path: root/api
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2 files changed, 120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/api/channel.go b/api/channel.go
index ae92ab618..cc63edd07 100644
--- a/api/channel.go
+++ b/api/channel.go
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ func InitChannel() {
BaseRoutes.NeedChannel.Handle("/delete", ApiUserRequired(deleteChannel)).Methods("POST")
BaseRoutes.NeedChannel.Handle("/add", ApiUserRequired(addMember)).Methods("POST")
BaseRoutes.NeedChannel.Handle("/remove", ApiUserRequired(removeMember)).Methods("POST")
+ BaseRoutes.NeedChannel.Handle("/update_member_roles", ApiUserRequired(updateChannelMemberRoles)).Methods("POST")
func createChannel(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
@@ -1320,3 +1321,49 @@ func getChannelMembersByIds(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
+func updateChannelMemberRoles(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ params := mux.Vars(r)
+ channelId := params["channel_id"]
+ props := model.MapFromJson(r.Body)
+ userId := props["user_id"]
+ if len(userId) != 26 {
+ c.SetInvalidParam("updateChannelMemberRoles", "user_id")
+ return
+ }
+ mchan := Srv.Store.Channel().GetMember(channelId, userId)
+ newRoles := props["new_roles"]
+ if !(model.IsValidUserRoles(newRoles)) {
+ c.SetInvalidParam("updateChannelMemberRoles", "new_roles")
+ return
+ }
+ if !HasPermissionToChannelContext(c, channelId, model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_CHANNEL_ROLES) {
+ return
+ }
+ var member model.ChannelMember
+ if result := <-mchan; result.Err != nil {
+ c.Err = result.Err
+ return
+ } else {
+ member = result.Data.(model.ChannelMember)
+ }
+ member.Roles = newRoles
+ if result := <-Srv.Store.Channel().UpdateMember(&member); result.Err != nil {
+ c.Err = result.Err
+ return
+ }
+ InvalidateCacheForUser(userId)
+ rdata := map[string]string{}
+ rdata["status"] = "ok"
+ w.Write([]byte(model.MapToJson(rdata)))
diff --git a/api/channel_test.go b/api/channel_test.go
index 25fd885ca..8bfa0e896 100644
--- a/api/channel_test.go
+++ b/api/channel_test.go
@@ -1920,3 +1920,76 @@ func TestGetChannelMembersByIds(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatal("should have errored - empty user ids")
+func TestUpdateChannelRoles(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup().InitSystemAdmin().InitBasic()
+ th.SystemAdminClient.SetTeamId(th.BasicTeam.Id)
+ LinkUserToTeam(th.SystemAdminUser, th.BasicTeam)
+ const CHANNEL_ADMIN = "channel_admin channel_user"
+ const CHANNEL_MEMBER = "channel_user"
+ // User 1 creates a channel, making them channel admin by default.
+ createChannel := model.Channel{
+ DisplayName: "Test API Name",
+ Name: "a" + model.NewId() + "a",
+ Type: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
+ TeamId: th.BasicTeam.Id,
+ }
+ rchannel, err := th.BasicClient.CreateChannel(&createChannel)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal("Failed to create channel:", err)
+ }
+ channel := rchannel.Data.(*model.Channel)
+ // User 1 adds User 2 to the channel, making them a channel member by default.
+ if _, err := th.BasicClient.AddChannelMember(channel.Id, th.BasicUser2.Id); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal("Failed to add user 2 to the channel:", err)
+ }
+ // System Admin can demote User 1 (channel admin).
+ if data, meta := th.SystemAdminClient.UpdateChannelRoles(channel.Id, th.BasicUser.Id, CHANNEL_MEMBER); data == nil {
+ t.Fatal("System Admin failed to demote channel admin to channel member:", meta)
+ }
+ // User 1 (channel_member) cannot promote user 2 (channel_member).
+ if data, meta := th.BasicClient.UpdateChannelRoles(channel.Id, th.BasicUser2.Id, CHANNEL_ADMIN); data != nil {
+ t.Fatal("Channel member should not be able to promote another channel member to channel admin:", meta)
+ }
+ // System Admin can promote user 1 (channel member).
+ if data, meta := th.SystemAdminClient.UpdateChannelRoles(channel.Id, th.BasicUser.Id, CHANNEL_ADMIN); data == nil {
+ t.Fatal("System Admin failed to promote channel member to channel admin:", meta)
+ }
+ // User 1 (channel_admin) can promote User 2 (channel member).
+ if data, meta := th.BasicClient.UpdateChannelRoles(channel.Id, th.BasicUser2.Id, CHANNEL_ADMIN); data == nil {
+ t.Fatal("Channel admin failed to promote channel member to channel admin:", meta)
+ }
+ // User 1 (channel admin) can demote User 2 (channel admin).
+ if data, meta := th.BasicClient.UpdateChannelRoles(channel.Id, th.BasicUser2.Id, CHANNEL_MEMBER); data == nil {
+ t.Fatal("Channel admin failed to demote channel admin to channel member:", meta)
+ }
+ // User 1 (channel admin) can demote itself.
+ if data, meta := th.BasicClient.UpdateChannelRoles(channel.Id, th.BasicUser.Id, CHANNEL_MEMBER); data == nil {
+ t.Fatal("Channel admin failed to demote itself to channel member:", meta)
+ }
+ // Promote User2 again for next test.
+ if data, meta := th.SystemAdminClient.UpdateChannelRoles(channel.Id, th.BasicUser2.Id, CHANNEL_ADMIN); data == nil {
+ t.Fatal("System Admin failed to promote channel member to channel admin:", meta)
+ }
+ // User 1 (channel member) cannot demote user 2 (channel admin).
+ if data, meta := th.BasicClient.UpdateChannelRoles(channel.Id, th.BasicUser2.Id, CHANNEL_MEMBER); data != nil {
+ t.Fatal("Channel member should not be able to demote another channel admin to channel member:", meta)
+ }
+ // User 1 (channel member) cannot promote itself.
+ if data, meta := th.BasicClient.UpdateChannelRoles(channel.Id, th.BasicUser.Id, CHANNEL_ADMIN); data != nil {
+ t.Fatal("Channel member should not be able to promote itself to channel admin:", meta)
+ }