path: root/build
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build')
3 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/Jenkinsfile b/build/Jenkinsfile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea22df617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/Jenkinsfile
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env groovy
+podTemplate(label: 'jenkins-slave',
+ containers: [
+ containerTemplate(
+ name: 'mattermost-mysql',
+ image: 'mysql:5.7',
+ alwaysPullImage: false,
+ resourceRequestCpu: '1000m',
+ resourceLimitCpu: '2000m',
+ resourceRequestMemory: '2Gi',
+ resourceLimitMemory: '4Gi',
+ ports: [portMapping(name: 'mysql', containerPort: 3306, hostPort: 3306)],
+ envVars: [envVar(key: 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD', value: 'mostest'), envVar(key: 'MYSQL_USER', value: 'mmuser'), envVar(key: 'MYSQL_PASSWORD', value: 'mostest'), envVar(key: 'MYSQL_DATABASE', value: 'mattermost_test')]
+ ),
+ containerTemplate(
+ name: 'golang',
+ image: 'golang:1.8',
+ ttyEnabled: true,
+ command: 'cat',
+ alwaysPullImage: false,
+ resourceRequestCpu: '1000m',
+ resourceLimitCpu: '2000m',
+ resourceRequestMemory: '2Gi',
+ resourceLimitMemory: '4Gi'
+ ),
+ containerTemplate(
+ name: 'mattermost-inbucket',
+ image: 'jhillyerd/inbucket:latest',
+ ports: [portMapping(name: 'inbucket', hostPost: 10025, containerPort: 10025)],
+ resourceRequestCpu: '250m',
+ resourceLimitCpu: '250m',
+ resourceRequestMemory: '256Mi',
+ resourceLimitMemory: '256Mi'
+ ),
+ containerTemplate(
+ name: 'mattermost-openldap',
+ image: 'osixia/openldap:1.1.9',
+ alwaysPullImage: true,
+ ports: [portMapping(name: 'openldap1', hostPost: 389, containerPort: 389), portMapping(name: 'openldap2', hostPost: 636, containerPort: 636)],
+ envVars: [envVar(key: 'LDAP_TLS_VERIFY_CLIENT', value: 'never'), envVar(key: 'LDAP_ORGANISATION', value: 'Mattermost Test'), envVar(key: 'LDAP_DOMAIN', value: ''), envVar(key: 'LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD', value: 'mostest')],
+ args: "--loglevel debug",
+ resourceRequestCpu: '250m',
+ resourceLimitCpu: '250m',
+ resourceRequestMemory: '256Mi',
+ resourceLimitMemory: '256Mi'
+ ),
+ containerTemplate(
+ name: 'mattermost-redis',
+ image: 'redis',
+ ports: [portMapping(name: 'redis', hostPost: 6379, containerPort: 6379)],
+ resourceRequestCpu: '250m',
+ resourceLimitCpu: '250m',
+ resourceRequestMemory: '256Mi',
+ resourceLimitMemory: '256Mi'
+ ),/*
+ containerTemplate(
+ name: 'mattermost-elasticsearch',
+ image: 'grundleborg/elasticsearch:latest',
+ ports: [portMapping(name: 'elasticsearch', hostPost: 9200, containerPort: 9200)],
+ envVars: [envVar(key: '', value: ''), envVar(key: '', value: ''), envVar(key: 'ES_JAVA_OPTS', value: '-Xmx250m -Xmx250m')],
+ resourceRequestCpu: '250m',
+ resourceLimitCpu: '250m',
+ resourceRequestMemory: '256Mi',
+ resourceLimitMemory: '256Mi'
+ ),*/
+ containerTemplate(
+ name: 'mattermost-node',
+ image: 'node',
+ ttyEnabled: true,
+ command: 'cat',
+ alwaysPullImage: false,
+ resourceRequestCpu: '1000m',
+ resourceLimitCpu: '2000m',
+ resourceRequestMemory: '2Gi',
+ resourceLimitMemory: '4Gi'
+ )
+ ]
+ node('jenkins-slave') {
+ stage('Checkout') {
+ container('golang') {
+ // Checkout platform
+ dir('platform') {
+ git branch: env.BRANCH_NAME, credentialsId: 'a8f2d76b-8a29-4525-b57a-eb0447d7779c', url: ''
+ }
+ // Checkout enterprise
+ dir('enterprise') {
+ git branch: 'master', credentialsId: 'a8f2d76b-8a29-4525-b57a-eb0447d7779c', url: ''
+ sh "git checkout ${env.BRANCH_NAME} || echo 'NO EE BRANCH'"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ stage('Prep Environment') {
+ container('golang') {
+ // Link up the code to GOPATH.
+ sh 'mkdir -p /go/src/'
+ sh 'ln -s `pwd`/platform /go/src/'
+ sh 'ln -s `pwd`/enterprise /go/src/'
+ // Install build deps
+ sh 'apt-get update && apt-get install zip -y'
+ // Modify config to run on jenkins
+ sh 'mv /go/src/ /go/src/'
+ sh 'cd /go/src/ && sed -i \'s/dockerhost/localhost/g\' config/config.json'
+ sh 'cd /go/src/ && sed -i \'s/2500/10025/g\' config/config.json'
+ }
+ // Setup openldap container
+ /*container('mattermost-openldap') {
+ sh 'echo \\"dn: ou=testusers,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com\\" >> user1'
+ sh 'echo \\"objectclass: organizationalunit\\" >> user1'
+ sh 'ldapadd -x -D \\"cn=admin,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com\\" -w mostest -f user1'
+ sh 'echo -e \\"dn:,ou=testusers,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com\\nobjectclass: iNetOrgPerson\\nsn: User\\ncn: Test1\\nmail:\\" | ldapadd -x -D \\"cn=admin,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com\\" -w mostest'
+ sh 'ldappasswd -s Password1 -D \\"cn=admin,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com\\" -x \\",ou=testusers,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com\\" -w mostest'
+ sh 'echo -e \\"dn: uid=test.two,ou=testusers,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com\\nobjectclass: iNetOrgPerson\\nsn: User\\ncn: Test2\\nmail:\\" | ldapadd -x -D \\"cn=admin,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com\\" -w mostest'
+ sh 'ldappasswd -s Password1 -D \\"cn=admin,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com\\" -x \\"uid=test.two,ou=testusers,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com\\" -w mostest'
+ sh 'echo -e \\"dn: cn=tgroup,ou=testusers,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com\\nobjectclass: groupOfUniqueNames\\nuniqueMember:,ou=testusers,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com\\" | ldapadd -x -D \\"cn=admin,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com\\" -w mostest'
+ }*/
+ }
+ stage('Style Checks') {
+ container('golang') {
+ sh 'cd /go/src/ && make check-style BUILD_NUMBER=$BUILD_NUMBER'
+ }
+ }
+ stage('Build') {
+ container('golang') {
+ sh 'cd /go/src/ && make build BUILD_NUMBER=$BUILD_NUMBER'
+ }
+ container('mattermost-node') {
+ sh 'cd platform && make build-client BUILD_NUMBER=$BUILD_NUMBER'
+ }
+ container('golang') {
+ sh 'cd /go/src/ && make package BUILD_NUMBER=$BUILD_NUMBER'
+ }
+ }
+ stage('Unit Tests') {
+ container('golang') {
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/build/ b/build/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..364ea35e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ @echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ @echo "------------------------------------- Makefile Help -------------------------------------------"
+ @echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " General:"
+ @echo "make run Build and run the Mattermost server for development"
+ @echo "make run-fullmap Same as run but with a full sourcemap for client"
+ @echo "make stop Stops server and client."
+ @echo "make restart-server Restarts the mattermost server to pick up development change."
+ @echo "make clean Clean up everything except persistant server data"
+ @echo "make nuke clean plus removes persistant server data"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " Testing:"
+ @echo "make test Runs all checks and tests below (except race detection and postgres)"
+ @echo "make govet Runs govet against all packages"
+ @echo "make gofmt Runs gofmt against all packages"
+ @echo "make check-style Runs govet and gofmt against all packages"
+ @echo "make check-server-race Runs the unit tests with race detection mode on"
+ @echo "make test-postgres Runs the unit tests against a postgres database"
+ @echo "make cover Runs the golang coverage tool. You must run the unit tests first."
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " Docker:"
+ @echo "make start-docker Starts the docker containers for local development"
+ @echo "make stop-docker Stops the docker containers for local development"
+ @echo "make clean-docker Deletes the docker containers for local development"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
diff --git a/build/ b/build/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af25b3901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+dist: | check-style test package
+ @echo Build Linux amd64
+ env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 $(GO) install $(GOFLAGS) $(GO_LINKER_FLAGS) ./cmd/platform
+ @echo Build OSX amd64
+ env GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 $(GO) install $(GOFLAGS) $(GO_LINKER_FLAGS) ./cmd/platform
+ @echo Build Windows amd64
+ env GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 $(GO) install $(GOFLAGS) $(GO_LINKER_FLAGS) ./cmd/platform
+build: build-linux build-windows build-osx
+ @echo Building mattermost web app
+ cd $(BUILD_WEBAPP_DIR) && $(MAKE) build
+ @ echo Packaging mattermost
+ @# Remove any old files
+ rm -Rf $(DIST_ROOT)
+ @# Create needed directories
+ mkdir -p $(DIST_PATH)/bin
+ mkdir -p $(DIST_PATH)/logs
+ @# Resource directories
+ cp -RL config $(DIST_PATH)
+ cp -RL fonts $(DIST_PATH)
+ cp -RL templates $(DIST_PATH)
+ cp -RL i18n $(DIST_PATH)
+ @# Disable developer settings
+ sed -i'' -e 's|"ConsoleLevel": "DEBUG"|"ConsoleLevel": "INFO"|g' $(DIST_PATH)/config/config.json
+ sed -i'' -e 's|"SiteURL": "http://localhost:8065"|"SiteURL": ""|g' $(DIST_PATH)/config/config.json
+ @# Reset email sending to original configuration
+ sed -i'' -e 's|"SendEmailNotifications": true,|"SendEmailNotifications": false,|g' $(DIST_PATH)/config/config.json
+ sed -i'' -e 's|"FeedbackEmail": "",|"FeedbackEmail": "",|g' $(DIST_PATH)/config/config.json
+ sed -i'' -e 's|"SMTPServer": "dockerhost",|"SMTPServer": "",|g' $(DIST_PATH)/config/config.json
+ sed -i'' -e 's|"SMTPPort": "2500",|"SMTPPort": "",|g' $(DIST_PATH)/config/config.json
+ @# Package webapp
+ mkdir -p $(DIST_PATH)/webapp/dist
+ cp -RL $(BUILD_WEBAPP_DIR)/dist $(DIST_PATH)/webapp
+ @# Help files
+ cp build/ $(DIST_PATH)
+ cp NOTICE.txt $(DIST_PATH)
+ cp $(DIST_PATH)
+ @# ----- PLATFORM SPECIFIC -----
+ @# Make osx package
+ @# Copy binary
+ifeq ($(BUILDER_GOOS_GOARCH),"darwin_amd64")
+ cp $(GOPATH)/bin/platform $(DIST_PATH)/bin # from native bin dir, not cross-compiled
+ cp $(GOPATH)/bin/darwin_amd64/platform $(DIST_PATH)/bin # from cross-compiled bin dir
+ @# Package
+ tar -C dist -czf $(DIST_PATH)-$(BUILD_TYPE_NAME)-osx-amd64.tar.gz mattermost
+ @# Cleanup
+ rm -f $(DIST_PATH)/bin/platform
+ @# Make windows package
+ @# Copy binary
+ifeq ($(BUILDER_GOOS_GOARCH),"windows_amd64")
+ cp $(GOPATH)/bin/platform.exe $(DIST_PATH)/bin # from native bin dir, not cross-compiled
+ cp $(GOPATH)/bin/windows_amd64/platform.exe $(DIST_PATH)/bin # from cross-compiled bin dir
+ @# Package
+ cd $(DIST_ROOT) && zip -9 -r -q -l mattermost-$(BUILD_TYPE_NAME) mattermost && cd ..
+ @# Cleanup
+ rm -f $(DIST_PATH)/bin/platform.exe
+ @# Make linux package
+ @# Copy binary
+ifeq ($(BUILDER_GOOS_GOARCH),"linux_amd64")
+ cp $(GOPATH)/bin/platform $(DIST_PATH)/bin # from native bin dir, not cross-compiled
+ cp $(GOPATH)/bin/linux_amd64/platform $(DIST_PATH)/bin # from cross-compiled bin dir
+ @# Package
+ tar -C dist -czf $(DIST_PATH)-$(BUILD_TYPE_NAME)-linux-amd64.tar.gz mattermost
+ @# Don't clean up native package so dev machines will have an unzipped package available
+ @#rm -f $(DIST_PATH)/bin/platform