path: root/app
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app')
6 files changed, 1828 insertions, 1779 deletions
diff --git a/app/notification.go b/app/notification.go
index 477f73a27..3a6d4696d 100644
--- a/app/notification.go
+++ b/app/notification.go
@@ -5,13 +5,8 @@ package app
import (
- "html"
- "net/http"
- "net/url"
- "path/filepath"
- "time"
@@ -19,7 +14,6 @@ import (
- ""
const (
@@ -387,533 +381,6 @@ func (a *App) SendNotifications(post *model.Post, team *model.Team, channel *mod
return mentionedUsersList, nil
-func (a *App) sendNotificationEmail(post *model.Post, user *model.User, channel *model.Channel, team *model.Team, channelName string, senderName string, sender *model.User) *model.AppError {
- if channel.IsGroupOrDirect() {
- if result := <-a.Srv.Store.Team().GetTeamsByUserId(user.Id); result.Err != nil {
- return result.Err
- } else {
- // if the recipient isn't in the current user's team, just pick one
- teams := result.Data.([]*model.Team)
- found := false
- for i := range teams {
- if teams[i].Id == team.Id {
- found = true
- break
- }
- }
- if !found && len(teams) > 0 {
- team = teams[0]
- } else {
- // in case the user hasn't joined any teams we send them to the select_team page
- team = &model.Team{Name: "select_team", DisplayName: a.Config().TeamSettings.SiteName}
- }
- }
- }
- if *a.Config().EmailSettings.EnableEmailBatching {
- var sendBatched bool
- if result := <-a.Srv.Store.Preference().Get(user.Id, model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_NOTIFICATIONS, model.PREFERENCE_NAME_EMAIL_INTERVAL); result.Err != nil {
- // if the call fails, assume that the interval has not been explicitly set and batch the notifications
- sendBatched = true
- } else {
- // if the user has chosen to receive notifications immediately, don't batch them
- sendBatched = result.Data.(model.Preference).Value != model.PREFERENCE_EMAIL_INTERVAL_NO_BATCHING_SECONDS
- }
- if sendBatched {
- if err := a.AddNotificationEmailToBatch(user, post, team); err == nil {
- return nil
- }
- }
- // fall back to sending a single email if we can't batch it for some reason
- }
- var useMilitaryTime bool
- translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations(user.Locale)
- if result := <-a.Srv.Store.Preference().Get(user.Id, model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_DISPLAY_SETTINGS, "use_military_time"); result.Err != nil {
- useMilitaryTime = true
- } else {
- useMilitaryTime = result.Data.(model.Preference).Value == "true"
- }
- emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
- if license := a.License(); license != nil && *license.Features.EmailNotificationContents {
- emailNotificationContentsType = *a.Config().EmailSettings.EmailNotificationContentsType
- }
- var subjectText string
- if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
- subjectText = getDirectMessageNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, a.Config().TeamSettings.SiteName, senderName, useMilitaryTime)
- } else if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_GROUP {
- subjectText = getGroupMessageNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, a.Config().TeamSettings.SiteName, channelName, emailNotificationContentsType, useMilitaryTime)
- } else if *a.Config().EmailSettings.UseChannelInEmailNotifications {
- subjectText = getNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, a.Config().TeamSettings.SiteName, team.DisplayName+" ("+channel.DisplayName+")", useMilitaryTime)
- } else {
- subjectText = getNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, a.Config().TeamSettings.SiteName, team.DisplayName, useMilitaryTime)
- }
- teamURL := a.GetSiteURL() + "/" + team.Name
- var bodyText = a.getNotificationEmailBody(user, post, channel, channelName, senderName, team.Name, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, useMilitaryTime, translateFunc)
- a.Go(func() {
- if err := a.SendMail(user.Email, html.UnescapeString(subjectText), bodyText); err != nil {
- mlog.Error(fmt.Sprint(" FIXME: NOT FOUND IN TRANSLATIONS FILE", user.Email, err))
- }
- })
- if a.Metrics != nil {
- a.Metrics.IncrementPostSentEmail()
- }
- return nil
- * Computes the subject line for direct notification email messages
- */
-func getDirectMessageNotificationEmailSubject(user *model.User, post *model.Post, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc, siteName string, senderName string, useMilitaryTime bool) string {
- t := getFormattedPostTime(user, post, useMilitaryTime, translateFunc)
- var subjectParameters = map[string]interface{}{
- "SiteName": siteName,
- "SenderDisplayName": senderName,
- "Month": t.Month,
- "Day": t.Day,
- "Year": t.Year,
- }
- return translateFunc("", subjectParameters)
- * Computes the subject line for group, public, and private email messages
- */
-func getNotificationEmailSubject(user *model.User, post *model.Post, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc, siteName string, teamName string, useMilitaryTime bool) string {
- t := getFormattedPostTime(user, post, useMilitaryTime, translateFunc)
- var subjectParameters = map[string]interface{}{
- "SiteName": siteName,
- "TeamName": teamName,
- "Month": t.Month,
- "Day": t.Day,
- "Year": t.Year,
- }
- return translateFunc("app.notification.subject.notification.full", subjectParameters)
- * Computes the subject line for group email messages
- */
-func getGroupMessageNotificationEmailSubject(user *model.User, post *model.Post, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc, siteName string, channelName string, emailNotificationContentsType string, useMilitaryTime bool) string {
- t := getFormattedPostTime(user, post, useMilitaryTime, translateFunc)
- var subjectText string
- if emailNotificationContentsType == model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL {
- var subjectParameters = map[string]interface{}{
- "SiteName": siteName,
- "ChannelName": channelName,
- "Month": t.Month,
- "Day": t.Day,
- "Year": t.Year,
- }
- subjectText = translateFunc("app.notification.subject.group_message.full", subjectParameters)
- } else {
- var subjectParameters = map[string]interface{}{
- "SiteName": siteName,
- "Month": t.Month,
- "Day": t.Day,
- "Year": t.Year,
- }
- subjectText = translateFunc("app.notification.subject.group_message.generic", subjectParameters)
- }
- return subjectText
- * Computes the email body for notification messages
- */
-func (a *App) getNotificationEmailBody(recipient *model.User, post *model.Post, channel *model.Channel, channelName string, senderName string, teamName string, teamURL string, emailNotificationContentsType string, useMilitaryTime bool, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc) string {
- // only include message contents in notification email if email notification contents type is set to full
- var bodyPage *utils.HTMLTemplate
- if emailNotificationContentsType == model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL {
- bodyPage = a.NewEmailTemplate("post_body_full", recipient.Locale)
- bodyPage.Props["PostMessage"] = a.GetMessageForNotification(post, translateFunc)
- } else {
- bodyPage = a.NewEmailTemplate("post_body_generic", recipient.Locale)
- }
- bodyPage.Props["SiteURL"] = a.GetSiteURL()
- if teamName != "select_team" {
- bodyPage.Props["TeamLink"] = teamURL + "/pl/" + post.Id
- } else {
- bodyPage.Props["TeamLink"] = teamURL
- }
- t := getFormattedPostTime(recipient, post, useMilitaryTime, translateFunc)
- if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
- if emailNotificationContentsType == model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL {
- bodyPage.Props["BodyText"] = translateFunc("")
- bodyPage.Props["Info1"] = ""
- bodyPage.Props["Info2"] = translateFunc("",
- map[string]interface{}{
- "SenderName": senderName,
- "Hour": t.Hour,
- "Minute": t.Minute,
- "TimeZone": t.TimeZone,
- "Month": t.Month,
- "Day": t.Day,
- })
- } else {
- bodyPage.Props["BodyText"] = translateFunc("", map[string]interface{}{
- "SenderName": senderName,
- })
- bodyPage.Props["Info"] = translateFunc("",
- map[string]interface{}{
- "Hour": t.Hour,
- "Minute": t.Minute,
- "TimeZone": t.TimeZone,
- "Month": t.Month,
- "Day": t.Day,
- })
- }
- } else if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_GROUP {
- if emailNotificationContentsType == model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL {
- bodyPage.Props["BodyText"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.intro.group_message.full")
- bodyPage.Props["Info1"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.text.group_message.full",
- map[string]interface{}{
- "ChannelName": channelName,
- })
- bodyPage.Props["Info2"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.text.group_message.full2",
- map[string]interface{}{
- "SenderName": senderName,
- "Hour": t.Hour,
- "Minute": t.Minute,
- "TimeZone": t.TimeZone,
- "Month": t.Month,
- "Day": t.Day,
- })
- } else {
- bodyPage.Props["BodyText"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.intro.group_message.generic", map[string]interface{}{
- "SenderName": senderName,
- })
- bodyPage.Props["Info"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.text.group_message.generic",
- map[string]interface{}{
- "Hour": t.Hour,
- "Minute": t.Minute,
- "TimeZone": t.TimeZone,
- "Month": t.Month,
- "Day": t.Day,
- })
- }
- } else {
- if emailNotificationContentsType == model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL {
- bodyPage.Props["BodyText"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.intro.notification.full")
- bodyPage.Props["Info1"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.text.notification.full",
- map[string]interface{}{
- "ChannelName": channelName,
- })
- bodyPage.Props["Info2"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.text.notification.full2",
- map[string]interface{}{
- "SenderName": senderName,
- "Hour": t.Hour,
- "Minute": t.Minute,
- "TimeZone": t.TimeZone,
- "Month": t.Month,
- "Day": t.Day,
- })
- } else {
- bodyPage.Props["BodyText"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.intro.notification.generic", map[string]interface{}{
- "SenderName": senderName,
- })
- bodyPage.Props["Info"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.text.notification.generic",
- map[string]interface{}{
- "Hour": t.Hour,
- "Minute": t.Minute,
- "TimeZone": t.TimeZone,
- "Month": t.Month,
- "Day": t.Day,
- })
- }
- }
- bodyPage.Props["Button"] = translateFunc("api.templates.post_body.button")
- return bodyPage.Render()
-type formattedPostTime struct {
- Time time.Time
- Year string
- Month string
- Day string
- Hour string
- Minute string
- TimeZone string
-func getFormattedPostTime(user *model.User, post *model.Post, useMilitaryTime bool, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc) formattedPostTime {
- preferredTimezone := user.GetPreferredTimezone()
- postTime := time.Unix(post.CreateAt/1000, 0)
- zone, _ := postTime.Zone()
- localTime := postTime
- if preferredTimezone != "" {
- loc, _ := time.LoadLocation(preferredTimezone)
- if loc != nil {
- localTime = postTime.In(loc)
- zone, _ = localTime.Zone()
- }
- }
- hour := localTime.Format("15")
- period := ""
- if !useMilitaryTime {
- hour = localTime.Format("3")
- period = " " + localTime.Format("PM")
- }
- return formattedPostTime{
- Time: localTime,
- Year: fmt.Sprintf("%d", localTime.Year()),
- Month: translateFunc(localTime.Month().String()),
- Day: fmt.Sprintf("%d", localTime.Day()),
- Hour: fmt.Sprintf("%s", hour),
- Minute: fmt.Sprintf("%02d"+period, localTime.Minute()),
- TimeZone: zone,
- }
-func (a *App) GetMessageForNotification(post *model.Post, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc) string {
- if len(strings.TrimSpace(post.Message)) != 0 || len(post.FileIds) == 0 {
- return post.Message
- }
- // extract the filenames from their paths and determine what type of files are attached
- var infos []*model.FileInfo
- if result := <-a.Srv.Store.FileInfo().GetForPost(post.Id, true, true); result.Err != nil {
- mlog.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Encountered error when getting files for notification message, post_id=%v, err=%v", post.Id, result.Err), mlog.String("post_id", post.Id))
- } else {
- infos = result.Data.([]*model.FileInfo)
- }
- filenames := make([]string, len(infos))
- onlyImages := true
- for i, info := range infos {
- if escaped, err := url.QueryUnescape(filepath.Base(info.Name)); err != nil {
- // this should never error since filepath was escaped using url.QueryEscape
- filenames[i] = escaped
- } else {
- filenames[i] = info.Name
- }
- onlyImages = onlyImages && info.IsImage()
- }
- props := map[string]interface{}{"Filenames": strings.Join(filenames, ", ")}
- if onlyImages {
- return translateFunc("", len(filenames), props)
- } else {
- return translateFunc("", len(filenames), props)
- }
-func (a *App) sendPushNotification(post *model.Post, user *model.User, channel *model.Channel, channelName string, sender *model.User, senderName string,
- explicitMention, channelWideMention bool, replyToThreadType string) *model.AppError {
- cfg := a.Config()
- contentsConfig := *cfg.EmailSettings.PushNotificationContents
- teammateNameConfig := *cfg.TeamSettings.TeammateNameDisplay
- sessions, err := a.getMobileAppSessions(user.Id)
- sentBySystem := senderName == utils.T("")
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- msg := model.PushNotification{}
- if badge := <-a.Srv.Store.User().GetUnreadCount(user.Id); badge.Err != nil {
- msg.Badge = 1
- mlog.Error(fmt.Sprint("We could not get the unread message count for the user", user.Id, badge.Err), mlog.String("user_id", user.Id))
- } else {
- msg.Badge = int(badge.Data.(int64))
- }
- msg.Category = model.CATEGORY_CAN_REPLY
- msg.Version = model.PUSH_MESSAGE_V2
- msg.Type = model.PUSH_TYPE_MESSAGE
- msg.TeamId = channel.TeamId
- msg.ChannelId = channel.Id
- msg.PostId = post.Id
- msg.RootId = post.RootId
- msg.SenderId = post.UserId
- if !sentBySystem {
- senderName = sender.GetDisplayName(teammateNameConfig)
- preference, prefError := a.GetPreferenceByCategoryAndNameForUser(user.Id, model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_DISPLAY_SETTINGS, "name_format")
- if prefError == nil && preference.Value != teammateNameConfig {
- senderName = sender.GetDisplayName(preference.Value)
- }
- }
- if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
- channelName = fmt.Sprintf("@%v", senderName)
- }
- if contentsConfig != model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION || channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
- msg.ChannelName = channelName
- }
- if ou, ok := post.Props["override_username"].(string); ok && cfg.ServiceSettings.EnablePostUsernameOverride {
- msg.OverrideUsername = ou
- senderName = ou
- }
- if oi, ok := post.Props["override_icon_url"].(string); ok && cfg.ServiceSettings.EnablePostIconOverride {
- msg.OverrideIconUrl = oi
- }
- if fw, ok := post.Props["from_webhook"].(string); ok {
- msg.FromWebhook = fw
- }
- userLocale := utils.GetUserTranslations(user.Locale)
- hasFiles := post.FileIds != nil && len(post.FileIds) > 0
- msg.Message = a.getPushNotificationMessage(post.Message, explicitMention, channelWideMention, hasFiles, senderName, channelName, channel.Type, replyToThreadType, userLocale)
- for _, session := range sessions {
- if session.IsExpired() {
- continue
- }
- tmpMessage := *model.PushNotificationFromJson(strings.NewReader(msg.ToJson()))
- tmpMessage.SetDeviceIdAndPlatform(session.DeviceId)
- mlog.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Sending push notification to device %v for user %v with msg of '%v'", tmpMessage.DeviceId, user.Id, msg.Message), mlog.String("user_id", user.Id))
- a.Go(func(session *model.Session) func() {
- return func() {
- a.sendToPushProxy(tmpMessage, session)
- }
- }(session))
- if a.Metrics != nil {
- a.Metrics.IncrementPostSentPush()
- }
- }
- return nil
-func (a *App) getPushNotificationMessage(postMessage string, explicitMention, channelWideMention, hasFiles bool,
- senderName, channelName, channelType, replyToThreadType string, userLocale i18n.TranslateFunc) string {
- message := ""
- contentsConfig := *a.Config().EmailSettings.PushNotificationContents
- if contentsConfig == model.FULL_NOTIFICATION {
- if channelType == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
- message = model.ClearMentionTags(postMessage)
- } else {
- message = "@" + senderName + ": " + model.ClearMentionTags(postMessage)
- }
- } else {
- if channelType == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
- message = userLocale("")
- } else if channelWideMention {
- message = "@" + senderName + userLocale("")
- } else if explicitMention {
- message = "@" + senderName + userLocale("")
- } else if replyToThreadType == THREAD_ROOT {
- message = "@" + senderName + userLocale("")
- } else if replyToThreadType == THREAD_ANY {
- message = "@" + senderName + userLocale("")
- } else {
- message = "@" + senderName + userLocale("")
- }
- }
- // If the post only has images then push an appropriate message
- if len(postMessage) == 0 && hasFiles {
- if channelType == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
- message = strings.Trim(userLocale(""), " ")
- } else {
- message = "@" + senderName + userLocale("")
- }
- }
- return message
-func (a *App) ClearPushNotification(userId string, channelId string) {
- a.Go(func() {
- // Sleep is to allow the read replicas a chance to fully sync
- // the unread count for sending an accurate count.
- // Delaying a little doesn't hurt anything and is cheaper than
- // attempting to read from master.
- time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
- sessions, err := a.getMobileAppSessions(userId)
- if err != nil {
- mlog.Error(err.Error())
- return
- }
- msg := model.PushNotification{}
- msg.Type = model.PUSH_TYPE_CLEAR
- msg.ChannelId = channelId
- msg.ContentAvailable = 0
- if badge := <-a.Srv.Store.User().GetUnreadCount(userId); badge.Err != nil {
- msg.Badge = 0
- mlog.Error(fmt.Sprint("We could not get the unread message count for the user", userId, badge.Err), mlog.String("user_id", userId))
- } else {
- msg.Badge = int(badge.Data.(int64))
- }
- mlog.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Clearing push notification to %v with channel_id %v", msg.DeviceId, msg.ChannelId))
- for _, session := range sessions {
- tmpMessage := *model.PushNotificationFromJson(strings.NewReader(msg.ToJson()))
- tmpMessage.SetDeviceIdAndPlatform(session.DeviceId)
- a.Go(func() {
- a.sendToPushProxy(tmpMessage, session)
- })
- }
- })
-func (a *App) sendToPushProxy(msg model.PushNotification, session *model.Session) {
- msg.ServerId = a.DiagnosticId()
- request, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", strings.TrimRight(*a.Config().EmailSettings.PushNotificationServer, "/")+model.API_URL_SUFFIX_V1+"/send_push", strings.NewReader(msg.ToJson()))
- if resp, err := a.HTTPClient(true).Do(request); err != nil {
- mlog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Device push reported as error for UserId=%v SessionId=%v message=%v", session.UserId, session.Id, err.Error()), mlog.String("user_id", session.UserId))
- } else {
- pushResponse := model.PushResponseFromJson(resp.Body)
- if resp.Body != nil {
- consumeAndClose(resp)
- }
- if pushResponse[model.PUSH_STATUS] == model.PUSH_STATUS_REMOVE {
- mlog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Device was reported as removed for UserId=%v SessionId=%v removing push for this session", session.UserId, session.Id), mlog.String("user_id", session.UserId))
- a.AttachDeviceId(session.Id, "", session.ExpiresAt)
- a.ClearSessionCacheForUser(session.UserId)
- }
- if pushResponse[model.PUSH_STATUS] == model.PUSH_STATUS_FAIL {
- mlog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Device push reported as error for UserId=%v SessionId=%v message=%v", session.UserId, session.Id, pushResponse[model.PUSH_STATUS_ERROR_MSG]), mlog.String("user_id", session.UserId))
- }
- }
-func (a *App) getMobileAppSessions(userId string) ([]*model.Session, *model.AppError) {
- if result := <-a.Srv.Store.Session().GetSessionsWithActiveDeviceIds(userId); result.Err != nil {
- return nil, result.Err
- } else {
- return result.Data.([]*model.Session), nil
- }
func (a *App) sendOutOfChannelMentions(sender *model.User, post *model.Post, users []*model.User) *model.AppError {
if len(users) == 0 {
return nil
@@ -1156,66 +623,3 @@ func (a *App) GetMentionKeywordsInChannel(profiles map[string]*model.User, lookF
return keywords
-func ShouldSendPushNotification(user *model.User, channelNotifyProps model.StringMap, wasMentioned bool, status *model.Status, post *model.Post) bool {
- return DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, wasMentioned) &&
- DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(user.NotifyProps, status, post.ChannelId)
-func DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user *model.User, channelNotifyProps model.StringMap, post *model.Post, wasMentioned bool) bool {
- userNotifyProps := user.NotifyProps
- userNotify := userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP]
- channelNotify, ok := channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP]
- // If the channel is muted do not send push notifications
- if channelMuted, ok := channelNotifyProps[model.MARK_UNREAD_NOTIFY_PROP]; ok {
- if channelMuted == model.CHANNEL_MARK_UNREAD_MENTION {
- return false
- }
- }
- if post.IsSystemMessage() {
- return false
- }
- if channelNotify == model.USER_NOTIFY_NONE {
- return false
- }
- if channelNotify == model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_MENTION && !wasMentioned {
- return false
- }
- if userNotify == model.USER_NOTIFY_MENTION && (!ok || channelNotify == model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_DEFAULT) && !wasMentioned {
- return false
- }
- if (userNotify == model.USER_NOTIFY_ALL || channelNotify == model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_ALL) &&
- (post.UserId != user.Id || post.Props["from_webhook"] == "true") {
- return true
- }
- if userNotify == model.USER_NOTIFY_NONE &&
- (!ok || channelNotify == model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_DEFAULT) {
- return false
- }
- return true
-func DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps model.StringMap, status *model.Status, channelId string) bool {
- // If User status is DND or OOO return false right away
- if status.Status == model.STATUS_DND || status.Status == model.STATUS_OUT_OF_OFFICE {
- return false
- }
- if pushStatus, ok := userNotifyProps["push_status"]; (pushStatus == model.STATUS_ONLINE || !ok) && (status.ActiveChannel != channelId || model.GetMillis()-status.LastActivityAt > model.STATUS_CHANNEL_TIMEOUT) {
- return true
- } else if pushStatus == model.STATUS_AWAY && (status.Status == model.STATUS_AWAY || status.Status == model.STATUS_OFFLINE) {
- return true
- } else if pushStatus == model.STATUS_OFFLINE && status.Status == model.STATUS_OFFLINE {
- return true
- }
- return false
diff --git a/app/notification_email.go b/app/notification_email.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cccd02eba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/notification_email.go
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2016-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// See License.txt for license information.
+package app
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "html"
+ "net/url"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+func (a *App) sendNotificationEmail(post *model.Post, user *model.User, channel *model.Channel, team *model.Team, channelName string, senderName string, sender *model.User) *model.AppError {
+ if channel.IsGroupOrDirect() {
+ if result := <-a.Srv.Store.Team().GetTeamsByUserId(user.Id); result.Err != nil {
+ return result.Err
+ } else {
+ // if the recipient isn't in the current user's team, just pick one
+ teams := result.Data.([]*model.Team)
+ found := false
+ for i := range teams {
+ if teams[i].Id == team.Id {
+ found = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !found && len(teams) > 0 {
+ team = teams[0]
+ } else {
+ // in case the user hasn't joined any teams we send them to the select_team page
+ team = &model.Team{Name: "select_team", DisplayName: a.Config().TeamSettings.SiteName}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if *a.Config().EmailSettings.EnableEmailBatching {
+ var sendBatched bool
+ if result := <-a.Srv.Store.Preference().Get(user.Id, model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_NOTIFICATIONS, model.PREFERENCE_NAME_EMAIL_INTERVAL); result.Err != nil {
+ // if the call fails, assume that the interval has not been explicitly set and batch the notifications
+ sendBatched = true
+ } else {
+ // if the user has chosen to receive notifications immediately, don't batch them
+ sendBatched = result.Data.(model.Preference).Value != model.PREFERENCE_EMAIL_INTERVAL_NO_BATCHING_SECONDS
+ }
+ if sendBatched {
+ if err := a.AddNotificationEmailToBatch(user, post, team); err == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ }
+ // fall back to sending a single email if we can't batch it for some reason
+ }
+ var useMilitaryTime bool
+ translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations(user.Locale)
+ if result := <-a.Srv.Store.Preference().Get(user.Id, model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_DISPLAY_SETTINGS, "use_military_time"); result.Err != nil {
+ useMilitaryTime = true
+ } else {
+ useMilitaryTime = result.Data.(model.Preference).Value == "true"
+ }
+ emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
+ if license := a.License(); license != nil && *license.Features.EmailNotificationContents {
+ emailNotificationContentsType = *a.Config().EmailSettings.EmailNotificationContentsType
+ }
+ var subjectText string
+ if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
+ subjectText = getDirectMessageNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, a.Config().TeamSettings.SiteName, senderName, useMilitaryTime)
+ } else if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_GROUP {
+ subjectText = getGroupMessageNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, a.Config().TeamSettings.SiteName, channelName, emailNotificationContentsType, useMilitaryTime)
+ } else if *a.Config().EmailSettings.UseChannelInEmailNotifications {
+ subjectText = getNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, a.Config().TeamSettings.SiteName, team.DisplayName+" ("+channel.DisplayName+")", useMilitaryTime)
+ } else {
+ subjectText = getNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, a.Config().TeamSettings.SiteName, team.DisplayName, useMilitaryTime)
+ }
+ teamURL := a.GetSiteURL() + "/" + team.Name
+ var bodyText = a.getNotificationEmailBody(user, post, channel, channelName, senderName, team.Name, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, useMilitaryTime, translateFunc)
+ a.Go(func() {
+ if err := a.SendMail(user.Email, html.UnescapeString(subjectText), bodyText); err != nil {
+ mlog.Error(fmt.Sprint(" FIXME: NOT FOUND IN TRANSLATIONS FILE", user.Email, err))
+ }
+ })
+ if a.Metrics != nil {
+ a.Metrics.IncrementPostSentEmail()
+ }
+ return nil
+ * Computes the subject line for direct notification email messages
+ */
+func getDirectMessageNotificationEmailSubject(user *model.User, post *model.Post, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc, siteName string, senderName string, useMilitaryTime bool) string {
+ t := getFormattedPostTime(user, post, useMilitaryTime, translateFunc)
+ var subjectParameters = map[string]interface{}{
+ "SiteName": siteName,
+ "SenderDisplayName": senderName,
+ "Month": t.Month,
+ "Day": t.Day,
+ "Year": t.Year,
+ }
+ return translateFunc("", subjectParameters)
+ * Computes the subject line for group, public, and private email messages
+ */
+func getNotificationEmailSubject(user *model.User, post *model.Post, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc, siteName string, teamName string, useMilitaryTime bool) string {
+ t := getFormattedPostTime(user, post, useMilitaryTime, translateFunc)
+ var subjectParameters = map[string]interface{}{
+ "SiteName": siteName,
+ "TeamName": teamName,
+ "Month": t.Month,
+ "Day": t.Day,
+ "Year": t.Year,
+ }
+ return translateFunc("app.notification.subject.notification.full", subjectParameters)
+ * Computes the subject line for group email messages
+ */
+func getGroupMessageNotificationEmailSubject(user *model.User, post *model.Post, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc, siteName string, channelName string, emailNotificationContentsType string, useMilitaryTime bool) string {
+ t := getFormattedPostTime(user, post, useMilitaryTime, translateFunc)
+ var subjectText string
+ if emailNotificationContentsType == model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL {
+ var subjectParameters = map[string]interface{}{
+ "SiteName": siteName,
+ "ChannelName": channelName,
+ "Month": t.Month,
+ "Day": t.Day,
+ "Year": t.Year,
+ }
+ subjectText = translateFunc("app.notification.subject.group_message.full", subjectParameters)
+ } else {
+ var subjectParameters = map[string]interface{}{
+ "SiteName": siteName,
+ "Month": t.Month,
+ "Day": t.Day,
+ "Year": t.Year,
+ }
+ subjectText = translateFunc("app.notification.subject.group_message.generic", subjectParameters)
+ }
+ return subjectText
+ * Computes the email body for notification messages
+ */
+func (a *App) getNotificationEmailBody(recipient *model.User, post *model.Post, channel *model.Channel, channelName string, senderName string, teamName string, teamURL string, emailNotificationContentsType string, useMilitaryTime bool, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc) string {
+ // only include message contents in notification email if email notification contents type is set to full
+ var bodyPage *utils.HTMLTemplate
+ if emailNotificationContentsType == model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL {
+ bodyPage = a.NewEmailTemplate("post_body_full", recipient.Locale)
+ bodyPage.Props["PostMessage"] = a.GetMessageForNotification(post, translateFunc)
+ } else {
+ bodyPage = a.NewEmailTemplate("post_body_generic", recipient.Locale)
+ }
+ bodyPage.Props["SiteURL"] = a.GetSiteURL()
+ if teamName != "select_team" {
+ bodyPage.Props["TeamLink"] = teamURL + "/pl/" + post.Id
+ } else {
+ bodyPage.Props["TeamLink"] = teamURL
+ }
+ t := getFormattedPostTime(recipient, post, useMilitaryTime, translateFunc)
+ if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
+ if emailNotificationContentsType == model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL {
+ bodyPage.Props["BodyText"] = translateFunc("")
+ bodyPage.Props["Info1"] = ""
+ bodyPage.Props["Info2"] = translateFunc("",
+ map[string]interface{}{
+ "SenderName": senderName,
+ "Hour": t.Hour,
+ "Minute": t.Minute,
+ "TimeZone": t.TimeZone,
+ "Month": t.Month,
+ "Day": t.Day,
+ })
+ } else {
+ bodyPage.Props["BodyText"] = translateFunc("", map[string]interface{}{
+ "SenderName": senderName,
+ })
+ bodyPage.Props["Info"] = translateFunc("",
+ map[string]interface{}{
+ "Hour": t.Hour,
+ "Minute": t.Minute,
+ "TimeZone": t.TimeZone,
+ "Month": t.Month,
+ "Day": t.Day,
+ })
+ }
+ } else if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_GROUP {
+ if emailNotificationContentsType == model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL {
+ bodyPage.Props["BodyText"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.intro.group_message.full")
+ bodyPage.Props["Info1"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.text.group_message.full",
+ map[string]interface{}{
+ "ChannelName": channelName,
+ })
+ bodyPage.Props["Info2"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.text.group_message.full2",
+ map[string]interface{}{
+ "SenderName": senderName,
+ "Hour": t.Hour,
+ "Minute": t.Minute,
+ "TimeZone": t.TimeZone,
+ "Month": t.Month,
+ "Day": t.Day,
+ })
+ } else {
+ bodyPage.Props["BodyText"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.intro.group_message.generic", map[string]interface{}{
+ "SenderName": senderName,
+ })
+ bodyPage.Props["Info"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.text.group_message.generic",
+ map[string]interface{}{
+ "Hour": t.Hour,
+ "Minute": t.Minute,
+ "TimeZone": t.TimeZone,
+ "Month": t.Month,
+ "Day": t.Day,
+ })
+ }
+ } else {
+ if emailNotificationContentsType == model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL {
+ bodyPage.Props["BodyText"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.intro.notification.full")
+ bodyPage.Props["Info1"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.text.notification.full",
+ map[string]interface{}{
+ "ChannelName": channelName,
+ })
+ bodyPage.Props["Info2"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.text.notification.full2",
+ map[string]interface{}{
+ "SenderName": senderName,
+ "Hour": t.Hour,
+ "Minute": t.Minute,
+ "TimeZone": t.TimeZone,
+ "Month": t.Month,
+ "Day": t.Day,
+ })
+ } else {
+ bodyPage.Props["BodyText"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.intro.notification.generic", map[string]interface{}{
+ "SenderName": senderName,
+ })
+ bodyPage.Props["Info"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.text.notification.generic",
+ map[string]interface{}{
+ "Hour": t.Hour,
+ "Minute": t.Minute,
+ "TimeZone": t.TimeZone,
+ "Month": t.Month,
+ "Day": t.Day,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ bodyPage.Props["Button"] = translateFunc("api.templates.post_body.button")
+ return bodyPage.Render()
+type formattedPostTime struct {
+ Time time.Time
+ Year string
+ Month string
+ Day string
+ Hour string
+ Minute string
+ TimeZone string
+func getFormattedPostTime(user *model.User, post *model.Post, useMilitaryTime bool, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc) formattedPostTime {
+ preferredTimezone := user.GetPreferredTimezone()
+ postTime := time.Unix(post.CreateAt/1000, 0)
+ zone, _ := postTime.Zone()
+ localTime := postTime
+ if preferredTimezone != "" {
+ loc, _ := time.LoadLocation(preferredTimezone)
+ if loc != nil {
+ localTime = postTime.In(loc)
+ zone, _ = localTime.Zone()
+ }
+ }
+ hour := localTime.Format("15")
+ period := ""
+ if !useMilitaryTime {
+ hour = localTime.Format("3")
+ period = " " + localTime.Format("PM")
+ }
+ return formattedPostTime{
+ Time: localTime,
+ Year: fmt.Sprintf("%d", localTime.Year()),
+ Month: translateFunc(localTime.Month().String()),
+ Day: fmt.Sprintf("%d", localTime.Day()),
+ Hour: fmt.Sprintf("%s", hour),
+ Minute: fmt.Sprintf("%02d"+period, localTime.Minute()),
+ TimeZone: zone,
+ }
+func (a *App) GetMessageForNotification(post *model.Post, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc) string {
+ if len(strings.TrimSpace(post.Message)) != 0 || len(post.FileIds) == 0 {
+ return post.Message
+ }
+ // extract the filenames from their paths and determine what type of files are attached
+ var infos []*model.FileInfo
+ if result := <-a.Srv.Store.FileInfo().GetForPost(post.Id, true, true); result.Err != nil {
+ mlog.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Encountered error when getting files for notification message, post_id=%v, err=%v", post.Id, result.Err), mlog.String("post_id", post.Id))
+ } else {
+ infos = result.Data.([]*model.FileInfo)
+ }
+ filenames := make([]string, len(infos))
+ onlyImages := true
+ for i, info := range infos {
+ if escaped, err := url.QueryUnescape(filepath.Base(info.Name)); err != nil {
+ // this should never error since filepath was escaped using url.QueryEscape
+ filenames[i] = escaped
+ } else {
+ filenames[i] = info.Name
+ }
+ onlyImages = onlyImages && info.IsImage()
+ }
+ props := map[string]interface{}{"Filenames": strings.Join(filenames, ", ")}
+ if onlyImages {
+ return translateFunc("", len(filenames), props)
+ } else {
+ return translateFunc("", len(filenames), props)
+ }
diff --git a/app/notification_email_test.go b/app/notification_email_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d45ca424a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/notification_email_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2016-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// See License.txt for license information.
+package app
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "regexp"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+func TestGetDirectMessageNotificationEmailSubject(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup()
+ defer th.TearDown()
+ expectedPrefix := "[http://localhost:8065] New Direct Message from @sender on"
+ user := &model.User{}
+ post := &model.Post{
+ CreateAt: 1501804801000,
+ }
+ translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
+ subject := getDirectMessageNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, "http://localhost:8065", "sender", true)
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(subject, expectedPrefix) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected subject line prefix '" + expectedPrefix + "', got " + subject)
+ }
+func TestGetGroupMessageNotificationEmailSubjectFull(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup()
+ defer th.TearDown()
+ expectedPrefix := "[http://localhost:8065] New Group Message in sender on"
+ user := &model.User{}
+ post := &model.Post{
+ CreateAt: 1501804801000,
+ }
+ translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
+ emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
+ subject := getGroupMessageNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, "http://localhost:8065", "sender", emailNotificationContentsType, true)
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(subject, expectedPrefix) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected subject line prefix '" + expectedPrefix + "', got " + subject)
+ }
+func TestGetGroupMessageNotificationEmailSubjectGeneric(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup()
+ defer th.TearDown()
+ expectedPrefix := "[http://localhost:8065] New Group Message on"
+ user := &model.User{}
+ post := &model.Post{
+ CreateAt: 1501804801000,
+ }
+ translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
+ emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_GENERIC
+ subject := getGroupMessageNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, "http://localhost:8065", "sender", emailNotificationContentsType, true)
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(subject, expectedPrefix) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected subject line prefix '" + expectedPrefix + "', got " + subject)
+ }
+func TestGetNotificationEmailSubject(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup()
+ defer th.TearDown()
+ expectedPrefix := "[http://localhost:8065] Notification in team on"
+ user := &model.User{}
+ post := &model.Post{
+ CreateAt: 1501804801000,
+ }
+ translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
+ subject := getNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, "http://localhost:8065", "team", true)
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(subject, expectedPrefix) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected subject line prefix '" + expectedPrefix + "', got " + subject)
+ }
+func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyFullNotificationPublicChannel(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup()
+ defer th.TearDown()
+ recipient := &model.User{}
+ post := &model.Post{
+ Message: "This is the message",
+ }
+ channel := &model.Channel{
+ DisplayName: "ChannelName",
+ Type: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
+ }
+ channelName := "ChannelName"
+ senderName := "sender"
+ teamName := "team"
+ teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
+ emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
+ translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
+ body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "You have a new notification.") {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text 'You have a new notification. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "Channel: "+channel.DisplayName) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text 'Channel: " + channel.DisplayName + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "@"+senderName+" - ") {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text '@" + senderName + " - '. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, post.Message) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + post.Message + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, teamURL) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + teamURL + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyFullNotificationGroupChannel(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup()
+ defer th.TearDown()
+ recipient := &model.User{}
+ post := &model.Post{
+ Message: "This is the message",
+ }
+ channel := &model.Channel{
+ DisplayName: "ChannelName",
+ Type: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
+ }
+ channelName := "ChannelName"
+ senderName := "sender"
+ teamName := "team"
+ teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
+ emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
+ translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
+ body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "You have a new Group Message.") {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text 'You have a new Group Message. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "Channel: ChannelName") {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text 'Channel: ChannelName'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "@"+senderName+" - ") {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text '@" + senderName + " - '. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, post.Message) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + post.Message + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, teamURL) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + teamURL + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyFullNotificationPrivateChannel(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup()
+ defer th.TearDown()
+ recipient := &model.User{}
+ post := &model.Post{
+ Message: "This is the message",
+ }
+ channel := &model.Channel{
+ DisplayName: "ChannelName",
+ Type: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
+ }
+ channelName := "ChannelName"
+ senderName := "sender"
+ teamName := "team"
+ teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
+ emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
+ translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
+ body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "You have a new notification.") {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text 'You have a new notification. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "Channel: "+channel.DisplayName) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text 'Channel: " + channel.DisplayName + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "@"+senderName+" - ") {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text '@" + senderName + " - '. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, post.Message) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + post.Message + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, teamURL) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + teamURL + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyFullNotificationDirectChannel(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup()
+ defer th.TearDown()
+ recipient := &model.User{}
+ post := &model.Post{
+ Message: "This is the message",
+ }
+ channel := &model.Channel{
+ DisplayName: "ChannelName",
+ Type: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ }
+ channelName := "ChannelName"
+ senderName := "sender"
+ teamName := "team"
+ teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
+ emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
+ translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
+ body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "You have a new Direct Message.") {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text 'You have a new Direct Message. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "@"+senderName+" - ") {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text '@" + senderName + " - '. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, post.Message) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + post.Message + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, teamURL) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + teamURL + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyFullNotificationLocaleTimeWithTimezone(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup()
+ defer th.TearDown()
+ recipient := &model.User{
+ Timezone: model.DefaultUserTimezone(),
+ }
+ recipient.Timezone["automaticTimezone"] = "America/New_York"
+ post := &model.Post{
+ CreateAt: 1524663790000,
+ Message: "This is the message",
+ }
+ channel := &model.Channel{
+ DisplayName: "ChannelName",
+ Type: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ }
+ channelName := "ChannelName"
+ senderName := "sender"
+ teamName := "team"
+ teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
+ emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
+ translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
+ body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, false, translateFunc)
+ r, _ := regexp.Compile("E([S|D]+)T")
+ zone := r.FindString(body)
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "sender - 9:43 AM "+zone+", April 25") {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text 'sender - 9:43 AM " + zone + ", April 25'. Got " + body)
+ }
+func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyFullNotificationLocaleTimeNoTimezone(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup()
+ defer th.TearDown()
+ recipient := &model.User{
+ Timezone: model.DefaultUserTimezone(),
+ }
+ post := &model.Post{
+ CreateAt: 1524681000000,
+ Message: "This is the message",
+ }
+ channel := &model.Channel{
+ DisplayName: "ChannelName",
+ Type: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ }
+ channelName := "ChannelName"
+ senderName := "sender"
+ teamName := "team"
+ teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
+ emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
+ translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
+ tm := time.Unix(post.CreateAt/1000, 0)
+ zone, _ := tm.Zone()
+ formattedTime := formattedPostTime{
+ Time: tm,
+ Year: fmt.Sprintf("%d", tm.Year()),
+ Month: translateFunc(tm.Month().String()),
+ Day: fmt.Sprintf("%d", tm.Day()),
+ Hour: fmt.Sprintf("%02d", tm.Hour()),
+ Minute: fmt.Sprintf("%02d", tm.Minute()),
+ TimeZone: zone,
+ }
+ body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
+ postTimeLine := fmt.Sprintf("sender - %s:%s %s, %s %s", formattedTime.Hour, formattedTime.Minute, formattedTime.TimeZone, formattedTime.Month, formattedTime.Day)
+ if !strings.Contains(body, postTimeLine) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + postTimeLine + " '. Got " + body)
+ }
+func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyFullNotificationLocaleTime12Hour(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup()
+ defer th.TearDown()
+ recipient := &model.User{
+ Timezone: model.DefaultUserTimezone(),
+ }
+ recipient.Timezone["automaticTimezone"] = "America/New_York"
+ post := &model.Post{
+ CreateAt: 1524681000000, // 1524681000 // 1524681000000
+ Message: "This is the message",
+ }
+ channel := &model.Channel{
+ DisplayName: "ChannelName",
+ Type: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ }
+ channelName := "ChannelName"
+ senderName := "sender"
+ teamName := "team"
+ teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
+ emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
+ translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
+ body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, false, translateFunc)
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "sender - 2:30 PM") {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text 'sender - 2:30 PM'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "April 25") {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text 'April 25'. Got " + body)
+ }
+func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyFullNotificationLocaleTime24Hour(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup()
+ defer th.TearDown()
+ recipient := &model.User{
+ Timezone: model.DefaultUserTimezone(),
+ }
+ recipient.Timezone["automaticTimezone"] = "America/New_York"
+ post := &model.Post{
+ CreateAt: 1524681000000,
+ Message: "This is the message",
+ }
+ channel := &model.Channel{
+ DisplayName: "ChannelName",
+ Type: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ }
+ channelName := "ChannelName"
+ senderName := "sender"
+ teamName := "team"
+ teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
+ emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
+ translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
+ body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "sender - 14:30") {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text 'sender - 14:30'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "April 25") {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text 'April 25'. Got " + body)
+ }
+// from here
+func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyGenericNotificationPublicChannel(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup()
+ defer th.TearDown()
+ recipient := &model.User{}
+ post := &model.Post{
+ Message: "This is the message",
+ }
+ channel := &model.Channel{
+ DisplayName: "ChannelName",
+ Type: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
+ }
+ channelName := "ChannelName"
+ senderName := "sender"
+ teamName := "team"
+ teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
+ emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_GENERIC
+ translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
+ body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "You have a new notification from @"+senderName) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text 'You have a new notification from @" + senderName + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if strings.Contains(body, "Channel: "+channel.DisplayName) {
+ t.Fatal("Did not expect email text 'Channel: " + channel.DisplayName + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if strings.Contains(body, post.Message) {
+ t.Fatal("Did not expect email text '" + post.Message + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, teamURL) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + teamURL + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyGenericNotificationGroupChannel(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup()
+ defer th.TearDown()
+ recipient := &model.User{}
+ post := &model.Post{
+ Message: "This is the message",
+ }
+ channel := &model.Channel{
+ DisplayName: "ChannelName",
+ Type: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
+ }
+ channelName := "ChannelName"
+ senderName := "sender"
+ teamName := "team"
+ teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
+ emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_GENERIC
+ translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
+ body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "You have a new Group Message from @"+senderName) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text 'You have a new Group Message from @" + senderName + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if strings.Contains(body, "CHANNEL: "+channel.DisplayName) {
+ t.Fatal("Did not expect email text 'CHANNEL: " + channel.DisplayName + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if strings.Contains(body, post.Message) {
+ t.Fatal("Did not expect email text '" + post.Message + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, teamURL) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + teamURL + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyGenericNotificationPrivateChannel(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup()
+ defer th.TearDown()
+ recipient := &model.User{}
+ post := &model.Post{
+ Message: "This is the message",
+ }
+ channel := &model.Channel{
+ DisplayName: "ChannelName",
+ Type: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
+ }
+ channelName := "ChannelName"
+ senderName := "sender"
+ teamName := "team"
+ teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
+ emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_GENERIC
+ translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
+ body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "You have a new notification from @"+senderName) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text 'You have a new notification from @" + senderName + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if strings.Contains(body, "CHANNEL: "+channel.DisplayName) {
+ t.Fatal("Did not expect email text 'CHANNEL: " + channel.DisplayName + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if strings.Contains(body, post.Message) {
+ t.Fatal("Did not expect email text '" + post.Message + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, teamURL) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + teamURL + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyGenericNotificationDirectChannel(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup()
+ defer th.TearDown()
+ recipient := &model.User{}
+ post := &model.Post{
+ Message: "This is the message",
+ }
+ channel := &model.Channel{
+ DisplayName: "ChannelName",
+ Type: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ }
+ channelName := "ChannelName"
+ senderName := "sender"
+ teamName := "team"
+ teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
+ emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_GENERIC
+ translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
+ body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
+ if !strings.Contains(body, "You have a new Direct Message from @"+senderName) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text 'You have a new Direct Message from @" + senderName + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if strings.Contains(body, "CHANNEL: "+channel.DisplayName) {
+ t.Fatal("Did not expect email text 'CHANNEL: " + channel.DisplayName + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if strings.Contains(body, post.Message) {
+ t.Fatal("Did not expect email text '" + post.Message + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(body, teamURL) {
+ t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + teamURL + "'. Got " + body)
+ }
diff --git a/app/notification_push.go b/app/notification_push.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12d9f5258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/notification_push.go
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2016-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// See License.txt for license information.
+package app
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "net/http"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+func (a *App) sendPushNotification(post *model.Post, user *model.User, channel *model.Channel, channelName string, sender *model.User, senderName string,
+ explicitMention, channelWideMention bool, replyToThreadType string) *model.AppError {
+ cfg := a.Config()
+ contentsConfig := *cfg.EmailSettings.PushNotificationContents
+ teammateNameConfig := *cfg.TeamSettings.TeammateNameDisplay
+ sessions, err := a.getMobileAppSessions(user.Id)
+ sentBySystem := senderName == utils.T("")
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ msg := model.PushNotification{}
+ if badge := <-a.Srv.Store.User().GetUnreadCount(user.Id); badge.Err != nil {
+ msg.Badge = 1
+ mlog.Error(fmt.Sprint("We could not get the unread message count for the user", user.Id, badge.Err), mlog.String("user_id", user.Id))
+ } else {
+ msg.Badge = int(badge.Data.(int64))
+ }
+ msg.Category = model.CATEGORY_CAN_REPLY
+ msg.Version = model.PUSH_MESSAGE_V2
+ msg.Type = model.PUSH_TYPE_MESSAGE
+ msg.TeamId = channel.TeamId
+ msg.ChannelId = channel.Id
+ msg.PostId = post.Id
+ msg.RootId = post.RootId
+ msg.SenderId = post.UserId
+ if !sentBySystem {
+ senderName = sender.GetDisplayName(teammateNameConfig)
+ preference, prefError := a.GetPreferenceByCategoryAndNameForUser(user.Id, model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_DISPLAY_SETTINGS, "name_format")
+ if prefError == nil && preference.Value != teammateNameConfig {
+ senderName = sender.GetDisplayName(preference.Value)
+ }
+ }
+ if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
+ channelName = fmt.Sprintf("@%v", senderName)
+ }
+ if contentsConfig != model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION || channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
+ msg.ChannelName = channelName
+ }
+ if ou, ok := post.Props["override_username"].(string); ok && cfg.ServiceSettings.EnablePostUsernameOverride {
+ msg.OverrideUsername = ou
+ senderName = ou
+ }
+ if oi, ok := post.Props["override_icon_url"].(string); ok && cfg.ServiceSettings.EnablePostIconOverride {
+ msg.OverrideIconUrl = oi
+ }
+ if fw, ok := post.Props["from_webhook"].(string); ok {
+ msg.FromWebhook = fw
+ }
+ userLocale := utils.GetUserTranslations(user.Locale)
+ hasFiles := post.FileIds != nil && len(post.FileIds) > 0
+ msg.Message = a.getPushNotificationMessage(post.Message, explicitMention, channelWideMention, hasFiles, senderName, channelName, channel.Type, replyToThreadType, userLocale)
+ for _, session := range sessions {
+ if session.IsExpired() {
+ continue
+ }
+ tmpMessage := *model.PushNotificationFromJson(strings.NewReader(msg.ToJson()))
+ tmpMessage.SetDeviceIdAndPlatform(session.DeviceId)
+ mlog.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Sending push notification to device %v for user %v with msg of '%v'", tmpMessage.DeviceId, user.Id, msg.Message), mlog.String("user_id", user.Id))
+ a.Go(func(session *model.Session) func() {
+ return func() {
+ a.sendToPushProxy(tmpMessage, session)
+ }
+ }(session))
+ if a.Metrics != nil {
+ a.Metrics.IncrementPostSentPush()
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func (a *App) getPushNotificationMessage(postMessage string, explicitMention, channelWideMention, hasFiles bool,
+ senderName, channelName, channelType, replyToThreadType string, userLocale i18n.TranslateFunc) string {
+ message := ""
+ contentsConfig := *a.Config().EmailSettings.PushNotificationContents
+ if contentsConfig == model.FULL_NOTIFICATION {
+ if channelType == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
+ message = model.ClearMentionTags(postMessage)
+ } else {
+ message = "@" + senderName + ": " + model.ClearMentionTags(postMessage)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if channelType == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
+ message = userLocale("")
+ } else if channelWideMention {
+ message = "@" + senderName + userLocale("")
+ } else if explicitMention {
+ message = "@" + senderName + userLocale("")
+ } else if replyToThreadType == THREAD_ROOT {
+ message = "@" + senderName + userLocale("")
+ } else if replyToThreadType == THREAD_ANY {
+ message = "@" + senderName + userLocale("")
+ } else {
+ message = "@" + senderName + userLocale("")
+ }
+ }
+ // If the post only has images then push an appropriate message
+ if len(postMessage) == 0 && hasFiles {
+ if channelType == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
+ message = strings.Trim(userLocale(""), " ")
+ } else {
+ message = "@" + senderName + userLocale("")
+ }
+ }
+ return message
+func (a *App) ClearPushNotification(userId string, channelId string) {
+ a.Go(func() {
+ // Sleep is to allow the read replicas a chance to fully sync
+ // the unread count for sending an accurate count.
+ // Delaying a little doesn't hurt anything and is cheaper than
+ // attempting to read from master.
+ time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
+ sessions, err := a.getMobileAppSessions(userId)
+ if err != nil {
+ mlog.Error(err.Error())
+ return
+ }
+ msg := model.PushNotification{}
+ msg.Type = model.PUSH_TYPE_CLEAR
+ msg.ChannelId = channelId
+ msg.ContentAvailable = 0
+ if badge := <-a.Srv.Store.User().GetUnreadCount(userId); badge.Err != nil {
+ msg.Badge = 0
+ mlog.Error(fmt.Sprint("We could not get the unread message count for the user", userId, badge.Err), mlog.String("user_id", userId))
+ } else {
+ msg.Badge = int(badge.Data.(int64))
+ }
+ mlog.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Clearing push notification to %v with channel_id %v", msg.DeviceId, msg.ChannelId))
+ for _, session := range sessions {
+ tmpMessage := *model.PushNotificationFromJson(strings.NewReader(msg.ToJson()))
+ tmpMessage.SetDeviceIdAndPlatform(session.DeviceId)
+ a.Go(func() {
+ a.sendToPushProxy(tmpMessage, session)
+ })
+ }
+ })
+func (a *App) sendToPushProxy(msg model.PushNotification, session *model.Session) {
+ msg.ServerId = a.DiagnosticId()
+ request, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", strings.TrimRight(*a.Config().EmailSettings.PushNotificationServer, "/")+model.API_URL_SUFFIX_V1+"/send_push", strings.NewReader(msg.ToJson()))
+ if resp, err := a.HTTPClient(true).Do(request); err != nil {
+ mlog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Device push reported as error for UserId=%v SessionId=%v message=%v", session.UserId, session.Id, err.Error()), mlog.String("user_id", session.UserId))
+ } else {
+ pushResponse := model.PushResponseFromJson(resp.Body)
+ if resp.Body != nil {
+ consumeAndClose(resp)
+ }
+ if pushResponse[model.PUSH_STATUS] == model.PUSH_STATUS_REMOVE {
+ mlog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Device was reported as removed for UserId=%v SessionId=%v removing push for this session", session.UserId, session.Id), mlog.String("user_id", session.UserId))
+ a.AttachDeviceId(session.Id, "", session.ExpiresAt)
+ a.ClearSessionCacheForUser(session.UserId)
+ }
+ if pushResponse[model.PUSH_STATUS] == model.PUSH_STATUS_FAIL {
+ mlog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Device push reported as error for UserId=%v SessionId=%v message=%v", session.UserId, session.Id, pushResponse[model.PUSH_STATUS_ERROR_MSG]), mlog.String("user_id", session.UserId))
+ }
+ }
+func (a *App) getMobileAppSessions(userId string) ([]*model.Session, *model.AppError) {
+ if result := <-a.Srv.Store.Session().GetSessionsWithActiveDeviceIds(userId); result.Err != nil {
+ return nil, result.Err
+ } else {
+ return result.Data.([]*model.Session), nil
+ }
+func ShouldSendPushNotification(user *model.User, channelNotifyProps model.StringMap, wasMentioned bool, status *model.Status, post *model.Post) bool {
+ return DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, wasMentioned) &&
+ DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(user.NotifyProps, status, post.ChannelId)
+func DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user *model.User, channelNotifyProps model.StringMap, post *model.Post, wasMentioned bool) bool {
+ userNotifyProps := user.NotifyProps
+ userNotify := userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP]
+ channelNotify, ok := channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP]
+ // If the channel is muted do not send push notifications
+ if channelMuted, ok := channelNotifyProps[model.MARK_UNREAD_NOTIFY_PROP]; ok {
+ if channelMuted == model.CHANNEL_MARK_UNREAD_MENTION {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if post.IsSystemMessage() {
+ return false
+ }
+ if channelNotify == model.USER_NOTIFY_NONE {
+ return false
+ }
+ if channelNotify == model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_MENTION && !wasMentioned {
+ return false
+ }
+ if userNotify == model.USER_NOTIFY_MENTION && (!ok || channelNotify == model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_DEFAULT) && !wasMentioned {
+ return false
+ }
+ if (userNotify == model.USER_NOTIFY_ALL || channelNotify == model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_ALL) &&
+ (post.UserId != user.Id || post.Props["from_webhook"] == "true") {
+ return true
+ }
+ if userNotify == model.USER_NOTIFY_NONE &&
+ (!ok || channelNotify == model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_DEFAULT) {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+func DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps model.StringMap, status *model.Status, channelId string) bool {
+ // If User status is DND or OOO return false right away
+ if status.Status == model.STATUS_DND || status.Status == model.STATUS_OUT_OF_OFFICE {
+ return false
+ }
+ if pushStatus, ok := userNotifyProps["push_status"]; (pushStatus == model.STATUS_ONLINE || !ok) && (status.ActiveChannel != channelId || model.GetMillis()-status.LastActivityAt > model.STATUS_CHANNEL_TIMEOUT) {
+ return true
+ } else if pushStatus == model.STATUS_AWAY && (status.Status == model.STATUS_AWAY || status.Status == model.STATUS_OFFLINE) {
+ return true
+ } else if pushStatus == model.STATUS_OFFLINE && status.Status == model.STATUS_OFFLINE {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
diff --git a/app/notification_push_test.go b/app/notification_push_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aec0406b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/notification_push_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2016-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// See License.txt for license information.
+package app
+import (
+ "testing"
+ ""
+ ""
+func TestDoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(t *testing.T) {
+ userNotifyProps := make(map[string]string)
+ channelNotifyProps := make(map[string]string)
+ user := &model.User{Id: model.NewId(), Email: ""}
+ post := &model.Post{UserId: user.Id, ChannelId: model.NewId()}
+ // When the post is a System Message
+ systemPost := &model.Post{UserId: user.Id, Type: model.POST_JOIN_CHANNEL}
+ userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_ALL
+ user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, systemPost, false) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, systemPost, true) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+ // When default is ALL and no channel props is set
+ if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
+ }
+ if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
+ }
+ // When default is MENTION and no channel props is set
+ userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_MENTION
+ user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+ if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
+ }
+ // When default is NONE and no channel props is set
+ userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_NONE
+ user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+ // WHEN default is ALL and channel is DEFAULT
+ userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_ALL
+ user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
+ channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_DEFAULT
+ if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
+ }
+ if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
+ }
+ // WHEN default is MENTION and channel is DEFAULT
+ userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_MENTION
+ user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
+ channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_DEFAULT
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+ if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
+ }
+ // WHEN default is NONE and channel is DEFAULT
+ userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_NONE
+ user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
+ channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_DEFAULT
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+ // WHEN default is ALL and channel is ALL
+ userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_ALL
+ user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
+ channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_ALL
+ if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
+ }
+ if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
+ }
+ // WHEN default is MENTION and channel is ALL
+ userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_MENTION
+ user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
+ channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_ALL
+ if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
+ }
+ if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
+ }
+ // WHEN default is NONE and channel is ALL
+ userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_NONE
+ user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
+ channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_ALL
+ if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
+ }
+ if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
+ }
+ // WHEN default is ALL and channel is MENTION
+ userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_ALL
+ user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
+ channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_MENTION
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+ if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
+ }
+ // WHEN default is MENTION and channel is MENTION
+ userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_MENTION
+ user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
+ channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_MENTION
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+ if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
+ }
+ // WHEN default is NONE and channel is MENTION
+ userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_NONE
+ user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
+ channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_MENTION
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+ if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
+ }
+ // WHEN default is ALL and channel is NONE
+ userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_ALL
+ user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
+ channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_NONE
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+ // WHEN default is MENTION and channel is NONE
+ userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_MENTION
+ user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
+ channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_NONE
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+ // WHEN default is NONE and channel is NONE
+ userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_NONE
+ user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
+ channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_NONE
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+ // WHEN default is ALL and channel is MUTED
+ userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_ALL
+ user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
+ if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
+ }
+func TestDoesStatusAllowPushNotification(t *testing.T) {
+ userNotifyProps := make(map[string]string)
+ userId := model.NewId()
+ channelId := model.NewId()
+ offline := &model.Status{UserId: userId, Status: model.STATUS_OFFLINE, Manual: false, LastActivityAt: 0, ActiveChannel: ""}
+ away := &model.Status{UserId: userId, Status: model.STATUS_AWAY, Manual: false, LastActivityAt: 0, ActiveChannel: ""}
+ online := &model.Status{UserId: userId, Status: model.STATUS_ONLINE, Manual: false, LastActivityAt: model.GetMillis(), ActiveChannel: ""}
+ dnd := &model.Status{UserId: userId, Status: model.STATUS_DND, Manual: true, LastActivityAt: model.GetMillis(), ActiveChannel: ""}
+ userNotifyProps["push_status"] = model.STATUS_ONLINE
+ // WHEN props is ONLINE and user is offline
+ if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, offline, channelId) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been true")
+ }
+ if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, offline, "") {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been true")
+ }
+ // WHEN props is ONLINE and user is away
+ if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, away, channelId) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been true")
+ }
+ if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, away, "") {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been true")
+ }
+ // WHEN props is ONLINE and user is online
+ if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, online, channelId) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been true")
+ }
+ if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, online, "") {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been false")
+ }
+ // WHEN props is ONLINE and user is dnd
+ if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, dnd, channelId) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been false")
+ }
+ if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, dnd, "") {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been false")
+ }
+ userNotifyProps["push_status"] = model.STATUS_AWAY
+ // WHEN props is AWAY and user is offline
+ if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, offline, channelId) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been true")
+ }
+ if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, offline, "") {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been true")
+ }
+ // WHEN props is AWAY and user is away
+ if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, away, channelId) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been true")
+ }
+ if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, away, "") {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been true")
+ }
+ // WHEN props is AWAY and user is online
+ if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, online, channelId) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been false")
+ }
+ if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, online, "") {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been false")
+ }
+ // WHEN props is AWAY and user is dnd
+ if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, dnd, channelId) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been false")
+ }
+ if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, dnd, "") {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been false")
+ }
+ userNotifyProps["push_status"] = model.STATUS_OFFLINE
+ // WHEN props is OFFLINE and user is offline
+ if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, offline, channelId) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been true")
+ }
+ if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, offline, "") {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been true")
+ }
+ // WHEN props is OFFLINE and user is away
+ if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, away, channelId) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been false")
+ }
+ if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, away, "") {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been false")
+ }
+ // WHEN props is OFFLINE and user is online
+ if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, online, channelId) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been false")
+ }
+ if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, online, "") {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been false")
+ }
+ // WHEN props is OFFLINE and user is dnd
+ if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, dnd, channelId) {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been false")
+ }
+ if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, dnd, "") {
+ t.Fatal("Should have been false")
+ }
+func TestGetPushNotificationMessage(t *testing.T) {
+ th := Setup()
+ defer th.TearDown()
+ for name, tc := range map[string]struct {
+ Message string
+ explicitMention bool
+ channelWideMention bool
+ HasFiles bool
+ replyToThreadType string
+ Locale string
+ PushNotificationContents string
+ ChannelType string
+ ExpectedMessage string
+ }{
+ "full message, public channel, no mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
+ },
+ "full message, public channel, mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ explicitMention: true,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
+ },
+ "full message, public channel, channel wide mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ channelWideMention: true,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
+ },
+ "full message, public channel, commented on post": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ replyToThreadType: THREAD_ROOT,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
+ },
+ "full message, public channel, commented on thread": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ replyToThreadType: THREAD_ANY,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
+ },
+ "full message, private channel, no mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
+ },
+ "full message, private channel, mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ explicitMention: true,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
+ },
+ "full message, private channel, commented on post": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ replyToThreadType: THREAD_ROOT,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
+ },
+ "full message, private channel, commented on thread": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ replyToThreadType: THREAD_ANY,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
+ },
+ "full message, group message channel, no mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
+ },
+ "full message, group message channel, mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ explicitMention: true,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
+ },
+ "full message, group message channel, commented on post": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ replyToThreadType: THREAD_ROOT,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
+ },
+ "full message, group message channel, commented on thread": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ replyToThreadType: THREAD_ANY,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
+ },
+ "full message, direct message channel, no mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ ExpectedMessage: "this is a message",
+ },
+ "full message, direct message channel, mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ explicitMention: true,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ ExpectedMessage: "this is a message",
+ },
+ "full message, direct message channel, commented on post": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ replyToThreadType: THREAD_ROOT,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ ExpectedMessage: "this is a message",
+ },
+ "full message, direct message channel, commented on thread": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ replyToThreadType: THREAD_ANY,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ ExpectedMessage: "this is a message",
+ },
+ "generic message with channel, public channel, no mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user posted a message.",
+ },
+ "generic message with channel, public channel, mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ explicitMention: true,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user mentioned you.",
+ },
+ "generic message with channel, public channel, channel wide mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ channelWideMention: true,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user notified the channel.",
+ },
+ "generic message, public channel, commented on post": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ replyToThreadType: THREAD_ROOT,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user commented on your post.",
+ },
+ "generic message, public channel, commented on thread": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ replyToThreadType: THREAD_ANY,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user commented on a thread you participated in.",
+ },
+ "generic message with channel, private channel, no mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user posted a message.",
+ },
+ "generic message with channel, private channel, mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ explicitMention: true,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user mentioned you.",
+ },
+ "generic message with channel, private channel, channel wide mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ channelWideMention: true,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user notified the channel.",
+ },
+ "generic message, public private, commented on post": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ replyToThreadType: THREAD_ROOT,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user commented on your post.",
+ },
+ "generic message, public private, commented on thread": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ replyToThreadType: THREAD_ANY,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user commented on a thread you participated in.",
+ },
+ "generic message with channel, group message channel, no mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user posted a message.",
+ },
+ "generic message with channel, group message channel, mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ explicitMention: true,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user mentioned you.",
+ },
+ "generic message with channel, group message channel, channel wide mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ channelWideMention: true,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user notified the channel.",
+ },
+ "generic message, group message channel, commented on post": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ replyToThreadType: THREAD_ROOT,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user commented on your post.",
+ },
+ "generic message, group message channel, commented on thread": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ replyToThreadType: THREAD_ANY,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user commented on a thread you participated in.",
+ },
+ "generic message with channel, direct message channel, no mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ ExpectedMessage: "sent you a message.",
+ },
+ "generic message with channel, direct message channel, mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ explicitMention: true,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ ExpectedMessage: "sent you a message.",
+ },
+ "generic message with channel, direct message channel, channel wide mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ channelWideMention: true,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ ExpectedMessage: "sent you a message.",
+ },
+ "generic message, direct message channel, commented on post": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ replyToThreadType: THREAD_ROOT,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ ExpectedMessage: "sent you a message.",
+ },
+ "generic message, direct message channel, commented on thread": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ replyToThreadType: THREAD_ANY,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ ExpectedMessage: "sent you a message.",
+ },
+ "generic message without channel, public channel, no mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user posted a message.",
+ },
+ "generic message without channel, public channel, mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ explicitMention: true,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user mentioned you.",
+ },
+ "generic message without channel, private channel, no mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user posted a message.",
+ },
+ "generic message without channel, private channel, mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ explicitMention: true,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user mentioned you.",
+ },
+ "generic message without channel, group message channel, no mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user posted a message.",
+ },
+ "generic message without channel, group message channel, mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ explicitMention: true,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user mentioned you.",
+ },
+ "generic message without channel, direct message channel, no mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ ExpectedMessage: "sent you a message.",
+ },
+ "generic message without channel, direct message channel, mention": {
+ Message: "this is a message",
+ explicitMention: true,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ ExpectedMessage: "sent you a message.",
+ },
+ "only files, public channel": {
+ HasFiles: true,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user attached a file.",
+ },
+ "only files, private channel": {
+ HasFiles: true,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user attached a file.",
+ },
+ "only files, group message channel": {
+ HasFiles: true,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user attached a file.",
+ },
+ "only files, direct message channel": {
+ HasFiles: true,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
+ ExpectedMessage: "attached a file.",
+ },
+ "only files without channel, public channel": {
+ HasFiles: true,
+ PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
+ ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
+ ExpectedMessage: "@user attached a file.",
+ },
+ } {
+ t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ locale := tc.Locale
+ if locale == "" {
+ locale = "en"
+ }
+ pushNotificationContents := tc.PushNotificationContents
+ if pushNotificationContents == "" {
+ pushNotificationContents = model.FULL_NOTIFICATION
+ }
+ th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) {
+ *cfg.EmailSettings.PushNotificationContents = pushNotificationContents
+ })
+ if actualMessage := th.App.getPushNotificationMessage(
+ tc.Message,
+ tc.explicitMention,
+ tc.channelWideMention,
+ tc.HasFiles,
+ "user",
+ "channel",
+ tc.ChannelType,
+ tc.replyToThreadType,
+ utils.GetUserTranslations(locale),
+ ); actualMessage != tc.ExpectedMessage {
+ t.Fatalf("Received incorrect push notification message `%v`, expected `%v`", actualMessage, tc.ExpectedMessage)
+ }
+ })
+ }
diff --git a/app/notification_test.go b/app/notification_test.go
index 8694f9f2d..d9f81dccb 100644
--- a/app/notification_test.go
+++ b/app/notification_test.go
@@ -4,16 +4,12 @@
package app
import (
- "strings"
- "fmt"
- "regexp"
- "time"
func TestSendNotifications(t *testing.T) {
@@ -90,10 +86,10 @@ func TestGetExplicitMentions(t *testing.T) {
id3 := model.NewId()
for name, tc := range map[string]struct {
- Message string
+ Message string
Attachments []*model.SlackAttachment
- Keywords map[string][]string
- Expected *ExplicitMentions
+ Keywords map[string][]string
+ Expected *ExplicitMentions
"Nobody": {
Message: "this is a message",
@@ -534,7 +530,7 @@ func TestGetExplicitMentions(t *testing.T) {
post := &model.Post{Message: tc.Message, Props: model.StringInterface{
"attachments": tc.Attachments,
- },
+ },
m := GetExplicitMentions(post, tc.Keywords)
@@ -784,1185 +780,11 @@ func TestGetMentionKeywords(t *testing.T) {
-func TestDoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(t *testing.T) {
- userNotifyProps := make(map[string]string)
- channelNotifyProps := make(map[string]string)
- user := &model.User{Id: model.NewId(), Email: ""}
- post := &model.Post{UserId: user.Id, ChannelId: model.NewId()}
- // When the post is a System Message
- systemPost := &model.Post{UserId: user.Id, Type: model.POST_JOIN_CHANNEL}
- userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_ALL
- user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, systemPost, false) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, systemPost, true) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
- // When default is ALL and no channel props is set
- if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
- }
- if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
- }
- // When default is MENTION and no channel props is set
- userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_MENTION
- user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
- if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
- }
- // When default is NONE and no channel props is set
- userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_NONE
- user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
- // WHEN default is ALL and channel is DEFAULT
- userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_ALL
- user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
- channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_DEFAULT
- if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
- }
- if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
- }
- // WHEN default is MENTION and channel is DEFAULT
- userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_MENTION
- user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
- channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_DEFAULT
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
- if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
- }
- // WHEN default is NONE and channel is DEFAULT
- userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_NONE
- user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
- channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_DEFAULT
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
- // WHEN default is ALL and channel is ALL
- userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_ALL
- user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
- channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_ALL
- if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
- }
- if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
- }
- // WHEN default is MENTION and channel is ALL
- userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_MENTION
- user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
- channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_ALL
- if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
- }
- if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
- }
- // WHEN default is NONE and channel is ALL
- userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_NONE
- user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
- channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_ALL
- if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
- }
- if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
- }
- // WHEN default is ALL and channel is MENTION
- userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_ALL
- user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
- channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_MENTION
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
- if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
- }
- // WHEN default is MENTION and channel is MENTION
- userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_MENTION
- user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
- channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_MENTION
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
- if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
- }
- // WHEN default is NONE and channel is MENTION
- userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_NONE
- user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
- channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_MENTION
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
- if !DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned true")
- }
- // WHEN default is ALL and channel is NONE
- userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_ALL
- user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
- channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_NONE
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
- // WHEN default is MENTION and channel is NONE
- userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_MENTION
- user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
- channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_NONE
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
- // WHEN default is NONE and channel is NONE
- userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_NONE
- user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
- channelNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_NONE
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, true) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
- // WHEN default is ALL and channel is MUTED
- userNotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] = model.USER_NOTIFY_ALL
- user.NotifyProps = userNotifyProps
- if DoesNotifyPropsAllowPushNotification(user, channelNotifyProps, post, false) {
- t.Fatal("Should have returned false")
- }
-func TestDoesStatusAllowPushNotification(t *testing.T) {
- userNotifyProps := make(map[string]string)
- userId := model.NewId()
- channelId := model.NewId()
- offline := &model.Status{UserId: userId, Status: model.STATUS_OFFLINE, Manual: false, LastActivityAt: 0, ActiveChannel: ""}
- away := &model.Status{UserId: userId, Status: model.STATUS_AWAY, Manual: false, LastActivityAt: 0, ActiveChannel: ""}
- online := &model.Status{UserId: userId, Status: model.STATUS_ONLINE, Manual: false, LastActivityAt: model.GetMillis(), ActiveChannel: ""}
- dnd := &model.Status{UserId: userId, Status: model.STATUS_DND, Manual: true, LastActivityAt: model.GetMillis(), ActiveChannel: ""}
- userNotifyProps["push_status"] = model.STATUS_ONLINE
- // WHEN props is ONLINE and user is offline
- if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, offline, channelId) {
- t.Fatal("Should have been true")
- }
- if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, offline, "") {
- t.Fatal("Should have been true")
- }
- // WHEN props is ONLINE and user is away
- if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, away, channelId) {
- t.Fatal("Should have been true")
- }
- if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, away, "") {
- t.Fatal("Should have been true")
- }
- // WHEN props is ONLINE and user is online
- if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, online, channelId) {
- t.Fatal("Should have been true")
- }
- if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, online, "") {
- t.Fatal("Should have been false")
- }
- // WHEN props is ONLINE and user is dnd
- if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, dnd, channelId) {
- t.Fatal("Should have been false")
- }
- if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, dnd, "") {
- t.Fatal("Should have been false")
- }
- userNotifyProps["push_status"] = model.STATUS_AWAY
- // WHEN props is AWAY and user is offline
- if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, offline, channelId) {
- t.Fatal("Should have been true")
- }
- if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, offline, "") {
- t.Fatal("Should have been true")
- }
- // WHEN props is AWAY and user is away
- if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, away, channelId) {
- t.Fatal("Should have been true")
- }
- if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, away, "") {
- t.Fatal("Should have been true")
- }
- // WHEN props is AWAY and user is online
- if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, online, channelId) {
- t.Fatal("Should have been false")
- }
- if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, online, "") {
- t.Fatal("Should have been false")
- }
- // WHEN props is AWAY and user is dnd
- if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, dnd, channelId) {
- t.Fatal("Should have been false")
- }
- if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, dnd, "") {
- t.Fatal("Should have been false")
- }
- userNotifyProps["push_status"] = model.STATUS_OFFLINE
- // WHEN props is OFFLINE and user is offline
- if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, offline, channelId) {
- t.Fatal("Should have been true")
- }
- if !DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, offline, "") {
- t.Fatal("Should have been true")
- }
- // WHEN props is OFFLINE and user is away
- if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, away, channelId) {
- t.Fatal("Should have been false")
- }
- if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, away, "") {
- t.Fatal("Should have been false")
- }
- // WHEN props is OFFLINE and user is online
- if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, online, channelId) {
- t.Fatal("Should have been false")
- }
- if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, online, "") {
- t.Fatal("Should have been false")
- }
- // WHEN props is OFFLINE and user is dnd
- if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, dnd, channelId) {
- t.Fatal("Should have been false")
- }
- if DoesStatusAllowPushNotification(userNotifyProps, dnd, "") {
- t.Fatal("Should have been false")
- }
-func TestGetDirectMessageNotificationEmailSubject(t *testing.T) {
- th := Setup()
- defer th.TearDown()
- expectedPrefix := "[http://localhost:8065] New Direct Message from @sender on"
- user := &model.User{}
- post := &model.Post{
- CreateAt: 1501804801000,
- }
- translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
- subject := getDirectMessageNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, "http://localhost:8065", "sender", true)
- if !strings.HasPrefix(subject, expectedPrefix) {
- t.Fatal("Expected subject line prefix '" + expectedPrefix + "', got " + subject)
- }
-func TestGetGroupMessageNotificationEmailSubjectFull(t *testing.T) {
- th := Setup()
- defer th.TearDown()
- expectedPrefix := "[http://localhost:8065] New Group Message in sender on"
- user := &model.User{}
- post := &model.Post{
- CreateAt: 1501804801000,
- }
- translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
- emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
- subject := getGroupMessageNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, "http://localhost:8065", "sender", emailNotificationContentsType, true)
- if !strings.HasPrefix(subject, expectedPrefix) {
- t.Fatal("Expected subject line prefix '" + expectedPrefix + "', got " + subject)
- }
-func TestGetGroupMessageNotificationEmailSubjectGeneric(t *testing.T) {
- th := Setup()
- defer th.TearDown()
- expectedPrefix := "[http://localhost:8065] New Group Message on"
- user := &model.User{}
- post := &model.Post{
- CreateAt: 1501804801000,
- }
- translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
- emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_GENERIC
- subject := getGroupMessageNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, "http://localhost:8065", "sender", emailNotificationContentsType, true)
- if !strings.HasPrefix(subject, expectedPrefix) {
- t.Fatal("Expected subject line prefix '" + expectedPrefix + "', got " + subject)
- }
-func TestGetNotificationEmailSubject(t *testing.T) {
- th := Setup()
- defer th.TearDown()
- expectedPrefix := "[http://localhost:8065] Notification in team on"
- user := &model.User{}
- post := &model.Post{
- CreateAt: 1501804801000,
- }
- translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
- subject := getNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, "http://localhost:8065", "team", true)
- if !strings.HasPrefix(subject, expectedPrefix) {
- t.Fatal("Expected subject line prefix '" + expectedPrefix + "', got " + subject)
- }
-func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyFullNotificationPublicChannel(t *testing.T) {
- th := Setup()
- defer th.TearDown()
- recipient := &model.User{}
- post := &model.Post{
- Message: "This is the message",
- }
- channel := &model.Channel{
- DisplayName: "ChannelName",
- Type: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
- }
- channelName := "ChannelName"
- senderName := "sender"
- teamName := "team"
- teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
- emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
- translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
- body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
- if !strings.Contains(body, "You have a new notification.") {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text 'You have a new notification. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, "Channel: "+channel.DisplayName) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text 'Channel: " + channel.DisplayName + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, "@"+senderName+" - ") {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text '@" + senderName + " - '. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, post.Message) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + post.Message + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, teamURL) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + teamURL + "'. Got " + body)
- }
-func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyFullNotificationGroupChannel(t *testing.T) {
- th := Setup()
- defer th.TearDown()
- recipient := &model.User{}
- post := &model.Post{
- Message: "This is the message",
- }
- channel := &model.Channel{
- DisplayName: "ChannelName",
- Type: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
- }
- channelName := "ChannelName"
- senderName := "sender"
- teamName := "team"
- teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
- emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
- translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
- body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
- if !strings.Contains(body, "You have a new Group Message.") {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text 'You have a new Group Message. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, "Channel: ChannelName") {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text 'Channel: ChannelName'. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, "@"+senderName+" - ") {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text '@" + senderName + " - '. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, post.Message) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + post.Message + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, teamURL) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + teamURL + "'. Got " + body)
- }
-func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyFullNotificationPrivateChannel(t *testing.T) {
- th := Setup()
- defer th.TearDown()
- recipient := &model.User{}
- post := &model.Post{
- Message: "This is the message",
- }
- channel := &model.Channel{
- DisplayName: "ChannelName",
- Type: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
- }
- channelName := "ChannelName"
- senderName := "sender"
- teamName := "team"
- teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
- emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
- translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
- body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
- if !strings.Contains(body, "You have a new notification.") {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text 'You have a new notification. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, "Channel: "+channel.DisplayName) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text 'Channel: " + channel.DisplayName + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, "@"+senderName+" - ") {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text '@" + senderName + " - '. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, post.Message) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + post.Message + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, teamURL) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + teamURL + "'. Got " + body)
- }
-func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyFullNotificationDirectChannel(t *testing.T) {
- th := Setup()
- defer th.TearDown()
- recipient := &model.User{}
- post := &model.Post{
- Message: "This is the message",
- }
- channel := &model.Channel{
- DisplayName: "ChannelName",
- Type: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- }
- channelName := "ChannelName"
- senderName := "sender"
- teamName := "team"
- teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
- emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
- translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
- body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
- if !strings.Contains(body, "You have a new Direct Message.") {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text 'You have a new Direct Message. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, "@"+senderName+" - ") {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text '@" + senderName + " - '. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, post.Message) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + post.Message + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, teamURL) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + teamURL + "'. Got " + body)
- }
-func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyFullNotificationLocaleTimeWithTimezone(t *testing.T) {
- th := Setup()
- defer th.TearDown()
- recipient := &model.User{
- Timezone: model.DefaultUserTimezone(),
- }
- recipient.Timezone["automaticTimezone"] = "America/New_York"
- post := &model.Post{
- CreateAt: 1524663790000,
- Message: "This is the message",
- }
- channel := &model.Channel{
- DisplayName: "ChannelName",
- Type: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- }
- channelName := "ChannelName"
- senderName := "sender"
- teamName := "team"
- teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
- emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
- translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
- body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, false, translateFunc)
- r, _ := regexp.Compile("E([S|D]+)T")
- zone := r.FindString(body)
- if !strings.Contains(body, "sender - 9:43 AM "+zone+", April 25") {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text 'sender - 9:43 AM " + zone + ", April 25'. Got " + body)
- }
-func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyFullNotificationLocaleTimeNoTimezone(t *testing.T) {
- th := Setup()
- defer th.TearDown()
- recipient := &model.User{
- Timezone: model.DefaultUserTimezone(),
- }
- post := &model.Post{
- CreateAt: 1524681000000,
- Message: "This is the message",
- }
- channel := &model.Channel{
- DisplayName: "ChannelName",
- Type: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- }
- channelName := "ChannelName"
- senderName := "sender"
- teamName := "team"
- teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
- emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
- translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
- tm := time.Unix(post.CreateAt/1000, 0)
- zone, _ := tm.Zone()
- formattedTime := formattedPostTime{
- Time: tm,
- Year: fmt.Sprintf("%d", tm.Year()),
- Month: translateFunc(tm.Month().String()),
- Day: fmt.Sprintf("%d", tm.Day()),
- Hour: fmt.Sprintf("%02d", tm.Hour()),
- Minute: fmt.Sprintf("%02d", tm.Minute()),
- TimeZone: zone,
- }
- body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
- postTimeLine := fmt.Sprintf("sender - %s:%s %s, %s %s", formattedTime.Hour, formattedTime.Minute, formattedTime.TimeZone, formattedTime.Month, formattedTime.Day)
- if !strings.Contains(body, postTimeLine) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + postTimeLine + " '. Got " + body)
- }
-func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyFullNotificationLocaleTime12Hour(t *testing.T) {
- th := Setup()
- defer th.TearDown()
- recipient := &model.User{
- Timezone: model.DefaultUserTimezone(),
- }
- recipient.Timezone["automaticTimezone"] = "America/New_York"
- post := &model.Post{
- CreateAt: 1524681000000, // 1524681000 // 1524681000000
- Message: "This is the message",
- }
- channel := &model.Channel{
- DisplayName: "ChannelName",
- Type: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- }
- channelName := "ChannelName"
- senderName := "sender"
- teamName := "team"
- teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
- emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
- translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
- body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, false, translateFunc)
- if !strings.Contains(body, "sender - 2:30 PM") {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text 'sender - 2:30 PM'. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, "April 25") {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text 'April 25'. Got " + body)
- }
-func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyFullNotificationLocaleTime24Hour(t *testing.T) {
- th := Setup()
- defer th.TearDown()
- recipient := &model.User{
- Timezone: model.DefaultUserTimezone(),
- }
- recipient.Timezone["automaticTimezone"] = "America/New_York"
- post := &model.Post{
- CreateAt: 1524681000000,
- Message: "This is the message",
- }
- channel := &model.Channel{
- DisplayName: "ChannelName",
- Type: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- }
- channelName := "ChannelName"
- senderName := "sender"
- teamName := "team"
- teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
- emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
- translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
- body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
- if !strings.Contains(body, "sender - 14:30") {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text 'sender - 14:30'. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, "April 25") {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text 'April 25'. Got " + body)
- }
-// from here
-func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyGenericNotificationPublicChannel(t *testing.T) {
- th := Setup()
- defer th.TearDown()
- recipient := &model.User{}
- post := &model.Post{
- Message: "This is the message",
- }
- channel := &model.Channel{
- DisplayName: "ChannelName",
- Type: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
- }
- channelName := "ChannelName"
- senderName := "sender"
- teamName := "team"
- teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
- emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_GENERIC
- translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
- body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
- if !strings.Contains(body, "You have a new notification from @"+senderName) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text 'You have a new notification from @" + senderName + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if strings.Contains(body, "Channel: "+channel.DisplayName) {
- t.Fatal("Did not expect email text 'Channel: " + channel.DisplayName + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if strings.Contains(body, post.Message) {
- t.Fatal("Did not expect email text '" + post.Message + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, teamURL) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + teamURL + "'. Got " + body)
- }
-func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyGenericNotificationGroupChannel(t *testing.T) {
- th := Setup()
- defer th.TearDown()
- recipient := &model.User{}
- post := &model.Post{
- Message: "This is the message",
- }
- channel := &model.Channel{
- DisplayName: "ChannelName",
- Type: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
- }
- channelName := "ChannelName"
- senderName := "sender"
- teamName := "team"
- teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
- emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_GENERIC
- translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
- body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
- if !strings.Contains(body, "You have a new Group Message from @"+senderName) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text 'You have a new Group Message from @" + senderName + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if strings.Contains(body, "CHANNEL: "+channel.DisplayName) {
- t.Fatal("Did not expect email text 'CHANNEL: " + channel.DisplayName + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if strings.Contains(body, post.Message) {
- t.Fatal("Did not expect email text '" + post.Message + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, teamURL) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + teamURL + "'. Got " + body)
- }
-func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyGenericNotificationPrivateChannel(t *testing.T) {
- th := Setup()
- defer th.TearDown()
- recipient := &model.User{}
- post := &model.Post{
- Message: "This is the message",
- }
- channel := &model.Channel{
- DisplayName: "ChannelName",
- Type: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
- }
- channelName := "ChannelName"
- senderName := "sender"
- teamName := "team"
- teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
- emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_GENERIC
- translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
- body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
- if !strings.Contains(body, "You have a new notification from @"+senderName) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text 'You have a new notification from @" + senderName + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if strings.Contains(body, "CHANNEL: "+channel.DisplayName) {
- t.Fatal("Did not expect email text 'CHANNEL: " + channel.DisplayName + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if strings.Contains(body, post.Message) {
- t.Fatal("Did not expect email text '" + post.Message + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, teamURL) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + teamURL + "'. Got " + body)
- }
-func TestGetNotificationEmailBodyGenericNotificationDirectChannel(t *testing.T) {
- th := Setup()
- defer th.TearDown()
- recipient := &model.User{}
- post := &model.Post{
- Message: "This is the message",
- }
- channel := &model.Channel{
- DisplayName: "ChannelName",
- Type: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- }
- channelName := "ChannelName"
- senderName := "sender"
- teamName := "team"
- teamURL := "http://localhost:8065/" + teamName
- emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_GENERIC
- translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations("en")
- body := th.App.getNotificationEmailBody(recipient, post, channel, channelName, senderName, teamName, teamURL, emailNotificationContentsType, true, translateFunc)
- if !strings.Contains(body, "You have a new Direct Message from @"+senderName) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text 'You have a new Direct Message from @" + senderName + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if strings.Contains(body, "CHANNEL: "+channel.DisplayName) {
- t.Fatal("Did not expect email text 'CHANNEL: " + channel.DisplayName + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if strings.Contains(body, post.Message) {
- t.Fatal("Did not expect email text '" + post.Message + "'. Got " + body)
- }
- if !strings.Contains(body, teamURL) {
- t.Fatal("Expected email text '" + teamURL + "'. Got " + body)
- }
-func TestGetPushNotificationMessage(t *testing.T) {
- th := Setup()
- defer th.TearDown()
- for name, tc := range map[string]struct {
- Message string
- explicitMention bool
- channelWideMention bool
- HasFiles bool
- replyToThreadType string
- Locale string
- PushNotificationContents string
- ChannelType string
- ExpectedMessage string
- }{
- "full message, public channel, no mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
- },
- "full message, public channel, mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- explicitMention: true,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
- },
- "full message, public channel, channel wide mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- channelWideMention: true,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
- },
- "full message, public channel, commented on post": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- replyToThreadType: THREAD_ROOT,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
- },
- "full message, public channel, commented on thread": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- replyToThreadType: THREAD_ANY,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
- },
- "full message, private channel, no mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
- },
- "full message, private channel, mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- explicitMention: true,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
- },
- "full message, private channel, commented on post": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- replyToThreadType: THREAD_ROOT,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
- },
- "full message, private channel, commented on thread": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- replyToThreadType: THREAD_ANY,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
- },
- "full message, group message channel, no mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
- },
- "full message, group message channel, mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- explicitMention: true,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
- },
- "full message, group message channel, commented on post": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- replyToThreadType: THREAD_ROOT,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
- },
- "full message, group message channel, commented on thread": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- replyToThreadType: THREAD_ANY,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user: this is a message",
- },
- "full message, direct message channel, no mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- ExpectedMessage: "this is a message",
- },
- "full message, direct message channel, mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- explicitMention: true,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- ExpectedMessage: "this is a message",
- },
- "full message, direct message channel, commented on post": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- replyToThreadType: THREAD_ROOT,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- ExpectedMessage: "this is a message",
- },
- "full message, direct message channel, commented on thread": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- replyToThreadType: THREAD_ANY,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- ExpectedMessage: "this is a message",
- },
- "generic message with channel, public channel, no mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user posted a message.",
- },
- "generic message with channel, public channel, mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- explicitMention: true,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user mentioned you.",
- },
- "generic message with channel, public channel, channel wide mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- channelWideMention: true,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user notified the channel.",
- },
- "generic message, public channel, commented on post": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- replyToThreadType: THREAD_ROOT,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user commented on your post.",
- },
- "generic message, public channel, commented on thread": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- replyToThreadType: THREAD_ANY,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user commented on a thread you participated in.",
- },
- "generic message with channel, private channel, no mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user posted a message.",
- },
- "generic message with channel, private channel, mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- explicitMention: true,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user mentioned you.",
- },
- "generic message with channel, private channel, channel wide mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- channelWideMention: true,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user notified the channel.",
- },
- "generic message, public private, commented on post": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- replyToThreadType: THREAD_ROOT,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user commented on your post.",
- },
- "generic message, public private, commented on thread": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- replyToThreadType: THREAD_ANY,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user commented on a thread you participated in.",
- },
- "generic message with channel, group message channel, no mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user posted a message.",
- },
- "generic message with channel, group message channel, mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- explicitMention: true,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user mentioned you.",
- },
- "generic message with channel, group message channel, channel wide mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- channelWideMention: true,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user notified the channel.",
- },
- "generic message, group message channel, commented on post": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- replyToThreadType: THREAD_ROOT,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user commented on your post.",
- },
- "generic message, group message channel, commented on thread": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- replyToThreadType: THREAD_ANY,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user commented on a thread you participated in.",
- },
- "generic message with channel, direct message channel, no mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- ExpectedMessage: "sent you a message.",
- },
- "generic message with channel, direct message channel, mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- explicitMention: true,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- ExpectedMessage: "sent you a message.",
- },
- "generic message with channel, direct message channel, channel wide mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- channelWideMention: true,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- ExpectedMessage: "sent you a message.",
- },
- "generic message, direct message channel, commented on post": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- replyToThreadType: THREAD_ROOT,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- ExpectedMessage: "sent you a message.",
- },
- "generic message, direct message channel, commented on thread": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- replyToThreadType: THREAD_ANY,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- ExpectedMessage: "sent you a message.",
- },
- "generic message without channel, public channel, no mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user posted a message.",
- },
- "generic message without channel, public channel, mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- explicitMention: true,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user mentioned you.",
- },
- "generic message without channel, private channel, no mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user posted a message.",
- },
- "generic message without channel, private channel, mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- explicitMention: true,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user mentioned you.",
- },
- "generic message without channel, group message channel, no mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user posted a message.",
- },
- "generic message without channel, group message channel, mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- explicitMention: true,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user mentioned you.",
- },
- "generic message without channel, direct message channel, no mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- ExpectedMessage: "sent you a message.",
- },
- "generic message without channel, direct message channel, mention": {
- Message: "this is a message",
- explicitMention: true,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- ExpectedMessage: "sent you a message.",
- },
- "only files, public channel": {
- HasFiles: true,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user attached a file.",
- },
- "only files, private channel": {
- HasFiles: true,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user attached a file.",
- },
- "only files, group message channel": {
- HasFiles: true,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_GROUP,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user attached a file.",
- },
- "only files, direct message channel": {
- HasFiles: true,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_DIRECT,
- ExpectedMessage: "attached a file.",
- },
- "only files without channel, public channel": {
- HasFiles: true,
- PushNotificationContents: model.GENERIC_NO_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION,
- ChannelType: model.CHANNEL_OPEN,
- ExpectedMessage: "@user attached a file.",
- },
- } {
- t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
- locale := tc.Locale
- if locale == "" {
- locale = "en"
- }
- pushNotificationContents := tc.PushNotificationContents
- if pushNotificationContents == "" {
- pushNotificationContents = model.FULL_NOTIFICATION
- }
- th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) {
- *cfg.EmailSettings.PushNotificationContents = pushNotificationContents
- })
- if actualMessage := th.App.getPushNotificationMessage(
- tc.Message,
- tc.explicitMention,
- tc.channelWideMention,
- tc.HasFiles,
- "user",
- "channel",
- tc.ChannelType,
- tc.replyToThreadType,
- utils.GetUserTranslations(locale),
- ); actualMessage != tc.ExpectedMessage {
- t.Fatalf("Received incorrect push notification message `%v`, expected `%v`", actualMessage, tc.ExpectedMessage)
- }
- })
- }
func TestGetMentionsEnabledFields(t *testing.T) {
attachmentWithTextAndPreText := model.SlackAttachment{
- Text: "@here with mentions",
+ Text: "@here with mentions",
Pretext: "@Channel some comment for the channel",
attachmentWithOutPreText := model.SlackAttachment{