path: root/vendor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
7 files changed, 729 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 000000000..2ad8d431a
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+// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package number formats numbers according to the customs of different locales.
+// The number formats of this package allow for greater formatting flexibility
+// than passing values to message.Printf calls as is. It currently supports the
+// builtin Go types and anything that implements the Convert interface
+// (currently internal).
+// p := message.NewPrinter(language.English)
+// p.Printf("%v bottles of beer on the wall.", number.Decimal(1234))
+// // Prints: 1,234 bottles of beer on the wall.
+// p.Printf("%v of gophers lose too much fur", number.Percent(0.12))
+// // Prints: 12% of gophers lose too much fur.
+// p := message.NewPrinter(language.Dutch)
+// p.Printf("There are %v bikes per household.", number.Decimal(1.2))
+// // Prints: Er zijn 1,2 fietsen per huishouden.
+// The width and scale specified in the formatting directives override the
+// configuration of the formatter.
+package number
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+// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package number_test
+import (
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+func ExampleMaxIntegerDigits() {
+ const year = 1999
+ p := message.NewPrinter(language.English)
+ p.Println("Year:", number.Decimal(year, number.MaxIntegerDigits(2)))
+ // Output:
+ // Year: 99
+func ExampleIncrementString() {
+ p := message.NewPrinter(language.English)
+ p.Println(number.Decimal(1.33, number.IncrementString("0.50")))
+ // Output: 1.50
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+// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package number
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// A FormatFunc formates a number.
+type FormatFunc func(x interface{}, opts ...Option) Formatter
+// NewFormat creates a FormatFunc based on another FormatFunc and new options.
+// Use NewFormat to cash the creation of formatters.
+func NewFormat(format FormatFunc, opts ...Option) FormatFunc {
+ o := *format(nil).options
+ n := len(o.options)
+ o.options = append(o.options[:n:n], opts...)
+ return func(x interface{}, opts ...Option) Formatter {
+ return newFormatter(&o, opts, x)
+ }
+type options struct {
+ verbs string
+ initFunc initFunc
+ options []Option
+ pluralFunc func(t language.Tag, scale int) (f plural.Form, n int)
+type optionFlag uint16
+const (
+ hasScale optionFlag = 1 << iota
+ hasPrecision
+ noSeparator
+ exact
+type initFunc func(f *number.Formatter, t language.Tag)
+func newFormatter(o *options, opts []Option, value interface{}) Formatter {
+ if len(opts) > 0 {
+ n := *o
+ n.options = opts
+ o = &n
+ }
+ return Formatter{o, value}
+func newOptions(verbs string, f initFunc) *options {
+ return &options{verbs: verbs, initFunc: f}
+type Formatter struct {
+ *options
+ value interface{}
+// Format implements format.Formatter. It is for internal use only for now.
+func (f Formatter) Format(state format.State, verb rune) {
+ // TODO: consider implementing fmt.Formatter instead and using the following
+ // piece of code. This allows numbers to be rendered mostly as expected
+ // when using fmt. But it may get weird with the spellout options and we
+ // may need more of format.State over time.
+ // lang := language.Und
+ // if s, ok := state.(format.State); ok {
+ // lang = s.Language()
+ // }
+ lang := state.Language()
+ if !strings.Contains(f.verbs, string(verb)) {
+ fmt.Fprintf(state, "%%!%s(%T=%v)", string(verb), f.value, f.value)
+ return
+ }
+ var p number.Formatter
+ f.initFunc(&p, lang)
+ for _, o := range f.options.options {
+ o(lang, &p)
+ }
+ if w, ok := state.Width(); ok {
+ p.FormatWidth = uint16(w)
+ }
+ if prec, ok := state.Precision(); ok {
+ switch verb {
+ case 'd':
+ p.SetScale(0)
+ case 'f':
+ p.SetScale(prec)
+ case 'e':
+ p.SetPrecision(prec + 1)
+ case 'g':
+ p.SetPrecision(prec)
+ }
+ }
+ var d number.Decimal
+ d.Convert(p.RoundingContext, f.value)
+ state.Write(p.Format(nil, &d))
+// Digits returns information about which logical digits will be presented to
+// the user. This information is relevant, for instance, to determine plural
+// forms.
+func (f Formatter) Digits(buf []byte, tag language.Tag, scale int) number.Digits {
+ var p number.Formatter
+ f.initFunc(&p, tag)
+ if scale >= 0 {
+ // TODO: this only works well for decimal numbers, which is generally
+ // fine.
+ p.SetScale(scale)
+ }
+ var d number.Decimal
+ d.Convert(p.RoundingContext, f.value)
+ return number.FormatDigits(&d, p.RoundingContext)
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+// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package number
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "testing"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+func TestWrongVerb(t *testing.T) {
+ testCases := []struct {
+ f Formatter
+ fmt string
+ want string
+ }{{
+ f: Decimal(12),
+ fmt: "%e",
+ want: "%!e(int=12)",
+ }, {
+ f: Scientific(12),
+ fmt: "%f",
+ want: "%!f(int=12)",
+ }, {
+ f: Engineering(12),
+ fmt: "%f",
+ want: "%!f(int=12)",
+ }, {
+ f: Percent(12),
+ fmt: "%e",
+ want: "%!e(int=12)",
+ }}
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
+ tag := language.Und
+ got := message.NewPrinter(tag).Sprintf(tc.fmt, tc.f)
+ if got != tc.want {
+ t.Errorf("got %q; want %q", got, tc.want)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+func TestDigits(t *testing.T) {
+ testCases := []struct {
+ f Formatter
+ scale int
+ want string
+ }{{
+ f: Decimal(3),
+ scale: 0,
+ want: "digits:[3] exp:1 comma:0 end:1",
+ }, {
+ f: Decimal(3.1),
+ scale: 0,
+ want: "digits:[3] exp:1 comma:0 end:1",
+ }, {
+ f: Scientific(3.1),
+ scale: 0,
+ want: "digits:[3] exp:1 comma:1 end:1",
+ }, {
+ f: Scientific(3.1),
+ scale: 3,
+ want: "digits:[3 1] exp:1 comma:1 end:4",
+ }}
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
+ d := tc.f.Digits(nil, language.Croatian, tc.scale)
+ got := fmt.Sprintf("digits:%d exp:%d comma:%d end:%d", d.Digits, d.Exp, d.Comma, d.End)
+ if got != tc.want {
+ t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tc.want)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+func TestPluralIntegration(t *testing.T) {
+ testCases := []struct {
+ f Formatter
+ want string
+ }{{
+ f: Decimal(1),
+ want: "one: 1",
+ }, {
+ f: Decimal(5),
+ want: "other: 5",
+ }}
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
+ message.Set(language.English, "num %f", plural.Selectf(1, "%f",
+ "one", "one: %f",
+ "other", "other: %f"))
+ p := message.NewPrinter(language.English)
+ got := p.Sprintf("num %f", tc.f)
+ if got != tc.want {
+ t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tc.want)
+ }
+ })
+ }
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index 000000000..f5ca93b15
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@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package number
+// TODO:
+// p.Printf("The gauge was at %v.", number.Spell(number.Percent(23)))
+// // Prints: The gauge was at twenty-three percent.
+// p.Printf("From here to %v!", number.Spell(math.Inf()))
+// // Prints: From here to infinity!
+import (
+ ""
+const (
+ decimalVerbs = "vfgd"
+ scientificVerbs = "veg"
+// Decimal formats a number as a floating point decimal.
+func Decimal(x interface{}, opts ...Option) Formatter {
+ return newFormatter(decimalOptions, opts, x)
+var decimalOptions = newOptions(decimalVerbs, (*number.Formatter).InitDecimal)
+// Scientific formats a number in scientific format.
+func Scientific(x interface{}, opts ...Option) Formatter {
+ return newFormatter(scientificOptions, opts, x)
+var scientificOptions = newOptions(scientificVerbs, (*number.Formatter).InitScientific)
+// Engineering formats a number using engineering notation, which is like
+// scientific notation, but with the exponent normalized to multiples of 3.
+func Engineering(x interface{}, opts ...Option) Formatter {
+ return newFormatter(engineeringOptions, opts, x)
+var engineeringOptions = newOptions(scientificVerbs, (*number.Formatter).InitEngineering)
+// Percent formats a number as a percentage. A value of 1.0 means 100%.
+func Percent(x interface{}, opts ...Option) Formatter {
+ return newFormatter(percentOptions, opts, x)
+var percentOptions = newOptions(decimalVerbs, (*number.Formatter).InitPercent)
+// PerMille formats a number as a per mille indication. A value of 1.0 means
+// 1000‰.
+func PerMille(x interface{}, opts ...Option) Formatter {
+ return newFormatter(perMilleOptions, opts, x)
+var perMilleOptions = newOptions(decimalVerbs, (*number.Formatter).InitPerMille)
+// TODO:
+// - Shortest: akin to verb 'g' of 'G'
+// TODO: RBNF forms:
+// - Compact: 1M 3.5T
+// - CompactBinary: 1Mi 3.5Ti
+// - Long: 1 million
+// - Ordinal:
+// - Roman: MCMIIXX
+// - RomanSmall: mcmiixx
+// - Text: numbers as it typically appears in running text, allowing
+// language-specific choices for when to use numbers and when to use words.
+// - Spell?: spelled-out number. Maybe just allow as an option?
+// NOTE: both spelled-out numbers and ordinals, to render correctly, need
+// detailed linguistic information from the translated string into which they
+// are substituted. We will need to implement that first.
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index 000000000..96b1acb52
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@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package number
+import (
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+ ""
+ ""
+func TestFormatter(t *testing.T) {
+ overrides := map[string]string{
+ "en": "*e#######0",
+ "nl": "*n#######0",
+ }
+ testCases := []struct {
+ desc string
+ tag string
+ f Formatter
+ want string
+ }{{
+ desc: "decimal",
+ f: Decimal(3),
+ want: "3",
+ }, {
+ desc: "decimal fraction",
+ f: Decimal(0.123),
+ want: "0.123",
+ }, {
+ desc: "separators",
+ f: Decimal(1234.567),
+ want: "1,234.567",
+ }, {
+ desc: "no separators",
+ f: Decimal(1234.567, NoSeparator()),
+ want: "1234.567",
+ }, {
+ desc: "max integer",
+ f: Decimal(1973, MaxIntegerDigits(2)),
+ want: "73",
+ }, {
+ desc: "max integer overflow",
+ f: Decimal(1973, MaxIntegerDigits(1000)),
+ want: "1,973",
+ }, {
+ desc: "min integer",
+ f: Decimal(12, MinIntegerDigits(5)),
+ want: "00,012",
+ }, {
+ desc: "max fraction zero",
+ f: Decimal(0.12345, MaxFractionDigits(0)),
+ want: "0",
+ }, {
+ desc: "max fraction 2",
+ f: Decimal(0.12, MaxFractionDigits(2)),
+ want: "0.12",
+ }, {
+ desc: "min fraction 2",
+ f: Decimal(0.12, MaxFractionDigits(2)),
+ want: "0.12",
+ }, {
+ desc: "max fraction overflow",
+ f: Decimal(0.123, MaxFractionDigits(1e6)),
+ want: "0.123",
+ }, {
+ desc: "min integer overflow",
+ f: Decimal(0, MinIntegerDigits(1e6)),
+ want: strings.Repeat("000,", 255/3-1) + "000",
+ }, {
+ desc: "min fraction overflow",
+ f: Decimal(0, MinFractionDigits(1e6)),
+ want: "0." + strings.Repeat("0", 255), // TODO: fraction separators
+ }, {
+ desc: "format width",
+ f: Decimal(123, FormatWidth(10)),
+ want: " 123",
+ }, {
+ desc: "format width pad option before",
+ f: Decimal(123, Pad('*'), FormatWidth(10)),
+ want: "*******123",
+ }, {
+ desc: "format width pad option after",
+ f: Decimal(123, FormatWidth(10), Pad('*')),
+ want: "*******123",
+ }, {
+ desc: "format width illegal",
+ f: Decimal(123, FormatWidth(-1)),
+ want: "123",
+ }, {
+ desc: "increment",
+ f: Decimal(10.33, IncrementString("0.5")),
+ want: "10.5",
+ }, {
+ desc: "increment",
+ f: Decimal(10, IncrementString("ppp")),
+ want: "10",
+ }, {
+ desc: "increment and scale",
+ f: Decimal(10.33, IncrementString("0.5"), Scale(2)),
+ want: "10.50",
+ }, {
+ desc: "pattern overrides en",
+ tag: "en",
+ f: Decimal(101, PatternOverrides(overrides)),
+ want: "eeeee101",
+ }, {
+ desc: "pattern overrides nl",
+ tag: "nl",
+ f: Decimal(101, PatternOverrides(overrides)),
+ want: "nnnnn101",
+ }, {
+ desc: "pattern overrides de",
+ tag: "de",
+ f: Decimal(101, PatternOverrides(overrides)),
+ want: "101",
+ }, {
+ desc: "language selection",
+ tag: "bn",
+ f: Decimal(123456.78, Scale(2)),
+ want: "১,২৩,৪৫৬.৭৮",
+ }, {
+ desc: "scale",
+ f: Decimal(1234.567, Scale(2)),
+ want: "1,234.57",
+ }, {
+ desc: "scientific",
+ f: Scientific(3.00),
+ want: "3\u202f×\u202f10⁰",
+ }, {
+ desc: "scientific",
+ f: Scientific(1234),
+ want: "1.234\u202f×\u202f10³",
+ }, {
+ desc: "scientific",
+ f: Scientific(1234, Scale(2)),
+ want: "1.23\u202f×\u202f10³",
+ }, {
+ desc: "engineering",
+ f: Engineering(12345),
+ want: "12.345\u202f×\u202f10³",
+ }, {
+ desc: "engineering scale",
+ f: Engineering(12345, Scale(2)),
+ want: "12.34\u202f×\u202f10³",
+ }, {
+ desc: "engineering precision(4)",
+ f: Engineering(12345, Precision(4)),
+ want: "12.34\u202f×\u202f10³",
+ }, {
+ desc: "engineering precision(2)",
+ f: Engineering(1234.5, Precision(2)),
+ want: "1.2\u202f×\u202f10³",
+ }, {
+ desc: "percent",
+ f: Percent(0.12),
+ want: "12%",
+ }, {
+ desc: "permille",
+ f: PerMille(0.123),
+ want: "123‰",
+ }, {
+ desc: "percent rounding",
+ f: PerMille(0.12345),
+ want: "123‰",
+ }, {
+ desc: "percent fraction",
+ f: PerMille(0.12345, Scale(2)),
+ want: "123.45‰",
+ }, {
+ desc: "percent fraction",
+ f: PerMille(0.12345, Scale(1)),
+ want: "123.4‰",
+ }}
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
+ tag := language.Und
+ if tc.tag != "" {
+ tag = language.MustParse(tc.tag)
+ }
+ got := message.NewPrinter(tag).Sprint(tc.f)
+ if got != tc.want {
+ t.Errorf("got %q; want %q", got, tc.want)
+ }
+ })
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de96f8eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package number
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ ""
+ ""
+// An Option configures a Formatter.
+type Option option
+type option func(tag language.Tag, f *number.Formatter)
+// TODO: SpellOut requires support of the ICU RBNF format.
+// func SpellOut() Option
+// NoSeparator causes a number to be displayed without grouping separators.
+func NoSeparator() Option {
+ return func(t language.Tag, f *number.Formatter) {
+ f.GroupingSize = [2]uint8{}
+ }
+// MaxIntegerDigits limits the number of integer digits, eliminating the
+// most significant digits.
+func MaxIntegerDigits(max int) Option {
+ return func(t language.Tag, f *number.Formatter) {
+ if max >= 1<<8 {
+ max = (1 << 8) - 1
+ }
+ f.MaxIntegerDigits = uint8(max)
+ }
+// MinIntegerDigits specifies the minimum number of integer digits, adding
+// leading zeros when needed.
+func MinIntegerDigits(min int) Option {
+ return func(t language.Tag, f *number.Formatter) {
+ if min >= 1<<8 {
+ min = (1 << 8) - 1
+ }
+ f.MinIntegerDigits = uint8(min)
+ }
+// MaxFractionDigits specifies the maximum number of fractional digits.
+func MaxFractionDigits(max int) Option {
+ return func(t language.Tag, f *number.Formatter) {
+ if max >= 1<<15 {
+ max = (1 << 15) - 1
+ }
+ f.MaxFractionDigits = int16(max)
+ }
+// MinFractionDigits specifies the minimum number of fractional digits.
+func MinFractionDigits(min int) Option {
+ return func(t language.Tag, f *number.Formatter) {
+ if min >= 1<<8 {
+ min = (1 << 8) - 1
+ }
+ f.MinFractionDigits = uint8(min)
+ }
+// Precision sets the maximum number of significant digits. A negative value
+// means exact.
+func Precision(prec int) Option {
+ return func(t language.Tag, f *number.Formatter) {
+ f.SetPrecision(prec)
+ }
+// Scale simultaneously sets MinFractionDigits and MaxFractionDigits to the
+// given value.
+func Scale(decimals int) Option {
+ return func(t language.Tag, f *number.Formatter) {
+ f.SetScale(decimals)
+ }
+// IncrementString sets the incremental value to which numbers should be
+// rounded. For instance: Increment("0.05") will cause 1.44 to round to 1.45.
+// IncrementString also sets scale to the scale of the increment.
+func IncrementString(decimal string) Option {
+ increment := 0
+ scale := 0
+ d := decimal
+ p := 0
+ for ; p < len(d) && '0' <= d[p] && d[p] <= '9'; p++ {
+ increment *= 10
+ increment += int(d[p]) - '0'
+ }
+ if p < len(d) && d[p] == '.' {
+ for p++; p < len(d) && '0' <= d[p] && d[p] <= '9'; p++ {
+ increment *= 10
+ increment += int(d[p]) - '0'
+ scale++
+ }
+ }
+ if p < len(d) {
+ increment = 0
+ scale = 0
+ }
+ return func(t language.Tag, f *number.Formatter) {
+ f.Increment = uint32(increment)
+ f.IncrementScale = uint8(scale)
+ f.SetScale(scale)
+ }
+func noop(language.Tag, *number.Formatter) {}
+// PatternOverrides allows users to specify alternative patterns for specific
+// languages. The Pattern will be overridden for all languages in a subgroup as
+// well. The function will panic for invalid input. It is best to create this
+// option at startup time.
+// PatternOverrides must be the first Option passed to a formatter.
+func PatternOverrides(patterns map[string]string) Option {
+ // TODO: make it so that it does not have to be the first option.
+ // TODO: use -x-nochild to indicate it does not override child tags.
+ m := map[language.Tag]*number.Pattern{}
+ for k, v := range patterns {
+ tag := language.MustParse(k)
+ p, err := number.ParsePattern(v)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("number: PatternOverrides: %v", err))
+ }
+ m[tag] = p
+ }
+ return func(t language.Tag, f *number.Formatter) {
+ // TODO: Use language grouping relation instead of parent relation.
+ // TODO: Should parent implement the grouping relation?
+ for lang := t; ; lang = t.Parent() {
+ if p, ok := m[lang]; ok {
+ f.Pattern = *p
+ break
+ }
+ if lang == language.Und {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// FormatWidth sets the total format width.
+func FormatWidth(n int) Option {
+ if n <= 0 {
+ return noop
+ }
+ return func(t language.Tag, f *number.Formatter) {
+ f.FormatWidth = uint16(n)
+ if f.PadRune == 0 {
+ f.PadRune = ' '
+ }
+ }
+// Pad sets the rune to be used for filling up to the format width.
+func Pad(r rune) Option {
+ return func(t language.Tag, f *number.Formatter) {
+ f.PadRune = r
+ }
+// TODO:
+// - FormatPosition (using type aliasing?)
+// - Multiplier: find a better way to represent and figure out what to do
+// with clashes with percent/permille.
+// - NumberingSystem(nu string): not accessable in number.Info now. Also, should
+// this be keyed by language or generic?
+// - SymbolOverrides(symbols map[string]map[number.SymbolType]string) Option