path: root/web/react/components/view_image.jsx
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Diffstat (limited to 'web/react/components/view_image.jsx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 422 deletions
diff --git a/web/react/components/view_image.jsx b/web/react/components/view_image.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 713fbf80b..000000000
--- a/web/react/components/view_image.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// See License.txt for license information.
-import * as AsyncClient from '../utils/async_client.jsx';
-import * as Client from '../utils/client.jsx';
-import * as Utils from '../utils/utils.jsx';
-import AudioVideoPreview from './audio_video_preview.jsx';
-import Constants from '../utils/constants.jsx';
-import FileInfoPreview from './file_info_preview.jsx';
-import FileStore from '../stores/file_store.jsx';
-import ViewImagePopoverBar from './view_image_popover_bar.jsx';
-import {intlShape, injectIntl, defineMessages} from 'mm-intl';
-const Modal = ReactBootstrap.Modal;
-const KeyCodes = Constants.KeyCodes;
-const holders = defineMessages({
- loading: {
- id: 'view_image.loading',
- defaultMessage: 'Loading '
- }
-class ViewImageModal extends React.Component {
- constructor(props) {
- super(props);
- this.showImage = this.showImage.bind(this);
- this.loadImage = this.loadImage.bind(this);
- this.handleNext = this.handleNext.bind(this);
- this.handlePrev = this.handlePrev.bind(this);
- this.handleKeyPress = this.handleKeyPress.bind(this);
- this.onModalShown = this.onModalShown.bind(this);
- this.onModalHidden = this.onModalHidden.bind(this);
- this.onFileStoreChange = this.onFileStoreChange.bind(this);
- this.getPublicLink = this.getPublicLink.bind(this);
- this.onMouseEnterImage = this.onMouseEnterImage.bind(this);
- this.onMouseLeaveImage = this.onMouseLeaveImage.bind(this);
- this.state = {
- imgId: this.props.startId,
- fileInfo: null,
- imgHeight: '100%',
- loaded: Utils.fillArray(false, this.props.filenames.length),
- progress: Utils.fillArray(0, this.props.filenames.length),
- showFooter: false
- };
- }
- handleNext(e) {
- if (e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- }
- let id = this.state.imgId + 1;
- if (id > this.props.filenames.length - 1) {
- id = 0;
- }
- this.showImage(id);
- }
- handlePrev(e) {
- if (e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- }
- let id = this.state.imgId - 1;
- if (id < 0) {
- id = this.props.filenames.length - 1;
- }
- this.showImage(id);
- }
- handleKeyPress(e) {
- if (e.keyCode === KeyCodes.RIGHT) {
- this.handleNext();
- } else if (e.keyCode === KeyCodes.LEFT) {
- this.handlePrev();
- }
- }
- onModalShown(nextProps) {
- $(window).on('keyup', this.handleKeyPress);
- this.showImage(nextProps.startId);
- FileStore.addChangeListener(this.onFileStoreChange);
- }
- onModalHidden() {
- $(window).off('keyup', this.handleKeyPress);
- if ( {
- }
- FileStore.removeChangeListener(this.onFileStoreChange);
- }
- componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
- if ( === true && === false) {
- this.onModalShown(nextProps);
- } else if ( === false && === true) {
- this.onModalHidden();
- }
- if (!Utils.areObjectsEqual(this.props.filenames, nextProps.filenames)) {
- this.setState({
- loaded: Utils.fillArray(false, nextProps.filenames.length),
- progress: Utils.fillArray(0, nextProps.filenames.length)
- });
- }
- }
- onFileStoreChange(filename) {
- const id = this.props.filenames.indexOf(filename);
- if (id !== -1) {
- if (id === this.state.imgId) {
- this.setState({
- fileInfo: FileStore.getInfo(filename)
- });
- }
- if (!this.state.loaded[id]) {
- this.loadImage(id, filename);
- }
- }
- }
- showImage(id) {
- this.setState({imgId: id});
- const imgHeight = $(window).height() - 100;
- this.setState({imgHeight});
- const filename = this.props.filenames[id];
- if (!FileStore.hasInfo(filename)) {
- // the image will actually be loaded once we know what we need to load
- AsyncClient.getFileInfo(filename);
- return;
- }
- this.setState({
- fileInfo: FileStore.getInfo(filename)
- });
- if (!this.state.loaded[id]) {
- this.loadImage(id, filename);
- }
- }
- loadImage(id, filename) {
- const fileInfo = FileStore.getInfo(filename);
- const fileType = Utils.getFileType(fileInfo.extension);
- if (fileType === 'image') {
- let previewUrl;
- if (fileInfo.has_image_preview) {
- previewUrl = Utils.getPreviewImagePath(filename);
- } else {
- // some images (eg animated gifs) just show the file itself and not a preview
- previewUrl = Utils.getFileUrl(filename);
- }
- const img = new Image();
- img.load(
- previewUrl,
- () => {
- const progress = this.state.progress;
- progress[id] = img.completedPercentage;
- this.setState({progress});
- }
- );
- img.onload = () => {
- const loaded = this.state.loaded;
- loaded[id] = true;
- this.setState({loaded});
- };
- } else {
- // there's nothing to load for non-image files
- var loaded = this.state.loaded;
- loaded[id] = true;
- this.setState({loaded});
- }
- }
- getPublicLink() {
- var data = {};
- data.channel_id = this.props.channelId;
- data.user_id = this.props.userId;
- data.filename = this.props.filenames[this.state.imgId];
- Client.getPublicLink(
- data,
- (serverData) => {
- if (Utils.isMobile()) {
- window.location.href = serverData.public_link;
- } else {
- }
- },
- () => {
- //Do Nothing on error
- }
- );
- }
- onMouseEnterImage() {
- this.setState({showFooter: true});
- }
- onMouseLeaveImage() {
- this.setState({showFooter: false});
- }
- render() {
- if (this.props.filenames.length < 1 || this.props.filenames.length - 1 < this.state.imgId) {
- return <div/>;
- }
- const filename = this.props.filenames[this.state.imgId];
- const fileUrl = Utils.getFileUrl(filename, true);
- var content;
- if (this.state.loaded[this.state.imgId]) {
- // this.state.fileInfo is for the current image and we shoudl have it before we load the image
- const fileInfo = this.state.fileInfo;
- const fileType = Utils.getFileType(fileInfo.extension);
- if (fileType === 'image') {
- content = (
- <ImagePreview
- filename={filename}
- fileUrl={fileUrl}
- fileInfo={fileInfo}
- maxHeight={this.state.imgHeight}
- />
- );
- } else if (fileType === 'video' || fileType === 'audio') {
- content = (
- <AudioVideoPreview
- filename={filename}
- fileUrl={fileUrl}
- fileInfo={this.state.fileInfo}
- maxHeight={this.state.imgHeight}
- formatMessage={this.props.intl.formatMessage}
- />
- );
- } else {
- content = (
- <FileInfoPreview
- filename={filename}
- fileUrl={fileUrl}
- fileInfo={fileInfo}
- formatMessage={this.props.intl.formatMessage}
- />
- );
- }
- } else {
- // display a progress indicator when the preview for an image is still loading
- const progress = Math.floor(this.state.progress[this.state.imgId]);
- content = (
- <LoadingImagePreview
- progress={progress}
- loading={this.props.intl.formatMessage(holders.loading)}
- />
- );
- }
- let leftArrow = null;
- let rightArrow = null;
- if (this.props.filenames.length > 1) {
- leftArrow = (
- <a
- ref='previewArrowLeft'
- className='modal-prev-bar'
- href='#'
- onClick={this.handlePrev}
- >
- <i className='image-control image-prev'/>
- </a>
- );
- rightArrow = (
- <a
- ref='previewArrowRight'
- className='modal-next-bar'
- href='#'
- onClick={this.handleNext}
- >
- <i className='image-control image-next'/>
- </a>
- );
- }
- let closeButtonClass = 'modal-close';
- if (this.state.showFooter) {
- closeButtonClass += ' modal-close--show';
- }
- return (
- <Modal
- show={}
- onHide={this.props.onModalDismissed}
- className='image_modal'
- dialogClassName='modal-image'
- >
- <Modal.Body
- modalClassName='image-body'
- onClick={this.props.onModalDismissed}
- >
- <div
- className={'image-wrapper'}
- onClick={this.props.onModalDismissed}
- >
- <div
- onMouseEnter={this.onMouseEnterImage}
- onMouseLeave={this.onMouseLeaveImage}
- onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()}
- >
- <div
- className={closeButtonClass}
- onClick={this.props.onModalDismissed}
- />
- {content}
- <ViewImagePopoverBar
- show={this.state.showFooter}
- fileId={this.state.imgId}
- totalFiles={this.props.filenames.length}
- filename={name}
- fileURL={fileUrl}
- getPublicLink={this.getPublicLink}
- />
- </div>
- </div>
- {leftArrow}
- {rightArrow}
- </Modal.Body>
- </Modal>
- );
- }
-ViewImageModal.defaultProps = {
- show: false,
- filenames: [],
- channelId: '',
- userId: '',
- startId: 0
-ViewImageModal.propTypes = {
- intl: intlShape.isRequired,
- show: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
- onModalDismissed: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
- filenames: React.PropTypes.array,
- modalId: React.PropTypes.string,
- channelId: React.PropTypes.string,
- userId: React.PropTypes.string,
- startId: React.PropTypes.number
-function LoadingImagePreview({progress, loading}) {
- let progressView = null;
- if (progress) {
- progressView = (
- <span className='loader-percent'>
- {loading + progress + '%'}
- </span>
- );
- }
- return (
- <div className='view-image__loading'>
- <img
- className='loader-image'
- src='/static/images/load.gif'
- />
- {progressView}
- </div>
- );
-LoadingImagePreview.propTypes = {
- progress: React.PropTypes.number,
- loading: React.PropTypes.string
-function ImagePreview({filename, fileUrl, fileInfo, maxHeight}) {
- let previewUrl;
- if (fileInfo.has_preview_image) {
- previewUrl = Utils.getPreviewImagePath(filename);
- } else {
- previewUrl = fileUrl;
- }
- return (
- <a
- href={fileUrl}
- target='_blank'
- download={true}
- >
- <img
- style={{maxHeight}}
- src={previewUrl}
- />
- </a>
- );
-ImagePreview.propTypes = {
- filename: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
- fileUrl: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
- fileInfo: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
- maxHeight: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired
-export default injectIntl(ViewImageModal);