path: root/store/sqlstore/channel_store.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'store/sqlstore/channel_store.go')
1 files changed, 1664 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/store/sqlstore/channel_store.go b/store/sqlstore/channel_store.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06cca9e88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/store/sqlstore/channel_store.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1664 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// See License.txt for license information.
+package sqlstore
+import (
+ "database/sql"
+ "fmt"
+ "net/http"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ l4g ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+const (
+ CHANNEL_CACHE_SEC = 900 // 15 mins
+type SqlChannelStore struct {
+ SqlStore
+ metrics einterfaces.MetricsInterface
+var channelMemberCountsCache = utils.NewLru(CHANNEL_MEMBERS_COUNTS_CACHE_SIZE)
+var allChannelMembersForUserCache = utils.NewLru(ALL_CHANNEL_MEMBERS_FOR_USER_CACHE_SIZE)
+var allChannelMembersNotifyPropsForChannelCache = utils.NewLru(ALL_CHANNEL_MEMBERS_NOTIFY_PROPS_FOR_CHANNEL_CACHE_SIZE)
+var channelCache = utils.NewLru(model.CHANNEL_CACHE_SIZE)
+var channelByNameCache = utils.NewLru(model.CHANNEL_CACHE_SIZE)
+func ClearChannelCaches() {
+ channelMemberCountsCache.Purge()
+ allChannelMembersForUserCache.Purge()
+ allChannelMembersNotifyPropsForChannelCache.Purge()
+ channelCache.Purge()
+ channelByNameCache.Purge()
+func NewSqlChannelStore(sqlStore SqlStore, metrics einterfaces.MetricsInterface) store.ChannelStore {
+ s := &SqlChannelStore{
+ SqlStore: sqlStore,
+ metrics: metrics,
+ }
+ for _, db := range sqlStore.GetAllConns() {
+ table := db.AddTableWithName(model.Channel{}, "Channels").SetKeys(false, "Id")
+ table.ColMap("Id").SetMaxSize(26)
+ table.ColMap("TeamId").SetMaxSize(26)
+ table.ColMap("Type").SetMaxSize(1)
+ table.ColMap("DisplayName").SetMaxSize(64)
+ table.ColMap("Name").SetMaxSize(64)
+ table.SetUniqueTogether("Name", "TeamId")
+ table.ColMap("Header").SetMaxSize(1024)
+ table.ColMap("Purpose").SetMaxSize(250)
+ table.ColMap("CreatorId").SetMaxSize(26)
+ tablem := db.AddTableWithName(model.ChannelMember{}, "ChannelMembers").SetKeys(false, "ChannelId", "UserId")
+ tablem.ColMap("ChannelId").SetMaxSize(26)
+ tablem.ColMap("UserId").SetMaxSize(26)
+ tablem.ColMap("Roles").SetMaxSize(64)
+ tablem.ColMap("NotifyProps").SetMaxSize(2000)
+ }
+ return s
+func (s SqlChannelStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists() {
+ s.CreateIndexIfNotExists("idx_channels_team_id", "Channels", "TeamId")
+ s.CreateIndexIfNotExists("idx_channels_name", "Channels", "Name")
+ s.CreateIndexIfNotExists("idx_channels_update_at", "Channels", "UpdateAt")
+ s.CreateIndexIfNotExists("idx_channels_create_at", "Channels", "CreateAt")
+ s.CreateIndexIfNotExists("idx_channels_delete_at", "Channels", "DeleteAt")
+ s.CreateIndexIfNotExists("idx_channelmembers_channel_id", "ChannelMembers", "ChannelId")
+ s.CreateIndexIfNotExists("idx_channelmembers_user_id", "ChannelMembers", "UserId")
+ s.CreateFullTextIndexIfNotExists("idx_channels_txt", "Channels", "Name, DisplayName")
+func (s SqlChannelStore) Save(channel *model.Channel) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ var result store.StoreResult
+ if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Save", "", nil, "", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ } else {
+ if transaction, err := s.GetMaster().Begin(); err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Save", "", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ result = s.saveChannelT(transaction, channel)
+ if result.Err != nil {
+ transaction.Rollback()
+ } else {
+ if err := transaction.Commit(); err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Save", "", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) CreateDirectChannel(userId string, otherUserId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ channel := new(model.Channel)
+ channel.DisplayName = ""
+ channel.Name = model.GetDMNameFromIds(otherUserId, userId)
+ channel.Header = ""
+ channel.Type = model.CHANNEL_DIRECT
+ cm1 := &model.ChannelMember{
+ UserId: userId,
+ NotifyProps: model.GetDefaultChannelNotifyProps(),
+ Roles: model.ROLE_CHANNEL_USER.Id,
+ }
+ cm2 := &model.ChannelMember{
+ UserId: otherUserId,
+ NotifyProps: model.GetDefaultChannelNotifyProps(),
+ Roles: model.ROLE_CHANNEL_USER.Id,
+ }
+ return s.SaveDirectChannel(channel, cm1, cm2)
+func (s SqlChannelStore) SaveDirectChannel(directchannel *model.Channel, member1 *model.ChannelMember, member2 *model.ChannelMember) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ var result store.StoreResult
+ if directchannel.Type != model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.SaveDirectChannel", "store.sql_channel.save_direct_channel.not_direct.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ } else {
+ if transaction, err := s.GetMaster().Begin(); err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.SaveDirectChannel", "store.sql_channel.save_direct_channel.open_transaction.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ directchannel.TeamId = ""
+ channelResult := s.saveChannelT(transaction, directchannel)
+ if channelResult.Err != nil {
+ transaction.Rollback()
+ result.Err = channelResult.Err
+ result.Data = channelResult.Data
+ } else {
+ newChannel := channelResult.Data.(*model.Channel)
+ // Members need new channel ID
+ member1.ChannelId = newChannel.Id
+ member2.ChannelId = newChannel.Id
+ member1Result := s.saveMemberT(transaction, member1, newChannel)
+ member2Result := s.saveMemberT(transaction, member2, newChannel)
+ if member1Result.Err != nil || member2Result.Err != nil {
+ transaction.Rollback()
+ details := ""
+ if member1Result.Err != nil {
+ details += "Member1Err: " + member1Result.Err.Message
+ }
+ if member2Result.Err != nil {
+ details += "Member2Err: " + member2Result.Err.Message
+ }
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.SaveDirectChannel", "store.sql_channel.save_direct_channel.add_members.app_error", nil, details, http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ if err := transaction.Commit(); err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.SaveDirectChannel", "store.sql_channel.save_direct_channel.commit.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ result = channelResult
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) saveChannelT(transaction *gorp.Transaction, channel *model.Channel) store.StoreResult {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ if len(channel.Id) > 0 {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Save", "store.sql_channel.save_channel.existing.app_error", nil, "id="+channel.Id, http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return result
+ }
+ channel.PreSave()
+ if result.Err = channel.IsValid(); result.Err != nil {
+ return result
+ }
+ if channel.Type != model.CHANNEL_DIRECT && channel.Type != model.CHANNEL_GROUP {
+ if count, err := transaction.SelectInt("SELECT COUNT(0) FROM Channels WHERE TeamId = :TeamId AND DeleteAt = 0 AND (Type = 'O' OR Type = 'P')", map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": channel.TeamId}); err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Save", "store.sql_channel.save_channel.current_count.app_error", nil, "teamId="+channel.TeamId+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return result
+ } else if count > *utils.Cfg.TeamSettings.MaxChannelsPerTeam {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Save", "store.sql_channel.save_channel.limit.app_error", nil, "teamId="+channel.TeamId, http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return result
+ }
+ }
+ if err := transaction.Insert(channel); err != nil {
+ if IsUniqueConstraintError(err, []string{"Name", "channels_name_teamid_key"}) {
+ dupChannel := model.Channel{}
+ s.GetMaster().SelectOne(&dupChannel, "SELECT * FROM Channels WHERE TeamId = :TeamId AND Name = :Name", map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": channel.TeamId, "Name": channel.Name})
+ if dupChannel.DeleteAt > 0 {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Save", "store.sql_channel.save_channel.previously.app_error", nil, "id="+channel.Id+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
+ } else {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Save", store.CHANNEL_EXISTS_ERROR, nil, "id="+channel.Id+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
+ result.Data = &dupChannel
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Save", "", nil, "id="+channel.Id+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.Data = channel
+ }
+ return result
+func (s SqlChannelStore) Update(channel *model.Channel) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ channel.PreUpdate()
+ if result.Err = channel.IsValid(); result.Err != nil {
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ return
+ }
+ if count, err := s.GetMaster().Update(channel); err != nil {
+ if IsUniqueConstraintError(err, []string{"Name", "channels_name_teamid_key"}) {
+ dupChannel := model.Channel{}
+ s.GetReplica().SelectOne(&dupChannel, "SELECT * FROM Channels WHERE TeamId = :TeamId AND Name= :Name AND DeleteAt > 0", map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": channel.TeamId, "Name": channel.Name})
+ if dupChannel.DeleteAt > 0 {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Update", "store.sql_channel.update.previously.app_error", nil, "id="+channel.Id+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
+ } else {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Update", "store.sql_channel.update.exists.app_error", nil, "id="+channel.Id+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Update", "store.sql_channel.update.updating.app_error", nil, "id="+channel.Id+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ } else if count != 1 {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Update", "store.sql_channel.update.app_error", nil, "id="+channel.Id, http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ result.Data = channel
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) extraUpdated(channel *model.Channel) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ channel.ExtraUpdated()
+ _, err := s.GetMaster().Exec(
+ Channels
+ ExtraUpdateAt = :Time
+ Id = :Id`,
+ map[string]interface{}{"Id": channel.Id, "Time": channel.ExtraUpdateAt})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.extraUpdated", "store.sql_channel.extra_updated.app_error", nil, "id="+channel.Id+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetChannelUnread(channelId, userId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ var unreadChannel model.ChannelUnread
+ err := s.GetReplica().SelectOne(&unreadChannel,
+ Channels.TeamId TeamId, Channels.Id ChannelId, (Channels.TotalMsgCount - ChannelMembers.MsgCount) MsgCount, ChannelMembers.MentionCount MentionCount, ChannelMembers.NotifyProps NotifyProps
+ Channels, ChannelMembers
+ Id = ChannelId
+ AND Id = :ChannelId
+ AND UserId = :UserId
+ AND DeleteAt = 0`,
+ map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId, "UserId": userId})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetChannelUnread", "store.sql_channel.get_unread.app_error", nil, "channelId="+channelId+" "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
+ result.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusNotFound
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.Data = &unreadChannel
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (us SqlChannelStore) InvalidateChannel(id string) {
+ channelCache.Remove(id)
+func (us SqlChannelStore) InvalidateChannelByName(teamId, name string) {
+ channelByNameCache.Remove(teamId + name)
+func (s SqlChannelStore) Get(id string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel {
+ return s.get(id, false, allowFromCache)
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetPinnedPosts(channelId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ pl := model.NewPostList()
+ var posts []*model.Post
+ if _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(&posts, "SELECT * FROM Posts WHERE IsPinned = true AND ChannelId = :ChannelId AND DeleteAt = 0 ORDER BY CreateAt ASC", map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId}); err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlPostStore.GetPinnedPosts", "store.sql_channel.pinned_posts.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ for _, post := range posts {
+ pl.AddPost(post)
+ pl.AddOrder(post.Id)
+ }
+ }
+ result.Data = pl
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetFromMaster(id string) store.StoreChannel {
+ return s.get(id, true, false)
+func (s SqlChannelStore) get(id string, master bool, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ var db *gorp.DbMap
+ if master {
+ db = s.GetMaster()
+ } else {
+ db = s.GetReplica()
+ }
+ if allowFromCache {
+ if cacheItem, ok := channelCache.Get(id); ok {
+ if s.metrics != nil {
+ s.metrics.IncrementMemCacheHitCounter("Channel")
+ }
+ result.Data = (cacheItem.(*model.Channel)).DeepCopy()
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ return
+ } else {
+ if s.metrics != nil {
+ s.metrics.IncrementMemCacheMissCounter("Channel")
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if s.metrics != nil {
+ s.metrics.IncrementMemCacheMissCounter("Channel")
+ }
+ }
+ if obj, err := db.Get(model.Channel{}, id); err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Get", "store.sql_channel.get.find.app_error", nil, "id="+id+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else if obj == nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Get", "store.sql_channel.get.existing.app_error", nil, "id="+id, http.StatusNotFound)
+ } else {
+ result.Data = obj.(*model.Channel)
+ channelCache.AddWithExpiresInSecs(id, obj.(*model.Channel), CHANNEL_CACHE_SEC)
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) Delete(channelId string, time int64) store.StoreChannel {
+ return s.SetDeleteAt(channelId, time, time)
+func (s SqlChannelStore) Restore(channelId string, time int64) store.StoreChannel {
+ return s.SetDeleteAt(channelId, 0, time)
+func (s SqlChannelStore) SetDeleteAt(channelId string, deleteAt int64, updateAt int64) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ _, err := s.GetMaster().Exec("Update Channels SET DeleteAt = :DeleteAt, UpdateAt = :UpdateAt WHERE Id = :ChannelId", map[string]interface{}{"DeleteAt": deleteAt, "UpdateAt": updateAt, "ChannelId": channelId})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Delete", "", nil, "id="+channelId+", err="+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) PermanentDeleteByTeam(teamId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ if _, err := s.GetMaster().Exec("DELETE FROM Channels WHERE TeamId = :TeamId", map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId}); err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.PermanentDeleteByTeam", "store.sql_channel.permanent_delete_by_team.app_error", nil, "teamId="+teamId+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) PermanentDelete(channelId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ if _, err := s.GetMaster().Exec("DELETE FROM Channels WHERE Id = :ChannelId", map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId}); err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.PermanentDelete", "store.sql_channel.permanent_delete.app_error", nil, "channel_id="+channelId+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) PermanentDeleteMembersByChannel(channelId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ _, err := s.GetMaster().Exec("DELETE FROM ChannelMembers WHERE ChannelId = :ChannelId", map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.RemoveAllMembersByChannel", "store.sql_channel.remove_member.app_error", nil, "channel_id="+channelId+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+type channelWithMember struct {
+ model.Channel
+ model.ChannelMember
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetChannels(teamId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ data := &model.ChannelList{}
+ _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(data, "SELECT Channels.* FROM Channels, ChannelMembers WHERE Id = ChannelId AND UserId = :UserId AND DeleteAt = 0 AND (TeamId = :TeamId OR TeamId = '') ORDER BY DisplayName", map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId, "UserId": userId})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetChannels", "store.sql_channel.get_channels.get.app_error", nil, "teamId="+teamId+", userId="+userId+", err="+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ if len(*data) == 0 {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetChannels", "store.sql_channel.get_channels.not_found.app_error", nil, "teamId="+teamId+", userId="+userId, http.StatusBadRequest)
+ } else {
+ result.Data = data
+ }
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMoreChannels(teamId string, userId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ data := &model.ChannelList{}
+ _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(data,
+ *
+ Channels
+ TeamId = :TeamId1
+ AND Type IN ('O')
+ AND DeleteAt = 0
+ Channels.Id
+ Channels,
+ ChannelMembers
+ Id = ChannelId
+ AND TeamId = :TeamId2
+ AND UserId = :UserId
+ AND DeleteAt = 0)
+ ORDER BY DisplayName
+ LIMIT :Limit
+ OFFSET :Offset`,
+ map[string]interface{}{"TeamId1": teamId, "TeamId2": teamId, "UserId": userId, "Limit": limit, "Offset": offset})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetMoreChannels", "store.sql_channel.get_more_channels.get.app_error", nil, "teamId="+teamId+", userId="+userId+", err="+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ result.Data = data
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetPublicChannelsForTeam(teamId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ data := &model.ChannelList{}
+ _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(data,
+ *
+ Channels
+ TeamId = :TeamId
+ AND Type = 'O'
+ AND DeleteAt = 0
+ ORDER BY DisplayName
+ LIMIT :Limit
+ OFFSET :Offset`,
+ map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId, "Limit": limit, "Offset": offset})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetPublicChannelsForTeam", "store.sql_channel.get_public_channels.get.app_error", nil, "teamId="+teamId+", err="+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ result.Data = data
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam(teamId string, channelIds []string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ props := make(map[string]interface{})
+ props["teamId"] = teamId
+ idQuery := ""
+ for index, channelId := range channelIds {
+ if len(idQuery) > 0 {
+ idQuery += ", "
+ }
+ props["channelId"+strconv.Itoa(index)] = channelId
+ idQuery += ":channelId" + strconv.Itoa(index)
+ }
+ data := &model.ChannelList{}
+ _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(data,
+ *
+ Channels
+ TeamId = :teamId
+ AND Type = 'O'
+ AND DeleteAt = 0
+ AND Id IN (`+idQuery+`)
+ ORDER BY DisplayName`,
+ props)
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam", "store.sql_channel.get_channels_by_ids.get.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ if len(*data) == 0 {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam", "store.sql_channel.get_channels_by_ids.not_found.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusNotFound)
+ }
+ result.Data = data
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+type channelIdWithCountAndUpdateAt struct {
+ Id string
+ TotalMsgCount int64
+ UpdateAt int64
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetChannelCounts(teamId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ var data []channelIdWithCountAndUpdateAt
+ _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(&data, "SELECT Id, TotalMsgCount, UpdateAt FROM Channels WHERE Id IN (SELECT ChannelId FROM ChannelMembers WHERE UserId = :UserId) AND (TeamId = :TeamId OR TeamId = '') AND DeleteAt = 0 ORDER BY DisplayName", map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId, "UserId": userId})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetChannelCounts", "store.sql_channel.get_channel_counts.get.app_error", nil, "teamId="+teamId+", userId="+userId+", err="+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ counts := &model.ChannelCounts{Counts: make(map[string]int64), UpdateTimes: make(map[string]int64)}
+ for i := range data {
+ v := data[i]
+ counts.Counts[v.Id] = v.TotalMsgCount
+ counts.UpdateTimes[v.Id] = v.UpdateAt
+ }
+ result.Data = counts
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetTeamChannels(teamId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ data := &model.ChannelList{}
+ _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(data, "SELECT * FROM Channels WHERE TeamId = :TeamId And Type != 'D' ORDER BY DisplayName", map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetChannels", "store.sql_channel.get_channels.get.app_error", nil, "teamId="+teamId+", err="+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ if len(*data) == 0 {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetChannels", "store.sql_channel.get_channels.not_found.app_error", nil, "teamId="+teamId, http.StatusNotFound)
+ } else {
+ result.Data = data
+ }
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetByName(teamId string, name string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel {
+ return s.getByName(teamId, name, false, allowFromCache)
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetByNameIncludeDeleted(teamId string, name string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel {
+ return s.getByName(teamId, name, true, allowFromCache)
+func (s SqlChannelStore) getByName(teamId string, name string, includeDeleted bool, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ var query string
+ if includeDeleted {
+ query = "SELECT * FROM Channels WHERE (TeamId = :TeamId OR TeamId = '') AND Name = :Name"
+ } else {
+ query = "SELECT * FROM Channels WHERE (TeamId = :TeamId OR TeamId = '') AND Name = :Name AND DeleteAt = 0"
+ }
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ channel := model.Channel{}
+ if allowFromCache {
+ if cacheItem, ok := channelByNameCache.Get(teamId + name); ok {
+ if s.metrics != nil {
+ s.metrics.IncrementMemCacheHitCounter("Channel By Name")
+ }
+ result.Data = cacheItem.(*model.Channel)
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ return
+ } else {
+ if s.metrics != nil {
+ s.metrics.IncrementMemCacheMissCounter("Channel By Name")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if err := s.GetReplica().SelectOne(&channel, query, map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId, "Name": name}); err != nil {
+ if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetByName", store.MISSING_CHANNEL_ERROR, nil, "teamId="+teamId+", "+"name="+name+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusNotFound)
+ } else {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetByName", "store.sql_channel.get_by_name.existing.app_error", nil, "teamId="+teamId+", "+"name="+name+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.Data = &channel
+ channelByNameCache.AddWithExpiresInSecs(teamId+name, &channel, CHANNEL_CACHE_SEC)
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetDeletedByName(teamId string, name string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ channel := model.Channel{}
+ if err := s.GetReplica().SelectOne(&channel, "SELECT * FROM Channels WHERE (TeamId = :TeamId OR TeamId = '') AND Name = :Name AND DeleteAt != 0", map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId, "Name": name}); err != nil {
+ if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetDeletedByName", "store.sql_channel.get_deleted_by_name.missing.app_error", nil, "teamId="+teamId+", "+"name="+name+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusNotFound)
+ } else {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetDeletedByName", "store.sql_channel.get_deleted_by_name.existing.app_error", nil, "teamId="+teamId+", "+"name="+name+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.Data = &channel
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetDeleted(teamId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ channels := &model.ChannelList{}
+ if _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(channels, "SELECT * FROM Channels WHERE (TeamId = :TeamId OR TeamId = '') AND DeleteAt != 0 ORDER BY DisplayName LIMIT :Limit OFFSET :Offset", map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId, "Limit": limit, "Offset": offset}); err != nil {
+ if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetDeleted", "store.sql_channel.get_deleted.missing.app_error", nil, "teamId="+teamId+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusNotFound)
+ } else {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetDeleted", "store.sql_channel.get_deleted.existing.app_error", nil, "teamId="+teamId+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.Data = channels
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) SaveMember(member *model.ChannelMember) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ var result store.StoreResult
+ // Grab the channel we are saving this member to
+ if cr := <-s.GetFromMaster(member.ChannelId); cr.Err != nil {
+ result.Err = cr.Err
+ } else {
+ channel := cr.Data.(*model.Channel)
+ if transaction, err := s.GetMaster().Begin(); err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.SaveMember", "store.sql_channel.save_member.open_transaction.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ result = s.saveMemberT(transaction, member, channel)
+ if result.Err != nil {
+ transaction.Rollback()
+ } else {
+ if err := transaction.Commit(); err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.SaveMember", "store.sql_channel.save_member.commit_transaction.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ // If sucessfull record members have changed in channel
+ if mu := <-s.extraUpdated(channel); mu.Err != nil {
+ result.Err = mu.Err
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ s.InvalidateAllChannelMembersForUser(member.UserId)
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) saveMemberT(transaction *gorp.Transaction, member *model.ChannelMember, channel *model.Channel) store.StoreResult {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ member.PreSave()
+ if result.Err = member.IsValid(); result.Err != nil {
+ return result
+ }
+ if err := transaction.Insert(member); err != nil {
+ if IsUniqueConstraintError(err, []string{"ChannelId", "channelmembers_pkey"}) {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.SaveMember", "store.sql_channel.save_member.exists.app_error", nil, "channel_id="+member.ChannelId+", user_id="+member.UserId+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
+ } else {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.SaveMember", "", nil, "channel_id="+member.ChannelId+", user_id="+member.UserId+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.Data = member
+ }
+ return result
+func (s SqlChannelStore) UpdateMember(member *model.ChannelMember) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ member.PreUpdate()
+ if result.Err = member.IsValid(); result.Err != nil {
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ return
+ }
+ if _, err := s.GetMaster().Update(member); err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.UpdateMember", "store.sql_channel.update_member.app_error", nil, "channel_id="+member.ChannelId+", "+"user_id="+member.UserId+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ result.Data = member
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMembers(channelId string, offset, limit int) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ var members model.ChannelMembers
+ _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(&members, "SELECT * FROM ChannelMembers WHERE ChannelId = :ChannelId LIMIT :Limit OFFSET :Offset", map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId, "Limit": limit, "Offset": offset})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetMembers", "store.sql_channel.get_members.app_error", nil, "channel_id="+channelId+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ result.Data = &members
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMember(channelId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ var member model.ChannelMember
+ if err := s.GetReplica().SelectOne(&member, "SELECT * FROM ChannelMembers WHERE ChannelId = :ChannelId AND UserId = :UserId", map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId, "UserId": userId}); err != nil {
+ if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetMember", store.MISSING_CHANNEL_MEMBER_ERROR, nil, "channel_id="+channelId+"user_id="+userId+","+err.Error(), http.StatusNotFound)
+ } else {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetMember", "store.sql_channel.get_member.app_error", nil, "channel_id="+channelId+"user_id="+userId+","+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.Data = &member
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (us SqlChannelStore) InvalidateAllChannelMembersForUser(userId string) {
+ allChannelMembersForUserCache.Remove(userId)
+func (us SqlChannelStore) IsUserInChannelUseCache(userId string, channelId string) bool {
+ if cacheItem, ok := allChannelMembersForUserCache.Get(userId); ok {
+ if us.metrics != nil {
+ us.metrics.IncrementMemCacheHitCounter("All Channel Members for User")
+ }
+ ids := cacheItem.(map[string]string)
+ if _, ok := ids[channelId]; ok {
+ return true
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else {
+ if us.metrics != nil {
+ us.metrics.IncrementMemCacheMissCounter("All Channel Members for User")
+ }
+ }
+ if result := <-us.GetAllChannelMembersForUser(userId, true); result.Err != nil {
+ l4g.Error("SqlChannelStore.IsUserInChannelUseCache: " + result.Err.Error())
+ return false
+ } else {
+ ids := result.Data.(map[string]string)
+ if _, ok := ids[channelId]; ok {
+ return true
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMemberForPost(postId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ member := &model.ChannelMember{}
+ if err := s.GetReplica().SelectOne(
+ member,
+ ChannelMembers.*
+ ChannelMembers,
+ Posts
+ ChannelMembers.ChannelId = Posts.ChannelId
+ AND ChannelMembers.UserId = :UserId
+ AND Posts.Id = :PostId`, map[string]interface{}{"UserId": userId, "PostId": postId}); err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetMemberForPost", "store.sql_channel.get_member_for_post.app_error", nil, "postId="+postId+", err="+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ result.Data = member
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+type allChannelMember struct {
+ ChannelId string
+ Roles string
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetAllChannelMembersForUser(userId string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ if allowFromCache {
+ if cacheItem, ok := allChannelMembersForUserCache.Get(userId); ok {
+ if s.metrics != nil {
+ s.metrics.IncrementMemCacheHitCounter("All Channel Members for User")
+ }
+ result.Data = cacheItem.(map[string]string)
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ return
+ } else {
+ if s.metrics != nil {
+ s.metrics.IncrementMemCacheMissCounter("All Channel Members for User")
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if s.metrics != nil {
+ s.metrics.IncrementMemCacheMissCounter("All Channel Members for User")
+ }
+ }
+ var data []allChannelMember
+ _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(&data, "SELECT ChannelId, Roles FROM Channels, ChannelMembers WHERE Channels.Id = ChannelMembers.ChannelId AND ChannelMembers.UserId = :UserId AND Channels.DeleteAt = 0", map[string]interface{}{"UserId": userId})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetAllChannelMembersForUser", "store.sql_channel.get_channels.get.app_error", nil, "userId="+userId+", err="+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ ids := make(map[string]string)
+ for i := range data {
+ ids[data[i].ChannelId] = data[i].Roles
+ }
+ result.Data = ids
+ if allowFromCache {
+ allChannelMembersForUserCache.AddWithExpiresInSecs(userId, ids, ALL_CHANNEL_MEMBERS_FOR_USER_CACHE_SEC)
+ }
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (us SqlChannelStore) InvalidateCacheForChannelMembersNotifyProps(channelId string) {
+ allChannelMembersNotifyPropsForChannelCache.Remove(channelId)
+type allChannelMemberNotifyProps struct {
+ UserId string
+ NotifyProps model.StringMap
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetAllChannelMembersNotifyPropsForChannel(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ if allowFromCache {
+ if cacheItem, ok := allChannelMembersNotifyPropsForChannelCache.Get(channelId); ok {
+ if s.metrics != nil {
+ s.metrics.IncrementMemCacheHitCounter("All Channel Members Notify Props for Channel")
+ }
+ result.Data = cacheItem.(map[string]model.StringMap)
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ return
+ } else {
+ if s.metrics != nil {
+ s.metrics.IncrementMemCacheMissCounter("All Channel Members Notify Props for Channel")
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if s.metrics != nil {
+ s.metrics.IncrementMemCacheMissCounter("All Channel Members Notify Props for Channel")
+ }
+ }
+ var data []allChannelMemberNotifyProps
+ _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(&data, `
+ SELECT ChannelMembers.UserId, ChannelMembers.NotifyProps
+ FROM Channels, ChannelMembers
+ WHERE Channels.Id = ChannelMembers.ChannelId AND ChannelMembers.ChannelId = :ChannelId`, map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetAllChannelMembersPropsForChannel", "store.sql_channel.get_members.app_error", nil, "channelId="+channelId+", err="+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ props := make(map[string]model.StringMap)
+ for i := range data {
+ props[data[i].UserId] = data[i].NotifyProps
+ }
+ result.Data = props
+ allChannelMembersNotifyPropsForChannelCache.AddWithExpiresInSecs(channelId, props, ALL_CHANNEL_MEMBERS_NOTIFY_PROPS_FOR_CHANNEL_CACHE_SEC)
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (us SqlChannelStore) InvalidateMemberCount(channelId string) {
+ channelMemberCountsCache.Remove(channelId)
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMemberCountFromCache(channelId string) int64 {
+ if cacheItem, ok := channelMemberCountsCache.Get(channelId); ok {
+ if s.metrics != nil {
+ s.metrics.IncrementMemCacheHitCounter("Channel Member Counts")
+ }
+ return cacheItem.(int64)
+ } else {
+ if s.metrics != nil {
+ s.metrics.IncrementMemCacheMissCounter("Channel Member Counts")
+ }
+ }
+ if result := <-s.GetMemberCount(channelId, true); result.Err != nil {
+ return 0
+ } else {
+ return result.Data.(int64)
+ }
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMemberCount(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ if allowFromCache {
+ if cacheItem, ok := channelMemberCountsCache.Get(channelId); ok {
+ if s.metrics != nil {
+ s.metrics.IncrementMemCacheHitCounter("Channel Member Counts")
+ }
+ result.Data = cacheItem.(int64)
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ return
+ } else {
+ if s.metrics != nil {
+ s.metrics.IncrementMemCacheMissCounter("Channel Member Counts")
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if s.metrics != nil {
+ s.metrics.IncrementMemCacheMissCounter("Channel Member Counts")
+ }
+ }
+ count, err := s.GetReplica().SelectInt(`
+ count(*)
+ ChannelMembers,
+ Users
+ ChannelMembers.UserId = Users.Id
+ AND ChannelMembers.ChannelId = :ChannelId
+ AND Users.DeleteAt = 0`, map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetMemberCount", "store.sql_channel.get_member_count.app_error", nil, "channel_id="+channelId+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ result.Data = count
+ if allowFromCache {
+ channelMemberCountsCache.AddWithExpiresInSecs(channelId, count, CHANNEL_MEMBERS_COUNTS_CACHE_SEC)
+ }
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) RemoveMember(channelId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ // Grab the channel we are saving this member to
+ if cr := <-s.Get(channelId, true); cr.Err != nil {
+ result.Err = cr.Err
+ } else {
+ channel := cr.Data.(*model.Channel)
+ _, err := s.GetMaster().Exec("DELETE FROM ChannelMembers WHERE ChannelId = :ChannelId AND UserId = :UserId", map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId, "UserId": userId})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.RemoveMember", "store.sql_channel.remove_member.app_error", nil, "channel_id="+channelId+", user_id="+userId+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ // If sucessfull record members have changed in channel
+ if mu := <-s.extraUpdated(channel); mu.Err != nil {
+ result.Err = mu.Err
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) PermanentDeleteMembersByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ if _, err := s.GetMaster().Exec("DELETE FROM ChannelMembers WHERE UserId = :UserId", map[string]interface{}{"UserId": userId}); err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.RemoveMember", "store.sql_channel.permanent_delete_members_by_user.app_error", nil, "user_id="+userId+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) UpdateLastViewedAt(channelIds []string, userId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ var query string
+ props := make(map[string]interface{})
+ idQuery := ""
+ for index, channelId := range channelIds {
+ if len(idQuery) > 0 {
+ idQuery += " OR "
+ }
+ props["channelId"+strconv.Itoa(index)] = channelId
+ idQuery += "ChannelId = :channelId" + strconv.Itoa(index)
+ }
+ if *utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.DriverName == model.DATABASE_DRIVER_POSTGRES {
+ query = `UPDATE
+ ChannelMembers
+ MentionCount = 0,
+ MsgCount = Channels.TotalMsgCount,
+ LastViewedAt = Channels.LastPostAt,
+ LastUpdateAt = Channels.LastPostAt
+ Channels
+ Channels.Id = ChannelMembers.ChannelId
+ AND UserId = :UserId
+ AND (` + idQuery + `)`
+ } else if *utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.DriverName == model.DATABASE_DRIVER_MYSQL {
+ query = `UPDATE
+ ChannelMembers, Channels
+ ChannelMembers.MentionCount = 0,
+ ChannelMembers.MsgCount = Channels.TotalMsgCount,
+ ChannelMembers.LastViewedAt = Channels.LastPostAt,
+ ChannelMembers.LastUpdateAt = Channels.LastPostAt
+ Channels.Id = ChannelMembers.ChannelId
+ AND UserId = :UserId
+ AND (` + idQuery + `)`
+ }
+ props["UserId"] = userId
+ _, err := s.GetMaster().Exec(query, props)
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.UpdateLastViewedAt", "store.sql_channel.update_last_viewed_at.app_error", nil, "channel_ids="+strings.Join(channelIds, ",")+", user_id="+userId+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) IncrementMentionCount(channelId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ _, err := s.GetMaster().Exec(
+ ChannelMembers
+ MentionCount = MentionCount + 1,
+ LastUpdateAt = :LastUpdateAt
+ UserId = :UserId
+ AND ChannelId = :ChannelId`,
+ map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId, "UserId": userId, "LastUpdateAt": model.GetMillis()})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.IncrementMentionCount", "store.sql_channel.increment_mention_count.app_error", nil, "channel_id="+channelId+", user_id="+userId+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetAll(teamId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ var data []*model.Channel
+ _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(&data, "SELECT * FROM Channels WHERE TeamId = :TeamId AND Type != 'D' ORDER BY Name", map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetAll", "store.sql_channel.get_all.app_error", nil, "teamId="+teamId+", err="+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ result.Data = data
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetForPost(postId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ channel := &model.Channel{}
+ if err := s.GetReplica().SelectOne(
+ channel,
+ Channels.*
+ Channels,
+ Posts
+ Channels.Id = Posts.ChannelId
+ AND Posts.Id = :PostId`, map[string]interface{}{"PostId": postId}); err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetForPost", "store.sql_channel.get_for_post.app_error", nil, "postId="+postId+", err="+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ result.Data = channel
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) AnalyticsTypeCount(teamId string, channelType string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ query := "SELECT COUNT(Id) AS Value FROM Channels WHERE Type = :ChannelType"
+ if len(teamId) > 0 {
+ query += " AND TeamId = :TeamId"
+ }
+ v, err := s.GetReplica().SelectInt(query, map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId, "ChannelType": channelType})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.AnalyticsTypeCount", "store.sql_channel.analytics_type_count.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ result.Data = v
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) AnalyticsDeletedTypeCount(teamId string, channelType string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ query := "SELECT COUNT(Id) AS Value FROM Channels WHERE Type = :ChannelType AND DeleteAt > 0"
+ if len(teamId) > 0 {
+ query += " AND TeamId = :TeamId"
+ }
+ v, err := s.GetReplica().SelectInt(query, map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId, "ChannelType": channelType})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.AnalyticsDeletedTypeCount", "store.sql_channel.analytics_deleted_type_count.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ result.Data = v
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) ExtraUpdateByUser(userId string, time int64) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ _, err := s.GetMaster().Exec(
+ `UPDATE Channels SET ExtraUpdateAt = :Time
+ WHERE Id IN (SELECT ChannelId FROM ChannelMembers WHERE UserId = :UserId);`,
+ map[string]interface{}{"UserId": userId, "Time": time})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.extraUpdated", "store.sql_channel.extra_updated.app_error", nil, "user_id="+userId+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMembersForUser(teamId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ members := &model.ChannelMembers{}
+ _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(members, `
+ SELECT cm.*
+ FROM ChannelMembers cm
+ INNER JOIN Channels c
+ ON c.Id = cm.ChannelId
+ AND (c.TeamId = :TeamId OR c.TeamId = '')
+ AND c.DeleteAt = 0
+ WHERE cm.UserId = :UserId
+ `, map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId, "UserId": userId})
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetMembersForUser", "store.sql_channel.get_members.app_error", nil, "teamId="+teamId+", userId="+userId+", err="+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ result.Data = members
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) SearchInTeam(teamId string, term string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ searchQuery := `
+ *
+ Channels
+ TeamId = :TeamId
+ AND Type = 'O'
+ AND DeleteAt = 0
+ ORDER BY DisplayName
+ LIMIT 100`
+ storeChannel <- s.performSearch(searchQuery, term, map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId})
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) SearchMore(userId string, teamId string, term string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ searchQuery := `
+ *
+ Channels
+ TeamId = :TeamId
+ AND Type = 'O'
+ AND DeleteAt = 0
+ Channels.Id
+ Channels,
+ ChannelMembers
+ Id = ChannelId
+ AND TeamId = :TeamId
+ AND UserId = :UserId
+ AND DeleteAt = 0)
+ ORDER BY DisplayName
+ LIMIT 100`
+ storeChannel <- s.performSearch(searchQuery, term, map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId, "UserId": userId})
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel
+func (s SqlChannelStore) performSearch(searchQuery string, term string, parameters map[string]interface{}) store.StoreResult {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ // these chars have special meaning and can be treated as spaces
+ for _, c := range specialUserSearchChar {
+ term = strings.Replace(term, c, " ", -1)
+ }
+ if term == "" {
+ searchQuery = strings.Replace(searchQuery, "SEARCH_CLAUSE", "", 1)
+ } else if *utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.DriverName == model.DATABASE_DRIVER_POSTGRES {
+ splitTerm := strings.Fields(term)
+ for i, t := range strings.Fields(term) {
+ if i == len(splitTerm)-1 {
+ splitTerm[i] = t + ":*"
+ } else {
+ splitTerm[i] = t + ":* &"
+ }
+ }
+ term = strings.Join(splitTerm, " ")
+ searchClause := fmt.Sprintf("AND (%s) @@ to_tsquery('simple', :Term)", "Name || ' ' || DisplayName")
+ searchQuery = strings.Replace(searchQuery, "SEARCH_CLAUSE", searchClause, 1)
+ } else if *utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.DriverName == model.DATABASE_DRIVER_MYSQL {
+ splitTerm := strings.Fields(term)
+ for i, t := range strings.Fields(term) {
+ splitTerm[i] = "+" + t + "*"
+ }
+ term = strings.Join(splitTerm, " ")
+ searchClause := fmt.Sprintf("AND MATCH(%s) AGAINST (:Term IN BOOLEAN MODE)", "Name, DisplayName")
+ searchQuery = strings.Replace(searchQuery, "SEARCH_CLAUSE", searchClause, 1)
+ }
+ var channels model.ChannelList
+ parameters["Term"] = term
+ if _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(&channels, searchQuery, parameters); err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Search", "", nil, "term="+term+", "+", "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ result.Data = &channels
+ }
+ return result
+func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMembersByIds(channelId string, userIds []string) store.StoreChannel {
+ storeChannel := make(store.StoreChannel, 1)
+ go func() {
+ result := store.StoreResult{}
+ var members model.ChannelMembers
+ props := make(map[string]interface{})
+ idQuery := ""
+ for index, userId := range userIds {
+ if len(idQuery) > 0 {
+ idQuery += ", "
+ }
+ props["userId"+strconv.Itoa(index)] = userId
+ idQuery += ":userId" + strconv.Itoa(index)
+ }
+ props["ChannelId"] = channelId
+ if _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(&members, "SELECT * FROM ChannelMembers WHERE ChannelId = :ChannelId AND UserId IN ("+idQuery+")", props); err != nil {
+ result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetMembersByIds", "store.sql_channel.get_members_by_ids.app_error", nil, "channelId="+channelId+" "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ } else {
+ result.Data = &members
+ }
+ storeChannel <- result
+ close(storeChannel)
+ }()
+ return storeChannel