path: root/doc/install
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+## AWS Elastic Beanstalk Setup (Docker)
+1. Create a new Elastic Beanstalk Docker application using the [](docker/0.6/ file provided.
+ 1. From the AWS console select Elastic Beanstalk.
+ 2. Select "Create New Application" from the top right.
+ 3. Name the application and press next.
+ 4. Select "Create a web server" environment.
+ 5. If asked, select create an IAM role and instance profile and press next.
+ 6. For predefined configuration select under Generic: Docker. For environment type select single instance.
+ 7. For application source, select upload your own and upload from [](docker/0.6/ Everything else may be left at default.
+ 8. Select an environment name, this is how you will refer to your environment. Make sure the URL is available then press next.
+ 9. The options on the additional resources page may be left at default unless you wish to change them. Press Next.
+ 10. On the configuration details place. Select an instance type of t2.small or larger.
+ 11. You can set the configuration details as you please but they may be left at their defaults. When you are done press next.
+ 12. Environment tags my be left blank. Press next.
+ 13. You will be asked to review your information. Press Launch.
+4. Try it out!
+ 14. Wait for beanstalk to update the environment.
+ 15. Try it out by entering the domain of the form \* found at the top of the dashboard into your browser. You can also map your own domain if you wish.
+ ### (Recommended) Enable Email
+ The default single-container Docker instance for Mattermost is designed for product evaluation, and sets `ByPassEmail=true` so the product can run without enabling email, when doing so maybe difficult.
+ To see the product's full functionality, [enabling SMTP email is recommended](doc/config/
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+# Requirements
+## Web Client
+Supported Operating Systems and Browsers:
+- PC: Windows 7, Windows 8 (Chrome 43+, Firefox 38+, Internet Explorer 10+)
+- Mac: OS 10 (Safari 7, Chrome 43+)
+- Linux: Arch 4.0.0 (Chrome 43+)
+- iPhone 4s and higher (Safari on iOS 8.3+, Chrome 43+)
+- Android 5 and higher (Chrome 43+)
+## Server
+While the pre-released version of Mattermost is not currently supported in production, the intention from the product team is to support:
+- Ubuntu
+- Debian
+- CentOS
+- RedHat Enterprise Linux
+- Oracle Linux
+The Mattermost roadmap does not currently include production support for Fedora, FreeBSD or Arch Linux.
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+# Single Container Installation and Upgrade
+The following install instructions are for single-container installs of Mattermost using Docker for exploring product functionality and upgrading to newer versions.
+Local Machine Setup (Docker)
+### Mac OSX ###
+1. Install Boot2Docker using instructions at:
+ 1. Start Boot2Docker from the command line and run: `boot2docker init eval “$(boot2docker shellinit)”`
+2. Get your Docker IP address with: `boot2docker ip`
+3. Use `sudo nano /etc/hosts` to add `<Docker IP> dockerhost` to your /etc/hosts file
+4. Run: `boot2docker shellinit` and copy the export statements to your ~/.bash\_profile by running `sudo nano ~/.bash_profile`. Then run: `source ~/.bash_profile`
+5. Run: `docker run --name mattermost-dev -d --publish 8065:80 mattermost/platform`
+6. When docker is done fetching the image, open http://dockerhost:8065/ in your browser.
+### Ubuntu ###
+1. Follow the instructions at or use the summary below:
+ ``` bash
+ sudo apt-get update
+ sudo apt-get install wget
+ wget -qO- | sh
+ sudo usermod -aG docker <username>
+ sudo service docker start
+ newgrp docker
+ ```
+2. Start docker container:
+ ``` bash
+ docker run --name mattermost-dev -d --publish 8065:80 mattermost/platform
+ ```
+3. When docker is done fetching the image, open http://localhost:8065/ in your browser.
+### Arch ###
+1. Install Docker using the following commands:
+ ``` bash
+ pacman -S docker
+ systemctl enable docker.service
+ systemctl start docker.service
+ gpasswd -a <username> docker
+ newgrp docker
+ ```
+2. Start Docker container:
+ ``` bash
+ docker run --name mattermost-dev -d --publish 8065:80 mattermost/platform
+ ```
+3. When Docker is done fetching the image, open http://localhost:8065/ in your browser.
+### Additional Notes ###
+- If you want to work with the latest master from the repository (i.e. not a stable release) you can run the cmd:
+ ``` bash
+ docker run --name mattermost-dev -d --publish 8065:80 mattermost/platform:dev
+ ```
+- Instructions on how to update your Docker image are found below.
+- If you wish to remove mattermost-dev use:
+ ``` bash
+ docker stop mattermost-dev
+ docker rm -v mattermost-dev
+ ```
+- If you wish to gain access to a shell on the container use:
+ ``` bash
+ docker exec -ti mattermost-dev /bin/bash
+ ```
+## Configuration Settings
+There are a few configuration settings you might want to adjust when setting up your instance of Mattermost. You can edit them in [config/config.json](config/config.json) or [docker/0.6/config_docker.json](docker/0.6/config_docker.json) if you're running a Docker instance.
+* *EmailSettings*:*ByPassEmail* - If this is set to true, then users on the system will not need to verify their email addresses when signing up. In addition, no emails will ever be sent.
+* *ServiceSettings*:*UseLocalStorage* - If this is set to true, then your Mattermost server will store uploaded files in the storage directory specified by *StorageDirectory*. *StorageDirectory* must be set if *UseLocalStorage* is set to true.
+* *ServiceSettings*:*StorageDirectory* - The file path where files will be stored locally if *UseLocalStorage* is set to true. The operating system user that is running the Mattermost application must have read and write privileges to this directory.
+* *AWSSettings*:*S3*\* - If *UseLocalStorage* is set to false, and the S3 settings are configured here, then Mattermost will store files in the provided S3 bucket.
+### (Recommended) Enable Email
+The default single-container Docker instance for Mattermost is designed for product evaluation, and sets `ByPassEmail=true` so the product can run without enabling email, when doing so maybe difficult.
+To see the product's full functionality, [enabling SMTP email is recommended](doc/config/
+## Upgrading Mattermost
+### Docker ###
+To upgrade your Docker image to a preview of the latest stable release (NOTE: this will erase all data in the Docker container, including the database):
+1. Stop your Docker container by running:
+ ``` bash
+ docker stop mattermost-dev
+ ```
+2. Delete your Docker container by running:
+ ``` bash
+ docker rm mattermost-dev
+ ```
+3. Update your Docker image by running:
+ ``` bash
+ docker pull mattermost/platform
+ ```
+4. Start your Docker container by running:
+ ``` bash
+ docker run --name mattermost-dev -d --publish 8065:80 mattermost/platform
+ ```
+To upgrade to the latest development build on master from the repository replace `mattermost/platform` with `mattermost/platform:dev` in the instructions 3) and 4) above.