path: root/webapp/i18n/ko.json
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Diffstat (limited to 'webapp/i18n/ko.json')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/ko.json b/webapp/i18n/ko.json
index 603192231..b89fb51f2 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/ko.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/ko.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"about.close": "닫기",
- "about.copyright": "Copyright 2016 Mattermost, Inc. All rights reserved",
+ "about.copyright": "Copyright 2015 - {currentYear} Mattermost, Inc. All rights reserved",
"about.database": "데이터베이스:",
"": "빌드 일자:",
"about.enterpriseEditionLearn": "엔터프라이즈 에디션에 대한 자세한 정보 ",
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
"": "Choose when to trigger the outgoing webhook; if the first word of a message matches a Trigger Word exactly, or if it starts with a Trigger Word.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenFullWord": "First word matches a trigger word exactly",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenStartsWith": "First word starts with a trigger word",
- "add_users_to_team.title": "Add New Members To {teamName} Team",
+ "add_users_to_team.title": "{teamName}팀에 새 멤버 추가",
"admin.advance.cluster": "High Availability",
"admin.advance.metrics": "Performance Monitoring",
"admin.audits.reload": "사용자 활동 기록 새로고침",
@@ -415,18 +415,6 @@
"admin.image.maxFileSizeDescription": "Maximum file size for message attachments in megabytes. Caution: Verify server memory can support your setting choice. Large file sizes increase the risk of server crashes and failed uploads due to network interruptions.",
"admin.image.maxFileSizeExample": "50",
"admin.image.maxFileSizeTitle": "최대 파일 크기:",
- "admin.image.previewHeightDescription": "Maximum height of preview image (\"0\": Sets to auto-size). Updating this value changes how preview images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.",
- "admin.image.previewHeightExample": "예시 \"0\"",
- "admin.image.previewHeightTitle": "이미지 미리보기 높이:",
- "admin.image.previewWidthDescription": "Maximum width of preview image. Updating this value changes how preview images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.",
- "admin.image.previewWidthExample": "예시 \"1024\"",
- "admin.image.previewWidthTitle": "이미지 미리보기 너비:",
- "admin.image.profileHeightDescription": "Height of profile picture.",
- "admin.image.profileHeightExample": "예시 \"0\"",
- "admin.image.profileHeightTitle": "프로필 사진 높이:",
- "admin.image.profileWidthDescription": "Width of profile picture.",
- "admin.image.profileWidthExample": "예시 \"1024\"",
- "admin.image.profileWidthTitle": "프로필 사진 너비:",
"admin.image.publicLinkDescription": "32-character salt added to signing of public image links. Randomly generated on install. Click \"Regenerate\" to create new salt.",
"admin.image.publicLinkExample": "예시 \"gxHVDcKUyP2y1eiyW8S8na1UYQAfq6J6\"",
"admin.image.publicLinkTitle": "공개 링크 Salt:",
@@ -436,12 +424,6 @@
"admin.image.storeDescription": "Storage system where files and image attachments are saved.<br /><br />Selecting \"Amazon S3\" enables fields to enter your Amazon credentials and bucket details.<br /><br />Selecting \"Local File System\" enables the field to specify a local file directory.",
"admin.image.storeLocal": "로컬 파일 시스템",
"admin.image.storeTitle": "파일 저장소 시스템:",
- "admin.image.thumbHeightDescription": "Height of thumbnails generated from uploaded images. Updating this value changes how thumbnail images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.",
- "admin.image.thumbHeightExample": "예시 \"100\"",
- "admin.image.thumbHeightTitle": "첨부파일 썸네일 높이:",
- "admin.image.thumbWidthDescription": "Width of thumbnails generated from uploaded images. Updating this value changes how thumbnail images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.",
- "admin.image.thumbWidthExample": "예시 \"120\"",
- "admin.image.thumbWidthTitle": "첨부파일 썸네일 너비:",
"admin.integrations.custom": "Custom Integrations",
"admin.integrations.external": "외부 서비스",
"admin.integrations.webrtc": "Mattermost WebRTC",
@@ -782,7 +764,6 @@
"admin.sidebar.files": "파일",
"admin.sidebar.general": "일반",
"admin.sidebar.gitlab": "GitLab",
- "admin.sidebar.images": "이미지",
"admin.sidebar.integrations": "통합",
"admin.sidebar.ldap": "AD/LDAP",
"admin.sidebar.legalAndSupport": "지원",
@@ -832,7 +813,7 @@
"admin.sql.maxOpenTitle": "Maximum Open Connections:",
"admin.sql.noteDescription": "Changing properties in this section will require a server restart before taking effect.",
"admin.sql.noteTitle": "Note:",
- "admin.sql.queryTimeoutDescription": "The number of seconds to wait for a response from the database after opening a connection and sending the query. Errors that you see in the UI or in the logs as a result of a query timeout can vary depending on the type of query. This setting has no effect on PostgreSQL databases.",
+ "admin.sql.queryTimeoutDescription": "The number of seconds to wait for a response from the database after opening a connection and sending the query. Errors that you see in the UI or in the logs as a result of a query timeout can vary depending on the type of query.",
"admin.sql.queryTimeoutExample": "예시 \"30\"",
"admin.sql.queryTimeoutTitle": "Query Timeout:",
"admin.sql.replicas": "Data Source Replicas:",
@@ -891,11 +872,16 @@
"": "Restrict account creation to specified email domains:",
"": "Any user on the Mattermost server",
"": "Any member of the team",
+ "": "Show first and last name (default)",
+ "": "별명이 있으면 별명으로 보기, 없으면 본명으로 보기",
+ "": "Show username",
"": "Name of service shown in login screens and UI.",
"": "예시 \"Mattermost\"",
"": "사이트 이름:",
"": "When false, only System Administrators can create teams.",
"": "팀 생성: ",
+ "": "사용자명 표시",
+ "": "글과 대화 목록에서 사용자의 이름이 어떻게 표시될 지 선택하세요.",
"": "업로드",
"": "Customize your user experience by adding a custom image to your login screen. Recommended maximum image size is less than 2 MB.",
"": "업로드 완료!",
@@ -1121,7 +1107,8 @@
"channel_invite.close": "닫기",
"channel_loader.connection_error": "There appears to be a problem with your internet connection.",
"channel_loader.posted": "Posted",
- "channel_loader.socketError": "Please check connection, Mattermost unreachable. If issue persists, ask administrator to check WebSocket port.",
+ "channel_loader.postedImage": " uploaded an image",
+ "channel_loader.socketError": "Please check connection, Mattermost unreachable. If issue persists, ask administrator to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">check WebSocket port</a>.",
"channel_loader.someone": "Someone",
"channel_loader.something": " did something new",
"channel_loader.unknown_error": "We received an unexpected status code from the server.",
@@ -1138,12 +1125,12 @@
"channel_members_modal.members": " 회원",
"channel_modal.cancel": "취소",
"channel_modal.createNew": "새로 만들기",
- "channel_modal.descriptionHelp": "{term}은 이렇게 사용되어야 합니다.",
+ "channel_modal.descriptionHelp": "이 채널은 이렇게 사용되어야 합니다.",
"channel_modal.displayNameError": "Channel name must be 2 or more characters",
"channel_modal.edit": "편집",
"channel_modal.header": "헤더",
"channel_modal.headerEx": "E.g.: \"[Link Title](\"",
- "channel_modal.headerHelp": "{term} 상단 이름 옆에 표시될 텍스트를 입력하세요. 예를 들면, 다음과 같이 자주 사용되는 링크를 등록할 수 있습니다. [링크](",
+ "channel_modal.headerHelp": "채널 이름 옆에있는 채널의 헤더에 표시될 텍스트를 입력하십시오. 예를 들면, 다음과 같이 자주 사용되는 링크 [링크 제목] (를 등록할수 있습니다.",
"channel_modal.modalTitle": "New Channel",
"": "이름",
"channel_modal.nameEx": "예시: \"버그\", \"마케팅\", \"고객지원\"",
@@ -1592,7 +1579,7 @@
"invite_member.modalButton": "네, 취소합니다.",
"invite_member.modalMessage": "You have unsent invitations, are you sure you want to discard them?",
"invite_member.modalTitle": "초대를 취소하시겠습니까?",
- "invite_member.newMember": "Send Email Invite",
+ "invite_member.newMember": "초대 메일 발송",
"invite_member.send": "보내기",
"invite_member.send2": "보내기",
"invite_member.sending": " 보내는 중",
@@ -1718,6 +1705,9 @@
"mobile.custom_list.no_results": "No Results",
"mobile.drawer.teamsTitle": "서비스 약관",
"mobile.edit_post.title": "Editing Message",
+ "mobile.error_handler.button": "Relaunch",
+ "mobile.error_handler.description": "\nClick relaunch to open the app again. After restart, you can report the problem from the settings menu.\n",
+ "mobile.error_handler.title": "Unexpected error occurred",
"": "Take Photo or Video",
"mobile.file_upload.library": "Photo Library",
"mobile.file_upload.more": "더 보기",
@@ -1769,6 +1759,9 @@
"mobile.select_team.join_open": "Open teams you can join",
"mobile.select_team.no_teams": "There are no available teams for you to join.",
"mobile.server_ping_failed": "Cannot connect to the server. Please check your server URL and internet connection.",
+ "mobile.server_upgrade.button": "OK",
+ "mobile.server_upgrade.description": "\nA server upgrade is required to use the Mattermost app. Please ask your System Administrator for details.\n",
+ "mobile.server_upgrade.title": "Server upgrade required",
"mobile.server_url.invalid_format": "URL 주소는 http:// 또는 https:// 로 시작되어야 합니다",
"mobile.session_expired": "Session Expired: Please log in to continue receiving notifications.",
"mobile.settings.team_selection": "팀 선택",
@@ -1814,15 +1807,15 @@
"navbar.viewPinnedPosts": "View Pinned Posts",
"navbar_dropdown.about": "Mattermost 정보",
"navbar_dropdown.accountSettings": "계정 설정",
- "navbar_dropdown.addMemberToTeam": "Add Members to Team",
+ "navbar_dropdown.addMemberToTeam": "팀 멤버 추가",
"navbar_dropdown.console": "관리자 도구",
"navbar_dropdown.create": "팀 만들기",
"navbar_dropdown.emoji": "커스텀 이모티콘",
"": "도움말",
"navbar_dropdown.integrations": "통합 기능",
- "navbar_dropdown.inviteMember": "Send Email Invite",
+ "navbar_dropdown.inviteMember": "초대 메일 발송",
"navbar_dropdown.join": "Join Another Team",
- "navbar_dropdown.keyboardShortcuts": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
+ "navbar_dropdown.keyboardShortcuts": "키보드 단축키",
"navbar_dropdown.leave": "팀 떠나기",
"navbar_dropdown.logout": "로그아웃",
"navbar_dropdown.manageMembers": "회원 관리",
@@ -1986,11 +1979,11 @@
"sidebar.unreadBelow": "하단에 읽지않은 메시지",
"sidebar_header.tutorial": "<h4>메인 메뉴</h4><p> <strong>메인 메뉴</strong>에서 <strong>회원 초대</strong>를 하거나, <strong>계정 설정</strong>에 진입하여 <strong>테마 색상</strong>을 변경할 수 있습니다.</p><p>팀 관리자는 메뉴에서 <strong>팀 설정</strong>에 진입할 수 있습니다.</p><p>시스템 관리자는 <strong>관리자 도구</strong> 메뉴를 통해 시스템을 전체 설정을 관리할 수 있습니다.</p>",
"sidebar_right_menu.accountSettings": "계정 설정",
- "sidebar_right_menu.addMemberToTeam": "Add Members to Team",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.addMemberToTeam": "팀 멤버 추가",
"sidebar_right_menu.console": "관리자 도구",
"sidebar_right_menu.flagged": "중요 메시지",
"": "도움말",
- "sidebar_right_menu.inviteNew": "Send Email Invite",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.inviteNew": "초대 메일 발송",
"sidebar_right_menu.logout": "로그아웃",
"sidebar_right_menu.manageMembers": "회원 관리하기",
"sidebar_right_menu.nativeApps": "애플리케이션 다운로드",
@@ -2192,8 +2185,6 @@
"user.settings.display.collapseOff": "Collapsed",
"user.settings.display.collapseOn": "Expanded",
"user.settings.display.fixedWidthCentered": "고정 너비, 가운데",
- "user.settings.display.fontDesc": "Mattermost 화면에서 보여질 폰트를 선택하세요.",
- "user.settings.display.fontTitle": "폰트",
"user.settings.display.fullScreen": "전체 너비",
"user.settings.display.language": "언어",
"user.settings.display.messageDisplayClean": "표준",
@@ -2209,7 +2200,7 @@
"user.settings.display.showFullname": "본명으로 보기",
"user.settings.display.showNickname": "별명이 있으면 별명으로 보기, 없으면 본명으로 보기",
"user.settings.display.showUsername": "사용자명으로 보기 (기본)",
- "user.settings.display.teammateDisplay": "사용자명 표시",
+ "user.settings.display.teammateNameDisplay": "사용자명 표시",
"user.settings.display.theme.applyToAllTeams": "가입한 모든 팀에서 새로운 테마를 적용합니다.",
"user.settings.display.theme.customTheme": "커스텀 테마",
"user.settings.display.theme.describe": "내 테마 관리하기",