path: root/vendor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 546 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
deleted file mode 100644
index 77b1c5093..000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,546 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2012-present Oliver Eilhard. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-license.
-// See for details.
-package elastic
-import (
- "fmt"
-// SearchSource enables users to build the search source.
-// It resembles the SearchSourceBuilder in Elasticsearch.
-type SearchSource struct {
- query Query
- postQuery Query
- sliceQuery Query
- from int
- size int
- explain *bool
- version *bool
- sorters []Sorter
- trackScores bool
- searchAfterSortValues []interface{}
- minScore *float64
- timeout string
- terminateAfter *int
- storedFieldNames []string
- docvalueFields []string
- scriptFields []*ScriptField
- fetchSourceContext *FetchSourceContext
- aggregations map[string]Aggregation
- highlight *Highlight
- globalSuggestText string
- suggesters []Suggester
- rescores []*Rescore
- defaultRescoreWindowSize *int
- indexBoosts map[string]float64
- stats []string
- innerHits map[string]*InnerHit
- collapse *CollapseBuilder
- profile bool
-// NewSearchSource initializes a new SearchSource.
-func NewSearchSource() *SearchSource {
- return &SearchSource{
- from: -1,
- size: -1,
- trackScores: false,
- aggregations: make(map[string]Aggregation),
- indexBoosts: make(map[string]float64),
- innerHits: make(map[string]*InnerHit),
- }
-// Query sets the query to use with this search source.
-func (s *SearchSource) Query(query Query) *SearchSource {
- s.query = query
- return s
-// Profile specifies that this search source should activate the
-// Profile API for queries made on it.
-func (s *SearchSource) Profile(profile bool) *SearchSource {
- s.profile = profile
- return s
-// PostFilter will be executed after the query has been executed and
-// only affects the search hits, not the aggregations.
-// This filter is always executed as the last filtering mechanism.
-func (s *SearchSource) PostFilter(postFilter Query) *SearchSource {
- s.postQuery = postFilter
- return s
-// Slice allows partitioning the documents in multiple slices.
-// It is e.g. used to slice a scroll operation, supported in
-// Elasticsearch 5.0 or later.
-// See
-// for details.
-func (s *SearchSource) Slice(sliceQuery Query) *SearchSource {
- s.sliceQuery = sliceQuery
- return s
-// From index to start the search from. Defaults to 0.
-func (s *SearchSource) From(from int) *SearchSource {
- s.from = from
- return s
-// Size is the number of search hits to return. Defaults to 10.
-func (s *SearchSource) Size(size int) *SearchSource {
- s.size = size
- return s
-// MinScore sets the minimum score below which docs will be filtered out.
-func (s *SearchSource) MinScore(minScore float64) *SearchSource {
- s.minScore = &minScore
- return s
-// Explain indicates whether each search hit should be returned with
-// an explanation of the hit (ranking).
-func (s *SearchSource) Explain(explain bool) *SearchSource {
- s.explain = &explain
- return s
-// Version indicates whether each search hit should be returned with
-// a version associated to it.
-func (s *SearchSource) Version(version bool) *SearchSource {
- s.version = &version
- return s
-// Timeout controls how long a search is allowed to take, e.g. "1s" or "500ms".
-func (s *SearchSource) Timeout(timeout string) *SearchSource {
- s.timeout = timeout
- return s
-// TimeoutInMillis controls how many milliseconds a search is allowed
-// to take before it is canceled.
-func (s *SearchSource) TimeoutInMillis(timeoutInMillis int) *SearchSource {
- s.timeout = fmt.Sprintf("%dms", timeoutInMillis)
- return s
-// TerminateAfter allows the request to stop after the given number
-// of search hits are collected.
-func (s *SearchSource) TerminateAfter(terminateAfter int) *SearchSource {
- s.terminateAfter = &terminateAfter
- return s
-// Sort adds a sort order.
-func (s *SearchSource) Sort(field string, ascending bool) *SearchSource {
- s.sorters = append(s.sorters, SortInfo{Field: field, Ascending: ascending})
- return s
-// SortWithInfo adds a sort order.
-func (s *SearchSource) SortWithInfo(info SortInfo) *SearchSource {
- s.sorters = append(s.sorters, info)
- return s
-// SortBy adds a sort order.
-func (s *SearchSource) SortBy(sorter ...Sorter) *SearchSource {
- s.sorters = append(s.sorters, sorter...)
- return s
-func (s *SearchSource) hasSort() bool {
- return len(s.sorters) > 0
-// TrackScores is applied when sorting and controls if scores will be
-// tracked as well. Defaults to false.
-func (s *SearchSource) TrackScores(trackScores bool) *SearchSource {
- s.trackScores = trackScores
- return s
-// SearchAfter allows a different form of pagination by using a live cursor,
-// using the results of the previous page to help the retrieval of the next.
-// See
-func (s *SearchSource) SearchAfter(sortValues ...interface{}) *SearchSource {
- s.searchAfterSortValues = append(s.searchAfterSortValues, sortValues...)
- return s
-// Aggregation adds an aggreation to perform as part of the search.
-func (s *SearchSource) Aggregation(name string, aggregation Aggregation) *SearchSource {
- s.aggregations[name] = aggregation
- return s
-// DefaultRescoreWindowSize sets the rescore window size for rescores
-// that don't specify their window.
-func (s *SearchSource) DefaultRescoreWindowSize(defaultRescoreWindowSize int) *SearchSource {
- s.defaultRescoreWindowSize = &defaultRescoreWindowSize
- return s
-// Highlight adds highlighting to the search.
-func (s *SearchSource) Highlight(highlight *Highlight) *SearchSource {
- s.highlight = highlight
- return s
-// Highlighter returns the highlighter.
-func (s *SearchSource) Highlighter() *Highlight {
- if s.highlight == nil {
- s.highlight = NewHighlight()
- }
- return s.highlight
-// GlobalSuggestText defines the global text to use with all suggesters.
-// This avoids repetition.
-func (s *SearchSource) GlobalSuggestText(text string) *SearchSource {
- s.globalSuggestText = text
- return s
-// Suggester adds a suggester to the search.
-func (s *SearchSource) Suggester(suggester Suggester) *SearchSource {
- s.suggesters = append(s.suggesters, suggester)
- return s
-// Rescorer adds a rescorer to the search.
-func (s *SearchSource) Rescorer(rescore *Rescore) *SearchSource {
- s.rescores = append(s.rescores, rescore)
- return s
-// ClearRescorers removes all rescorers from the search.
-func (s *SearchSource) ClearRescorers() *SearchSource {
- s.rescores = make([]*Rescore, 0)
- return s
-// FetchSource indicates whether the response should contain the stored
-// _source for every hit.
-func (s *SearchSource) FetchSource(fetchSource bool) *SearchSource {
- if s.fetchSourceContext == nil {
- s.fetchSourceContext = NewFetchSourceContext(fetchSource)
- } else {
- s.fetchSourceContext.SetFetchSource(fetchSource)
- }
- return s
-// FetchSourceContext indicates how the _source should be fetched.
-func (s *SearchSource) FetchSourceContext(fetchSourceContext *FetchSourceContext) *SearchSource {
- s.fetchSourceContext = fetchSourceContext
- return s
-// NoStoredFields indicates that no fields should be loaded, resulting in only
-// id and type to be returned per field.
-func (s *SearchSource) NoStoredFields() *SearchSource {
- s.storedFieldNames = nil
- return s
-// StoredField adds a single field to load and return (note, must be stored) as
-// part of the search request. If none are specified, the source of the
-// document will be returned.
-func (s *SearchSource) StoredField(storedFieldName string) *SearchSource {
- s.storedFieldNames = append(s.storedFieldNames, storedFieldName)
- return s
-// StoredFields sets the fields to load and return as part of the search request.
-// If none are specified, the source of the document will be returned.
-func (s *SearchSource) StoredFields(storedFieldNames ...string) *SearchSource {
- s.storedFieldNames = append(s.storedFieldNames, storedFieldNames...)
- return s
-// DocvalueField adds a single field to load from the field data cache
-// and return as part of the search request.
-func (s *SearchSource) DocvalueField(fieldDataField string) *SearchSource {
- s.docvalueFields = append(s.docvalueFields, fieldDataField)
- return s
-// DocvalueFields adds one or more fields to load from the field data cache
-// and return as part of the search request.
-func (s *SearchSource) DocvalueFields(docvalueFields ...string) *SearchSource {
- s.docvalueFields = append(s.docvalueFields, docvalueFields...)
- return s
-// ScriptField adds a single script field with the provided script.
-func (s *SearchSource) ScriptField(scriptField *ScriptField) *SearchSource {
- s.scriptFields = append(s.scriptFields, scriptField)
- return s
-// ScriptFields adds one or more script fields with the provided scripts.
-func (s *SearchSource) ScriptFields(scriptFields ...*ScriptField) *SearchSource {
- s.scriptFields = append(s.scriptFields, scriptFields...)
- return s
-// IndexBoost sets the boost that a specific index will receive when the
-// query is executed against it.
-func (s *SearchSource) IndexBoost(index string, boost float64) *SearchSource {
- s.indexBoosts[index] = boost
- return s
-// Stats group this request will be aggregated under.
-func (s *SearchSource) Stats(statsGroup ...string) *SearchSource {
- s.stats = append(s.stats, statsGroup...)
- return s
-// InnerHit adds an inner hit to return with the result.
-func (s *SearchSource) InnerHit(name string, innerHit *InnerHit) *SearchSource {
- s.innerHits[name] = innerHit
- return s
-// Collapse adds field collapsing.
-func (s *SearchSource) Collapse(collapse *CollapseBuilder) *SearchSource {
- s.collapse = collapse
- return s
-// Source returns the serializable JSON for the source builder.
-func (s *SearchSource) Source() (interface{}, error) {
- source := make(map[string]interface{})
- if s.from != -1 {
- source["from"] = s.from
- }
- if s.size != -1 {
- source["size"] = s.size
- }
- if s.timeout != "" {
- source["timeout"] = s.timeout
- }
- if s.terminateAfter != nil {
- source["terminate_after"] = *s.terminateAfter
- }
- if s.query != nil {
- src, err := s.query.Source()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- source["query"] = src
- }
- if s.postQuery != nil {
- src, err := s.postQuery.Source()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- source["post_filter"] = src
- }
- if s.sliceQuery != nil {
- src, err := s.sliceQuery.Source()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- source["slice"] = src
- }
- if s.minScore != nil {
- source["min_score"] = *s.minScore
- }
- if s.version != nil {
- source["version"] = *s.version
- }
- if s.explain != nil {
- source["explain"] = *s.explain
- }
- if s.profile {
- source["profile"] = s.profile
- }
- if s.collapse != nil {
- src, err := s.collapse.Source()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- source["collapse"] = src
- }
- if s.fetchSourceContext != nil {
- src, err := s.fetchSourceContext.Source()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- source["_source"] = src
- }
- if s.storedFieldNames != nil {
- switch len(s.storedFieldNames) {
- case 1:
- source["stored_fields"] = s.storedFieldNames[0]
- default:
- source["stored_fields"] = s.storedFieldNames
- }
- }
- if len(s.docvalueFields) > 0 {
- source["docvalue_fields"] = s.docvalueFields
- }
- if len(s.scriptFields) > 0 {
- sfmap := make(map[string]interface{})
- for _, scriptField := range s.scriptFields {
- src, err := scriptField.Source()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- sfmap[scriptField.FieldName] = src
- }
- source["script_fields"] = sfmap
- }
- if len(s.sorters) > 0 {
- var sortarr []interface{}
- for _, sorter := range s.sorters {
- src, err := sorter.Source()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- sortarr = append(sortarr, src)
- }
- source["sort"] = sortarr
- }
- if s.trackScores {
- source["track_scores"] = s.trackScores
- }
- if len(s.searchAfterSortValues) > 0 {
- source["search_after"] = s.searchAfterSortValues
- }
- if len(s.indexBoosts) > 0 {
- source["indices_boost"] = s.indexBoosts
- }
- if len(s.aggregations) > 0 {
- aggsMap := make(map[string]interface{})
- for name, aggregate := range s.aggregations {
- src, err := aggregate.Source()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- aggsMap[name] = src
- }
- source["aggregations"] = aggsMap
- }
- if s.highlight != nil {
- src, err := s.highlight.Source()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- source["highlight"] = src
- }
- if len(s.suggesters) > 0 {
- suggesters := make(map[string]interface{})
- for _, s := range s.suggesters {
- src, err := s.Source(false)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- suggesters[s.Name()] = src
- }
- if s.globalSuggestText != "" {
- suggesters["text"] = s.globalSuggestText
- }
- source["suggest"] = suggesters
- }
- if len(s.rescores) > 0 {
- // Strip empty rescores from request
- var rescores []*Rescore
- for _, r := range s.rescores {
- if !r.IsEmpty() {
- rescores = append(rescores, r)
- }
- }
- if len(rescores) == 1 {
- rescores[0].defaultRescoreWindowSize = s.defaultRescoreWindowSize
- src, err := rescores[0].Source()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- source["rescore"] = src
- } else {
- var slice []interface{}
- for _, r := range rescores {
- r.defaultRescoreWindowSize = s.defaultRescoreWindowSize
- src, err := r.Source()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- slice = append(slice, src)
- }
- source["rescore"] = slice
- }
- }
- if len(s.stats) > 0 {
- source["stats"] = s.stats
- }
- if len(s.innerHits) > 0 {
- // Top-level inner hits
- // See
- // "inner_hits": {
- // "<inner_hits_name>": {
- // "<path|type>": {
- // "<path-to-nested-object-field|child-or-parent-type>": {
- // <inner_hits_body>,
- // [,"inner_hits" : { [<sub_inner_hits>]+ } ]?
- // }
- // }
- // },
- // [,"<inner_hits_name_2>" : { ... } ]*
- // }
- m := make(map[string]interface{})
- for name, hit := range s.innerHits {
- if hit.path != "" {
- src, err := hit.Source()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- path := make(map[string]interface{})
- path[hit.path] = src
- m[name] = map[string]interface{}{
- "path": path,
- }
- } else if hit.typ != "" {
- src, err := hit.Source()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- typ := make(map[string]interface{})
- typ[hit.typ] = src
- m[name] = map[string]interface{}{
- "type": typ,
- }
- } else {
- // TODO the Java client throws here, because either path or typ must be specified
- _ = m
- }
- }
- source["inner_hits"] = m
- }
- return source, nil