path: root/vendor/
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 2090 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
deleted file mode 100644
index 55f1c051e..000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,556 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package parse
-import (
- "fmt"
- "strings"
- "unicode"
- "unicode/utf8"
-// item represents a token or text string returned from the scanner.
-type item struct {
- typ itemType // The type of this item.
- pos Pos // The starting position, in bytes, of this item in the input string.
- val string // The value of this item.
-func (i item) String() string {
- switch {
- case i.typ == itemEOF:
- return "EOF"
- case i.typ == itemError:
- return i.val
- case i.typ > itemKeyword:
- return fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", i.val)
- case len(i.val) > 10:
- return fmt.Sprintf("%.10q...", i.val)
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf("%q", i.val)
-// itemType identifies the type of lex items.
-type itemType int
-const (
- itemError itemType = iota // error occurred; value is text of error
- itemBool // boolean constant
- itemChar // printable ASCII character; grab bag for comma etc.
- itemCharConstant // character constant
- itemComplex // complex constant (1+2i); imaginary is just a number
- itemColonEquals // colon-equals (':=') introducing a declaration
- itemEOF
- itemField // alphanumeric identifier starting with '.'
- itemIdentifier // alphanumeric identifier not starting with '.'
- itemLeftDelim // left action delimiter
- itemLeftParen // '(' inside action
- itemNumber // simple number, including imaginary
- itemPipe // pipe symbol
- itemRawString // raw quoted string (includes quotes)
- itemRightDelim // right action delimiter
- itemElideNewline // elide newline after right delim
- itemRightParen // ')' inside action
- itemSpace // run of spaces separating arguments
- itemString // quoted string (includes quotes)
- itemText // plain text
- itemVariable // variable starting with '$', such as '$' or '$1' or '$hello'
- // Keywords appear after all the rest.
- itemKeyword // used only to delimit the keywords
- itemDot // the cursor, spelled '.'
- itemDefine // define keyword
- itemElse // else keyword
- itemEnd // end keyword
- itemIf // if keyword
- itemNil // the untyped nil constant, easiest to treat as a keyword
- itemRange // range keyword
- itemTemplate // template keyword
- itemWith // with keyword
-var key = map[string]itemType{
- ".": itemDot,
- "define": itemDefine,
- "else": itemElse,
- "end": itemEnd,
- "if": itemIf,
- "range": itemRange,
- "nil": itemNil,
- "template": itemTemplate,
- "with": itemWith,
-const eof = -1
-// stateFn represents the state of the scanner as a function that returns the next state.
-type stateFn func(*lexer) stateFn
-// lexer holds the state of the scanner.
-type lexer struct {
- name string // the name of the input; used only for error reports
- input string // the string being scanned
- leftDelim string // start of action
- rightDelim string // end of action
- state stateFn // the next lexing function to enter
- pos Pos // current position in the input
- start Pos // start position of this item
- width Pos // width of last rune read from input
- lastPos Pos // position of most recent item returned by nextItem
- items chan item // channel of scanned items
- parenDepth int // nesting depth of ( ) exprs
-// next returns the next rune in the input.
-func (l *lexer) next() rune {
- if int(l.pos) >= len(l.input) {
- l.width = 0
- return eof
- }
- r, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.input[l.pos:])
- l.width = Pos(w)
- l.pos += l.width
- return r
-// peek returns but does not consume the next rune in the input.
-func (l *lexer) peek() rune {
- r :=
- l.backup()
- return r
-// backup steps back one rune. Can only be called once per call of next.
-func (l *lexer) backup() {
- l.pos -= l.width
-// emit passes an item back to the client.
-func (l *lexer) emit(t itemType) {
- l.items <- item{t, l.start, l.input[l.start:l.pos]}
- l.start = l.pos
-// ignore skips over the pending input before this point.
-func (l *lexer) ignore() {
- l.start = l.pos
-// accept consumes the next rune if it's from the valid set.
-func (l *lexer) accept(valid string) bool {
- if strings.IndexRune(valid, >= 0 {
- return true
- }
- l.backup()
- return false
-// acceptRun consumes a run of runes from the valid set.
-func (l *lexer) acceptRun(valid string) {
- for strings.IndexRune(valid, >= 0 {
- }
- l.backup()
-// lineNumber reports which line we're on, based on the position of
-// the previous item returned by nextItem. Doing it this way
-// means we don't have to worry about peek double counting.
-func (l *lexer) lineNumber() int {
- return 1 + strings.Count(l.input[:l.lastPos], "\n")
-// errorf returns an error token and terminates the scan by passing
-// back a nil pointer that will be the next state, terminating l.nextItem.
-func (l *lexer) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) stateFn {
- l.items <- item{itemError, l.start, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)}
- return nil
-// nextItem returns the next item from the input.
-func (l *lexer) nextItem() item {
- item := <-l.items
- l.lastPos = item.pos
- return item
-// lex creates a new scanner for the input string.
-func lex(name, input, left, right string) *lexer {
- if left == "" {
- left = leftDelim
- }
- if right == "" {
- right = rightDelim
- }
- l := &lexer{
- name: name,
- input: input,
- leftDelim: left,
- rightDelim: right,
- items: make(chan item),
- }
- go
- return l
-// run runs the state machine for the lexer.
-func (l *lexer) run() {
- for l.state = lexText; l.state != nil; {
- l.state = l.state(l)
- }
-// state functions
-const (
- leftDelim = "{{"
- rightDelim = "}}"
- leftComment = "/*"
- rightComment = "*/"
-// lexText scans until an opening action delimiter, "{{".
-func lexText(l *lexer) stateFn {
- for {
- if strings.HasPrefix(l.input[l.pos:], l.leftDelim) {
- if l.pos > l.start {
- l.emit(itemText)
- }
- return lexLeftDelim
- }
- if == eof {
- break
- }
- }
- // Correctly reached EOF.
- if l.pos > l.start {
- l.emit(itemText)
- }
- l.emit(itemEOF)
- return nil
-// lexLeftDelim scans the left delimiter, which is known to be present.
-func lexLeftDelim(l *lexer) stateFn {
- l.pos += Pos(len(l.leftDelim))
- if strings.HasPrefix(l.input[l.pos:], leftComment) {
- return lexComment
- }
- l.emit(itemLeftDelim)
- l.parenDepth = 0
- return lexInsideAction
-// lexComment scans a comment. The left comment marker is known to be present.
-func lexComment(l *lexer) stateFn {
- l.pos += Pos(len(leftComment))
- i := strings.Index(l.input[l.pos:], rightComment)
- if i < 0 {
- return l.errorf("unclosed comment")
- }
- l.pos += Pos(i + len(rightComment))
- if !strings.HasPrefix(l.input[l.pos:], l.rightDelim) {
- return l.errorf("comment ends before closing delimiter")
- }
- l.pos += Pos(len(l.rightDelim))
- l.ignore()
- return lexText
-// lexRightDelim scans the right delimiter, which is known to be present.
-func lexRightDelim(l *lexer) stateFn {
- l.pos += Pos(len(l.rightDelim))
- l.emit(itemRightDelim)
- if l.peek() == '\\' {
- l.pos++
- l.emit(itemElideNewline)
- }
- return lexText
-// lexInsideAction scans the elements inside action delimiters.
-func lexInsideAction(l *lexer) stateFn {
- // Either number, quoted string, or identifier.
- // Spaces separate arguments; runs of spaces turn into itemSpace.
- // Pipe symbols separate and are emitted.
- if strings.HasPrefix(l.input[l.pos:], l.rightDelim+"\\") || strings.HasPrefix(l.input[l.pos:], l.rightDelim) {
- if l.parenDepth == 0 {
- return lexRightDelim
- }
- return l.errorf("unclosed left paren")
- }
- switch r :=; {
- case r == eof || isEndOfLine(r):
- return l.errorf("unclosed action")
- case isSpace(r):
- return lexSpace
- case r == ':':
- if != '=' {
- return l.errorf("expected :=")
- }
- l.emit(itemColonEquals)
- case r == '|':
- l.emit(itemPipe)
- case r == '"':
- return lexQuote
- case r == '`':
- return lexRawQuote
- case r == '$':
- return lexVariable
- case r == '\'':
- return lexChar
- case r == '.':
- // special look-ahead for ".field" so we don't break l.backup().
- if l.pos < Pos(len(l.input)) {
- r := l.input[l.pos]
- if r < '0' || '9' < r {
- return lexField
- }
- }
- fallthrough // '.' can start a number.
- case r == '+' || r == '-' || ('0' <= r && r <= '9'):
- l.backup()
- return lexNumber
- case isAlphaNumeric(r):
- l.backup()
- return lexIdentifier
- case r == '(':
- l.emit(itemLeftParen)
- l.parenDepth++
- return lexInsideAction
- case r == ')':
- l.emit(itemRightParen)
- l.parenDepth--
- if l.parenDepth < 0 {
- return l.errorf("unexpected right paren %#U", r)
- }
- return lexInsideAction
- case r <= unicode.MaxASCII && unicode.IsPrint(r):
- l.emit(itemChar)
- return lexInsideAction
- default:
- return l.errorf("unrecognized character in action: %#U", r)
- }
- return lexInsideAction
-// lexSpace scans a run of space characters.
-// One space has already been seen.
-func lexSpace(l *lexer) stateFn {
- for isSpace(l.peek()) {
- }
- l.emit(itemSpace)
- return lexInsideAction
-// lexIdentifier scans an alphanumeric.
-func lexIdentifier(l *lexer) stateFn {
- for {
- switch r :=; {
- case isAlphaNumeric(r):
- // absorb.
- default:
- l.backup()
- word := l.input[l.start:l.pos]
- if !l.atTerminator() {
- return l.errorf("bad character %#U", r)
- }
- switch {
- case key[word] > itemKeyword:
- l.emit(key[word])
- case word[0] == '.':
- l.emit(itemField)
- case word == "true", word == "false":
- l.emit(itemBool)
- default:
- l.emit(itemIdentifier)
- }
- break Loop
- }
- }
- return lexInsideAction
-// lexField scans a field: .Alphanumeric.
-// The . has been scanned.
-func lexField(l *lexer) stateFn {
- return lexFieldOrVariable(l, itemField)
-// lexVariable scans a Variable: $Alphanumeric.
-// The $ has been scanned.
-func lexVariable(l *lexer) stateFn {
- if l.atTerminator() { // Nothing interesting follows -> "$".
- l.emit(itemVariable)
- return lexInsideAction
- }
- return lexFieldOrVariable(l, itemVariable)
-// lexVariable scans a field or variable: [.$]Alphanumeric.
-// The . or $ has been scanned.
-func lexFieldOrVariable(l *lexer, typ itemType) stateFn {
- if l.atTerminator() { // Nothing interesting follows -> "." or "$".
- if typ == itemVariable {
- l.emit(itemVariable)
- } else {
- l.emit(itemDot)
- }
- return lexInsideAction
- }
- var r rune
- for {
- r =
- if !isAlphaNumeric(r) {
- l.backup()
- break
- }
- }
- if !l.atTerminator() {
- return l.errorf("bad character %#U", r)
- }
- l.emit(typ)
- return lexInsideAction
-// atTerminator reports whether the input is at valid termination character to
-// appear after an identifier. Breaks .X.Y into two pieces. Also catches cases
-// like "$x+2" not being acceptable without a space, in case we decide one
-// day to implement arithmetic.
-func (l *lexer) atTerminator() bool {
- r := l.peek()
- if isSpace(r) || isEndOfLine(r) {
- return true
- }
- switch r {
- case eof, '.', ',', '|', ':', ')', '(':
- return true
- }
- // Does r start the delimiter? This can be ambiguous (with delim=="//", $x/2 will
- // succeed but should fail) but only in extremely rare cases caused by willfully
- // bad choice of delimiter.
- if rd, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.rightDelim); rd == r {
- return true
- }
- return false
-// lexChar scans a character constant. The initial quote is already
-// scanned. Syntax checking is done by the parser.
-func lexChar(l *lexer) stateFn {
- for {
- switch {
- case '\\':
- if r :=; r != eof && r != '\n' {
- break
- }
- fallthrough
- case eof, '\n':
- return l.errorf("unterminated character constant")
- case '\'':
- break Loop
- }
- }
- l.emit(itemCharConstant)
- return lexInsideAction
-// lexNumber scans a number: decimal, octal, hex, float, or imaginary. This
-// isn't a perfect number scanner - for instance it accepts "." and "0x0.2"
-// and "089" - but when it's wrong the input is invalid and the parser (via
-// strconv) will notice.
-func lexNumber(l *lexer) stateFn {
- if !l.scanNumber() {
- return l.errorf("bad number syntax: %q", l.input[l.start:l.pos])
- }
- if sign := l.peek(); sign == '+' || sign == '-' {
- // Complex: 1+2i. No spaces, must end in 'i'.
- if !l.scanNumber() || l.input[l.pos-1] != 'i' {
- return l.errorf("bad number syntax: %q", l.input[l.start:l.pos])
- }
- l.emit(itemComplex)
- } else {
- l.emit(itemNumber)
- }
- return lexInsideAction
-func (l *lexer) scanNumber() bool {
- // Optional leading sign.
- l.accept("+-")
- // Is it hex?
- digits := "0123456789"
- if l.accept("0") && l.accept("xX") {
- digits = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"
- }
- l.acceptRun(digits)
- if l.accept(".") {
- l.acceptRun(digits)
- }
- if l.accept("eE") {
- l.accept("+-")
- l.acceptRun("0123456789")
- }
- // Is it imaginary?
- l.accept("i")
- // Next thing mustn't be alphanumeric.
- if isAlphaNumeric(l.peek()) {
- return false
- }
- return true
-// lexQuote scans a quoted string.
-func lexQuote(l *lexer) stateFn {
- for {
- switch {
- case '\\':
- if r :=; r != eof && r != '\n' {
- break
- }
- fallthrough
- case eof, '\n':
- return l.errorf("unterminated quoted string")
- case '"':
- break Loop
- }
- }
- l.emit(itemString)
- return lexInsideAction
-// lexRawQuote scans a raw quoted string.
-func lexRawQuote(l *lexer) stateFn {
- for {
- switch {
- case eof, '\n':
- return l.errorf("unterminated raw quoted string")
- case '`':
- break Loop
- }
- }
- l.emit(itemRawString)
- return lexInsideAction
-// isSpace reports whether r is a space character.
-func isSpace(r rune) bool {
- return r == ' ' || r == '\t'
-// isEndOfLine reports whether r is an end-of-line character.
-func isEndOfLine(r rune) bool {
- return r == '\r' || r == '\n'
-// isAlphaNumeric reports whether r is an alphabetic, digit, or underscore.
-func isAlphaNumeric(r rune) bool {
- return r == '_' || unicode.IsLetter(r) || unicode.IsDigit(r)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
deleted file mode 100644
index 55c37f6db..000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,834 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Parse nodes.
-package parse
-import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
-var textFormat = "%s" // Changed to "%q" in tests for better error messages.
-// A Node is an element in the parse tree. The interface is trivial.
-// The interface contains an unexported method so that only
-// types local to this package can satisfy it.
-type Node interface {
- Type() NodeType
- String() string
- // Copy does a deep copy of the Node and all its components.
- // To avoid type assertions, some XxxNodes also have specialized
- // CopyXxx methods that return *XxxNode.
- Copy() Node
- Position() Pos // byte position of start of node in full original input string
- // tree returns the containing *Tree.
- // It is unexported so all implementations of Node are in this package.
- tree() *Tree
-// NodeType identifies the type of a parse tree node.
-type NodeType int
-// Pos represents a byte position in the original input text from which
-// this template was parsed.
-type Pos int
-func (p Pos) Position() Pos {
- return p
-// Type returns itself and provides an easy default implementation
-// for embedding in a Node. Embedded in all non-trivial Nodes.
-func (t NodeType) Type() NodeType {
- return t
-const (
- NodeText NodeType = iota // Plain text.
- NodeAction // A non-control action such as a field evaluation.
- NodeBool // A boolean constant.
- NodeChain // A sequence of field accesses.
- NodeCommand // An element of a pipeline.
- NodeDot // The cursor, dot.
- nodeElse // An else action. Not added to tree.
- nodeEnd // An end action. Not added to tree.
- NodeField // A field or method name.
- NodeIdentifier // An identifier; always a function name.
- NodeIf // An if action.
- NodeList // A list of Nodes.
- NodeNil // An untyped nil constant.
- NodeNumber // A numerical constant.
- NodePipe // A pipeline of commands.
- NodeRange // A range action.
- NodeString // A string constant.
- NodeTemplate // A template invocation action.
- NodeVariable // A $ variable.
- NodeWith // A with action.
-// Nodes.
-// ListNode holds a sequence of nodes.
-type ListNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
- Nodes []Node // The element nodes in lexical order.
-func (t *Tree) newList(pos Pos) *ListNode {
- return &ListNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeList, Pos: pos}
-func (l *ListNode) append(n Node) {
- l.Nodes = append(l.Nodes, n)
-func (l *ListNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (l *ListNode) String() string {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- for _, n := range l.Nodes {
- fmt.Fprint(b, n)
- }
- return b.String()
-func (l *ListNode) CopyList() *ListNode {
- if l == nil {
- return l
- }
- n :=
- for _, elem := range l.Nodes {
- n.append(elem.Copy())
- }
- return n
-func (l *ListNode) Copy() Node {
- return l.CopyList()
-// TextNode holds plain text.
-type TextNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
- Text []byte // The text; may span newlines.
-func (t *Tree) newText(pos Pos, text string) *TextNode {
- return &TextNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeText, Pos: pos, Text: []byte(text)}
-func (t *TextNode) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(textFormat, t.Text)
-func (t *TextNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (t *TextNode) Copy() Node {
- return &TextNode{tr:, NodeType: NodeText, Pos: t.Pos, Text: append([]byte{}, t.Text...)}
-// PipeNode holds a pipeline with optional declaration
-type PipeNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
- Line int // The line number in the input (deprecated; kept for compatibility)
- Decl []*VariableNode // Variable declarations in lexical order.
- Cmds []*CommandNode // The commands in lexical order.
-func (t *Tree) newPipeline(pos Pos, line int, decl []*VariableNode) *PipeNode {
- return &PipeNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodePipe, Pos: pos, Line: line, Decl: decl}
-func (p *PipeNode) append(command *CommandNode) {
- p.Cmds = append(p.Cmds, command)
-func (p *PipeNode) String() string {
- s := ""
- if len(p.Decl) > 0 {
- for i, v := range p.Decl {
- if i > 0 {
- s += ", "
- }
- s += v.String()
- }
- s += " := "
- }
- for i, c := range p.Cmds {
- if i > 0 {
- s += " | "
- }
- s += c.String()
- }
- return s
-func (p *PipeNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (p *PipeNode) CopyPipe() *PipeNode {
- if p == nil {
- return p
- }
- var decl []*VariableNode
- for _, d := range p.Decl {
- decl = append(decl, d.Copy().(*VariableNode))
- }
- n :=, p.Line, decl)
- for _, c := range p.Cmds {
- n.append(c.Copy().(*CommandNode))
- }
- return n
-func (p *PipeNode) Copy() Node {
- return p.CopyPipe()
-// ActionNode holds an action (something bounded by delimiters).
-// Control actions have their own nodes; ActionNode represents simple
-// ones such as field evaluations and parenthesized pipelines.
-type ActionNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
- Line int // The line number in the input (deprecated; kept for compatibility)
- Pipe *PipeNode // The pipeline in the action.
-func (t *Tree) newAction(pos Pos, line int, pipe *PipeNode) *ActionNode {
- return &ActionNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeAction, Pos: pos, Line: line, Pipe: pipe}
-func (a *ActionNode) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("{{%s}}", a.Pipe)
-func (a *ActionNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (a *ActionNode) Copy() Node {
- return, a.Line, a.Pipe.CopyPipe())
-// CommandNode holds a command (a pipeline inside an evaluating action).
-type CommandNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
- Args []Node // Arguments in lexical order: Identifier, field, or constant.
-func (t *Tree) newCommand(pos Pos) *CommandNode {
- return &CommandNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeCommand, Pos: pos}
-func (c *CommandNode) append(arg Node) {
- c.Args = append(c.Args, arg)
-func (c *CommandNode) String() string {
- s := ""
- for i, arg := range c.Args {
- if i > 0 {
- s += " "
- }
- if arg, ok := arg.(*PipeNode); ok {
- s += "(" + arg.String() + ")"
- continue
- }
- s += arg.String()
- }
- return s
-func (c *CommandNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (c *CommandNode) Copy() Node {
- if c == nil {
- return c
- }
- n :=
- for _, c := range c.Args {
- n.append(c.Copy())
- }
- return n
-// IdentifierNode holds an identifier.
-type IdentifierNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
- Ident string // The identifier's name.
-// NewIdentifier returns a new IdentifierNode with the given identifier name.
-func NewIdentifier(ident string) *IdentifierNode {
- return &IdentifierNode{NodeType: NodeIdentifier, Ident: ident}
-// SetPos sets the position. NewIdentifier is a public method so we can't modify its signature.
-// Chained for convenience.
-// TODO: fix one day?
-func (i *IdentifierNode) SetPos(pos Pos) *IdentifierNode {
- i.Pos = pos
- return i
-// SetTree sets the parent tree for the node. NewIdentifier is a public method so we can't modify its signature.
-// Chained for convenience.
-// TODO: fix one day?
-func (i *IdentifierNode) SetTree(t *Tree) *IdentifierNode {
- = t
- return i
-func (i *IdentifierNode) String() string {
- return i.Ident
-func (i *IdentifierNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (i *IdentifierNode) Copy() Node {
- return NewIdentifier(i.Ident).SetTree(
-// VariableNode holds a list of variable names, possibly with chained field
-// accesses. The dollar sign is part of the (first) name.
-type VariableNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
- Ident []string // Variable name and fields in lexical order.
-func (t *Tree) newVariable(pos Pos, ident string) *VariableNode {
- return &VariableNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeVariable, Pos: pos, Ident: strings.Split(ident, ".")}
-func (v *VariableNode) String() string {
- s := ""
- for i, id := range v.Ident {
- if i > 0 {
- s += "."
- }
- s += id
- }
- return s
-func (v *VariableNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (v *VariableNode) Copy() Node {
- return &VariableNode{tr:, NodeType: NodeVariable, Pos: v.Pos, Ident: append([]string{}, v.Ident...)}
-// DotNode holds the special identifier '.'.
-type DotNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
-func (t *Tree) newDot(pos Pos) *DotNode {
- return &DotNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeDot, Pos: pos}
-func (d *DotNode) Type() NodeType {
- // Override method on embedded NodeType for API compatibility.
- // TODO: Not really a problem; could change API without effect but
- // api tool complains.
- return NodeDot
-func (d *DotNode) String() string {
- return "."
-func (d *DotNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (d *DotNode) Copy() Node {
- return
-// NilNode holds the special identifier 'nil' representing an untyped nil constant.
-type NilNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
-func (t *Tree) newNil(pos Pos) *NilNode {
- return &NilNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeNil, Pos: pos}
-func (n *NilNode) Type() NodeType {
- // Override method on embedded NodeType for API compatibility.
- // TODO: Not really a problem; could change API without effect but
- // api tool complains.
- return NodeNil
-func (n *NilNode) String() string {
- return "nil"
-func (n *NilNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (n *NilNode) Copy() Node {
- return
-// FieldNode holds a field (identifier starting with '.').
-// The names may be chained ('.x.y').
-// The period is dropped from each ident.
-type FieldNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
- Ident []string // The identifiers in lexical order.
-func (t *Tree) newField(pos Pos, ident string) *FieldNode {
- return &FieldNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeField, Pos: pos, Ident: strings.Split(ident[1:], ".")} // [1:] to drop leading period
-func (f *FieldNode) String() string {
- s := ""
- for _, id := range f.Ident {
- s += "." + id
- }
- return s
-func (f *FieldNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (f *FieldNode) Copy() Node {
- return &FieldNode{tr:, NodeType: NodeField, Pos: f.Pos, Ident: append([]string{}, f.Ident...)}
-// ChainNode holds a term followed by a chain of field accesses (identifier starting with '.').
-// The names may be chained ('.x.y').
-// The periods are dropped from each ident.
-type ChainNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
- Node Node
- Field []string // The identifiers in lexical order.
-func (t *Tree) newChain(pos Pos, node Node) *ChainNode {
- return &ChainNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeChain, Pos: pos, Node: node}
-// Add adds the named field (which should start with a period) to the end of the chain.
-func (c *ChainNode) Add(field string) {
- if len(field) == 0 || field[0] != '.' {
- panic("no dot in field")
- }
- field = field[1:] // Remove leading dot.
- if field == "" {
- panic("empty field")
- }
- c.Field = append(c.Field, field)
-func (c *ChainNode) String() string {
- s := c.Node.String()
- if _, ok := c.Node.(*PipeNode); ok {
- s = "(" + s + ")"
- }
- for _, field := range c.Field {
- s += "." + field
- }
- return s
-func (c *ChainNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (c *ChainNode) Copy() Node {
- return &ChainNode{tr:, NodeType: NodeChain, Pos: c.Pos, Node: c.Node, Field: append([]string{}, c.Field...)}
-// BoolNode holds a boolean constant.
-type BoolNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
- True bool // The value of the boolean constant.
-func (t *Tree) newBool(pos Pos, true bool) *BoolNode {
- return &BoolNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeBool, Pos: pos, True: true}
-func (b *BoolNode) String() string {
- if b.True {
- return "true"
- }
- return "false"
-func (b *BoolNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (b *BoolNode) Copy() Node {
- return, b.True)
-// NumberNode holds a number: signed or unsigned integer, float, or complex.
-// The value is parsed and stored under all the types that can represent the value.
-// This simulates in a small amount of code the behavior of Go's ideal constants.
-type NumberNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
- IsInt bool // Number has an integral value.
- IsUint bool // Number has an unsigned integral value.
- IsFloat bool // Number has a floating-point value.
- IsComplex bool // Number is complex.
- Int64 int64 // The signed integer value.
- Uint64 uint64 // The unsigned integer value.
- Float64 float64 // The floating-point value.
- Complex128 complex128 // The complex value.
- Text string // The original textual representation from the input.
-func (t *Tree) newNumber(pos Pos, text string, typ itemType) (*NumberNode, error) {
- n := &NumberNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeNumber, Pos: pos, Text: text}
- switch typ {
- case itemCharConstant:
- rune, _, tail, err := strconv.UnquoteChar(text[1:], text[0])
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if tail != "'" {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed character constant: %s", text)
- }
- n.Int64 = int64(rune)
- n.IsInt = true
- n.Uint64 = uint64(rune)
- n.IsUint = true
- n.Float64 = float64(rune) // odd but those are the rules.
- n.IsFloat = true
- return n, nil
- case itemComplex:
- // fmt.Sscan can parse the pair, so let it do the work.
- if _, err := fmt.Sscan(text, &n.Complex128); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- n.IsComplex = true
- n.simplifyComplex()
- return n, nil
- }
- // Imaginary constants can only be complex unless they are zero.
- if len(text) > 0 && text[len(text)-1] == 'i' {
- f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(text[:len(text)-1], 64)
- if err == nil {
- n.IsComplex = true
- n.Complex128 = complex(0, f)
- n.simplifyComplex()
- return n, nil
- }
- }
- // Do integer test first so we get 0x123 etc.
- u, err := strconv.ParseUint(text, 0, 64) // will fail for -0; fixed below.
- if err == nil {
- n.IsUint = true
- n.Uint64 = u
- }
- i, err := strconv.ParseInt(text, 0, 64)
- if err == nil {
- n.IsInt = true
- n.Int64 = i
- if i == 0 {
- n.IsUint = true // in case of -0.
- n.Uint64 = u
- }
- }
- // If an integer extraction succeeded, promote the float.
- if n.IsInt {
- n.IsFloat = true
- n.Float64 = float64(n.Int64)
- } else if n.IsUint {
- n.IsFloat = true
- n.Float64 = float64(n.Uint64)
- } else {
- f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(text, 64)
- if err == nil {
- n.IsFloat = true
- n.Float64 = f
- // If a floating-point extraction succeeded, extract the int if needed.
- if !n.IsInt && float64(int64(f)) == f {
- n.IsInt = true
- n.Int64 = int64(f)
- }
- if !n.IsUint && float64(uint64(f)) == f {
- n.IsUint = true
- n.Uint64 = uint64(f)
- }
- }
- }
- if !n.IsInt && !n.IsUint && !n.IsFloat {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal number syntax: %q", text)
- }
- return n, nil
-// simplifyComplex pulls out any other types that are represented by the complex number.
-// These all require that the imaginary part be zero.
-func (n *NumberNode) simplifyComplex() {
- n.IsFloat = imag(n.Complex128) == 0
- if n.IsFloat {
- n.Float64 = real(n.Complex128)
- n.IsInt = float64(int64(n.Float64)) == n.Float64
- if n.IsInt {
- n.Int64 = int64(n.Float64)
- }
- n.IsUint = float64(uint64(n.Float64)) == n.Float64
- if n.IsUint {
- n.Uint64 = uint64(n.Float64)
- }
- }
-func (n *NumberNode) String() string {
- return n.Text
-func (n *NumberNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (n *NumberNode) Copy() Node {
- nn := new(NumberNode)
- *nn = *n // Easy, fast, correct.
- return nn
-// StringNode holds a string constant. The value has been "unquoted".
-type StringNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
- Quoted string // The original text of the string, with quotes.
- Text string // The string, after quote processing.
-func (t *Tree) newString(pos Pos, orig, text string) *StringNode {
- return &StringNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeString, Pos: pos, Quoted: orig, Text: text}
-func (s *StringNode) String() string {
- return s.Quoted
-func (s *StringNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (s *StringNode) Copy() Node {
- return, s.Quoted, s.Text)
-// endNode represents an {{end}} action.
-// It does not appear in the final parse tree.
-type endNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
-func (t *Tree) newEnd(pos Pos) *endNode {
- return &endNode{tr: t, NodeType: nodeEnd, Pos: pos}
-func (e *endNode) String() string {
- return "{{end}}"
-func (e *endNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (e *endNode) Copy() Node {
- return
-// elseNode represents an {{else}} action. Does not appear in the final tree.
-type elseNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
- Line int // The line number in the input (deprecated; kept for compatibility)
-func (t *Tree) newElse(pos Pos, line int) *elseNode {
- return &elseNode{tr: t, NodeType: nodeElse, Pos: pos, Line: line}
-func (e *elseNode) Type() NodeType {
- return nodeElse
-func (e *elseNode) String() string {
- return "{{else}}"
-func (e *elseNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (e *elseNode) Copy() Node {
- return, e.Line)
-// BranchNode is the common representation of if, range, and with.
-type BranchNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
- Line int // The line number in the input (deprecated; kept for compatibility)
- Pipe *PipeNode // The pipeline to be evaluated.
- List *ListNode // What to execute if the value is non-empty.
- ElseList *ListNode // What to execute if the value is empty (nil if absent).
-func (b *BranchNode) String() string {
- name := ""
- switch b.NodeType {
- case NodeIf:
- name = "if"
- case NodeRange:
- name = "range"
- case NodeWith:
- name = "with"
- default:
- panic("unknown branch type")
- }
- if b.ElseList != nil {
- return fmt.Sprintf("{{%s %s}}%s{{else}}%s{{end}}", name, b.Pipe, b.List, b.ElseList)
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf("{{%s %s}}%s{{end}}", name, b.Pipe, b.List)
-func (b *BranchNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (b *BranchNode) Copy() Node {
- switch b.NodeType {
- case NodeIf:
- return, b.Line, b.Pipe, b.List, b.ElseList)
- case NodeRange:
- return, b.Line, b.Pipe, b.List, b.ElseList)
- case NodeWith:
- return, b.Line, b.Pipe, b.List, b.ElseList)
- default:
- panic("unknown branch type")
- }
-// IfNode represents an {{if}} action and its commands.
-type IfNode struct {
- BranchNode
-func (t *Tree) newIf(pos Pos, line int, pipe *PipeNode, list, elseList *ListNode) *IfNode {
- return &IfNode{BranchNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeIf, Pos: pos, Line: line, Pipe: pipe, List: list, ElseList: elseList}}
-func (i *IfNode) Copy() Node {
- return, i.Line, i.Pipe.CopyPipe(), i.List.CopyList(), i.ElseList.CopyList())
-// RangeNode represents a {{range}} action and its commands.
-type RangeNode struct {
- BranchNode
-func (t *Tree) newRange(pos Pos, line int, pipe *PipeNode, list, elseList *ListNode) *RangeNode {
- return &RangeNode{BranchNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeRange, Pos: pos, Line: line, Pipe: pipe, List: list, ElseList: elseList}}
-func (r *RangeNode) Copy() Node {
- return, r.Line, r.Pipe.CopyPipe(), r.List.CopyList(), r.ElseList.CopyList())
-// WithNode represents a {{with}} action and its commands.
-type WithNode struct {
- BranchNode
-func (t *Tree) newWith(pos Pos, line int, pipe *PipeNode, list, elseList *ListNode) *WithNode {
- return &WithNode{BranchNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeWith, Pos: pos, Line: line, Pipe: pipe, List: list, ElseList: elseList}}
-func (w *WithNode) Copy() Node {
- return, w.Line, w.Pipe.CopyPipe(), w.List.CopyList(), w.ElseList.CopyList())
-// TemplateNode represents a {{template}} action.
-type TemplateNode struct {
- NodeType
- Pos
- tr *Tree
- Line int // The line number in the input (deprecated; kept for compatibility)
- Name string // The name of the template (unquoted).
- Pipe *PipeNode // The command to evaluate as dot for the template.
-func (t *Tree) newTemplate(pos Pos, line int, name string, pipe *PipeNode) *TemplateNode {
- return &TemplateNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeTemplate, Pos: pos, Line: line, Name: name, Pipe: pipe}
-func (t *TemplateNode) String() string {
- if t.Pipe == nil {
- return fmt.Sprintf("{{template %q}}", t.Name)
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf("{{template %q %s}}", t.Name, t.Pipe)
-func (t *TemplateNode) tree() *Tree {
- return
-func (t *TemplateNode) Copy() Node {
- return, t.Line, t.Name, t.Pipe.CopyPipe())
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d77ade87..000000000
--- a/vendor/
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@@ -1,700 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Package parse builds parse trees for templates as defined by text/template
-// and html/template. Clients should use those packages to construct templates
-// rather than this one, which provides shared internal data structures not
-// intended for general use.
-package parse
-import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "runtime"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
-// Tree is the representation of a single parsed template.
-type Tree struct {
- Name string // name of the template represented by the tree.
- ParseName string // name of the top-level template during parsing, for error messages.
- Root *ListNode // top-level root of the tree.
- text string // text parsed to create the template (or its parent)
- // Parsing only; cleared after parse.
- funcs []map[string]interface{}
- lex *lexer
- token [3]item // three-token lookahead for parser.
- peekCount int
- vars []string // variables defined at the moment.
-// Copy returns a copy of the Tree. Any parsing state is discarded.
-func (t *Tree) Copy() *Tree {
- if t == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return &Tree{
- Name: t.Name,
- ParseName: t.ParseName,
- Root: t.Root.CopyList(),
- text: t.text,
- }
-// Parse returns a map from template name to parse.Tree, created by parsing the
-// templates described in the argument string. The top-level template will be
-// given the specified name. If an error is encountered, parsing stops and an
-// empty map is returned with the error.
-func Parse(name, text, leftDelim, rightDelim string, funcs[string]interface{}) (treeSet map[string]*Tree, err error) {
- treeSet = make(map[string]*Tree)
- t := New(name)
- t.text = text
- _, err = t.Parse(text, leftDelim, rightDelim, treeSet, funcs...)
- return
-// next returns the next token.
-func (t *Tree) next() item {
- if t.peekCount > 0 {
- t.peekCount--
- } else {
- t.token[0] = t.lex.nextItem()
- }
- return t.token[t.peekCount]
-// backup backs the input stream up one token.
-func (t *Tree) backup() {
- t.peekCount++
-// backup2 backs the input stream up two tokens.
-// The zeroth token is already there.
-func (t *Tree) backup2(t1 item) {
- t.token[1] = t1
- t.peekCount = 2
-// backup3 backs the input stream up three tokens
-// The zeroth token is already there.
-func (t *Tree) backup3(t2, t1 item) { // Reverse order: we're pushing back.
- t.token[1] = t1
- t.token[2] = t2
- t.peekCount = 3
-// peek returns but does not consume the next token.
-func (t *Tree) peek() item {
- if t.peekCount > 0 {
- return t.token[t.peekCount-1]
- }
- t.peekCount = 1
- t.token[0] = t.lex.nextItem()
- return t.token[0]
-// nextNonSpace returns the next non-space token.
-func (t *Tree) nextNonSpace() (token item) {
- for {
- token =
- if token.typ != itemSpace {
- break
- }
- }
- return token
-// peekNonSpace returns but does not consume the next non-space token.
-func (t *Tree) peekNonSpace() (token item) {
- for {
- token =
- if token.typ != itemSpace {
- break
- }
- }
- t.backup()
- return token
-// Parsing.
-// New allocates a new parse tree with the given name.
-func New(name string, funcs[string]interface{}) *Tree {
- return &Tree{
- Name: name,
- funcs: funcs,
- }
-// ErrorContext returns a textual representation of the location of the node in the input text.
-// The receiver is only used when the node does not have a pointer to the tree inside,
-// which can occur in old code.
-func (t *Tree) ErrorContext(n Node) (location, context string) {
- pos := int(n.Position())
- tree := n.tree()
- if tree == nil {
- tree = t
- }
- text := tree.text[:pos]
- byteNum := strings.LastIndex(text, "\n")
- if byteNum == -1 {
- byteNum = pos // On first line.
- } else {
- byteNum++ // After the newline.
- byteNum = pos - byteNum
- }
- lineNum := 1 + strings.Count(text, "\n")
- context = n.String()
- if len(context) > 20 {
- context = fmt.Sprintf("%.20s...", context)
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%d", tree.ParseName, lineNum, byteNum), context
-// errorf formats the error and terminates processing.
-func (t *Tree) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
- t.Root = nil
- format = fmt.Sprintf("template: %s:%d: %s", t.ParseName, t.lex.lineNumber(), format)
- panic(fmt.Errorf(format, args...))
-// error terminates processing.
-func (t *Tree) error(err error) {
- t.errorf("%s", err)
-// expect consumes the next token and guarantees it has the required type.
-func (t *Tree) expect(expected itemType, context string) item {
- token := t.nextNonSpace()
- if token.typ != expected {
- t.unexpected(token, context)
- }
- return token
-// expectOneOf consumes the next token and guarantees it has one of the required types.
-func (t *Tree) expectOneOf(expected1, expected2 itemType, context string) item {
- token := t.nextNonSpace()
- if token.typ != expected1 && token.typ != expected2 {
- t.unexpected(token, context)
- }
- return token
-// unexpected complains about the token and terminates processing.
-func (t *Tree) unexpected(token item, context string) {
- t.errorf("unexpected %s in %s", token, context)
-// recover is the handler that turns panics into returns from the top level of Parse.
-func (t *Tree) recover(errp *error) {
- e := recover()
- if e != nil {
- if _, ok := e.(runtime.Error); ok {
- panic(e)
- }
- if t != nil {
- t.stopParse()
- }
- *errp = e.(error)
- }
- return
-// startParse initializes the parser, using the lexer.
-func (t *Tree) startParse(funcs []map[string]interface{}, lex *lexer) {
- t.Root = nil
- t.lex = lex
- t.vars = []string{"$"}
- t.funcs = funcs
-// stopParse terminates parsing.
-func (t *Tree) stopParse() {
- t.lex = nil
- t.vars = nil
- t.funcs = nil
-// Parse parses the template definition string to construct a representation of
-// the template for execution. If either action delimiter string is empty, the
-// default ("{{" or "}}") is used. Embedded template definitions are added to
-// the treeSet map.
-func (t *Tree) Parse(text, leftDelim, rightDelim string, treeSet map[string]*Tree, funcs[string]interface{}) (tree *Tree, err error) {
- defer t.recover(&err)
- t.ParseName = t.Name
- t.startParse(funcs, lex(t.Name, text, leftDelim, rightDelim))
- t.text = text
- t.parse(treeSet)
- t.add(treeSet)
- t.stopParse()
- return t, nil
-// add adds tree to the treeSet.
-func (t *Tree) add(treeSet map[string]*Tree) {
- tree := treeSet[t.Name]
- if tree == nil || IsEmptyTree(tree.Root) {
- treeSet[t.Name] = t
- return
- }
- if !IsEmptyTree(t.Root) {
- t.errorf("template: multiple definition of template %q", t.Name)
- }
-// IsEmptyTree reports whether this tree (node) is empty of everything but space.
-func IsEmptyTree(n Node) bool {
- switch n := n.(type) {
- case nil:
- return true
- case *ActionNode:
- case *IfNode:
- case *ListNode:
- for _, node := range n.Nodes {
- if !IsEmptyTree(node) {
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
- case *RangeNode:
- case *TemplateNode:
- case *TextNode:
- return len(bytes.TrimSpace(n.Text)) == 0
- case *WithNode:
- default:
- panic("unknown node: " + n.String())
- }
- return false
-// parse is the top-level parser for a template, essentially the same
-// as itemList except it also parses {{define}} actions.
-// It runs to EOF.
-func (t *Tree) parse(treeSet map[string]*Tree) (next Node) {
- t.Root = t.newList(t.peek().pos)
- for t.peek().typ != itemEOF {
- if t.peek().typ == itemLeftDelim {
- delim :=
- if t.nextNonSpace().typ == itemDefine {
- newT := New("definition") // name will be updated once we know it.
- newT.text = t.text
- newT.ParseName = t.ParseName
- newT.startParse(t.funcs, t.lex)
- newT.parseDefinition(treeSet)
- continue
- }
- t.backup2(delim)
- }
- n := t.textOrAction()
- if n.Type() == nodeEnd {
- t.errorf("unexpected %s", n)
- }
- t.Root.append(n)
- }
- return nil
-// parseDefinition parses a {{define}} ... {{end}} template definition and
-// installs the definition in the treeSet map. The "define" keyword has already
-// been scanned.
-func (t *Tree) parseDefinition(treeSet map[string]*Tree) {
- const context = "define clause"
- name := t.expectOneOf(itemString, itemRawString, context)
- var err error
- t.Name, err = strconv.Unquote(name.val)
- if err != nil {
- t.error(err)
- }
- t.expect(itemRightDelim, context)
- var end Node
- t.Root, end = t.itemList()
- if end.Type() != nodeEnd {
- t.errorf("unexpected %s in %s", end, context)
- }
- t.add(treeSet)
- t.stopParse()
-// itemList:
-// textOrAction*
-// Terminates at {{end}} or {{else}}, returned separately.
-func (t *Tree) itemList() (list *ListNode, next Node) {
- list = t.newList(t.peekNonSpace().pos)
- for t.peekNonSpace().typ != itemEOF {
- n := t.textOrAction()
- switch n.Type() {
- case nodeEnd, nodeElse:
- return list, n
- }
- list.append(n)
- }
- t.errorf("unexpected EOF")
- return
-// textOrAction:
-// text | action
-func (t *Tree) textOrAction() Node {
- switch token := t.nextNonSpace(); token.typ {
- case itemElideNewline:
- return t.elideNewline()
- case itemText:
- return t.newText(token.pos, token.val)
- case itemLeftDelim:
- return t.action()
- default:
- t.unexpected(token, "input")
- }
- return nil
-// elideNewline:
-// Remove newlines trailing rightDelim if \\ is present.
-func (t *Tree) elideNewline() Node {
- token := t.peek()
- if token.typ != itemText {
- t.unexpected(token, "input")
- return nil
- }
- stripped := strings.TrimLeft(token.val, "\n\r")
- diff := len(token.val) - len(stripped)
- if diff > 0 {
- // This is a bit nasty. We mutate the token in-place to remove
- // preceding newlines.
- token.pos += Pos(diff)
- token.val = stripped
- }
- return t.newText(token.pos, token.val)
-// Action:
-// control
-// command ("|" command)*
-// Left delim is past. Now get actions.
-// First word could be a keyword such as range.
-func (t *Tree) action() (n Node) {
- switch token := t.nextNonSpace(); token.typ {
- case itemElse:
- return t.elseControl()
- case itemEnd:
- return t.endControl()
- case itemIf:
- return t.ifControl()
- case itemRange:
- return t.rangeControl()
- case itemTemplate:
- return t.templateControl()
- case itemWith:
- return t.withControl()
- }
- t.backup()
- // Do not pop variables; they persist until "end".
- return t.newAction(t.peek().pos, t.lex.lineNumber(), t.pipeline("command"))
-// Pipeline:
-// declarations? command ('|' command)*
-func (t *Tree) pipeline(context string) (pipe *PipeNode) {
- var decl []*VariableNode
- pos := t.peekNonSpace().pos
- // Are there declarations?
- for {
- if v := t.peekNonSpace(); v.typ == itemVariable {
- // Since space is a token, we need 3-token look-ahead here in the worst case:
- // in "$x foo" we need to read "foo" (as opposed to ":=") to know that $x is an
- // argument variable rather than a declaration. So remember the token
- // adjacent to the variable so we can push it back if necessary.
- tokenAfterVariable := t.peek()
- if next := t.peekNonSpace(); next.typ == itemColonEquals || (next.typ == itemChar && next.val == ",") {
- t.nextNonSpace()
- variable := t.newVariable(v.pos, v.val)
- decl = append(decl, variable)
- t.vars = append(t.vars, v.val)
- if next.typ == itemChar && next.val == "," {
- if context == "range" && len(decl) < 2 {
- continue
- }
- t.errorf("too many declarations in %s", context)
- }
- } else if tokenAfterVariable.typ == itemSpace {
- t.backup3(v, tokenAfterVariable)
- } else {
- t.backup2(v)
- }
- }
- break
- }
- pipe = t.newPipeline(pos, t.lex.lineNumber(), decl)
- for {
- switch token := t.nextNonSpace(); token.typ {
- case itemRightDelim, itemRightParen:
- if len(pipe.Cmds) == 0 {
- t.errorf("missing value for %s", context)
- }
- if token.typ == itemRightParen {
- t.backup()
- }
- return
- case itemBool, itemCharConstant, itemComplex, itemDot, itemField, itemIdentifier,
- itemNumber, itemNil, itemRawString, itemString, itemVariable, itemLeftParen:
- t.backup()
- pipe.append(t.command())
- default:
- t.unexpected(token, context)
- }
- }
-func (t *Tree) parseControl(allowElseIf bool, context string) (pos Pos, line int, pipe *PipeNode, list, elseList *ListNode) {
- defer t.popVars(len(t.vars))
- line = t.lex.lineNumber()
- pipe = t.pipeline(context)
- var next Node
- list, next = t.itemList()
- switch next.Type() {
- case nodeEnd: //done
- case nodeElse:
- if allowElseIf {
- // Special case for "else if". If the "else" is followed immediately by an "if",
- // the elseControl will have left the "if" token pending. Treat
- // {{if a}}_{{else if b}}_{{end}}
- // as
- // {{if a}}_{{else}}{{if b}}_{{end}}{{end}}.
- // To do this, parse the if as usual and stop at it {{end}}; the subsequent{{end}}
- // is assumed. This technique works even for long if-else-if chains.
- // TODO: Should we allow else-if in with and range?
- if t.peek().typ == itemIf {
- // Consume the "if" token.
- elseList = t.newList(next.Position())
- elseList.append(t.ifControl())
- // Do not consume the next item - only one {{end}} required.
- break
- }
- }
- elseList, next = t.itemList()
- if next.Type() != nodeEnd {
- t.errorf("expected end; found %s", next)
- }
- }
- return pipe.Position(), line, pipe, list, elseList
-// If:
-// {{if pipeline}} itemList {{end}}
-// {{if pipeline}} itemList {{else}} itemList {{end}}
-// If keyword is past.
-func (t *Tree) ifControl() Node {
- return t.newIf(t.parseControl(true, "if"))
-// Range:
-// {{range pipeline}} itemList {{end}}
-// {{range pipeline}} itemList {{else}} itemList {{end}}
-// Range keyword is past.
-func (t *Tree) rangeControl() Node {
- return t.newRange(t.parseControl(false, "range"))
-// With:
-// {{with pipeline}} itemList {{end}}
-// {{with pipeline}} itemList {{else}} itemList {{end}}
-// If keyword is past.
-func (t *Tree) withControl() Node {
- return t.newWith(t.parseControl(false, "with"))
-// End:
-// {{end}}
-// End keyword is past.
-func (t *Tree) endControl() Node {
- return t.newEnd(t.expect(itemRightDelim, "end").pos)
-// Else:
-// {{else}}
-// Else keyword is past.
-func (t *Tree) elseControl() Node {
- // Special case for "else if".
- peek := t.peekNonSpace()
- if peek.typ == itemIf {
- // We see "{{else if ... " but in effect rewrite it to {{else}}{{if ... ".
- return t.newElse(peek.pos, t.lex.lineNumber())
- }
- return t.newElse(t.expect(itemRightDelim, "else").pos, t.lex.lineNumber())
-// Template:
-// {{template stringValue pipeline}}
-// Template keyword is past. The name must be something that can evaluate
-// to a string.
-func (t *Tree) templateControl() Node {
- var name string
- token := t.nextNonSpace()
- switch token.typ {
- case itemString, itemRawString:
- s, err := strconv.Unquote(token.val)
- if err != nil {
- t.error(err)
- }
- name = s
- default:
- t.unexpected(token, "template invocation")
- }
- var pipe *PipeNode
- if t.nextNonSpace().typ != itemRightDelim {
- t.backup()
- // Do not pop variables; they persist until "end".
- pipe = t.pipeline("template")
- }
- return t.newTemplate(token.pos, t.lex.lineNumber(), name, pipe)
-// command:
-// operand (space operand)*
-// space-separated arguments up to a pipeline character or right delimiter.
-// we consume the pipe character but leave the right delim to terminate the action.
-func (t *Tree) command() *CommandNode {
- cmd := t.newCommand(t.peekNonSpace().pos)
- for {
- t.peekNonSpace() // skip leading spaces.
- operand := t.operand()
- if operand != nil {
- cmd.append(operand)
- }
- switch token :=; token.typ {
- case itemSpace:
- continue
- case itemError:
- t.errorf("%s", token.val)
- case itemRightDelim, itemRightParen:
- t.backup()
- case itemPipe:
- default:
- t.errorf("unexpected %s in operand; missing space?", token)
- }
- break
- }
- if len(cmd.Args) == 0 {
- t.errorf("empty command")
- }
- return cmd
-// operand:
-// term .Field*
-// An operand is a space-separated component of a command,
-// a term possibly followed by field accesses.
-// A nil return means the next item is not an operand.
-func (t *Tree) operand() Node {
- node := t.term()
- if node == nil {
- return nil
- }
- if t.peek().typ == itemField {
- chain := t.newChain(t.peek().pos, node)
- for t.peek().typ == itemField {
- chain.Add(
- }
- // Compatibility with original API: If the term is of type NodeField
- // or NodeVariable, just put more fields on the original.
- // Otherwise, keep the Chain node.
- // TODO: Switch to Chains always when we can.
- switch node.Type() {
- case NodeField:
- node = t.newField(chain.Position(), chain.String())
- case NodeVariable:
- node = t.newVariable(chain.Position(), chain.String())
- default:
- node = chain
- }
- }
- return node
-// term:
-// literal (number, string, nil, boolean)
-// function (identifier)
-// .
-// .Field
-// $
-// '(' pipeline ')'
-// A term is a simple "expression".
-// A nil return means the next item is not a term.
-func (t *Tree) term() Node {
- switch token := t.nextNonSpace(); token.typ {
- case itemError:
- t.errorf("%s", token.val)
- case itemIdentifier:
- if !t.hasFunction(token.val) {
- t.errorf("function %q not defined", token.val)
- }
- return NewIdentifier(token.val).SetTree(t).SetPos(token.pos)
- case itemDot:
- return t.newDot(token.pos)
- case itemNil:
- return t.newNil(token.pos)
- case itemVariable:
- return t.useVar(token.pos, token.val)
- case itemField:
- return t.newField(token.pos, token.val)
- case itemBool:
- return t.newBool(token.pos, token.val == "true")
- case itemCharConstant, itemComplex, itemNumber:
- number, err := t.newNumber(token.pos, token.val, token.typ)
- if err != nil {
- t.error(err)
- }
- return number
- case itemLeftParen:
- pipe := t.pipeline("parenthesized pipeline")
- if token :=; token.typ != itemRightParen {
- t.errorf("unclosed right paren: unexpected %s", token)
- }
- return pipe
- case itemString, itemRawString:
- s, err := strconv.Unquote(token.val)
- if err != nil {
- t.error(err)
- }
- return t.newString(token.pos, token.val, s)
- }
- t.backup()
- return nil
-// hasFunction reports if a function name exists in the Tree's maps.
-func (t *Tree) hasFunction(name string) bool {
- for _, funcMap := range t.funcs {
- if funcMap == nil {
- continue
- }
- if funcMap[name] != nil {
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
-// popVars trims the variable list to the specified length
-func (t *Tree) popVars(n int) {
- t.vars = t.vars[:n]
-// useVar returns a node for a variable reference. It errors if the
-// variable is not defined.
-func (t *Tree) useVar(pos Pos, name string) Node {
- v := t.newVariable(pos, name)
- for _, varName := range t.vars {
- if varName == v.Ident[0] {
- return v
- }
- }
- t.errorf("undefined variable %q", v.Ident[0])
- return nil