path: root/web/react/utils
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2 files changed, 268 insertions, 199 deletions
diff --git a/web/react/utils/text_formatting.jsx b/web/react/utils/text_formatting.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c67d7a46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/react/utils/text_formatting.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 Spinpunch, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// See License.txt for license information.
+const Autolinker = require('autolinker');
+const Constants = require('./constants.jsx');
+const UserStore = require('../stores/user_store.jsx');
+const Utils = require('./utils.jsx');
+// Performs formatting of user posts including highlighting mentions and search terms and converting urls, hashtags, and
+// @mentions to links by taking a user's message and returning a string of formatted html. Also takes a number of options
+// as part of the second parameter:
+// - searchTerm - If specified, this word is highlighted in the resulting html. Defaults to nothing.
+// - mentionHighlight - Specifies whether or not to highlight mentions of the current user. Defaults to true.
+// - singleline - Specifies whether or not to remove newlines. Defaults to false.
+export function formatText(text, options = {}) {
+ let output = sanitizeHtml(text);
+ const tokens = new Map();
+ // replace important words and phrases with tokens
+ output = autolinkUrls(output, tokens);
+ output = autolinkAtMentions(output, tokens);
+ output = autolinkHashtags(output, tokens);
+ if (options.searchTerm) {
+ output = highlightSearchTerm(output, tokens, options.searchTerm);
+ }
+ if (!('mentionHighlight' in options) || options.mentionHighlight) {
+ output = highlightCurrentMentions(output, tokens);
+ }
+ // reinsert tokens with formatted versions of the important words and phrases
+ output = replaceTokens(output, tokens);
+ // replace newlines with html line breaks
+ output = replaceNewlines(output, options.singleline);
+ return output;
+export function sanitizeHtml(text) {
+ let output = text;
+ // normal string.replace only does a single occurrance so use a regex instead
+ output = output.replace(/&/g, '&');
+ output = output.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
+ output = output.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
+ output = output.replace(/'/g, '&apos;');
+ output = output.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
+ return output;
+function autolinkUrls(text, tokens) {
+ function replaceUrlWithToken(autolinker, match) {
+ const linkText = match.getMatchedText();
+ let url = linkText;
+ if (!url.startsWith('http')) {
+ url = `http://${linkText}`;
+ }
+ const index = tokens.size;
+ const alias = `__MM_LINK${index}__`;
+ tokens.set(alias, {
+ value: `<a class='theme' target='_blank' href='${url}'>${linkText}</a>`,
+ originalText: linkText
+ });
+ return alias;
+ }
+ // we can't just use a static autolinker because we need to set replaceFn
+ const autolinker = new Autolinker({
+ urls: true,
+ email: true,
+ phone: false,
+ twitter: false,
+ hashtag: false,
+ replaceFn: replaceUrlWithToken
+ });
+ return;
+function autolinkAtMentions(text, tokens) {
+ let output = text;
+ function replaceAtMentionWithToken(fullMatch, prefix, mention, username) {
+ const usernameLower = username.toLowerCase();
+ if (Constants.SPECIAL_MENTIONS.indexOf(usernameLower) !== -1 || UserStore.getProfileByUsername(usernameLower)) {
+ const index = tokens.size;
+ const alias = `__MM_ATMENTION${index}__`;
+ tokens.set(alias, {
+ value: `<a class='mention-link' href='#' data-mention='${usernameLower}'>${mention}</a>`,
+ originalText: mention
+ });
+ return prefix + alias;
+ }
+ return fullMatch;
+ }
+ output = output.replace(/(^|\s)(@([a-z0-9.\-_]*[a-z0-9]))/gi, replaceAtMentionWithToken);
+ return output;
+function highlightCurrentMentions(text, tokens) {
+ let output = text;
+ const mentionKeys = UserStore.getCurrentMentionKeys();
+ // look for any existing tokens which are self mentions and should be highlighted
+ var newTokens = new Map();
+ for (const [alias, token] of tokens) {
+ if (mentionKeys.indexOf(token.originalText) !== -1) {
+ const index = tokens.size + newTokens.size;
+ const newAlias = `__MM_SELFMENTION${index}__`;
+ newTokens.set(newAlias, {
+ value: `<span class='mention-highlight'>${alias}</span>`,
+ originalText: token.originalText
+ });
+ output = output.replace(alias, newAlias);
+ }
+ }
+ // the new tokens are stashed in a separate map since we can't add objects to a map during iteration
+ for (const newToken of newTokens) {
+ tokens.set(newToken[0], newToken[1]);
+ }
+ // look for self mentions in the text
+ function replaceCurrentMentionWithToken(fullMatch, prefix, mention) {
+ const index = tokens.size;
+ const alias = `__MM_SELFMENTION${index}__`;
+ tokens.set(alias, {
+ value: `<span class='mention-highlight'>${mention}</span>`,
+ originalText: mention
+ });
+ return prefix + alias;
+ }
+ for (const mention of UserStore.getCurrentMentionKeys()) {
+ output = output.replace(new RegExp(`(^|\\W)(${mention})\\b`, 'gi'), replaceCurrentMentionWithToken);
+ }
+ return output;
+function autolinkHashtags(text, tokens) {
+ let output = text;
+ var newTokens = new Map();
+ for (const [alias, token] of tokens) {
+ if (token.originalText.startsWith('#')) {
+ const index = tokens.size + newTokens.size;
+ const newAlias = `__MM_HASHTAG${index}__`;
+ newTokens.set(newAlias, {
+ value: `<a class='mention-link' href='#' data-hashtag='${token.originalText}'>${token.originalText}</a>`,
+ originalText: token.originalText
+ });
+ output = output.replace(alias, newAlias);
+ }
+ }
+ // the new tokens are stashed in a separate map since we can't add objects to a map during iteration
+ for (const newToken of newTokens) {
+ tokens.set(newToken[0], newToken[1]);
+ }
+ // look for hashtags in the text
+ function replaceHashtagWithToken(fullMatch, prefix, hashtag) {
+ const index = tokens.size;
+ const alias = `__MM_HASHTAG${index}__`;
+ tokens.set(alias, {
+ value: `<a class='mention-link' href='#' data-hashtag='${hashtag}'>${hashtag}</a>`,
+ originalText: hashtag
+ });
+ return prefix + alias;
+ }
+ return output.replace(/(^|\W)(#[a-zA-Z0-9.\-_]+)\b/g, replaceHashtagWithToken);
+function highlightSearchTerm(text, tokens, searchTerm) {
+ let output = text;
+ var newTokens = new Map();
+ for (const [alias, token] of tokens) {
+ if (token.originalText === searchTerm) {
+ const index = tokens.size + newTokens.size;
+ const newAlias = `__MM_SEARCHTERM${index}__`;
+ newTokens.set(newAlias, {
+ value: `<span class='search-highlight'>${alias}</span>`,
+ originalText: token.originalText
+ });
+ output = output.replace(alias, newAlias);
+ }
+ }
+ // the new tokens are stashed in a separate map since we can't add objects to a map during iteration
+ for (const newToken of newTokens) {
+ tokens.set(newToken[0], newToken[1]);
+ }
+ function replaceSearchTermWithToken(fullMatch, prefix, word) {
+ const index = tokens.size;
+ const alias = `__MM_SEARCHTERM${index}__`;
+ tokens.set(alias, {
+ value: `<span class='search-highlight'>${word}</span>`,
+ originalText: word
+ });
+ return prefix + alias;
+ }
+ return output.replace(new RegExp(`(^|\\W)(${searchTerm})\\b`, 'gi'), replaceSearchTermWithToken);
+function replaceTokens(text, tokens) {
+ let output = text;
+ // iterate backwards through the map so that we do replacement in the opposite order that we added tokens
+ const aliases = [...tokens.keys()];
+ for (let i = aliases.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ const alias = aliases[i];
+ const token = tokens.get(alias);
+ output = output.replace(alias, token.value);
+ }
+ return output;
+function replaceNewlines(text, singleline) {
+ if (!singleline) {
+ return text.replace(/\n/g, '<br />');
+ }
+ return text.replace(/\n/g, ' ');
+// A click handler that can be used with the results of TextFormatting.formatText to add default functionality
+// to clicked hashtags and @mentions.
+export function handleClick(e) {
+ const mentionAttribute ='data-mention');
+ const hashtagAttribute ='data-hashtag');
+ if (mentionAttribute) {
+ Utils.searchForTerm(mentionAttribute.value);
+ } else if (hashtagAttribute) {
+ Utils.searchForTerm(hashtagAttribute.value);
+ }
diff --git a/web/react/utils/utils.jsx b/web/react/utils/utils.jsx
index 2076d7842..85c6137a7 100644
--- a/web/react/utils/utils.jsx
+++ b/web/react/utils/utils.jsx
@@ -434,205 +434,6 @@ export function searchForTerm(term) {
-var puncStartRegex = /^((?![@#])\W)+/g;
-var puncEndRegex = /(\W)+$/g;
-export function textToJsx(textin, options) {
- var text = textin;
- if (options && options.singleline) {
- var repRegex = new RegExp('\n', 'g'); //eslint-disable-line no-control-regex
- text = text.replace(repRegex, ' ');
- }
- var searchTerm = '';
- if (options && options.searchTerm) {
- searchTerm = options.searchTerm.toLowerCase();
- }
- var mentionClass = 'mention-highlight';
- if (options && options.noMentionHighlight) {
- mentionClass = '';
- }
- var inner = [];
- // Function specific regex
- var hashRegex = /^href="#[^']+"|(^#[A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9_\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$/g;
- var implicitKeywords = UserStore.getCurrentMentionKeys();
- var lines = text.split('\n');
- for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
- var line = lines[i];
- var words = line.split(' ');
- var highlightSearchClass = '';
- for (let z = 0; z < words.length; z++) {
- var word = words[z];
- var trimWord = word.replace(puncStartRegex, '').replace(puncEndRegex, '').trim();
- var mentionRegex = /^(?:@)([a-z0-9_]+)$/gi; // looks loop invariant but a weird JS bug needs it to be redefined here
- var explicitMention = mentionRegex.exec(trimWord);
- if (searchTerm !== '') {
- let searchWords = searchTerm.split(' ');
- for (let idx in searchWords) {
- if ({}, idx)) {
- let searchWord = searchWords[idx];
- if (searchWord === word.toLowerCase() || searchWord === trimWord.toLowerCase()) {
- highlightSearchClass = ' search-highlight';
- break;
- } else if (searchWord.charAt(searchWord.length - 1) === '*') {
- let searchWordPrefix = searchWord.slice(0, -1);
- if (trimWord.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchWordPrefix) > -1 || word.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchWordPrefix) > -1) {
- highlightSearchClass = ' search-highlight';
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (explicitMention &&
- (UserStore.getProfileByUsername(explicitMention[1]) ||
- Constants.SPECIAL_MENTIONS.indexOf(explicitMention[1]) !== -1)) {
- let name = explicitMention[1];
- // do both a non-case sensitive and case senstive check
- let mClass = '';
- if (implicitKeywords.indexOf('@' + name.toLowerCase()) !== -1 || implicitKeywords.indexOf('@' + name) !== -1) {
- mClass = mentionClass;
- }
- let suffix = word.match(puncEndRegex);
- let prefix = word.match(puncStartRegex);
- if (searchTerm === name) {
- highlightSearchClass = ' search-highlight';
- }
- inner.push(
- <span key={name + i + z + '_span'}>
- {prefix}
- <a
- className={mClass + highlightSearchClass + ' mention-link'}
- key={name + i + z + '_link'}
- href='#'
- onClick={() => searchForTerm(name)} //eslint-disable-line no-loop-func
- >
- @{name}
- </a>
- {suffix}
- {' '}
- </span>
- );
- } else if (testUrlMatch(word).length) {
- let match = testUrlMatch(word)[0];
- let link =;
- let prefix = word.substring(0, word.indexOf(match.text));
- let suffix = word.substring(word.indexOf(match.text) + match.text.length);
- inner.push(
- <span key={word + i + z + '_span'}>
- {prefix}
- <a
- key={word + i + z + '_link'}
- className={'theme' + highlightSearchClass}
- target='_blank'
- href={link}
- >
- {match.text}
- </a>
- {suffix}
- {' '}
- </span>
- );
- } else if (trimWord.match(hashRegex)) {
- let suffix = word.match(puncEndRegex);
- let prefix = word.match(puncStartRegex);
- let mClass = '';
- if (implicitKeywords.indexOf(trimWord) !== -1 || implicitKeywords.indexOf(trimWord.toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
- mClass = mentionClass;
- }
- if (searchTerm === trimWord.substring(1).toLowerCase() || searchTerm === trimWord.toLowerCase()) {
- highlightSearchClass = ' search-highlight';
- }
- inner.push(
- <span key={word + i + z + '_span'}>
- {prefix}
- <a
- key={word + i + z + '_hash'}
- className={'theme ' + mClass + highlightSearchClass}
- href='#'
- onClick={searchForTerm.bind(this, trimWord)} //eslint-disable-line no-loop-func
- >
- {trimWord}
- </a>
- {suffix}
- {' '}
- </span>
- );
- } else if (implicitKeywords.indexOf(trimWord) !== -1 || implicitKeywords.indexOf(trimWord.toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
- let suffix = word.match(puncEndRegex);
- let prefix = word.match(puncStartRegex);
- if (trimWord.charAt(0) === '@') {
- if (searchTerm === trimWord.substring(1).toLowerCase()) {
- highlightSearchClass = ' search-highlight';
- }
- inner.push(
- <span key={word + i + z + '_span'}>
- {prefix}
- <a
- className={mentionClass + highlightSearchClass}
- key={name + i + z + '_link'}
- href='#'
- >
- {trimWord}
- </a>
- {suffix}
- {' '}
- </span>
- );
- } else {
- inner.push(
- <span key={word + i + z + '_span'}>
- {prefix}
- <span className={mentionClass + highlightSearchClass}>
- {replaceHtmlEntities(trimWord)}
- </span>
- {suffix}
- {' '}
- </span>
- );
- }
- } else if (word === '') {
- // if word is empty dont include a span
- } else {
- inner.push(
- <span key={word + i + z + '_span'}>
- <span className={highlightSearchClass}>
- {replaceHtmlEntities(word)}
- </span>
- {' '}
- </span>
- );
- }
- highlightSearchClass = '';
- }
- if (i !== lines.length - 1) {
- inner.push(
- <br key={'br_' + i}/>
- );
- }
- }
- return inner;
export function getFileType(extin) {
var ext = extin.toLowerCase();
if (Constants.IMAGE_TYPES.indexOf(ext) > -1) {