path: root/webapp/i18n/fr.json
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Diffstat (limited to 'webapp/i18n/fr.json')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/fr.json b/webapp/i18n/fr.json
index 0a2591fac..d574a7c29 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/fr.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/fr.json
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"": "Description de votre webhook entrant.",
"add_command.displayName": "Nom d'affichage",
"": "Nom d'affichage pour votre commande slash, avec un maximum de 64 caractères.",
- "add_command.header": "Ajouter",
+ "add_command.doneHelp": "Your slash command has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"add_command.iconUrl": "Icône de la réponse",
"": "Choisissez une photo de profil pour les réponses à cette commande slash. Entrez l'URL d'un fichier .png ou .jpg d'au moins 128x128 pixels.",
"add_command.iconUrl.placeholder": "",
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
"": "Le type de méthode de requête HTTP envoyé à cette URL.",
"": "POST",
"": "Enregistrer",
+ "add_command.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
"add_command.trigger": "Mot-clé de déclenchement",
"": "Un mot déclencheur doit être unique, ne peut commencer par un slash ni contenir le moindre espace.",
"add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "Exemples : client, employé, patient, météo",
@@ -90,13 +91,18 @@
"": "Description pour votre webhook entrant.",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "Nom à afficher",
"": "Nom d'affichage pour votre webhook entrant, avec un maximum de 64 caractères.",
- "add_incoming_webhook.header": "Ajouter",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.doneHelp": "Your incoming webhook has been set up. Please send data to the following URL (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"": "Nom",
"": "Enregistrer",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.url": "<b>URL</b>: {url}",
"": "Les URIs de redirection vers lesquelles le service dirigera les utilisateurs après avoir accepté ou refusé l'autorisation de votre application, et qui gèreront les codes d'autorisation ou les jeton d'accès. Doit être une URL valide commençant par http:// ou https://.",
"add_oauth_app.callbackUrlsRequired": "Saisissez une ou plusieurs URL de callback",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientId": "<b>Client ID</b>: {id}",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>Client Secret</b>: {secret}",
"": "Description pour votre application OAuth 2.0.",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "La description pour votre application OAuth 2.0 est requise.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Your OAuth 2.0 application has been set up. Please use the following Client ID and Client Secret when requesting authorization for your application.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "Please send data to the following URL.",
"add_oauth_app.header": "Ajouter",
"": "L'URL de la page d'accueil de votre application OAuth 2.0. Veillez à saisir HTTP ou HTTPS dans l'URL suivant votre configuration.",
"add_oauth_app.homepageRequired": "La page d'accueil pour l'application OAuth 2.0 est requise.",
@@ -104,6 +110,7 @@
"": "Nom d'affichage pour votre application OAuth 2.0, avec un maximum de 64 caractères.",
"add_oauth_app.nameRequired": "Le nom pour l'application OAuth 2.0 est requis.",
"": "Si activé, l'application OAuth 2.0 est considérée comme étant de confiance par le serveur Mattermost et ne requerra pas l'approbation de l'utilisateur. Si désactivé, une fenêtre additionnelle apparaîtra, demandant à l'utilisateur d'accepter ou de refuser son autorisation.",
+ "add_oauth_app.url": "<b>URL(s)</b>: {url}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "URLs de rappel (un par ligne)",
"": "L'URL à laquelle les messages seront envoyés.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "Un ou plusieurs rappel d’URL est demandé",
@@ -118,9 +125,10 @@
"": "Description pour votre webhook sortant.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "Nom à afficher",
"": "Nom d'affichage pour votre webhook sortant, avec un maximum de 64 caractères.",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.header": "Ajouter",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.doneHelp": "Your outgoing webhook has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"": "Nom",
"": "Enregistrer",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "Mot-clé (Un par ligne)",
"": "Les messages qui débutent par un des mots spécifiés vont déclencher le webhook sortant. Optionnel si Canal est sélectionné.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "Un canal valide ou une liste de mot-clé est demander",
@@ -226,6 +234,10 @@
"": "En savoir plus sur la compilation et le déploiement de vos propres applications mobiles à partir de <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Enterprise App Store</a>.",
"": "Echec de la connexion : {error}",
"": "Aucune erreur signalée lors de l'envoi du courriel. Vérifiez votre boîte de réception ou vos spams.",
+ "": "Email batching cannot be enabled when High Availability mode is enabled.",
+ "": "Email batching cannot be enabled unless the SiteURL is configured in <b>Configuration > SiteURL</b>.",
+ "": "When true, users can have email notifications for multiple direct messages and mentions combined into a single email, configurable in <b>Account Settings > Notifications</b>.",
+ "": "Enable Email Batching:",
"": "Envoyer un extrait du message complet",
"": "Envoyer une description générale avec les noms des utilisateurs et des canaux",
"": "Clé de salage de 32 caractères ajouté aux courriels d'invitation. Générée aléatoirement lors de l'installation. Cliquez sur \"Regénérer\" pour créer une nouvelle clé de salage.",
@@ -282,7 +294,7 @@
"": "Stockage",
"admin.general.configuration": "Configuration",
"admin.general.localization": "Localisation",
- "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "Set which languages are available for users in Account Settings (leave this field blank to have all supported languages available).<br /><br />Would like to help with translations? Join the <a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost Translation Server</a> to contribute.",
+ "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "Set which languages are available for users in Account Settings (leave this field blank to have all supported languages available). If you’re manually adding new languages, the <strong>Default Client Language</strong> must be added before saving this setting.<br /><br />Would like to help with translations? Join the <a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost Translation Server</a> to contribute.",
"admin.general.localization.availableLocalesTitle": "Langues disponibles :",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleDescription": "La langue par défaut est utilisé pour les nouveaux utilisateurs et les pages créées où l'utilisateur ne s'est pas connecté.",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleTitle": "Langue par défaut :",
@@ -477,7 +489,7 @@
"admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
"": "Google Apps",
"": "Ne pas autoriser la connexion à travers un fournisseur OAuth 2.0",
- "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
"admin.oauth.providerDescription": "When true, Mattermost can act as an OAuth 2.0 service provider allowing Mattermost to authorize API requests from external applications.",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "Activer le fournisseur de service OAuth 2.0 : ",
"": "Choisissez un fournisseur de service OAuth 2.0 :",
@@ -641,7 +653,7 @@
"admin.service.sessionCacheDesc": "Durée pendant laquelle une session est gardée en mémoire.",
"admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "Exemple : \"30\"",
"admin.service.siteURL": "Site URL:",
- "admin.service.siteURLDescription": "The URL, including port number and protocol, from which users will access Mattermost. Leave blank to automatically configure based on incoming traffic.",
+ "admin.service.siteURLDescription": "The URL, including port number and protocol, that users will use to access Mattermost. Leave blank to automatically configure based on incoming traffic.",
"admin.service.siteURLExample": "Ex \"\"",
"admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "Durée de la session SSO (en jours) :",
"admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "Le nombre de jours entre la dernière fois qu'un utilisateur a entré ses identifiants et l'expiration de la session de l'utilisateur. Si la méthode d'authentification est SAML ou GitLab, l'utilisateur pourra être automatiquement connecté à nouveau dans Mattermost s'ils sont déjà connectés dans SAML ou GitLab. Après le changement de ce paramètre, il prendra effet la prochaine fois que les utilisateurs entreront leurs identifiants.",
@@ -679,6 +691,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.logging": "Enregistrement",
"admin.sidebar.login": "S’identifier",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "Journaux",
+ "admin.sidebar.nativeAppLinks": "Liens vers les applications natives",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "Notifications",
"admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.sidebar.other": "AUTRES",
@@ -919,6 +932,7 @@
"": "Canal",
"channel_flow.create": "Créer {term}",
"": "Groupe",
+ "channel_flow.handleTooShort": "Channel URL must be 2 or more lowercase alphanumeric characters",
"channel_flow.invalidName": "Nom du canal incorrect",
"channel_flow.set_url_title": "Choisir l'URL de {term}",
"": "Canal",
@@ -1041,6 +1055,7 @@
"create_comment.files": "Téléchargements en cours",
"create_post.comment": "Commentaire",
"": "Article",
+ "create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "Keyboard shortcuts are not supported on your device.",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>Envoyer des messages</h4><p>Entrez votre message ici et tapez <strong>Entrée</strong> pour l'envoyer.</p><p>Cliquez sur le bouton <strong>pièce-jointe</strong> pour télécharger une image ou un fichier.</p>",
"create_post.write": "Écrire un message...",
"create_team.agreement": "En créant votre compte et en utilisant votre {siteName}, vous acceptez nos <a href='/static/help/terms.html'>Terms of Service</a> and <a href='/static/help/privacy.html'>Privacy Policy</a>. Si vous n’acceptez pas, vous ne pouvez utilisé votre {siteName}.",
@@ -1097,7 +1112,7 @@
"": "Enregistrer",
"email_signup.address": "Adresse électronique",
"email_signup.createTeam": "Créer une équipe",
- "email_signup.emailError": "Veuillez saisir une adresse électronique valide",
+ "email_signup.emailError": "Veuillez indiquer un courriel valide.",
"email_signup.find": "Rechercher mes équipes",
"email_verify.almost": "{siteName} : Vous avez pratiquement terminé",
"email_verify.failed": " Échec de l'envoi du courriel de vérification.",
@@ -1184,6 +1199,93 @@
"": "Envoyez à vos collègues le lien ci-dessous pour leur permettre de s'inscrire à votre équipe. Le lien d'invitation peut être partagé par plusieurs personnes et ne change pas tant qu'il n'a pas été regénéré dans les paramètres de l'équipe par un responsable d'équipe.",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.helpDisabled": "La création d'utilisateurs est désactivée pour votre équipe. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur système.",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.title": "Lien d'invitation à l'équipe",
+ "help.attaching.downloading": "#### Downloading Files\nDownload an attached file by clicking the download icon next to the file thumbnail or by opening the file previewer and clicking **Download**.",
+ "help.attaching.dragdrop": "#### Drag and Drop\nUpload a file or selection of files by dragging the files from your computer into the RHS or center pane. Dragging and dropping attaches the files to the message input box, then you can optionally type a message and press **ENTER** to post.",
+ "help.attaching.icon": "#### Attachment Icon\nAlternatively, upload files by clicking the grey paperclip icon inside the message input box. This opens up your system file viewer where you can navigate to the desired files and then click **Open** to upload the files to the message input box. Optionally type a message and then press **ENTER** to post.",
+ "help.attaching.limitations": "## File Size Limitations\nMattermost supports a maximum of five attached files per post, each with a maximum file size of 50Mb.",
+ "help.attaching.methods": "## Attachment Methods\nAttach a file by drag and drop or by clicking the attachment icon in the message input box.",
+ "help.attaching.notSupported": "Document preview (Word, Excel, PPT) is not yet supported.",
+ "help.attaching.pasting": "#### Pasting Images\nOn Chrome and Edge browsers, it is also possible to upload files by pasting them from the clipboard. This is not yet supported on other browsers.",
+ "help.attaching.previewer": "## File Previewer\nMattermost has a built in file previewer that is used to view media, download files and share public links. Click the thumbnail of an attached file to open it in the file previewer.",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks": "#### Sharing Public Links\nPublic links allow you to share file attachments with people outside your Mattermost team. Open the file previewer by clicking on the thumbnail of an attachment, then click **Get Public Link**. This opens a dialog box with a link to copy. When the link is shared and opened by another user, the file will automatically download.",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks2": "If **Get Public Link** is not visible in the file previewer and you prefer the feature enabled, you can request that your System Admin enable the feature from the System Console under **Security** > **Public Links**.",
+ "help.attaching.supported": "#### Supported Media Types\nIf you are trying to preview a media type that is not supported, the file previewer will open a standard media attachment icon. Supported media formats depend heavily on your browser and operating system, but the following formats are supported by Mattermost on most browsers:",
+ "help.attaching.supportedList": "- Images: BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG\n- Video: MP4\n- Audio: MP3, M4A\n- Documents: PDF",
+ "help.attaching.title": "# Attaching Files\n_____",
+ "help.commands.builtin": "## Built-in Commands\nThe following slash commands are available on all Mattermost installations:",
+ "help.commands.builtin2": "Begin by typing `/` and a list of slash command options appears above the text input box. The autocomplete suggestions help by providing a format example in black text and a short description of the slash command in grey text.",
+ "help.commands.custom": "## Custom Commands\nCustom slash commands integrate with external applications. For example, a team might configure a custom slash command to check internal health records with `/patient joe smith` or check the weekly weather forcast in a city with `/weather toronto week`. Check with your System Admin or open the autocomplete list by typing `/` to determine if your team configured any custom slash commands.",
+ "help.commands.custom2": "Custom slash commands are disabled by default and can be enabled by the System Admin in the **System Console** > **Integrations** > **Webhooks and Commands**. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](",
+ "help.commands.intro": "Slash commands perform operations in Mattermost by typing into the text input box. Enter a `/` followed by a command and some arguments to perform actions.\n\nBuilt-in slash commands come with all Mattermost installations and custom slash commands are configurable to interact with external applications. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](",
+ "help.commands.title": "# Executing Commands\n___",
+ "help.composing.deleting": "## Deleting a message\nDelete a message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to any message text that you’ve composed, then click **Delete**. System and Team Admins can delete any message on their system or team.",
+ "help.composing.editing": "## Editing a Message\nEdit a message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to any message text that you’ve composed, then click **Edit**. After making modifications to the message text, press **ENTER** to save the modifications. Message edits do not trigger new @mention notifications, desktop notifications or notification sounds.",
+ "help.composing.linking": "## Linking to a message\nThe **Permalink** feature creates a link to any message. Sharing this link with other users in the channel lets them view the linked message in the Message Archives. Users who are not a member of the channel where the message was posted cannot view the permalink. Get the permalink to any message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to the message text > **Permalink** > **Copy Link**.",
+ "help.composing.posting": "## Posting a Message\nWrite a message by typing into the text input box, then press **ENTER** to send it. Use **Shift + ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message. To send messages by pressing **Ctrl+Enter** go to **Main Menu > Account Settings > Send messages on Ctrl + Enter**.",
+ "help.composing.posts": "#### Posts\nPosts can be considered parent messages. They are the messages that often start a thread of replies. Posts are composed and sent from the text input box at the bottom of the center pane.",
+ "help.composing.replies": "#### Replies\nReply to a message by clicking the reply icon next to any message text. This action opens the right-hand-side (RHS) where you can see the message thread, then compose and send your reply. Replies are indented slightly in the center pane to indicate that they are child messages of a parent post.\n\nWhen composing a reply in the right-hand side, click the expand/collapse icon with two arrows at the top of the sidebar to make things easier to read.",
+ "help.composing.title": "# Sending Messages\n_____",
+ "help.composing.types": "## Message Types\nReply to posts to keep conversations organized in threads.",
+ "help.formatting.checklist": "Make a task list by including square brackets:",
+ "help.formatting.checklistExample": "- [ ] Item one\n- [ ] Item two\n- [x] Completed item",
+ "help.formatting.code": "## Code Block\n\nCreate a code block by indenting each line by four spaces, or by placing ``` on the line above and below your code.",
+ "help.formatting.codeBlock": "code block",
+ "help.formatting.emojiExample": ":smile: :+1: :sheep:",
+ "help.formatting.emojis": "## Emojis\n\nOpen the emoji autocomplete by typing `:`. A full list of emojis can be found [here]( It is also possible to create your own [Custom Emoji]( if the emoji you want to use doesn't exist.",
+ "help.formatting.example": "Example:",
+ "help.formatting.githubTheme": "**GitHub Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.headings": "## Headings\n\nMake a heading by typing # and a space before your title. For smaller headings, use more #’s.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2": "Alternatively, you can underline the text using `===` or `---` to create headings.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2Example": "Large Heading\n-------------",
+ "help.formatting.headingsExample": "## Large Heading\n### Smaller Heading\n#### Even Smaller Heading",
+ "help.formatting.images": "## In-line Images\n\nCreate in-line images using an `!` followed by the alt text in square brackets and the link in normal brackets. Add hover text by placing it in quotes after the link.",
+ "help.formatting.imagesExample": "![alt text](link \"hover text\")\n\nand\n\n[![Build Status](]( [![Github](](",
+ "help.formatting.inline": "## In-line Code\n\nCreate in-line monospaced font by surrounding it with backticks.",
+ "help.formatting.intro": "Markdown makes it easy to format messages. Type a message as you normally would, and use these rules to render it with special formatting.",
+ "help.formatting.lines": "## Lines\n\nCreate a line by using three `*`, `_`, or `-`.",
+ "help.formatting.linkEx": "[Check out Mattermost!](",
+ "help.formatting.links": "## Links\n\nCreate labeled links by putting the desired text in square brackets and the associated link in normal brackets.",
+ "help.formatting.listExample": "* list item one\n* list item two\n * item two sub-point')",
+ "help.formatting.lists": "## Lists\n\nCreate a list by using `*` or `-` as bullets. Indent a bullet point by adding two spaces in front of it.",
+ "help.formatting.monokaiTheme": "**Monokai Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.ordered": "Make it an ordered list by using numbers instead:",
+ "help.formatting.orderedExample": "1. Item one\n2. Item two",
+ "help.formatting.quotes": "## Block quotes\n\nCreate block quotes using `>`.",
+ "help.formatting.quotesExample": "`> block quotes` renders as:",
+ "help.formatting.quotesRender": "> block quotes",
+ "help.formatting.renders": "Renders as:",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedDarkTheme": "**Solarized Dark Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedLightTheme": "**Solarized Light Theme**",
+ "": "## Text Style\n\nYou can use either `_` or `*` around a word to make it italic. Use two to make it bold.\n\n* `_italics_` renders as _italics_\n* `**bold**` renders as **bold**\n* `**_bold-italic_**` renders as **_bold-italics_**\n* `~~strikethrough~~` renders as ~~strikethrough~~",
+ "help.formatting.supportedSyntax": "Supported languages are:\n`as`, `applescript`, `osascript`, `scpt`, `bash`, `sh`, `zsh`, `clj`, `boot`, `cl2`, `cljc`, `cljs`, `cljs.hl`, `cljscm`, `cljx`, `hic`, `coffee`, `_coffee`, `cake`, `cjsx`, `cson`, `iced`, `cpp`, `c`, `cc`, `h`, `c++`, `h++`, `hpp`, `cs`, `csharp`, `css`, `d`, `di`, `dart`, `delphi`, `dpr`, `dfm`, `pas`, `pascal`, `freepascal`, `lazarus`, `lpr`, `lfm`, `diff`, `django`, `jinja`, `dockerfile`, `docker`, `erl`, `f90`, `f95`, `fsharp`, `fs`, `gcode`, `nc`, `go`, `groovy`, `handlebars`, `hbs`, `html.hbs`, `html.handlebars`, `hs`, `hx`, `java`, `jsp`, `js`, `jsx`, `json`, `jl`, `kt`, `ktm`, `kts`, `less`, `lisp`, `lua`, `mk`, `mak`, `md`, `mkdown`, `mkd`, `matlab`, `m`, `mm`, `objc`, `obj-c`, `ml`, `perl`, `pl`, `php`, `php3`, `php4`, `php5`, `php6`, `ps`, `ps1`, `pp`, `py`, `gyp`, `r`, `ruby`, `rb`, `gemspec`, `podspec`, `thor`, `irb`, `rs`, `scala`, `scm`, `sld`, `scss`, `st`, `sql`, `swift`, `tex`, `vbnet`, `vb`, `bas`, `vbs`, `v`, `veo`, `xml`, `html`, `xhtml`, `rss`, `atom`, `xsl`, `plist`, `yaml`",
+ "help.formatting.syntax": "### Syntax Highlighting\n\nTo add syntax highlighting, type the language to be highlighted after the ``` at the beginning of the code block. Mattermost also offers four different code themes (GitHub, Solarized Dark, Solarized Light, Monokai) that can be changed in **Account Settings** > **Display** > **Theme** > **Custom Theme** > **Center Channel Styles**",
+ "help.formatting.syntaxEx": " package main\n import \"fmt\"\n func main() {\n fmt.Println(\"Hello, 世界\")\n }",
+ "help.formatting.tableExample": "| Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned |\n| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|\n| Left column 1 | this text | $100 |\n| Left column 2 | is | $10 |\n| Left column 3 | centered | $1 |",
+ "help.formatting.tables": "## Tables\n\nCreate a table by placing a dashed line under the header row and separating the columns with a pipe `|`. (The columns don’t need to line up exactly for it to work). Choose how to align table columns by including colons `:` within the header row.",
+ "help.formatting.title": "# Formatting Text\n_____",
+ "help.learnMore": "Learn more about:",
+ "": "Attaching Files",
+ "": "Executing Commands",
+ "": "Composing Messages and Replies",
+ "": "Formatting Messages using Markdown",
+ "": "Mentioning Teammates",
+ "": "Basic Messaging",
+ "": "#### @Channel\nYou can mention an entire channel by typing `@channel`. All members of the channel will receive a mention notification that behaves the same way as if the members had been mentioned personally.",
+ "help.mentioning.channelExample": "@channel great work on interviews this week. I think we found some excellent potential candidates!",
+ "help.mentioning.mentions": "## @Mentions\nUse @mentions to get the attention of specific team members.",
+ "help.mentioning.recent": "## Recent Mentions\nClick `@` next to the search box to query for your most recent @mentions and words that trigger mentions. Click **Jump** next to a search result in the RHS to jump the center pane to the channel and location of the message with the mention.",
+ "help.mentioning.title": "# Mentioning Teammates\n_____",
+ "help.mentioning.triggers": "## Words That Trigger Mentions\nIn addition to being notified by @username and @channel, you can customize words that trigger mention notifications in **Account Settings** > **Notifications** > **Words that trigger mentions**. By default, you will receive mention notifications on your first name, and you can add more words by typing them into the input box separated by commas. This is useful if you want to be notified of all posts on certain topics, for example, “interviewing” or “marketing”.",
+ "help.mentioning.username": "#### @Username\nYou can mention a teammate by using the `@` symbol plus their username to send them a mention notification.\n\nType `@` to bring up a list of team members who can be mentioned. To filter the list, type the first few letters of any username, first name, last name, or nickname. The **Up** and **Down** arrow keys can then be used to scroll through entries in the list, and pressing **ENTER** will select which user to mention. Once selected, the username will automatically replace the full name or nickname.\nThe following example sends a special mention notification to **alice** that alerts her of the channel and message where she has been mentioned. If **alice** is away from Mattermost and has [email notifications]( turned on, then she will receive an email alert of her mention along with the message text.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameCont": "If the user you mentioned does not belong to the channel, a System Message will be posted to let you know. This is a temporary message only seen by the person who triggered it. To add the mentioned user to the channel, go to the dropdown menu beside the channel name and select **Add Members**.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameExample": "@alice how did your interview go with the new candidate?",
+ "help.messaging.attach": "**Attach files** by dragging and dropping into Mattermost or clicking the attachment icon in the text input box.",
+ "help.messaging.emoji": "**Quickly add emoji** by typing \":\", which will open an emoji autocomplete. If the existing emoji don't cover what you want to express, you can also create your own [Custom Emoji](",
+ "help.messaging.format": "**Format your messages** using Markdown that supports text styling, headings, links, emoticons, code blocks, block quotes, tables, lists and in-line images.",
+ "help.messaging.notify": "**Notify teammates** when they are needed by typing `@username`.",
+ "help.messaging.reply": "**Reply to messages** by clicking the reply arrow next to the message text.",
+ "help.messaging.title": "# Messaging Basics\n_____",
+ "help.messaging.write": "**Write messages** using the text input box at the bottom of Mattermost. Press **ENTER** to send a message. Use **Shift+ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message.",
"installed_command.header": "Commandes Slash",
"installed_commands.add": "Ajout de la commande Slash",
"installed_commands.empty": "Pas de commande trouvée",
@@ -1236,8 +1338,10 @@
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.helpLink": "documentation",
"": "Rechercher les webhooks sortants",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.unknown_channel": "Un webhook privé",
+ "integrations.add": "Ajouter",
"integrations.command.description": "Les commandes Slash envoient des évènements à des intégrations extérieures",
"integrations.command.title": "Commande Slash",
+ "integrations.done": "Aucun",
"integrations.header": "Intégrations",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.description": "Les webhooks entrants permettent des intégrations externes afin d'envoyer des messages",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.title": "Webhooks entrants",
@@ -1281,6 +1385,10 @@
"ldap_signup.length_error": "Le nom doit contenir de 3 à 15 caractères",
"ldap_signup.teamName": "Entrez le nom de votre nouvelle équipe",
"ldap_signup.team_error": "Saisissez le nom de votre équipe",
+ "leave_team_modal.desc": "You will be removed from all public channels and private groups. If the team is private you will not be able to rejoin the team. Are you sure?",
+ "": "Non",
+ "leave_team_modal.title": "Leave the team?",
+ "leave_team_modal.yes": "Oui",
"loading_screen.loading": "Chargement",
"login.changed": " Méthode de connexion changée",
"login.create": "Créer maintenant",
@@ -1300,6 +1408,7 @@
"login.noEmailUsername": "Veuillez saisir votre adresse électronique ou votre nom d'utilisateur",
"login.noEmailUsernameLdapUsername": "Veuillez entrer votre adresse électronique, votre nom d'utilisateur ou {ldapUsername}",
"login.noLdapUsername": "Veuillez saisir votre {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.noMethods": "Aucune méthode configurée pour s'inscrive, veuillez contacter votre administrateur système.",
"login.noPassword": "Veuillez saisir votre mot de passe",
"login.noUsername": "Veuillez entrer votre nom d'utilisateur",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "Saisissez votre nom d'utilisateur ou {ldapUsername}",
@@ -1381,6 +1490,7 @@
"": "<p>Un lien de réinitialisation de mot de passe a été envoyé à <b>{email}</b></p>",
"password_send.reset": "Réinitialiser mon mot de passe",
"password_send.title": "Réinitialisation mot de passe",
+ "pdf_preview.max_pages": "PDF previews only show the first five pages.",
"pending_post_actions.cancel": "Annuler",
"pending_post_actions.retry": "Réessayer",
"permalink.error.access": "Ce lien correspond à un message supprimé ou appartenant à un canal auquel vous n'avez pas accès.",
@@ -1485,6 +1595,13 @@
"sidebar_right_menu.switch_team": "Sélection de l'équipe",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamLink": "Obtenir un lien d'invitation d'équipe",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamSettings": "Configuration de l'équipe",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.viewMembers": "Voir les membres",
+ "": "Adresse électronique et mot de passe",
+ "signup.gitlab": "GitLab Single-Sign-On",
+ "": "Google Account",
+ "signup.ldap": "LDAP Credentials",
+ "signup.office365": "Office 365",
+ "signup.title": "Create an account with:",
"signup_team.choose": "Vos équipes : ",
"signup_team.createTeam": "Ou créez une équipe",
"signup_team.disabled": "Aucune méthode de création d'utilisateur n'est disponible. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur système pour obtenir un accès.",
@@ -1534,6 +1651,9 @@
"suggestion.mention.all": "Avertit tout le monde dans le canal, utilisez dans {townsquare} pour notifier toute l'équipe",
"": "Notifier tout le monde dans le canal",
"": "Notifier toutes les personnes connectées dans ce canal",
+ "suggestion.mention.members": "Channel Members",
+ "suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "Not in Channel",
+ "suggestion.mention.special": "Special Mentions",
"": "Groupes privés",
"": "Canaux publics",
"": "Télécharger",
@@ -1599,6 +1719,8 @@
"user.settings.advance.enabledFeatures": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {Feature} other {Features}} Activée",
"user.settings.advance.formattingDesc": "Si activé, les messages seront formatés pour créer des liens, montrer des emoji, le style du texte et ajouter des sauts de ligne. Par défaut, ce paramètre est activé. La modification de ce paramètre nécessite le rafraîchissement de la page.",
"user.settings.advance.formattingTitle": "Activé le formatage des messages",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveDesc": "When \"On\", System Messages saying a user has joined or left a channel will be visible. When \"Off\", the System Messages about joining or leaving a channel will be hidden. A message will still show up when you are added to a channel, so you can receive a notification.",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveTitle": "Enable Join/Leave Messages",
"user.settings.advance.markdown_preview": "Voir l'option d'aperçu du markdown dans la zone de saisie de message",
"": "Désactivé",
"user.settings.advance.on": "Activé",
@@ -1744,9 +1866,13 @@
"user.settings.notifications.commentsRoot": "Mentionner n'importe quel commentaire sur votre message",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop": "Envoyer des notifications sur le bureau",
"user.settings.notifications.desktopSounds": "Sons des notifications",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailBatchingInfo": "Notifications are combined into a single email and sent at the maximum frequency selected here.",
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "Les notifications par courriel sont envoyées pour les mentions et les messages privés après que vous êtes hors-ligne plus de 60 secondes ou parti de {siteName} pendant plus de 5 minutes.",
- "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Notifications par courriel",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Envoyer des notifications sur le bureau",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyHour": "Every hour",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyXMinutes": "Every {count, plural, one {minute} other {{count, number} minutes}}",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Notifications",
+ "user.settings.notifications.immediately": "Immediately",
"": "Les notifications sur le bureau sont disponibles avec Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer et Edge.",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "Jamais",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "Aucun mot configuré",
@@ -1763,12 +1889,20 @@
"user.settings.notifications.title": "Paramètres de notification",
"user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "Votre nom d'utilisateur mentionné \"@{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "Mots qui déclenchent des mentions",
- "user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "Pour toute l'activit",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "For all activity when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOffline": "For all activity when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOnline": "For all activity when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.away": "Away or offline",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled": "Désactivé par l'administrateur système",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled_long": "Les notifications Push pour les appareils mobiles ont été désactivées par votre administrateur système .",
"": "Les alertes de notification sont envoyées à votre appareil mobile quand il y a de l’activité dans Mattermost .",
"": "Désactivé",
- "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentions": "Seulement pour les mentions et messages privés",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.offline": "Offline",
+ "": "Online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsAway": "For mentions and direct messages when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOffline": "For mentions and direct messages when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOnline": "For mentions and direct messages when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.status_info": "Notification alerts are pushed to your mobile device depending on your online status.",
"": "Quitter",
"": "Mot de passe actuel",
"": "Veuillez saisir votre mot de passe actuel",