path: root/webapp/actions
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'webapp/actions')
5 files changed, 822 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/actions/analytics_actions.jsx b/webapp/actions/analytics_actions.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05e4eeee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/actions/analytics_actions.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2016 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// See License.txt for license information.
+import Client from 'utils/web_client.jsx';
+export function track(category, action, label, property, value) {
+ Client.track(category, action, label, property, value);
+export function trackPage() {
+ Client.trackPage();
diff --git a/webapp/actions/global_actions.jsx b/webapp/actions/global_actions.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91b51a9c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/actions/global_actions.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// See License.txt for license information.
+import AppDispatcher from '../dispatcher/app_dispatcher.jsx';
+import ChannelStore from 'stores/channel_store.jsx';
+import PostStore from 'stores/post_store.jsx';
+import UserStore from 'stores/user_store.jsx';
+import BrowserStore from 'stores/browser_store.jsx';
+import ErrorStore from 'stores/error_store.jsx';
+import TeamStore from 'stores/team_store.jsx';
+import PreferenceStore from 'stores/preference_store.jsx';
+import SearchStore from 'stores/search_store.jsx';
+import Constants from 'utils/constants.jsx';
+const ActionTypes = Constants.ActionTypes;
+import * as AsyncClient from 'utils/async_client.jsx';
+import Client from 'utils/web_client.jsx';
+import * as Utils from 'utils/utils.jsx';
+import * as Websockets from './websocket_actions.jsx';
+import * as I18n from 'i18n/i18n.jsx';
+import {trackPage} from 'actions/analytics_actions.jsx';
+import {browserHistory} from 'react-router';
+import en from 'i18n/en.json';
+export function emitChannelClickEvent(channel) {
+ function userVisitedFakeChannel(chan, success, fail) {
+ const otherUserId = Utils.getUserIdFromChannelName(chan);
+ Client.createDirectChannel(
+ otherUserId,
+ (data) => {
+ success(data);
+ },
+ () => {
+ fail();
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ function switchToChannel(chan) {
+ AsyncClient.getChannels(true);
+ AsyncClient.getChannelExtraInfo(;
+ AsyncClient.updateLastViewedAt(;
+ AsyncClient.getPosts(;
+ trackPage();
+ AppDispatcher.handleViewAction({
+ type: ActionTypes.CLICK_CHANNEL,
+ name:,
+ id:,
+ prev: ChannelStore.getCurrentId()
+ });
+ }
+ if (channel.fake) {
+ userVisitedFakeChannel(
+ channel,
+ (data) => {
+ switchToChannel(data);
+ },
+ () => {
+ browserHistory.push('/' +;
+ }
+ );
+ } else {
+ switchToChannel(channel);
+ }
+export function emitInitialLoad(callback) {
+ Client.getInitialLoad(
+ (data) => {
+ global.window.mm_config = data.client_cfg;
+ global.window.mm_license = data.license_cfg;
+ UserStore.setNoAccounts(data.no_accounts);
+ if (data.user && {
+ global.window.mm_user = data.user;
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_ME,
+ me: data.user
+ });
+ }
+ if (data.preferences) {
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ preferences: data.preferences
+ });
+ }
+ if (data.teams) {
+ var teams = {};
+ data.teams.forEach((team) => {
+ teams[] = team;
+ });
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_ALL_TEAMS,
+ teams
+ });
+ }
+ if (data.team_members) {
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_TEAM_MEMBERS,
+ team_members: data.team_members
+ });
+ }
+ if (data.direct_profiles) {
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ profiles: data.direct_profiles
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback();
+ }
+ },
+ (err) => {
+ AsyncClient.dispatchError(err, 'getInitialLoad');
+ if (callback) {
+ callback();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+export function doFocusPost(channelId, postId, data) {
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_FOCUSED_POST,
+ postId,
+ post_list: data
+ });
+ AsyncClient.getChannels(true);
+ AsyncClient.getChannelExtraInfo(channelId);
+ AsyncClient.getPostsBefore(postId, 0, Constants.POST_FOCUS_CONTEXT_RADIUS);
+ AsyncClient.getPostsAfter(postId, 0, Constants.POST_FOCUS_CONTEXT_RADIUS);
+export function emitPostFocusEvent(postId) {
+ AsyncClient.getChannels(true);
+ Client.getPermalinkTmp(
+ postId,
+ (data) => {
+ if (!data) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const channelId = data.posts[data.order[0]].channel_id;
+ doFocusPost(channelId, postId, data);
+ },
+ () => {
+ browserHistory.push('/error?message=' + encodeURIComponent(Utils.localizeMessage('permalink.error.access', 'Permalink belongs to a channel you do not have access to')));
+ }
+ );
+export function emitProfilesForDmList() {
+ AsyncClient.getProfilesForDirectMessageList();
+ AsyncClient.getTeamMembers(TeamStore.getCurrentId());
+export function emitCloseRightHandSide() {
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_SEARCH,
+ results: null
+ });
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ postId: null
+ });
+export function emitPostFocusRightHandSideFromSearch(post, isMentionSearch) {
+ Client.getPost(
+ post.channel_id,
+ (data) => {
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_POSTS,
+ id: post.channel_id,
+ numRequested: 0,
+ post_list: data
+ });
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ postId: Utils.getRootId(post),
+ from_search: SearchStore.getSearchTerm()
+ });
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_SEARCH,
+ results: null,
+ is_mention_search: isMentionSearch
+ });
+ },
+ (err) => {
+ AsyncClient.dispatchError(err, 'getPost');
+ }
+ );
+export function emitLoadMorePostsEvent() {
+ const id = ChannelStore.getCurrentId();
+ loadMorePostsTop(id);
+export function emitLoadMorePostsFocusedTopEvent() {
+ const id = PostStore.getFocusedPostId();
+ loadMorePostsTop(id);
+export function loadMorePostsTop(id) {
+ const earliestPostId = PostStore.getEarliestPost(id).id;
+ if (PostStore.requestVisibilityIncrease(id, Constants.POST_CHUNK_SIZE)) {
+ AsyncClient.getPostsBefore(earliestPostId, 0, Constants.POST_CHUNK_SIZE);
+ }
+export function emitLoadMorePostsFocusedBottomEvent() {
+ const id = PostStore.getFocusedPostId();
+ const latestPostId = PostStore.getLatestPost(id).id;
+ AsyncClient.getPostsAfter(latestPostId, 0, Constants.POST_CHUNK_SIZE);
+export function emitPostRecievedEvent(post, msg) {
+ if (ChannelStore.getCurrentId() === post.channel_id) {
+ if (window.isActive) {
+ AsyncClient.updateLastViewedAt();
+ } else {
+ AsyncClient.getChannel(post.channel_id);
+ }
+ } else if (msg && (TeamStore.getCurrentId() === msg.team_id || msg.props.channel_type === Constants.DM_CHANNEL)) {
+ AsyncClient.getChannel(post.channel_id);
+ }
+ var websocketMessageProps = null;
+ if (msg) {
+ websocketMessageProps = msg.props;
+ }
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_POST,
+ post,
+ websocketMessageProps
+ });
+export function emitUserPostedEvent(post) {
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ type: ActionTypes.CREATE_POST,
+ post
+ });
+export function emitPostDeletedEvent(post) {
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ type: ActionTypes.POST_DELETED,
+ post
+ });
+export function showDeletePostModal(post, commentCount = 0) {
+ AppDispatcher.handleViewAction({
+ value: true,
+ post,
+ commentCount
+ });
+export function showGetPostLinkModal(post) {
+ AppDispatcher.handleViewAction({
+ value: true,
+ post
+ });
+export function showGetPublicLinkModal(filename) {
+ AppDispatcher.handleViewAction({
+ value: true,
+ filename
+ });
+export function showGetTeamInviteLinkModal() {
+ AppDispatcher.handleViewAction({
+ type: Constants.ActionTypes.TOGGLE_GET_TEAM_INVITE_LINK_MODAL,
+ value: true
+ });
+export function showInviteMemberModal() {
+ AppDispatcher.handleViewAction({
+ value: true
+ });
+export function showRegisterAppModal() {
+ AppDispatcher.handleViewAction({
+ value: true
+ });
+export function emitSuggestionPretextChanged(suggestionId, pretext) {
+ AppDispatcher.handleViewAction({
+ id: suggestionId,
+ pretext
+ });
+export function emitSelectNextSuggestion(suggestionId) {
+ AppDispatcher.handleViewAction({
+ id: suggestionId
+ });
+export function emitSelectPreviousSuggestion(suggestionId) {
+ AppDispatcher.handleViewAction({
+ id: suggestionId
+ });
+export function emitCompleteWordSuggestion(suggestionId, term = '') {
+ AppDispatcher.handleViewAction({
+ type: Constants.ActionTypes.SUGGESTION_COMPLETE_WORD,
+ id: suggestionId,
+ term
+ });
+export function emitClearSuggestions(suggestionId) {
+ AppDispatcher.handleViewAction({
+ type: Constants.ActionTypes.SUGGESTION_CLEAR_SUGGESTIONS,
+ id: suggestionId
+ });
+export function emitPreferenceChangedEvent(preference) {
+ if (preference.category === Constants.Preferences.CATEGORY_DIRECT_CHANNEL_SHOW) {
+ AsyncClient.getDirectProfiles();
+ }
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ type: Constants.ActionTypes.RECEIVED_PREFERENCE,
+ preference
+ });
+export function emitRemovePost(post) {
+ AppDispatcher.handleViewAction({
+ type: Constants.ActionTypes.REMOVE_POST,
+ post
+ });
+export function sendEphemeralPost(message, channelId) {
+ const timestamp = Utils.getTimestamp();
+ const post = {
+ id: Utils.generateId(),
+ user_id: '0',
+ channel_id: channelId || ChannelStore.getCurrentId(),
+ message,
+ type: Constants.POST_TYPE_EPHEMERAL,
+ create_at: timestamp,
+ update_at: timestamp,
+ filenames: [],
+ props: {}
+ };
+ emitPostRecievedEvent(post);
+export function newLocalizationSelected(locale) {
+ if (locale === 'en') {
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_LOCALE,
+ locale,
+ translations: en
+ });
+ } else {
+ Client.getTranslations(
+ I18n.getLanguageInfo(locale).url,
+ (data, res) => {
+ let translations = data;
+ if (!data && res.text) {
+ translations = JSON.parse(res.text);
+ }
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_LOCALE,
+ locale,
+ translations
+ });
+ },
+ (err) => {
+ AsyncClient.dispatchError(err, 'getTranslations');
+ }
+ );
+ }
+export function loadBrowserLocale() {
+ let locale = (navigator.languages && navigator.languages.length > 0 ? navigator.languages[0] :
+ (navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage)).split('-')[0];
+ const user = UserStore.getCurrentUser();
+ if (user) {
+ locale = user.locale || locale;
+ }
+ if (!I18n.getLanguages()[locale]) {
+ locale = 'en';
+ }
+ return newLocalizationSelected(locale);
+export function viewLoggedIn() {
+ AsyncClient.getChannels();
+ AsyncClient.getChannelExtraInfo();
+ // Clear pending posts (shouldn't have pending posts if we are loading)
+ PostStore.clearPendingPosts();
+var lastTimeTypingSent = 0;
+export function emitLocalUserTypingEvent(channelId, parentId) {
+ const t =;
+ if ((t - lastTimeTypingSent) > Constants.UPDATE_TYPING_MS) {
+ Websockets.sendMessage({channel_id: channelId, action: 'typing', props: {parent_id: parentId}, state: {}});
+ lastTimeTypingSent = t;
+ }
+export function emitRemoteUserTypingEvent(channelId, userId, postParentId) {
+ AppDispatcher.handleViewAction({
+ type: Constants.ActionTypes.USER_TYPING,
+ channelId,
+ userId,
+ postParentId
+ });
+export function emitUserLoggedOutEvent(redirectTo) {
+ const rURL = (redirectTo && typeof redirectTo === 'string') ? redirectTo : '/';
+ Client.logout(
+ () => {
+ BrowserStore.signalLogout();
+ BrowserStore.clear();
+ ErrorStore.clearLastError();
+ PreferenceStore.clear();
+ UserStore.clear();
+ TeamStore.clear();
+ browserHistory.push(rURL);
+ },
+ () => {
+ browserHistory.push(rURL);
+ }
+ );
+export function emitJoinChannelEvent(channel, success, failure) {
+ Client.joinChannel(
+ success,
+ failure,
+ );
diff --git a/webapp/actions/team_actions.jsx b/webapp/actions/team_actions.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2408e55fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/actions/team_actions.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2016 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// See License.txt for license information.
+import UserStore from 'stores/user_store.jsx';
+import Constants from 'utils/constants.jsx';
+const ActionTypes = Constants.ActionTypes;
+import * as AsyncClient from 'utils/async_client.jsx';
+import Client from 'utils/web_client.jsx';
+import AppDispatcher from '../dispatcher/app_dispatcher.jsx';
+import {browserHistory} from 'react-router';
+export function checkIfTeamExists(teamName, onSuccess, onError) {
+ Client.findTeamByName(teamName, onSuccess, onError);
+export function createTeam(team, onSuccess, onError) {
+ Client.createTeam(team,
+ (rteam) => {
+ AsyncClient.getDirectProfiles();
+ AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
+ type: ActionTypes.CREATED_TEAM,
+ team: rteam,
+ member: {team_id:, user_id: UserStore.getCurrentId(), roles: 'admin'}
+ });
+ browserHistory.push('/' + + '/channels/town-square');
+ if (onSuccess) {
+ onSuccess(rteam);
+ }
+ },
+ onError
+ );
diff --git a/webapp/actions/user_actions.jsx b/webapp/actions/user_actions.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..370bfc302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/actions/user_actions.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2016 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// See License.txt for license information.
+import Client from 'utils/web_client.jsx';
+export function switchFromLdapToEmail(email, password, ldapPassword, onSuccess, onError) {
+ Client.ldapToEmail(
+ email,
+ password,
+ ldapPassword,
+ (data) => {
+ if (data.follow_link) {
+ window.location.href = data.follow_link;
+ }
+ if (onSuccess) {
+ onSuccess(data);
+ }
+ },
+ onError
+ );
diff --git a/webapp/actions/websocket_actions.jsx b/webapp/actions/websocket_actions.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e317b8db0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/actions/websocket_actions.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// See License.txt for license information.
+import $ from 'jquery';
+import UserStore from 'stores/user_store.jsx';
+import TeamStore from 'stores/team_store.jsx';
+import PostStore from 'stores/post_store.jsx';
+import ChannelStore from 'stores/channel_store.jsx';
+import BrowserStore from 'stores/browser_store.jsx';
+import ErrorStore from 'stores/error_store.jsx';
+import NotificationStore from 'stores/notification_store.jsx'; //eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+import Client from 'utils/web_client.jsx';
+import * as Utils from 'utils/utils.jsx';
+import * as AsyncClient from 'utils/async_client.jsx';
+import * as GlobalActions from 'actions/global_actions.jsx';
+import Constants from 'utils/constants.jsx';
+const SocketEvents = Constants.SocketEvents;
+import {browserHistory} from 'react-router';
+var conn = null;
+var connectFailCount = 0;
+var pastFirstInit = false;
+var manuallyClosed = false;
+export function initialize() {
+ if (window.WebSocket && !conn) {
+ let protocol = 'ws://';
+ if (window.location.protocol === 'https:') {
+ protocol = 'wss://';
+ }
+ const connUrl = protocol + + ((/:\d+/).test( ? '' : Utils.getWebsocketPort(protocol)) + Client.getUsersRoute() + '/websocket';
+ if (connectFailCount === 0) {
+ console.log('websocket connecting to ' + connUrl); //eslint-disable-line no-console
+ }
+ manuallyClosed = false;
+ conn = new WebSocket(connUrl);
+ conn.onopen = () => {
+ if (connectFailCount > 0) {
+ console.log('websocket re-established connection'); //eslint-disable-line no-console
+ AsyncClient.getChannels();
+ AsyncClient.getPosts(ChannelStore.getCurrentId());
+ }
+ if (pastFirstInit) {
+ ErrorStore.clearLastError();
+ ErrorStore.emitChange();
+ }
+ pastFirstInit = true;
+ connectFailCount = 0;
+ };
+ conn.onclose = () => {
+ conn = null;
+ if (connectFailCount === 0) {
+ console.log('websocket closed'); //eslint-disable-line no-console
+ }
+ if (manuallyClosed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ connectFailCount = connectFailCount + 1;
+ if (connectFailCount > MAX_WEBSOCKET_FAILS) {
+ ErrorStore.storeLastError({message: Utils.localizeMessage('channel_loader.socketError', 'Please check connection, Mattermost unreachable. If issue persists, ask administrator to check WebSocket port.')});
+ }
+ ErrorStore.setConnectionErrorCount(connectFailCount);
+ ErrorStore.emitChange();
+ setTimeout(
+ () => {
+ initialize();
+ },
+ );
+ };
+ conn.onerror = (evt) => {
+ if (connectFailCount <= 1) {
+ console.log('websocket error'); //eslint-disable-line no-console
+ console.log(evt); //eslint-disable-line no-console
+ }
+ };
+ conn.onmessage = (evt) => {
+ const msg = JSON.parse(;
+ handleMessage(msg);
+ };
+ }
+function handleMessage(msg) {
+ // Let the store know we are online. This probably shouldn't be here.
+ UserStore.setStatus(msg.user_id, 'online');
+ switch (msg.action) {
+ case SocketEvents.POSTED:
+ case SocketEvents.EPHEMERAL_MESSAGE:
+ handleNewPostEvent(msg);
+ break;
+ case SocketEvents.POST_EDITED:
+ handlePostEditEvent(msg);
+ break;
+ case SocketEvents.POST_DELETED:
+ handlePostDeleteEvent(msg);
+ break;
+ case SocketEvents.NEW_USER:
+ handleNewUserEvent();
+ break;
+ case SocketEvents.USER_ADDED:
+ handleUserAddedEvent(msg);
+ break;
+ case SocketEvents.USER_REMOVED:
+ handleUserRemovedEvent(msg);
+ break;
+ case SocketEvents.CHANNEL_VIEWED:
+ handleChannelViewedEvent(msg);
+ break;
+ case SocketEvents.CHANNEL_DELETED:
+ handleChannelDeletedEvent(msg);
+ break;
+ case SocketEvents.DIRECT_ADDED:
+ handleDirectAddedEvent(msg);
+ break;
+ case SocketEvents.PREFERENCE_CHANGED:
+ handlePreferenceChangedEvent(msg);
+ break;
+ case SocketEvents.TYPING:
+ handleUserTypingEvent(msg);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+export function sendMessage(msg) {
+ if (conn && conn.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
+ var teamId = TeamStore.getCurrentId();
+ if (teamId && teamId.length > 0) {
+ msg.team_id = teamId;
+ }
+ conn.send(JSON.stringify(msg));
+ } else if (!conn || conn.readyState === WebSocket.Closed) {
+ conn = null;
+ initialize();
+ }
+export function close() {
+ manuallyClosed = true;
+ connectFailCount = 0;
+ if (conn && conn.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
+ conn.close();
+ }
+function handleNewPostEvent(msg) {
+ const post = JSON.parse(;
+ GlobalActions.emitPostRecievedEvent(post, msg);
+function handlePostEditEvent(msg) {
+ // Store post
+ const post = JSON.parse(;
+ PostStore.storePost(post);
+ PostStore.emitChange();
+ // Update channel state
+ if (ChannelStore.getCurrentId() === msg.channel_id) {
+ if (window.isActive) {
+ AsyncClient.updateLastViewedAt();
+ }
+ }
+function handlePostDeleteEvent(msg) {
+ const post = JSON.parse(;
+ GlobalActions.emitPostDeletedEvent(post);
+function handleNewUserEvent() {
+ AsyncClient.getProfiles();
+ AsyncClient.getDirectProfiles();
+ AsyncClient.getChannelExtraInfo();
+function handleDirectAddedEvent(msg) {
+ AsyncClient.getChannel(msg.channel_id);
+ AsyncClient.getDirectProfiles();
+function handleUserAddedEvent(msg) {
+ if (ChannelStore.getCurrentId() === msg.channel_id) {
+ AsyncClient.getChannelExtraInfo();
+ }
+ if (TeamStore.getCurrentId() === msg.team_id && UserStore.getCurrentId() === msg.user_id) {
+ AsyncClient.getChannel(msg.channel_id);
+ }
+function handleUserRemovedEvent(msg) {
+ if (UserStore.getCurrentId() === msg.user_id) {
+ AsyncClient.getChannels();
+ if (msg.props.remover_id !== msg.user_id &&
+ msg.channel_id === ChannelStore.getCurrentId() &&
+ $('#removed_from_channel').length > 0) {
+ var sentState = {};
+ sentState.channelName = ChannelStore.getCurrent().display_name;
+ sentState.remover = UserStore.getProfile(msg.props.remover_id).username;
+ BrowserStore.setItem('channel-removed-state', sentState);
+ $('#removed_from_channel').modal('show');
+ }
+ } else if (ChannelStore.getCurrentId() === msg.channel_id) {
+ AsyncClient.getChannelExtraInfo();
+ }
+function handleChannelViewedEvent(msg) {
+ // Useful for when multiple devices have the app open to different channels
+ if (TeamStore.getCurrentId() === msg.team_id && ChannelStore.getCurrentId() !== msg.channel_id && UserStore.getCurrentId() === msg.user_id) {
+ AsyncClient.getChannel(msg.channel_id);
+ }
+function handleChannelDeletedEvent(msg) {
+ if (ChannelStore.getCurrentId() === msg.channel_id) {
+ const teamUrl = TeamStore.getCurrentTeamRelativeUrl();
+ browserHistory.push(teamUrl + '/channels/' + Constants.DEFAULT_CHANNEL);
+ }
+ AsyncClient.getChannels();
+function handlePreferenceChangedEvent(msg) {
+ const preference = JSON.parse(msg.props.preference);
+ GlobalActions.emitPreferenceChangedEvent(preference);
+function handleUserTypingEvent(msg) {
+ if (TeamStore.getCurrentId() === msg.team_id) {
+ GlobalActions.emitRemoteUserTypingEvent(msg.channel_id, msg.user_id, msg.props.parent_id);
+ }