path: root/webapp/components/admin_console/email_settings.jsx
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Diffstat (limited to 'webapp/components/admin_console/email_settings.jsx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 395 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/components/admin_console/email_settings.jsx b/webapp/components/admin_console/email_settings.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index e630402bc..000000000
--- a/webapp/components/admin_console/email_settings.jsx
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-// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// See License.txt for license information.
-import React from 'react';
-import ErrorStore from 'stores/error_store.jsx';
-import {ErrorBarTypes} from 'utils/constants.jsx';
-import * as Utils from 'utils/utils.jsx';
-import AdminSettings from './admin_settings.jsx';
-import BooleanSetting from './boolean_setting.jsx';
-import {ConnectionSecurityDropdownSettingEmail} from './connection_security_dropdown_setting.jsx';
-import DropdownSetting from './dropdown_setting.jsx';
-import EmailConnectionTest from './email_connection_test.jsx';
-import {FormattedHTMLMessage, FormattedMessage} from 'react-intl';
-import SettingsGroup from './settings_group.jsx';
-import TextSetting from './text_setting.jsx';
-export default class EmailSettings extends AdminSettings {
- constructor(props) {
- super(props);
- this.getConfigFromState = this.getConfigFromState.bind(this);
- this.handleSaved = this.handleSaved.bind(this);
- this.renderSettings = this.renderSettings.bind(this);
- }
- getConfigFromState(config) {
- config.EmailSettings.SendEmailNotifications = this.state.sendEmailNotifications;
- config.EmailSettings.FeedbackName = this.state.feedbackName;
- config.EmailSettings.FeedbackEmail = this.state.feedbackEmail;
- config.EmailSettings.FeedbackOrganization = this.state.feedbackOrganization;
- config.EmailSettings.EnableSMTPAuth = this.state.enableSMTPAuth;
- config.EmailSettings.SMTPUsername = this.state.smtpUsername;
- config.EmailSettings.SMTPPassword = this.state.smtpPassword;
- config.EmailSettings.SMTPServer = this.state.smtpServer;
- config.EmailSettings.SMTPPort = this.state.smtpPort;
- config.EmailSettings.ConnectionSecurity = this.state.connectionSecurity;
- config.EmailSettings.EnableEmailBatching = this.state.enableEmailBatching;
- config.ServiceSettings.EnableSecurityFixAlert = this.state.enableSecurityFixAlert;
- config.EmailSettings.SkipServerCertificateVerification = this.state.skipServerCertificateVerification;
- config.EmailSettings.EmailNotificationContentsType = this.state.emailNotificationContentsType;
- return config;
- }
- handleSaved(newConfig) {
- if (newConfig.EmailSettings.SendEmailNotifications) {
- ErrorStore.clearError(ErrorBarTypes.PREVIEW_MODE);
- }
- }
- getStateFromConfig(config) {
- return {
- sendEmailNotifications: config.EmailSettings.SendEmailNotifications,
- feedbackName: config.EmailSettings.FeedbackName,
- feedbackEmail: config.EmailSettings.FeedbackEmail,
- feedbackOrganization: config.EmailSettings.FeedbackOrganization,
- enableSMTPAuth: config.EmailSettings.EnableSMTPAuth,
- smtpUsername: config.EmailSettings.SMTPUsername,
- smtpPassword: config.EmailSettings.SMTPPassword,
- smtpServer: config.EmailSettings.SMTPServer,
- smtpPort: config.EmailSettings.SMTPPort,
- connectionSecurity: config.EmailSettings.ConnectionSecurity,
- enableEmailBatching: config.EmailSettings.EnableEmailBatching,
- skipServerCertificateVerification: config.EmailSettings.SkipServerCertificateVerification,
- enableSecurityFixAlert: config.ServiceSettings.EnableSecurityFixAlert,
- emailNotificationContentsType: config.EmailSettings.EmailNotificationContentsType
- };
- }
- renderTitle() {
- return (
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Email'
- />
- );
- }
- renderSettings() {
- let enableEmailBatchingDisabledText = null;
- if (this.props.config.ClusterSettings.Enable) {
- enableEmailBatchingDisabledText = (
- <span
- key=''
- className='help-text'
- >
- <FormattedHTMLMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Email batching cannot be enabled unless the SiteURL is configured in <b>Configuration > SiteURL</b>.'
- />
- </span>
- );
- } else if (!this.props.config.ServiceSettings.SiteURL) {
- enableEmailBatchingDisabledText = (
- <span
- key=''
- className='help-text'
- >
- <FormattedHTMLMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Email batching cannot be enabled unless the SiteURL is configured in <b>Configuration > SiteURL</b>.'
- />
- </span>
- );
- }
- let emailNotificationContentsTypeDropdown = null;
- let emailNotificationContentsHelpText = null;
- if (window.mm_license.EmailNotificationContents === 'true') {
- const emailNotificationContentsTypes = [];
- emailNotificationContentsTypes.push({value: EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL, text: Utils.localizeMessage('', 'Send full message contents')});
- emailNotificationContentsTypes.push({value: EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_GENERIC, text: Utils.localizeMessage('', 'Send generic description with only sender name')});
- if (this.state.emailNotificationContentsType === EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL) {
- emailNotificationContentsHelpText = (
- <FormattedHTMLMessage
- key=''
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Sender name and channel are included in email notifications.</br>Typically used for compliance reasons if Mattermost contains confidential information and policy dictates it cannot be stored in email.'
- />
- );
- } else if (this.state.emailNotificationContentsType === EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_GENERIC) {
- emailNotificationContentsHelpText = (
- <FormattedHTMLMessage
- key=''
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Only the name of the person who sent the message, with no information about channel name or message contents are included in email notifications.</br>Typically used for compliance reasons if Mattermost contains confidential information and policy dictates it cannot be stored in email.'
- />
- );
- }
- emailNotificationContentsTypeDropdown = (
- <DropdownSetting
- id='emailNotificationContentsType'
- values={emailNotificationContentsTypes}
- label={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Email Notification Contents: '
- />
- }
- value={this.state.emailNotificationContentsType}
- onChange={this.handleChange}
- helpText={emailNotificationContentsHelpText}
- />
- );
- }
- return (
- <SettingsGroup>
- <BooleanSetting
- id='sendEmailNotifications'
- label={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Enable Email Notifications: '
- />
- }
- helpText={
- <FormattedHTMLMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Typically set to true in production. When true, Mattermost attempts to send email notifications. Developers may set this field to false to skip email setup for faster development.<br />Setting this to true removes the Preview Mode banner (requires logging out and logging back in after setting is changed).'
- />
- }
- value={this.state.sendEmailNotifications}
- onChange={this.handleChange}
- />
- <BooleanSetting
- id='enableEmailBatching'
- label={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Enable Email Batching: '
- />
- }
- helpText={[
- <FormattedHTMLMessage
- key=''
- id=''
- defaultMessage='When true, users will have email notifications for multiple direct messages and mentions combined into a single email. Batching will occur at a default interval of 15 minutes, configurable in Account Settings > Notifications.'
- />,
- enableEmailBatchingDisabledText
- ]}
- value={this.state.enableEmailBatching && !this.props.config.ClusterSettings.Enable && Boolean(this.props.config.ServiceSettings.SiteURL)}
- onChange={this.handleChange}
- disabled={!this.state.sendEmailNotifications || this.props.config.ClusterSettings.Enable || !this.props.config.ServiceSettings.SiteURL}
- />
- {emailNotificationContentsTypeDropdown}
- <TextSetting
- id='feedbackName'
- label={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Notification Display Name:'
- />
- }
- placeholder={Utils.localizeMessage('', 'Ex: "Mattermost Notification", "System", "No-Reply"')}
- helpText={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Display name on email account used when sending notification emails from Mattermost.'
- />
- }
- value={this.state.feedbackName}
- onChange={this.handleChange}
- disabled={!this.state.sendEmailNotifications}
- />
- <TextSetting
- id='feedbackEmail'
- label={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Notification From Address:'
- />
- }
- placeholder={Utils.localizeMessage('', 'Ex: "", ""')}
- helpText={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Email address displayed on email account used when sending notification emails from Mattermost.'
- />
- }
- value={this.state.feedbackEmail}
- onChange={this.handleChange}
- disabled={!this.state.sendEmailNotifications}
- />
- <TextSetting
- id='feedbackOrganization'
- label={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Notification Footer Mailing Address:'
- />
- }
- placeholder={Utils.localizeMessage('', 'Ex: "© ABC Corporation, 565 Knight Way, Palo Alto, California, 94305, USA"')}
- helpText={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Organization name and address displayed on email notifications from Mattermost, such as "© ABC Corporation, 565 Knight Way, Palo Alto, California, 94305, USA". If the field is left empty, the organization name and address will not be displayed.'
- />
- }
- value={this.state.feedbackOrganization}
- onChange={this.handleChange}
- disabled={!this.state.sendEmailNotifications}
- />
- <TextSetting
- id='smtpServer'
- label={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='SMTP Server:'
- />
- }
- placeholder={Utils.localizeMessage('', 'Ex: "", ""')}
- helpText={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Location of SMTP email server.'
- />
- }
- value={this.state.smtpServer}
- onChange={this.handleChange}
- disabled={!this.state.sendEmailNotifications}
- />
- <TextSetting
- id='smtpPort'
- label={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='SMTP Server Port:'
- />
- }
- placeholder={Utils.localizeMessage('', 'Ex: "25", "465", "587"')}
- helpText={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Port of SMTP email server.'
- />
- }
- value={this.state.smtpPort}
- onChange={this.handleChange}
- disabled={!this.state.sendEmailNotifications}
- />
- <BooleanSetting
- id='enableSMTPAuth'
- label={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Enable SMTP Authentication: '
- />
- }
- helpText={[
- <FormattedHTMLMessage
- key=''
- id=''
- defaultMessage='When true, SMTP Authentication is enabled.'
- />
- ]}
- value={this.state.enableSMTPAuth}
- onChange={this.handleChange}
- disabled={!this.state.sendEmailNotifications}
- />
- <TextSetting
- id='smtpUsername'
- label={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='SMTP Server Username:'
- />
- }
- placeholder={Utils.localizeMessage('', 'Ex: "", "AKIADTOVBGERKLCBV"')}
- helpText={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage=' Obtain this credential from administrator setting up your email server.'
- />
- }
- value={this.state.smtpUsername}
- onChange={this.handleChange}
- disabled={!this.state.sendEmailNotifications || !this.state.enableSMTPAuth}
- />
- <TextSetting
- id='smtpPassword'
- label={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='SMTP Server Password:'
- />
- }
- placeholder={Utils.localizeMessage('', 'Ex: "yourpassword", "jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY"')}
- helpText={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage=' Obtain this credential from administrator setting up your email server.'
- />
- }
- value={this.state.smtpPassword}
- onChange={this.handleChange}
- disabled={!this.state.sendEmailNotifications || !this.state.enableSMTPAuth}
- />
- <ConnectionSecurityDropdownSettingEmail
- value={this.state.connectionSecurity}
- onChange={this.handleChange}
- disabled={!this.state.sendEmailNotifications}
- />
- <EmailConnectionTest
- config={this.props.config}
- getConfigFromState={this.getConfigFromState}
- disabled={!this.state.sendEmailNotifications}
- />
- <BooleanSetting
- id='skipServerCertificateVerification'
- label={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='Skip Server Certificate Verification: '
- />
- }
- helpText={
- <FormattedMessage
- id=''
- defaultMessage='When true, Mattermost will not verify the email server certificate.'
- />
- }
- value={this.state.skipServerCertificateVerification}
- onChange={this.handleChange}
- />
- <BooleanSetting
- id='enableSecurityFixAlert'
- label={
- <FormattedMessage
- id='admin.service.securityTitle'
- defaultMessage='Enable Security Alerts: '
- />
- }
- helpText={
- <FormattedMessage
- id='admin.service.securityDesc'
- defaultMessage='When true, System Administrators are notified by email if a relevant security fix alert has been announced in the last 12 hours. Requires email to be enabled.'
- />
- }
- value={this.state.enableSecurityFixAlert}
- onChange={this.handleChange}
- />
- </SettingsGroup>
- );
- }