path: root/vendor/
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index e57225c58..fae1fa153 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -58,10 +58,20 @@ func anchorPt(b image.Rectangle, w, h int, anchor Anchor) image.Point {
// Crop cuts out a rectangular region with the specified bounds
// from the image and returns the cropped image.
func Crop(img image.Image, rect image.Rectangle) *image.NRGBA {
- src := toNRGBA(img)
- srcRect := rect.Sub(img.Bounds().Min)
- sub := src.SubImage(srcRect)
- return Clone(sub) // New image Bounds().Min point will be (0, 0)
+ r := rect.Intersect(img.Bounds()).Sub(img.Bounds().Min)
+ if r.Empty() {
+ return &image.NRGBA{}
+ }
+ src := newScanner(img)
+ dst := image.NewNRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, r.Dx(), r.Dy()))
+ rowSize := r.Dx() * 4
+ parallel(r.Min.Y, r.Max.Y, func(ys <-chan int) {
+ for y := range ys {
+ i := (y - r.Min.Y) * dst.Stride
+ src.scan(r.Min.X, y, r.Max.X, y+1, dst.Pix[i:i+rowSize])
+ }
+ })
+ return dst
// CropAnchor cuts out a rectangular region with the specified size
@@ -82,34 +92,25 @@ func CropCenter(img image.Image, width, height int) *image.NRGBA {
// Paste pastes the img image to the background image at the specified position and returns the combined image.
func Paste(background, img image.Image, pos image.Point) *image.NRGBA {
- src := toNRGBA(img)
- dst := Clone(background) // cloned image bounds start at (0, 0)
- startPt := pos.Sub(background.Bounds().Min) // so we should translate start point
- endPt := startPt.Add(src.Bounds().Size())
- pasteBounds := image.Rectangle{startPt, endPt}
- if dst.Bounds().Overlaps(pasteBounds) {
- intersectBounds := dst.Bounds().Intersect(pasteBounds)
- rowSize := intersectBounds.Dx() * 4
- numRows := intersectBounds.Dy()
- srcStartX := intersectBounds.Min.X - pasteBounds.Min.X
- srcStartY := intersectBounds.Min.Y - pasteBounds.Min.Y
- i0 := dst.PixOffset(intersectBounds.Min.X, intersectBounds.Min.Y)
- j0 := src.PixOffset(srcStartX, srcStartY)
- di := dst.Stride
- dj := src.Stride
- for row := 0; row < numRows; row++ {
- copy(dst.Pix[i0:i0+rowSize], src.Pix[j0:j0+rowSize])
- i0 += di
- j0 += dj
- }
+ dst := Clone(background)
+ pos = pos.Sub(background.Bounds().Min)
+ pasteRect := image.Rectangle{Min: pos, Max: pos.Add(img.Bounds().Size())}
+ interRect := pasteRect.Intersect(dst.Bounds())
+ if interRect.Empty() {
+ return dst
+ src := newScanner(img)
+ parallel(interRect.Min.Y, interRect.Max.Y, func(ys <-chan int) {
+ for y := range ys {
+ x1 := interRect.Min.X - pasteRect.Min.X
+ x2 := interRect.Max.X - pasteRect.Min.X
+ y1 := y - pasteRect.Min.Y
+ y2 := y1 + 1
+ i1 := y*dst.Stride + interRect.Min.X*4
+ i2 := i1 + interRect.Dx()*4
+ src.scan(x1, y1, x2, y2, dst.Pix[i1:i2])
+ }
+ })
return dst
@@ -136,49 +137,59 @@ func PasteCenter(background, img image.Image) *image.NRGBA {
// Usage examples:
-// // draw the sprite over the background at position (50, 50)
+// // Draw spriteImage over backgroundImage at the given position (x=50, y=50).
// dstImage := imaging.Overlay(backgroundImage, spriteImage, image.Pt(50, 50), 1.0)
-// // blend two opaque images of the same size
+// // Blend two opaque images of the same size.
// dstImage := imaging.Overlay(imageOne, imageTwo, image.Pt(0, 0), 0.5)
func Overlay(background, img image.Image, pos image.Point, opacity float64) *image.NRGBA {
- opacity = math.Min(math.Max(opacity, 0.0), 1.0) // check: 0.0 <= opacity <= 1.0
- src := toNRGBA(img)
- dst := Clone(background) // cloned image bounds start at (0, 0)
- startPt := pos.Sub(background.Bounds().Min) // so we should translate start point
- endPt := startPt.Add(src.Bounds().Size())
- pasteBounds := image.Rectangle{startPt, endPt}
- if dst.Bounds().Overlaps(pasteBounds) {
- intersectBounds := dst.Bounds().Intersect(pasteBounds)
- for y := intersectBounds.Min.Y; y < intersectBounds.Max.Y; y++ {
- for x := intersectBounds.Min.X; x < intersectBounds.Max.X; x++ {
- i := y*dst.Stride + x*4
- srcX := x - pasteBounds.Min.X
- srcY := y - pasteBounds.Min.Y
- j := srcY*src.Stride + srcX*4
+ opacity = math.Min(math.Max(opacity, 0.0), 1.0) // Ensure 0.0 <= opacity <= 1.0.
+ dst := Clone(background)
+ pos = pos.Sub(background.Bounds().Min)
+ pasteRect := image.Rectangle{Min: pos, Max: pos.Add(img.Bounds().Size())}
+ interRect := pasteRect.Intersect(dst.Bounds())
+ if interRect.Empty() {
+ return dst
+ }
+ src := newScanner(img)
+ parallel(interRect.Min.Y, interRect.Max.Y, func(ys <-chan int) {
+ scanLine := make([]uint8, interRect.Dx()*4)
+ for y := range ys {
+ x1 := interRect.Min.X - pasteRect.Min.X
+ x2 := interRect.Max.X - pasteRect.Min.X
+ y1 := y - pasteRect.Min.Y
+ y2 := y1 + 1
+ src.scan(x1, y1, x2, y2, scanLine)
+ i := y*dst.Stride + interRect.Min.X*4
+ j := 0
+ for x := interRect.Min.X; x < interRect.Max.X; x++ {
+ r1 := float64(dst.Pix[i+0])
+ g1 := float64(dst.Pix[i+1])
+ b1 := float64(dst.Pix[i+2])
a1 := float64(dst.Pix[i+3])
- a2 := float64(src.Pix[j+3])
- coef2 := opacity * a2 / 255.0
- coef1 := (1 - coef2) * a1 / 255.0
+ r2 := float64(scanLine[j+0])
+ g2 := float64(scanLine[j+1])
+ b2 := float64(scanLine[j+2])
+ a2 := float64(scanLine[j+3])
+ coef2 := opacity * a2 / 255
+ coef1 := (1 - coef2) * a1 / 255
coefSum := coef1 + coef2
coef1 /= coefSum
coef2 /= coefSum
- dst.Pix[i+0] = uint8(float64(dst.Pix[i+0])*coef1 + float64(src.Pix[j+0])*coef2)
- dst.Pix[i+1] = uint8(float64(dst.Pix[i+1])*coef1 + float64(src.Pix[j+1])*coef2)
- dst.Pix[i+2] = uint8(float64(dst.Pix[i+2])*coef1 + float64(src.Pix[j+2])*coef2)
- dst.Pix[i+3] = uint8(math.Min(a1+a2*opacity*(255.0-a1)/255.0, 255.0))
+ dst.Pix[i+0] = uint8(r1*coef1 + r2*coef2)
+ dst.Pix[i+1] = uint8(g1*coef1 + g2*coef2)
+ dst.Pix[i+2] = uint8(b1*coef1 + b2*coef2)
+ dst.Pix[i+3] = uint8(math.Min(a1+a2*opacity*(255-a1)/255, 255))
+ i += 4
+ j += 4
- }
+ })
return dst