/tutorial_intro_screens.jsx
index c7abccae3..a99e9fe28 100644
--- a/web/react/components/tutorial/tutorial_intro_screens.jsx
+++ b/web/react/components/tutorial/tutorial_intro_screens.jsx
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ export default class TutorialIntroScreens extends React.Component {
preference = PreferenceStore.setPreference(Preferences.TUTORIAL_STEP, UserStore.getCurrentId(), newValue);
+ componentDidMount() {
+ $('.tutorials__scroll').perfectScrollbar();
+ }
createScreen() {
switch (this.state.currentScreen) {
case 0:
@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ export default class TutorialIntroScreens extends React.Component {
<h3>{'Welcome to:'}</h3>
- <p>{'Your team communications all in one place, instantly searchable and available anywhere.'}</p>
+ <p>{'Your team communication all in one place, instantly searchable and available anywhere.'}</p>
<p>{'Keep your team connected to help them achieve what matters most.'}</p>
<div className='tutorial__circles'>
<div className='circle active'/>
@@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ export default class TutorialIntroScreens extends React.Component {
<h3>{'How Mattermost works:'}</h3>
<p>{'Communication happens in public discussion channels, private groups and direct messages.'}</p>
- <p>{'Everything is archived and searchable from any web-enabled laptop, tablet or phone.'}</p>
+ <p>{'Everything is archived and searchable from any web-enabled desktop, laptop or phone.'}</p>
<div className='tutorial__circles'>
<div className='circle'/>
<div className='circle active'/>
@@ -120,7 +123,7 @@ export default class TutorialIntroScreens extends React.Component {
- {'Click “Next” to enter Town Square. This is the first channel teammates see when they sign up - use it for posting updates everyone needs to know.'}
+ {'Click “Next” to enter Town Square. This is the first channel teammates see when they sign up. Use it for posting updates everyone needs to know.'}
<div className='tutorial__circles'>
<div className='circle'/>
<div className='circle'/>
@@ -130,20 +133,26 @@ export default class TutorialIntroScreens extends React.Component {
render() {
+ const height = Utils.windowHeight() - 100;
const screen = this.createScreen();
return (
- <div className='tutorial-steps__container'>
- <div className='tutorial__content'>
- <div className='tutorial__steps'>
- {screen}
- <button
- className='btn btn-primary'
- tabIndex='1'
- onClick={this.handleNext}
- >
- {'Next'}
- </button>
+ <div
+ className='tutorials__scroll'
+ style={{height}}
+ >
+ <div className='tutorial-steps__container'>
+ <div className='tutorial__content'>
+ <div className='tutorial__steps'>
+ {screen}
+ <button
+ className='btn btn-primary'
+ tabIndex='1'
+ onClick={this.handleNext}
+ >
+ {'Next'}
+ </button>
+ </div>
diff --git a/web/react/utils/markdown.jsx b/web/react/utils/markdown.jsx
index 179416ea0..f9416b2de 100644
--- a/web/react/utils/markdown.jsx
+++ b/web/react/utils/markdown.jsx
@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ const highlightJsIni = require('highlight.js/lib/languages/ini.js');
const Constants = require('../utils/constants.jsx');
const HighlightedLanguages = Constants.HighlightedLanguages;
+function markdownImageLoaded(image) {
+ = 'auto';
+window.markdownImageLoaded = markdownImageLoaded;
class MattermostInlineLexer extends marked.InlineLexer {
constructor(links, options) {
super(links, options);
@@ -132,6 +137,16 @@ class MattermostMarkdownRenderer extends marked.Renderer {
+ image(href, title, text) {
+ let out = '<img src="' + href + '" alt="' + text + '"';
+ if (title) {
+ out += ' title="' + title + '"';
+ }
+ out += ' onload="window.markdownImageLoaded(this)" class="markdown-inline-img"';
+ out += this.options.xhtml ? '/>' : '>';
+ return out;
+ }
heading(text, level, raw) {
const id = `${this.options.headerPrefix}${raw.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w]+/g, '-')}`;
return `<h${level} id="${id}" class="markdown__heading">${text}</h${level}>`;
diff --git a/web/react/utils/utils.jsx b/web/react/utils/utils.jsx
index 35c6e29b6..e8d34dccd 100644
--- a/web/react/utils/utils.jsx
+++ b/web/react/utils/utils.jsx
@@ -59,6 +59,20 @@ export function isTestDomain() {
return false;
+export function isChrome() {
+ if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > -1) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+export function isSafari() {
+ if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') !== -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') === -1) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
export function isInRole(roles, inRole) {
var parts = roles.split(' ');
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
@@ -500,16 +514,16 @@ export function applyTheme(theme) {
changeCss('#post-create', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
changeCss('.date-separator .separator__text, .new-separator .separator__text', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
changeCss('.post-image__column .post-image__details', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
- changeCss('.sidebar--right, .dropdown-menu, .popover', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
+ changeCss('.sidebar--right, .dropdown-menu, .popover, .tip-overlay', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
changeCss('.popover.bottom>.arrow:after', 'border-bottom-color:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
- changeCss('.popover.right>.arrow:after', 'border-right-color:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
+ changeCss('.popover.right>.arrow:after, .tip-overlay.tip-overlay--sidebar .arrow, .tip-overlay.tip-overlay--header .arrow', 'border-right-color:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
changeCss('.popover.left>.arrow:after', 'border-left-color:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
- changeCss('>.arrow:after', 'border-top-color:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
+ changeCss('>.arrow:after, .tip-overlay.tip-overlay--chat .arrow', 'border-top-color:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
changeCss('.search-bar__container .search__form .search-bar, .form-control', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
if (theme.centerChannelColor) {
- changeCss('.app__content, .post-create__container .post-create-body .btn-file, .post-create__container .post-create-footer .msg-typing, .command-name, .modal .modal-content, .dropdown-menu, .popover, .mentions-name', 'color:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 1);
+ changeCss('.app__content, .post-create__container .post-create-body .btn-file, .post-create__container .post-create-footer .msg-typing, .command-name, .modal .modal-content, .dropdown-menu, .popover, .mentions-name, .tip-overlay', 'color:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 1);
changeCss('#post-create', 'color:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 2);
changeCss('.channel-header__links a', 'fill:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.7), 1);
changeCss('.channel-header__links a:hover, .channel-header__links a:active', 'fill:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 2);
@@ -519,7 +533,7 @@ export function applyTheme(theme) {
changeCss('.dropdown-menu, .popover ', 'box-shadow:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.1) + ' 0px 6px 12px', 3);
changeCss('.dropdown-menu, .popover ', '-webkit-box-shadow:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.1) + ' 0px 6px 12px', 2);
changeCss('.dropdown-menu, .popover ', '-moz-box-shadow:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.1) + ' 0px 6px 12px', 1);
- changeCss('.post-body hr, .loading-screen .loading__content .round', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 1);
+ changeCss('.post-body hr, .loading-screen .loading__content .round, .tutorial__circles .circle, .tip-overlay .tutorial__circles', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 1);
changeCss('.channel-header .heading', 'color:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 1);
changeCss('.markdown__table tbody tr:nth-child(2n)', 'background:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.07), 1);
changeCss('.channel-header__info>div.dropdown .header-dropdown__icon', 'color:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.8), 1);
@@ -568,7 +582,7 @@ export function applyTheme(theme) {
if (theme.buttonBg) {
- changeCss('.btn.btn-primary', 'background:' + theme.buttonBg, 1);
+ changeCss('.btn.btn-primary, .tutorial__circles', 'background:' + theme.buttonBg, 1);
changeCss('.btn.btn-primary:hover, .btn.btn-primary:active, .btn.btn-primary:focus', 'background:' + changeColor(theme.buttonBg, -0.25), 1);
changeCss('.file-playback-controls', 'color:' + changeColor(theme.buttonBg, -0.25), 1);
diff --git a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_base.scss b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_base.scss
index c286927a2..2830026c9 100644
--- a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_base.scss
+++ b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_base.scss
@@ -133,9 +133,6 @@ a:focus, a:hover {
&.no-resize {
resize: none;
- &.min-height {
- min-height: 100px;
- }
.form-control[disabled], .form-control[readonly], fieldset[disabled] .form-control {
diff --git a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_headers.scss b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_headers.scss
index feb392234..5c8313454 100644
--- a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_headers.scss
+++ b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_headers.scss
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#channel-header {
padding: 3px 0;
+ height: 58px;
.row {
&.header {
@@ -42,6 +43,9 @@
text-overflow: ellipsis;
margin-top: 2px;
max-height: 45px;
+ .markdown-inline-img {
+ max-height: 45px
+ }
&.popover {
white-space: normal;
diff --git a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_markdown.scss b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_markdown.scss
index 70c99f504..87e809694 100644
--- a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_markdown.scss
+++ b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_markdown.scss
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
margin-left: 4px;
+.markdown-inline-img {
+ max-height: 500px;
+ height: 500px;
.post-body {
hr {
height: 4px;
diff --git a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_responsive.scss b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_responsive.scss
index a49a98952..8f25f58cd 100644
--- a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_responsive.scss
+++ b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_responsive.scss
@@ -275,6 +275,14 @@
@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
+ .form-control {
+ &.min-height {
+ min-height: 100px;
+ }
+ }
+ .gif-div {
+ max-width: 100%;
+ }
.tip-div {
left: 15px;
right: auto;
@@ -460,7 +468,7 @@
.settings-table {
- .nav {
+ .nav, .nav.absolute {
position: relative;
top: auto;
width: 100%;
diff --git a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_settings.scss b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_settings.scss
index fbbd07485..96a6cf2ab 100644
--- a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_settings.scss
+++ b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_settings.scss
@@ -72,6 +72,10 @@
position: fixed;
top: 57px;
width: 179px;
+ &.absolute {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ }
.security-links {
margin-right: 20px;
diff --git a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_sidebar--right.scss b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_sidebar--right.scss
index c954b03d8..a4267294c 100644
--- a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_sidebar--right.scss
+++ b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_sidebar--right.scss
@@ -80,13 +80,18 @@
.sidebar--right__subheader {
font-size: 1em;
- text-transform: uppercase;
- color: #999;
- font-weight: 400;
- color: #888;
- height: 44px;
- line-height: 44px;
- padding: 0 1em;
+ padding: 1em 1em 0;
+ h4 {
+ font-size: 1em;
+ }
+ ul {
+ @include opacity(0.7);
+ padding: 10px 0 0 30px;
+ }
+ li {
+ font-size: 0.95em;
+ padding-bottom: 10px;
+ }
diff --git a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_signup.scss b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_signup.scss
index 14c676f82..84f9892f4 100644
--- a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_signup.scss
+++ b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_signup.scss
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
.signup-team-all {
width: 280px;
box-shadow: 3px 3px 1px #d5d5d5;
- margin: 0px 0px 0px 5px;
+ margin: 0px 0px 50px 5px;
.signup-team-dir {
diff --git a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_tutorial.scss b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_tutorial.scss
index 42183d599..70216aa97 100644
--- a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_tutorial.scss
+++ b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_tutorial.scss
@@ -146,11 +146,12 @@
text-align: center;
width: 100%;
display: table;
+ height: 100%;
.tutorial__content {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
padding-bottom: 100px;
- padding: 0 40px;
+ padding: 20px 40px 40px;
.tutorial__steps {
max-width: 310px;
min-height: 420px;
@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@
width: 9px;
height: 9px;
@include border-radius(9px);
- @include opacity(0.1);
+ @include opacity(0.2);
background: #000;
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 5px;
diff --git a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_videos.scss b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_videos.scss
index f6999d15c..bcfc28f19 100644
--- a/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_videos.scss
+++ b/web/sass-files/sass/partials/_videos.scss
@@ -56,5 +56,8 @@
max-width: 450px;
max-height: 500px;
margin-bottom: 8px;
- border-radius:5px
+ border-radius:5px;
+ &.placeholder {
+ height: 500px;
+ }
diff --git a/web/templates/head.html b/web/templates/head.html
index 9d8dcdd66..24f9862c0 100644
--- a/web/templates/head.html
+++ b/web/templates/head.html
@@ -84,15 +84,14 @@
if (window.mm_config.SegmentDeveloperKey != null && window.mm_config.SegmentDeveloperKey !== "") {
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- var user = window.UserStore.getCurrentUser(true);
- if (user) {
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analytics.identify(, {
- name: user.nickname,
- email:,
- createdAt: user.create_at,
- username: user.username,
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- id:
+ name: window.mm_user.nickname,
+ email:,
+ createdAt: window.mm_user.create_at,
+ username: window.mm_user.username,
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diff --git a/web/web.go b/web/web.go
index 34f4df08f..51f6664b6 100644
--- a/web/web.go
+++ b/web/web.go
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ func root(c *api.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
page.Props[team.Name] = team.DisplayName
- if len(teams) == 1 && *utils.Cfg.TeamSettings.EnableTeamListing {
+ if len(teams) == 1 && *utils.Cfg.TeamSettings.EnableTeamListing && !utils.Cfg.TeamSettings.EnableTeamCreation {
http.Redirect(w, r, c.GetSiteURL()+"/"+teams[0].Name, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)