path: root/webapp/i18n
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'webapp/i18n')
11 files changed, 4308 insertions, 254 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/de.json b/webapp/i18n/de.json
index 2e5cc760d..591428cf4 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/de.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/de.json
@@ -30,16 +30,18 @@
"activity_log_modal.androidNativeApp": "Android App",
"activity_log_modal.iphoneNativeApp": "iPhone App",
"add_command.autocomplete": "Auto-Vervollständigung",
- "": " Zeige diesen Befehl in der Liste für Autovervollständigungen.",
+ "": "(Optional) Show slash command in autocomplete list.",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription": "Autovervollständigung Beschreibung",
"": "Optionale kurze Beschreibung des Slash Befehls für die Autovervollständigungsliste.",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription.placeholder": "Beispiel: \"Gibt Suchergebnisse für Patientenakten zurück\"",
"add_command.autocompleteHint": "Autovervollständigungshinweis",
- "": "Optionaler Hinweis in der Autovervollständigungsliste über die für den Befehl nötigen Parameter.",
+ "": "(Optional) Arguments associated with your slash command, displayed as help in the autocomplete list.",
"add_command.autocompleteHint.placeholder": "Beispiel: [Patientenname]",
"add_command.cancel": "Abbrechen",
"add_command.description": "Beschreibung",
+ "": "Description for your incoming webhook.",
"add_command.displayName": "Anzeigename",
+ "": "Display name for your slash command made of up to 64 characters.",
"add_command.header": "Hinzufügen",
"add_command.iconUrl": "Antwort Icon",
"": "Wählen Sie ein überschreibendes Profilbild für die Antwort für diesen Slash Befehl. Geben Sie eine URL zu einem .png oder .jpg mit mind. 128x128 Pixeln.",
@@ -50,8 +52,10 @@
"": "POST",
"": "Speichern",
"add_command.trigger": "Befehl Trigger Wort",
- "add_command.trigger.help1": "Beispiele: Teilnehmer, Klient, Mitarbeiter",
- "add_command.trigger.help2": "Reserviert: echo, join, logout, me, shrug",
+ "": "Trigger word must be unique, and cannot begin with a slash or contain any spaces.",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "Examples: client, employee, patient, weather",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReserved": "Reserved: {link}",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReservedLinkText": "see list of built-in slash commands",
"add_command.trigger.placeholder": "Befehlstrigger wie \"hallo\"",
"add_command.triggerInvalidLength": "Ein Triggerwort darf nur aus mindestens {min} und maximal {max} Buchstaben bestehen",
"add_command.triggerInvalidSlash": "Ein Triggerwort darf nicht mit / anfangen",
@@ -80,28 +84,44 @@
"": "Speichern",
"add_incoming_webhook.cancel": "Abbrechen",
"": "Kanal",
+ "": "Public channel or private group that receives the webhook payloads. You must belong to the private group when setting up the webhook.",
"add_incoming_webhook.channelRequired": "Ein gültiger Kanal ist notwendig",
"add_incoming_webhook.description": "Beschreibung",
+ "": "Description for your incoming webhook.",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "Anzeigename",
+ "": "Display name for your incoming webhook made of up to 64 characters.",
"add_incoming_webhook.header": "Hinzufügen",
"": "Name",
"": "Speichern",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "Callback URLs (eine pro Zeile)",
+ "": "The URL that messages will be sent to.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "Eine oder mehere Callback URLs werden benötigt",
"add_outgoing_webhook.cancel": "Abbrechen",
"": "Kanal",
+ "": "Public channel to receive webhook payloads. Optional if at least one Trigger Word is specified.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help1": "Choose the content type by which the response will be sent.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help2": "If application/x-www-form-urlencoded is chosen, the server assumes you will be encoding the parameters in a URL format.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help3": "If application/json is chosen, the server assumes you will posting JSON data.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.content_Type": "Art des Inhalts",
"add_outgoing_webhook.description": "Beschreibung",
+ "": "Description for your outgoing webhook.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "Anzeigename",
+ "": "Display name for your outgoing webhook made of up to 64 characters.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.header": "Hinzufügen",
"": "Name",
"": "Speichern",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "Triggerwörter (eine pro Zeile)",
+ "": "Messages that start with one of the specified words will trigger the outgoing webhook. Optional if Channel is selected.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "Ein gültiger Kanal oder eine Liste von Triggerwörtern wird benötigt",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhen": "Auslösen sobald",
+ "": "Choose when to trigger the outgoing webhook; if the first word of a message matches a Trigger Word exactly, or if it starts with a Trigger Word.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenFullWord": "Erstes Wort entspricht exakt einem Auslösewort",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenStartsWith": "Erstes Wort startet mit dem Auslösewort",
"admin.audits.reload": "Benutzeraktivitäten Log neuladen",
"admin.audits.title": "Benutzeraktivitäten Log",
"": "E-Mail Authentisierung",
"admin.authentication.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "admin.authentication.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.authentication.saml": "SAML",
"admin.banner.heading": "Notiz:",
"admin.compliance.directoryDescription": "Verzeichnis in welchem die Bilddateien gespeichert werden. Standardwert: ./data/.",
@@ -109,7 +129,7 @@
"admin.compliance.directoryTitle": "Compliance Report Verzeichnis:",
"admin.compliance.enableDailyDesc": "Wenn wahr erstellt Mattermost einen täglichen Compliance-Bericht.",
"admin.compliance.enableDailyTitle": "Täglichen Bericht aktivieren:",
- "admin.compliance.enableDesc": "Wenn wahr erlaubt Mattermost Compliance-Berichterstattung",
+ "admin.compliance.enableDesc": "Wenn wahr erlaubt Mattermost das Compliance Reporting über den <strong>Compliance und Prüfung</strong> Tab. Sehen Sie in der <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Dokumentation</a> für mehr Details nach.",
"admin.compliance.enableTitle": "Aktiviere Compliance Reporting:",
"admin.compliance.false": "falsch",
"admin.compliance.noLicense": "<h4 class=\"banner__heading\">Hinweis:</h4><p>LDAP-Funktionen sind Bestandteil der Enterprise Edition. Ihre derzeitige Lizenz unterstützt LDAP nicht. Besuchen Sie unsere <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Webseite</a> für Information und Preise der Enterprise Lizenzen.</p>",
@@ -146,15 +166,15 @@
"admin.connectionSecurityTitle": "Verbindungssicherheit:",
"admin.connectionSecurityTls": "TLS",
"admin.connectionSecurityTlsDescription": "Verschlüsselt die Kommunikation zwischen Mattermost und Ihrem E-Mail-Server.",
- "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to download the Android app. Users who access the site on a mobile web browser will be prompted with a page giving them the option to download the app. Leave this field blank to prevent the page from appearing.",
+ "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Einen Link zum Download der Android App hinzufügen. Benutzer die die Seite über einen mobilen Browser aufrufen werden eine Seite mit der Option die App herunterzuladen angezeigt. Dieses Feld leer lassen um zu verhindern dass die Seite angezeigt wird.",
"admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkTitle": "Android App Download Link:",
- "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to a download page for the Mattermost apps. When a link is present, an option to \"Download Mattermost Apps\" will be added in the Main Menu so users can find the download page. Leave this field blank to hide the option from the Main Menu.",
+ "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkDesc": "Einen Link zur Downloadseite für die Mattermost Apps hinzufügen. Wenn ein Link angegeben wird, wird die Option \"Mattermost Apps herunterladen\" zum Hauptmenü hinzugefügt sodass Benutzer die Downloadseite finden können. Dieses Feld leer lassen um die Option vom Hauptmenü auszublenden. ",
"admin.customization.appDownloadLinkTitle": "Mattermost Apps Download Page Link:",
"admin.customization.customBrand": "Eigenes Branding",
"admin.customization.customEmoji": "Benutzerdefinierte Emoji",
"admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiDesc": "Erlaube es Benutzern eigene Emojis für Nachrichten zu erstellen. Wenn aktiviert, können eigene Emojis durch wechseln zu einem Team, Klicken auf die drei Punkte über der Channel Sidebar und dem Auswählen von \"Eigene Emoji\" aufgerufen werden.",
"admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiTitle": "Eigene Emoji ermöglichen:",
- "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to download the iOS app. Users who access the site on a mobile web browser will be prompted with a page giving them the option to download the app. Leave this field blank to prevent the page from appearing.",
+ "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Einen Link zum Download der iOS App hinzufügen. Benutzer die die Seite über einen mobilen Browser aufrufen werden eine Seite mit der Option die App herunterzuladen angezeigt. Dieses Feld leer lassen um zu verhindern dass die Seite angezeigt wird.",
"admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkTitle": "iOS App Download Link:",
"admin.customization.nativeAppLinks": "Native App Links",
"admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAdmin": "Erlaube System- und Teamadministratoren eigene Emojis zu erstellen",
@@ -243,11 +263,11 @@
"admin.general.policy.permissionsAdmin": "Team- und Systemadministratoren",
"admin.general.policy.permissionsAll": "Alle Teammitglieder",
"admin.general.policy.permissionsSystemAdmin": "Systemadministratoren",
- "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementDescription": "Bei der Wahl von \"Alle Teammitglieder\" erlaubt jedem Teammitglied private Gruppen zu erstellen, löschen und umzubenennen, sowie die Überschrift und Zweck zu bearbeiten.<br/><br/>Bei der Wahl von \"Team- und Systemadministratoren\" begrenzt das Gruppenmanagement Recht für private Gruppen auf Team- und Systemadministratoren, inklusive erstellen, löschen, umbenennen sowie Gruppenüberschrift und Zweck setzen.<br/><br/>Bei der Wahl \"Systemadministratoren\" erlaubt nur Systemadministratoren private Gruppen zu erstellen, löschen und umzubenennen, sowie die Überschrift und den Zweck zu bearbeiten.",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementDescription": "Regel dafür festlegen, wer private Gruppen erstellen, löschen, umbenennen und Kopfzeile sowie Zweck anpassen darf.",
"admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementTitle": "Aktiviere Managementrechte für private Gruppen für:",
- "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "Bei der Wahl von \"Alle Teammitglieder\" erlaubt jedem Teammitglied öffentliche Kanäle zu erstellen, löschen und umzubenennen, sowie die Überschrift und Zweck zu bearbeiten.<br/><br/>Bei der Wahl von \"Team- und Systemadministratoren\" begrenzt das Kanalmanagement Recht für öffentliche Kanäle auf Team- und Systemadministratoren, inklusive erstellen, löschen, umbenennen sowie Kanalüberschrift und Zweck setzen.<br/><br/>Bei der Wahl \"Systemadministratoren\" erlaubt nur Systemadministratoren öffentliche Kanäle zu erstellen, löschen und umzubenennen, sowie die Überschrift und den Zweck zu bearbeiten.",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "Regel dafür festlegen, wer öffentliche Kanäle erstellen, löschen, umbenennen und Kopfzeile sowie Zweck anpassen darf.",
"admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementTitle": "Aktiviere Managementrechte für öffentliche Kanäle für:",
- "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "Das Aktivieren von \"Alle Team Mitglieder\" erlaubt es allen Team Mitgliedern Andere Personen per E-Mail oder Link einzuladen.<br/><br/>Das Auswählen von \"Team und Systemadministratoren\" versteckt die E-Mail und Link Einladung im Menü für alle, die nicht zum Team oder zur Gruppe der Systemadministratoren gehören. Hinweis: Wenn der \"Team Einladung\" Link genutzt wird, muss dieser neu generiert werden nachdem die gewünschten Benutzer beigetreten sind.<br/><br/>Das Auswählen von \"Systemadministratoren\" versteckt die E-Mail und Link Einladung im Menü für alle, die nicht zur Gruppe der Systemadministratoren gehören. Hinweis: Wenn der \"Team Einladung\" Link genutzt wird, muss dieser neu generiert werden nachdem die gewünschten Benutzer beigetreten sind.",
+ "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "Regel dafür festlegen wer andere in ein Team mit <b>Neues Mitglied einladen</b> via E-Mail einladen darf oder den <b>Team Einladungslink erhalten</b> Link im Hauptmenü verwenden darf. Wenn <b>Team Einladungslink erhalten</b> Link verwendet wird um einen Link zu teilen, können Sie den Einladungscode in den <b>Team Einstellungen</b> > <b>Einladungscode</b> verändern nachdem alle gewollten Nutzer dem Team beigetreten sind.",
"admin.general.policy.teamInviteTitle": "Erlaube das Senden von Teameinladungen:",
"admin.general.privacy": "Privatsphäre",
"admin.general.usersAndTeams": "Benutzer und Teams",
@@ -270,6 +290,16 @@
"admin.gitlab.userDescription": "Geben Sie https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user ein. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie, abhängig von Ihrer Serverkonfiguration, HTTP oder HTTPS in der URL verwenden.",
"admin.gitlab.userExample": "z.B.: \"https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user\"",
"admin.gitlab.userTitle": "API Endpunkt des Nutzers:",
+ "": "<ol><li>Mit Google Account <a href=''>anmelden.</li><li>Wechseln Sie zu <a href=''></a>, klicken Sie auf <strong>Zugangsdaten</strong> in der linken Sidebad und geben <strong>Mattermost - <your-company-name></strong> als Projektnamen an.</li><li>Klicken Sie die <strong>OAuth-Zustimmungsbildschirm</strong> Überschrift an und geben <strong>Mattermost</strong> als den <strong>Produktname, der Nutzern gezeigt wird</strong>. Klicken Sie auf <strong>Speichern</strong>.</li><li>Unter der <strong>Anmeldedaten</strong> Überschrift klicken Sie auf <strong>Anmeldedaten erstellen</strong>, wählen <strong>OAuth-Client-ID</strong> aus und selektieren <strong>Webanwendung</strong>.</li><li>Bei den <strong>Einschränkungen</strong> und den <strong>Autorisierte Weiterleitungs-URIs</strong> geben Sie <strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/google/complete</strong> (zum Beispiel: http://localhost:8065/signup/google/complete) ein. Klicken Sie auf <strong>Erstellen</strong>.</li><li>Speichern Sie die <strong>Client-ID</strong> und den <strong>Clientschlüssel</strong> um später die unteren Felder auszufüllen.</li><li>Abschließend wechseln Sie zu <a href=''>Google+ API</a> und klicken auf <strong>Aktivieren</strong>. Dies kann einige Minuten dauern bis die Änderung durch Googles Systeme propagiert sind.</li><li>Vervollständigen Sie die <strong>Client-ID</strong> und <strong>Clientschlüssel</strong> Felder unten.</li></ol>",
+ "": "Auth Endpunkt:",
+ "": "Die Client-ID die Sie bei der Registrierung Ihrer Anwendung bei Google erhalten haben.",
+ "": "z.B.: \"\"",
+ "": "Client-ID:",
+ "": "Der Clientschlüssel den Sie bei der Registrierung Ihrer Anwendung bei Google erhalten haben.",
+ "": "z.B.: \"H8sz0Az-dDs2p15-7QzD231\"",
+ "": "Clientschlüssel:",
+ "": "Token Endpunkt:",
+ "": "API Endpunkt des Nutzers:",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketDescription": "Bezeichnung Ihres S3 Bucket des AWS.",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketExample": "z.B.: \"mattermost-media\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketTitle": "Amazon S3 Bucket:",
@@ -360,7 +390,7 @@
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerification": "Zertifikatsprüfung überspringen",
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerificationDesc": "Zertifikatsprüfung für TLS oder STARTTLS Verbindungen überspringen. Nicht empfohlen bei Produktiv-Umgebungen bei denen TLS benötigt wird. Nur zum Test gedacht.",
"admin.ldap.syncFailure": "Sync Fehler: {error}",
- "admin.ldap.syncIntervalHelpText": "LDAP Synchronisation ist der Prozess mit dem Mattermost seine Benutzerdaten mit geänderten Daten vom LDAP Server abgleicht. Wenn zum Beispiel der Name eines Benutzers auf dem LDAP Server aktualisiert wird, wird diese Änderung im Mattermost übertragen sobald die Synchronisation ausgeführt wird. Wenn Zugänge vom LDAP Server gelöscht werden, dann werden alle aktiven Sitzungen des Accounts gelöscht und der Nutzer kann sich nicht mehr in Mattermost anmelden. Mattermost wird die Synchrinisation regelmäßig zum hier angegebenen Intervall ausführen. Wenn zum Beispiel 60 angegeben wird, wird Mattermost die Nutzerdaten jede Stunde aktualisieren.",
+ "admin.ldap.syncIntervalHelpText": "Die LDAP Synchronisation aktualisiert die Mattermost Benutzerinformationen um die Änderungen auf dem LDAP Server zu spiegeln. Wenn zum Beispiel der Name eines Benutzers auf dem LDAP Server geändert wird, wird die Änderung in Mattermost bei der nächsten Synchronisierung durchgeführt. Gelöschte oder deaktivierte Accounts auf dem LDAP Server setzen die Benutzer als \"Inaktiv\" und die Benutzersessions werden entfernt. Mattermost führt die Synchronisation im hier spezifizierten Intervall durch. Wenn zum Beispiel 60 eingegeben wird, synchronisiert Mattermost alle 60 Minuten.",
"admin.ldap.syncIntervalTitle": "Synchronisationsintervall (in Minuten)",
"admin.ldap.syncNowHelpText": "Initiiert eine sofortige LDAP Synchronisation.",
"admin.ldap.sync_button": "LDAP jetzt abgleichen",
@@ -414,6 +444,21 @@
"": "E-Mail",
"admin.notifications.push": "Mobile Push",
"admin.notifications.title": "Benachrichtigungseinstellungen",
+ "admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google Apps",
+ "": "Anmelden mit OAuth 2.0 Provider nicht erlauben",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "": "OAuth 2.0 Service Provider auswählen:",
+ "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li>Melden Sie sich in Ihrem <a href=''>Microsoft oder Office 365</a> Konto an. Stellen Sie sicher das der Account zum selben <a href=''>Mandant</a> gehört mit dem sich die Nutzer anmelden können sollen.</li><li>Wechseln Sie zu <a href=''></a>, klicken auf <strong>App hinzufügen</strong> und verwenden <strong>Mattermost - <your-company-name></strong> als den Namen der App.</li><li>Unter <strong>Geheime Anwendungsschlüssel</strong> klicken Sie auf <strong>Generiere neues Passwort</strong> und speichern es um die Felder unten später zu vervollständigen.</li><li>Unter <strong>Platform</strong> klicken Sie auf <strong>Plattform hinzufügen</strong>, wählen <strong>Web</strong> und geben <strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/office365/complete</strong> (zum Beispiel: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete) unter <strong>Umleitungs-URI</strong> ein. Außerdem sollten Sie <strong>Erlaube Implizite Weiterleitung</strong> deaktivieren.</li><li>Abschließend klicken Sie auf <strong>Speichern</strong> und vervollständigen die <strong>Anwendungs-ID</strong> und <strong>geheimer Anwendungsschlüssel</strong> Felder unten.</li></ol>",
+ "admin.office365.authTitle": "Auth Endpunkt:",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "Die Anwendungs-ID die Sie bei der Registrierung Ihrer Anwendung bei Microsoft erhalten haben.",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdExample": "z.B.: \"adf3sfa2-ag3f-sn4n-ids0-sh1hdax192qq\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdTitle": "Anwendungs-ID:",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretDescription": "Der geheime Anwendungsschlüssel den Sie generiert haben als Sie Ihre Anwendung bei Microsoft registriert haben.",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretExample": "z.B.: \"shAieM47sNBfgl20f8ci294\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretTitle": "Geheimer Anwendungsschlüssel:",
+ "admin.office365.tokenTitle": "Token Endpunkt:",
+ "admin.office365.userTitle": "API Endpunkt des Nutzers:",
"admin.password.lowercase": "Mindestens ein Kleinbuchstabe",
"admin.password.minimumLength": "Minimale Passwort Länge:",
"admin.password.minimumLengthDescription": "Minimale Anzahl an Zeichen, die für ein gültiges Passwort benötigt werden. Muss eine ganze Zahl größer oder gleich zu {min} und weniger oder gleich {max} sein.",
@@ -550,7 +595,7 @@
"admin.service.mfaDesc": "Wenn wahr erhalten Nutzer die Möglichkeit Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierung zu ihren Zugängen hinzuzufügen. Sie benötigen ein Smartphone und eine Authenticator App wie Google Authenticator.",
"admin.service.mfaTitle": "Multi-Faktor Authentifizierung einschalten:",
"admin.service.mobileSessionDays": "Sessiondauer für mobile Anwendungen (Tage):",
- "admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "Die mobile Session wird nach der angegebenen Anzahl an Tagen ablaufen und fordert den Nutzer zum erneuten anmelden auf.",
+ "admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. After changing this setting, the new session length will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
"admin.service.outWebhooksDesc": "Wenn wahr werden ausgehende Webhooks erlaubt. <a href='' target='_blank'>Dokumentation</a> für mehr Details.",
"admin.service.outWebhooksTitle": "Aktiviere ausgehende Webhooks: ",
"admin.service.overrideDescription": "Wenn wahr werden Webhooks und Slash Befehle erlaubt das Icon, mit dem Sie posten, zu ändern. Hinweis: Zusammen mit dem Erlauben den Nutzernamen zu ändern könnten Phishing Attacken auf die Nutzer ermöglicht werden.",
@@ -563,12 +608,12 @@
"admin.service.sessionCache": "Session Cache (Minuten):",
"admin.service.sessionCacheDesc": "Die Anzahl von Minuten in denen der Sitzungs-Cache im Speicher gehalten wird.",
"admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "z.B.: \"30\"",
- "admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "Sessiondauer für GitLab SSO Authentifizierung (Tage):",
- "admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "Die GitLab SSO Sitzung wird nach der angegebenen Anzahl an Tagen ablaufen und fordert den Nutzer zum erneuten anmelden auf.",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "Sessiondauer für SSO Anwendungen (Tage):",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. If the authentication method is SAML or GitLab, the user may automatically be logged back in to Mattermost if they are already logged in to SAML or GitLab. After changing this setting, the setting will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
"admin.service.testingDescription": "Wenn wahr wird der /loadtest Slash Befehl aktiviert um Testaccounts, -daten und -Textformatierungen zu laden. Änderung erfordern einen Server Neustart.",
"admin.service.testingTitle": "Aktiviere Testkommandos: ",
- "admin.service.webSessionDays": "Sessiondauer für E-Mail und LDAP Authentifizierung (Tage):",
- "admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "Die E-Mail oder LDAP Sitzung wird nach der angegebenen Anzahl an Tagen ablaufen und fordert den Nutzer zum erneuten anmelden auf.",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDays": "Session length LDAP and email (days):",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. After changing this setting, the new session length will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
"admin.service.webhooksDescription": "Wenn wahr werden eingehende Webhooks erlaubt. Um Phishing Attacken vorzubeugen werden alle Posts von Webhooks mit dem BOT Tag versehen. <a href='' target='_blank'>Dokumentation</a> für mehr Details.",
"admin.service.webhooksTitle": "Aktiviere eingehende Webhooks: ",
"admin.sidebar.addTeamSidebar": "Team aus dem Seitenmenü hinzufügen",
@@ -598,6 +643,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.login": "Anmelden",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "Protokolle",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "Benachrichtigungen",
+ "admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.sidebar.other": "ANDERE",
"admin.sidebar.password": "Passwort",
"admin.sidebar.policy": "Richtlinie",
@@ -651,12 +697,15 @@
"": "Datenschutzerklärung Link:",
"": "Link zur Hilfe Dokumentation im Teamseiten Hauptmenü. Zeigt typischerweise auf das Peer-to-Peer Troubleshooting Forum in dem Nutzer nach Hilfe zu technischen Problemen suchen und nachfragen können.",
"": "Ein Problem melden link:",
- "": "Link zu den Servicebedingenen für Desktop und mobile Nutzer. Durch leer lassen wird keine Nachricht angezeigt.",
+ "": "Link to the terms under which users may use your online service. By default, this includes the \"Mattermost Conditions of Use (End Users)\" explaining the terms under which Mattermost software is provided to end users. If you change the default link to add your own terms for using the service you provide, your new terms must include a link to the default terms so end users are aware of the Mattermost Conditions of Use (End User) for Mattermost software.",
"": "AGB Link:",
"admin.system_analytics.activeUsers": "Aktive Benutzer mit Nachrichten",
"admin.system_analytics.title": "das System",
"admin.system_analytics.totalPosts": "Alle Nachrichten",
"": "Aktiviere individuelles Branding um ein Bild Ihrer Wahl, unten hoch geladen, sowie einige Hilfetexte, unten angegeben, auf der Login Seite anzuzeigen.",
+ "": "Die gesamte Team Kommunikation an einem Ort, sofort durchsuchbar und überall verfügbar",
+ "": "Name des Dienstes, der auf der Anmeldeseite und der Seiten angezeigt wird.",
+ "": "Site Description",
"": "Eigenes Markenlogo:",
"": "Der eigene Markentext im Markdown-Format der unter dem eigenen Markenlogo auf der Anmeldeseite angezeigt werden soll.",
"": "Individueller Markentext:",
@@ -847,7 +896,7 @@
"channel_header.setHeader": "Setze {term} Überschrift...",
"channel_header.setPurpose": "Setze {term} Zweck...",
"channel_header.viewInfo": "Info anzeigen",
- "channel_header.viewMembers": "View Members",
+ "channel_header.viewMembers": "Zeige Mitglieder",
"channel_info.about": "Über",
"channel_info.close": "Schließen",
"channel_info.header": "Überschrift:",
@@ -1026,8 +1075,8 @@
"emoji_list.creator": "Ersteller",
"emoji_list.delete": "Löschen",
"emoji_list.empty": "Kein eigenes Emoji gefunden",
- "": "Benutzerdefinierte Emojis sind für jeden auf Ihrem Server verfügbar und werden im Emoji Auto-Vervollständigen-Menü angezeigt. Andere Nutzer müssen eventuell die Seite neu laden bevor neue Emojis angezeigt werden.",
- "emoji_list.help2": "Tip: If you add #, ##, or ### as the first character on a new line containing emoji, you can use larger sized emoji. To try it out, send a message such as: '# :smile:'.",
+ "": "Benutzerdefinierte Emojis sind für jeden auf Ihrem Server verfügbar. Die Eingabe von ':' im Nachrichtenfeld öffnet das Emoji Auswahlfenster. Andere Nutzer müssen eventuell die Seite neu laden bevor neue Emojis angezeigt werden.",
+ "emoji_list.help2": "Tipp: Wenn Sie #, ## oder ### als ersten Zeichen in einer neuen Zeile mit einem Emoji eingeben können Sie größere Emojis anzeigen lassen. Um es auszuprobieren senden Sie eine Meldung wie: '# :smile:'.",
"emoji_list.image": "Bild",
"": "Name",
"": "Suche eigenes Emoji",
@@ -1079,6 +1128,15 @@
"general_tab.teamNameInfo": "Setzen Sie den Namen Ihres Teams wie er beim Anmelden und auf der Sidebar erscheinen soll.",
"general_tab.title": "Allgemeine Einstellungen",
"general_tab.yes": "Ja",
+ "get_app.alreadyHaveIt": "Already have it?",
+ "get_app.androidAppName": "Mattermost for Android",
+ "get_app.androidHeader": "Mattermost works best if you switch to our Android app",
+ "get_app.continue": "continue",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowser": "Or {link}",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowserLink": "continue with browser",
+ "get_app.iosHeader": "Mattermost works best if you switch to our iPhone app",
+ "get_app.mattermostInc": "Mattermost, Inc",
+ "get_app.openMattermost": "Open Mattermost",
"get_link.clipboard": " Link in Zwischenablage kopiert.",
"get_link.close": "Schließen",
"get_link.copy": "Link kopieren",
@@ -1108,6 +1166,7 @@
"installed_integrations.delete": "Löschen",
"installed_integrations.regenToken": "Token neu generieren",
"installed_integrations.token": "Token: {token}",
+ "installed_integrations.triggerWhen": "Auslösen sobald: {triggerWhen}",
"installed_integrations.triggerWords": "Triggerwörter: {triggerWords}",
"installed_integrations.url": "URL: {url}",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.add": "Ausgehenden Webhook hinzufügen",
@@ -1182,6 +1241,7 @@
"login.noPassword": "Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein",
"login.noUsername": "Bitte geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen ein",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "Bitte geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen oder {ldapUsername} ein",
+ "login.office365": "Office 365",
"login.on": "zu {siteName}",
"login.or": "oder",
"login.password": "Passwort",
@@ -1237,13 +1297,13 @@
"navbar_dropdown.leave": "Team verlassen",
"navbar_dropdown.logout": "Abmelden",
"navbar_dropdown.manageMembers": "Mitglieder verwalten",
- "navbar_dropdown.nativeApps": "Download Native Apps",
+ "navbar_dropdown.nativeApps": "Native Apps herunterladen",
"": "Fehler melden",
"navbar_dropdown.switchTeam": "Wechsel zu {team}",
"navbar_dropdown.switchTo": "Wechsel zu ",
"navbar_dropdown.teamLink": "Team Einladungslink erhalten",
"navbar_dropdown.teamSettings": "Team Einstellungen",
- "navbar_dropdown.viewMembers": "View Members",
+ "navbar_dropdown.viewMembers": "Zeige Mitglieder",
"": "Direktnachricht",
"password_form.change": "Mein Passwort ändern",
"": "Zur Anmeldung <a href={url}>hier</a> klicken.",
@@ -1367,7 +1427,7 @@
"sidebar_right_menu.inviteNew": "Neues Mitglied einladen",
"sidebar_right_menu.logout": "Abmelden",
"sidebar_right_menu.manageMembers": "Mitglieder verwalten",
- "sidebar_right_menu.nativeApps": "Download Native App",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.nativeApps": "Native App herunterladen",
"sidebar_right_menu.recentMentions": "Kürzliche Erwähnungen",
"": "Fehler melden",
"sidebar_right_menu.switch_team": "Teamauswahl",
@@ -1400,6 +1460,7 @@
"signup_user_completed.lets": "Einen eigenen Account erstellen",
"signup_user_completed.no_open_server": "Dieser Server erlaubt keine offenen Registrierungen. Bitten Sie Ihren Administrator um eine Einladung.",
"signup_user_completed.none": "Keine Benutzererstellungsmethode wurde aktiviert. Bitte kontaktieren Sie einen Administrator.",
+ "signup_user_completed.office365": "mit Office 365",
"signup_user_completed.onSite": "zu {siteName}",
"signup_user_completed.or": "oder",
"signup_user_completed.passwordLength": "Bitte mindestens {min} Zeichen eingeben",
@@ -1420,7 +1481,7 @@
"sso_signup.team_error": "Bitte einen Teamnamen eingeben",
"suggestion.mention.all": "Benachrichtigt jedem in diesem Kanal, in {townsquare} benachrichtigt er das gesamte Team",
"": "Benachrichtigt jeden in diesem Kanal",
- "": "Notifies everyone in the channel and online",
+ "": "Benachrichtigt jeden der im Kanal und online ist",
"": "Private Gruppen",
"": "Öffentliche Kanäle",
"": "Download",
@@ -1467,8 +1528,8 @@
"tutorial_intro.allSet": "Sie sind bereit",
"tutorial_intro.end": "Klicken Sie auf “Weiter” um {channel} zu betreten. Dies ist der erste Kanal den Ihre Teammitglieder sehen wenn Sie sich registrieren. Verwenden Sie ihn um Updates zu versenden die jeder Wissen soll.",
"tutorial_intro.invite": "Teamkollegen einladen",
- "tutorial_intro.mobileApps": "Install the apps for {link} for easy access and notifications on the go.",
- "tutorial_intro.mobileAppsLinkText": "PC, Mac, iOS and Android",
+ "tutorial_intro.mobileApps": "Installieren Sie die Apps für {link} für einfachen Zugriff und mobile Benachrichtigungen.",
+ "tutorial_intro.mobileAppsLinkText": "PC, macOS, iOS und Android",
"": "Weiter",
"tutorial_intro.screenOne": "<h3>Willkommen bei:</h3><h1>Mattermost</h1><p>Ihre Teamkommunikation an einer Stelle, sofort durchsuchbar und überall verfügbar.</p><p>Bleiben Sie mit Ihrem Team verbunden um zu erreichen, was am meisten zählt.</p>",
"tutorial_intro.screenTwo": "<h3>Wie Mattermost funktioniert:</h3><p>Die Kommunikation findet in öffentlichen Diskussionskanälen, privaten Gruppen und Direktnachrichten statt.</p><p>Alles ist archiviert und von jedem webfähigem Desktop, Laptop oder Telefon durchsuchbar.</p>",
@@ -1563,12 +1624,14 @@
"user.settings.general.confirmEmail": "E-Mail-Adresse bestätigen",
"": "E-Mail",
"user.settings.general.emailGitlabCantUpdate": "Anmeldung erfolgt durch GitLab. E-Mail-Adresse kann nicht aktualisiert werden. Die E-Mail-Adresse zum Versand von Hinweisen lautet {email}.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailGoogleCantUpdate": "Anmeldung erfolgt durch Google. E-Mail-Adresse kann nicht aktualisiert werden. Die E-Mail-Adresse zum Versand von Hinweisen lautet {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp1": "Die E-Mail Adresse wird für den Login, die Benachrichtigungen und das Zurücksetzen des Passworts verwendet. Änderungen der E-Mail Adresse müssen erneut verifiziert werden.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp2": "E-Mails wurden durch Ihren Systemadministrator deaktiviert. Es werden keine Benachrichtigungen versendet bis dies aktiviert wird.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp3": "Die E-Mail Adresse wird für den Login, die Benachrichtigungen und das Zurücksetzen des Passworts verwendet.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp4": "Es wurde eine E-Mail zur Bestätigung an {email} gesendet.",
"user.settings.general.emailLdapCantUpdate": "Anmeldung erfolgt durch LDAP. E-Mail-Adresse kann nicht aktualisiert werden. Die E-Mail-Adresse zum Versand von Hinweisen lautet {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailMatch": "Die von Ihnen eingegebenen E-Mail-Adressen stimmen nicht überein.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailOffice365CantUpdate": "Anmeldung erfolgt durch Office 365. E-Mail-Adresse kann nicht aktualisiert werden. Die E-Mail-Adresse zum Versand von Hinweisen lautet {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailSamlCantUpdate": "Anmeldung erfolgt durch SAML. E-Mail-Adresse kann nicht aktualisiert werden. Die E-Mail-Adresse zum Versand von Hinweisen lautet {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailUnchanged": "Ihre neue E-Mail-Adresse entspricht Ihrer alten E-Mail-Adresse.",
"user.settings.general.emptyName": "Auf 'Bearbeiten' klicken um den vollen Namen hinzuzufügen",
@@ -1580,7 +1643,9 @@
"user.settings.general.imageUpdated": "Bild zuletzt aktualisiert {date}",
"user.settings.general.lastName": "Nachname",
"user.settings.general.loginGitlab": "Anmeldung erfolgt durch GitLab ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginGoogle": "Anmeldung erfolgt durch Google ({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginLdap": "Anmeldung erfolgt durch LDAP ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginOffice365": "Anmeldung erfolgt durch Office 365 ({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginSaml": "Anmeldung erfolgt durch SAML ({email})",
"user.settings.general.newAddress": "Neue Adresse: {email}<br />Überprüfen Sie Ihr Postfach um die obige Adresse zu verifizieren.",
"user.settings.general.nickname": "Spitzname",
@@ -1659,7 +1724,8 @@
"": "Aktuelles Passwort",
"": "Bitte geben Sie Ihr aktuelles Passwort ein",
"": "E-Mail-Adresse und Passwort",
- "": "GitLab SSO",
+ "": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google",
"": "Zuletzt aktualisiert am {date} um {time}",
"": "LDAP",
"": "Anmeldung via GitLab",
@@ -1667,6 +1733,7 @@
"": "Zeigen und beenden von aktiven Sitzungen",
"": "Anmeldemethode",
"": "Neues Passwort",
+ "": "Office 365",
"": "Sie können immer nur eine Anmeldemethode haben. Der Wechsel der Anmeldemethode löst eine E-Mail mit dem Umstellungserfolg aus.",
"": "Passwort",
"": "Ihr Passwort muss aus mindestens {min} Zeichen bestehen.",
@@ -1695,6 +1762,7 @@
"": "Wechsel auf GitLab SSO",
"": "Wechsel auf Google SSO",
"": "Wechsel auf LDAP",
+ "": "Wechseln auf Office 365 SSO",
"": "Wechsel auf SAML SSO",
"": "Sicherheitseinstellungen",
"": "Zeige Zugriffshistorie",
@@ -1708,6 +1776,6 @@
"web.footer.privacy": "Privatsphäre",
"web.footer.terms": "Bedingungen",
"web.header.back": "Zurück",
- "web.root.singup_info": "Die gesamte Team Kommunikation an einem Ort, sofort durchsuchbar und überall verfügbar",
+ "web.root.signup_info": "Die gesamte Team Kommunikation an einem Ort, sofort durchsuchbar und überall verfügbar",
"youtube_video.notFound": "Video nicht gefunden"
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/en.json b/webapp/i18n/en.json
index 67e366494..457201cc7 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/en.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/en.json
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
"": "Save",
"add_incoming_webhook.cancel": "Cancel",
"": "Channel",
- "add_incoming_webhook.channelRequired": "A valid channel is required",
"": "Public channel or private group that receives the webhook payloads. You must belong to the private group when setting up the webhook.",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.channelRequired": "A valid channel is required",
"add_incoming_webhook.description": "Description",
"": "Description for your incoming webhook.",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "Display Name",
@@ -110,10 +110,10 @@
"add_outgoing_webhook.cancel": "Cancel",
"": "Channel",
"": "Public channel to receive webhook payloads. Optional if at least one Trigger Word is specified.",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.content_Type": "Content Type",
"add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help1": "Choose the content type by which the response will be sent.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help2": "If application/x-www-form-urlencoded is chosen, the server assumes you will be encoding the parameters in a URL format.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help3": "If application/json is chosen, the server assumes you will posting JSON data.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.content_Type": "Content Type",
"add_outgoing_webhook.description": "Description",
"": "Description for your outgoing webhook.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "Display Name",
@@ -125,9 +125,9 @@
"": "Messages that start with one of the specified words will trigger the outgoing webhook. Optional if Channel is selected.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "A valid channel or a list of trigger words is required",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhen": "Trigger When",
+ "": "Choose when to trigger the outgoing webhook; if the first word of a message matches a Trigger Word exactly, or if it starts with a Trigger Word.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenFullWord": "First word matches a trigger word exactly",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenStartsWith": "First word starts with a trigger word",
- "": "Choose when to trigger the outgoing webhook; if the first word of a message matches a Trigger Word exactly, or if it starts with a Trigger Word.",
"admin.audits.reload": "Reload User Activity Logs",
"admin.audits.title": "User Activity Logs",
"": "Email Auth",
@@ -311,21 +311,6 @@
"": "Client Secret:",
"": "Token Endpoint:",
"": "User API Endpoint:",
- "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>Log in</a> to your Microsoft or Office 365 account. Make sure it's the account on the same <a href=''>tenant</a> that you would like users to log in with.</li><li>Go to <a href=''></a>, click <strong>Go to app list</strong> > <strong>Add an app</strong> and use \"Mattermost - your-company-name\" as the <strong>Application Name</strong>.</li><li>Under <strong>Application Secrets</strong>, click <strong>Generate New Password</strong> and paste it to the <strong>Application Secret Password</strong> field below.</li><li>Under <strong>Platforms</strong>, click <strong>Add Platform</strong>, choose <strong>Web</strong> and enter <strong>your-mattermost-url/signup/office365/complete</strong> (example: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete) under <strong>Redirect URIs</strong>. Also uncheck <strong>Allow Implicit Flow</strong>.</li><li>Finally, click <strong>Save</strong> and then paste the <strong>Application ID</strong> below.</li></ol>",
- "admin.office365.authTitle": "Auth Endpoint:",
- "admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "The Application/Client ID you received when registering your application with Microsoft.",
- "admin.office365.clientIdExample": "Ex \"adf3sfa2-ag3f-sn4n-ids0-sh1hdax192qq\"",
- "admin.office365.clientIdTitle": "Application ID:",
- "admin.office365.clientSecretDescription": "The Application Secret Password you generated when registering your application with Microsoft.",
- "admin.office365.clientSecretExample": "Ex \"shAieM47sNBfgl20f8ci294\"",
- "admin.office365.clientSecretTitle": "Application Secret Password:",
- "admin.office365.tokenTitle": "Token Endpoint:",
- "admin.office365.userTitle": "User API Endpoint:",
- "": "Do not allow sign-in via an OAuth 2.0 provider",
- "admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
- "": "Google Apps",
- "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
- "": "Select OAuth 2.0 service provider:",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketDescription": "Name you selected for your S3 bucket in AWS.",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketExample": "Ex \"mattermost-media\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketTitle": "Amazon S3 Bucket:",
@@ -470,6 +455,21 @@
"": "Email",
"admin.notifications.push": "Mobile Push",
"admin.notifications.title": "Notification Settings",
+ "admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google Apps",
+ "": "Do not allow sign-in via an OAuth 2.0 provider",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "": "Select OAuth 2.0 service provider:",
+ "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>Log in</a> to your Microsoft or Office 365 account. Make sure it's the account on the same <a href=''>tenant</a> that you would like users to log in with.</li><li>Go to <a href=''></a>, click <strong>Add an app</strong> and use <strong>Mattermost - <your-company-name></strong> as the application name.</li><li>Under <strong>Application Secrets</strong>, click <strong>Generate New Password</strong> and save it to later complete the field below.</li><li>Under <strong>Platforms</strong>, click <strong>Add Platform</strong>, choose <strong>Web</strong> and enter <strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/office365/complete</strong> (example: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete) under <strong>Redirect URIs</strong>. Also uncheck <strong>Allow Implicit Flow</strong>.</li><li>Finally, click <strong>Save</strong> and complete the <strong>Application ID</strong> and <strong>Application Secret Password</strong> fields below.</li></ol>",
+ "admin.office365.authTitle": "Auth Endpoint:",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "The Application/Client ID you received when registering your application with Microsoft.",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdExample": "Ex \"adf3sfa2-ag3f-sn4n-ids0-sh1hdax192qq\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdTitle": "Application ID:",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretDescription": "The Application Secret Password you generated when registering your application with Microsoft.",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretExample": "Ex \"shAieM47sNBfgl20f8ci294\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretTitle": "Application Secret Password:",
+ "admin.office365.tokenTitle": "Token Endpoint:",
+ "admin.office365.userTitle": "User API Endpoint:",
"admin.oauth.providerDescription": "When true, Mattermost can act as an OAuth 2.0 service provider allowing external applications to authorize API requests to Mattermost.",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "Enable OAuth 2.0 Service Provider: ",
"admin.password.lowercase": "At least one lowercase letter",
@@ -716,13 +716,13 @@
"admin.system_analytics.title": "the System",
"admin.system_analytics.totalPosts": "Total Posts",
"": "Enable custom branding to show an image of your choice, uploaded below, and some help text, written below, on the login page.",
+ "": "All team communication in one place, searchable and accessible anywhere",
+ "": "Description of service shown in login screens and UI.",
+ "": "Site Description",
"": "Custom Brand Image:",
"": "The custom branding Markdown-formatted text you would like to appear below your custom brand image on your login screen.",
"": "Custom Brand Text:",
"": "Enable Custom Branding: ",
- "": "Site Description",
- "": "Description of service shown in login screens and UI.",
- "": "All team communication in one place, searchable and accessible anywhere",
"": "Choose New Image",
"": "When true, teams that are configured to show in team directory will show on main page inplace of creating a new team.",
"": "Enable Team Directory: ",
@@ -1186,8 +1186,8 @@
"installed_integrations.regenToken": "Regenerate Token",
"installed_integrations.showSecret": "Show Secret",
"installed_integrations.token": "Token: {token}",
- "installed_integrations.triggerWords": "Trigger Words: {triggerWords}",
"installed_integrations.triggerWhen": "Trigger When: {triggerWhen}",
+ "installed_integrations.triggerWords": "Trigger Words: {triggerWords}",
"installed_integrations.unnamed_oauth_app": "Unnamed OAuth 2.0 Application",
"installed_integrations.url": "URL: {url}",
"installed_oauth_apps.add": "Add OAuth 2.0 Application",
@@ -1268,7 +1268,6 @@
"login.forgot": "I forgot my password",
"login.gitlab": "GitLab",
"": "Google Apps",
- "login.office365": "Office 365",
"login.invalidPassword": "Your password is incorrect.",
"login.ldapUsername": "LDAP Username",
"login.ldapUsernameLower": "LDAP username",
@@ -1281,6 +1280,7 @@
"login.noPassword": "Please enter your password",
"login.noUsername": "Please enter your username",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "Please enter your username or {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.office365": "Office 365",
"login.on": "on {siteName}",
"login.or": "or",
"login.password": "Password",
@@ -1484,12 +1484,12 @@
"signup_user_completed.expired": "You've already completed the signup process for this invitation or this invitation has expired.",
"signup_user_completed.gitlab": "with GitLab",
"": "with Google",
- "signup_user_completed.office365": "with Office 365",
"signup_user_completed.haveAccount": "Already have an account?",
"signup_user_completed.invalid_invite": "The invite link was invalid. Please speak with your Administrator to receive an invitation.",
"signup_user_completed.lets": "Let's create your account",
"signup_user_completed.no_open_server": "This server does not allow open signups. Please speak with your Administrator to receive an invitation.",
"signup_user_completed.none": "No user creation method has been enabled. Please contact an administrator for access.",
+ "signup_user_completed.office365": "with Office 365",
"signup_user_completed.onSite": "on {siteName}",
"signup_user_completed.or": "or",
"signup_user_completed.passwordLength": "Please enter at least {min} characters",
@@ -1650,13 +1650,13 @@
"": "Email",
"user.settings.general.emailGitlabCantUpdate": "Login occurs through GitLab. Email cannot be updated. Email address used for notifications is {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailGoogleCantUpdate": "Login occurs through Google. Email cannot be updated. Email address used for notifications is {email}.",
- "user.settings.general.emailOffice365CantUpdate": "Login occurs through Office 365. Email cannot be updated. Email address used for notifications is {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp1": "Email is used for sign-in, notifications, and password reset. Email requires verification if changed.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp2": "Email has been disabled by your system administrator. No notification emails will be sent until it is enabled.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp3": "Email is used for sign-in, notifications, and password reset.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp4": "A verification email was sent to {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailLdapCantUpdate": "Login occurs through LDAP. Email cannot be updated. Email address used for notifications is {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailMatch": "The new emails you entered do not match.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailOffice365CantUpdate": "Login occurs through Office 365. Email cannot be updated. Email address used for notifications is {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailSamlCantUpdate": "Login occurs through SAML. Email cannot be updated. Email address used for notifications is {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailUnchanged": "Your new email address is the same as your old email address.",
"user.settings.general.emptyName": "Click 'Edit' to add your full name",
@@ -1669,8 +1669,8 @@
"user.settings.general.lastName": "Last Name",
"user.settings.general.loginGitlab": "Login done through GitLab ({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginGoogle": "Login done through Google ({email})",
- "user.settings.general.loginOffice365": "Login done through Office 365 ({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginLdap": "Login done through LDAP ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginOffice365": "Login done through Office 365 ({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginSaml": "Login done through SAML ({email})",
"user.settings.general.newAddress": "New Address: {email}<br />Check your email to verify the above address.",
"user.settings.general.nickname": "Nickname",
@@ -1750,7 +1750,6 @@
"": "Email and Password",
"": "GitLab",
"": "Google",
- "": "Office 365",
"": "Last updated {date} at {time}",
"": "LDAP",
"": "Login done through Gitlab",
@@ -1758,6 +1757,7 @@
"": "View and Logout of Active Sessions",
"": "Sign-in Method",
"": "New Password",
+ "": "Office 365",
"": "You may only have one sign-in method at a time. Switching sign-in method will send an email notifying you if the change was successful.",
"": "Password",
"": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters.",
@@ -1785,8 +1785,8 @@
"": "Switch to using email and password",
"": "Switch to using GitLab SSO",
"": "Switch to using Google SSO",
- "": "Switch to using Office 365 SSO",
"": "Switch to using LDAP",
+ "": "Switch to using Office 365 SSO",
"": "Switch to using SAML SSO",
"": "Security Settings",
"": "View Access History",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/es.json b/webapp/i18n/es.json
index 0c7380e07..c44e53b86 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/es.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/es.json
@@ -30,19 +30,21 @@
"activity_log_modal.androidNativeApp": "Android App Nativa",
"activity_log_modal.iphoneNativeApp": "iPhone App Nativa",
"add_command.autocomplete": "Autocompletar",
- "": " Mostrar este comando en la lista de auto completado.",
+ "": "(Opcional) Mostrar el comando de barra en la lista de autocompletado.",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription": "Descripción del Autocompletado",
- "": "Descripción corta opcional para la lista de autocompletado del comando de barra.",
+ "": "(Opcional) Descripción corta del comando de barra en la lista de autocompletado.",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription.placeholder": "Ejemplo: \"Retorna resultados de una búsqueda con los registros de un paciente\"",
"add_command.autocompleteHint": "Pista del Autocompletado",
- "": "Pista opcional que aparece como parámetros necesarios en la lista de auto completado para el comando.",
+ "": "(Opcional) Argumentos asociados al comando de barra, que serán mostrados como ayuda en la lista de autocompletado.",
"add_command.autocompleteHint.placeholder": "Ejemplo: [Nombre del Paciente]",
"add_command.cancel": "Cancelar",
"add_command.description": "Descripción",
+ "": "Descripción del webhook de entrada.",
"add_command.displayName": "Nombre a mostrar",
+ "": "Nombre a mostrar para el comando de barra el cual puede tener hasta 64 caracteres.",
"add_command.header": "Agragar un Comando de Barra",
"add_command.iconUrl": "Icono de Respuesta",
- "": "Escoge una imagen de perfil que reemplazara los mensajes publicados por este comando de barra. Ingresa el URL de un archivo .png o .jpg de al menos 128 x 128 pixels.",
+ "": "(Opcional) Escoge una imagen de perfil que reemplazara los mensajes publicados por este comando de barra. Ingresa el URL de un archivo .png o .jpg de al menos 128 pixels por 128 pixels.",
"add_command.iconUrl.placeholder": "",
"add_command.method": "Método de Solicitud",
"add_command.method.get": "GET",
@@ -50,8 +52,10 @@
"": "POST",
"": "Guardar",
"add_command.trigger": "Palabra Gatilladora del Comando",
- "add_command.trigger.help1": "Ejemplos: paciente, cliente, empleado",
- "add_command.trigger.help2": "Reservadas: echo, join, logout, me, shrug",
+ "": "La palabra gatilladora debe ser única y no puede comenzar con una barra así como no puede tener espacios.",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "Ejemplos: cliente, empleado, paciente, clima",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReserved": "Reservado: {link}",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReservedLinkText": "ver la lista de comandos de barra predefinidos",
"add_command.trigger.placeholder": "Gatillador del comando ej. \"hola\"",
"add_command.triggerInvalidLength": "La palabra gatilladora debe tener entre {min} y {max} caracteres",
"add_command.triggerInvalidSlash": "La palabra gatilladora no puede comenzar con /",
@@ -62,7 +66,7 @@
"add_command.url.placeholder": "Debe comenzar con http:// o https://",
"add_command.urlRequired": "Se requiere un URL a donde llegará la solicitud",
"add_command.username": "Nombre de usuario de Respuesta",
- "": "Escoge un nombre de usuario que reemplazara los mensajes publicados por este comando de barra. Los nombres de usuario pueden tener hasta 22 caracteres y contener letras en minúsculas, números y los siguientes símbolos \"-\", \"_\", y \".\" .",
+ "": "(Opcional) Escoge un nombre de usuario que reemplazara los mensajes publicados por este comando de barra. Los nombres de usuario pueden tener hasta 22 caracteres en letras minúsculas, números y los siguientes símbolos \"-\", \"_\", y \".\" .",
"add_command.username.placeholder": "Nombre de usuario",
"add_emoji.cancel": "Cancelar",
"add_emoji.header": "Agregar",
@@ -80,28 +84,44 @@
"": "Guardar",
"add_incoming_webhook.cancel": "Cancelar",
"": "Canal",
+ "": "Canal público o grupo privado que recibe el mensaje del webhook. Debes pertenecer al grupo privado para configurar el webhook.",
"add_incoming_webhook.channelRequired": "Es obligatorio asignar un canal válido",
"add_incoming_webhook.description": "Descripción",
+ "": "Descripción del webhook de entrada.",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "Nombre a mostrar",
+ "": "Nombre a mostrar para el webhook de entrada el cual puede tener hasta 64 caracteres.",
"add_incoming_webhook.header": "Agregar un Webhook de Entrada",
"": "Nombre",
"": "Guardar",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "Callback URLs (Uno por Línea)",
+ "": "El URL a donde serán enviados los mensajes.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "Se require uno o más URLs para los callback",
"add_outgoing_webhook.cancel": "Cancelar",
"": "Canal",
+ "": "Canal público que recibe el mensaje del webhook. Opcional si al menos una Palabra Gatilladora es especificada.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help1": "Selecciona el tipo de contenido que será enviado con la respuesta.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help2": "Si se escoge applicatoin/x-www-form-urlencoded, el servidor asume que los parametros serán codificados en formato URL.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help3": "Si se escoge applicaton/json, el servidor asume que estarán enviando la data en formato JSON.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.content_Type": "Tipo de contenido",
"add_outgoing_webhook.description": "Descripción",
+ "": "Descripción del webhook de salida.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "Nombre a mostrar",
+ "": "Nombre a mostrar para el webhook de salida el cual puede tener hasta 64 caracteres.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.header": "Agregar Webhook de Salida",
"": "Nombre",
"": "Guardar",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "Palabras gatilladoras (Una por Línea)",
+ "": "Los mensajes que comiencen con una de las palabras especificadas gatillarán el webhook de salida. Opcional si se selecciona un Canal.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "Se require al menos un canal válido o una lista de palabras gatilladoras",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhen": "Gatillar Cuando",
+ "": "Escoge cuando se gatillan los webhooks de salida; si la primera palabra del mensaje coincide exactamente con una Palabra Gatilladora o si comienza con una Palabra Gatilladora.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenFullWord": "La primera palabra coincide exactamente con una palabra gatilladora",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenStartsWith": "La primera palabra empieza con una palabra gatilladora",
"admin.audits.reload": "Recargar",
"admin.audits.title": "Auditorías del Servidor",
"": "Correo Electrónico",
"admin.authentication.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "admin.authentication.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.authentication.saml": "SAML",
"admin.banner.heading": "Nota:",
"admin.compliance.directoryDescription": "Directorio en el que se escriben los informes de cumplimiento. Si se deja en blanco, se utilizará ./data/.",
@@ -109,7 +129,7 @@
"admin.compliance.directoryTitle": "Directorio del Informe De Cumplimiento:",
"admin.compliance.enableDailyDesc": "Cuando es verdadero, Mattermost generará un reporte de cumplimiento diario.",
"admin.compliance.enableDailyTitle": "Habilitar Informes Diarios:",
- "admin.compliance.enableDesc": "Cuando es verdadero, Mattermost permite la creación de reportes de cumplimiento",
+ "admin.compliance.enableDesc": "Cuando es verdadedo, Mattermost permite la creación de informes de cumplimiento desde la ficha <strong>Cumplimiento y Auditoría</strong>. Ver la <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">documentación</a> para obtener más información.",
"admin.compliance.enableTitle": "Habilitar Los Informes De Cumplimiento:",
"admin.compliance.false": "falso",
"admin.compliance.noLicense": "<h4 class=\"banner__heading\">Nota:</h4><p>El Cumplimiento es una característica de la edición enterprise. Tu licencia actual no soporta Cumplimiento. Pincha <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">aquí</a> para información y precio de las licencias enterprise.</p>",
@@ -146,17 +166,17 @@
"admin.connectionSecurityTitle": "Seguridad de Conexión:",
"admin.connectionSecurityTls": "TLS",
"admin.connectionSecurityTlsDescription": "Cifra la comnicación entre Mattermost y tu servidor.",
- "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to download the Android app. Users who access the site on a mobile web browser will be prompted with a page giving them the option to download the app. Leave this field blank to prevent the page from appearing.",
- "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkTitle": "Android App Download Link:",
- "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to a download page for the Mattermost apps. When a link is present, an option to \"Download Mattermost Apps\" will be added in the Main Menu so users can find the download page. Leave this field blank to hide the option from the Main Menu.",
- "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkTitle": "Mattermost Apps Download Page Link:",
+ "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Agrega un enlace para descargar la aplicación para Android. Los usuarios que tienen acceso al sitio en un navegador de web móvil serán presentados con una página que les da la opción de descargar la aplicación. Deja este campo en blanco para evitar que la página aparezca.",
+ "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkTitle": "Enlace de Descarga de la Aplicación para Android:",
+ "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkDesc": "Agrega un vínculo a una página de descarga de las aplicaciones de Mattermost. Cuando un enlace está presente la opción \"Descargar Aplicaciones de Mattermost\" aparecerá en el Menú Principal para que los usuarios puedan encontrar la página de descarga. Deja este campo en blanco para ocultar la opción desde el Menú Principal.",
+ "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkTitle": "Enlace de Descarga de la página Aplicaciones de Mattermost:",
"admin.customization.customBrand": "Marca Personalizada",
"admin.customization.customEmoji": "Emoji Personalizados",
"admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiDesc": "Permite a los usuarios crear emoji personalizados para su uso en los mensajes. Cuando se activa, Emoji Personalizados se puede acceder a los ajustes al ingresar a un equipo y hacer clic en los tres puntos por encima del canal en la barra lateral y seleccionar \"Emoji Personalizados\".",
"admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiTitle": "Habilitar Emoji Personalizados:",
- "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to download the iOS app. Users who access the site on a mobile web browser will be prompted with a page giving them the option to download the app. Leave this field blank to prevent the page from appearing.",
- "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkTitle": "iOS App Download Link:",
- "admin.customization.nativeAppLinks": "Native App Links",
+ "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Agrega un enlace para descargar la aplicación para iOS. Los usuarios que tienen acceso al sitio en un navegador de web móvil serán presentados con una página que les da la opción de descargar la aplicación. Deja este campo en blanco para evitar que la página aparezca.",
+ "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkTitle": "Enlace de Descarga de la Aplicación para iOS:",
+ "admin.customization.nativeAppLinks": "Enlaces de Aplicaciones Nativas",
"admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAdmin": "Permitir la creación de emoji a los Administradores de Sistema y Equipo",
"admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAll": "Permitir a todos que puedan crear emoji personalizados",
"admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationDesc": "Restringir la creación de emoji personalizados a ciertos usuarios.",
@@ -243,11 +263,11 @@
"admin.general.policy.permissionsAdmin": "Administradores de Equipo y Sistema",
"admin.general.policy.permissionsAll": "Todos los miembros del equipo",
"admin.general.policy.permissionsSystemAdmin": "Administradores de Sistema",
- "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementDescription": "Seleccionando la opción \"Todos los miembros del equipo\" permite que cualquiera de los miembros del equipo pueda crear, eliminar, cambiar el nombre, y establecer el encabezado o el propósito de grupos privados.<br/><br/>Seleccionando la opción \"Administradores de Equipo Sistema\" restringe la gestión de los permisos para los grupos privados a los Administradores de Equipo Sistemas, incluyendo la creación, eliminación, cambio de nombre, y ajuste del encabezado o propósito del grupo privado.<br/><br/>Seleccionando la opción \"Administradores de Sistema\" restringe la gestión de los permisos para los grupos privados a los Administradores de Sistema, incluyendo la creación, eliminación, cambio de nombre, y ajuste del encabezado o propósito del grupo privado.",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementDescription": "Establecer la política sobre quién puede crear, eliminar, cambiar el nombre, y establecer el encabezado o el propósito de los grupos privados.",
"admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementTitle": "Habilitar la gestión de los grupos privados a:",
- "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "Seleccionando la opción \"Todos los miembros del equipo\" permite que cualquiera de los miembros del equipo pueda crear, eliminar, cambiar el nombre, y establecer el encabezado o el propósito de canales públicos.<br/><br/>Seleccionando la opción \"Administradores de Equipo Sistema\" restringe la gestión de los permisos para los canales públicos a los Administradores de Equipo Sistemas, incluyendo la creación, eliminación, cambio de nombre, y ajuste del encabezado o propósito del canal.<br/><br/>Seleccionando la opción \"Administradores de Sistema\" restringe la gestión de los permisos para los canales públicos a los Administradores de Sistema, incluyendo la creación, eliminación, cambio de nombre, y ajuste del encabezado o propósito canal.",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "Establecer la política sobre quién puede crear, eliminar, cambiar el nombre, y establecer el encabezado o el propósito de canales públicos.",
"admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementTitle": "Habilitar la gestión de canales públicos a:",
- "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "Al seleccionar \"Todos los miembros del equipo\" se permite a cualquier miembro de un equipo invitar a otros utilizando la invitación por correo electrónico o con el enlace de invitación.<br/><br/>Al seleccionar \"Administradores de Equipo y Sistema\" se esconde del Menú Principal las opciones de invitación por correo electrónico y enlace de invitación a los usuarios que no son Administradores de Equipo o de Sistema. Nota: Si \"Obtener enlace de Invitación\" es utilizado para compartir el enlace, se necesitará regenerar luego de que los usuarios deseados se unan al equipo.<br/><br/>Al seccionar \"Adminstradores de Sistema\" se esconde del Menú Principal las opciones de invitación por correo electrónico y enlace de invitación a los usuarios que no son Administradores de Systema. ota: Si \"Obtener enlace de Invitación\" es utilizado para compartir el enlace, se necesitará regenerar luego de que los usuarios deseados se unan al equipo.",
+ "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "Establecer la política sobre quién puede invitar a otros utilizando las opciones del Menú Principal <b>Invitar Nuevo Miembro</b> para invitar nuevos usuarios por correo electrónico, o con <b>Enlace de invitación al equipo</b>. Si se utiliza la opción de <b>Enlace de invitación al equipo</b> para compartir el enlace, puedes expirar el código de invitación en la <b>Configuración de Equipo</b> > <b>Código de Invitación</b> luego de que los usuarios deseados se hayan unido al equipo.",
"admin.general.policy.teamInviteTitle": "Habilitar el envío de invitaciones a equipo por:",
"admin.general.privacy": "Privacidad",
"admin.general.usersAndTeams": "Usuarios y Equipos",
@@ -270,6 +290,16 @@
"admin.gitlab.userDescription": "Ingresar <tu-url-de-gitlab>/api/v3/user. Asegurate que si utilizas HTTPS o HTTPS tus URLS sean correctas.",
"admin.gitlab.userExample": "Ej \"https://<tu-url-de-gitlab>/api/v3/user\"",
"admin.gitlab.userTitle": "URL para obtener datos de usuario:",
+ "": "<ol><li><a href=''>Iniciar Sesión</a> con tu cuenta de Google.</li><li>Ir a <a href=''></a>, pincha en <strong>Credenciales</strong> en la barra lateral izquierda e ingresa <strong>Mattermost - <el-nombre-de-tu-empresa></string> como nombre del proyecto.</li><li> Pincha en el encabezado de la <strong>pantalla de autorización de OAuth</strong> e ingresa <strong>Mattermost</strong> como el <strong>Nombre de producto mostrado a los usuarios</strong>. Pincha <strong>Guardar</strong>.</li><li>En el encabezado de <strong>Credenciales</strong>, Pincha en <strong>Crear credenciales</strong>, escoje el <strong>ID de cliente de OAuth</strong> y selecciona <strong>Web</strong>.</li><li> En <strong>Restricciones</strong> y <strong>URIs de redireccionamiento autorizados</strong> ingresa <strong><tu-url-de-mattermost>/signup/google/complete</strong> (ejemplo: http://localhost:8065/signup/google/complete). Pincha en <strong>Crear</strong>.</li><li>Guarda el <strong>ID del cliente</strong> y el <strong>secreto de cliente</strong> para luego completar los campos que se presentan.</li><li>Finalmente, ve a <a href=''>Google+ API</a> y pincha <strong>Habilitar</strong>/ Está acción puede que demore unos minutos en propagarse por los sistemas de Google.</li><li>Completa los capos de <strong>ID de Cliente</strong> y <strong>Secreto de Cliente</strong> que se encuentran más abajo.</li></ol>",
+ "": "URL para autentificación:",
+ "": "El ID de Cliente que recibiste al registrar la aplicación con Google.",
+ "": "Ej \"\"",
+ "": "ID de Cliente:",
+ "": "El Secreto de Cliente que recibiste al registrar la aplicación con Google.",
+ "": "Ej \"H8sz0Az-dDs2p15-7QzD231\"",
+ "": "Secreto de Cliente",
+ "": "Url para obteción del Token:",
+ "": "URL para obtener datos del usuario:",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketDescription": "Nombre que ha seleccionado para el bucket S3 en AWS.",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketExample": "Ex \"mattermost-media\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketTitle": "Amazon S3 Bucket:",
@@ -360,7 +390,7 @@
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerification": "Omitir la Verificación del Certificado",
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerificationDesc": "Omite la verificación del certificado para las conexiones TLS o STARTTLS. No recomendado para ambientes de producción donde TLS es requerido. Utilizalo sólamente para pruebas.",
"admin.ldap.syncFailure": "Error de Sincronización: {error}",
- "admin.ldap.syncIntervalHelpText": "La Sincronización con LDAP es el proceso con el cual Mattermost actualiza sus usuarios para reflejar cualquier actualización de la data en el servidor LDAP. Por ejemplo si el nombre de un usuario es actualizado en el servidor LDAP, el cambio se verá reflejado en Mattermost cuando la sincronización sea ejecutada. Las cuentas que han sido removidas desde el servidor LDAP tendrán sus sesiones activas revocadas y no podrán iniciar sesión en Mattermost. Mattermost realizará esta sincronización regularmente de acuerdo al intervalo de tiempo que se suministre aquí. Por ejemplo, si se suministra el valor 60, Mattermost realizará la actualización de usuarios cada hora.",
+ "admin.ldap.syncIntervalHelpText": "La Sincronización LDAP actualiza la información de usuarios en Mattermost para reflejar las actualizaciones en el servidor LDAP. Por ejemplo, cuando un el nombre de usuario cambia en el servidor LDAP, el cambio es reflejado en Mattermost cuando se realiza la sincronización. Las cuentas eliminadas o deshabilitadas en el servidor LDAP tendrán sus cuentas en Mattermost como \"Inactiva\" y las sesiones revocadas. Mattermost realiza la sincronización en el intervalo de ingresado. Por ejemplo, si se introduce 60, Mattermost sincroniza cada 60 minutos.",
"admin.ldap.syncIntervalTitle": "Intervalo de Sincronización (minutos)",
"admin.ldap.syncNowHelpText": "Inicia una sincronización LDAP inmediatamente.",
"admin.ldap.sync_button": "LDAP Sincronizar Ahora",
@@ -414,6 +444,21 @@
"": "Correo electrónico",
"admin.notifications.push": "Push a Móvil",
"admin.notifications.title": "Configuracón de Notificaciones",
+ "admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google Apps",
+ "": "No permitir el inicio de sesión por medio de un proveedor de OAuth 2.0",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "": "Selecciona un proveedor de servicio de OAuth 2.0",
+ "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>Incia Sessión</a> con tu cuenta de Microsoft u Office 365. Asegurate que la cuenta esté sea un <a href=''>inquilino</a> de los usuarios que puedan iniciar sesión.</li><li>Ve a <a href=''></a>, pincha en <strong>Agregar una app</strong> y usa <strong>Mattermost - <el-nombre-de-tu-empresa></strong> como el nombre de la aplicación.</li><li>Bajo <strong>Secretos de la Aplicación</strong>, pincha <strong>Generar Nueva Contraseña</strong> y guardale para luego llenar los campos en la parte inferior.</li><li>Bajo <strong>Platformas</strong>, pincha <strong>Agregar Platforma</strong>, selecciona <strong>Web</strong> e ingresa <strong><tu-url-de-mattermost>/signup/office365/complete</strong> (ejemplo: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete) bajo <strong>URIs de redirección</strong>. Tambi'n quita la selección de <strong>Permitir el flujo implicito</strong>.</li><li>Finalmente, pincha <strong>Guardar</strong> y completa los campos de <strong>ID de Aplicación</strong> y <strong>Contraseña Secreta de la Aplicación</strong> en la parte inferior.</li></ol>",
+ "admin.office365.authTitle": "URL para autentificación:",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "El ID de Aplicación/Cliente que recibiste al registrar la aplicación con Microsoft.",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdExample": "Ej \"adf3sfa2-ag3f-sn4n-ids0-sh1hdax192qq\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdTitle": "ID de Aplicación:",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretDescription": "La Constraseña Secreta de la Aplicación que recibiste al registrar la aplicación con Microsoft.",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretExample": "Ej \"shAieM47sNBfgl20f8ci294\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretTitle": "Constraseña Secreta de la Aplicación:",
+ "admin.office365.tokenTitle": "Url para obteción de Token:",
+ "admin.office365.userTitle": "URL para obtener datos de usuario:",
"admin.password.lowercase": "Al menos una letra minúscula",
"admin.password.minimumLength": "Longitud Mínima de la Contraseña:",
"admin.password.minimumLengthDescription": "Número mínimo de caracteres necesarios para una contraseña válida. Debe ser un número entero mayor que o igual a {min} y menos que o igual a {max}.",
@@ -549,8 +594,8 @@
"admin.service.listenExample": "Ej \":8065\"",
"admin.service.mfaDesc": "Cuando es verdadero, los usuarios tendrán la opción de agregar autenticación de múltiples factores a sus cuentas. Necesitarán un teléfono inteligente y una app de autenticación como Google Authenticator.",
"admin.service.mfaTitle": "Habilitar Autenticación de Múltiples Factores:",
- "admin.service.mobileSessionDays": "Duración de la sesión para aplicaciones móviles (días):",
- "admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "Las sesiones móviles expirarán después del número de días especificado y se requerirá a los usuarios iniciar sesión de nuevo.",
+ "admin.service.mobileSessionDays": "Duración de la sesión para móviles (días):",
+ "admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "El número de días desde la última vez que un usuario ingreso sus credenciales para que la sesión del usuario expire. Luego de cambiar esta configuración, la nueva duración de la sesión tendrá efecto luego de la próxima vez que el usuario ingrese sus credenciales.",
"admin.service.outWebhooksDesc": "Cuando es verdadero, los webhooks de salida serán permitidos. Revisa la <a href='' target='_blank'>documentación</a> para obtener más información.",
"admin.service.outWebhooksTitle": "Habilitar Webhooks de Salida: ",
"admin.service.overrideDescription": "Cuando es verdadero, se le permitirá cambiar el nombre de usuario desde webhooks. Nota, en conjunto con cambio de icono, podría exponer a los usuarios a sufrir ataques de phishing.",
@@ -563,12 +608,12 @@
"admin.service.sessionCache": "La Caché de sesión (minutos):",
"admin.service.sessionCacheDesc": "La cantidad de minutes que el cache de la sesión se guardará en memoria.",
"admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "Ej \"30\"",
- "admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "Duración de la sesión para la autenticación con GitLab SSO (días):",
- "admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "Las sesiones de GitLab single-sign-on expirarán después del número de días especificado y se requerirá a los usuarios iniciar sesión de nuevo.",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "Duración de la sesión para SSO (días):",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "El número de días desde la última vez que un usuario ingreso sus credenciales para que la sesión del usuario expire. Si el método de autenticación es SAML o GitLab, el usuario puede iniciar su sesión automáticamente en Mattermost si ya cuenta con una sesión activa en SAML o GitLab. Luego de cambiar esta configuración, la nueva duración de la sesión tendrá efecto luego de la próxima vez que el usuario ingrese sus credenciales.",
"admin.service.testingDescription": "Cuando es verdadero, el comando de barra /loadtest es habilitado para cargar cuentas de prueba, datos y formato de texto. Al cambiar este parámetro se requiere un reinicio del servidor para que el cambio tengan efecto.",
"admin.service.testingTitle": "Habilitar Comandos de Prueba: ",
- "admin.service.webSessionDays": "Duración de la sesión para el correo electrónico y la autenticación LDAP (días):",
- "admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "Las sesiones para Correo electrónico o LDAP expirarán después del número de días especificado y se requerirá a los usuarios iniciar sesión de nuevo.",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDays": "Duración de la sesión para LDAP y correo electrónico (días):",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "El número de días desde la última vez que un usuario ingreso sus credenciales para que la sesión del usuario expire. Luego de cambiar esta configuración, la nueva duración de la sesión tendrá efecto luego de la próxima vez que el usuario ingrese sus credenciales.",
"admin.service.webhooksDescription": "Cuando es verdadero, los webhooks de entrada serán permitidos. Para ayudar el combate contra los ataques de phishing, todos los mensajes provenientes de webhooks serán marcados con una etiqueta BOT. Revisa la <a href='' target='_blank'>documentación</a> para obtener más información.",
"admin.service.webhooksTitle": "Habilitar Webhooks de Entrada: ",
"admin.sidebar.addTeamSidebar": "Agregar un equipo el menú lateral",
@@ -598,6 +643,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.login": "Inicio de Sesión",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "Registros",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "Notificaciones",
+ "admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.sidebar.other": "OTROS",
"admin.sidebar.password": "Contraseña",
"admin.sidebar.policy": "Política",
@@ -651,12 +697,15 @@
"": "Enlace de políticas de Privacidad:",
"": "Enlace con la documentación de ayuda para el equipo desde el menú principal. Como predeterminado esto apunta a un foro de ayuda donde los usuarios pueden buscar, encontrar y solicitar ayuda sobre temas técnicos.",
"": "Enlace de Reportar un Problema:",
- "": "Enlace para los Terminos y Condiciones disponible para los usuarios en versión de escritorio y movil. Al dejarlo en blanco esconderá la opción que muestra el aviso.",
+ "": "Enlace a los términos bajo los cuales los usuarios pueden utilizar el servicio online. De forma predeterminada, esto incluye las \"Condiciones de Uso de Mattermost (Usuarios Finales)\", donde se explican los términos bajo los cuales se proporciona el software de Mattermost a los usuarios finales. Si cambia el enlace por defecto para añadir sus propios términos de uso del servicio que prestan, deberá incluir un enlace a los términos predeterminados de modo que los usuarios estén conscientes de las Condiciones de Uso de Mattermost (Usuario Final) para el software de Mattermost.",
"": "Enlace de Terminos y Condiciones:",
"admin.system_analytics.activeUsers": "Usuarios Activos con Mensajes",
"admin.system_analytics.title": "el Sistema",
"admin.system_analytics.totalPosts": "Total de Mensajes",
"": "Habilitar la marca personalizada para mostrar la imagen de tu preferencia, subida a continuación, y un mensaje de ayuda, que se escribirá a continuación, para ser mostrado en la página de inicio de sesión.",
+ "": "Todas las comunicaciones del equipo en un sólo lugar, con búsquedas y accesible desde cualquier parte",
+ "": "Nombre de servicios mostrados en la pantalla de inicio de sesión e Interfaz de Usuario.",
+ "": "Descripción del Sitio",
"": "Imagen de marca personalizada:",
"": "El texto de la marca personalizada formateado con Markdown que te gustaría que aparezca debajo de la imagén de tu marca personalizada en la pantalla de inicio de sesión.",
"": "Texto de la marca personalizada:",
@@ -1026,8 +1075,8 @@
"emoji_list.creator": "Creado por",
"emoji_list.delete": "Eliminar",
"emoji_list.empty": "No se encontraron Emoji Personalizados",
- "": "Los Emoji personalizado están disponibles para todos los usuarios del servidor y aparecerán en el menú de autocompletado. Otros usuarios puede que necesiten refrescar la página antes de que los nuevos emojis aparezcan.",
- "emoji_list.help2": "Tip: If you add #, ##, or ### as the first character on a new line containing emoji, you can use larger sized emoji. To try it out, send a message such as: '# :smile:'.",
+ "": "Los emoji personalizado están disponibles para todos los usuarios del servidor. Escribe ':' en el cuadro de mensaje para que aparezca el menú de selección de emoji. Otros usuarios pueden necesitar refrescar la página antes de que los nuevos emojis aparezcan.",
+ "emoji_list.help2": "Sugerencia: Si agregas #, ##, ### como primer carácter en una nueva línea que contiene emoji, puede utilizar un mayor tamaño del emoji. Para probarlo, enviar un mensaje, por ejemplo: '# :smile:'.",
"emoji_list.image": "Imagen",
"": "Nombre",
"": "Buscar Emoji Personalizado",
@@ -1079,6 +1128,15 @@
"general_tab.teamNameInfo": "Asigna el nombre del equipo como aparecerá en la página de inicio de sesión y en la parte superior izquierda de la barra lateral.",
"general_tab.title": "Configuración General",
"general_tab.yes": "Sí",
+ "get_app.alreadyHaveIt": "Ya la tienes?",
+ "get_app.androidAppName": "Mattermost para Android",
+ "get_app.androidHeader": "Mattermost funciona mejos si utilizas nuestra app para Android",
+ "get_app.continue": "continuar",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowser": "o {link}",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowserLink": "continuar con el navegador",
+ "get_app.iosHeader": "Mattermost funciona mejor si utilizas nuestra app para IPhone",
+ "get_app.mattermostInc": "Mattermost, Inc",
+ "get_app.openMattermost": "Abrir Mattermost",
"get_link.clipboard": " Enlace copiado al portapapeles.",
"get_link.close": "Cerrar",
"get_link.copy": "Copiar Enlace",
@@ -1108,6 +1166,7 @@
"installed_integrations.delete": "Eliminar",
"installed_integrations.regenToken": "Regenerar Token",
"installed_integrations.token": "Token: {token}",
+ "installed_integrations.triggerWhen": "Gatillar Cuando: {triggerWhen}",
"installed_integrations.triggerWords": "Palabras Gatilladoras: {triggerWords}",
"installed_integrations.url": "URL: {url}",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.add": "Agregar Webhook de Salida",
@@ -1182,6 +1241,7 @@
"login.noPassword": "Por favor ingresa tu contraseña.",
"login.noUsername": "Por favor, introduzca su nombre de usuario",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "Por favor, introduzca su nombre de usuario o {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.office365": "Office 365",
"login.on": "en {siteName}",
"login.or": "o",
"login.password": "Contraseña",
@@ -1237,7 +1297,7 @@
"navbar_dropdown.leave": "Abandonar Equipo",
"navbar_dropdown.logout": "Cerrar sesión",
"navbar_dropdown.manageMembers": "Administrar Miembros",
- "navbar_dropdown.nativeApps": "Download Native Apps",
+ "navbar_dropdown.nativeApps": "Descargar Aplicaciones Nativas",
"": "Reportar un Problema",
"navbar_dropdown.switchTeam": "Cambiar a {team}",
"navbar_dropdown.switchTo": "Cambiar a ",
@@ -1367,7 +1427,7 @@
"sidebar_right_menu.inviteNew": "Invitar Nuevo Miembro",
"sidebar_right_menu.logout": "Cerrar sesión",
"sidebar_right_menu.manageMembers": "Adminisrar Miembros",
- "sidebar_right_menu.nativeApps": "Download Native App",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.nativeApps": "Descargar Aplicación Nativa",
"sidebar_right_menu.recentMentions": "Menciones recientes",
"": "Reporta un Problema",
"sidebar_right_menu.switch_team": "Seleccionar Equipo",
@@ -1400,6 +1460,7 @@
"signup_user_completed.lets": "Vamos a crear tu cuenta",
"signup_user_completed.no_open_server": "Este servidor no acepta registros abiertos. Por favor habla con tu administrador para recibir una invitación.",
"signup_user_completed.none": "No está habilitado ningún método para crear usuarios. Por favor contacta a un administrador para obtener acceso.",
+ "signup_user_completed.office365": "con Office 365",
"signup_user_completed.onSite": "en {siteName}",
"signup_user_completed.or": "o",
"signup_user_completed.passwordLength": "Por favor ingresa al menos {min} caracteres",
@@ -1467,8 +1528,8 @@
"tutorial_intro.allSet": "Ya estás listo para comenzar",
"tutorial_intro.end": "Pincha “Siguiente” para entrar al {channel}. Este es el primer canal que ven tus compañeros cuando ingresan. Utilizalo para mandar mensajes que todos deben leer.",
"tutorial_intro.invite": "Invitar compañeros",
- "tutorial_intro.mobileApps": "Install the apps for {link} for easy access and notifications on the go.",
- "tutorial_intro.mobileAppsLinkText": "PC, Mac, iOS and Android",
+ "tutorial_intro.mobileApps": "Instalar las apps para {link} para un fácil acceso y notificaciones sobre la marcha.",
+ "tutorial_intro.mobileAppsLinkText": "PC, Mac, iOS y Android",
"": "Siguiente",
"tutorial_intro.screenOne": "<h3>Bienvenido a:</h3> <h1>Mattermost</h1> <p>Las comunicaciones de tu equipo en un solo lugar, con búsquedas instantáneas y disponible desde donde sea.</p> <p>Mantén a tu equipo conectado para ayudarlos a conseguir lo que realmente importa.</p>",
"tutorial_intro.screenTwo": "<h3>Cómo funciona Mattermost:</h3> <p>Las comunicaciones ocurren en los canales de discusión los cuales son públicos, o en grupos privados e incluso con mensajes privados.</p> <p>Todo lo que ocurre es archivado y se puede buscar en cualquier momento desde cualquier dispositivo con acceso a Mattermost.</p>",
@@ -1563,12 +1624,14 @@
"user.settings.general.confirmEmail": "Confirmar Correo electrónico",
"": "Correo electrónico",
"user.settings.general.emailGitlabCantUpdate": "El inicio de sesión ocurre a través GitLab. El correo electrónico no puede ser actualizado. La dirección de correo electrónico utilizada para las notificaciones es {email}.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailGoogleCantUpdate": "El inicio de sesión ocurre a través Google. El correo electrónico no puede ser actualizado. La dirección de correo electrónico utilizada para las notificaciones es {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp1": "El correo electrónico es utilizado para iniciar sesión, recibir notificaciones y para restablecer la contraseña. Si se cambia el correo electrónico deberás verificarlo nuevamente.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp2": "El correo ha sido deshabilitado por el administrador de sistemas. No llegarán correos de notificación hasta que se vuelva a habilitar.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp3": "El correo electrónico es utilizado para iniciar sesión, recibir notificaciones y para restablecer la contraseña.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp4": "Un correo de verificación ha sido enviado a {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailLdapCantUpdate": "El inicio de sesión ocurre a través LDAP. El correo electrónico no puede ser actualizado. La dirección de correo electrónico utilizada para las notificaciones es {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailMatch": "El nuevo correo electrónico introducido no coincide.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailOffice365CantUpdate": "El inicio de sesión ocurre a través Office 365. El correo electrónico no puede ser actualizado. La dirección de correo electrónico utilizada para las notificaciones es {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailSamlCantUpdate": "El Inicio de sesión se produce a través de SAML. El correo electrónico no puede ser actualizado. La dirección de correo electrónico utilizado para las notificaciones es {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailUnchanged": "Tu nueva dirección de correo electrónico es la misma que la dirección anterior.",
"user.settings.general.emptyName": "Pincha 'Editar' para agregar tu nombre completo",
@@ -1580,7 +1643,9 @@
"user.settings.general.imageUpdated": "Última actualizacón de la imagen {date}",
"user.settings.general.lastName": "Apellido",
"user.settings.general.loginGitlab": "Inicio de sesión realizado a través de GitLab ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginGoogle": "Inicio de sesión realizado a través de Google ({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginLdap": "Inicio de sesión realizado a través de LDAP ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginOffice365": "Inicio de sesión realizado a través de Office 365 ({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginSaml": "Inicio de sesión realizado a través de SAML ({email})",
"user.settings.general.newAddress": "Nueva dirección: {email}<br />Revisa tu correo electrónico para verificar tu nueva dirección.",
"user.settings.general.nickname": "Sobrenombre",
@@ -1659,7 +1724,8 @@
"": "Contraseña Actual",
"": "Por favor ingresa tu contraseña actual",
"": "Correo electrónico y Contraseña",
- "": "GitLab SSO",
+ "": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google",
"": "Última actualización {date} a las {time}",
"": "LDAP",
"": "Inicio de sesión realizado a través de Gitlab",
@@ -1667,6 +1733,7 @@
"": "Visualizar y cerrar las sesiones activas",
"": "Método de inicio de sesión",
"": "Nueva Contraseña",
+ "": "Office 365",
"": "Sólo puedes tener un método de inicio de sesión a la vez. El cambio del método de inicio de sesión te enviará un correo notificandote que el cambio se realizó con éxito.",
"": "Contraseña",
"": "La contraseña debe contener al menos {min} caracteres.",
@@ -1694,7 +1761,8 @@
"": "Cambiar para utilizar correo electrónico y contraseña",
"": "Cambiar para utilizar GitLab SSO",
"": "Cambiar para utilizar Google SSO",
- "": "Cambiar a utilizar LDAP",
+ "": "Cambiar para utilizar LDAP",
+ "": "Cambiar para utilizar Office 365 SSO",
"": "Cambiar para utilizar SAML SSO",
"": "Configuración de Seguridad",
"": "Visualizar historial de acceso",
@@ -1708,6 +1776,6 @@
"web.footer.privacy": "Privacidad",
"web.footer.terms": "Términos",
"web.header.back": "Atrás",
- "web.root.singup_info": "Todas las comunicaciones del equipo en un sólo lugar, con búsquedas y accesible desde cualquier parte",
+ "web.root.signup_info": "Todas las comunicaciones del equipo en un sólo lugar, con búsquedas y accesible desde cualquier parte",
"youtube_video.notFound": "Video no encontrado"
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/fr.json b/webapp/i18n/fr.json
index b34cee723..68406ae04 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/fr.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/fr.json
@@ -30,16 +30,18 @@
"activity_log_modal.androidNativeApp": "Application Android",
"activity_log_modal.iphoneNativeApp": "Application pour iPhone",
"add_command.autocomplete": "Auto-complétion",
- "": " Afficher cette commande dans la liste d'auto-complétion.",
+ "": "(Optional) Show slash command in autocomplete list.",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription": "Description de l'auto-complétion",
"": "Description facultative de la commande Slash pour la liste d'auto-complétion.",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription.placeholder": "Exemple : \"Retourne les résultats de recherche de dossiers médicaux\"",
"add_command.autocompleteHint": "Indice de l’auto-complétion",
- "": "Explication facultative pour la liste d'auto-complétion au sujet des paramètres requis par cette commande Slash.",
+ "": "(Optional) Arguments associated with your slash command, displayed as help in the autocomplete list.",
"add_command.autocompleteHint.placeholder": "Exemple : [Nom du patient]",
"add_command.cancel": "Annuler",
"add_command.description": "Description",
+ "": "Description for your incoming webhook.",
"add_command.displayName": "Nom d'affichage",
+ "": "Display name for your slash command made of up to 64 characters.",
"add_command.header": "Ajouter",
"add_command.iconUrl": "Icône de la réponse",
"": "Choisissez une photo de profil pour les réponses à cette commande Sash. Entrez l'URL d'un fichier .png ou .jpg d'au moins 128x128 pixels.",
@@ -50,8 +52,10 @@
"": "POST",
"": "Enregistrer",
"add_command.trigger": "Mot-clé de déclenchement",
- "add_command.trigger.help1": "Exemples : /patient, /client, /employé",
- "add_command.trigger.help2": "Mots réservés : /echo, /join, /logout, /me, /shrug",
+ "": "Trigger word must be unique, and cannot begin with a slash or contain any spaces.",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "Examples: client, employee, patient, weather",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReserved": "Reserved: {link}",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReservedLinkText": "see list of built-in slash commands",
"add_command.trigger.placeholder": "Mot-clé de déclenchement exemple \"hello\"",
"add_command.triggerInvalidLength": "un mot-clé doit contenir entre {min} à {max} caractères",
"add_command.triggerInvalidSlash": "Un mot-clé ne peut commencer par un /",
@@ -80,28 +84,44 @@
"": "Enregistrer",
"add_incoming_webhook.cancel": "Annuler",
"": "Canal",
+ "": "Public channel or private group that receives the webhook payloads. You must belong to the private group when setting up the webhook.",
"add_incoming_webhook.channelRequired": "Un canal valide est demandé",
"add_incoming_webhook.description": "Description",
+ "": "Description for your incoming webhook.",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "Nom à afficher",
+ "": "Display name for your incoming webhook made of up to 64 characters.",
"add_incoming_webhook.header": "Ajouter",
"": "Nom",
"": "Enregistrer",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "URLs de rappel (un par ligne)",
+ "": "The URL that messages will be sent to.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "Un ou plusieurs rappel d’URL est demandé",
"add_outgoing_webhook.cancel": "Annuler",
"": "Canal",
+ "": "Public channel to receive webhook payloads. Optional if at least one Trigger Word is specified.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help1": "Choose the content type by which the response will be sent.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help2": "If application/x-www-form-urlencoded is chosen, the server assumes you will be encoding the parameters in a URL format.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help3": "If application/json is chosen, the server assumes you will posting JSON data.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.content_Type": "Type de contenu",
"add_outgoing_webhook.description": "Description",
+ "": "Description for your outgoing webhook.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "Nom à afficher",
+ "": "Display name for your outgoing webhook made of up to 64 characters.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.header": "Ajouter",
"": "Nom",
"": "Enregistrer",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "Mot-clé (Un par ligne)",
+ "": "Messages that start with one of the specified words will trigger the outgoing webhook. Optional if Channel is selected.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "Un canal valide ou une liste de mot-clé est demander",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhen": "Déclencher lorsque",
+ "": "Choose when to trigger the outgoing webhook; if the first word of a message matches a Trigger Word exactly, or if it starts with a Trigger Word.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenFullWord": "Premier mot correspondant exactement à un mot déclencheur",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenStartsWith": "Le premier mot commence avec un mot déclencheur",
"admin.audits.reload": "Rafraîchir",
"admin.audits.title": "Activité de l'utilisateur",
"": "Authentification email",
"admin.authentication.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "admin.authentication.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.authentication.saml": "SAML",
"admin.banner.heading": "Remarque :",
"admin.compliance.directoryDescription": "Répertoire des rapports de conformité. Si non spécifié : ./data/ .",
@@ -109,7 +129,7 @@
"admin.compliance.directoryTitle": "Répertoire du rapport de conformité :",
"admin.compliance.enableDailyDesc": "Si activé, Mattermost générera un rapport quotidien de conformité",
"admin.compliance.enableDailyTitle": "Activer le rapport quotidien :",
- "admin.compliance.enableDesc": "Si activé, Mattermost permet des rapports de conformité",
+ "admin.compliance.enableDesc": "When true, Mattermost allows compliance reporting from the <strong>Compliance and Auditing</strong> tab. See <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a> to learn more.",
"admin.compliance.enableTitle": "Activer le rapport de conformité :",
"admin.compliance.false": "non",
"admin.compliance.noLicense": "<h4 class=\"banner__heading\">Note :</h4><p>La conformité est une option disponible sur l'édition d’Enterprise. Votre licence ne permet pas d'utiliser cette fonction. Cliquez sur <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ici</a> pour des informations et des prix sur la licence d’Enterprise.</p>",
@@ -147,16 +167,16 @@
"admin.connectionSecurityTls": "Transport Layer Security",
"admin.connectionSecurityTlsDescription": "Chiffre la communication entre Mattermost et votre serveur.",
"admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to download the Android app. Users who access the site on a mobile web browser will be prompted with a page giving them the option to download the app. Leave this field blank to prevent the page from appearing.",
- "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkTitle": "Android App Download Link:",
+ "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkTitle": "Lien vers l'application Android :",
"admin.customization.appDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to a download page for the Mattermost apps. When a link is present, an option to \"Download Mattermost Apps\" will be added in the Main Menu so users can find the download page. Leave this field blank to hide the option from the Main Menu.",
- "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkTitle": "Mattermost Apps Download Page Link:",
+ "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkTitle": "Lien de téléchargement de l'application Mattermost :",
"admin.customization.customBrand": "Image de marque personnalisée",
"admin.customization.customEmoji": "Emoji personnalisés",
"admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiDesc": "Permet aux utilisateurs de créer leurs propres emoji. Si activé, \"Emoji Personnalisés\" est accessible en sélectionnant une équipe, en cliquant sur les trois points en haut de la barre latérale et en choisissant l'option du menu.",
"admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiTitle": "Activer les Emoji personnalisés :",
"admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to download the iOS app. Users who access the site on a mobile web browser will be prompted with a page giving them the option to download the app. Leave this field blank to prevent the page from appearing.",
- "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkTitle": "iOS App Download Link:",
- "admin.customization.nativeAppLinks": "Native App Links",
+ "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkTitle": "Lien de téléchargement de l'app iOS :",
+ "admin.customization.nativeAppLinks": "Liens vers les applications natives",
"admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAdmin": "Permet aux administrateurs système et d'équipe de créer des emoji personnalisés",
"admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAll": "Permettre à tout le monde de créer des Emoji personnalisés",
"admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationDesc": "N'autoriser la création d'Emoji personnalisés qu'à certains utilisateurs.",
@@ -243,11 +263,11 @@
"admin.general.policy.permissionsAdmin": "Administrateurs d'équipe et administrateurs système",
"admin.general.policy.permissionsAll": "Tous les membres de l'équipe",
"admin.general.policy.permissionsSystemAdmin": "Administrateurs système",
- "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementDescription": "Selecting \"All team members\" allows any team members to create, delete, rename, and set the header or purpose for private groups.<br/><br/>Selecting \"Team and System Admins\" restricts group management permissions for private groups to Team and System Admins, including creating, deleting, renaming, and setting the group header or purpose.<br/><br/>Selecting \"System Admins\" restricts group management permissions for private groups to System Admins, including creating, deleting, renaming, and setting the group header or purpose.",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementDescription": "Set policy on who can create, delete, rename, and set the header or purpose for private groups.",
"admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementTitle": "Autoriser la gestion des groupes privés pour :",
- "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "Selecting \"All team members\" allows any team members to create, delete, rename, and set the header or purpose for public channels.<br/><br/>Selecting \"Team and System Admins\" restricts channel management permissions for public channels to Team and System Admins, including creating, deleting, renaming, and setting the channel header or purpose.<br/><br/>Selecting \"System Admins\" restricts channel management permissions for public channels to System Admins, including creating, deleting, renaming, and setting the channel header or purpose.",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "Set policy on who can create, delete, rename, and set the header or purpose for public channels.",
"admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementTitle": "Autoriser la gestion des canaux publics pour :",
- "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "Selecting \"All team members\" allows any team member to invite others using an email invitation or team invite link.<br/><br/>Selecting \"Team and System Admins\" hides the email invitation and team invite link in the Main Menu from users who are not Team or System Admins. Note: If \"Get Team Invite Link\" is used to share a link, it will need to be regenerated after the desired users joined the team.<br/><br/>Selecting \"System Admins\" hides the email invitation and team invite link in the Main Menu from users who are not System Admins. Note: If \"Get Team Invite Link\" is used to share a link, it will need to be regenerated after the desired users joined the team.",
+ "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "Set policy on who can invite others to a team using <b>Invite New Member</b> to invite new users by email, or the <b>Get Team Invite Link</b> options from the Main Menu. If <b>Get Team Invite Link</b> is used to share a link, you can expire the invite code from <b>Team Settings</b> > <b>Invite Code</b> after the desired users join the team.",
"admin.general.policy.teamInviteTitle": "Autoriser l'envoi d'invitation depuis :",
"admin.general.privacy": "Confidentialité",
"admin.general.usersAndTeams": "Utilisateur et équipes",
@@ -270,6 +290,16 @@
"admin.gitlab.userDescription": "Saisissez https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user. Veillez à saisir HTTP ou HTTPS dans l'URL suivant votre configuration.",
"admin.gitlab.userExample": "Exemple \"https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user\"",
"admin.gitlab.userTitle": "URL de l'API (User API endpoint) :",
+ "": "<ol><li><a href=''>Log in</a> to your Google account.</li><li>Go to <a href=''></a>, click <strong>Credentials</strong> in the left hand sidebar and enter <strong>Mattermost - <your-company-name></strong> as the project name.</li><li>Click the <strong>OAuth consent screen</strong> header and enter <strong>Mattermost</strong> as the <strong>Product name to show users</strong>. Click <strong>Save</strong>.</li><li>Under the <strong>Credentials</strong> header, click <strong>Create credentials</strong>, choose <strong>OAuth client ID</strong> and select <strong>Web Application</strong>.</li><li>Under <strong>Restrictions</strong> and <strong>Authorized redirect URIs</strong> enter <strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/google/complete</strong> (example: http://localhost:8065/signup/google/complete). Click <strong>Create</strong>.</li><li>Save the <strong>client ID</strong> and <strong>client secret</strong> to later complete the fields below.</li><li>Finally, go to <a href=''>Google+ API</a> and click <strong>Enable</strong>. This might take a few minutes to propagate through Google's systems.</li><li>Complete the <strong>Client ID</strong> and <strong>Client Secret</strong> fields below.</li></ol>",
+ "": "URL d'authentification (auth endpoint) :",
+ "": "Le Client ID que vous avez reçu lorsque vous avez enregistré l'application avec Google.",
+ "": "Exemple : \"\"",
+ "": "ID Client :",
+ "": "Le Client Secret que vous avez reçu lorsque vous avez enregistré l'application avec Google.",
+ "": "Exemple : \"H8sz0Az-dDs2p15-7QzD231\"",
+ "": "Secret client :",
+ "": "URL du jeton (token endpoint) :",
+ "": "URL de l'API (User API endpoint) :",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketDescription": "Nom de votre bucket S3 dans AWS.",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketExample": "Exemple : \"mattermost-media\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketTitle": "Bucket S3 Amazon :",
@@ -360,7 +390,7 @@
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerification": "Passer la vérification",
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerificationDesc": "Saute l'étape de vérification des certificats pour les connexions TLS ou STARTTLS . Non recommandé pour les environnements de production où TLS est nécessaire. Pour tester seulement.",
"admin.ldap.syncFailure": "Erreur de synchronisation : {error}",
- "admin.ldap.syncIntervalHelpText": "La synchronisation LDAP est le processus par lequel Mattermost met à jour ses utilisateurs afin de tenir compte des données mises à jour sur le serveur LDAP. Par exemple, si un nom d'utilisateur est mis à jour sur le serveur LDAP, le changement sera reflété dans Mattermost lorsque la synchronisation est effectuée. Les comptes qui ont été supprimés du serveur LDAP auront leurs sessions actives effacées et ne sera plus capable de se connecter à Mattermost. Mattermost effectuera cette synchronisation régulièrement selon l'intervalle fourni ici. Par exemple, si 60 est fourni, Mattermost mettra à jour les utilisateurs à chaque heure .",
+ "admin.ldap.syncIntervalHelpText": "LDAP Synchronization updates Mattermost user information to reflect updates on the LDAP server. For example, when a user’s name changes on the LDAP server, the change updates in Mattermost when synchronization is performed. Accounts removed from or disabled in the LDAP server have their Mattermost accounts set to “Inactive” and have their account sessions revoked. Mattermost performs synchronization on the interval entered. For example, if 60 is entered, Mattermost synchronizes every 60 minutes.",
"admin.ldap.syncIntervalTitle": "Intervalle de synchronisation (en minutes)",
"admin.ldap.syncNowHelpText": "Provoque une synchronisation LDAP immédiate.",
"admin.ldap.sync_button": "Synchroniser maintenant l'annuaire LDAP",
@@ -414,6 +444,21 @@
"": "Adresse électronique",
"admin.notifications.push": "notifications Push sur mobile",
"admin.notifications.title": "Paramètres de notification",
+ "admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google Apps",
+ "": "Do not allow sign-in via an OAuth 2.0 provider",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "": "Choisissez un fournisseur de service OAuth 2.0 :",
+ "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>Log in</a> to your Microsoft or Office 365 account. Make sure it's the account on the same <a href=''>tenant</a> that you would like users to log in with.</li><li>Go to <a href=''></a>, click <strong>Add an app</strong> and use <strong>Mattermost - <your-company-name></strong> as the application name.</li><li>Under <strong>Application Secrets</strong>, click <strong>Generate New Password</strong> and save it to later complete the field below.</li><li>Under <strong>Platforms</strong>, click <strong>Add Platform</strong>, choose <strong>Web</strong> and enter <strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/office365/complete</strong> (example: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete) under <strong>Redirect URIs</strong>. Also uncheck <strong>Allow Implicit Flow</strong>.</li><li>Finally, click <strong>Save</strong> and complete the <strong>Application ID</strong> and <strong>Application Secret Password</strong> fields below.</li></ol>",
+ "admin.office365.authTitle": "URL d'authentification (auth endpoint) :",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "L'Application/Client ID que vous avez reçu lorsque vous avez enregistré l'application avec Microsoft.",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdExample": "Exemple : \"adf3sfa2-ag3f-sn4n-ids0-sh1hdax192qq\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdTitle": "ID d'application :",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretDescription": "Le mot de passe d'application que vous avez reçu lorsque vous avez enregistré l'application avec Microsoft.",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretExample": "Exemple : \"shAieM47sNBfgl20f8ci294\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretTitle": "Application Secret Password:",
+ "admin.office365.tokenTitle": "URL du jeton (token endpoint) :",
+ "admin.office365.userTitle": "URL de l'API (User API endpoint) :",
"admin.password.lowercase": "Au moins une lettre minuscule",
"admin.password.minimumLength": "Longueur minimale du mot de passe :",
"admin.password.minimumLengthDescription": "Nombre minimum de caractères acceptés pour un mot de passe. Doit être un nombre entier supérieur ou égal à {min} et inférieur ou égal à {max}.",
@@ -550,7 +595,7 @@
"admin.service.mfaDesc": "Si activé, Les utilisateurs auront la possibilité d'ajouter l'authentification multi- facteur à leur compte . Ils auront besoin d'un smartphone et une application d'authentification tels que Google Authenticator .",
"admin.service.mfaTitle": "Activité l’authentification multi-facteurs:",
"admin.service.mobileSessionDays": "Durée de la session sur les applis mobiles (en jours) :",
- "admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "Les sessions web expireront après le nombre de jours indiqué et nécessiteront une reconnexion de l'utilisateur.",
+ "admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. After changing this setting, the new session length will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
"admin.service.outWebhooksDesc": "When true, outgoing webhooks will be allowed. See <a href='' target='_blank'>documentation</a> to learn more.",
"admin.service.outWebhooksTitle": "Activer les webhooks sortants : ",
"admin.service.overrideDescription": "Si activé, les webhooks et commandes slash peuvent changer le nom d'utilisateur avec lequel ils postent. Attention, si le changement d'icône est également autorisé, cela peut conduire à des attaques de type hameçonnage !",
@@ -563,12 +608,12 @@
"admin.service.sessionCache": "Cache de session en minutes :",
"admin.service.sessionCacheDesc": "Durée pendant laquelle une session est gardée en mémoire.",
"admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "Exemple : \"30\"",
- "admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "Durée de session pour l'authentification SSO GitLab (en jours) :",
- "admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "Les sessions web expireront après le nombre de jours indiqué et nécessiteront une reconnexion de l'utilisateur.",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "Durée de la session sur les applis mobiles (en jours) :",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. If the authentication method is SAML or GitLab, the user may automatically be logged back in to Mattermost if they are already logged in to SAML or GitLab. After changing this setting, the setting will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
"admin.service.testingDescription": "(Option de développement) Si activé, la commande \"/loadtest\" est active et charge des données de test. Changer ce paramètre nécessite de redémarrer le serveur.",
"admin.service.testingTitle": "Activer les commandes de test : ",
- "admin.service.webSessionDays": "Durée de session pour l'authentification LDAP (en jours) :",
- "admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "Les sessions LDAP expireront après le nombre de jours indiqué et nécessiteront une reconnexion de l'utilisateur.",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDays": "Session length LDAP and email (days):",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. After changing this setting, the new session length will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
"admin.service.webhooksDescription": "When true, incoming webhooks will be allowed. To help combat phishing attacks, all posts from webhooks will be labelled by a BOT tag. See <a href='' target='_blank'>documentation</a> to learn more.",
"admin.service.webhooksTitle": "Activer les webhooks entrants : ",
"admin.sidebar.addTeamSidebar": "Afficher l'équipe dans le menu",
@@ -598,6 +643,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.login": "S’identifier",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "Journaux",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "Notifications",
+ "admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.sidebar.other": "AUTRES",
"admin.sidebar.password": "Mot de passe",
"admin.sidebar.policy": "Règles",
@@ -651,12 +697,15 @@
"": "Lien vers la politique de confidentialité :",
"": "Lien vers la documentation depuis le menu principal de l'équipe. Par défaut ce lien renvoie vers le forum d'entraide où les utilisateurs peuvent trouver de l'aide pour leurs problèmes techniques.",
"": "Lien \"Signaler un problème\" :",
- "": "Le lien \"Conditions d'utilisation\" est disponible aux utilisateur des versions bureau et mobile. Laissez cette option vide pour masquer l'affichage du lien.",
+ "": "Link to the terms under which users may use your online service. By default, this includes the \"Mattermost Conditions of Use (End Users)\" explaining the terms under which Mattermost software is provided to end users. If you change the default link to add your own terms for using the service you provide, your new terms must include a link to the default terms so end users are aware of the Mattermost Conditions of Use (End User) for Mattermost software.",
"": "Lien \"Conditions d'utilisation\" :",
"admin.system_analytics.activeUsers": "Utilisateurs actifs avec des messages",
"admin.system_analytics.title": "le Système",
"admin.system_analytics.totalPosts": "Nombre total de messages",
"": "Activer l'image nouvelle personnalisé pour afficher une image de votre choix , téléchargé ci-dessous , et un texte d'aide , écrit ci-dessous , sur la page de connexion .",
+ "": "Toute la communication de votre équipe à un endroit, accessible de partout",
+ "": "Nom du service affiché dans les écrans de connexion et l'interface.",
+ "": "Site Description",
"": "Nouvelle image personnalisée :",
"": "Le texte de Markdown formaté marque personnalisée que vous souhaitez apparaître votre image de marque personnalisée ci-dessous sur votre écran de connexion .",
"": "Nouveau texte personnalisé",
@@ -1079,6 +1128,15 @@
"general_tab.teamNameInfo": "Choisissez le nom de l'équipe tel qu'il apparait sur les pages de connexion et en haut de la barre latérale.",
"general_tab.title": "Paramètres généraux",
"general_tab.yes": "Oui",
+ "get_app.alreadyHaveIt": "Already have it?",
+ "get_app.androidAppName": "Mattermost for Android",
+ "get_app.androidHeader": "Mattermost works best if you switch to our Android app",
+ "get_app.continue": "continue",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowser": "Or {link}",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowserLink": "continue with browser",
+ "get_app.iosHeader": "Mattermost works best if you switch to our iPhone app",
+ "get_app.mattermostInc": "Mattermost, Inc",
+ "get_app.openMattermost": "Open Mattermost",
"get_link.clipboard": " URL copiée dans le presse-papiers.",
"get_link.close": "Quitter",
"get_link.copy": "Copier l'URL",
@@ -1108,6 +1166,7 @@
"installed_integrations.delete": "Supprimer",
"installed_integrations.regenToken": "Re-générer le jeton",
"installed_integrations.token": "Token : {token}",
+ "installed_integrations.triggerWhen": "Trigger When: {triggerWhen}",
"installed_integrations.triggerWords": "Mots de déclenchement : {triggerWords}",
"installed_integrations.url": "URL : {url}",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.add": "Ajouter des Webhooks sortants",
@@ -1182,6 +1241,7 @@
"login.noPassword": "Veuillez saisir votre mot de passe",
"login.noUsername": "Veuillez entrer votre nom d'utilisateur",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "Saisissez votre nom d'utilisateur ou {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.office365": "Office 365",
"login.on": "activé {siteName}",
"login.or": "ou",
"login.password": "Mot de passe",
@@ -1400,6 +1460,7 @@
"signup_user_completed.lets": "Créer votre compte",
"signup_user_completed.no_open_server": "Ce serveur ne permet pas d'inscriptions ouvertes. Aller voir avec votre Administrateur pour recevoir une invitation",
"signup_user_completed.none": "Aucune méthode de création d'utilisateur n'est disponible. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur système pour obtenir un accès.",
+ "signup_user_completed.office365": "with Office 365",
"signup_user_completed.onSite": "activé {siteName}",
"signup_user_completed.or": "ou",
"signup_user_completed.passwordLength": "Veuillez entrer au moins {min} caractères",
@@ -1563,12 +1624,14 @@
"user.settings.general.confirmEmail": "Courriel de confirmation",
"": "Adresse électronique",
"user.settings.general.emailGitlabCantUpdate": "La connexion se produit par Gitlab. L'addresse Electronique ne peut pas être mis à jour . Adresse e-mail utilisée pour les notifications est {email} .",
+ "user.settings.general.emailGoogleCantUpdate": "La connexion se produit par Gitlab. L'adresse Electronique ne peut pas être mise à jour. L'adresse électronique utilisée pour les notifications est {email} .",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp1": "L'adresse électronique est utilisée pour la connexion, les notifications et la réinitialisation du mot de passe. Votre adresse électronique doit être validée si vous le changez.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp2": "Les courriels sont désactivés par votre administrateur système. Aucune notification ne peut être envoyée.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp3": "L'adresse électronique est utilisée pour la connexion, les notifications et la réinitialisation du mot de passe.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp4": "Un courriel de vérification a été envoyé à {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailLdapCantUpdate": "Connexion via LDAP . Le courriel ne peut pas être mis à jour . Adresse e-mail utilisée pour les notifications est {email} .",
"user.settings.general.emailMatch": "Les adresses électroniques que vous avez saisies ne correspondent pas.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailOffice365CantUpdate": "La connexion se produit par Office 365. L'adresse électronique ne peut pas être mise à jour. L'adresse électronique utilisée pour les notifications est {email} .",
"user.settings.general.emailSamlCantUpdate": "Connexion via SAML . Le courriel ne peut pas être mis à jour. Adresse électronique utilisée pour les notifications : {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailUnchanged": "Votre nouvelle adresse électronique est la même que l'ancienne.",
"user.settings.general.emptyName": "Cliquez sur ‘Modifier’ pour ajouter votre nom complet",
@@ -1580,7 +1643,9 @@
"user.settings.general.imageUpdated": "Image mise à jour le {date}",
"user.settings.general.lastName": "Nom",
"user.settings.general.loginGitlab": "Connexion avec GitLab ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginGoogle": "Connexion avec Google ({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginLdap": "Connexion avec LDAP ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginOffice365": "Dernière connexion avec Office 365 ({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginSaml": "Connexion avec SAML ({email})",
"user.settings.general.newAddress": "Nouvelle adresse : {email}<br />Vérifiez votre messagerie pour valider votre adresse électronique.",
"user.settings.general.nickname": "Pseudo",
@@ -1659,7 +1724,8 @@
"": "Mot de passe actuel",
"": "Veuillez saisir votre mot de passe actuel",
"": "Adresse électronique et mot de passe",
- "": "GitLab SSO",
+ "": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google",
"": "Dernière mise à jour le {date} à {time}",
"": "LDAP",
"": "Connexion avec Gitlab",
@@ -1667,6 +1733,7 @@
"": "Consulter et déconnecter les sessions actives",
"": "Méthode de connexion",
"": "Nouveau mot de passe",
+ "": "Office 365",
"": "Vous ne pouvez avoir qu'une seule méthode de connexion à la fois. Changer la méthode de connexion provoquera l'envoi d'un courriel si le changement est réussi.",
"": "Mot de passe",
"": "Votre mot de passe doit contenir au moins {min} caractères.",
@@ -1695,6 +1762,7 @@
"": "Utiliser GitLab SSO",
"": "Utiliser Google SSO",
"": "Changer pour utiliser LDAP",
+ "": "Switch to using Office 365 SSO",
"": "Utiliser GitLab SSO",
"": "Paramètres de sécurité",
"": "Voir l'historique des accès",
@@ -1708,6 +1776,6 @@
"web.footer.privacy": "Confidentialité",
"web.footer.terms": "Termes",
"web.header.back": "Précédent",
- "web.root.singup_info": "Toute la communication de votre équipe à un endroit, accessible de partout",
+ "web.root.signup_info": "Toute la communication de votre équipe à un endroit, accessible de partout",
"youtube_video.notFound": "Vidéo non trouvé"
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/i18n.jsx b/webapp/i18n/i18n.jsx
index ada2ad3b7..f963b77c2 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/i18n.jsx
+++ b/webapp/i18n/i18n.jsx
@@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ const de = require('!!file?name=i18n/[name].[hash].[ext]!./de.json');
const es = require('!!file?name=i18n/[name].[hash].[ext]!./es.json');
const fr = require('!!file?name=i18n/[name].[hash].[ext]!./fr.json');
const ja = require('!!file?name=i18n/[name].[hash].[ext]!./ja.json');
+const ko = require('!!file?name=i18n/[name].[hash].[ext]!./ko.json');
const nl = require('!!file?name=i18n/[name].[hash].[ext]!./nl.json');
const pt_BR = require('!!file?name=i18n/[name].[hash].[ext]!./pt-BR.json'); //eslint-disable-line camelcase
const zh_TW = require('!!file?name=i18n/[name].[hash].[ext]!./zh_TW.json'); //eslint-disable-line camelcase
+const zh_CN = require('!!file?name=i18n/[name].[hash].[ext]!./zh_CN.json'); //eslint-disable-line camelcase
import {addLocaleData} from 'react-intl';
import deLocaleData from 'react-intl/locale-data/de';
@@ -15,6 +17,7 @@ import enLocaleData from 'react-intl/locale-data/en';
import esLocaleData from 'react-intl/locale-data/es';
import frLocaleData from 'react-intl/locale-data/fr';
import jaLocaleData from 'react-intl/locale-data/ja';
+import koLocaleData from 'react-intl/locale-data/ko';
import nlLocaleData from 'react-intl/locale-data/nl';
import ptLocaleData from 'react-intl/locale-data/pt';
import zhLocaleData from 'react-intl/locale-data/zh';
@@ -33,7 +36,7 @@ const languages = {
es: {
value: 'es',
- name: 'Español (Beta)',
+ name: 'Español',
url: es
fr: {
@@ -46,6 +49,11 @@ const languages = {
name: '日本語 (Beta)',
url: ja
+ ko: {
+ value: 'ko',
+ name: '한국어 (Beta)',
+ url: ko
+ },
nl: {
value: 'nl',
name: 'Nederlands (Beta)',
@@ -53,13 +61,18 @@ const languages = {
'pt-BR': {
value: 'pt-BR',
- name: 'Portugues (Beta)',
+ name: 'Português (Brasil)',
url: pt_BR
'zh-TW': {
value: 'zh-TW',
name: '中文 (繁體) (Beta)',
url: zh_TW
+ },
+ 'zh-CN': {
+ value: 'zh-CN',
+ name: '中文 (简体) (Beta)',
+ url: zh_CN
@@ -112,6 +125,7 @@ export function safariFix(callback) {
+ 'intl/locale-data/jsonp/ko.js',
@@ -122,6 +136,7 @@ export function safariFix(callback) {
+ require('intl/locale-data/jsonp/ko.js');
@@ -135,6 +150,7 @@ export function doAddLocaleData() {
+ addLocaleData(koLocaleData);
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/ja.json b/webapp/i18n/ja.json
index e9cd742d1..24d8d3258 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/ja.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/ja.json
@@ -30,16 +30,18 @@
"activity_log_modal.androidNativeApp": "Androidネイティブアプリ",
"activity_log_modal.iphoneNativeApp": "iPhoneネイティブアプリ",
"add_command.autocomplete": "自動補完",
- "": " このコマンドを自動補完リストに表示します。",
+ "": "(Optional) Show slash command in autocomplete list.",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription": "自動補完の説明",
"": "自動補完リストのスラッシュコマンドについての追加の短い説明",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription.placeholder": "例: \"カルテの検索結果を返す\"",
"add_command.autocompleteHint": "自動補完のヒント",
- "": "コマンドに必要なパラメーターに関する自動補完リストについてのヒント(オプション)",
+ "": "(Optional) Arguments associated with your slash command, displayed as help in the autocomplete list.",
"add_command.autocompleteHint.placeholder": "例: [患者氏名]",
"add_command.cancel": "キャンセル",
"add_command.description": "説明",
+ "": "Description for your incoming webhook.",
"add_command.displayName": "表示名",
+ "": "Display name for your slash command made of up to 64 characters.",
"add_command.header": "追加する",
"add_command.iconUrl": "応答アイコン",
"": "このスラッシュコマンドに返信する投稿のプロフィール画像を上書きする画像を選択します。最低128ピクセル×12ピクセルの大きさを持つ.pngまたは.jpgファイルのURLを指定してください。",
@@ -50,8 +52,10 @@
"": "POST",
"": "保存する",
"add_command.trigger": "コマンドトリガーワード",
- "add_command.trigger.help1": "例: patient, client, employee",
- "add_command.trigger.help2": "予約語: echo, join, logout, me, shrug",
+ "": "Trigger word must be unique, and cannot begin with a slash or contain any spaces.",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "Examples: client, employee, patient, weather",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReserved": "Reserved: {link}",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReservedLinkText": "see list of built-in slash commands",
"add_command.trigger.placeholder": "コマンドトリガー 例: \"hello\"",
"add_command.triggerInvalidLength": "トリガーワードは{min}文字以上{max}文字以下にしてください。",
"add_command.triggerInvalidSlash": "トリガーワードは/で始めることはできません",
@@ -80,28 +84,44 @@
"": "保存",
"add_incoming_webhook.cancel": "キャンセル",
"": "チャンネル",
+ "": "Public channel or private group that receives the webhook payloads. You must belong to the private group when setting up the webhook.",
"add_incoming_webhook.channelRequired": "有効なチャンネルが必要です",
"add_incoming_webhook.description": "説明",
+ "": "Description for your incoming webhook.",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "表示名",
+ "": "Display name for your incoming webhook made of up to 64 characters.",
"add_incoming_webhook.header": "追加する",
"": "名前",
"": "保存する",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "コールバックURL(1つにつき1行)",
+ "": "The URL that messages will be sent to.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "1つ以上のコールバックURLが必要です",
"add_outgoing_webhook.cancel": "キャンセル",
"": "チャンネル",
+ "": "Public channel to receive webhook payloads. Optional if at least one Trigger Word is specified.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help1": "Choose the content type by which the response will be sent.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help2": "If application/x-www-form-urlencoded is chosen, the server assumes you will be encoding the parameters in a URL format.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help3": "If application/json is chosen, the server assumes you will posting JSON data.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.content_Type": "コンテントタイプ",
"add_outgoing_webhook.description": "説明",
+ "": "Description for your outgoing webhook.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "表示名",
+ "": "Display name for your outgoing webhook made of up to 64 characters.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.header": "追加する",
"": "名前",
"": "保存する",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "トリガーワード(1つにつき1行)",
+ "": "Messages that start with one of the specified words will trigger the outgoing webhook. Optional if Channel is selected.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "有効なチャンネルまたはトリガーワードのリストが必要です",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhen": "Trigger When",
+ "": "Choose when to trigger the outgoing webhook; if the first word of a message matches a Trigger Word exactly, or if it starts with a Trigger Word.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenFullWord": "First word matches a trigger word exactly",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenStartsWith": "First word starts with a trigger word",
"admin.audits.reload": "再読み込み",
"admin.audits.title": "ユーザーのアクティビティー",
"": "電子メールアドレス認証",
"admin.authentication.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "admin.authentication.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.authentication.saml": "SAML",
"admin.banner.heading": "注意:",
"admin.compliance.directoryDescription": "コンプライアンスリポートを書き込むディレクトリー。空欄の場合には./data/に書き込みます。",
@@ -109,7 +129,7 @@
"admin.compliance.directoryTitle": "コンプライアンスリポートディレクトリー:",
"admin.compliance.enableDailyDesc": "有効な場合、Mattermostが毎日コンプライアンスリポートを生成します。",
"admin.compliance.enableDailyTitle": "日次リポートを有効にする",
- "admin.compliance.enableDesc": "有効な場合、Mattermostはコンプライアンスリポートの出力を許可します",
+ "admin.compliance.enableDesc": "When true, Mattermost allows compliance reporting from the <strong>Compliance and Auditing</strong> tab. See <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a> to learn more.",
"admin.compliance.enableTitle": "コンプライアンスリポートを有効にする:",
"admin.compliance.false": "無効",
"admin.compliance.noLicense": "<h4 class=\"banner__heading\">注意:</h4><p>コンプライアンスはエンタープライズ版のみの機能です。現在のライセンスはコンプライアンスをサポートしていません。詳しくは<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">エンタープライズ版についての情報と価格</a>をご覧ください。</p>",
@@ -243,11 +263,11 @@
"admin.general.policy.permissionsAdmin": "チーム管理者とシステム管理者",
"admin.general.policy.permissionsAll": "全てのチームメンバー",
"admin.general.policy.permissionsSystemAdmin": "システム管理者",
- "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementDescription": "\"全てのチームメンバー\"を選択することで、全員がプライベートグループを作成、削除、ヘッダーや目的の設定を許可します。<br/><br/>\"チーム管理者とシステム管理者\"を選択することで、チーム管理者とシステム管理者のみにプライベートグループを作成、削除、ヘッダーや目的の設定を許可します。<br/><br/>\"システム管理者\"を選択することで、システム管理者のみにプライベートグループを作成、削除、ヘッダーや目的の設定を許可します。",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementDescription": "Set policy on who can create, delete, rename, and set the header or purpose for private groups.",
"admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementTitle": "プライベートグループの管理権限を有効にする範囲:",
- "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "\"全てのチームメンバー\"を選択することで、全員が公開チャンネルを作成、削除、名称変更、ヘッダーや目的の設定を許可します。<br/><br/>\"チーム管理者とシステム管理者\"を選択することで、チーム管理者とシステム管理者のみに公開チャンネルを作成、削除、名称変更、ヘッダーや目的の設定を許可します。<br/><br/>\"システム管理者\"を選択することで、システム管理者のみに公開チャンネルを作成、削除、名称変更、ヘッダーや目的の設定を許可します。",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "Set policy on who can create, delete, rename, and set the header or purpose for public channels.",
"admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementTitle": "公開チャンネルの管理権限を有効にする範囲:",
- "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "\"全てのチームメンバー\"を選択すると、全てのチームメンバーが招待電子メールまたはチーム招待リンクを使って他の人を招待できるようにします。<br/><br/>\"チーム管理者とシステム管理者\"を選択すると、招待電子メールとチーム招待リンクがチーム管理者またはシステム管理者ではないユーザーのメインメニューには表示されなくなります。注意: \"チーム招待リンクを入手する\"をリンクを共有するのに使用する場合、望みのユーザーが参加した後に再生成をする必要があります。<br/><br/>\"システム管理者\"を選択すると、招待電子メールとチーム招待リンクがシステム管理者ではないユーザーのメインメニューには表示されなくなります。注意: \"チーム招待リンクを入手する\"をリンクを共有するのに使用する場合、望みのユーザーが参加した後に再生成をする必要があります。",
+ "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "Set policy on who can invite others to a team using <b>Invite New Member</b> to invite new users by email, or the <b>Get Team Invite Link</b> options from the Main Menu. If <b>Get Team Invite Link</b> is used to share a link, you can expire the invite code from <b>Team Settings</b> > <b>Invite Code</b> after the desired users join the team.",
"admin.general.policy.teamInviteTitle": "チームへの招待ができるユーザー:",
"admin.general.privacy": "プライバシー",
"admin.general.usersAndTeams": "ユーザーとチーム",
@@ -270,6 +290,16 @@
"admin.gitlab.userDescription": "https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user を入力してください。サーバーの設定によりHTTPかHTTPSかは異なりますので注意してください。",
"admin.gitlab.userExample": "例: \"https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user\"",
"admin.gitlab.userTitle": "ユーザーAPIエンドポイント:",
+ "": "<ol><li><a href=''>Log in</a> to your Google account.</li><li>Go to <a href=''></a>, click <strong>Credentials</strong> in the left hand sidebar and enter <strong>Mattermost - <your-company-name></strong> as the project name.</li><li>Click the <strong>OAuth consent screen</strong> header and enter <strong>Mattermost</strong> as the <strong>Product name to show users</strong>. Click <strong>Save</strong>.</li><li>Under the <strong>Credentials</strong> header, click <strong>Create credentials</strong>, choose <strong>OAuth client ID</strong> and select <strong>Web Application</strong>.</li><li>Under <strong>Restrictions</strong> and <strong>Authorized redirect URIs</strong> enter <strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/google/complete</strong> (example: http://localhost:8065/signup/google/complete). Click <strong>Create</strong>.</li><li>Save the <strong>client ID</strong> and <strong>client secret</strong> to later complete the fields below.</li><li>Finally, go to <a href=''>Google+ API</a> and click <strong>Enable</strong>. This might take a few minutes to propagate through Google's systems.</li><li>Complete the <strong>Client ID</strong> and <strong>Client Secret</strong> fields below.</li></ol>",
+ "": "認証エンドポイント:",
+ "": "The Client ID you received when registering your application with Google.",
+ "": "Ex \"\"",
+ "": "クライアントID",
+ "": "The Client Secret you received when registering your application with Google.",
+ "": "Ex \"H8sz0Az-dDs2p15-7QzD231\"",
+ "": "クライアント秘密情報",
+ "": "トークンエンドポイント:",
+ "": "ユーザーAPIエンドポイント:",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketDescription": "AWSでのS3バケットの名前を指定します。",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketExample": "例: \"mattermost-media\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketTitle": "Amazon S3バケット:",
@@ -360,7 +390,7 @@
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerification": "証明書の検証をしない",
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerificationDesc": "TLSまたはSTARTTLSの証明書の検証ステップをスキップします。TLSが必要な本番環境では設定することは推奨されません。テスト用の設定です。",
"admin.ldap.syncFailure": "同期の失敗: {error}",
- "admin.ldap.syncIntervalHelpText": "LDAPの同期は、MattermostがLDAPサーバーのデータの更新を取り込む処理です。例えば、LDAPサーバーでユーザーの名前が更新された場合、同期処理が実行された際にMattermostに反映されます。LDAPサーバーでユーザーが削除された場合、そのユーザーのアクティブなセッションは削除されますし、Mattermostにログインできなくなります。Mattermostは同期処理をここで指定した時間間隔で実施します。例えば60を指定した場合、1時間ごとに同期します。設定を反映させるためには、サーバーを再起動させる必要があります。",
+ "admin.ldap.syncIntervalHelpText": "LDAP Synchronization updates Mattermost user information to reflect updates on the LDAP server. For example, when a user’s name changes on the LDAP server, the change updates in Mattermost when synchronization is performed. Accounts removed from or disabled in the LDAP server have their Mattermost accounts set to “Inactive” and have their account sessions revoked. Mattermost performs synchronization on the interval entered. For example, if 60 is entered, Mattermost synchronizes every 60 minutes.",
"admin.ldap.syncIntervalTitle": "同期間隔(分)",
"admin.ldap.syncNowHelpText": "LDAP同期をすぐに実行します。",
"admin.ldap.sync_button": "LDAP同期を今すぐ実行する",
@@ -414,6 +444,21 @@
"": "電子メールアドレス",
"admin.notifications.push": "モバイルプッシュ",
"admin.notifications.title": "通知の設定",
+ "admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google Appsでログインする",
+ "": "Do not allow sign-in via an OAuth 2.0 provider",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "": "Select OAuth 2.0 service provider:",
+ "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>Log in</a> to your Microsoft or Office 365 account. Make sure it's the account on the same <a href=''>tenant</a> that you would like users to log in with.</li><li>Go to <a href=''></a>, click <strong>Add an app</strong> and use <strong>Mattermost - <your-company-name></strong> as the application name.</li><li>Under <strong>Application Secrets</strong>, click <strong>Generate New Password</strong> and save it to later complete the field below.</li><li>Under <strong>Platforms</strong>, click <strong>Add Platform</strong>, choose <strong>Web</strong> and enter <strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/office365/complete</strong> (example: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete) under <strong>Redirect URIs</strong>. Also uncheck <strong>Allow Implicit Flow</strong>.</li><li>Finally, click <strong>Save</strong> and complete the <strong>Application ID</strong> and <strong>Application Secret Password</strong> fields below.</li></ol>",
+ "admin.office365.authTitle": "認証エンドポイント:",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "The Application/Client ID you received when registering your application with Microsoft.",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdExample": "Ex \"adf3sfa2-ag3f-sn4n-ids0-sh1hdax192qq\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdTitle": "アプリケーション ID:",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretDescription": "The Application Secret Password you generated when registering your application with Microsoft.",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretExample": "Ex \"shAieM47sNBfgl20f8ci294\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretTitle": "Application Secret Password:",
+ "admin.office365.tokenTitle": "トークンエンドポイント:",
+ "admin.office365.userTitle": "ユーザーAPIエンドポイント:",
"admin.password.lowercase": "少なくとも1つの英小文字が必要です",
"admin.password.minimumLength": "最小パスワード長さ:",
"admin.password.minimumLengthDescription": "有効なパスワードに要求する最小文字数。{min}以上、{max}以下にしてください。",
@@ -550,7 +595,7 @@
"admin.service.mfaDesc": "有効な場合、ユーザーは多要素認証をオプションとして選択できます。ユーザーはスマートフォンとGoogle Authenticatorのような認証アプリが必要になります。",
"admin.service.mfaTitle": "多要素認証を有効化する:",
"admin.service.mobileSessionDays": "モバイルアプリのセッション維持期間 (日数):",
- "admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "モバイルのセッションは、ここで設定された日数で失効し、ユーザーはログインし直すことになります。",
+ "admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. After changing this setting, the new session length will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
"admin.service.outWebhooksDesc": "有効な場合、外向きのウェブフックが使用できます。詳しくは<a href='' target='_blank'>説明文書</a>を参照してください。",
"admin.service.outWebhooksTitle": "外向きのウェブフックを有効化する: ",
"admin.service.overrideDescription": "有効な場合、ウェブフックとスラッシュコマンドによって投稿に紐付くユーザー名を変更できるようにします。注意: アイコンの上書きと組み合わせることによって、フィッシング攻撃の危険性が生じる可能性があります。",
@@ -563,12 +608,12 @@
"admin.service.sessionCache": "セッションキャッシュの有効期間(分):",
"admin.service.sessionCacheDesc": "セッションをメモリーにキャッシュしておく期間(分)です。",
"admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "例: \"30\"",
- "admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "GitLabシングルサインオン認証のセッション有効期間(日数):",
- "admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "GitLab SSOのセッションは、ここで設定された日数で失効し、ユーザーはログインし直すことになります。",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "モバイルアプリのセッション維持期間 (日数):",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. If the authentication method is SAML or GitLab, the user may automatically be logged back in to Mattermost if they are already logged in to SAML or GitLab. After changing this setting, the setting will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
"admin.service.testingDescription": "有効な場合、テストアカウントとテストデータによる /loadtest スラッシュコマンドが使用可能になります。この設定を変更した場合、サーバーを再起動するまで設定は反映されません。",
"admin.service.testingTitle": "コマンドのテストを有効にする: ",
- "admin.service.webSessionDays": "電子メール認証とLDAP認証のセッション有効期間(日数):",
- "admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "電子メール認証またはLDAP認証のセッションは、ここで設定された日数で失効し、ユーザーはログインし直すことになります。",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDays": "Session length LDAP and email (days):",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. After changing this setting, the new session length will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
"admin.service.webhooksDescription": "When true, incoming webhooks will be allowed. To help combat phishing attacks, all posts from webhooks will be labelled by a BOT tag. See <a href='' target='_blank'>documentation</a> to learn more.",
"admin.service.webhooksTitle": "外向きのウェブフックを有効化する: ",
"admin.sidebar.addTeamSidebar": "サイドバーメニューからチームを追加する",
@@ -598,6 +643,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.login": "ログイン",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "ログ",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "通知",
+ "admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.sidebar.other": "その他",
"admin.sidebar.password": "パスワード",
"admin.sidebar.policy": "ポリシー",
@@ -651,12 +697,15 @@
"": "プライバシーポリシーのリンク:",
"": "チームサイトのメインメニューからリンクされたヘルプ文書へのリンクです。デフォルトでは、これは検索のできる相互補助的な問題解決のためのフォーラムへのリンクになっています。技術的な問題への手助けになります。",
"": "問題報告のリンク:",
- "": "デスクトップ版またはモバイル版で参照できる使用条件へのリンクです。この注意書きを表示しない場合には空欄にしてください。",
+ "": "Link to the terms under which users may use your online service. By default, this includes the \"Mattermost Conditions of Use (End Users)\" explaining the terms under which Mattermost software is provided to end users. If you change the default link to add your own terms for using the service you provide, your new terms must include a link to the default terms so end users are aware of the Mattermost Conditions of Use (End User) for Mattermost software.",
"": "使用条件のリンク:",
"admin.system_analytics.activeUsers": "投稿実績のあるアクティブユーザー",
"admin.system_analytics.title": "システム",
"admin.system_analytics.totalPosts": "総投稿数",
"": "独自ブランド機能により、ログインページで以下でアップロードした画像と助けとなるテキストを表示させることができます。",
+ "": "あなたのチームの全てのコミュニケーションを一箇所で、すぐに検索可能で、どこからでもアクセスできます。",
+ "": "ログイン画面とユーザーインターフェースで表示されるサービス名です。",
+ "": "Site Description",
"": "独自ブランド画像:",
"": "独自ブランドのMarkdownで書かれたテキストをログインスクリーンの独自ブランド画像の下に追加することができます。",
"": "独自ブランドテキスト:",
@@ -1079,6 +1128,15 @@
"general_tab.teamNameInfo": "サインイン画面とサイドバーの左上に表示されるチームの名称を設定します。",
"general_tab.title": "全般の設定",
"general_tab.yes": "はい",
+ "get_app.alreadyHaveIt": "Already have it?",
+ "get_app.androidAppName": "Mattermost for Android",
+ "get_app.androidHeader": "Mattermost works best if you switch to our Android app",
+ "get_app.continue": "continue",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowser": "Or {link}",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowserLink": "continue with browser",
+ "get_app.iosHeader": "Mattermost works best if you switch to our iPhone app",
+ "get_app.mattermostInc": "Mattermost, Inc",
+ "get_app.openMattermost": "Open Mattermost",
"get_link.clipboard": " クリップボードにリンクをコピーします。",
"get_link.close": "閉じる",
"get_link.copy": "リンクをコピーする",
@@ -1108,6 +1166,7 @@
"installed_integrations.delete": "削除",
"installed_integrations.regenToken": "トークンを再生成する",
"installed_integrations.token": "トークン: {token}",
+ "installed_integrations.triggerWhen": "Trigger When: {triggerWhen}",
"installed_integrations.triggerWords": "トリガーワード: {triggerWords}",
"installed_integrations.url": "URL: {url}",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.add": "外向きのウェブフックを追加する",
@@ -1182,6 +1241,7 @@
"login.noPassword": "パスワードを入力してください",
"login.noUsername": "ユーザー名を入力してください",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "ユーザー名または{ldapUsername}を入力してください",
+ "login.office365": "Office 365",
"login.on": "{siteName}にて",
"login.or": "または",
"login.password": "パスワード",
@@ -1400,6 +1460,7 @@
"signup_user_completed.lets": "アカウントを作成しましょう",
"signup_user_completed.no_open_server": "このサーバーは誰でも利用登録できるように設定されていません。管理者に招待してもらってください。",
"signup_user_completed.none": "ユーザー作成方法が有効になっていません。使用するにはシステム管理者に連絡してください。",
+ "signup_user_completed.office365": "with Office 365",
"signup_user_completed.onSite": "{siteName}にて",
"signup_user_completed.or": "または",
"signup_user_completed.passwordLength": "少なくとも{min}文字を入力してください。",
@@ -1563,12 +1624,14 @@
"user.settings.general.confirmEmail": "電子メールアドレスを確認する",
"": "電子メールアドレス",
"user.settings.general.emailGitlabCantUpdate": "GitLabからログインしました。電子メールアドレスは更新できません。通知に使われる電子メールアドレスは{email}です。",
+ "user.settings.general.emailGoogleCantUpdate": "GitLabからログインしました。電子メールアドレスは更新できません。通知に使われる電子メールアドレスは{email}です。",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp1": "電子メールアドレスがサインイン、通知、パスワード初期化に使用されます。電子メールアドレスを変更した場合には、確認が必要です。",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp2": "電子メールアドレスはシステム管理者によって無効になっています。有効にされるまで通知電子メールは送信されません。",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp3": "電子メールアドレスがサインイン、通知、パスワード初期化に使用されます。",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp4": "{email}に電子メールアドレスの確認用電子メールが送信されました。",
"user.settings.general.emailLdapCantUpdate": "LDAPでログインしました。電子メールアドレスは更新できません。通知に使われる電子メールアドレスは{email}です。",
"user.settings.general.emailMatch": "あなたの入力した新しい電子メールアドレスが一致しません。",
+ "user.settings.general.emailOffice365CantUpdate": "GitLabからログインしました。電子メールアドレスは更新できません。通知に使われる電子メールアドレスは{email}です。",
"user.settings.general.emailSamlCantUpdate": "SAMLでログインしました。電子メールアドレスは更新できません。通知に使われる電子メールアドレスは{email}です。",
"user.settings.general.emailUnchanged": "あなたの新しい電子メールアドレスは、古いものと変わっていません。",
"user.settings.general.emptyName": "フルネームを追加するには「編集する」をクリックしてください",
@@ -1580,7 +1643,9 @@
"user.settings.general.imageUpdated": "画像は{date}に更新されました",
"user.settings.general.lastName": "苗字(ラストネーム)",
"user.settings.general.loginGitlab": "GitLabでログインしました({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginGoogle": "GitLabでログインしました({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginLdap": "LDAPでログインしました({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginOffice365": "GitLabでログインしました({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginSaml": "SAMLでログインしました({email})",
"user.settings.general.newAddress": "新しい電子メールアドレス: {email}<br />この電子メールアドレスを確認するために電子メールを確認してください。",
"user.settings.general.nickname": "ニックネーム",
@@ -1659,7 +1724,8 @@
"": "現在のパスワード",
"": "現在のパスワードを入力してください",
"": "電子メールアドレスとパスワード",
- "": "GitLabシングルサインオン",
+ "": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google",
"": "最終更新: {date} {time}",
"": "LDAP",
"": "GitLabでログインする",
@@ -1667,6 +1733,7 @@
"": "アクティブなセッションを見てログアウトする",
"": "サインイン方法",
"": "新しいパスワード",
+ "": "Office 365",
"": "一度に一つのサインイン方法のみが選択可能です。サインイン方法を変更すると、変更完了時に電子メールで通知が送られます。",
"": "パスワード",
"": "パスワードは少なくとも{min}文字以上にしてください。",
@@ -1695,6 +1762,7 @@
"": "GitLabシングルサインオンに切り替える",
"": "Googleシングルサインオンに切り替える",
"": "LDAPシングルサインオンに切り替える",
+ "": "Switch to using Office 365 SSO",
"": "SAMLシングルサインオンに切り替える",
"": "セキュリティーの設定",
"": "アクセス履歴を見る",
@@ -1708,6 +1776,6 @@
"web.footer.privacy": "プライバシー",
"web.footer.terms": "使用条件",
"web.header.back": "戻る",
- "web.root.singup_info": "あなたのチームの全てのコミュニケーションを一箇所で、すぐに検索可能で、どこからでもアクセスできます。",
+ "web.root.signup_info": "あなたのチームの全てのコミュニケーションを一箇所で、すぐに検索可能で、どこからでもアクセスできます。",
"youtube_video.notFound": "ビデオが見つかりません"
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/ko.json b/webapp/i18n/ko.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d1b2d161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/i18n/ko.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1781 @@
+ "about.close": "닫기",
+ "about.copyright": "저작권 2016 Mattermost, Inc. 저작권법에 의해 보호받습니다.",
+ "about.database": "데이터베이스:",
+ "": "빌드 일자:",
+ "about.enterpriseEditionLearn": "엔터프라이즈 에디션에 대한 자세한 정보 ",
+ "about.enterpriseEditionSt": "개인 방화벽 안에 구축 가능한 현대적인 커뮤니케이션",
+ "about.enterpriseEditione1": "엔터프라이즈 에디션 E1",
+ "about.hash": "빌드 해쉬:",
+ "about.hashee": "EE 빌드 해쉬:",
+ "about.licensed": "다음 사용자에게 허가되었습니다:",
+ "about.number": "빌드 넘버:",
+ "about.teamEditionLearn": "Mattermost 커뮤니티에 참여 ",
+ "about.teamEditionSt": "당신의 모든 팀원이 한곳이 있으며, 바로 검색 , 접근 할 수 있습니다.",
+ "about.teamEditiont0": "팀 에디션 T0",
+ "about.teamEditiont1": "엔터프라이즈 에디션 E1",
+ "about.title": "Mattermost에 대해",
+ "about.version": "버전:",
+ "access_history.title": "접근 기록",
+ "activity_log.activeSessions": "활성 세션",
+ "activity_log.browser": "브라우저: {browser}",
+ "activity_log.firstTime": "첫 활성화 시간: {date}, {time}",
+ "activity_log.lastActivity": "최근 활동: {date}, {time}",
+ "activity_log.logout": "로그아웃",
+ "activity_log.moreInfo": "상세 정보",
+ "activity_log.os": "OS: {os}",
+ "activity_log.sessionId": "세션 ID: {id}",
+ "activity_log.sessionsDescription": "세션은 기기의 새 브라우저로 로그인할때 생성됩니다. 세션을 사용하면 시스템에서 정한 시간동안은 다시 로그인할 필요가 없습니다. 'Logout' 버튼을 사용하시면 세션을 종료할 수 있습니다.",
+ "": "안드로이드",
+ "activity_log_modal.androidNativeApp": "안드로이드 앱",
+ "activity_log_modal.iphoneNativeApp": "아이폰 앱",
+ "add_command.autocomplete": "자동완성",
+ "": "(Optional) Show slash command in autocomplete list.",
+ "add_command.autocompleteDescription": "자동완성 설명",
+ "": "자동완성 목록에서 보여질 부가적인 설명을 입력하세요.",
+ "add_command.autocompleteDescription.placeholder": "예시: \"환자 기록에 대한 검색결과를 보여줍니다\"",
+ "add_command.autocompleteHint": "자동완성 Hint",
+ "": "(Optional) Arguments associated with your slash command, displayed as help in the autocomplete list.",
+ "add_command.autocompleteHint.placeholder": "예시: [환자 이름]",
+ "add_command.cancel": "취소",
+ "add_command.description": "설명",
+ "": "Description for your incoming webhook.",
+ "add_command.displayName": "표시명",
+ "": "Display name for your slash command made of up to 64 characters.",
+ "add_command.header": "추가",
+ "add_command.iconUrl": "응답 아이콘",
+ "": "Choose a profile picture override for the post responses to this slash command. Enter the URL of a .png or .jpg file at least 128 pixels by 128 pixels.",
+ "add_command.iconUrl.placeholder": "",
+ "add_command.method": "요청 메소드",
+ "add_command.method.get": "GET",
+ "": "The type of command request issued to the Request URL.",
+ "": "POST",
+ "": "저장",
+ "add_command.trigger": "Command Trigger 단어",
+ "": "Trigger word must be unique, and cannot begin with a slash or contain any spaces.",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "Examples: client, employee, patient, weather",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReserved": "Reserved: {link}",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReservedLinkText": "see list of built-in slash commands",
+ "add_command.trigger.placeholder": "Command trigger 예시. \"hello\"",
+ "add_command.triggerInvalidLength": "단어가 {min}글자 이상, {max}글자 이하여야 합니다.",
+ "add_command.triggerInvalidSlash": "단어 앞에 /를 사용할 수 없습니다.",
+ "add_command.triggerInvalidSpace": "단어에 공백을 포함할 수 없습니다.",
+ "add_command.triggerRequired": "단어가 필요합니다.",
+ "add_command.url": "요청 URL",
+ "": "The callback URL to receive the HTTP POST or GET event request when the slash command is run.",
+ "add_command.url.placeholder": "URL 주소는 http:// 또는 https:// 로 시작되어야 합니다",
+ "add_command.urlRequired": "요청 URL을 입력하세요.",
+ "add_command.username": "응답 유저 이름",
+ "": "Choose a username override for responses for this slash command. Usernames can consist of up to 22 characters consisting of lowercase letters, numbers and they symbols \"-\", \"_\", and \".\" .",
+ "add_command.username.placeholder": "사용자 이름",
+ "add_emoji.cancel": "취소",
+ "add_emoji.header": "추가",
+ "add_emoji.image": "이미지",
+ "add_emoji.image.button": "선택",
+ "": "Choose the image for your emoji. The image can be a gif, png, or jpeg file with a max size of 64 KB and dimensions up to 128 by 128 pixels.",
+ "add_emoji.imageRequired": "이모티콘 이미지가 필요합니다.",
+ "": "이름",
+ "": "Choose a name for your emoji made of up to 64 characters consisting of lowercase letters, numbers, and the symbols '-' and '_'.",
+ "add_emoji.nameInvalid": "An emoji's name can only contain numbers, letters, and the symbols '-' and '_'.",
+ "add_emoji.nameRequired": "이모티콘 이름이 필요합니다.",
+ "add_emoji.nameTaken": "This name is already in use by a system emoji. Please choose another name.",
+ "add_emoji.preview": "미리보기",
+ "add_emoji.preview.sentence": "This is a sentence with {image} in it.",
+ "": "저장",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.cancel": "취소",
+ "": "채널",
+ "": "Public channel or private group that receives the webhook payloads. You must belong to the private group when setting up the webhook.",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.channelRequired": "유효한 채널을 선택하세요.",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.description": "설명",
+ "": "Description for your incoming webhook.",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "표시명",
+ "": "Display name for your incoming webhook made of up to 64 characters.",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.header": "추가",
+ "": "이름",
+ "": "저장",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "Callback URLs (One Per Line)",
+ "": "The URL that messages will be sent to.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "One or more callback URLs are required",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.cancel": "취소",
+ "": "채널",
+ "": "Public channel to receive webhook payloads. Optional if at least one Trigger Word is specified.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help1": "Choose the content type by which the response will be sent.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help2": "If application/x-www-form-urlencoded is chosen, the server assumes you will be encoding the parameters in a URL format.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help3": "If application/json is chosen, the server assumes you will posting JSON data.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.content_Type": "Content Type",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.description": "설명",
+ "": "Description for your outgoing webhook.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "표시명",
+ "": "Display name for your outgoing webhook made of up to 64 characters.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.header": "추가",
+ "": "이름",
+ "": "저장",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "트리거 단어 (줄 당 하나씩 입력합니다)",
+ "": "Messages that start with one of the specified words will trigger the outgoing webhook. Optional if Channel is selected.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "유효한 채널과 트리거 단어 목록을 입력하세요",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhen": "Trigger When",
+ "": "Choose when to trigger the outgoing webhook; if the first word of a message matches a Trigger Word exactly, or if it starts with a Trigger Word.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenFullWord": "First word matches a trigger word exactly",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenStartsWith": "First word starts with a trigger word",
+ "admin.audits.reload": "Reload User Activity Logs",
+ "admin.audits.title": "User Activity Logs",
+ "": "Email Auth",
+ "admin.authentication.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "admin.authentication.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
+ "admin.authentication.saml": "SAML",
+ "admin.banner.heading": "Note:",
+ "admin.compliance.directoryDescription": "Directory to which compliance reports are written. If blank, will be set to ./data/.",
+ "admin.compliance.directoryExample": "예시: \"./data/\"",
+ "admin.compliance.directoryTitle": "Compliance Report Directory:",
+ "admin.compliance.enableDailyDesc": "When true, Mattermost will generate a daily compliance report.",
+ "admin.compliance.enableDailyTitle": "일일 보고:",
+ "admin.compliance.enableDesc": "When true, Mattermost allows compliance reporting from the <strong>Compliance and Auditing</strong> tab. See <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a> to learn more.",
+ "admin.compliance.enableTitle": "Enable Compliance Reporting:",
+ "admin.compliance.false": "비활성화",
+ "admin.compliance.noLicense": "<h4 class=\"banner__heading\">Note:</h4><p>Compliance 는 엔터프라이즈 에디션의 기능입니다. 현재 라이센스는 Compliance 기능을 지원하지 않습니다. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">이 곳</a>에서 엔터프라이즈 라이센스에 대한 정보를 확인하세요.</p>",
+ "": "저장",
+ "admin.compliance.saving": "설정 저장중...",
+ "admin.compliance.title": "Compliance 설정",
+ "admin.compliance.true": "활성화",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.desc": "작업명:",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.desc_placeholder": "예시. \"Audit 445 for HR\"",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.emails": "이메일:",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.emails_placeholder": "예시. \",\"",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.from": "발신:",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.from_placeholder": "예시. \"2016-03-11\"",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.keywords": "키워드:",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.keywords_placeholder": "예시. \"shorting stock\"",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.reload": "Reload Completed Compliance Reports",
+ "": "Run Compliance Report",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.title": "Compliance Reports",
+ "": "수신:",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.to_placeholder": "예시. \"2016-03-15\"",
+ "admin.compliance_table.desc": "설명",
+ "": "다운로드",
+ "admin.compliance_table.params": "Params",
+ "admin.compliance_table.records": "기록",
+ "admin.compliance_table.status": "상태",
+ "admin.compliance_table.timestamp": "Timestamp",
+ "admin.compliance_table.type": "종류",
+ "admin.compliance_table.userId": "Requested By",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityNone": "None",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityNoneDescription": "Mattermost will connect over an unsecure connection.",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityStart": "STARTTLS",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityStartDescription": "Takes an existing insecure connection and attempts to upgrade it to a secure connection using TLS.",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityTest": "연결 테스트",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityTitle": "연결 보안:",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityTls": "TLS",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityTlsDescription": "Encrypts the communication between Mattermost and your server.",
+ "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to download the Android app. Users who access the site on a mobile web browser will be prompted with a page giving them the option to download the app. Leave this field blank to prevent the page from appearing.",
+ "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkTitle": "안드로이드 앱 다운로드 링크:",
+ "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to a download page for the Mattermost apps. When a link is present, an option to \"Download Mattermost Apps\" will be added in the Main Menu so users can find the download page. Leave this field blank to hide the option from the Main Menu.",
+ "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkTitle": "Mattermost Apps Download Page Link:",
+ "admin.customization.customBrand": "사용자 정의 브랜딩",
+ "admin.customization.customEmoji": "사용자 정의 이모티콘",
+ "admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiDesc": "Enable users to create custom emoji for use in messages. When enabled, Custom Emoji settings can be accessed by switching to a team and clicking the three dots above the channel sidebar, and selecting \"Custom Emoji\".",
+ "admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiTitle": "사용자 정의 이모티콘 활성화:",
+ "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to download the iOS app. Users who access the site on a mobile web browser will be prompted with a page giving them the option to download the app. Leave this field blank to prevent the page from appearing.",
+ "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkTitle": "iOS 앱 다운로드 링크:",
+ "admin.customization.nativeAppLinks": "네이티브 앱 링크",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAdmin": "Allow System and Team Admins to create custom emoji",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAll": "Allow everyone to create custom emoji",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationDesc": "Restrict the creation of custom emoji to certain users.",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationSystemAdmin": "Only allow System Admins to create custom emoji",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationTitle": "Restrict Custom Emoji Creation:",
+ "": "Legal and Support",
+ "admin.database.title": "데이터베이스 설정",
+ "admin.developer.title": "개발자 설정",
+ "": " I understand and accept the Mattermost Hosted Push Notification Service <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Terms of Service</a> and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Policy</a>.",
+ "": "설정 시, Mattermost는 사용자들이 그들의 이메일과 비밀번호로 로그인할 수 있게 합니다.",
+ "": "Enable sign-in with email: ",
+ "": "When true, Mattermost allows team creation and account signup using email and password. This value should be false only when you want to limit signup to a single-sign-on service like OAuth or LDAP.",
+ "": "Enable account creation with email: ",
+ "": "When true, Mattermost allows users to sign in using their username and password. This setting is typically only used when email verification is disabled.",
+ "": "Enable sign-in with username: ",
+ "": "연결 테스트",
+ "": "Learn more about compiling and deploying your own mobile apps from an <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Enterprise App Store</a>.",
+ "": "연결을 실패했습니다: {error}",
+ "": "No errors were reported while sending an email. Please check your inbox to make sure.",
+ "": "Send full message snippet",
+ "": "Send generic description with user and channel names",
+ "": "32-character salt added to signing of email invites. Randomly generated on install. Click \"Regenerate\" to create new salt.",
+ "": "예시: \"bjlSR4QqkXFBr7TP4oDzlfZmcNuH9Yo\"",
+ "": "Email Invite Salt:",
+ "": "Use encrypted, production-quality HPNS connection to iOS and Android apps",
+ "": "iTunes에서 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost iOS 앱</a> 다운로드. Google Play에서 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost Android 앱</a> 다운로드. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">HPNS</a>에 대해 알아보기.",
+ "": "IOS, Android 앱을 TPNS와 사용합니다.",
+ "": "iTunes에서 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost iOS 앱</a> 다운로드. Google Play에서 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost Android 앱</a> 다운로드. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">TPNS</a>에 대해 알아보기.",
+ "": "예시. \"© ABC Corporation, 565 Knight Way, Palo Alto, California, 94305, USA\"",
+ "": "Display name on email account used when sending notification emails from Mattermost.",
+ "": "Ex: \"Mattermost Notification\", \"System\", \"No-Reply\"",
+ "": "알림 표시명:",
+ "": "Email address displayed on email account used when sending notification emails from Mattermost.",
+ "": "예시: \"\", \"\"",
+ "": "알림 이메일 주소:",
+ "": "Notification Footer Mailing Address:",
+ "": "Organization name and address displayed on email notifications from Mattermost, such as \"© ABC Corporation, 565 Knight Way, Palo Alto, California, 94305, USA\". If the field is left empty, the organization name and address will not be displayed.",
+ "": "Typically set to true in production. When true, Mattermost attempts to send email notifications. Developers may set this field to false to skip email setup for faster development.<br />Setting this to true removes the Preview Mode banner (requires logging out and logging back in after setting is changed).",
+ "": "Enable Email Notifications: ",
+ "": "32-character salt added to signing of password reset emails. Randomly generated on install. Click \"Regenerate\" to create new salt.",
+ "": "예시: \"bjlSR4QqkXFBr7TP4oDzlfZmcNuH9Yo\"",
+ "": "Password Reset Salt:",
+ "": "Selecting \"Send generic description with user and channel names\" provides push notifications with generic messages, including names of users and channels but no specific details from the message text.<br /><br />Selecting \"Send full message snippet\" sends excerpts from messages triggering notifications with specifics and may include confidential information sent in messages. If your Push Notification Service is outside your firewall, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED this option only be used with an \"https\" protocol to encrypt the connection.",
+ "": "Push Notification Contents:",
+ "": "Typically set to true in production. When true, Mattermost attempts to send iOS and Android push notifications through the push notification server.",
+ "": "Do not send push notifications",
+ "": "Please see <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">documentation on push notifications</a> to learn more about setup options.",
+ "": "Location of Mattermost push notification service you can set up behind your firewall using For testing you can use, which connects to the sample Mattermost iOS app in the public Apple AppStore. Please do not use test service for production deployments.",
+ "": "E.g.: \"\"",
+ "": "Push Notification Server:",
+ "": "Enable Push Notifications: ",
+ "": "Typically set to true in production. When true, Mattermost requires email verification after account creation prior to allowing login. Developers may set this field to false so skip sending verification emails for faster development.",
+ "": "Require Email Verification: ",
+ "": "Manually enter Push Notification Service location",
+ "": " Obtain this credential from administrator setting up your email server.",
+ "": "Ex: \"yourpassword\", \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
+ "": "SMTP Server Password:",
+ "": "Port of SMTP email server.",
+ "": "Ex: \"25\", \"465\"",
+ "": "SMTP Server Port:",
+ "": "Location of SMTP email server.",
+ "": "Ex: \"\", \"\"",
+ "": "SMTP Server:",
+ "": " Obtain this credential from administrator setting up your email server.",
+ "": "Ex: \"\", \"AKIADTOVBGERKLCBV\"",
+ "": "SMTP Server Username:",
+ "": "테스트 중...",
+ "admin.false": "비활성화",
+ "admin.file_upload.chooseFile": "파일 선택",
+ "admin.file_upload.noFile": "No file uploaded",
+ "admin.file_upload.uploadFile": "Upload",
+ "admin.files.images": "이미지",
+ "": "저장소",
+ "admin.general.configuration": "Configuration",
+ "admin.general.localization": "Localization",
+ "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "Determines which languages are available for users in Account Settings. (Leave it blank to have all supported languages available)",
+ "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesTitle": "Available Languages:",
+ "admin.general.localization.clientLocaleDescription": "Default language for newly created users and pages where the user hasn't logged in.",
+ "admin.general.localization.clientLocaleTitle": "Default Client Language:",
+ "admin.general.localization.serverLocaleDescription": "Default language for system messages and logs. Changing this will require a server restart before taking effect.",
+ "admin.general.localization.serverLocaleTitle": "Default Server Language:",
+ "admin.general.log": "로그",
+ "admin.general.policy": "정책",
+ "admin.general.policy.permissionsAdmin": "Team and System Admins",
+ "admin.general.policy.permissionsAll": "All team members",
+ "admin.general.policy.permissionsSystemAdmin": "System Admins",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementDescription": "Set policy on who can create, delete, rename, and set the header or purpose for private groups.",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementTitle": "Enable private group management permissions for:",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "Set policy on who can create, delete, rename, and set the header or purpose for public channels.",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementTitle": "Enable public channel management permissions for:",
+ "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "Set policy on who can invite others to a team using <b>Invite New Member</b> to invite new users by email, or the <b>Get Team Invite Link</b> options from the Main Menu. If <b>Get Team Invite Link</b> is used to share a link, you can expire the invite code from <b>Team Settings</b> > <b>Invite Code</b> after the desired users join the team.",
+ "admin.general.policy.teamInviteTitle": "Enable sending team invites from:",
+ "admin.general.privacy": "Privacy",
+ "admin.general.usersAndTeams": "Users and Teams",
+ "admin.gitab.clientSecretDescription": "Obtain this value via the instructions above for logging into GitLab.",
+ "admin.gitlab.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li>Log in to your GitLab account and go to Profile Settings -> Applications.</li><li>Enter Redirect URIs \"<your-mattermost-url>/login/gitlab/complete\" (example: http://localhost:8065/login/gitlab/complete) and \"<your-mattermost-url>/signup/gitlab/complete\". </li><li>Then use \"Application Secret Key\" and \"Application ID\" fields from GitLab to complete the options below.</li><li>Complete the Endpoint URLs below. </li></ol>",
+ "admin.gitlab.authDescription": "Enter https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/authorize (example Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL depending on your server configuration.",
+ "admin.gitlab.authExample": "예: \"https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user\"",
+ "admin.gitlab.authTitle": "Auth Endpoint:",
+ "admin.gitlab.clientIdDescription": "Obtain this value via the instructions above for logging into GitLab",
+ "admin.gitlab.clientIdExample": "Ex \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
+ "admin.gitlab.clientIdTitle": "Application ID:",
+ "admin.gitlab.clientSecretExample": "Ex \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
+ "admin.gitlab.clientSecretTitle": "Application Secret Key:",
+ "admin.gitlab.enableDescription": "When true, Mattermost allows team creation and account signup using GitLab OAuth.",
+ "admin.gitlab.enableTitle": "Enable authentication with GitLab: ",
+ "admin.gitlab.settingsTitle": "GitLab Settings",
+ "admin.gitlab.tokenDescription": "GitLab 연동을 위해 다음 URL https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user 을 입력하십시오. 서버 설정에 따라 HTTP와 HTTPS 중 올바른 것을 사용하여야 합니다.",
+ "admin.gitlab.tokenExample": "예: \"https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user\"",
+ "admin.gitlab.tokenTitle": "Token Endpoint:",
+ "admin.gitlab.userDescription": "GitLab 연동을 위해 다음 URL https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user 을 입력하십시오. 서버 설정에 따라 HTTP와 HTTPS 중 올바른 것을 사용하여야 합니다.",
+ "admin.gitlab.userExample": "예: \"https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user\"",
+ "admin.gitlab.userTitle": "사용자 API 엔드포인트:",
+ "": "<ol><li><a href=''>Log in</a> to your Google account.</li><li>Go to <a href=''></a>, click <strong>Credentials</strong> in the left hand sidebar and enter <strong>Mattermost - <your-company-name></strong> as the project name.</li><li>Click the <strong>OAuth consent screen</strong> header and enter <strong>Mattermost</strong> as the <strong>Product name to show users</strong>. Click <strong>Save</strong>.</li><li>Under the <strong>Credentials</strong> header, click <strong>Create credentials</strong>, choose <strong>OAuth client ID</strong> and select <strong>Web Application</strong>.</li><li>Under <strong>Restrictions</strong> and <strong>Authorized redirect URIs</strong> enter <strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/google/complete</strong> (example: http://localhost:8065/signup/google/complete). Click <strong>Create</strong>.</li><li>Save the <strong>client ID</strong> and <strong>client secret</strong> to later complete the fields below.</li><li>Finally, go to <a href=''>Google+ API</a> and click <strong>Enable</strong>. This might take a few minutes to propagate through Google's systems.</li><li>Complete the <strong>Client ID</strong> and <strong>Client Secret</strong> fields below.</li></ol>",
+ "": "Auth Endpoint:",
+ "": "The Client ID you received when registering your application with Google.",
+ "": "Ex \"\"",
+ "": "Client ID",
+ "": "The Client Secret you received when registering your application with Google.",
+ "": "Ex \"H8sz0Az-dDs2p15-7QzD231\"",
+ "": "Client Secret",
+ "": "Token Endpoint:",
+ "": "사용자 API 엔드포인트:",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3BucketDescription": "Name you selected for your S3 bucket in AWS.",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3BucketExample": "Ex \"mattermost-media\"",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3BucketTitle": "Amazon S3 Bucket:",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3IdDescription": "Obtain this credential from your Amazon EC2 administrator.",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3IdExample": "Ex \"AKIADTOVBGERKLCBV\"",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3IdTitle": "Amazon S3 Access Key ID:",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3RegionDescription": "AWS region you selected for creating your S3 bucket.",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3RegionExample": "Ex \"us-east-1\"",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3RegionTitle": "Amazon S3 Region:",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3SecretDescription": "Obtain this credential from your Amazon EC2 administrator.",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3SecretExample": "Ex \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3SecretTitle": "Amazon S3 Secret Access Key:",
+ "admin.image.localDescription": "Directory to which files and images are written. If blank, defaults to ./data/.",
+ "admin.image.localExample": "예시: \"./data/\"",
+ "admin.image.localTitle": "Local Storage Directory:",
+ "admin.image.maxFileSizeDescription": "Maximum file size for message attachments in megabytes. Caution: Verify server memory can support your setting choice. Large file sizes increase the risk of server crashes and failed uploads due to network interruptions.",
+ "admin.image.maxFileSizeExample": "50",
+ "admin.image.maxFileSizeTitle": "Maximum File Size:",
+ "admin.image.previewHeightDescription": "Maximum height of preview image (\"0\": Sets to auto-size). Updating this value changes how preview images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.",
+ "admin.image.previewHeightExample": "Ex \"0\"",
+ "admin.image.previewHeightTitle": "Image Preview Height:",
+ "admin.image.previewWidthDescription": "Maximum width of preview image. Updating this value changes how preview images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.",
+ "admin.image.previewWidthExample": "Ex \"1024\"",
+ "admin.image.previewWidthTitle": "Image Preview Width:",
+ "admin.image.profileHeightDescription": "Height of profile picture.",
+ "admin.image.profileHeightExample": "Ex \"0\"",
+ "admin.image.profileHeightTitle": "Profile Picture Height:",
+ "admin.image.profileWidthDescription": "Width of profile picture.",
+ "admin.image.profileWidthExample": "Ex \"1024\"",
+ "admin.image.profileWidthTitle": "Profile Picture Width:",
+ "admin.image.publicLinkDescription": "32-character salt added to signing of public image links. Randomly generated on install. Click \"Regenerate\" to create new salt.",
+ "admin.image.publicLinkExample": "Ex \"gxHVDcKUyP2y1eiyW8S8na1UYQAfq6J6\"",
+ "admin.image.publicLinkTitle": "Public Link Salt:",
+ "admin.image.shareDescription": "Allow users to share public links to files and images.",
+ "admin.image.shareTitle": "Enable Public File Links: ",
+ "admin.image.storeAmazonS3": "Amazon S3",
+ "admin.image.storeDescription": "Storage system where files and image attachments are saved.<br /><br />Selecting \"Amazon S3\" enables fields to enter your Amazon credentials and bucket details.<br /><br />Selecting \"Local File System\" enables the field to specify a local file directory.",
+ "admin.image.storeLocal": "Local File System",
+ "admin.image.storeTitle": "File Storage System:",
+ "admin.image.thumbHeightDescription": "Height of thumbnails generated from uploaded images. Updating this value changes how thumbnail images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.",
+ "admin.image.thumbHeightExample": "Ex \"100\"",
+ "admin.image.thumbHeightTitle": "Attachment Thumbnail Height:",
+ "admin.image.thumbWidthDescription": "Width of thumbnails generated from uploaded images. Updating this value changes how thumbnail images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.",
+ "admin.image.thumbWidthExample": "Ex \"120\"",
+ "admin.image.thumbWidthTitle": "Attachment Thumbnail Width:",
+ "admin.integrations.external": "External Services",
+ "admin.integrations.webhook": "Webhook과 명령어",
+ "admin.ldap.baseDesc": "The Base DN is the Distinguished Name of the location where Mattermost should start its search for users in the LDAP tree.",
+ "admin.ldap.baseEx": "Ex \"ou=Unit Name,dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com\"",
+ "admin.ldap.baseTitle": "BaseDN:",
+ "admin.ldap.bindPwdDesc": "Password of the user given in \"Bind Username\".",
+ "admin.ldap.bindPwdTitle": "Bind Password:",
+ "admin.ldap.bindUserDesc": "The username used to perform the LDAP search. This should typically be an account created specifically for use with Mattermost. It should have access limited to read the portion of the LDAP tree specified in the BaseDN field.",
+ "admin.ldap.bindUserTitle": "Bind Username:",
+ "admin.ldap.emailAttrDesc": "The attribute in the LDAP server that will be used to populate the email addresses of users in Mattermost.",
+ "admin.ldap.emailAttrEx": "Ex \"mail\" or \"userPrincipalName\"",
+ "admin.ldap.emailAttrTitle": "Email Attribute:",
+ "admin.ldap.enableDesc": "When true, Mattermost allows login using LDAP",
+ "admin.ldap.enableTitle": "Enable sign-in with LDAP:",
+ "admin.ldap.firstnameAttrDesc": "The attribute in the LDAP server that will be used to populate the first name of users in Mattermost.",
+ "admin.ldap.firstnameAttrEx": "Ex \"givenName\"",
+ "admin.ldap.firstnameAttrTitle": "First Name Attribute",
+ "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "The attribute in the LDAP server that will be used as a unique identifier in Mattermost. It should be an LDAP attribute with a value that does not change, such as username or uid. If a user’s ID Attribute changes, it will create a new Mattermost account unassociated with their old one. This is the value used to log in to Mattermost in the \"LDAP Username\" field on the sign in page. Normally this attribute is the same as the “Username Attribute” field above. If your team typically uses domain\\username to sign in to other services with LDAP, you may choose to put domain\\username in this field to maintain consistency between sites.",
+ "admin.ldap.idAttrEx": "Ex \"sAMAccountName\"",
+ "admin.ldap.idAttrTitle": "ID Attribute: ",
+ "admin.ldap.lastnameAttrDesc": "The attribute in the LDAP server that will be used to populate the last name of users in Mattermost.",
+ "admin.ldap.lastnameAttrEx": "Ex \"sn\"",
+ "admin.ldap.lastnameAttrTitle": "Last Name Attribute:",
+ "admin.ldap.loginNameDesc": "The placeholder text that appears in the login field on the login page. Defaults to \"LDAP Username\".",
+ "admin.ldap.loginNameEx": "Ex \"LDAP Username\"",
+ "admin.ldap.loginNameTitle": "Login Field Name:",
+ "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeEx": "Ex \"2000\"",
+ "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeHelpText": "The maximum number of users the Mattermost server will request from the LDAP server at one time. 0 is unlimited.",
+ "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeTitle": "Maximum Page Size",
+ "admin.ldap.nicknameAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the LDAP server that will be used to populate the nickname of users in Mattermost.",
+ "admin.ldap.nicknameAttrEx": "Ex \"nickname\"",
+ "admin.ldap.nicknameAttrTitle": "Nickname Attribute:",
+ "admin.ldap.noLicense": "<h4 class=\"banner__heading\">Note:</h4><p>Compliance 는 엔터프라이즈 에디션의 기능입니다. 현재 라이센스는 Compliance 기능을 지원하지 않습니다. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">이 곳</a>에서 엔터프라이즈 라이센스에 대한 정보를 확인하세요.</p>",
+ "admin.ldap.portDesc": "The port Mattermost will use to connect to the LDAP server. Default is 389.",
+ "admin.ldap.portEx": "Ex \"389\"",
+ "admin.ldap.portTitle": "LDAP Port:",
+ "admin.ldap.queryDesc": "The timeout value for queries to the LDAP server. Increase if you are getting timeout errors caused by a slow LDAP server.",
+ "admin.ldap.queryEx": "Ex \"60\"",
+ "admin.ldap.queryTitle": "Query Timeout (seconds):",
+ "admin.ldap.serverDesc": "The domain or IP address of LDAP server.",
+ "admin.ldap.serverEx": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.ldap.serverTitle": "LDAP Server:",
+ "admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerification": "Skip Certificate Verification",
+ "admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerificationDesc": "Skips the certificate verification step for TLS or STARTTLS connections. Not recommended for production environments where TLS is required. For testing only.",
+ "admin.ldap.syncFailure": "Sync Failure: {error}",
+ "admin.ldap.syncIntervalHelpText": "LDAP Synchronization updates Mattermost user information to reflect updates on the LDAP server. For example, when a user’s name changes on the LDAP server, the change updates in Mattermost when synchronization is performed. Accounts removed from or disabled in the LDAP server have their Mattermost accounts set to “Inactive” and have their account sessions revoked. Mattermost performs synchronization on the interval entered. For example, if 60 is entered, Mattermost synchronizes every 60 minutes.",
+ "admin.ldap.syncIntervalTitle": "Synchronization Interval (minutes)",
+ "admin.ldap.syncNowHelpText": "Initiates an LDAP synchronization immediately.",
+ "admin.ldap.sync_button": "LDAP Synchronize Now",
+ "admin.ldap.uernameAttrDesc": "The attribute in the LDAP server that will be used to populate the username field in Mattermost. This may be the same as the ID Attribute.",
+ "admin.ldap.userFilterDisc": "(Optional) Enter an LDAP Filter to use when searching for user objects. Only the users selected by the query will be able to access Mattermost. For Active Directory, the query to filter out disabled users is (&(objectCategory=Person)(!(UserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))).",
+ "admin.ldap.userFilterEx": "Ex. \"(objectClass=user)\"",
+ "admin.ldap.userFilterTitle": "User Filter:",
+ "admin.ldap.usernameAttrEx": "Ex \"sAMAccountName\"",
+ "admin.ldap.usernameAttrTitle": "Username Attribute:",
+ "admin.license.choose": "파일 선택",
+ "admin.license.chooseFile": "파일 선택",
+ "admin.license.edition": "Edition: ",
+ "admin.license.key": "라이센스 키: ",
+ "admin.license.keyRemove": "Remove Enterprise License and Downgrade Server",
+ "admin.license.noFile": "No file uploaded",
+ "admin.license.removing": "Removing License...",
+ "admin.license.title": "Edition and License",
+ "admin.license.type": "라이센스: ",
+ "admin.license.upload": "Upload",
+ "admin.license.uploadDesc": "Upload a license key for Mattermost Enterprise Edition to upgrade this server. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Visit us online</a> to learn more about the benefits of Enterprise Edition or to purchase a key.",
+ "admin.license.uploading": "Uploading License...",
+ "admin.log.consoleDescription": "Typically set to false in production. Developers may set this field to true to output log messages to console based on the console level option. If true, server writes messages to the standard output stream (stdout).",
+ "admin.log.consoleTitle": "Output logs to console: ",
+ "admin.log.enableWebhookDebugging": "Webhook 디버깅 활성화:",
+ "admin.log.enableWebhookDebuggingDescription": "false로 설정하면 incoming webhook의 모든 요청 내용이 디버그 로그에 남는 것을 막을 수 있습니다.",
+ "admin.log.fileDescription": "Typically set to true in production. When true, log files are written to the log file specified in file location field below.",
+ "admin.log.fileLevelDescription": "This setting determines the level of detail at which log events are written to the log file. ERROR: Outputs only error messages. INFO: Outputs error messages and information around startup and initialization. DEBUG: Prints high detail for developers working on debugging issues.",
+ "admin.log.fileLevelTitle": "File Log Level:",
+ "admin.log.fileTitle": "Output logs to file: ",
+ "admin.log.formatDateLong": "Date (2006/01/02)",
+ "admin.log.formatDateShort": "Date (01/02/06)",
+ "admin.log.formatDescription": "Format of log message output. If blank will be set to \"[%D %T] [%L] %M\", where:",
+ "admin.log.formatLevel": "Level (DEBG, INFO, EROR)",
+ "admin.log.formatMessage": "메시지",
+ "admin.log.formatPlaceholder": "Enter your file format",
+ "admin.log.formatSource": "Source",
+ "admin.log.formatTime": "Time (15:04:05 MST)",
+ "admin.log.formatTitle": "File Log Format:",
+ "admin.log.levelDescription": "This setting determines the level of detail at which log events are written to the console. ERROR: Outputs only error messages. INFO: Outputs error messages and information around startup and initialization. DEBUG: Prints high detail for developers working on debugging issues.",
+ "admin.log.levelTitle": "Console Log Level:",
+ "admin.log.locationDescription": "File to which log files are written. If blank, will be set to ./logs/mattermost, which writes logs to mattermost.log. Log rotation is enabled and every 10,000 lines of log information is written to new files stored in the same directory, for example mattermost.2015-09-23.001, mattermost.2015-09-23.002, and so forth.",
+ "admin.log.locationPlaceholder": "Enter your file location",
+ "admin.log.locationTitle": "File Log Directory:",
+ "admin.log.logSettings": "로그 설정",
+ "admin.logs.reload": "새로 고침",
+ "admin.logs.title": "서버 로그",
+ "": "도움말",
+ "admin.nav.logout": "로그아웃",
+ "": "문제 보고",
+ "admin.nav.switch": "팀 선택",
+ "": "이메일",
+ "admin.notifications.push": "모바일 푸시",
+ "admin.notifications.title": "알림 설정",
+ "admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google Apps",
+ "": "Do not allow sign-in via an OAuth 2.0 provider",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "": "Select OAuth 2.0 service provider:",
+ "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>Log in</a> to your Microsoft or Office 365 account. Make sure it's the account on the same <a href=''>tenant</a> that you would like users to log in with.</li><li>Go to <a href=''></a>, click <strong>Add an app</strong> and use <strong>Mattermost - <your-company-name></strong> as the application name.</li><li>Under <strong>Application Secrets</strong>, click <strong>Generate New Password</strong> and save it to later complete the field below.</li><li>Under <strong>Platforms</strong>, click <strong>Add Platform</strong>, choose <strong>Web</strong> and enter <strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/office365/complete</strong> (example: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete) under <strong>Redirect URIs</strong>. Also uncheck <strong>Allow Implicit Flow</strong>.</li><li>Finally, click <strong>Save</strong> and complete the <strong>Application ID</strong> and <strong>Application Secret Password</strong> fields below.</li></ol>",
+ "admin.office365.authTitle": "Auth Endpoint:",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "The Application/Client ID you received when registering your application with Microsoft.",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdExample": "Ex \"adf3sfa2-ag3f-sn4n-ids0-sh1hdax192qq\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdTitle": "Application ID:",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretDescription": "The Application Secret Password you generated when registering your application with Microsoft.",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretExample": "Ex \"shAieM47sNBfgl20f8ci294\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretTitle": "Application Secret Password:",
+ "admin.office365.tokenTitle": "Token Endpoint:",
+ "admin.office365.userTitle": "사용자 API 엔드포인트:",
+ "admin.password.lowercase": "At least one lowercase letter",
+ "admin.password.minimumLength": "Minimum Password Length:",
+ "admin.password.minimumLengthDescription": "Minimum number of characters required for a valid password. Must be a whole number greater than or equal to {min} and less than or equal to {max}.",
+ "admin.password.minimumLengthExample": "Ex \"5\"",
+ "admin.password.number": "At least one number",
+ "admin.password.preview": "Error message preview",
+ "admin.password.requirements": "Password Requirements:",
+ "admin.password.requirementsDescription": "Character types required in a valid password.",
+ "admin.password.symbol": "At least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\")",
+ "admin.password.uppercase": "At least one uppercase letter",
+ "admin.privacy.showEmailDescription": "When false, hides email address of users from other users in the user interface, including team owners and team administrators. Used when system is set up for managing teams where some users choose to keep their contact information private.",
+ "admin.privacy.showEmailTitle": "Show Email Address: ",
+ "admin.privacy.showFullNameDescription": "When false, hides full name of users from other users, including team owners and team administrators. Username is shown in place of full name.",
+ "admin.privacy.showFullNameTitle": "Show Full Name: ",
+ "admin.rate.enableLimiterDescription": "true로 설정하면 API 호출이 아래에 설정된 속도로 조절됩니다.",
+ "admin.rate.enableLimiterTitle": "Enable Rate Limiting: ",
+ "admin.rate.httpHeaderDescription": "When filled in, vary rate limiting by HTTP header field specified (e.g. when configuring NGINX set to \"X-Real-IP\", when configuring AmazonELB set to \"X-Forwarded-For\").",
+ "admin.rate.httpHeaderExample": "Ex \"X-Real-IP\", \"X-Forwarded-For\"",
+ "admin.rate.httpHeaderTitle": "Vary rate limit by HTTP header",
+ "admin.rate.memoryDescription": "Maximum number of users sessions connected to the system as determined by \"Vary rate limit by remote address\" and \"Vary rate limit by HTTP header\" settings below.",
+ "admin.rate.memoryExample": "Ex \"10000\"",
+ "admin.rate.memoryTitle": "Memory Store Size:",
+ "admin.rate.noteDescription": "Changing properties in this section will require a server restart before taking effect.",
+ "admin.rate.noteTitle": "Note:",
+ "admin.rate.queriesDescription": "설정된 값만큼 초당 API 호출을 조절합니다.",
+ "admin.rate.queriesExample": "Ex \"10\"",
+ "admin.rate.queriesTitle": "Maximum Queries per Second:",
+ "admin.rate.remoteDescription": "true로 설정하면, IP 주소에 따라 API 호출 속도를 조절합니다.",
+ "admin.rate.remoteTitle": "Vary rate limit by remote address: ",
+ "admin.rate.title": "Rate Limit Settings",
+ "admin.recycle.button": "Recycle Database Connections",
+ "admin.recycle.loading": " Recycling...",
+ "admin.recycle.recycleDescription": "Deployments using multiple databases can switch from one master database to another without restarting the Mattermost server by updating \"config.json\" to the new desired configuration and using the <a href=\"../general/configuration\"><b>Configuration > Reload Configuration from Disk</b></a> feature to load the new settings while the server is running. The administrator should then use <b>Recycle Database Connections</b> feature to recycle the database connections based on the new settings.",
+ "admin.recycle.reloadFail": "연결을 실패했습니다: {error}",
+ "admin.regenerate": "재생성",
+ "admin.reload.button": "Reload Configuration From Disk",
+ "admin.reload.loading": " 로딩 중...",
+ "admin.reload.reloadDescription": "Deployments using multiple databases can switch from one master database to another without restarting the Mattermost server by updating \"config.json\" to the new desired configuration and using the <b>Reload Configuration from Disk</b> feature to load the new settings while the server is running. The administrator should then use the <a href=\"../advanced/database\"><b>Database > Recycle Database Connections</b></a> feature to recycle the database connections based on the new settings.",
+ "admin.reload.reloadFail": "연결을 실패했습니다: {error}",
+ "admin.reset_password.close": "닫기",
+ "admin.reset_password.newPassword": "New Password",
+ "": "선택",
+ "admin.reset_password.submit": "최소 {chars}글자 이상 입력하세요.",
+ "admin.reset_password.titleReset": "Reset Password",
+ "admin.reset_password.titleSwitch": "Switch Account to Email/Password",
+ "admin.saml.assertionConsumerServiceURLDesc": "Enter https://<your-mattermost-url>/login/sso/saml. Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL depending on your server configuration. This field is also known as the Assertion Consumer Service URL.",
+ "admin.saml.assertionConsumerServiceURLEx": "Ex \"https://<your-mattermost-url>/login/sso/saml\"",
+ "admin.saml.assertionConsumerServiceURLTitle": "Service Provider Login URL:",
+ "admin.saml.emailAttrDesc": "The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the email addresses of users in Mattermost.",
+ "admin.saml.emailAttrEx": "Ex \"Email\" or \"PrimaryEmail\"",
+ "admin.saml.emailAttrTitle": "Email Attribute:",
+ "admin.saml.enableDescription": "When true, Mattermost allows login using SAML. Please see <a href='' target='_blank'>documentation</a> to learn more about configuring SAML for Mattermost.",
+ "admin.saml.enableTitle": "Enable Login With SAML:",
+ "admin.saml.encryptDescription": "When true, Mattermost will decrypt SAML Assertions encrypted with your Service Provider Public Certificate.",
+ "admin.saml.encryptTitle": "Enable Encryption:",
+ "admin.saml.firstnameAttrDesc": "The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the first name of users in Mattermost.",
+ "admin.saml.firstnameAttrEx": "Ex \"FirstName\"",
+ "admin.saml.firstnameAttrTitle": "First Name Attribute:",
+ "admin.saml.idpCertificateFileDesc": "The public authentication certificate issued by your Identity Provider.",
+ "admin.saml.idpCertificateFileRemoveDesc": "Remove the public authentication certificate issued by your Identity Provider.",
+ "admin.saml.idpCertificateFileTitle": "Identity Provider Public Certificate:",
+ "admin.saml.idpDescriptorUrlDesc": "The issuer URL for the Identity Provider you use for SAML requests.",
+ "admin.saml.idpDescriptorUrlEx": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.saml.idpDescriptorUrlTitle": "Identity Provider Issuer URL:",
+ "admin.saml.idpUrlDesc": "The URL where Mattermost sends a SAML request to start login sequence.",
+ "admin.saml.idpUrlEx": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.saml.idpUrlTitle": "SAML SSO URL:",
+ "admin.saml.lastnameAttrDesc": "The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the last name of users in Mattermost.",
+ "admin.saml.lastnameAttrEx": "Ex \"LastName\"",
+ "admin.saml.lastnameAttrTitle": "Last Name Attribute:",
+ "admin.saml.localeAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the language of users in Mattermost.",
+ "admin.saml.localeAttrEx": "Ex \"Locale\" or \"PrimaryLanguage\"",
+ "admin.saml.localeAttrTitle": "Preferred Language Attribute:",
+ "admin.saml.loginButtonTextDesc": "(Optional) The text that appears in the login button on the login page. Defaults to \"With SAML\".",
+ "admin.saml.loginButtonTextEx": "Ex \"With OKTA\"",
+ "admin.saml.loginButtonTextTitle": "Login Button Text:",
+ "admin.saml.nicknameAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the nickname of users in Mattermost.",
+ "admin.saml.nicknameAttrEx": "Ex \"Nickname\"",
+ "admin.saml.nicknameAttrTitle": "Nickname Attribute:",
+ "admin.saml.privateKeyFileFileDesc": "The private key used to decrypt SAML Assertions from the Identity Provider.",
+ "admin.saml.privateKeyFileFileRemoveDesc": "Remove the private key used to decrypt SAML Assertions from the Identity Provider.",
+ "admin.saml.privateKeyFileTitle": "Service Provider Private Key:",
+ "admin.saml.publicCertificateFileDesc": "The certificate used to generate the signature on a SAML request to the Identity Provider for a service provider initiated SAML login, when Mattermost is the Service Provider.",
+ "admin.saml.publicCertificateFileRemoveDesc": "Remove the certificate used to generate the signature on a SAML request to the Identity Provider for a service provider initiated SAML login, when Mattermost is the Service Provider.",
+ "admin.saml.publicCertificateFileTitle": "Service Provider Public Certificate:",
+ "admin.saml.remove.idp_certificate": "Remove Identity Provider Certificate",
+ "admin.saml.remove.privKey": "Remove Service Provider Private Key",
+ "admin.saml.remove.sp_certificate": "Remove Service Provider Certificate",
+ "admin.saml.removing.certificate": "Removing Certificate...",
+ "admin.saml.removing.privKey": "Removing Private Key...",
+ "admin.saml.uploading.certificate": "Uploading Certificate...",
+ "admin.saml.uploading.privateKey": "Uploading Private Key...",
+ "admin.saml.usernameAttrDesc": "The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the username field in Mattermost.",
+ "admin.saml.usernameAttrEx": "Ex \"Username\"",
+ "admin.saml.usernameAttrTitle": "Username Attribute:",
+ "admin.saml.verifyDescription": "When true, Mattermost verifies that the signature sent from the SAML Response matches the Service Provider Login URL",
+ "admin.saml.verifyTitle": "Verify Signature:",
+ "": "저장",
+ "admin.saving": "설정 저장 중...",
+ "": "연결",
+ "": "Invite salt cannot be changed while sending emails is disabled.",
+ "": "로그인",
+ "": "비밀번호",
+ "": "Password reset salt cannot be changed while sending emails is disabled.",
+ "": "공개 링크",
+ "": "Email verification cannot be changed while sending emails is disabled.",
+ "": "세션",
+ "": "가입",
+ "admin.select_team.close": "닫기",
+ "": "선택",
+ "admin.select_team.selectTeam": "팀 선택",
+ "admin.service.attemptDescription": "Number of login attempts allowed before a user is locked out and required to reset their password via email.",
+ "admin.service.attemptExample": "Ex \"10\"",
+ "admin.service.attemptTitle": "Maximum Login Attempts:",
+ "admin.service.cmdsDesc": "When true, custom slash commands will be allowed. See <a href='' target='_blank'>documentation</a> to learn more.",
+ "admin.service.cmdsTitle": "슬래시 명령어 활성화: ",
+ "admin.service.corsDescription": "Enable HTTP Cross origin request from a specific domain. Use \"*\" if you want to allow CORS from any domain or leave it blank to disable it.",
+ "admin.service.corsEx": "",
+ "admin.service.corsTitle": "Enable cross-origin requests from:",
+ "admin.service.developerDesc": "When true, Javascript errors are shown in a red bar at the top of the user interface. Not recommended for use in production. ",
+ "admin.service.developerTitle": "Enable Developer Mode: ",
+ "admin.service.googleDescription": "Set this key to enable the display of titles for embedded YouTube video previews. Without the key, YouTube previews will still be created based on hyperlinks appearing in messages or comments but they will not show the video title. View a <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Google Developers Tutorial</a> for instructions on how to obtain a key.",
+ "admin.service.googleExample": "Ex \"7rAh6iwQCkV4cA1Gsg3fgGOXJAQ43QV\"",
+ "admin.service.googleTitle": "Google API Key:",
+ "admin.service.iconDescription": "true로 설정하면, webhook이나 슬래시 명령어가 메시지를 보낼 때 아이콘을 변경할 수 있게 됩니다. 주의사항: 사용자 이름 변경과 함께 허용하면 피싱 공격의 위험이 있습니다.",
+ "admin.service.iconTitle": "Enable webhooks and slash commands to override profile picture icons:",
+ "admin.service.insecureTlsDesc": "true로 설정하면 Mattermost에서 밖으로 나가는 어떤 HTTPS 요청에 대해서도 인증서 검사를 하지 않습니다. 예를 들어, self-signed TLS 인증서를 아무 도메인 이름에 대해 설정하더라도 HTTPS 통신을 진행합니다. 이 설정을 켤 때는 MITM 공격에 주의하세요.",
+ "admin.service.insecureTlsTitle": "Enable Insecure Outgoing Connections: ",
+ "admin.service.integrationAdmin": "Restrict creating integrations to Team and System Admins: ",
+ "admin.service.integrationAdminDesc": "When true, user created integrations can only be created by admins.",
+ "admin.service.listenAddress": "Listen Address:",
+ "admin.service.listenDescription": "The address to which to bind and listen. Entering \":8065\" will bind to all interfaces or you can choose one like \"\". Changing this will require a server restart before taking effect.",
+ "admin.service.listenExample": "Ex \":8065\"",
+ "admin.service.mfaDesc": "When true, users will be given the option to add multi-factor authentication to their account. They will need a smartphone and an authenticator app such as Google Authenticator.",
+ "admin.service.mfaTitle": "Enable Multi-factor Authentication:",
+ "admin.service.mobileSessionDays": "Session length for mobile apps (days):",
+ "admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. After changing this setting, the new session length will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
+ "admin.service.outWebhooksDesc": "When true, outgoing webhooks will be allowed. See <a href='' target='_blank'>documentation</a> to learn more.",
+ "admin.service.outWebhooksTitle": "Outgoing webhook 허용: ",
+ "admin.service.overrideDescription": "true로 설정하면, webhook과 슬래시 명령어가 메세지를 보낼 때 사용자 이름을 변경할 수 있게 됩니다. 주의사항: 아이콘 변경과 함께 허용하면 피싱 공격의 위험이 있습니다.",
+ "admin.service.overrideTitle": "Enable webhooks and slash commands to override usernames:",
+ "admin.service.securityDesc": "When true, System Administrators are notified by email if a relevant security fix alert has been announced in the last 12 hours. Requires email to be enabled.",
+ "admin.service.securityTitle": "Enable Security Alerts: ",
+ "admin.service.segmentDescription": " is an online service that can be optionally used to track detailed system statistics. You can obtain a key by signing-up for a free account at",
+ "admin.service.segmentExample": "Ex \"g3fgGOXJAQ43QV7rAh6iwQCkV4cA1Gs\"",
+ "admin.service.segmentTitle": "Segment Write Key:",
+ "admin.service.sessionCache": "Session Cache (minutes):",
+ "admin.service.sessionCacheDesc": "The number of minutes to cache a session in memory.",
+ "admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "Ex \"30\"",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "Session length for mobile apps (days):",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. If the authentication method is SAML or GitLab, the user may automatically be logged back in to Mattermost if they are already logged in to SAML or GitLab. After changing this setting, the setting will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
+ "admin.service.testingDescription": "(개발자 옵션) true로 설정하면, /loadtest 슬래시 명령을 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 명령을 사용하여 테스트를 위한 계정과 데이터를 불러들일 수 있습니다. 이 설정이 적용되려면 서버를 재시작해야 합니다.",
+ "admin.service.testingTitle": "Enable Testing Commands: ",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDays": "Session length LDAP and email (days):",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. After changing this setting, the new session length will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
+ "admin.service.webhooksDescription": "When true, incoming webhooks will be allowed. To help combat phishing attacks, all posts from webhooks will be labelled by a BOT tag. See <a href='' target='_blank'>documentation</a> to learn more.",
+ "admin.service.webhooksTitle": "Incoming webhook 허용: ",
+ "admin.sidebar.addTeamSidebar": "Add team from sidebar menu",
+ "admin.sidebar.advanced": "고급",
+ "admin.sidebar.audits": "감사",
+ "admin.sidebar.authentication": "인증",
+ "admin.sidebar.compliance": "Compliance",
+ "admin.sidebar.configuration": "환경설정",
+ "admin.sidebar.connections": "연결",
+ "admin.sidebar.customBrand": "사용자 정의 브랜딩",
+ "admin.sidebar.customEmoji": "사용자 정의 이모티콘",
+ "admin.sidebar.customization": "사용자 정의",
+ "admin.sidebar.database": "데이터베이스",
+ "admin.sidebar.developer": "개발자 설정",
+ "": "이메일",
+ "admin.sidebar.external": "외부 서비스",
+ "admin.sidebar.files": "파일",
+ "admin.sidebar.general": "일반",
+ "admin.sidebar.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "admin.sidebar.images": "이미지",
+ "admin.sidebar.integrations": "통합",
+ "admin.sidebar.ldap": "LDAP",
+ "admin.sidebar.legalAndSupport": "지원",
+ "admin.sidebar.license": "Edition and License",
+ "admin.sidebar.localization": "지역화",
+ "admin.sidebar.logging": "로그",
+ "admin.sidebar.login": "로그인",
+ "admin.sidebar.logs": "서버 로그 보기",
+ "admin.sidebar.notifications": "알림",
+ "admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
+ "admin.sidebar.other": "기타",
+ "admin.sidebar.password": "비밀번호",
+ "admin.sidebar.policy": "정책",
+ "admin.sidebar.privacy": "개인",
+ "admin.sidebar.publicLinks": "공개 링크",
+ "admin.sidebar.push": "모바일 푸시",
+ "admin.sidebar.rateLimiting": "Rate Limiting",
+ "admin.sidebar.reports": "보고",
+ "admin.sidebar.rmTeamSidebar": "사이드바 메뉴에서 팀 제거",
+ "admin.sidebar.saml": "SAML",
+ "": "보안",
+ "admin.sidebar.sessions": "세션",
+ "admin.sidebar.settings": "설정",
+ "admin.sidebar.signUp": "가입",
+ "admin.sidebar.sign_up": "가입",
+ "admin.sidebar.statistics": "팀 통계",
+ "": "저장소",
+ "": "지원",
+ "admin.sidebar.teams": "팀 ({count, number})",
+ "admin.sidebar.users": "사용자",
+ "admin.sidebar.usersAndTeams": "팀과 사용자",
+ "admin.sidebar.view_statistics": "사이트 통계",
+ "admin.sidebar.webhooks": "Webhook과 명령어",
+ "admin.sidebarHeader.systemConsole": "관리자 도구",
+ "admin.sql.dataSource": "Data Source:",
+ "admin.sql.driverName": "Driver Name:",
+ "admin.sql.keyDescription": "32-character salt available to encrypt and decrypt sensitive fields in database.",
+ "admin.sql.keyExample": "Ex \"gxHVDcKUyP2y1eiyW8S8na1UYQAfq6J6\"",
+ "admin.sql.keyTitle": "At Rest Encrypt Key:",
+ "admin.sql.maxConnectionsDescription": "Maximum number of idle connections held open to the database.",
+ "admin.sql.maxConnectionsExample": "Ex \"10\"",
+ "admin.sql.maxConnectionsTitle": "Maximum Idle Connections:",
+ "admin.sql.maxOpenDescription": "Maximum number of open connections held open to the database.",
+ "admin.sql.maxOpenExample": "Ex \"10\"",
+ "admin.sql.maxOpenTitle": "Maximum Open Connections:",
+ "admin.sql.noteDescription": "Changing properties in this section will require a server restart before taking effect.",
+ "admin.sql.noteTitle": "Note:",
+ "admin.sql.replicas": "Data Source Replicas:",
+ "admin.sql.traceDescription": "(Development Mode) When true, executing SQL statements are written to the log.",
+ "admin.sql.traceTitle": "Trace: ",
+ "admin.sql.warning": "Warning: regenerating this salt may cause some columns in the database to return empty results.",
+ "": "Link to About page for more information on your Mattermost deployment, for example its purpose and audience within your organization. Defaults to Mattermost information page.",
+ "": "About link:",
+ "": "Email address displayed on email notifications and during tutorial for end users to ask support questions.",
+ "": "Support Email:",
+ "": "Link to help documentation from team site main menu. Typically not changed unless your organization chooses to create custom documentation.",
+ "": "Help link:",
+ "": "If linking to an external site, URLs should begin with http:// or https://.",
+ "": "Note:",
+ "": "Link to Privacy Policy available to users on desktop and on mobile. Leaving this blank will hide the option to display a notice.",
+ "": "Privacy Policy link:",
+ "": "Link to help documentation from team site main menu. By default this points to the peer-to-peer troubleshooting forum where users can search for, find and request help with technical issues.",
+ "": "Report a Problem link:",
+ "": "Link to the terms under which users may use your online service. By default, this includes the \"Mattermost Conditions of Use (End Users)\" explaining the terms under which Mattermost software is provided to end users. If you change the default link to add your own terms for using the service you provide, your new terms must include a link to the default terms so end users are aware of the Mattermost Conditions of Use (End User) for Mattermost software.",
+ "": "Terms of Service link:",
+ "admin.system_analytics.activeUsers": "Active Users With Posts",
+ "admin.system_analytics.title": "the System",
+ "admin.system_analytics.totalPosts": "Total Posts",
+ "": "Enable custom branding to show an image of your choice, uploaded below, and some help text, written below, on the login page.",
+ "": "모든 팀 커뮤니케이션을 한 곳에서 확인하고, 검색하고, 접근할 수 있습니다.",
+ "": "Name of service shown in login screens and UI.",
+ "": "Site Description",
+ "": "Custom Brand Image:",
+ "": "The custom branding Markdown-formatted text you would like to appear below your custom brand image on your login screen.",
+ "": "Custom Brand Text:",
+ "": "Enable Custom Branding: ",
+ "": "Choose New Image",
+ "": "When true, teams that are configured to show in team directory will show on main page inplace of creating a new team.",
+ "": "Enable Team Directory: ",
+ "": "Maximum total number of users per team, including both active and inactive users.",
+ "": "Ex \"25\"",
+ "": "Max Users Per Team:",
+ "": "No brand image uploaded",
+ "": "When true, anyone can signup for a user account on this server without the need to be invited.",
+ "": "Enable Open Server: ",
+ "": "Teams and user accounts can only be created from a specific domain (e.g. \"\") or list of comma-separated domains (e.g. \",\").",
+ "": "Enable users to open Direct Message channels with:",
+ "": "'Any user on the Mattermost server' enables users to open a Direct Message channel with any user on the server, even if they are not on any teams together. 'Any member of the team' limits the ability to open Direct Message channels to only users who are in the same team.",
+ "": "Ex \",\"",
+ "": "When true, You cannot create a team name with reserved words like www, admin, support, test, channel, etc",
+ "": "Restrict Team Names: ",
+ "": "Restrict account creation to specified email domains:",
+ "": "Any user on the Mattermost server",
+ "": "Any member of the team",
+ "": "Name of service shown in login screens and UI.",
+ "": "예: \"Mattermost\"",
+ "": "사이트 이름:",
+ "": "When false, only System Administrators can create teams.",
+ "": "Enable Team Creation: ",
+ "": "Upload",
+ "": "Customize your user experience by adding a custom image to your login screen. See examples at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
+ "": "Uploaded!",
+ "": "Uploading..",
+ "": "When false, the ability to create accounts is disabled. The create account button displays error when pressed.",
+ "": "Enable Account Creation: ",
+ "admin.team_analytics.activeUsers": "Active Users With Posts",
+ "admin.team_analytics.totalPosts": "Total Posts",
+ "admin.true": "활성화",
+ "admin.userList.title": "Users for {team}",
+ "admin.userList.title2": "Users for {team} ({count})",
+ "admin.user_item.authServiceEmail": ", <strong>Sign-in Method:</strong> Email",
+ "admin.user_item.authServiceNotEmail": ", <strong>Sign-in Method:</strong> {service}",
+ "admin.user_item.confirmDemoteDescription": "If you demote yourself from the System Admin role and there is not another user with System Admin privileges, you'll need to re-assign a System Admin by accessing the Mattermost server through a terminal and running the following command.",
+ "admin.user_item.confirmDemoteRoleTitle": "Confirm demotion from System Admin role",
+ "admin.user_item.confirmDemotion": "Confirm Demotion",
+ "admin.user_item.confirmDemotionCmd": "platform -assign_role -team_name=\"yourteam\" -email=\"\" -role=\"system_admin\"",
+ "admin.user_item.emailTitle": "<strong>Email:</strong> {email}",
+ "admin.user_item.inactive": "비활성",
+ "admin.user_item.makeActive": "활성화",
+ "admin.user_item.makeInactive": "비활성화",
+ "admin.user_item.makeMember": "Make Member",
+ "admin.user_item.makeSysAdmin": "Make System Admin",
+ "admin.user_item.makeTeamAdmin": "Make Team Admin",
+ "admin.user_item.member": "멤버",
+ "admin.user_item.mfaNo": ", <strong>MFA</strong>: No",
+ "admin.user_item.mfaYes": ", <strong>MFA</strong>: Yes",
+ "admin.user_item.resetMfa": "Remove MFA",
+ "admin.user_item.resetPwd": "Reset Password",
+ "admin.user_item.switchToEmail": "Switch to Email/Password",
+ "admin.user_item.sysAdmin": "시스템 관리자",
+ "admin.user_item.teamAdmin": "팀 관리자",
+ "admin.webserverModeDisabled": "Disabled",
+ "admin.webserverModeDisabledDescription": "The Mattermost server will not serve static files.",
+ "admin.webserverModeGzip": "gzip",
+ "admin.webserverModeGzipDescription": "The Mattermost server will serve static files compressed with gzip.",
+ "admin.webserverModeHelpText": "gzip compression applies to static content files. It is recommended to enable gzip to improve performance unless your environment has specific restrictions, such as a web proxy that distributes gzip files poorly. This setting requires a server restart to take effect.",
+ "admin.webserverModeTitle": "Webserver Mode:",
+ "admin.webserverModeUncompressed": "Uncompressed",
+ "admin.webserverModeUncompressedDescription": "The Mattermost server will serve static files uncompressed.",
+ "analytics.chart.loading": "로딩 중...",
+ "analytics.chart.meaningful": "Not enough data for a meaningful representation.",
+ "analytics.system.activeUsers": "Active Users With Posts",
+ "analytics.system.channelTypes": "Channel Types",
+ "analytics.system.expiredBanner": "The Enterprise license expired on {date}. You have 15 days from this date to renew the license, please contact <a href=''></a>.",
+ "analytics.system.expiringBanner": "The Enterprise license is expiring on {date}. To renew your license, please contact <a href=''></a>.",
+ "analytics.system.postTypes": "Posts, Files and Hashtags",
+ "analytics.system.privateGroups": "비공개 그룹",
+ "analytics.system.publicChannels": "공개 채널",
+ "analytics.system.textPosts": "Posts with Text-only",
+ "analytics.system.title": "시스템 통계",
+ "analytics.system.totalChannels": "전체 채널",
+ "analytics.system.totalCommands": "전체 명령어",
+ "analytics.system.totalFilePosts": "Posts with Files",
+ "analytics.system.totalHashtagPosts": "Posts with Hashtags",
+ "analytics.system.totalIncomingWebhooks": "Incoming Webhook",
+ "analytics.system.totalOutgoingWebhooks": "Outgoing Webhook",
+ "analytics.system.totalPosts": "전체 글",
+ "analytics.system.totalSessions": "전체 세션",
+ "analytics.system.totalTeams": "전체 팀",
+ "analytics.system.totalUsers": "전체 사용자",
+ "": "Active Users With Posts",
+ "": "Newly Created Users",
+ "": "비공개 그룹",
+ "": "공개 채널",
+ "": "Recent Active Users",
+ "": "Recent Active Users",
+ "": "{team} 팀 통계",
+ "": "전체 글",
+ "": "전체 사용자",
+ "audit_table.accountActive": "Account made active",
+ "audit_table.accountInactive": "Account made inactive",
+ "audit_table.action": "Action",
+ "audit_table.attemptedAllowOAuthAccess": "Attempted to allow a new OAuth service access",
+ "audit_table.attemptedLicenseAdd": "Attempted to add new license",
+ "audit_table.attemptedLogin": "Attempted to login",
+ "audit_table.attemptedOAuthToken": "Attempted to get an OAuth access token",
+ "audit_table.attemptedPassword": "Attempted to change password",
+ "audit_table.attemptedRegisterApp": "Attempted to register a new OAuth Application with ID {id}",
+ "audit_table.attemptedReset": "Attempted to reset password",
+ "audit_table.attemptedWebhookCreate": "Attempted to create a webhook",
+ "audit_table.attemptedWebhookDelete": "Attempted to delete a webhook",
+ "": " by {username}",
+ "audit_table.byAdmin": " by an admin",
+ "audit_table.channelCreated": "Created the {channelName} channel/group",
+ "audit_table.channelDeleted": "Deleted the channel/group with the URL {url}",
+ "audit_table.establishedDM": "Established a direct message channel with {username}",
+ "audit_table.failedExpiredLicenseAdd": "Failed to add a new license as it has either expired or not yet been started",
+ "audit_table.failedInvalidLicenseAdd": "Failed to add an invalid license",
+ "audit_table.failedLogin": "FAILED login attempt",
+ "audit_table.failedOAuthAccess": "Failed to allow a new OAuth service access - the redirect URI did not match the previously registered callback",
+ "audit_table.failedPassword": "Failed to change password - tried to update user password who was logged in through oauth",
+ "audit_table.failedWebhookCreate": "Failed to create a webhook - bad channel permissions",
+ "audit_table.failedWebhookDelete": "Failed to delete a webhook - inappropriate conditions",
+ "audit_table.headerUpdated": "Updated the {channelName} channel/group header",
+ "audit_table.ip": "IP Address",
+ "audit_table.licenseRemoved": "Successfully removed a license",
+ "audit_table.loginAttempt": " (Login attempt)",
+ "audit_table.loginFailure": " (Login failure)",
+ "audit_table.logout": "Logged out of your account",
+ "audit_table.member": "멤버",
+ "audit_table.nameUpdated": "Updated the {channelName} channel/group name",
+ "audit_table.oauthTokenFailed": "Failed to get an OAuth access token - {token}",
+ "audit_table.revokedAll": "Revoked all current sessions for the team",
+ "audit_table.sentEmail": "Sent an email to {email} to reset your password",
+ "audit_table.session": "Session ID",
+ "audit_table.sessionRevoked": "The session with id {sessionId} was revoked",
+ "audit_table.successfullLicenseAdd": "Successfully added new license",
+ "audit_table.successfullLogin": "Successfully logged in",
+ "audit_table.successfullOAuthAccess": "Successfully gave a new OAuth service access",
+ "audit_table.successfullOAuthToken": "Successfully added a new OAuth service",
+ "audit_table.successfullPassword": "Successfully changed password",
+ "audit_table.successfullReset": "Successfully reset password",
+ "audit_table.successfullWebhookCreate": "Successfully created a webhook",
+ "audit_table.successfullWebhookDelete": "Successfully deleted a webhook",
+ "audit_table.timestamp": "Timestamp",
+ "audit_table.updateGeneral": "Updated the general settings of your account",
+ "audit_table.updateGlobalNotifications": "Updated your global notification settings",
+ "audit_table.updatePicture": "Updated your profile picture",
+ "audit_table.updatedRol": "Updated user role(s) to ",
+ "audit_table.userAdded": "Added {username} to the {channelName} channel/group",
+ "audit_table.userId": "User ID",
+ "audit_table.userRemoved": "Removed {username} to the {channelName} channel/group",
+ "audit_table.verified": "Sucessfully verified your email address",
+ "authorize.access": "Allow <strong>{appName}</strong> access?",
+ "authorize.allow": "Allow",
+ "": "The app <strong>{appName}</strong> would like the ability to access and modify your basic information.",
+ "authorize.deny": "Deny",
+ "authorize.title": "An application would like to connect to your {teamName} account",
+ "": "Search",
+ "backstage_navbar.backToMattermost": "Back to {siteName}",
+ "backstage_sidebar.integrations": "Integrations",
+ "backstage_sidebar.integrations.commands": "슬래시 명령어",
+ "backstage_sidebar.integrations.incoming_webhooks": "Incoming Webhooks",
+ "backstage_sidebar.integrations.outgoing_webhooks": "Outgoing Webhooks",
+ "center_panel.recent": "Click here to jump to recent messages. ",
+ "chanel_header.addMembers": "Add Members",
+ "change_url.close": "닫기",
+ "change_url.endWithLetter": "Must end with a letter or number",
+ "change_url.invalidUrl": "Invalid URL",
+ "change_url.longer": "Must be longer than two characters",
+ "change_url.noUnderscore": "Can not contain two underscores in a row.",
+ "change_url.startWithLetter": "Must start with a letter or number",
+ "channel_flow.alreadyExist": "이미 존재하는 채널 URL입니다.",
+ "channel_flow.changeUrlDescription": "일부 URL로 사용할 수 없는 문자들은 제거될 수 있습니다.",
+ "channel_flow.changeUrlTitle": "{term} URL 변경",
+ "": "채널",
+ "channel_flow.create": "Create {term}",
+ "": "그룹",
+ "channel_flow.invalidName": "잘못된 채널 이름",
+ "channel_flow.set_url_title": "Set {term} URL",
+ "": "채널",
+ "channel_header.channelHeader": "채널 헤더 설정...",
+ "channel_header.delete": "{term} 삭제...",
+ "": "그룹",
+ "channel_header.leave": "{term} 떠나기",
+ "channel_header.manageMembers": "멤버 관리",
+ "channel_header.notificationPreferences": "알림 설정",
+ "channel_header.recentMentions": "최근 멘션",
+ "channel_header.rename": "{term}의 이름을 변경...",
+ "channel_header.setHeader": "{term}의 헤더 설정...",
+ "channel_header.setPurpose": "{term}의 설명 설정...",
+ "channel_header.viewInfo": "정보 보기",
+ "channel_header.viewMembers": "멤버 보기",
+ "channel_info.about": "About",
+ "channel_info.close": "닫기",
+ "channel_info.header": "Header:",
+ "": "ID: ",
+ "": "이름:",
+ "channel_info.notFound": "No Channel Found",
+ "channel_info.purpose": "Purpose:",
+ "channel_info.url": "URL:",
+ "channel_invite.add": " 추가",
+ "channel_invite.addNewMembers": "Add New Members to ",
+ "channel_invite.close": "닫기",
+ "channel_loader.connection_error": "There appears to be a problem with your internet connection.",
+ "channel_loader.posted": "Posted",
+ "channel_loader.socketError": "Please check connection, Mattermost unreachable. If issue persists, ask administrator to check WebSocket port.",
+ "channel_loader.someone": "Someone",
+ "channel_loader.something": " did something new",
+ "channel_loader.unknown_error": "We received an unexpected status code from the server.",
+ "channel_loader.uploadedFile": " uploaded a file",
+ "channel_loader.uploadedImage": " uploaded an image",
+ "channel_loader.wrote": " wrote: ",
+ "channel_members_modal.addNew": " 새로운 회원 추가",
+ "channel_members_modal.close": "닫기",
+ "channel_members_modal.remove": "제거하기",
+ "channel_memebers_modal.members": " 멤버",
+ "channel_modal.cancel": "취소",
+ "": "채널",
+ "channel_modal.createNew": "새로운 ",
+ "channel_modal.descriptionHelp": "{term}은 이렇게 사용되어야 합니다.",
+ "channel_modal.displayNameError": "필수 항목입니다.",
+ "channel_modal.edit": "편집",
+ "": "그룹",
+ "channel_modal.header": "헤더",
+ "channel_modal.headerHelp": "{term} 상단 이름 옆에 표시될 텍스트를 입력하세요. 예를 들면, 다음과 같이 자주 사용되는 링크를 등록할 수 있습니다. [Link Title](",
+ "channel_modal.modalTitle": "새로운 ",
+ "": "이름",
+ "channel_modal.nameEx": "예시: \"Bugs\", \"Marketing\", \"고객지원\"",
+ "channel_modal.optional": "(선택사항)",
+ "channel_modal.privateGroup1": "일부 회원만 접근할 수 있는 비공개 그룹을 만듭니다. ",
+ "channel_modal.privateGroup2": "비공개 그룹 만들기",
+ "channel_modal.publicChannel1": "공개 채널 만들기",
+ "channel_modal.publicChannel2": "누구나 참여할 수 있는 새 공개 채널을 만듭니다. ",
+ "channel_modal.purpose": "설명",
+ "channel_notifications.allActivity": "모든 활동",
+ "channel_notifications.allUnread": "모든 읽지않은 메시지",
+ "channel_notifications.globalDefault": "전역 기본 설정 ({notifyLevel})",
+ "channel_notifications.markUnread": "읽지 않은 채널 표시",
+ "channel_notifications.never": "알림 사용 안함",
+ "channel_notifications.onlyMentions": "멘션만",
+ "channel_notifications.override": "\"전역 기본 설정\" 외 다른 옵션을 선택하면 전역으로 설정한 알림 설정이 무시됩니다. 데스크탑 알림은 Firefox, Safari, Chrome에서 사용 가능합니다.",
+ "channel_notifications.preferences": "채널 알림 설정: ",
+ "channel_notifications.sendDesktop": "데스크탑 알림 받기",
+ "channel_notifications.unreadInfo": "읽지 않은 채널은 사이드바에서 굵은 글씨로 표시됩니다. \"멘션만\"을 선택하면 내가 멘션된 채널만 굵게 표시됩니다.",
+ "channel_select.placeholder": "--- Select a channel ---",
+ "": "(개인 메시지)",
+ "": "채널 이름을 입력하세요. ↑↓ 방향키와 TAB키를 이용하여 선택하세요, ↵ 엔터키를 누르면 확인, ESC키를 누르면 취소됩니다.",
+ "channel_switch_modal.not_found": "No matches found.",
+ "channel_switch_modal.submit": "변경",
+ "channel_switch_modal.title": "채널 변경",
+ "claim.account.noEmail": "No email specified",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.enterLdapPwd": "Enter the ID and password for your LDAP account",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.enterPwd": "Enter the password for your {site} email account",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.ldapId": "LDAP ID",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.ldapIdError": "Please enter your LDAP ID.",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.ldapPasswordError": "Please enter your LDAP password.",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.ldapPwd": "LDAP Password",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.pwd": "비밀번호",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.pwdError": "Please enter your password.",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.ssoNote": "You must already have a valid LDAP account",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.ssoType": "Upon claiming your account, you will only be able to login with LDAP",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.switchTo": "Switch account to LDAP",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.title": "Switch Email/Password Account to LDAP",
+ "claim.email_to_oauth.enterPwd": "Enter the password for your {site} account",
+ "claim.email_to_oauth.pwd": "비밀번호",
+ "claim.email_to_oauth.pwdError": "Please enter your password.",
+ "claim.email_to_oauth.ssoNote": "You must already have a valid {type} account",
+ "claim.email_to_oauth.ssoType": "Upon claiming your account, you will only be able to login with {type} SSO",
+ "claim.email_to_oauth.switchTo": "Switch account to {uiType}",
+ "claim.email_to_oauth.title": "Switch Email/Password Account to {uiType}",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.confirm": "Confirm Password",
+ "": "You will use the email {email} to login",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.enterLdapPwd": "Enter your {ldapPassword} for your {site} email account",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.enterPwd": "Enter a new password for your email account",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.ldapPasswordError": "Please enter your LDAP password.",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.ldapPwd": "LDAP 비밀번호",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.pwd": "비밀번호",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.pwdError": "Please enter your password.",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.pwdNotMatch": "Passwords do not match.",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.ssoType": "Upon claiming your account, you will only be able to login with your email and password",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.switchTo": "Switch account to email/password",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.title": "Switch LDAP Account to Email/Password",
+ "claim.oauth_to_email.confirm": "Confirm Password",
+ "claim.oauth_to_email.description": "Upon changing your account type, you will only be able to login with your email and password.",
+ "claim.oauth_to_email.enterNewPwd": "Enter a new password for your {site} email account",
+ "claim.oauth_to_email.enterPwd": "Please enter a password.",
+ "claim.oauth_to_email.newPwd": "New Password",
+ "claim.oauth_to_email.pwdNotMatch": "Password do not match.",
+ "claim.oauth_to_email.switchTo": "Switch {type} to email and password",
+ "claim.oauth_to_email.title": "Switch {type} Account to Email",
+ "confirm_modal.cancel": "취소",
+ "create_comment.addComment": "Add a comment...",
+ "create_comment.comment": "Add Comment",
+ "create_comment.commentLength": "Comment length must be less than {max} characters.",
+ "create_comment.commentTitle": "Comment",
+ "create_comment.file": "File uploading",
+ "create_comment.files": "Files uploading",
+ "create_post.comment": "답글",
+ "": "글",
+ "create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>메시지 보내기</h4><p>보내고 싶은 메시지를 작성하고 <strong>Enter</strong>키를 눌러 보내세요.</p><p><strong>첨부</strong> 버튼을 눌러 이미지나 파일을 업로드하세요.</p>",
+ "create_post.write": "메시지를 입력하세요...",
+ "create_team.agreement": "By proceeding to create your account and use {siteName}, you agree to our <a href='/static/help/terms.html'>Terms of Service</a> and <a href='/static/help/privacy.html'>Privacy Policy</a>. If you do not agree, you cannot use {siteName}.",
+ "create_team.display_name.back": "Back to previous step",
+ "create_team.display_name.charLength": "Name must be 4 or more characters up to a maximum of 15",
+ "create_team.display_name.nameHelp": "Name your team in any language. Your team name shows in menus and headings.",
+ "": "다음",
+ "create_team.display_name.required": "필수 항목입니다.",
+ "create_team.display_name.teamName": "팀 이름",
+ "create_team.team_url.back": "Back to previous step",
+ "create_team.team_url.charLength": "Name must be 4 or more characters up to a maximum of 15",
+ "create_team.team_url.creatingTeam": "팀 생성 중...",
+ "create_team.team_url.finish": "Finish",
+ "create_team.team_url.hint": "<li>Short and memorable is best</li><li>Use lowercase letters, numbers and dashes</li><li>Must start with a letter and can't end in a dash</li>",
+ "create_team.team_url.regex": "Use only lower case letters, numbers and dashes. Must start with a letter and can't end in a dash.",
+ "create_team.team_url.required": "필수 항목입니다.",
+ "create_team.team_url.taken": "URL is taken or contains a reserved word",
+ "create_team.team_url.teamUrl": "팀 URL",
+ "create_team.team_url.unavailable": "This URL is unavailable. Please try another.",
+ "create_team.team_url.webAddress": "Choose the web address of your new team:",
+ "custom_emoji.empty": "사용자 정의 이모티콘이 없습니다.",
+ "custom_emoji.header": "사용자 정의 이모티콘",
+ "": "사용자 정의 이모티콘 검색하기",
+ "delete_channel.cancel": "취소",
+ "": "채널",
+ "delete_channel.confirm": "채널 삭제 확인",
+ "delete_channel.del": "삭제",
+ "": "그룹",
+ "delete_channel.question": "정말 {display_name} {term}을 삭제하시겠습니까?",
+ "delete_post.cancel": "취소",
+ "delete_post.comment": "답글",
+ "delete_post.confirm": "{term} 삭제 확인",
+ "delete_post.del": "삭제",
+ "": "글",
+ "delete_post.question": "정말 {term}을 삭제하시겠습니까?",
+ "delete_post.warning": "글에 {count}개의 답글이 있습니다.",
+ "edit_channel_header_modal.cancel": "취소",
+ "edit_channel_header_modal.description": "상단 채널 이름 옆에 표시될 글자를 편집하세요.",
+ "edit_channel_header_modal.error": "채널 헤더가 너무 깁니다. 더 짧은 헤더를 사용하세요.",
+ "": "저장",
+ "edit_channel_header_modal.title": "{channel}의 헤더 편집",
+ "edit_channel_header_modal.title_dm": "헤더 편집",
+ "edit_channel_purpose_modal.body": "{type}(이)가 어떻게 사용되어야 하는지 설명하세요. 이 설명은 채널 목록의 \"더 보기...\"에서 가입을 위한 도움말로 표시됩니다.",
+ "edit_channel_purpose_modal.cancel": "취소",
+ "": "채널",
+ "edit_channel_purpose_modal.error": "채널 설명이 너무 깁니다. 더 짧은 채널 설명을 사용하세요.",
+ "": "그룹",
+ "": "저장",
+ "edit_channel_purpose_modal.title1": "설명 편집",
+ "edit_channel_purpose_modal.title2": "설명 편집: ",
+ "edit_post.cancel": "취소",
+ "edit_post.edit": "{title} 편집",
+ "edit_post.editPost": "글 편집하기...",
+ "": "저장",
+ "email_signup.address": "Email Address",
+ "email_signup.createTeam": "팀 만들기",
+ "email_signup.emailError": "Please enter a valid email address",
+ "email_signup.find": "Find my teams",
+ "email_verify.almost": "{siteName}: You are almost done",
+ "email_verify.failed": " Failed to send verification email.",
+ "email_verify.notVerifiedBody": "Please verify your email address. Check your inbox for an email.",
+ "email_verify.resend": "Resend Email",
+ "email_verify.sent": " 검증 메일을 보냈습니다.",
+ "email_verify.verified": "{siteName} 이메일 검증됨",
+ "email_verify.verifiedBody": "<p>Your email has been verified! Click <a href={url}>here</a> to log in.</p>",
+ "email_verify.verifyFailed": "Failed to verify your email.",
+ "emoji_list.actions": "액션",
+ "emoji_list.add": "사용자 정의 이모티콘",
+ "emoji_list.creator": "만든 사람",
+ "emoji_list.delete": "삭제",
+ "emoji_list.empty": "사용자 정의 이모티콘이 없습니다.",
+ "": "사용자 정의 이모티콘은 서버의 모두가 사용할 수 있습니다. 메시지 창에 ':'를 입력하여 이모티콘 선택 메뉴를 활성화 할 수 있습니다. 새로운 이모티콘을 등록하면 다른 사용자들은 사용하기 위해 페이지를 새로고침 해야할 수 있습니다.",
+ "emoji_list.help2": "팁: 첫 글자로 #, ##, ### 를 입력하면 이모티콘을 더 크게 새로운 행에서 사용할 수 있습니다. '# :smile:'로 메시지를 보내 확인해보세요.",
+ "emoji_list.image": "이미지",
+ "": "이름",
+ "": "사용자 정의 이모티콘 검색하기",
+ "emoji_list.somebody": "다른 팀의 사용자",
+ "error.not_found.link_message": "Mattermost로 돌아가기",
+ "error.not_found.message": "The page you were trying to reach does not exist",
+ "error.not_found.title": "페이지를 찾을 수 없습니다.",
+ "error.not_supported.message": "비밀모드는 지원되지 않습니다.",
+ "error.not_supported.title": "지원되지 않는 브라우저입니다.",
+ "error_bar.expired": "Enterprise license has expired; you have 15 days from expiry to renew the license, please contact for details",
+ "error_bar.expiring": "The Enterprise license is expiring on {date}. To renew your license, please contact",
+ "error_bar.past_grace": "Enterprise license has expired, please contact your System Administrator for details",
+ "error_bar.preview_mode": "미리보기 모드: 이메일 알림이 설정되지 않았습니다.",
+ "": "다운로드",
+ "file_info_preview.size": "용량 ",
+ "file_info_preview.type": "파일 형식 ",
+ "file_upload.fileAbove": "File above {max}MB cannot be uploaded: {filename}",
+ "file_upload.filesAbove": "Files above {max}MB cannot be uploaded: {filenames}",
+ "": "Uploads limited to {count} files maximum. Please use additional posts for more files.",
+ "file_upload.pasted": "Image Pasted at ",
+ "filtered_user_list.any_team": "모든 사용자",
+ "filtered_user_list.count": "{count}{count, plural, =0 {0명} one {명} other {명}}",
+ "filtered_user_list.countTotal": "{total}명 중 {count}{count, plural, =0 {0명} one {명} other {명}}",
+ "filtered_user_list.member": "멤버",
+ "": "멤버 검색",
+ "": "필터:",
+ "filtered_user_list.team_only": "팀의 멤버만",
+ "": "Email",
+ "find_team.findDescription": "An email was sent with links to any teams to which you are a member.",
+ "find_team.findTitle": "팀 찾기",
+ "find_team.getLinks": "Get an email with links to any teams to which you are a member.",
+ "find_team.placeholder": "",
+ "find_team.send": "보내기",
+ "find_team.submitError": "Please enter a valid email address",
+ "general_tab.chooseName": "Please choose a new name for your team",
+ "general_tab.codeDesc": "Click 'Edit' to regenerate Invite Code.",
+ "general_tab.codeLongDesc": "The Invite Code is used as part of the URL in the team invitation link created by <strong>Get Team Invite Link</strong> in the main menu. Regenerating creates a new team invitation link and invalidates the previous link.",
+ "general_tab.codeTitle": "Invite Code",
+ "general_tab.dirDisabled": "Team Directory has been disabled. Please ask a System Admin to enable the Team Directory in the System Console team settings.",
+ "general_tab.dirOff": "Team directory is turned off for this system.",
+ "general_tab.includeDirDesc": "Including this team will display the team name from the Team Directory section of the Home Page, and provide a link to the sign-in page.",
+ "general_tab.includeDirTitle": "Include this team in the Team Directory",
+ "": "아니요",
+ "general_tab.openInviteDesc": "When allowed, a link to this team will be included on the landing page allowing anyone with an account to join this team.",
+ "general_tab.openInviteTitle": "계정이 있는 사용자가 이 팀에 가입하는 것을 허용합니까?",
+ "general_tab.regenerate": "재성성",
+ "general_tab.required": "필수 항목입니다.",
+ "general_tab.teamName": "팀 이름",
+ "general_tab.teamNameInfo": "설정한 팀 이름은 로그인 화면과 왼쪽 사이드바 상단에 표시됩니다.",
+ "general_tab.title": "일반 설정",
+ "general_tab.yes": "네",
+ "get_app.alreadyHaveIt": "Already have it?",
+ "get_app.androidAppName": "Mattermost for Android",
+ "get_app.androidHeader": "Mattermost works best if you switch to our Android app",
+ "get_app.continue": "continue",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowser": "Or {link}",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowserLink": "continue with browser",
+ "get_app.iosHeader": "Mattermost works best if you switch to our iPhone app",
+ "get_app.mattermostInc": "Mattermost, Inc",
+ "get_app.openMattermost": "Open Mattermost",
+ "get_link.clipboard": " 링크가 클립보드에 복사되었습니다.",
+ "get_link.close": "닫기",
+ "get_link.copy": "링크 복사",
+ "": "아래 링크를 통해 허용된 사용자가 내 글을 볼 수 있습니다.",
+ "get_post_link_modal.title": "바로가기 링크 복사",
+ "": "Send teammates the link below for them to sign-up to this team site. The Team Invite Link can be shared with multiple teammates as it does not change unless it's regenerated in Team Settings by a Team Admin.",
+ "get_team_invite_link_modal.helpDisabled": "User creation has been disabled for your team. Please ask your team administrator for details.",
+ "get_team_invite_link_modal.title": "팀 가입 링크",
+ "installed_command.header": "슬래시 명령어",
+ "installed_commands.add": "슬래시 명령어 추가",
+ "installed_commands.empty": "명령어가 없습니다.",
+ "installed_commands.header": "슬래시 명령어",
+ "": "외부 통합에 사용하기 위한 슬래시 명령어를 생성하세요. 자세한 내용은 {link}를 참조하세요.",
+ "installed_commands.helpLink": "문서",
+ "": "슬래시 명령어 검색하기",
+ "installed_commands.unnamed_command": "이름없는 슬래시 명령어",
+ "installed_incoming_webhooks.add": "Incoming Webhook 추가하기",
+ "installed_incoming_webhooks.empty": "Incoming webhook이 없습니다.",
+ "installed_incoming_webhooks.header": "Incoming Webhooks",
+ "": "외부 통합에 사용하기 위한 Incoming webhook URL을 생성하세요. 자세한 내용은 {link}를 참조하세요.",
+ "installed_incoming_webhooks.helpLink": "문서",
+ "": "Incoming Webhook 검색하기",
+ "installed_incoming_webhooks.unknown_channel": "A Private Webhook",
+ "installed_integrations.callback_urls": "Callback URLs: {urls}",
+ "installed_integrations.content_type": "Content-Type: {contentType}",
+ "installed_integrations.creation": "Created by {creator} on {createAt, date, full}",
+ "installed_integrations.delete": "삭제",
+ "installed_integrations.regenToken": "토큰 재생성하기",
+ "installed_integrations.token": "토큰: {token}",
+ "installed_integrations.triggerWhen": "Trigger When: {triggerWhen}",
+ "installed_integrations.triggerWords": "Trigger Words: {triggerWords}",
+ "installed_integrations.url": "URL: {url}",
+ "installed_outgoing_webhooks.add": "Outgoing Webhook 추가하기",
+ "installed_outgoing_webhooks.empty": "Outgoing webhook이 없습니다.",
+ "installed_outgoing_webhooks.header": "Outgoing Webhooks",
+ "": "외부 통합에 사용하기 위한 Outgoing webhook URL을 생성하세요. 자세한 내용은 {link}를 참조하세요.",
+ "installed_outgoing_webhooks.helpLink": "문서",
+ "": "Outgoing Webhooks 검색하기",
+ "installed_outgoing_webhooks.unknown_channel": "A Private Webhook",
+ "integrations.command.description": "슬래시 명령어는 외부에 연결한 서비스에 이벤트를 보냅니다.",
+ "integrations.command.title": "슬래시 명령어",
+ "integrations.header": "통합 기능",
+ "integrations.incomingWebhook.description": "Incoming webhook은 외부 시스템에서 메시지를 받는 것을 허용합니다.",
+ "integrations.incomingWebhook.title": "Incoming Webhook",
+ "integrations.outgoingWebhook.description": "Outgoing webhook은 외부 시스템에 메시지를 요청하고 응답받는 것을 허용합니다.",
+ "integrations.outgoingWebhook.title": "Outgoing Webhook",
+ "intro_messages.DM": "{teammate}와 개인 메시지 기록의 시작입니다.<br />개인 메시지나 여기서 공유된 파일들은 외부에서 보여지지 않습니다.",
+ "intro_messages.anyMember": " 모든 멤버가 이 채널에 가입하고 글을 읽을 수 있습니다.",
+ "intro_messages.beginning": "{name}의 시작",
+ "": "채널",
+ "intro_messages.creator": "<strong>{name}</strong> {type}입니다. 만든 사람: <strong>{creator}</strong> 만든 날짜: <strong>{date}</strong>",
+ "intro_messages.default": "<h4 class='channel-intro__title'>{display_name}의 시작</h4><p class='channel-intro__content'><strong>{display_name}에 오신 것을 환영합니다!</strong><br/><br/>이 곳은 팀 멤버가 처음 로그인 할 때 보이는 공간입니다다 - 모두가 알아야할 내용을 공유하는데 사용하세요.</p>",
+ "": "비공개 그룹",
+ "intro_messages.invite": "{type}에 사용자 초대하기",
+ "intro_messages.inviteOthers": "팀에 사용자 초대하기",
+ "intro_messages.noCreator": "{name} {type}입니다. 만들어진 날짜: {date}.",
+ "intro_messages.offTopic": "<h4 class=\"channel-intro__title\">{display_name}의 시작</h4><p class=\"channel-intro__content\">{display_name}(은)는 비업무 대화를 위한 공간입니다.<br/></p>",
+ "intro_messages.onlyInvited": " 초대받은 회원만 이 비공개 그룹을 볼 수 있습니다.",
+ "intro_messages.setHeader": "헤더 설정",
+ "intro_messages.teammate": "This is the start of your direct message history with this teammate. Direct messages and files shared here are not shown to people outside this area.",
+ "invite_member.addAnother": "Add another",
+ "invite_member.autoJoin": "People invited automatically join the <strong>{channel}</strong> channel.",
+ "invite_member.cancel": "취소",
+ "invite_member.content": "이메일과 이메일 초대 기능이 비활성화 되어있습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 문의하세요.",
+ "invite_member.disabled": "User creation has been disabled for your team. Please ask your team administrator for details.",
+ "invite_member.emailError": "Please enter a valid email address",
+ "invite_member.firstname": "이름",
+ "invite_member.inviteLink": "팀 가입 링크",
+ "invite_member.lastname": "성",
+ "invite_member.modalButton": "네, 취소합니다.",
+ "invite_member.modalMessage": "You have unsent invitations, are you sure you want to discard them?",
+ "invite_member.modalTitle": "초대를 취소하시겠습니까?",
+ "invite_member.newMember": "새 멤버 초대하기",
+ "invite_member.send": "초대 보내기",
+ "invite_member.send2": "초대 보내기",
+ "invite_member.sending": " 보내는 중",
+ "invite_member.teamInviteLink": "{link}로도 초대할 수 있습니다.",
+ "ldap_signup.find": "Find my teams",
+ "ldap_signup.ldap": "GitLab 계정으로 팀 만들기",
+ "ldap_signup.length_error": "Name must be 3 or more characters up to a maximum of 15",
+ "ldap_signup.teamName": "팀 이름을 입력하세요.",
+ "ldap_signup.team_error": "팀 이름을 입력하세요.",
+ "loading_screen.loading": "불러오는 중",
+ "login.changed": " Sign-in method changed successfully",
+ "login.create": "Create one now",
+ "login.createTeam": "팀 만들기",
+ "login.createTeamAdminOnly": "This option is only available for System Administrators, and does not show up for other users.",
+ "": "이메일",
+ "login.find": "다른 팀 찾기",
+ "login.forgot": "비밀번호를 잊어버리셨나요?",
+ "login.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google Apps",
+ "login.invalidPassword": "비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다.",
+ "login.ldapUsername": "LDAP Username",
+ "login.ldapUsernameLower": "LDAP username",
+ "login.noAccount": "계정이 없으신가요? ",
+ "login.noEmail": "이메일을 입력하세요.",
+ "login.noEmailLdapUsername": "Please enter your email or {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.noEmailUsername": "이메일 또는 사용자명을 입력하세요.",
+ "login.noEmailUsernameLdapUsername": "Please enter your email, username or {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.noLdapUsername": "Please enter your {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.noPassword": "비밀번호를 입력하세요.",
+ "login.noUsername": "사용자명을 입력하세요.",
+ "login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "Please enter your username or {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.office365": "Office 365",
+ "login.on": "on {siteName}",
+ "login.or": "또는",
+ "login.password": "비밀번호",
+ "login.passwordChanged": " Password updated successfully",
+ "login.session_expired": " Your session has expired. Please login again.",
+ "login.signIn": "로그인",
+ "login.signInWith": "다음으로 로그인하기:",
+ "login.userNotFound": "입력된 계정과 일치하는 사용자 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다.",
+ "login.username": "사용자 이름",
+ "login.verified": " 이메일 검증됨",
+ "login_mfa.enterToken": "To complete the sign in process, please enter a token from your smartphone's authenticator",
+ "login_mfa.submit": "제출",
+ "login_mfa.token": "MFA 토큰",
+ "login_mfa.tokenReq": "MFA 토큰을 입력하세요.",
+ "member_item.makeAdmin": "Make Admin",
+ "member_item.member": "멤버",
+ "member_list.noUsersAdd": "No users to add.",
+ "members_popover.msg": "메시지",
+ "members_popover.title": "멤버",
+ "more_channels.close": "닫기",
+ "more_channels.create": "새로 만들기",
+ "more_channels.createClick": "'새로 만들기'를 클릭하여 새로운 채널을 만드세요",
+ "more_channels.join": "가입하기",
+ "more_channels.noMore": "가입할 수 있는 채널이 없습니다",
+ "more_channels.title": "채널 더보기",
+ "more_direct_channels.close": "닫기",
+ "more_direct_channels.message": "메시지",
+ "more_direct_channels.title": "개인 메시지",
+ "msg_typing.areTyping": "{users} and {last} are typing...",
+ "msg_typing.isTyping": "{user} is typing...",
+ "msg_typing.someone": "Someone",
+ "navbar.addMembers": "Add Members",
+ "": "Click here",
+ "navbar.delete": "Delete Channel...",
+ "navbar.leave": "Leave Channel",
+ "navbar.manageMembers": "Manage Members",
+ "navbar.noHeader": "No channel header yet.{newline}{link} to add one.",
+ "navbar.preferences": "알림 설정",
+ "navbar.rename": "채널 이름 변경...",
+ "navbar.setHeader": "채널 헤더 설정...",
+ "navbar.setPurpose": "채널 설명 설정...",
+ "navbar.toggle1": "Toggle sidebar",
+ "navbar.toggle2": "Toggle sidebar",
+ "navbar.viewInfo": "정보 보기",
+ "navbar_dropdown.about": "Mattermost 정보",
+ "navbar_dropdown.accountSettings": "계정 설정",
+ "navbar_dropdown.console": "관리자 도구",
+ "navbar_dropdown.create": "팀 만들기",
+ "navbar_dropdown.emoji": "사용자 정의 이모티콘",
+ "": "도움말",
+ "navbar_dropdown.integrations": "통합 기능",
+ "navbar_dropdown.inviteMember": "새로운 멤버 초대하기",
+ "navbar_dropdown.leave": "팀 떠나기",
+ "navbar_dropdown.logout": "로그아웃",
+ "navbar_dropdown.manageMembers": "멤버 관리하기",
+ "navbar_dropdown.nativeApps": "네이티브 앱 다운로드",
+ "": "문제 보고",
+ "navbar_dropdown.switchTeam": "{team}(으)로 돌아가기",
+ "navbar_dropdown.switchTo": "팀 변경: ",
+ "navbar_dropdown.teamLink": "팀 초대 링크",
+ "navbar_dropdown.teamSettings": "팀 설정",
+ "navbar_dropdown.viewMembers": "View Members",
+ "": "개인 메시지",
+ "password_form.change": "Change my password",
+ "": "Click <a href={url}>here</a> to log in.",
+ "password_form.enter": "Enter a new password for your {siteName} account.",
+ "password_form.error": "최소 {chars}글자 이상 입력하세요.",
+ "password_form.pwd": "Password",
+ "password_form.title": "Password Reset",
+ "password_form.update": "Your password has been updated successfully.",
+ "password_send.checkInbox": "Please check your inbox.",
+ "password_send.description": "To reset your password, enter the email address you used to sign up",
+ "": "Email",
+ "password_send.error": "Please enter a valid email address.",
+ "": "<p>A password reset link has been sent to <b>{email}</b></p>",
+ "password_send.reset": "Reset my password",
+ "password_send.title": "Password Reset",
+ "pending_post_actions.cancel": "취소",
+ "pending_post_actions.retry": "Retry",
+ "permalink.error.access": "Permalink belongs to a deleted message or to a channel to which you do not have access.",
+ "post_attachment.collapse": "Show less...",
+ "post_attachment.more": "Show more...",
+ "post_body.commentedOn": "Commented on {name}{apostrophe} message: ",
+ "post_body.deleted": "(삭제된 메시지)",
+ "post_body.plusMore": " plus {count} other files",
+ "post_body.plusOne": " plus 1 other file",
+ "post_delete.notPosted": "Comment could not be posted",
+ "post_delete.okay": "확인",
+ "post_delete.someone": "Someone deleted the message on which you tried to post a comment.",
+ "post_focus_view.beginning": "채널 보존의 시작",
+ "post_info.del": "삭제",
+ "post_info.edit": "편집",
+ "post_info.permalink": "링크",
+ "post_info.reply": "답글",
+ "posts_view.loadMore": "메시지 더 보기",
+ "posts_view.newMsg": "New Messages",
+ "register_app.callback": "Callback URL",
+ "register_app.callbackError": "At least one callback URL must be filled in.",
+ "register_app.cancel": "취소",
+ "register_app.clientId": "Client ID",
+ "register_app.clientSecret": "Client Secret",
+ "register_app.close": "닫기",
+ "register_app.credentialsDescription": "Save these somewhere SAFE and SECURE. Treat your Client ID as your app's username and your Client Secret as the app's password.",
+ "register_app.credentialsSave": "I have saved both my Client Id and Client Secret somewhere safe",
+ "register_app.credentialsTitle": "Your Application Credentials",
+ "register_app.description": "설명",
+ "": "Developer Applications",
+ "register_app.homepage": "Homepage URL",
+ "register_app.homepageError": "Homepage must be filled in.",
+ "": "Application Name",
+ "register_app.nameError": "Application name must be filled in.",
+ "register_app.optional": "Optional",
+ "register_app.register": "Register",
+ "register_app.required": "Required",
+ "register_app.title": "Register a New Application",
+ "removed_channel.channelName": "the channel",
+ "removed_channel.from": "Removed from ",
+ "removed_channel.okay": "확인",
+ "removed_channel.remover": "{remover} removed you from {channel}",
+ "removed_channel.someone": "Someone",
+ "rename_channel.cancel": "취소",
+ "rename_channel.defaultError": " - 기본 채널의 URL은 변경할 수 없습니다.",
+ "rename_channel.displayName": "표시명",
+ "rename_channel.displayNameHolder": "표시명을 입력하세요.",
+ "rename_channel.handle": "URL",
+ "rename_channel.handleHolder": "lowercase alphanumeric&#39;s only",
+ "rename_channel.lowercase": "Must be lowercase alphanumeric characters",
+ "rename_channel.maxLength": "This field must be less than 22 characters",
+ "rename_channel.required": "필수 항목입니다.",
+ "": "저장",
+ "rename_channel.title": "채널 이름 변경",
+ "rhs_comment.comment": "답글",
+ "rhs_comment.del": "삭제",
+ "rhs_comment.edit": "편집",
+ "rhs_comment.permalink": "바로가기",
+ "rhs_header.backToResultsTooltip": "검색결과로 돌아가기",
+ "rhs_header.closeSidebarTooltip": "사이드바 닫기",
+ "rhs_header.details": "메시지 세부사항",
+ "rhs_header.expandSidebarTooltip": "Expand Sidebar",
+ "rhs_header.shrinkSidebarTooltip": "Shrink Sidebar",
+ "rhs_root.del": "삭제",
+ "": "개인 메시지",
+ "rhs_root.edit": "편집",
+ "rhs_root.permalink": "바로가기",
+ "search_bar.cancel": "취소",
+ "": "검색",
+ "search_bar.usage": "<h4>검색 옵션</h4><ul><li><b>\"따옴표\"</b><span>를 사용하여 문구를 검색할 수 있습니다.</span></li><li><b>from:</b><span> 을 사용하여 특정 작성자를 검색하거나 </span><b>in:</b><span> 을 사용하여 특정 채널에 대해 검색할 수 있습니다.</span></li></ul>",
+ "search_header.results": "검색 결과",
+ "search_header.title2": "최근 멘션",
+ "": "개인 메시지",
+ "search_item.jump": "바로가기",
+ "search_results.because": "<ul><li>문구의 일부분을 검색하려면(예: \"rea\", 를 검색하여 \"reach\" 또는 \"reaction\") 단어 앞 또는 뒤에 와일드카드 문자(*)를 붙여보세요.</li><li>두 글자 검색이나 \"this\", \"a\", \"is\"같이 일반적인 단어는 과도한 결과를 반환하기 때문에 검색결과에 표시되지 않습니다.</li></ul>",
+ "search_results.noResults": "검색 결과가 없습니다. 다시 시도하세요.",
+ "search_results.usage": "<li><b>\"따옴표\"</b>를 사용하여 문구를 검색할 수 있습니다.</li><li><b>from:</b> 을 사용하여 특정 작성자를 검색하거나 <b>in:</b> 을 사용하여 특정 채널에 대해 검색할 수 있습니다.</li></ul>",
+ "setting_item_max.cancel": "취소",
+ "": "저장",
+ "setting_item_min.edit": "편집",
+ "setting_picture.cancel": "취소",
+ "": "프로필 사진을 업로드하세요. (JPG 또는 PNG, 최소 크기: {width}px * {height}px)",
+ "": "저장",
+ "": "선택",
+ "setting_upload.import": "가져오기",
+ "setting_upload.noFile": "파일이 선택되지 않았습니다.",
+ "": "파일 선택",
+ "sidebar.channels": "채널",
+ "sidebar.createChannel": "Create new channel",
+ "sidebar.createGroup": "Create new group",
+ "": "개인 메시지",
+ "sidebar.more": "더 보기",
+ "sidebar.moreElips": "더 보기...",
+ "sidebar.otherMembers": "팀 외부",
+ "": "비공개 그룹",
+ "sidebar.removeList": "목록에서 제거",
+ "sidebar.tutorialScreen1": "<h4>Channels</h4><p><strong>Channels</strong> organize conversations across different topics. They’re open to everyone on your team. To send private communications use <strong>Direct Messages</strong> for a single person or <strong>Private Groups</strong> for multiple people.</p>",
+ "sidebar.tutorialScreen2": "<h4>\"{townsquare}\" and \"{offtopic}\" channels</h4><p>Here are two public channels to start:</p><p><strong>{townsquare}</strong> is a place for team-wide communication. Everyone in your team is a member of this channel.</p><p><strong>{offtopic}</strong> is a place for fun and humor outside of work-related channels. You and your team can decide what other channels to create.</p>",
+ "sidebar.tutorialScreen3": "<h4>Creating and Joining Channels</h4><p>Click <strong>\"More...\"</strong> to create a new channel or join an existing one.</p><p>You can also create a new channel or private group by clicking the <strong>\"+\" symbol</strong> next to the channel or private group header.</p>",
+ "sidebar.unreadAbove": "Unread post(s) above",
+ "sidebar.unreadBelow": "Unread post(s) below",
+ "sidebar_header.tutorial": "<h4>Main Menu</h4><p>The <strong>Main Menu</strong> is where you can <strong>Invite New Members</strong>, access your <strong>Account Settings</strong> and set your <strong>Theme Color</strong>.</p><p>Team administrators can also access their <strong>Team Settings</strong> from this menu.</p><p>System administrators will find a <strong>System Console</strong> option to administrate the entire system.</p>",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.accountSettings": "계정 설정",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.console": "관리자 도구",
+ "": "도움말",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.inviteNew": "멤버 초대하기",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.logout": "로그아웃",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.manageMembers": "멤버 관리하기",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.nativeApps": "네이티브 앱 다운로드",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.recentMentions": "최근 멘션",
+ "": "문제 보고",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.switch_team": "팀 선택",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.teamLink": "팀 가입 링크",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.teamSettings": "팀 설정",
+ "signup_team.choose": "가입한 팀: ",
+ "signup_team.createTeam": "팀 생성하기",
+ "signup_team.disabled": "팀을 생성할 수 없습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 문의하세요.",
+ "signup_team.join_open": "가입할 수 있는 팀: ",
+ "signup_team.noTeams": "There are no teams included in the Team Directory and team creation has been disabled.",
+ "signup_team.no_open_teams": "No teams are available to join. Please ask your administrator for an invite.",
+ "signup_team.no_open_teams_canCreate": "No teams are available to join. Please create a new team or ask your administrator for an invite.",
+ "signup_team.no_teams": "No teams have been created. Please contact your administrator.",
+ "signup_team.no_teams_canCreate": "No teams have been created. You may create one by clicking \"Create a new team\".",
+ "signup_team.none": "No team creation method has been enabled. Please contact an administrator for access.",
+ "signup_team_complete.completed": "You've already completed the signup process for this invitation or this invitation has expired.",
+ "signup_team_confirm.checkEmail": "Please check your email: <strong>{email}</strong><br />Your email contains a link to set up your team",
+ "signup_team_confirm.title": "가입 완료",
+ "signup_team_system_console": "관리자 도구로 바로가기",
+ "signup_user_completed.choosePwd": "패스워드를 입력하세요.",
+ "signup_user_completed.chooseUser": "사용자 이름을 입력하세요.",
+ "signup_user_completed.create": "계정 만들기",
+ "signup_user_completed.emailHelp": "Valid email required for sign-up",
+ "signup_user_completed.emailIs": "Your email address is <strong>{email}</strong>. You'll use this address to sign in to {siteName}.",
+ "signup_user_completed.expired": "You've already completed the signup process for this invitation or this invitation has expired.",
+ "signup_user_completed.gitlab": "with GitLab",
+ "": "with Google",
+ "signup_user_completed.haveAccount": "Already have an account?",
+ "signup_user_completed.invalid_invite": "The invite link was invalid. Please speak with your Administrator to receive an invitation.",
+ "signup_user_completed.lets": "Let's create your account",
+ "signup_user_completed.no_open_server": "This server does not allow open signups. Please speak with your Administrator to receive an invitation.",
+ "signup_user_completed.none": "No user creation method has been enabled. Please contact an administrator for access.",
+ "signup_user_completed.office365": "with Office 365",
+ "signup_user_completed.onSite": "on {siteName}",
+ "signup_user_completed.or": "또는",
+ "signup_user_completed.passwordLength": "최소 {min}글자 이상 입력하세요.",
+ "signup_user_completed.required": "필수 항목입니다.",
+ "signup_user_completed.reserved": "이미 사용중인 이름입니다.",
+ "signup_user_completed.signIn": "Click here to sign in.",
+ "signup_user_completed.userHelp": "Username must begin with a letter, and contain between {min} to {max} lowercase characters made up of numbers, letters, and the symbols '.', '-' and '_'",
+ "signup_user_completed.usernameLength": "Username must begin with a letter, and contain between {min} to {max} lowercase characters made up of numbers, letters, and the symbols '.', '-' and '_'.",
+ "signup_user_completed.validEmail": "Please enter a valid email address",
+ "signup_user_completed.welcome": "Welcome to:",
+ "signup_user_completed.whatis": "What's your email address?",
+ "signup_user_completed.withLdap": "With your LDAP credentials",
+ "sso_signup.find": "Find my teams",
+ "sso_signup.gitlab": "GitLab 계정으로 팀 만들기",
+ "": "Google 계정으로 팀 만들기",
+ "sso_signup.length_error": "Name must be 3 or more characters up to a maximum of 15",
+ "sso_signup.teamName": "팀 이름을 입력하세요.",
+ "sso_signup.team_error": "팀 이름을 입력하세요.",
+ "suggestion.mention.all": "Notifies everyone in the channel, use in {townsquare} to notify the whole team",
+ "": "Notifies everyone in the channel",
+ "": "Notifies everyone in the channel and online",
+ "": "비공개 그룹",
+ "": "공개 채널",
+ "": "다운로드",
+ "team_export_tab.export": "내보내기",
+ "team_export_tab.exportTeam": "팀 내보내기",
+ "team_export_tab.exporting": " 내보내는 중...",
+ "team_export_tab.ready": " Ready for ",
+ "team_export_tab.unable": " Unable to export: {error}",
+ "team_import_tab.failure": " 가져오기 실패: ",
+ "team_import_tab.import": "가져오기",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelp": "<p>To import a team from Slack go to Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export. Slack does not allow you to export files, images, private groups or direct messages stored in Slack. Therefore, Slack import to Mattermost only supports importing of text messages in your Slack team's public channels.</p><p>The Slack import to Mattermost is in 'Beta'. Slack bot posts do not yet import and Slack @mentions are not currently supported.</p>",
+ "team_import_tab.importSlack": "Slack에서 가져오기 (Beta)",
+ "team_import_tab.importing": " 가져오는 중...",
+ "team_import_tab.successful": " 가져오기 성공: ",
+ "team_import_tab.summary": "요약",
+ "team_member_modal.close": "닫기",
+ "team_member_modal.members": "{team} 멤버",
+ "team_members_dropdown.confirmDemoteDescription": "If you demote yourself from the System Admin role and there is not another user with System Admin privileges, you'll need to re-assign a System Admin by accessing the Mattermost server through a terminal and running the following command.",
+ "team_members_dropdown.confirmDemoteRoleTitle": "Confirm demotion from System Admin role",
+ "team_members_dropdown.confirmDemotion": "Confirm Demotion",
+ "team_members_dropdown.confirmDemotionCmd": "platform -assign_role -team_name=\"yourteam\" -email=\"\" -role=\"system_admin\"",
+ "team_members_dropdown.inactive": "비활성",
+ "team_members_dropdown.leave_team": "Remove From Team",
+ "team_members_dropdown.makeActive": "활성화",
+ "team_members_dropdown.makeAdmin": "Make Team Admin",
+ "team_members_dropdown.makeInactive": "비활성화",
+ "team_members_dropdown.makeMember": "Make Member",
+ "team_members_dropdown.member": "멤버",
+ "team_members_dropdown.systemAdmin": "System Admin",
+ "team_members_dropdown.teamAdmin": "Team Admin",
+ "team_settings_modal.exportTab": "내보내기",
+ "team_settings_modal.generalTab": "일반",
+ "team_settings_modal.importTab": "가져오기",
+ "team_settings_modal.title": "팀 설정",
+ "textbox.bold": "**굵게**",
+ "textbox.edit": "메시지 편집",
+ "": "도움말",
+ "textbox.inlinecode": "`인라인 코드`",
+ "textbox.italic": "_기울게_",
+ "textbox.preformatted": "```코드 블럭```",
+ "textbox.preview": "미리보기",
+ "textbox.quote": ">인용",
+ "textbox.strike": "취소선",
+ "tutorial_intro.allSet": "You’re all set",
+ "tutorial_intro.end": "Click “Next” to enter {channel}. This is the first channel teammates see when they sign up. Use it for posting updates everyone needs to know.",
+ "tutorial_intro.invite": "Invite teammates",
+ "tutorial_intro.mobileApps": "Install the apps for {link} for easy access and notifications on the go.",
+ "tutorial_intro.mobileAppsLinkText": "PC, Mac, iOS and Android",
+ "": "다음",
+ "tutorial_intro.screenOne": "<h3>Welcome to:</h3><h1>Mattermost</h1><p>Your team communication all in one place, instantly searchable and available anywhere</p><p>Keep your team connected to help them achieve what matters most.</p>",
+ "tutorial_intro.screenTwo": "<h3>Mattermost를 활용하는 법:</h3><p>공개된 논의 채널, 비공개 그룹, 또는 개인 메시지를 통해 이야기를 나눌 수 있습니다.</p><p>모든 내용은 저장되고, 웹페이지를 볼 수 있는 곳이라면 어디서든 검색 가능합니다.</p>",
+ "tutorial_intro.skip": "튜토리얼 생략",
+ "": "Need anything, just email us at ",
+ "tutorial_intro.teamInvite": "Invite teammates",
+ "tutorial_intro.whenReady": " when you’re ready.",
+ "": "다음",
+ "tutorial_tip.ok": "확인",
+ "tutorial_tip.out": "이 팁 더이상 보지 않기.",
+ "tutorial_tip.seen": "이미 알고 계신가요? ",
+ "": "Drop a file to upload it.",
+ "user.settings.advance.embed_preview": "가능한 경우, 링크 내용 미리보기를 표시",
+ "user.settings.advance.embed_toggle": "Show toggle for all embed previews",
+ "user.settings.advance.enabledFeatures": "{count, number}개 기능 활성화",
+ "user.settings.advance.formattingDesc": "활성화 하면 링크, 이모티콘, 글자 스타일 등을 사용할 수 있습니다. 기본적으로 활성화 되있습니다. 설정을 변경하려면 페이지 새로고침이 필요합니다.",
+ "user.settings.advance.formattingTitle": "마크다운으로 글쓰기",
+ "user.settings.advance.markdown_preview": "메시지 입력창에 마크다운 미리보기 옵션을 표시",
+ "": "끄기",
+ "user.settings.advance.on": "켜기",
+ "user.settings.advance.preReleaseDesc": "사용하고 싶은 시험판 기능을 선택하세요. 기능 활성화를 위해 페이지 새로고침이 필요할 수도 있습니다.",
+ "user.settings.advance.preReleaseTitle": "시험판 기능 미리보기",
+ "user.settings.advance.sendDesc": "활성화 하면 'Enter'키로 줄바꿈, 'Ctrl + Enter'키로 메시지를 보내게 됩니다.",
+ "user.settings.advance.sendTitle": "Ctrl + Enter로 메시지 보내기",
+ "user.settings.advance.slashCmd_autocmp": "외부 어플리케이션을 활성화하면 슬래시 명령어 자동 완성을 제안할 수 있습니다",
+ "user.settings.advance.title": "고급 설정",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.awayIndicator": "Away Indicator",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.buttonBg": "Button BG",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.buttonColor": "Button Text",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.centerChannelBg": "Center Channel BG",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.centerChannelColor": "Center Channel Text",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.centerChannelTitle": "채널 영역 스타일",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.codeTheme": "Code Theme",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.copyPaste": "Copy and paste to share theme colors:",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.linkButtonTitle": "링크, 버튼 스타일",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.linkColor": "Link Color",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.mentionBj": "Mention Jewel BG",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.mentionColor": "Mention Jewel Text",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.mentionHighlightBg": "Mention Highlight BG",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.mentionHighlightLink": "Mention Highlight Link",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.newMessageSeparator": "New Message Separator",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.onlineIndicator": "Online Indicator",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarBg": "Sidebar BG",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarHeaderBg": "Sidebar Header BG",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarHeaderTextColor": "Sidebar Header Text",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarText": "Sidebar Text",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarTextActiveBorder": "Sidebar Text Active Border",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarTextActiveColor": "Sidebar Text Active Color",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarTextHoverBg": "Sidebar Text Hover BG",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarTitle": "사이드바 스타일",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarUnreadText": "Sidebar Unread Text",
+ "user.settings.developer.applicationsPreview": "Applications (Preview)",
+ "user.settings.developer.register": "Register New Application",
+ "user.settings.developer.thirdParty": "Open to register a new third-party application",
+ "user.settings.developer.title": "개발자 설정",
+ "user.settings.display.channelDisplayTitle": "채널 화면 모드",
+ "user.settings.display.channeldisplaymode": "채널 영역의 너비를 선택하세요.",
+ "user.settings.display.clockDisplay": "시간 표시",
+ "user.settings.display.collapseDesc": "미리보기가 가능한 콘텐츠의 미리보기를 펼친 상태로 표시합니다.",
+ "user.settings.display.collapseDisplay": "링크 미리보기",
+ "user.settings.display.collapseOff": "끄기",
+ "user.settings.display.collapseOn": "켜기",
+ "user.settings.display.fixedWidthCentered": "고정 너비, 가운데",
+ "user.settings.display.fontDesc": "Mattermost 화면에서 보여질 폰트를 선택하세요.",
+ "user.settings.display.fontTitle": "폰트",
+ "user.settings.display.fullScreen": "전체 너비",
+ "user.settings.display.language": "언어",
+ "user.settings.display.messageDisplayClean": "표준",
+ "user.settings.display.messageDisplayCleanDes": "읽기 쉽게 표시합니다.",
+ "user.settings.display.messageDisplayCompact": "압축",
+ "user.settings.display.messageDisplayCompactDes": "화면에 더 많은 메시지가 보이도록 압축해서 표시합니다.",
+ "user.settings.display.messageDisplayDescription": "화면에 메시지가 어떻게 보여질지 선택합니다.",
+ "user.settings.display.messageDisplayTitle": "메시지 표시",
+ "user.settings.display.militaryClock": "24시간으로 보이기 (예: 16:00)",
+ "user.settings.display.nameOptsDesc": "글과 대화 목록에서 사용자의 이름이 어떻게 표시될 지 선택하세요.",
+ "user.settings.display.normalClock": "12시간으로 보이기 (예: 4:00 PM)",
+ "user.settings.display.preferTime": "시간이 어떻게 표시될지 선택하세요.",
+ "user.settings.display.showFullname": "본명으로 보기",
+ "user.settings.display.showNickname": "별명이 있으면 별명으로 보기, 없으면 본명으로 보기",
+ "user.settings.display.showUsername": "사용자명으로 보기 (기본)",
+ "user.settings.display.teammateDisplay": "사용자 이름 표시",
+ "user.settings.display.theme.customTheme": "사용자 정의 테마",
+ "user.settings.display.theme.describe": "내 테마 관리하기",
+ "user.settings.display.theme.import": "Slack 테마 불러오기",
+ "user.settings.display.theme.otherThemes": "다른 테마 보기",
+ "user.settings.display.theme.themeColors": "테마 선택",
+ "user.settings.display.theme.title": "테마",
+ "user.settings.display.title": "화면 설정",
+ "user.settings.general.checkEmail": "Check your email at {email} to verify the address.",
+ "user.settings.general.checkEmailNoAddress": "Check your email to verify your new address",
+ "user.settings.general.close": "닫기",
+ "user.settings.general.confirmEmail": "보조 이메일",
+ "": "이메일",
+ "user.settings.general.emailGitlabCantUpdate": "Login occurs through GitLab. Email cannot be updated. Email address used for notifications is {email}.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailGoogleCantUpdate": "Login occurs through GitLab. Email cannot be updated. Email address used for notifications is {email}.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailHelp1": "Email is used for sign-in, notifications, and password reset. Email requires verification if changed.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailHelp2": "이메일 기능이 시스템 관리자에 의해 비활성화 되었습니다. 활성화 되기 전까진 알림 메일이 발송되지 않습니다.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailHelp3": "Email is used for sign-in, notifications, and password reset.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailHelp4": "A verification email was sent to {email}.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailLdapCantUpdate": "Login occurs through LDAP. Email cannot be updated. Email address used for notifications is {email}.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailMatch": "The new emails you entered do not match.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailOffice365CantUpdate": "Login occurs through GitLab. Email cannot be updated. Email address used for notifications is {email}.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailSamlCantUpdate": "Login occurs through SAML. Email cannot be updated. Email address used for notifications is {email}.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailUnchanged": "Your new email address is the same as your old email address.",
+ "user.settings.general.emptyName": "'편집'을 클릭하여 본명을 설정",
+ "user.settings.general.emptyNickname": "'편집'을 클릭하여 별명을 설정",
+ "user.settings.general.field_handled_externally": "This field is handled through your login provider. If you want to change it, you need to do so through your login provider.",
+ "user.settings.general.firstName": "이름",
+ "user.settings.general.fullName": "본명",
+ "user.settings.general.imageTooLarge": "Unable to upload profile image. File is too large.",
+ "user.settings.general.imageUpdated": "Image last updated {date}",
+ "user.settings.general.lastName": "성",
+ "user.settings.general.loginGitlab": "Login done through GitLab ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginGoogle": "Login done through GitLab ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginLdap": "Login done through LDAP ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginOffice365": "Login done through GitLab ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginSaml": "Login done through SAML ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.newAddress": "New Address: {email}<br />Check your email to verify the above address.",
+ "user.settings.general.nickname": "별명",
+ "user.settings.general.nicknameExtra": "이름과 유저명과는 다르게 불리는 고유한 이름을 사용하세요. 비슷한 이름을 가진 사람들이 모여있을 때 자주 사용됩니다.",
+ "user.settings.general.notificationsExtra": "기본적으로 이 곳에 설정된 이름으로 언급되었을 때 멘션 알림을 받게됩니다. {notify}에서 기본 설정을 변경하세요.",
+ "user.settings.general.notificationsLink": "알림",
+ "user.settings.general.primaryEmail": "주 이메일",
+ "user.settings.general.profilePicture": "프로필 사진",
+ "user.settings.general.title": "일반 설정",
+ "user.settings.general.uploadImage": "'편집'을 클릭하여 사진 업로드",
+ "user.settings.general.username": "사용자 이름",
+ "user.settings.general.usernameInfo": "팀원들에게 불리기 쉬운 이름을 선택하세요.",
+ "user.settings.general.usernameReserved": "예약된 사용자 이름입니다. 다른 이름을 선택하세요.",
+ "user.settings.general.usernameRestrictions": "Username must begin with a letter, and contain between {min} to {max} lowercase characters made up of numbers, letters, and the symbols '.', '-', and '_'.",
+ "user.settings.general.validEmail": "Please enter a valid email address",
+ "user.settings.general.validImage": "Only JPG or PNG images may be used for profile pictures",
+ "user.settings.import_theme.cancel": "취소",
+ "user.settings.import_theme.importBody": "Slack 의 팀 메뉴에서 “Preferences -> Sidebar Theme”를 선택하세요. Custom theme 옵션을 선택 후, 테마 색상 값들을 복사하여 이 곳에 붙여넣으세요.",
+ "user.settings.import_theme.importHeader": "Slack 테마 불러오기",
+ "user.settings.import_theme.submit": "적용",
+ "user.settings.import_theme.submitError": "Invalid format, please try copying and pasting in again.",
+ "user.settings.languages.change": "언어 변경",
+ "user.settings.mfa.add": "Add MFA to your account",
+ "user.settings.mfa.addHelp": "You can require a smartphone-based token, in addition to your password, to sign into Mattermost.<br/><br/>To enable, download Google Authenticator from <a target='_blank' href=''>iTunes</a> or <a target='_blank' href=''>Google Play</a> for your phone, then<br/><br/>1. Click the <strong>Add MFA to your account</strong> button above.<br/>2. Use Google Authenticator to scan the QR code that appears.<br/>3. Type in the Token generated by Google Authenticator and click <strong>Save</strong>.<br/><br/>When logging in, you will be asked to enter a token from Google Authenticator in addition to your regular credentials.",
+ "user.settings.mfa.addHelpQr": "Please scan the bar code with the Google Authenticator app on your smartphone and fill in the token with one provided by the app.",
+ "user.settings.mfa.enterToken": "Token (numbers only)",
+ "user.settings.mfa.qrCode": "Bar Code",
+ "user.settings.mfa.remove": "Remove MFA from your account",
+ "user.settings.mfa.removeHelp": "Removing multi-factor authentication means you will no longer require a phone-based passcode to sign-in to your account.",
+ "user.settings.modal.advanced": "고급",
+ "user.settings.modal.confirmBtns": "Yes, Discard",
+ "user.settings.modal.confirmMsg": "You have unsaved changes, are you sure you want to discard them?",
+ "user.settings.modal.confirmTitle": "Discard Changes?",
+ "user.settings.modal.developer": "개발자",
+ "user.settings.modal.display": "화면",
+ "user.settings.modal.general": "일반",
+ "user.settings.modal.notifications": "알림",
+ "": "보안",
+ "user.settings.modal.title": "계정 설정",
+ "user.settings.notification.allActivity": "모든 활동 알림 받기",
+ "user.settings.notification.push": "모바일 푸시 알림",
+ "user.settings.notification.soundConfig": "브라우저 설정에서 알림 소리를 변경하세요",
+ "user.settings.notifications.channelWide": "채널 전체 멘션 \"@channel\", \"@all\"",
+ "user.settings.notifications.close": "닫기",
+ "user.settings.notifications.comments": "답글 활동 알림",
+ "user.settings.notifications.commentsAny": "내가 참여한 모든 글의 답글에 대한 알림 받기",
+ "user.settings.notifications.commentsInfo": "내가 참여한 글의 답글에 대한 알림을 설정합니다.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.commentsNever": "답글에 대한 알림을 받지 않기",
+ "user.settings.notifications.commentsRoot": "내 글의 모든 답글에 대한 알림 받기",
+ "user.settings.notifications.desktop": "데스크탑 알림 받기",
+ "user.settings.notifications.desktopSounds": "데스크탑 알림 소리",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "Email notifications are sent for mentions and direct messages after you’ve been offline for more than 60 seconds or away from {siteName} for more than 5 minutes.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "이메일 알림",
+ "user.settings.notifications.header": "알림",
+ "": "데스크탑 알림은 Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge 에서 사용이 가능합니다.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.never": "알림을 받지 않기",
+ "user.settings.notifications.noWords": "설정한 단어가 없습니다",
+ "": "끄기",
+ "user.settings.notifications.on": "켜기",
+ "user.settings.notifications.onlyMentions": "멘션과 직접 대화에 대한 알림만 받기",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sensitiveName": "내 이름 \"{first_name}\" (대소문자 구별 안함)",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "내 사용자명 \"{username}\" (대소문자 구별 안함)",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "다른 알림받을 단어들을 쉼표로 구분하여 입력: (대소문자 구별 안함)",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "Desktop notifications sounds are available on Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Edge.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.teamWide": "팀 전체 멘션 \"@all\"",
+ "user.settings.notifications.title": "알림 설정",
+ "user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "내 사용자명을 멘션 \"@{username}\"",
+ "user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "언급에 대한 알림",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "For all activity",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.disabled": "시스템 관리자에 의해 비활성화 됨",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.disabled_long": "모바일 기기를 위한 푸시 알림 기능이 시스템 관리자에 의해 비활성화 되었습니다.",
+ "": "Notification alerts are pushed to your mobile device when there is activity in Mattermost.",
+ "": "Off",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentions": "For mentions and direct messages",
+ "": "닫기",
+ "": "현재 비밀번호",
+ "": "현재 비밀번호를 입력해주세요",
+ "": "Email and Password",
+ "": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google",
+ "": "{date} {time} 에 마지막으로 변경됨",
+ "": "LDAP",
+ "": "Login done through Gitlab",
+ "": "Login done through LDAP",
+ "": "활성화 된 세션 보기/로그아웃 하기",
+ "": "Sign-in Method",
+ "": "새로운 비밀번호",
+ "": "Office 365",
+ "": "You may only have one sign-in method at a time. Switching sign-in method will send an email notifying you if the change was successful.",
+ "": "비밀번호",
+ "": "비밀번호는 반드시 {min}개 이상의 글자를 포함해야 합니다.",
+ "": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter.",
+ "": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter and at least one number.",
+ "": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter, at least one number, and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").",
+ "": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").",
+ "": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter and at least one uppercase letter.",
+ "": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter, at least one uppercase letter, and at least one number.",
+ "": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter, at least one uppercase letter, at least one number, and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").",
+ "": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter, at least one uppercase letter, and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").",
+ "": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one number.",
+ "": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one number and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").",
+ "": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").",
+ "": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one uppercase letter.",
+ "": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one uppercase letter and at least one number.",
+ "": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one uppercase letter, at least one number, and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").",
+ "": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one uppercase letter and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").",
+ "": "Login occurs through GitLab. Password cannot be updated.",
+ "": "Login occurs through LDAP. Password cannot be updated.",
+ "": "다시 입력한 새로운 비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다.",
+ "": "Invalid minimum length, cannot show preview.",
+ "": "비밀번호 재입력",
+ "": "SAML",
+ "": "Switch to using email and password",
+ "": "Switch to using GitLab SSO",
+ "": "Switch to using Google SSO",
+ "": "Switch to using LDAP",
+ "": "Switch to using Office 365 SSO",
+ "": "Switch to using SAML SSO",
+ "": "보안 설정",
+ "": "접속 내역 보기",
+ "user_list.notFound": "사용자를 찾을 수 없습니다 :(",
+ "view_image.loading": "Loading ",
+ "": "다운로드",
+ "view_image_popover.file": "File {count} of {total}",
+ "view_image_popover.publicLink": "Get Public Link",
+ "web.footer.about": "알아보기",
+ "": "도움말",
+ "web.footer.privacy": "정책",
+ "web.footer.terms": "서비스 약관",
+ "web.header.back": "Back",
+ "web.root.signup_info": "모든 팀 커뮤니케이션을 한 곳에서 확인하고, 검색하고, 접근할 수 있습니다.",
+ "youtube_video.notFound": "Video not found"
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/nl.json b/webapp/i18n/nl.json
index b84933420..650042ddd 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/nl.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/nl.json
@@ -30,16 +30,18 @@
"activity_log_modal.androidNativeApp": "Android eigen applicatie",
"activity_log_modal.iphoneNativeApp": "iPhone eigen applicatie",
"add_command.autocomplete": "Automatisch aanvullen",
- "": " Toon deze opdracht in de automatisch aanvullen lijst.",
+ "": "(Optional) Show slash command in autocomplete list.",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription": "Automatisch aanvullen omgeschrijving",
"": "Optionele korte omschrijving van de 'slash' opdracht voor in de automatisch aanvullen lijst.",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription.placeholder": "Bevoorbeeld: \"Geeft zoek resultaten op patienten dossiers\"",
"add_command.autocompleteHint": "Automatisch aanvullen tip",
- "": "Optionele tip, in de automatisch aanvullen lijst, over de parameters die met de opdracht meegegeven dienen te worden.",
+ "": "(Optional) Arguments associated with your slash command, displayed as help in the autocomplete list.",
"add_command.autocompleteHint.placeholder": "Bijvoorbeeld: [Patient naam]",
"add_command.cancel": "Annuleren",
"add_command.description": "Omschrijving",
+ "": "Description for your incoming webhook.",
"add_command.displayName": "Weergavenaam",
+ "": "Display name for your slash command made of up to 64 characters.",
"add_command.header": "Toevoegen",
"add_command.iconUrl": "Reactie icoon",
"": "Kies een alternatief figuur om bij de berichten uit slash opdrachten te plaatsen. Kies een URL die naar een .png of .jpg bestand wijst, die minstens 128 bij 128 pixels groot is.",
@@ -49,9 +51,11 @@
"": "Het type opdracht dat aangevraagd is via de aanvraag URL.",
"": "POST",
"": "Opslaan",
- "add_command.trigger": "Opdracht activeer-woord",
- "add_command.trigger.help1": "Bijvoorbeeld: /patient, /client, /medewerker",
- "add_command.trigger.help2": "Gereserveerd: /echo, /join, /logout, /me, /shrug",
+ "add_command.trigger": "Opdracht Trigger-woord",
+ "": "Trigger word must be unique, and cannot begin with a slash or contain any spaces.",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "Examples: client, employee, patient, weather",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReserved": "Reserved: {link}",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReservedLinkText": "see list of built-in slash commands",
"add_command.trigger.placeholder": "Opdracht activeren, b.v. \"hallo\"",
"add_command.triggerInvalidLength": "Een activeer-woord moet minimaal {min} en maximaam {max} tekens bevatten",
"add_command.triggerInvalidSlash": "Een activeer-woord kan niet met een / beginnen",
@@ -80,28 +84,44 @@
"": "Opslaan",
"add_incoming_webhook.cancel": "Annuleren",
"": "Kanaal",
+ "": "Public channel or private group that receives the webhook payloads. You must belong to the private group when setting up the webhook.",
"add_incoming_webhook.channelRequired": "Een geldig kanaal is vereist",
"add_incoming_webhook.description": "Omschrijving",
+ "": "Description for your incoming webhook.",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "Weergavenaam",
+ "": "Display name for your incoming webhook made of up to 64 characters.",
"add_incoming_webhook.header": "Toevoegen",
"": "Naam",
"": "Opslaan",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "Aanvraag URL's (Een per regel)",
+ "": "The URL that messages will be sent to.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "En of meerdere aanvraag URL's zijn vereist",
"add_outgoing_webhook.cancel": "Annuleren",
"": "Kanaal",
+ "": "Public channel to receive webhook payloads. Optional if at least one Trigger Word is specified.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help1": "Choose the content type by which the response will be sent.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help2": "If application/x-www-form-urlencoded is chosen, the server assumes you will be encoding the parameters in a URL format.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help3": "If application/json is chosen, the server assumes you will posting JSON data.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.content_Type": "Content Type",
"add_outgoing_webhook.description": "Omschrijving",
+ "": "Description for your outgoing webhook.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "Weergavenaam",
+ "": "Display name for your outgoing webhook made of up to 64 characters.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.header": "Toevoegen",
"": "Naam",
"": "Opslaan",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "Activeer woorden (één per regel)",
+ "": "Messages that start with one of the specified words will trigger the outgoing webhook. Optional if Channel is selected.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "Een geldig kanaal, of een lijst van activeer-woorden is vereist",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhen": "Activatiewoord",
+ "": "Choose when to trigger the outgoing webhook; if the first word of a message matches a Trigger Word exactly, or if it starts with a Trigger Word.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenFullWord": "Eerste trigger woord komt exact overeen",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenStartsWith": "Eerste woord start met een trigger woord",
"admin.audits.reload": "Laad de gebruikeractiviteit logs opnieuw",
"admin.audits.title": "Gebruiker activiteits logs",
"": "Email authenticatie",
"admin.authentication.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "admin.authentication.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.authentication.saml": "SAML",
"admin.banner.heading": "Opmerking:",
"admin.compliance.directoryDescription": "De directory waar de \"compliance\" rapporten worden weggeschreven. Indien leeg, word ./data/ gebruikt.",
@@ -109,7 +129,7 @@
"admin.compliance.directoryTitle": "Nalevingsrapport Map:",
"admin.compliance.enableDailyDesc": "Indien gekozen, dan zal Mattermost dagenlijks een \"compliance\" rapport genereren.",
"admin.compliance.enableDailyTitle": "Schakel dagenlijkse rapportages in:",
- "admin.compliance.enableDesc": "Indien gekozen, dan zal Mattermost \"compliance\" rapporten kunnen genereren",
+ "admin.compliance.enableDesc": "Wanneer aanstaat, Mattermost staat toe om te rapporteren vanaf de <strong>Compliance and Auditing</strong> tab. Bekijk de <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">documentatie</a> om meer te lezen.",
"admin.compliance.enableTitle": "Inschakelen Nalevingsrapport:",
"admin.compliance.false": "uitgeschakeld",
"admin.compliance.noLicense": "<h4 class=\"banner__heading\">Noot:</h4><p>'Compliance' is een enterprise optie, welke geen deel uitmaakt van de huidige licentie. Klink <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">hier</a> voor meer informatie en prijzen van de enterprise licentie(s).</p>",
@@ -146,15 +166,15 @@
"admin.connectionSecurityTitle": "Beveiliging verbinding(en):",
"admin.connectionSecurityTls": "TLS",
"admin.connectionSecurityTlsDescription": "Beveiligd communicatie tussen Mattermost en de server.",
- "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to download the Android app. Users who access the site on a mobile web browser will be prompted with a page giving them the option to download the app. Leave this field blank to prevent the page from appearing.",
+ "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Voeg een link toe naar de Android app. Gebruikers die via een mobiele webbrowser de site bezoeken zullen een pagina krijgen met de optie om de app te downloaden. Laat dit veld leeg om deze pagina niet weer te geven. ",
"admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkTitle": "Android App Download Link:",
- "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to a download page for the Mattermost apps. When a link is present, an option to \"Download Mattermost Apps\" will be added in the Main Menu so users can find the download page. Leave this field blank to hide the option from the Main Menu.",
- "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkTitle": "Mattermost Apps Download Page Link:",
+ "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkDesc": "Voeg een link toe naar de download pagina voor de Mattermost apps. Als er een link is, een optie met \"Download Mattermost Apps\" zal worden toegevoegd aan het Hoofdmenu, zodat gebruikers de download pagina kunnen vinden. Laat dit veld leef om deze optie te verbergen in het Hoofdmenu.",
+ "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkTitle": "Mattermost Apps Download Pagina Link:",
"admin.customization.customBrand": "Aangepaste huisstijl",
"admin.customization.customEmoji": "Aangepaste emoji",
"admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiDesc": "Inschakelen dat gebruikers aangepaste emojis kunnen maken voor in berichten. Wanneer ingeschakeld, Aagepaste Emoji instellingen staan dan bij wisselen van team en dan op de drie puntjes klikken, en selecteer \"Aangepaste Emoji\".",
"admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiTitle": "Aangepaste emoji inschakelen:",
- "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to download the iOS app. Users who access the site on a mobile web browser will be prompted with a page giving them the option to download the app. Leave this field blank to prevent the page from appearing.",
+ "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Voeg een link toe naar de iOs app. Gebruikers die via een mobiele webbrowser de site bezoeken zullen een pagina krijgen met de optie om de app te downloaden. Laat dit veld leeg om deze pagina niet weer te geven. ",
"admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkTitle": "iOS App Download Link:",
"admin.customization.nativeAppLinks": "Native App Links",
"admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAdmin": "Sta Systeem en Team beheerders toe om aangepaste emojis te maken",
@@ -243,11 +263,11 @@
"admin.general.policy.permissionsAdmin": "Team en Systeem Admins",
"admin.general.policy.permissionsAll": "Alle teamleden",
"admin.general.policy.permissionsSystemAdmin": "Systeem beheerders",
- "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementDescription": "Het selecteren van \"Alle teamleden\" geeft elk teamlid de rechten voor het aanmaken, verwijderen, hernoemen, en het aanpassen van de kop of het doel van private groepen.<br/>Het selecteren van \"Team en Systeembeheerders\" beperkt het de rechten om private groepen te managen tot Team- en Systeembeheerders, inclusief het het aanmaken, verwijderen, hernoemen, en het aanpassen van de kop of het doel van private groepen<br/><br/>Het selecteren van \"Systeembeheerders\" beperkt de groupsmanagementrechten voor private groepen tot Systeembeheerders, inclusief het het aanmaken, verwijderen, hernoemen, en het aanpassen van de kop of het doel.",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementDescription": "Zet een policy aan wie er kan maken, verwijderen, hernoemen en de header instellen bij gebruik van privé groepen.",
"admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementTitle": "Zet prive groep management permissies aan voor:",
- "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "Het selecteren van \"Alle teamleden\" geeft elk teamlid de rechten voor het aanmaken, verwijderen, hernoemen, en het aanpassen van de kop of het doel van publieke groepen.<br/>Het selecteren van \"Team en Systeembeheerders\" beperkt het de rechten om publieke groepen te managen tot Team- en Systeembeheerders, inclusief het het aanmaken, verwijderen, hernoemen, en het aanpassen van de kop of het doel<br/><br/>Het selecteren van \"Systeembeheerders\" beperkt de groupsmanagementrechten voor publieke groepen tot Systeembeheerders, inclusief het het aanmaken, verwijderen, hernoemen, en het aanpassen van de kop of het doel.",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "Zet een policy aan wie er kan maken, verwijderen, hernoemen en de header instellen bij gebruik van publieke kanalen.",
"admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementTitle": "Zet publieke groep management permissies aan voor:",
- "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "Het selecteren van \"Alle teamleden\" geeft elk teamlid de mogelijkheid om anderen uit te nodigen met een email uitnodiging of een team uitnodigingslink<br/><br/>Het selecteren van \"Team en Systeembeheerders\" verbergt de email uitnodiging en team uitnodigingslink voor alle gebruikers die niet team- of systeembeheerder zijn.<br/><br/>Het selecteren van \"Systeembeheerders\" beperkt verbergt de email uitnodiging en team uitnodigingslink voor alle gebruikers die geen Systeembeheerder zijn. N.B. Wanneer een \"verkrijg team uitnodigingslink\" gebruikt is om een link te delen, dan moet deze opnieuw gegenereerd worden nadat de uitnodigde gebruikers zich bij het team aangesloten hebben.",
+ "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "Set policy on who can invite others to a team using <b>Invite New Member</b> to invite new users by email, or the <b>Get Team Invite Link</b> options from the Main Menu. If <b>Get Team Invite Link</b> is used to share a link, you can expire the invite code from <b>Team Settings</b> > <b>Invite Code</b> after the desired users join the team.",
"admin.general.policy.teamInviteTitle": "Versturen van team uitnodigingen toestaan vanaf:",
"admin.general.privacy": "Privacy",
"admin.general.usersAndTeams": "Gebruikers en Teams",
@@ -270,6 +290,16 @@
"admin.gitlab.userDescription": "Geef https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user. Zorg ervoor dat u HTTP of HTTPS in de URL gebruikt, afhankelijk van de configuratie van uw server.",
"admin.gitlab.userExample": "Bijv. \"https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user\"",
"admin.gitlab.userTitle": "Gebruikers API eindpunt:",
+ "": "<ol><li><a href=''>Log in</a> to your Google account.</li><li>Go to <a href=''></a>, click <strong>Credentials</strong> in the left hand sidebar and enter <strong>Mattermost - <your-company-name></strong> as the project name.</li><li>Click the <strong>OAuth consent screen</strong> header and enter <strong>Mattermost</strong> as the <strong>Product name to show users</strong>. Click <strong>Save</strong>.</li><li>Under the <strong>Credentials</strong> header, click <strong>Create credentials</strong>, choose <strong>OAuth client ID</strong> and select <strong>Web Application</strong>.</li><li>Under <strong>Restrictions</strong> and <strong>Authorized redirect URIs</strong> enter <strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/google/complete</strong> (example: http://localhost:8065/signup/google/complete). Click <strong>Create</strong>.</li><li>Save the <strong>client ID</strong> and <strong>client secret</strong> to later complete the fields below.</li><li>Finally, go to <a href=''>Google+ API</a> and click <strong>Enable</strong>. This might take a few minutes to propagate through Google's systems.</li><li>Complete the <strong>Client ID</strong> and <strong>Client Secret</strong> fields below.</li></ol>",
+ "": "Auth Eindpunt:",
+ "": "Het Client ID wat je hebt ontvangen bij het registreren van je applicatie bij Google.",
+ "": "Bv \"\"",
+ "": "Client ID:",
+ "": "Het Client Secret wat je hebt ontvangen bij het registreren van je applicatie bij Google.",
+ "": "Bv \"H8sz0Az-dDs2p15-7QzD231\"",
+ "": "Client Geheim:",
+ "": "Token Eindpunt:",
+ "": "Gebruikers API Eindpunt:",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketDescription": "De naam die gekozen is voor de S3 bucket op AWS.",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketExample": "B.v. \"mattermost-media\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketTitle": "Amazon S3 Bucket:",
@@ -360,7 +390,7 @@
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerification": "Overslaan van certificaat verificatie",
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerificationDesc": "Slaat de certificaat verificatie stap over voor TLS of STARTTLS verbindingen. Niet aanbevolen voor productie omgevingen waar TLS is vereist. Gebruik dit enkel voor testdoeleinden.",
"admin.ldap.syncFailure": "Sync Mislukt: {error}",
- "admin.ldap.syncIntervalHelpText": "LDAP Synchronisatie is het proces waardoor Mattermost de gebruikers bijwerkt met de data van de LDAP server. Als bijvoorbeeld een naam is bijwerkt op de LDAP server, dan zal de verandering zichtbaar worden in Mattermost wanneer de synchronisatie heeft plaatsgevonden. Accounts die zijn verwijdert van de LDAP server zullen hun actieve sessies sluiten en niet langer kunnen inloggen in Mattermost.Maattermost zal deze synchronisatie uitvoeren volgens de interval hier opgegeven. Als er bijvoorbeeld 60 is opgegeven, zal Mattermost de users ieder uur bijwerken.",
+ "admin.ldap.syncIntervalHelpText": "LDAP Synchronization updates Mattermost user information to reflect updates on the LDAP server. For example, when a user’s name changes on the LDAP server, the change updates in Mattermost when synchronization is performed. Accounts removed from or disabled in the LDAP server have their Mattermost accounts set to “Inactive” and have their account sessions revoked. Mattermost performs synchronization on the interval entered. For example, if 60 is entered, Mattermost synchronizes every 60 minutes.",
"admin.ldap.syncIntervalTitle": "Synchronisatie-Interval (in minuten)",
"admin.ldap.syncNowHelpText": "Initieer een LDAP synchronisatie meteen.",
"admin.ldap.sync_button": "Synchroniseer LDAP Nu",
@@ -414,6 +444,21 @@
"": "E-mail",
"admin.notifications.push": "Mobiele push meldingen",
"admin.notifications.title": "Notificatie-instellingen",
+ "admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google Apps",
+ "": "Sta niet toe in te loggen via een OAuth 2.0 provider",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "": "Selecteer OAuth 2.0 service provider:",
+ "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>Log in</a> to your Microsoft or Office 365 account. Make sure it's the account on the same <a href=''>tenant</a> that you would like users to log in with.</li><li>Go to <a href=''></a>, click <strong>Add an app</strong> and use <strong>Mattermost - <your-company-name></strong> as the application name.</li><li>Under <strong>Application Secrets</strong>, click <strong>Generate New Password</strong> and save it to later complete the field below.</li><li>Under <strong>Platforms</strong>, click <strong>Add Platform</strong>, choose <strong>Web</strong> and enter <strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/office365/complete</strong> (example: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete) under <strong>Redirect URIs</strong>. Also uncheck <strong>Allow Implicit Flow</strong>.</li><li>Finally, click <strong>Save</strong> and complete the <strong>Application ID</strong> and <strong>Application Secret Password</strong> fields below.</li></ol>",
+ "admin.office365.authTitle": "Auth Eindpunt:",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "Het Spplicatie/Client ID wat je hebt ontvangen bij het registreren van je applicatie bij Microsoft.",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdExample": "Bv \"adf3sfa2-ag3f-sn4n-ids0-sh1hdax192qq\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdTitle": "Applicatie ID:",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretDescription": "Het Applicatie Secret Wachtwoord wat je hebt ontvangen bij het registreren van je applicatie bij Microsoft.",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretExample": "Bv \"shAieM47sNBfgl20f8ci294\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretTitle": "Applicatie Geheim Wachtwoord:",
+ "admin.office365.tokenTitle": "Token Eindpunt:",
+ "admin.office365.userTitle": "Gebruikers API eindpunt:",
"admin.password.lowercase": "Minimaal 1 kleine letter",
"admin.password.minimumLength": "Minimale Wachtwoordlengte",
"admin.password.minimumLengthDescription": "Het wachtwoord moet minimaal uit {{.Min}} karakters bestaan. Het moet een lengte hebben groter of gelijk aan {min} tekens en maximaal {max}",
@@ -550,7 +595,7 @@
"admin.service.mfaDesc": "Wanneer dit ingeschakeld is, krijgen de gebruikers de mogelijkheid om multi-factor authenticatie te gebruiken om in te loggen. Ze zullen een smartphone en een authenticator-app zoals Google Authenticator nodig hebben.",
"admin.service.mfaTitle": "Aanzetten multi-factor authenticatie:",
"admin.service.mobileSessionDays": "Sessie duur voor mobiele apps (dagen):",
- "admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "De web-sessie verloopt na het opgegeven aantal dagen, waarna de gebruiker opnieuw moet inloggen.",
+ "admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. After changing this setting, the new session length will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
"admin.service.outWebhooksDesc": "Wanneer dit aanstaat, uitgaande webhooks worden toegestaan. Bekijk de <a href='' target='_blank'>documentatie</a> om hier meer over te lezen.",
"admin.service.outWebhooksTitle": "Inschakelen uitgaande webhooks: ",
"admin.service.overrideDescription": "Wanneer dit aanstaat, webhooks en slash commando's zijn toegestaan om de gebrukkersnaam waar zij berichten mee plaatsen te veranderen. Let op, in combinatie met icoon overschrijven, kan dit gebruikers vatbaar maken voor phishing aanvallen. ",
@@ -563,12 +608,12 @@
"admin.service.sessionCache": "Sessie cache in minuten:",
"admin.service.sessionCacheDesc": "Het aantal minuten dat een sessie in het geheugen wordt gecached.",
"admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "B.v. \"30\"",
- "admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "Sessie duur voor GitLab SSO authenticatie (dagen):",
- "admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "De web-sessie verloopt na het opgegeven aantal dagen, waarna de gebruiker opnieuw moet inloggen.",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "Sessie duur voor mobiele apps (dagen):",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. If the authentication method is SAML or GitLab, the user may automatically be logged back in to Mattermost if they are already logged in to SAML or GitLab. After changing this setting, the setting will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
"admin.service.testingDescription": "Wanneer dit aanstaat, het /loadtest slash commando is aan om accounts te testen. Veranderen van deze instelling vraagt een herstart van de server voor dit effect heeft.",
"admin.service.testingTitle": "Aanzetten van test commands:",
- "admin.service.webSessionDays": "Sessie duur voor e-mail en LDAP authenticatie (dagen):",
- "admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "De SSO-sessie verloopt na het opgegeven aantal dagen, waarna de gebruiker opnieuw moet inloggen.",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDays": "Session length LDAP and email (days):",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. After changing this setting, the new session length will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
"admin.service.webhooksDescription": "Wanneer dit aanstaat, inkomende webhooks worden toegestaan. Om combat phishing aanvallen tegen te gaan zullen alle berichten worden gelabeld met een BOT tag. Bekijk de <a href='' target='_blank'>documentatie</a> om hier meer over te lezen.",
"admin.service.webhooksTitle": "Inschakelen inkomende webhooks: ",
"admin.sidebar.addTeamSidebar": "Voeg een team toe van de navigatiekolom",
@@ -598,6 +643,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.login": "Login",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "Logs",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "Meldingen",
+ "admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.sidebar.other": "ANDERE",
"admin.sidebar.password": "Wachtwoord",
"admin.sidebar.policy": "Beleid",
@@ -651,12 +697,15 @@
"": "Privacy beleid link:",
"": "Link naar de help documentatie van het team hoofdmenu. Standaard wijst dit naar een peer-to-peer forum, waar gebruikers kunnen zoeken naar technische problemen.",
"": "Meld een link met een probleem:",
- "": "Link naar servicevoorwaarden voor de gebruikers op de desktop en op mobiele apparaten. Wanneer dit veld leeg is wordt deze link niet getoond.",
+ "": "Link to the terms under which users may use your online service. By default, this includes the \"Mattermost Conditions of Use (End Users)\" explaining the terms under which Mattermost software is provided to end users. If you change the default link to add your own terms for using the service you provide, your new terms must include a link to the default terms so end users are aware of the Mattermost Conditions of Use (End User) for Mattermost software.",
"": "Servicevoorwaarden link:",
"admin.system_analytics.activeUsers": "Actieve gebruikers met berichten",
"admin.system_analytics.title": "het systeem",
"admin.system_analytics.totalPosts": "Totaal aantal berichten",
"": "Aanzetten van aangepast logo om een afbeelding naar keuze te tonen, hieronder geüpload, en tekst, hieronder ingevuld, om te tonen op de inlog pagina.",
+ "": "Alle team communicatie op een plaats, doorzoekbaar en van overal bereikbaar",
+ "": "Naam van de site welke getoond wordt op inlog- en andere schermen.",
+ "": "Site Description",
"": "Aangepast Logo Afbeelding:",
"": "De aangepaste merk Markdown-geformateerde tekst die je wilt tonen onder jouw aangepaste merk afbeelding op het inlogscherm. ",
"": "Aangepaste huisstijl tekst:",
@@ -847,7 +896,7 @@
"channel_header.setHeader": "Zet {term} koptekst...",
"channel_header.setPurpose": "Zet {term} doel...",
"channel_header.viewInfo": "Bekijk informatie",
- "channel_header.viewMembers": "View Members",
+ "channel_header.viewMembers": "Bekijk Leden",
"channel_info.about": "Over",
"channel_info.close": "Afsluiten",
"channel_info.header": "Kop:",
@@ -1026,8 +1075,8 @@
"emoji_list.creator": "Aangemaakt door",
"emoji_list.delete": "Verwijderen",
"emoji_list.empty": "Geen Custom Emoji Gevonden",
- "": "Aangepaste emoji zijn beschikbaar voor iedereen op jouw server en zullen verschijnen in het emoji autocomplete menu. Andere gebruikers zullen de pagina moeten verversen voor de nieuwe emojis zichtbaar zijn.",
- "emoji_list.help2": "Tip: If you add #, ##, or ### as the first character on a new line containing emoji, you can use larger sized emoji. To try it out, send a message such as: '# :smile:'.",
+ "": "Aangepaste emoji zijn beschikbaar voor iedereen op jouw server. Type ':' in een bericht venster om het emoji selectie menu zichtbaar te maken. Andere gebruikers zullen de pagina moeten verversen voordat de nieuwe emojis zichtbaar zijn.",
+ "emoji_list.help2": "Tip: Als je #,## of ### als eerste karakter op een nieuwe lijn met een emoji gebruikt, kan je een grotere versie van de emoji versturen. Om te proberen, stuur een bericht als: '# :smile:'.",
"emoji_list.image": "Afbeelding",
"": "Naam",
"": "Zoek Aangepaste Emoji",
@@ -1079,6 +1128,15 @@
"general_tab.teamNameInfo": "Zet de teamnaam zoals die zal verschijnen op uw login scherm en bovenaan de navigatiekolom aan de linkerkant.",
"general_tab.title": "Algemene instellingen",
"general_tab.yes": "Ja",
+ "get_app.alreadyHaveIt": "Already have it?",
+ "get_app.androidAppName": "Mattermost for Android",
+ "get_app.androidHeader": "Mattermost works best if you switch to our Android app",
+ "get_app.continue": "continue",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowser": "Or {link}",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowserLink": "continue with browser",
+ "get_app.iosHeader": "Mattermost works best if you switch to our iPhone app",
+ "get_app.mattermostInc": "Mattermost, Inc",
+ "get_app.openMattermost": "Open Mattermost",
"get_link.clipboard": " Link gekopiëerd naar het klembord.",
"get_link.close": "Afsluiten",
"get_link.copy": "Kopieer link",
@@ -1108,6 +1166,7 @@
"installed_integrations.delete": "Verwijderen",
"installed_integrations.regenToken": "Token opnieuw genereren",
"installed_integrations.token": "Token: {token}",
+ "installed_integrations.triggerWhen": "Trigger Wanneer: {triggerWhen}",
"installed_integrations.triggerWords": "Trigger Woorden: {triggerWords}",
"installed_integrations.url": "URL: {url}",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.add": "Uitgaande webhook toevoegen",
@@ -1182,6 +1241,7 @@
"login.noPassword": "Geef uw wachtwoord in",
"login.noUsername": "Geef uw gebruikersnaam in",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "Geef uw gebruikersnaam of {ldapUsername} in",
+ "login.office365": "Office 365",
"login.on": "op {siteName}",
"login.or": "of",
"login.password": "Wachtwoord",
@@ -1243,7 +1303,7 @@
"navbar_dropdown.switchTo": "Omschakelen naar ",
"navbar_dropdown.teamLink": "Verkrijg de team uitnodigings-link",
"navbar_dropdown.teamSettings": "Team instellingen",
- "navbar_dropdown.viewMembers": "View Members",
+ "navbar_dropdown.viewMembers": "Bekijk Leden",
"": "Privé bericht",
"password_form.change": "Verander mijn wachtwoord",
"": "Klik <a href={url}>hier</a> om in te loggen.",
@@ -1400,6 +1460,7 @@
"signup_user_completed.lets": "Laten we uw account aanmaken",
"signup_user_completed.no_open_server": "De server staat geen open inschrijvingen toe. Praat alstublieft met jouw beheerder om een uitnodiging te krijgen. ",
"signup_user_completed.none": "Er is geen mogelijkheid ingeschakeld om gebruikers aan te maken. Neem contact op met een beheerder voor toegang.",
+ "signup_user_completed.office365": "met Office 365",
"signup_user_completed.onSite": "op {siteName}",
"signup_user_completed.or": "of",
"signup_user_completed.passwordLength": "Voert u alstublieft minstens {min} tekens in",
@@ -1420,7 +1481,7 @@
"sso_signup.team_error": "Voer de naam in van het team",
"suggestion.mention.all": "Notificeert iedereen in het kanaal, gebruik in {townsquare} to notificeer het hele team",
"": "Notificeer iedereen in het kanaal",
- "": "Notifies everyone in the channel and online",
+ "": "Notificeert iedereen in het kanaal en online",
"": "Privé groepen",
"": "Publieke kanalen",
"": "downloaden",
@@ -1467,8 +1528,8 @@
"tutorial_intro.allSet": "Alles is gereed",
"tutorial_intro.end": "Klik op \"Volgende\" om {channel} in te gaan. Dit is het eerste kanaal teamgenoten zien wanneer ze zich aanmelden. Gebruik dit kanaal voor het posten van updates voor iedereen.",
"tutorial_intro.invite": "Nodig uw teamleden uit",
- "tutorial_intro.mobileApps": "Install the apps for {link} for easy access and notifications on the go.",
- "tutorial_intro.mobileAppsLinkText": "PC, Mac, iOS and Android",
+ "tutorial_intro.mobileApps": "Installeer de apps voor {link} voor makkelijke toegang en notificaties onderweg.",
+ "tutorial_intro.mobileAppsLinkText": "PC, Mac, iOS en Android",
"": "Volgende",
"tutorial_intro.screenOne": "<h3>Welkom bij:</h3><h1>Mattermost</h1><p>Al je team communicatie op één plek, direct doorzoekbaar en overal beschikbaar</p><p>Houd uw team verbonden en help hen te bereiken wat er het meest toe doet.</p>",
"tutorial_intro.screenTwo": "<h3>Hoe Mattermost werkt:</h3><p>Communicatie gebeurt in publieke discussie kanalen, privé groepen en directe berichten.</p><p>Alles wordt gearchiveerd en is doorzoekbaar vanaf elke web-enabled desktop, laptop of telefoon.</p>",
@@ -1563,12 +1624,14 @@
"user.settings.general.confirmEmail": "Bevestig e-mail",
"": "E-mail",
"user.settings.general.emailGitlabCantUpdate": "Login gebeurt via GitLab. Het e-mail adres kan niet bijgewerkt worden. Het e-mail adres dat gebruikt wordt voor meldingen is {email}.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailGoogleCantUpdate": "Login gebeurt via Google. Het e-mail adres kan niet bijgewerkt worden. Het e-mail adres dat gebruikt wordt voor meldingen is {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp1": "E-mail wordt gebruikt voor aanmelden, meldingen en wachtwoord te resetten. E-mail vereist verificatie indien gewijzigd.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp2": "E-mail is uitgeschakeld door de systeembeheerder. Geen meldings-e-mails worden verzonden totdat deze optie is ingeschakeld.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp3": "E-mail wordt gebruikt om in te loggen, meldingen en wachtwoord reset.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp4": "Een verificatie-e-mail is verzonden naar {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailLdapCantUpdate": "Login gebeurt via LDAP. Het e-mail adres kan niet bijgewerkt worden. Het e-mail adres dat gebruikt wordt voor meldingen is {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailMatch": "De wachtwoorden die u ingaf zijn niet identiek.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailOffice365CantUpdate": "Login gebeurt via Office 365. Het e-mail adres kan niet bijgewerkt worden. Het e-mail adres dat gebruikt wordt voor meldingen is {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailSamlCantUpdate": "Login gebeurt via SAML. Het e-mail adres kan niet bijgewerkt worden. Het e-mail adres dat gebruikt wordt voor meldingen is {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailUnchanged": "Uw nieuw e-mail adres is hetzelfde als uw oude e-mailadres.",
"user.settings.general.emptyName": "Klik 'Bewerken' om uw naam toe te voegen",
@@ -1580,7 +1643,9 @@
"user.settings.general.imageUpdated": "Afbeelding laatst bijgewerkt op {date}",
"user.settings.general.lastName": "Achternaam",
"user.settings.general.loginGitlab": "Login via GitLab ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginGoogle": "Login via Google ({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginLdap": "Login via LDAP ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginOffice365": "Login via Office 365 ({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginSaml": "Login via SAML ({email})",
"user.settings.general.newAddress": "Nieuw adres: {email}<br />Controleer uw e-mail om dit adres te valideren.",
"user.settings.general.nickname": "Bijnaam",
@@ -1659,7 +1724,8 @@
"": "Huidig wachtwoord",
"": "Voer uw huidige wachtwoord in",
"": "E-mail en wachtwoord",
- "": "GitLab SSO",
+ "": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google",
"": "Laatst bijgewerkt op {date} {time}",
"": "LDAP",
"": "Aanmelden via Gitlab",
@@ -1667,6 +1733,7 @@
"": "Bekijk en uitloggen huidige sessies",
"": "Inlog methode",
"": "Nieuw wachtwoord",
+ "": "Office 365",
"": "Je mag maar 1 inlogmethode tegelijkertijd gebruiken. Verander van inlogmethode zal je een email sturen of de verandering succesvol was.",
"": "Wachtwoord",
"": "Jouw wachtwoord moet minimaal {min} karakters bevatten.",
@@ -1695,6 +1762,7 @@
"": "Overschakelen naar het gebruik van GitLab SSO",
"": "Overschakelen naar het gebruik van Google SSO",
"": "Overschakelen naar het gebruik van LDAP",
+ "": "Schakel naar Office 365 SSO gebruik",
"": "Overschakelen naar SAML SSO",
"": "Beveiligingsinstellingen",
"": "Bekijk Toegang Geschiedenis ",
@@ -1708,6 +1776,6 @@
"web.footer.privacy": "Privacy",
"web.footer.terms": "Termen",
"web.header.back": "Terug",
- "web.root.singup_info": "Alle team communicatie op een plaats, doorzoekbaar en van overal bereikbaar",
+ "web.root.signup_info": "Alle team communicatie op een plaats, doorzoekbaar en van overal bereikbaar",
"youtube_video.notFound": "Video niet gevonden"
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/pt-BR.json b/webapp/i18n/pt-BR.json
index 04561ba84..fc8f49260 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/pt-BR.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/pt-BR.json
@@ -30,16 +30,18 @@
"activity_log_modal.androidNativeApp": "App Nativo para Android",
"activity_log_modal.iphoneNativeApp": "App Nativo para iPhone",
"add_command.autocomplete": "Autocompletar",
- "": " Mostrar este comando na lista de preenchimento automático.",
+ "": "(Optional) Show slash command in autocomplete list.",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription": "Autocompletar Descrição: ",
"": "Breve descrição opcional do comando slash para a lista de preenchimento automático.",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription.placeholder": "Exemplo: \"Retorna os resultados da pesquisa, prontuário\"",
"add_command.autocompleteHint": "Autocompletar Sugestão",
- "": "Sugestão opcional na lista autocompletada sobre os parâmetros necessários para o comando.",
+ "": "(Optional) Arguments associated with your slash command, displayed as help in the autocomplete list.",
"add_command.autocompleteHint.placeholder": "Exemplo: [Nome Do Paciente]",
"add_command.cancel": "Cancelar",
"add_command.description": "Descrição",
+ "": "Description for your incoming webhook.",
"add_command.displayName": "Nome de Exibição",
+ "": "Display name for your slash command made of up to 64 characters.",
"add_command.header": "Adicionar",
"add_command.iconUrl": "Ícone de Resposta",
"": "Escolha uma imagem do perfil para substituir as respostas dos posts deste comando slash. Digite a URL de um arquivo .png ou .jpg com pelo menos 128 pixels por 128 pixels.",
@@ -50,8 +52,10 @@
"": "POST",
"": "Salvar",
"add_command.trigger": "Comando Palavra Gatilho",
- "add_command.trigger.help1": "Exemplos: paciente, cliente, funcionario",
- "add_command.trigger.help2": "Reservados: echo, join, logout, me, shrug",
+ "": "Trigger word must be unique, and cannot begin with a slash or contain any spaces.",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "Examples: client, employee, patient, weather",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReserved": "Reserved: {link}",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReservedLinkText": "see list of built-in slash commands",
"add_command.trigger.placeholder": "Comando gatilho ex. \"ola\"",
"add_command.triggerInvalidLength": "Uma palavra gatilho precisa conter entre {min} e {max} caracteres",
"add_command.triggerInvalidSlash": "Uma palavra gatilho não pode começar com /",
@@ -80,28 +84,44 @@
"": "Salvar",
"add_incoming_webhook.cancel": "Cancelar",
"": "Canal",
+ "": "Public channel or private group that receives the webhook payloads. You must belong to the private group when setting up the webhook.",
"add_incoming_webhook.channelRequired": "Um canal válido é necessário",
"add_incoming_webhook.description": "Descrição",
+ "": "Description for your incoming webhook.",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "Nome de Exibição",
+ "": "Display name for your incoming webhook made of up to 64 characters.",
"add_incoming_webhook.header": "Adicionar",
"": "Nome",
"": "Salvar",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "URLs Callback (Uma Por Linha)",
+ "": "The URL that messages will be sent to.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "Uma ou mais URLs callback são necessárias",
"add_outgoing_webhook.cancel": "Cancelar",
"": "Canal",
+ "": "Public channel to receive webhook payloads. Optional if at least one Trigger Word is specified.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help1": "Choose the content type by which the response will be sent.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help2": "If application/x-www-form-urlencoded is chosen, the server assumes you will be encoding the parameters in a URL format.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help3": "If application/json is chosen, the server assumes you will posting JSON data.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.content_Type": "Tipo de Conteúdo",
"add_outgoing_webhook.description": "Descrição",
+ "": "Description for your outgoing webhook.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "Nome de Exibição",
+ "": "Display name for your outgoing webhook made of up to 64 characters.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.header": "Adicionar",
"": "Nome",
"": "Salvar",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "Palavras Gatilho (Uma Por Linha)",
+ "": "Messages that start with one of the specified words will trigger the outgoing webhook. Optional if Channel is selected.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "Um canal válido ou uma lista de palavras gatilho é necessário",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhen": "Gatilho Quando",
+ "": "Choose when to trigger the outgoing webhook; if the first word of a message matches a Trigger Word exactly, or if it starts with a Trigger Word.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenFullWord": "Primeira palavra corresponde exatamente a uma palavra gatilho",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenStartsWith": "Primeira palavra começa com uma palavra gatilho",
"admin.audits.reload": "Recarregar",
"admin.audits.title": "Atividade de Usuário",
"": "Autenticação Email",
"admin.authentication.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "admin.authentication.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.authentication.saml": "SAML",
"admin.banner.heading": "Nota:",
"admin.compliance.directoryDescription": "Diretório o qual os relatórios compliance são gravados. Se estiver em branco, será usado ./data/.",
@@ -109,7 +129,7 @@
"admin.compliance.directoryTitle": "Diretório de Relatórios de conformidade:",
"admin.compliance.enableDailyDesc": "Quando verdadeiro, Mattermost irá gerar um relatório diário de compliance.",
"admin.compliance.enableDailyTitle": "Ativar Relatório Diário:",
- "admin.compliance.enableDesc": "Quando verdadeiro, Mattermost permite relatório compliance",
+ "admin.compliance.enableDesc": "When true, Mattermost allows compliance reporting from the <strong>Compliance and Auditing</strong> tab. See <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a> to learn more.",
"admin.compliance.enableTitle": "Habilitar Relatórios de Conformidade:",
"admin.compliance.false": "falso",
"admin.compliance.noLicense": "<h4 class=\"banner__heading\">Nota:</h4><p>Compliance é um recurso enterprise. Sua licença atual não suporta Compliance. Clique <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">aqui</a> para informações e preços da licença enterprise.</p>",
@@ -146,17 +166,17 @@
"admin.connectionSecurityTitle": "Segurança da Conexão:",
"admin.connectionSecurityTls": "TLS",
"admin.connectionSecurityTlsDescription": "Encriptar a comunicação entre Mattermost e o seu servidor.",
- "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to download the Android app. Users who access the site on a mobile web browser will be prompted with a page giving them the option to download the app. Leave this field blank to prevent the page from appearing.",
- "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkTitle": "Android App Download Link:",
- "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to a download page for the Mattermost apps. When a link is present, an option to \"Download Mattermost Apps\" will be added in the Main Menu so users can find the download page. Leave this field blank to hide the option from the Main Menu.",
- "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkTitle": "Mattermost Apps Download Page Link:",
+ "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Adiciona um link para download do app Android. Usuários que acessarem o site em um navegador móvel serão perguntados com uma página dando a opção para download do app. Deixe este campo em branco para evitar que a página apareça.",
+ "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkTitle": "App Android Link para Download:",
+ "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkDesc": "Adiciona um link para página de download dos apps Mattermost. Quando um link está presente, a opção \"Download Apps Mattermost\" será adicionada no Menu Principal então os usuários poderão acessar a página de download. Deixe este campo em branco para ocultar a opção no Menu Principal.",
+ "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkTitle": "Apps Mattermost Link para Página de Download:",
"admin.customization.customBrand": "Marca Personalizada",
"admin.customization.customEmoji": "Emoji Personalizado",
"admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiDesc": "Habilitar para os usuários a criação de emoji personalizados para usar nas mensagens. Quando habilitado, as configurações dos Emoji personalizados podem ser acessadas trocando para Time e clicando nos três pontos encima do canal, e selecionando \"Emoji Personalizados\".",
"admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiTitle": "Ativar Emoji Personalizado:",
- "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to download the iOS app. Users who access the site on a mobile web browser will be prompted with a page giving them the option to download the app. Leave this field blank to prevent the page from appearing.",
- "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkTitle": "iOS App Download Link:",
- "admin.customization.nativeAppLinks": "Native App Links",
+ "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Adiciona um link para download do app iOS. Usuários que acessarem o site em um navegador móvel serão perguntados com uma página dando a opção para download do app. Deixe este campo em branco para evitar que a página apareça.",
+ "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkTitle": "App iOS Link para Download:",
+ "admin.customization.nativeAppLinks": "Links para App Nativos",
"admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAdmin": "Habilitar criação de emoji personalizados para Administradores de Sistemas e de Times ",
"admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAll": "Permitir que todos possam criar emoji personalizados",
"admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationDesc": "Restringir a criação de emoji personalizado para determinados usuários.",
@@ -243,11 +263,11 @@
"admin.general.policy.permissionsAdmin": "Administradores de Time e Sistema",
"admin.general.policy.permissionsAll": "Todos os membros da equipe",
"admin.general.policy.permissionsSystemAdmin": "Administrador de Sistema",
- "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementDescription": "Selecionando \"Todos os membros da equipe\" permite que todos os membros da equipe possam criar, apagar, renomear e definir o cabeçalho ou propósito para grupos privados.<br/><br/>Selecionando \"Administradores de Sistema e Equipe\" restringe as permissões de gestão de grupo para grupos privados para Administradores de Equipe e Sistema, incluindo criar, apagar, renomear e definir o cabeçalho de grupo ou propósito.<br/><br/>Selecionando \"Administradores de Sistema\" restringe as permissões de gestão de grupo para grupos privados para Administradores de Sistema, incluindo criar, apagar, renomear e definir o cabeçalho do grupo ou propósito.",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementDescription": "Set policy on who can create, delete, rename, and set the header or purpose for private groups.",
"admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementTitle": "Habilitar permissões de administração do canal privado para:",
- "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "Selecionando \"Todos os membros da equipe\" permite que todos os membros da equipe possam criar, apagar, renomear e definir o cabeçalho ou propósito para os canais públicos.<br/><br/>Selecionando \"Administradores de Equipe e Sistema \" restringe permissões de gerenciamento de canais públicos para Administradores de Equipe e Sistema, incluindo criar, apagar, renomear e definir o cabeçalho de canal ou propósito.<br/><br/>Selecionando \"Administradores de Sistema\" restringe permissões de gerenciamento de canais públicos para Administradores de Sistema, incluindo criar, apagar, renomear e definir o cabeçalho de canal ou propósito.",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "Set policy on who can create, delete, rename, and set the header or purpose for public channels.",
"admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementTitle": "Habilitar permissões de administração do canal público para:",
- "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "Selecionando \"Todos os membros da equipe\" permite que qualquer membro da equipe convide outras pessoas usando um convite por email ou link para convite de equipe.<br/><br/>Selecionando \"Administradores de Sistema e Equipe\" esconde o convite por e-mail e o link para convite de equipe do menu principal dos usuários que não são administradores de sistema ou equipe. Nota: Se \"Obter Link para Convite de Equipe\" for usado para compartilhar um link, ele terá de ser gerado novamente depois que os usuários desejados se juntaram-se a equipe.<br/><br/>Selecionando \"Administradores do Sistema\" esconde o convite por e-mail e link para convite de equipe do menu principal para os usuários que não são Administradores de Sistema. Nota: Se \"Obter Link para Convite de Equipe\" for usado para compartilhar um link, ele terá de ser gerado novamente depois que os usuários desejados juntaram-se a equipe.",
+ "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "Set policy on who can invite others to a team using <b>Invite New Member</b> to invite new users by email, or the <b>Get Team Invite Link</b> options from the Main Menu. If <b>Get Team Invite Link</b> is used to share a link, you can expire the invite code from <b>Team Settings</b> > <b>Invite Code</b> after the desired users join the team.",
"admin.general.policy.teamInviteTitle": "Permitir o envio de convites de equipe para:",
"admin.general.privacy": "Privacidade",
"admin.general.usersAndTeams": "Usuários e Equipes",
@@ -270,6 +290,16 @@
"admin.gitlab.userDescription": "Digite https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user. Certifique-se de usar HTTP ou HTTPS na sua URL dependendo da configuração de seu servidor.",
"admin.gitlab.userExample": "Ex \"https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user\"",
"admin.gitlab.userTitle": "API Usuário Endpoint:",
+ "": "<ol><li><a href=''>Log in</a> to your Google account.</li><li>Go to <a href=''></a>, click <strong>Credentials</strong> in the left hand sidebar and enter <strong>Mattermost - <your-company-name></strong> as the project name.</li><li>Click the <strong>OAuth consent screen</strong> header and enter <strong>Mattermost</strong> as the <strong>Product name to show users</strong>. Click <strong>Save</strong>.</li><li>Under the <strong>Credentials</strong> header, click <strong>Create credentials</strong>, choose <strong>OAuth client ID</strong> and select <strong>Web Application</strong>.</li><li>Under <strong>Restrictions</strong> and <strong>Authorized redirect URIs</strong> enter <strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/google/complete</strong> (example: http://localhost:8065/signup/google/complete). Click <strong>Create</strong>.</li><li>Save the <strong>client ID</strong> and <strong>client secret</strong> to later complete the fields below.</li><li>Finally, go to <a href=''>Google+ API</a> and click <strong>Enable</strong>. This might take a few minutes to propagate through Google's systems.</li><li>Complete the <strong>Client ID</strong> and <strong>Client Secret</strong> fields below.</li></ol>",
+ "": "Autenticação Endpoint:",
+ "": "The Client ID you received when registering your application with Google.",
+ "": "Ex \"\"",
+ "": "ID do Cliente",
+ "": "The Client Secret you received when registering your application with Google.",
+ "": "Ex \"H8sz0Az-dDs2p15-7QzD231\"",
+ "": "Segredo Cliente",
+ "": "Token Endpoint:",
+ "": "API Usuário Endpoint:",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketDescription": "Nome selecionado para o seu S3 bucket in AWS.",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketExample": "Ex \"mattermost-media\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketTitle": "Amazon S3 Bucket:",
@@ -360,7 +390,7 @@
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerification": "Pular a Verificação do Certificado",
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerificationDesc": "Pula a etapa de verificação do certificado para conexões TLS ou STARTTLS. Não recomentado para ambientes de produção onde TLS é necessário. Apenas para teste.",
"admin.ldap.syncFailure": "Falha de Sincronização: {error}",
- "admin.ldap.syncIntervalHelpText": "Sincronização LDAP é o processo pelo qual Mattermost atualiza seus usuários para refletir quaisquer dados atualizados no servidor LDAP. Por exemplo, se um nome de um usuário é atualizado no servidor LDAP, a alteração será refletida no Mattermost quando a sincronização é executada. As contas que tenham sido removidas do servidor LDAP terão suas sessões ativas apagada e não será mais capaz para acessar Mattermost. Mattermost irá realizar a sincronização regularmente, de acordo com o intervalo fornecido aqui. Por exemplo, se 60 é fornecido, Mattermost irá atualizar os usuários cada hora.",
+ "admin.ldap.syncIntervalHelpText": "LDAP Synchronization updates Mattermost user information to reflect updates on the LDAP server. For example, when a user’s name changes on the LDAP server, the change updates in Mattermost when synchronization is performed. Accounts removed from or disabled in the LDAP server have their Mattermost accounts set to “Inactive” and have their account sessions revoked. Mattermost performs synchronization on the interval entered. For example, if 60 is entered, Mattermost synchronizes every 60 minutes.",
"admin.ldap.syncIntervalTitle": "Intervalo de sincronização (minutos)",
"admin.ldap.syncNowHelpText": "Iniciar uma sincronização LDAP imediatamente.",
"admin.ldap.sync_button": "Sincronizar LDAP Agora",
@@ -414,6 +444,21 @@
"": "E-mail",
"admin.notifications.push": "Notificação Móvel",
"admin.notifications.title": "Configurações de Notificação",
+ "admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google Apps",
+ "": "Do not allow sign-in via an OAuth 2.0 provider",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "": "Select OAuth 2.0 service provider:",
+ "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>Log in</a> to your Microsoft or Office 365 account. Make sure it's the account on the same <a href=''>tenant</a> that you would like users to log in with.</li><li>Go to <a href=''></a>, click <strong>Add an app</strong> and use <strong>Mattermost - <your-company-name></strong> as the application name.</li><li>Under <strong>Application Secrets</strong>, click <strong>Generate New Password</strong> and save it to later complete the field below.</li><li>Under <strong>Platforms</strong>, click <strong>Add Platform</strong>, choose <strong>Web</strong> and enter <strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/office365/complete</strong> (example: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete) under <strong>Redirect URIs</strong>. Also uncheck <strong>Allow Implicit Flow</strong>.</li><li>Finally, click <strong>Save</strong> and complete the <strong>Application ID</strong> and <strong>Application Secret Password</strong> fields below.</li></ol>",
+ "admin.office365.authTitle": "Autenticação Endpoint:",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "The Application/Client ID you received when registering your application with Microsoft.",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdExample": "Ex \"adf3sfa2-ag3f-sn4n-ids0-sh1hdax192qq\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdTitle": "ID do aplicativo:",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretDescription": "The Application Secret Password you generated when registering your application with Microsoft.",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretExample": "Ex \"shAieM47sNBfgl20f8ci294\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretTitle": "Application Secret Password:",
+ "admin.office365.tokenTitle": "Token Endpoint:",
+ "admin.office365.userTitle": "API Usuário Endpoint:",
"admin.password.lowercase": "Pelo menos uma letra minúscula",
"admin.password.minimumLength": "Tamanho Mínimo de Senha:",
"admin.password.minimumLengthDescription": "Número mínimo de caracteres necessários para uma senha válida. Deve ser um número inteiro maior que ou igual a {min} e menor ou igual a {max}.",
@@ -550,7 +595,7 @@
"admin.service.mfaDesc": "Quando verdadeiro, vai ser dada a opção do usuário adicionar autenticação multi-fator em sua conta. Eles irão precisar de um smartphone e um app autenticador como o Google Authenticator.",
"admin.service.mfaTitle": "Ativar Autenticação Multi-Fator:",
"admin.service.mobileSessionDays": "Tamanho da sessão para app móvel (dias):",
- "admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "A sessão móvel irá expirar depois do número de dias especificado e será requerido usuário para logar novamente.",
+ "admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. After changing this setting, the new session length will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
"admin.service.outWebhooksDesc": "Quando verdadeiro, webhooks de saída serão permitidos. Veja a <a href='' target='_blank'>documentação</a> para saber mais.",
"admin.service.outWebhooksTitle": "Ativar Webhooks Saída: ",
"admin.service.overrideDescription": "Quando verdadeiro, será permitido webhooks e comandos slash mudar o icone com que eles postam. Note, combinado com permitir substituição de usuário, isto pode permitir que o usuário faça ataque phishing.",
@@ -563,12 +608,12 @@
"admin.service.sessionCache": "Cache da Sessão (minutos):",
"admin.service.sessionCacheDesc": "O número de minutos para o cache de uma sessão na memória.",
"admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "Ex \"30\"",
- "admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "Tamanho da sessão para autenticação GitLab SSO (dias):",
- "admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "A sessão Gitlab single-sign-on irá expirar depois do número de dias especificado e será requerido usuário para logar novamente.",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "Tamanho da sessão para app móvel (dias):",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. If the authentication method is SAML or GitLab, the user may automatically be logged back in to Mattermost if they are already logged in to SAML or GitLab. After changing this setting, the setting will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
"admin.service.testingDescription": "Quando verdadeiro, comando slash /loadtest está habilitado para carregar contas e teste, dados e formatação de texto. Mudar isso exigirá um reinício do servidor antes que tenha efeito.",
"admin.service.testingTitle": "Ativar Comandos Teste: ",
- "admin.service.webSessionDays": "Tamanho da sessão para autenticação por email e LDAP (dias):",
- "admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "A sessão Email ou LDAP irá expirar depois do número de dias especificado e será requerido um usuário para logar novamente.",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDays": "Session length LDAP and email (days):",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. After changing this setting, the new session length will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
"admin.service.webhooksDescription": "Quando verdadeiro, webhooks de entrada serão permitidos. Para ajudar combater ataques de phishing, todas as postagens por webhook serão marcadas com uma etiqueta BOT. Veja a <a href='' target='_blank'>documentação</a> para saber mais.",
"admin.service.webhooksTitle": "Ativar Webhooks Entrada: ",
"admin.sidebar.addTeamSidebar": "Adicionar equipe do menu lateral",
@@ -598,6 +643,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.login": "Login",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "Logs",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "Notificações",
+ "admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.sidebar.other": "OUTROS",
"admin.sidebar.password": "Senha",
"admin.sidebar.policy": "Política",
@@ -651,12 +697,15 @@
"": "Link da Política de Privacidade:",
"": "Link para a documentação de ajuda do site no menu principal. Por padrão este aponta para um fórum peer-to-peer de solução de problemas onde os usuários podem pesquisar, encontrar e pedir ajuda com problemas técnicos.",
"": "Link para Reportar um Problema:",
- "": "Link para os Termos de Serviço para os usuários no desktop ou móvel. Deixando este espaço em branco irá esconder a opção de exibir um aviso.",
+ "": "Link to the terms under which users may use your online service. By default, this includes the \"Mattermost Conditions of Use (End Users)\" explaining the terms under which Mattermost software is provided to end users. If you change the default link to add your own terms for using the service you provide, your new terms must include a link to the default terms so end users are aware of the Mattermost Conditions of Use (End User) for Mattermost software.",
"": "Link Termos do Serviço:",
"admin.system_analytics.activeUsers": "Usuários Ativos com Postagens",
"admin.system_analytics.title": "o Sistema",
"admin.system_analytics.totalPosts": "Total Posts",
"": "Ativar marca personalizada para mostrar uma imagem de sua escolha, carregado abaixo e algum texto de ajuda, escrito abaixo na página de login.",
+ "": "Toda comunicação em um só lugar, pesquisável e acessível em qualquer lugar",
+ "": "Nome do serviço mostrado na tela de início da sessão e na UI.",
+ "": "Site Description",
"": "Imagem Personalizada da Marca:",
"": "O texto personalizado da marca formatado em Markdown que você gostaria que aparece-se abaixo da sua imagem de marca personalizada na tela de login.",
"": "Texto Personalizado da Marca:",
@@ -847,7 +896,7 @@
"channel_header.setHeader": "Definir Cabeçalho do {term}...",
"channel_header.setPurpose": "Ajustar Propósito {term}...",
"channel_header.viewInfo": "Ver Informações",
- "channel_header.viewMembers": "View Members",
+ "channel_header.viewMembers": "Ver Membros",
"channel_info.about": "Sobre",
"channel_info.close": "Fechar",
"channel_info.header": "Cabeçalho:",
@@ -1026,8 +1075,8 @@
"emoji_list.creator": "Criador",
"emoji_list.delete": "Deletar",
"emoji_list.empty": "Emoji Personalizado Não Encontrado",
- "": "Emoji personalizados está disponíveis para todos no seu servidor e aparecerá no menu emoji autocomplete. Outros usuários podem precisar atualizar a página antes que novos emojis apareçam.",
- "emoji_list.help2": "Tip: If you add #, ##, or ### as the first character on a new line containing emoji, you can use larger sized emoji. To try it out, send a message such as: '# :smile:'.",
+ "": "Emojis personalizados estão disponíveis para todos no seu servidor. Digite ':' na caixa de mensagens para trazer o menu de seleção de emojis. Outros usuários podem precisar atualizar a página antes que os novos emojis apareçam.",
+ "emoji_list.help2": "Dica: Se você adicionar #, ##, ou ### como primeiro caractere em uma nova linha contendo um emoji, você poderá usar emoji com tamanho maior. Para testar, envia uma mensagem como: '# :smile:'.",
"emoji_list.image": "Imagem",
"": "Nome",
"": "Pesquisar Emoji Personalizado",
@@ -1079,6 +1128,15 @@
"general_tab.teamNameInfo": "Defina o nome da equipe como aparece na sua tela de login e no topo na lateral esquerda.",
"general_tab.title": "Definições Gerais",
"general_tab.yes": "Sim",
+ "get_app.alreadyHaveIt": "Already have it?",
+ "get_app.androidAppName": "Mattermost for Android",
+ "get_app.androidHeader": "Mattermost works best if you switch to our Android app",
+ "get_app.continue": "continue",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowser": "Or {link}",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowserLink": "continue with browser",
+ "get_app.iosHeader": "Mattermost works best if you switch to our iPhone app",
+ "get_app.mattermostInc": "Mattermost, Inc",
+ "get_app.openMattermost": "Open Mattermost",
"get_link.clipboard": " Link copiado para a área de transferência.",
"get_link.close": "Fechar",
"get_link.copy": "Copiar Link",
@@ -1108,6 +1166,7 @@
"installed_integrations.delete": "Deletar",
"installed_integrations.regenToken": "Re-gerar Token",
"installed_integrations.token": "Token: {token}",
+ "installed_integrations.triggerWhen": "Trigger When: {triggerWhen}",
"installed_integrations.triggerWords": "Palavras Gatilho: {triggerWords}",
"installed_integrations.url": "URL: {url}",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.add": "Adicionar Webhooks Saída",
@@ -1182,6 +1241,7 @@
"login.noPassword": "Por favor digite a sua senha",
"login.noUsername": "Por favor digite seu usuário",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "Por favor digite seu usuário ou {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.office365": "Office 365",
"login.on": "no {siteName}",
"login.or": "ou",
"login.password": "Senha",
@@ -1237,13 +1297,13 @@
"navbar_dropdown.leave": "Sair da Equipe",
"navbar_dropdown.logout": "Logout",
"navbar_dropdown.manageMembers": "Gerenciar Membros",
- "navbar_dropdown.nativeApps": "Download Native Apps",
+ "navbar_dropdown.nativeApps": "Download Apps Nativos",
"": "Relatar um Problema",
"navbar_dropdown.switchTeam": "Mudar para {team}",
"navbar_dropdown.switchTo": "Mudar para ",
"navbar_dropdown.teamLink": "Obter Link para Convite de Equipe",
"navbar_dropdown.teamSettings": "Configurações da Equipe",
- "navbar_dropdown.viewMembers": "View Members",
+ "navbar_dropdown.viewMembers": "Ver Membros",
"": "Mensagem Direta",
"password_form.change": "Alterar minha senha",
"": "Clique <a href={url}>aqui</a> para logar.",
@@ -1367,7 +1427,7 @@
"sidebar_right_menu.inviteNew": "Convidar Membros para Equipe",
"sidebar_right_menu.logout": "Logout",
"sidebar_right_menu.manageMembers": "Gerenciar Membros",
- "sidebar_right_menu.nativeApps": "Download Native App",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.nativeApps": "Download App Nativo",
"sidebar_right_menu.recentMentions": "Menções Recentes",
"": "Relatar um Problema",
"sidebar_right_menu.switch_team": "Selecionar Equipe",
@@ -1400,6 +1460,7 @@
"signup_user_completed.lets": "Vamos criar a sua conta",
"signup_user_completed.no_open_server": "Este servidor não permite inscrições abertas. Por favor fale com seu Administrador para receber um convite.",
"signup_user_completed.none": "Nenhum método de criação de equipe foi habilitado. Por favor, entre em contato com um administrador para o acesso.",
+ "signup_user_completed.office365": "with Office 365",
"signup_user_completed.onSite": "no {siteName}",
"signup_user_completed.or": "ou",
"signup_user_completed.passwordLength": "Por favor entre no mínimo {min} caracteres",
@@ -1420,7 +1481,7 @@
"sso_signup.team_error": "Por favor entre o nome da equipe",
"suggestion.mention.all": "Notifique a todos no canal, use {townsquare} para notificar toda a equipe",
"": "Notifica todos no canal",
- "": "Notifies everyone in the channel and online",
+ "": "Notifica todos online no canal",
"": "Grupos Privados",
"": "Canais Públicos",
"": "download",
@@ -1467,8 +1528,8 @@
"tutorial_intro.allSet": "Está tudo pronto",
"tutorial_intro.end": "Clique em “Próximo” para entrar em {channel}. Este é o primeiro canal que sua equipe de trabalho vê quando eles se inscrevem. Use para postar atualizações que todos precisam saber.",
"tutorial_intro.invite": "Convidar pessoas para equipe",
- "tutorial_intro.mobileApps": "Install the apps for {link} for easy access and notifications on the go.",
- "tutorial_intro.mobileAppsLinkText": "PC, Mac, iOS and Android",
+ "tutorial_intro.mobileApps": "Instalar os aplicativos {link} para fácil acesso e notificações em movimento.",
+ "tutorial_intro.mobileAppsLinkText": "PC, Mac, iOS e Android",
"": "Próximo",
"tutorial_intro.screenOne": "<h3>Bem vindo ao:</h3><h1>Mattermost</h1><p>Sua equipe de comunicação em um só lugar, pesquisas instantâneas disponível em qualquer lugar</p><p>Mantenha sua equipe conectada para ajudá-los a conseguir o que mais importa.</p>",
"tutorial_intro.screenTwo": "<h3>Como Mattermost funciona:</h3><p>A comunicação acontece em canais de discussão pública, grupos privados e mensagens diretas.</p><p>Tudo é arquivado e pesquisável a partir de qualquer desktop, laptop ou telefone com suporte a web.</p>",
@@ -1563,12 +1624,14 @@
"user.settings.general.confirmEmail": "Confirmar o email",
"": "E-mail",
"user.settings.general.emailGitlabCantUpdate": "Login ocorre através do GitLab. Email não pode ser atualizado. Endereço de email utilizado para notificações é {email}.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailGoogleCantUpdate": "Login ocorre através do GitLab. Email não pode ser atualizado. Endereço de email utilizado para notificações é {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp1": "Email é usado para login, notificações, e redefinição de senha. Requer verificação de email se alterado.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp2": "Email foi desativado pelo seu administrador de sistema. Nenhuma notificação por email será enviada até isto ser habilitado.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp3": "Email é usado para login, notificações e redefinição de senha.",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp4": "Uma verificação por email foi enviada para {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailLdapCantUpdate": "Login ocorre através de LDAP. Email não pode ser atualizado. Endereço de email utilizado para notificações é {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailMatch": "Os novos emails que você inseriu não correspondem.",
+ "user.settings.general.emailOffice365CantUpdate": "Login ocorre através do GitLab. Email não pode ser atualizado. Endereço de email utilizado para notificações é {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailSamlCantUpdate": "Login ocorre através SAML. Email não pode ser atualizado. Endereço de email utilizado para notificações é {email}.",
"user.settings.general.emailUnchanged": "Seu novo endereço de email é o mesmo do seu endereço de email antigo.",
"user.settings.general.emptyName": "Clique 'Editar' para adicionar seu nome completo",
@@ -1580,7 +1643,9 @@
"user.settings.general.imageUpdated": "Imagem última atualização {date}",
"user.settings.general.lastName": "Último Nome",
"user.settings.general.loginGitlab": "Login feito através do GitLab ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginGoogle": "Login feito através do GitLab ({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginLdap": "Login feito através de LDAP ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginOffice365": "Login feito através do GitLab ({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginSaml": "Login feito através de SAML ({email})",
"user.settings.general.newAddress": "Novo Endereço: {email}<br />Verifique seu email para checar o endereço acima.",
"user.settings.general.nickname": "Apelido",
@@ -1625,11 +1690,11 @@
"user.settings.notification.soundConfig": "Por favor configurar sons de notificações nas configurações do seu navegador",
"user.settings.notifications.channelWide": "Menções para todo canal \"@channel\", \"@all\"",
"user.settings.notifications.close": "Fechar",
- "user.settings.notifications.comments": "Comment threads notifications",
- "user.settings.notifications.commentsAny": "Mention any comments in a thread you participated in (This will include both mentions to your root post and any comments after you commented on a post)",
- "user.settings.notifications.commentsInfo": "Mode of triggering notifications on posts in comment threads you participated in.",
- "user.settings.notifications.commentsNever": "No mentions for comments",
- "user.settings.notifications.commentsRoot": "Mention any comments on your post",
+ "user.settings.notifications.comments": "Notificações comentário a tópicos",
+ "user.settings.notifications.commentsAny": "Mencione quaisquer comentários em um tópico que você participou (Isto incluirá tanto menções ao seu post principal e quaisquer comentários depois que você comentou em um post)",
+ "user.settings.notifications.commentsInfo": "Modo de desencadear notificações para postagens em tópicos que você participou.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.commentsNever": "Sem menções para os comentários",
+ "user.settings.notifications.commentsRoot": "Menção de quaisquer comentários em seu post",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop": "Enviar notificações de desktop",
"user.settings.notifications.desktopSounds": "Som de notificação no Desktop",
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "Notificações de e-mail são enviadas por menções e mensagens diretas, depois de ter ficado offline por mais de 60 segundos ou longe do {siteName} por mais de 5 minutos.",
@@ -1659,7 +1724,8 @@
"": "Senha Atual",
"": "Por favor entre sua senha atual",
"": "Email e Senha",
- "": "GitLab SSO",
+ "": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google",
"": "Última atualização {date} {time}",
"": "LDAP",
"": "Login feito através do GitLab",
@@ -1667,6 +1733,7 @@
"": "Ver e fazer Logout das Sessões Ativas",
"": "Método de Login",
"": "Nova Senha",
+ "": "Office 365",
"": "Você pode ter somente um método de login por vez. Trocando o método de login será enviado um email de notificação se você alterar com sucesso.",
"": "Senha",
"": "Sua senha deve conter pelo menos {min} caracteres.",
@@ -1695,6 +1762,7 @@
"": "Trocar para usar GitLab SSO",
"": "Trocar para usar Google SSO",
"": "Trocar para usar LDAP",
+ "": "Switch to using Office 365 SSO",
"": "Trocar para usar SAML SSO",
"": "Configurações de Segurança",
"": "Ver Histórico de Acesso",
@@ -1708,6 +1776,6 @@
"web.footer.privacy": "Privacidade",
"web.footer.terms": "Termos",
"web.header.back": "Voltar",
- "web.root.singup_info": "Toda comunicação em um só lugar, pesquisável e acessível em qualquer lugar",
+ "web.root.signup_info": "Toda comunicação em um só lugar, pesquisável e acessível em qualquer lugar",
"youtube_video.notFound": "Vídeo não encontrado"
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/zh_CN.json b/webapp/i18n/zh_CN.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..384b8a764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/i18n/zh_CN.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1781 @@
+ "about.close": "关闭",
+ "about.copyright": "版权 2016 Mattermost, Inc. 版权所有",
+ "about.database": "数据库:",
+ "": "创建日期:",
+ "about.enterpriseEditionLearn": "了解更多企业版本",
+ "about.enterpriseEditionSt": "位于防火墙后的现代通讯方式。",
+ "about.enterpriseEditione1": "企业版本",
+ "about.hash": "构建哈希:",
+ "about.hashee": "构建EE哈希:",
+ "about.licensed": "授权于:",
+ "about.number": "编译号:",
+ "about.teamEditionLearn": "加入Mattermost社区",
+ "about.teamEditionSt": "所有团队的通讯一站式解决,随时随地可搜索和访问。",
+ "about.teamEditiont0": "团队版本",
+ "about.teamEditiont1": "企业版本",
+ "about.title": "关于Mattermost",
+ "about.version": "版本:",
+ "access_history.title": "访问历史",
+ "activity_log.activeSessions": "活动会话",
+ "activity_log.browser": "浏览器: {browser}",
+ "activity_log.firstTime": "首次登录时间: {date}, {time}",
+ "activity_log.lastActivity": "最后操作: {date}, {time}",
+ "activity_log.logout": "注销",
+ "activity_log.moreInfo": "更多信息",
+ "activity_log.os": "系统: {os}",
+ "activity_log.sessionId": "会话ID: {id}",
+ "activity_log.sessionsDescription": "当您在设备的新浏览器中登录时,将创建会话。会话让您使用Mattermost时无需在系统管理员限定的时间段内重新登录。如果您希望早些退出,点击下方的‘注销’按钮结束会话。",
+ "": "Android",
+ "activity_log_modal.androidNativeApp": "Android本地App",
+ "activity_log_modal.iphoneNativeApp": "iPhone本地App",
+ "add_command.autocomplete": "自动完成:",
+ "": "(Optional) Show slash command in autocomplete list.",
+ "add_command.autocompleteDescription": "自动补全描述",
+ "": "对自动补全列表中,斜杠命令的可选简述。",
+ "add_command.autocompleteDescription.placeholder": "例如: 返回关于病人记录的搜索结果",
+ "add_command.autocompleteHint": "自动完成提示",
+ "": "(Optional) Arguments associated with your slash command, displayed as help in the autocomplete list.",
+ "add_command.autocompleteHint.placeholder": "例如: [患者姓名]",
+ "add_command.cancel": "取消",
+ "add_command.description": "描述",
+ "": "Description for your incoming webhook.",
+ "add_command.displayName": "显示名称",
+ "": "Display name for your slash command made of up to 64 characters.",
+ "add_command.header": "添加",
+ "add_command.iconUrl": "回复图标",
+ "": "选择一个件图片覆盖回复这个斜杠命令。输入的URL.png或.jpg文件至少128像素x128像素。",
+ "add_command.iconUrl.placeholder": "",
+ "add_command.method": "请求方式",
+ "add_command.method.get": "GET",
+ "": "命令的类型发给请求URL的请求。",
+ "": "POST",
+ "": "保存",
+ "add_command.trigger": "命令触发词",
+ "": "Trigger word must be unique, and cannot begin with a slash or contain any spaces.",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "Examples: client, employee, patient, weather",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReserved": "Reserved: {link}",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReservedLinkText": "see list of built-in slash commands",
+ "add_command.trigger.placeholder": "命令触发器。譬如\"hello\"",
+ "add_command.triggerInvalidLength": "触发器单词必须包含 {min} 至 {max} 个字符",
+ "add_command.triggerInvalidSlash": "触发器单词第一个单词不能为/",
+ "add_command.triggerInvalidSpace": "触发器单词不能包含空格",
+ "add_command.triggerRequired": "需要一个触发字",
+ "add_command.url": "请求URL",
+ "": "接收HTTP POST或GET斜杠命令运行时事件请求的回调URL。",
+ "add_command.url.placeholder": "必须以http://或https://开始",
+ "add_command.urlRequired": "需要一个请求的URL",
+ "add_command.username": "回复用户名",
+ "": "选择一个用户名用于覆盖这个响应命令。用户名可以包含多达22个小写字母,数字以及符号 \"-\",\"_\" 和 \".\" 字符。",
+ "add_command.username.placeholder": "用户名",
+ "add_emoji.cancel": "取消",
+ "add_emoji.header": "添加",
+ "add_emoji.image": "图像",
+ "add_emoji.image.button": "选择",
+ "": "为您的颜文字选择图片。图片可以是gif、png或jpeg档案,大小请在64KB以下,长宽请控制在128*128像素或以内。",
+ "add_emoji.imageRequired": "表情符号需要个图片",
+ "": "名称",
+ "": "选择一个多达64个小写字母,数字以及符号 '-' 和 '_' 字符组成的用户名用于表情符号。",
+ "add_emoji.nameInvalid": "表情符号的名称只能包含数字,字母和符号' - '和'_'。",
+ "add_emoji.nameRequired": "表情符号需要个名称",
+ "add_emoji.nameTaken": "此名称已被系统表情符号使用。请重新选个名称。",
+ "add_emoji.preview": "预览",
+ "add_emoji.preview.sentence": "这句话带有 {image} 。",
+ "": "保存",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.cancel": "取消",
+ "": "频道",
+ "": "Public channel or private group that receives the webhook payloads. You must belong to the private group when setting up the webhook.",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.channelRequired": "需要一个合法的频道",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.description": "描述",
+ "": "Description for your incoming webhook.",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "显示名称",
+ "": "Display name for your incoming webhook made of up to 64 characters.",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.header": "添加",
+ "": "名称",
+ "": "保存",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "回调URL(每行一个)",
+ "": "The URL that messages will be sent to.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "需要一个或多个回调URL",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.cancel": "取消",
+ "": "频道",
+ "": "Public channel to receive webhook payloads. Optional if at least one Trigger Word is specified.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help1": "Choose the content type by which the response will be sent.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help2": "If application/x-www-form-urlencoded is chosen, the server assumes you will be encoding the parameters in a URL format.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help3": "If application/json is chosen, the server assumes you will posting JSON data.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.content_Type": "内容类型",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.description": "描述",
+ "": "Description for your outgoing webhook.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "显示名称",
+ "": "Display name for your outgoing webhook made of up to 64 characters.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.header": "添加",
+ "": "名称",
+ "": "保存",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "触发词(一行一个)",
+ "": "Messages that start with one of the specified words will trigger the outgoing webhook. Optional if Channel is selected.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "需要一个有效的频道或一个触发字列表",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhen": "触发时机",
+ "": "Choose when to trigger the outgoing webhook; if the first word of a message matches a Trigger Word exactly, or if it starts with a Trigger Word.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenFullWord": "第一个完全符合触发关键字",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenStartsWith": "第一字以触发关键字为开头",
+ "admin.audits.reload": "重新载入用户活动日志",
+ "admin.audits.title": "用户活动日志",
+ "": "邮件验证",
+ "admin.authentication.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "admin.authentication.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
+ "admin.authentication.saml": "SAML",
+ "admin.banner.heading": "注释:",
+ "admin.compliance.directoryDescription": "用户保存守规报告。如果为空,将被设置为 ./data/。",
+ "admin.compliance.directoryExample": "例如 \"./data/\"",
+ "admin.compliance.directoryTitle": "守规报告目录:",
+ "admin.compliance.enableDailyDesc": "如果是正确的,Mattermost将生成一个每日合规报告。",
+ "admin.compliance.enableDailyTitle": "启用每日报告",
+ "admin.compliance.enableDesc": "当设为是时,Mattermost允许从<strong>合规和审计</strong>标签进行合规报告。参见<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">文档</a>了解详情。",
+ "admin.compliance.enableTitle": "启动守规报告:",
+ "admin.compliance.false": "否",
+ "admin.compliance.noLicense": "<h4 class=\"banner__heading\">提示:</h4><p>守规是一个企业平台特性。您当前的证书不支持守规。请点击<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">这里</a>获取企业证书的信息和价格。</p>",
+ "": "保存",
+ "admin.compliance.saving": "保存配置中...",
+ "admin.compliance.title": "合规性设置",
+ "admin.compliance.true": "是",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.desc": "职位名称",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.desc_placeholder": "譬如\"Audit 445 for HR\"",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.emails": "电子邮件:",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.emails_placeholder": "例如“,”",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.from": "来自:",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.from_placeholder": "例如“2016-03-11”",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.keywords": "关键字:",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.keywords_placeholder": "譬如\"shorting stock\"",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.reload": "重新载入任务报告",
+ "": "守规报告",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.title": "合规性报告",
+ "": "To:",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.to_placeholder": "例如“2016-03-15”",
+ "admin.compliance_table.desc": "描述",
+ "": "下载",
+ "admin.compliance_table.params": "参数",
+ "admin.compliance_table.records": "记录",
+ "admin.compliance_table.status": "状态",
+ "admin.compliance_table.timestamp": "时间戳",
+ "admin.compliance_table.type": "类型",
+ "admin.compliance_table.userId": "被...要求",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityNone": "无",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityNoneDescription": "Mattermost将创建一个不安全的连接。",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityStart": "STARTTLS",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityStartDescription": "将一现有不安全的连接尝试使用TLS升级值一个安全的连接。",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityTest": "测试连接",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityTitle": "连接安全:",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityTls": "TLS",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityTlsDescription": "加密Mattermost和您的服务器之间的通信。",
+ "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkDesc": "添加安卓应用下载链接。用移动设备访问的用户将看到应用下载提示页面。此栏留空将不显示。",
+ "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkTitle": "安卓应用下载链接:",
+ "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkDesc": "添加Mattermost应用下载链接。当链接存在时,主菜单将有“下载Mattermost应用”选项让用户找到下载页面。此栏留空将隐藏此选项。",
+ "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkTitle": "Mattermost 应用下载页面网址:",
+ "admin.customization.customBrand": "自定义品牌",
+ "admin.customization.customEmoji": "自定义表情",
+ "admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiDesc": "允许用户能够创建在消息中使用自定义的表情符号。启用后,自定义的表情符号的设置可以通过切换团队,并在侧边栏单击频道上面的三个点,来选择“自定义绘文字”进行访问。",
+ "admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiTitle": "启用自定义表情:",
+ "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkDesc": "添加iOS应用下载链接。用移动设备访问的用户将看到应用下载提示页面。此栏留空将不显示。",
+ "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkTitle": "iOS应用下载网址:",
+ "admin.customization.nativeAppLinks": "原生应用网址",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAdmin": "允许系统和团队管理员创建表情符号",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAll": "允许每个人可以创建自定义表情",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationDesc": "限制某些用户创建自定义表情符号。",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationSystemAdmin": "只允许系统管理员创建自定义表情符号",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationTitle": "限制创建自定义表情符号:",
+ "": "法律和支持",
+ "admin.database.title": "数据库设置",
+ "admin.developer.title": "开发人员设置",
+ "": "我理解并同意Mattermost推送提醒服务<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">条款</a>和<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">隐私策略</a>。",
+ "": "当设置为是时,Mattermost允许用户使用电子邮件地址和密码登入。",
+ "": "开启使用邮件地址登入:",
+ "": "当设置为是时,Mattermost允许团队创建和使用电子邮件地址和密码注册帐户。此值唯一设为否的情况是你想使用OAuth或者LADP这种单点登录服务注册。",
+ "": "开启使用邮件地址创建帐号:",
+ "": "当设置为是时,mattermost允许用户使用用户名和密码登录. 此设置通常只用于当电子邮件验证被禁用时.",
+ "": "开启使用用户名登入:",
+ "": "测试连接",
+ "": "了解更多关于编译和部署您自己的移动应用程序从一个<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Enterprise App Store</a>。",
+ "": "连接失败: {error}",
+ "": "发送电子邮件时没有错误的报告. 请务必检查您的收件箱.",
+ "": "发送完整的消息片段",
+ "": "发送包含用户名称和频道名称的一般描述",
+ "": "电子邮件邀请加入32字符的盐值加密.安装时随机生成. 点击 \"重新生成\" 生成新的加密.",
+ "": "Ex \"bjlSR4QqkXFBr7TP4oDzlfZmcNuH9Yo\"",
+ "": "电子邮件邀请 Salt:",
+ "": "使用加密的,产品及质量的HPNS连接到iOS和Android应用程序",
+ "": "从 iTunes下载 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost iOS app</a>。从 Google Play 下载 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost Android app</a>。 了解更多 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">HPNS</a>。",
+ "": "在iTunes和TPNS的谷歌Play使用iOS和Android应用程序",
+ "": "从 iTunes下载 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost iOS app</a>。从 Google Play 下载 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost Android app</a>。 了解更多 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">TPNS</a>。",
+ "": "例如 \"© ABC Corporation, 565 Knight Way, Palo Alto, California, 94305, USA\"",
+ "": "从 Mattermost 发送的电子邮件通知时显示的电子邮件帐号名。",
+ "": "例如: \"Mattermost通知\", \"系统\", \"没有答复\"",
+ "": "通知显示名称:",
+ "": "从 Mattermost 发送的电子邮件通知时显示的电子邮件地址。",
+ "": "例如: \"\", \"\"",
+ "": "通知邮件地址:",
+ "": "通知页脚地址:",
+ "": "从mattermost电子邮件通知显示组织机构名称和地址,如“©ABC Corporation, 565 Knight Way, Palo Alto, California, 94305, USA\"。如果字段为空,则将不显示该组织的名称和地址。",
+ "": "通常在产品中设置为是,Mattermost尝试方式邮件通知. 开发人员可以将此字段设置为假以跳过电子邮件安装程序以加快开发速度.<br />置此为是的删除预览模式横幅 (设置后需要注销和重新登录).",
+ "": "启用发送邮件通知:",
+ "": "32字盐用来签署重置密码邮件。由安装时随机生成。点击 \"重新生成\" 生成新的盐。",
+ "": "Ex \"bjlSR4QqkXFBr7TP4oDzlfZmcNuH9Yo\"",
+ "": "密码重设盐:",
+ "": "选择“发送用户名称和频道名称的通用描述”提供通用信息的推送通知,包括用户名称和频道名称但没有来自信息文本的具体细节。<br /><br />选择“发送完整的信息片段”,发送来自消息触发通知的详细摘录,可能包括发送信息中的保密信息。如果您的推送通知服务在您的防火墙之外,强烈建议此选项仅用于“https”协议加密连接。",
+ "": "推送通知内容:",
+ "": "通常在正式环境中设置为是。当设为是时,Mattermost尝试给iOS和安卓从推送通知服务器发送通知。",
+ "": "不发送推送通知",
+ "": "请参考 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">文件推送通知</a>了解更多关于安装选项。",
+ "": "Mattermost推送消息服务时可以设置防火墙使用代理。你可以使用 测试,连接AppStore中Mattermost iOS演示版。请不要使用行生产机上测试服务。",
+ "": "例如: \"\"",
+ "": "推送通知服务器:",
+ "": "启动发送推送通知:",
+ "": "通常在正式环境中设置为是。当设为是时,Mattermost要求账户创建后先邮件验证通过才能登录。开发人员可以将此字段设置为否,跳过电子邮件验证以加快开发。",
+ "": "要求电子邮件验证:",
+ "": "手动输入推送通知服务位置",
+ "": "从邮件服务器管理员获得此凭据。",
+ "": "例如: \"yourpassword\", \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
+ "": "SMTP服务器密码:",
+ "": "SMTP邮件服务器端口。",
+ "": "例如: \"25\", \"465\"",
+ "": "SMTP服务器端口:",
+ "": "SMTP邮件服务器的位置。",
+ "": "例如:\"\", \"\"",
+ "": "SMTP服务器:",
+ "": "从邮件服务器管理员获得此凭据。",
+ "": "例如: \"\", \"AKIADTOVBGERKLCBV\"",
+ "": "SMTP服务器用户名:",
+ "": "测试中...",
+ "admin.false": "否",
+ "admin.file_upload.chooseFile": "选择文件",
+ "admin.file_upload.noFile": "没有上传文件",
+ "admin.file_upload.uploadFile": "上传",
+ "admin.files.images": "图像",
+ "": "储存",
+ "admin.general.configuration": "配置",
+ "admin.general.localization": "本地化",
+ "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "设定帐号设定里用户可选的语言。(留空将开启所有支持的语言)",
+ "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesTitle": "可用的语言:",
+ "admin.general.localization.clientLocaleDescription": "新创建的用户以及未登入的用户的默认语言。",
+ "admin.general.localization.clientLocaleTitle": "默认客户端语言:",
+ "admin.general.localization.serverLocaleDescription": "系统消息和日志的默认语言。此设定需要重新启动服务器才生效。",
+ "admin.general.localization.serverLocaleTitle": "默认服务器语言:",
+ "admin.general.log": "日志",
+ "admin.general.policy": "策略",
+ "admin.general.policy.permissionsAdmin": "团队和系统管理员",
+ "admin.general.policy.permissionsAll": "所有团队成员",
+ "admin.general.policy.permissionsSystemAdmin": "系统管理员",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementDescription": "设置谁可以创建,删除,重命名,以及设置标题或私有组作用的策略。",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementTitle": "启用私人群组管理的权限:",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "设置谁可以创建,删除,重命名,以及设置标题或公共频道作用的策略。",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementTitle": "启用公共频道的管理权限:",
+ "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "设置谁可以用<b>邀请新成员</b>发送邮件邀请他人到团队,或用主菜单的<b>获取团队邀请链接</b>的策略。如果使用了<b>获取团队邀请链接</b>,您可以在用户加入到团队后到<b>团队设定</b> > <b>邀请码</b>废除邀请码。",
+ "admin.general.policy.teamInviteTitle": "启用发送团队邀请的使用者:",
+ "admin.general.privacy": "隐私",
+ "admin.general.usersAndTeams": "成员和团队",
+ "admin.gitab.clientSecretDescription": "通过上述指令登录GitLab获取该值。",
+ "admin.gitlab.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li>登入您的GitLab账户并去档案设定 -> 应用程序。</li><li>输入重定向地址 \"<your-mattermost-url>/login/gitlab/complete\" (例如: http://localhost:8065/login/gitlab/complete) 和 \"<your-mattermost-url>/signup/gitlab/complete\"。</li><li>然后使用GitLab中 \"Application Secret Key\" 和 \"Application ID\" 完成下面的选项。</li><li>完成以下端点网址。</li></ol>",
+ "admin.gitlab.authDescription": "输入 https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/authorize (例如。根据于您的服务器设定而决定网址中使用HTTP或HTTPS。",
+ "admin.gitlab.authExample": "如:\"https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/authorize\"",
+ "admin.gitlab.authTitle": "认证端点:",
+ "admin.gitlab.clientIdDescription": "通过上述指令登录gitlab获取该值",
+ "admin.gitlab.clientIdExample": "例如 \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
+ "admin.gitlab.clientIdTitle": "应用程序 ID",
+ "admin.gitlab.clientSecretExample": "例如 \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
+ "admin.gitlab.clientSecretTitle": "应用程序密钥:",
+ "admin.gitlab.enableDescription": "当设置为是时,Mattermost允许使用GitLab OAuth创建团队和注册账户。",
+ "admin.gitlab.enableTitle": "启用GitLab认证:",
+ "admin.gitlab.settingsTitle": "GitLab设置",
+ "admin.gitlab.tokenDescription": "输入 https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/token。根据于您的服务器设定而决定网址中使用HTTP或HTTPS。",
+ "admin.gitlab.tokenExample": "如:\"https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/token\"",
+ "admin.gitlab.tokenTitle": "令牌端点:",
+ "admin.gitlab.userDescription": "输入 https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user。根据于您的服务器设定而决定网址中使用HTTP或HTTPS。",
+ "admin.gitlab.userExample": "如:\"https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user\"",
+ "admin.gitlab.userTitle": "用户API 端点:",
+ "": "<ol><li><a href=''>登入</a>到您的谷歌帐号。</li><li>到<a href=''></a>,在左边导航点击<strong>凭证</strong>后输入<strong>Mattermost - <your-company-name></strong>为项目名。</li><li>点击<strong>OAuth 同意页面</strong>标题并输入<strong>Mattermost</strong>做为<strong>显示给用户的产品名</strong>。点击<strong>保存</strong>。</li><li>在<strong>凭证</strong>标题下,点击<strong>创建凭证</strong>,选择<strong>OAuth客户端ID</strong>并选择<strong>网页应用</strong>。</li><li>在<strong>限制</strong>和<strong>经认可的重指向网址</strong>下输入<strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/google/complete</strong> (例: http://localhost:8065/signup/google/complete)。点击<strong>创建</strong>。</li><li>保存<strong>客户端ID</strong>和<strong>客户端秘密</strong>以便完整填写以下栏。</li><li>最后,到<a href=''>Google+ API</a>并点击<strong>启用</strong>。这可能需要几分钟时间让谷歌服务器同步数据。</li><li>完成以下<strong>客户端ID</strong>和<strong>客户端秘密</strong>。</li></ol>",
+ "": "认证端点:",
+ "": "您在谷歌注册您的应用时收到的客户端ID。",
+ "": "例如 \"\"",
+ "": "客户端ID:",
+ "": "您在谷歌注册您的应用时收到的客户端秘密。",
+ "": "例如 \"H8sz0Az-dDs2p15-7QzD231\"",
+ "": "客户端秘密:",
+ "": "令牌端点:",
+ "": "用户API 端点:",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3BucketDescription": "您在AWS S3 存储桶中的名字。",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3BucketExample": "例如 \"mattermost-media\"",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3BucketTitle": "Amazon S3 存储桶:",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3IdDescription": "从您的Amazon EC2管理员获得此证书。",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3IdExample": "例如 \"AKIADTOVBGERKLCBV\"",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3IdTitle": "Amazon S3 访问密钥 ID:",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3RegionDescription": "您创建S3 存储桶选中的AWS区域。",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3RegionExample": "例如 \"us-east-1\"",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3RegionTitle": "Amazon S3区域:",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3SecretDescription": "从你的Amazon EC2管理员获得此证书。",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3SecretExample": "例如 \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3SecretTitle": "Amazon S3 秘密访问密钥:",
+ "admin.image.localDescription": "存储文件和图像的目录。如果为空则默认为./data/。",
+ "admin.image.localExample": "例如 \"./data/\"",
+ "admin.image.localTitle": "本地存储目录:",
+ "admin.image.maxFileSizeDescription": "最大允许的讯息附件文件大小(MB)。注意:请确认服务器内存能够承受您的设定。过大的文件大小会增加服务器崩溃和因网路问题而上传失败的风险。",
+ "admin.image.maxFileSizeExample": "50",
+ "admin.image.maxFileSizeTitle": "最大文件大小:",
+ "admin.image.previewHeightDescription": "预览图最大高度(\"0\": 设置为自动)。更新这个值改变之后的预览图显示,但不改变在过去创建的图片。",
+ "admin.image.previewHeightExample": "例如 \"0\"",
+ "admin.image.previewHeightTitle": "预览图像高度:",
+ "admin.image.previewWidthDescription": "预览图最大宽度。更新这个值改变之后的预览图显示,但不改变在过去创建的图片。",
+ "admin.image.previewWidthExample": "例如 \"1024\"",
+ "admin.image.previewWidthTitle": "预览图像宽度:",
+ "admin.image.profileHeightDescription": "个人头像高度。",
+ "admin.image.profileHeightExample": "例如 \"0\"",
+ "admin.image.profileHeightTitle": "个人头像高度:",
+ "admin.image.profileWidthDescription": "个人头像宽度。",
+ "admin.image.profileWidthExample": "例如 \"1024\"",
+ "admin.image.profileWidthTitle": "个人头像宽度:",
+ "admin.image.publicLinkDescription": "32字盐用来签署公开的图片链接。由安装时随机生成。点击 \"重新生成\" 生成新的盐。",
+ "admin.image.publicLinkExample": "例如 \"gxHVDcKUyP2y1eiyW8S8na1UYQAfq6J6\"",
+ "admin.image.publicLinkTitle": "公共链接加密: ",
+ "admin.image.shareDescription": "允许用户分享文件和图片的公共链接。",
+ "admin.image.shareTitle": "分享公共文件链接:",
+ "admin.image.storeAmazonS3": "Amazon S3",
+ "admin.image.storeDescription": "文件和图片所存放的储存系统。<br /><br />选择 \"Amazon S3\" 会启用对应栏位让您填入 Amazon 的认证跟储存贮体的详细资料。<br /><br />选择 \"本地文件系统\" 会启用对应栏位让您填入本地文件目录。",
+ "admin.image.storeLocal": "本地文件系统",
+ "admin.image.storeTitle": "文件存储系统:",
+ "admin.image.thumbHeightDescription": "上传图片时生成缩略图高度。更新这个值改变之后的缩略图显示,但不改变在过去创建的图片。",
+ "admin.image.thumbHeightExample": "例如 \"100\"",
+ "admin.image.thumbHeightTitle": "附件缩略图高度:",
+ "admin.image.thumbWidthDescription": "上传图片时生成缩略图宽度。更新这个值改变之后的缩略图显示,但不改变在过去创建的图片。",
+ "admin.image.thumbWidthExample": "例如 \"120\"",
+ "admin.image.thumbWidthTitle": "附件缩略图宽度:",
+ "admin.integrations.external": "外部服务",
+ "admin.integrations.webhook": "Webhooks和命令",
+ "admin.ldap.baseDesc": "BaseDN可以使Mattermost在LADP树中搜索用户时可以按位置区分名称.",
+ "admin.ldap.baseEx": "例如:\"ou=Unit Name,dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com\"",
+ "admin.ldap.baseTitle": "BaseDN:",
+ "admin.ldap.bindPwdDesc": "\"绑定用户名\"的密码。",
+ "admin.ldap.bindPwdTitle": "绑定密码:",
+ "admin.ldap.bindUserDesc": "用户名使用LDAP搜索.通常在Mattermost创建用户时使用.通过BASEDN字段指定LADP树可读数据的限制.",
+ "admin.ldap.bindUserTitle": "绑定用户名:",
+ "admin.ldap.emailAttrDesc": "在LDAP服务器将用于填充mattermost邮箱的属性.",
+ "admin.ldap.emailAttrEx": "前“邮件”或“用户主名称”",
+ "admin.ldap.emailAttrTitle": "电子邮箱属性:",
+ "admin.ldap.enableDesc": "当设置为是时,Mattermost允许LADP登录",
+ "admin.ldap.enableTitle": "开启LDAP登入:",
+ "admin.ldap.firstnameAttrDesc": "在LDAP服务器将用于填充mattermost用户姓的属性.",
+ "admin.ldap.firstnameAttrEx": "例如\"givenName\"",
+ "admin.ldap.firstnameAttrTitle": "姓属性",
+ "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "此属性在LADP服务器作为Mattermost中一个被用于做唯一标识符值。它将不可被修改,类似用户名或者用户ID。如果一个用户的ID属性被修改,它将创建一个新的Mattermost账户并且与之前的用户无关。它被用于在Mattermost登录时“LDAP用户名”字段在登录页面。一般该属性字段与上面的“用户名属性”字段相同。如果你的团队通常使用 域名\\用户名 登录到其他LDAP服务,你可以选择在本栏使用 域名\\用户名 以跟其他站点保持一致。",
+ "admin.ldap.idAttrEx": "例如\"sAMAccountName\"",
+ "admin.ldap.idAttrTitle": "ID属性:",
+ "admin.ldap.lastnameAttrDesc": "在LDAP服务器将用于填充mattermost用户名的属性.",
+ "admin.ldap.lastnameAttrEx": "例如\"sn\"",
+ "admin.ldap.lastnameAttrTitle": "姓氏属性:",
+ "admin.ldap.loginNameDesc": "出现在登录页面登录框的占位符文本,默认为“LDAP用户名”。",
+ "admin.ldap.loginNameEx": "前“LDAP用户名”",
+ "admin.ldap.loginNameTitle": "域名登录:",
+ "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeEx": "例如\"2000\"",
+ "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeHelpText": "Mattermost 向 LDAP 服务器请求使用者资料时单次最多的数量。0表示无上限。",
+ "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeTitle": "最大页面大小",
+ "admin.ldap.nicknameAttrDesc": "(可选)在 LDAP 服务器将用于填充 Mattermost 用户名的属性。",
+ "admin.ldap.nicknameAttrEx": "例如:\"昵称\"",
+ "admin.ldap.nicknameAttrTitle": "昵称:",
+ "admin.ldap.noLicense": "<h4 class=\"banner__heading\">提示:</h4><p>LDAP是一个企业平台特性。您当前的证书不支持LDAP。请点击<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">这里</a>获取企业证书的信息和价格。</p>",
+ "admin.ldap.portDesc": "该端口将连接到LDAP服务器。默认389。",
+ "admin.ldap.portEx": "例如\"389\"",
+ "admin.ldap.portTitle": "LDAP端口:",
+ "admin.ldap.queryDesc": "查询LADP服务器超时值。增加此值如果你遇到查询一个缓慢LDAP服务器时发生超时错误。",
+ "admin.ldap.queryEx": "例如\"60\"",
+ "admin.ldap.queryTitle": "查询时限(秒):",
+ "admin.ldap.serverDesc": "LDAP服务器的域名或IP地址。",
+ "admin.ldap.serverEx": "Ex\"\"",
+ "admin.ldap.serverTitle": "LDAP服务器:",
+ "admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerification": "跳过证书验证",
+ "admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerificationDesc": "跳过TLS或STARTTLS连接的证书验证。不建议用在需要TLS的正式环境下。仅限测试。",
+ "admin.ldap.syncFailure": "同步失败:{error}",
+ "admin.ldap.syncIntervalHelpText": "LDAP的同步机制会将Mattermost中的用户信息同步以反映在LDAP服务器上进行的更新。例如,当LDAP服务器上一个用户姓名更改时,这一改变将在Mattermost同步执行。在LDAP 服务器中删除或禁用账户时将他们的Mattermost 账号设置为\"停用\"并且已撤走会话。Mattermost会按照一定的时间频率定期进行同步。例如, 如果设置为60,那么会在每60分钟进行同步。",
+ "admin.ldap.syncIntervalTitle": "同步间隔(分钟)",
+ "admin.ldap.syncNowHelpText": "立即启动一个LDAP同步。",
+ "admin.ldap.sync_button": "开始LDAP同步",
+ "admin.ldap.uernameAttrDesc": "在LDAP服务器将用于填充mattermost用户名称的属性.它等同于ID属性.",
+ "admin.ldap.userFilterDisc": "(可选) 输入个LDAP筛选器用在搜索用户对象。只有被查询条件选中的用户才能访问Mattermost。对于活动目录,过滤禁用用户的查询是(&(objectCategory=Person)(!(UserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))。",
+ "admin.ldap.userFilterEx": "例如 \"(objectClass=user)\"",
+ "admin.ldap.userFilterTitle": "用户筛选器:",
+ "admin.ldap.usernameAttrEx": "例如\"sAMAccountName\"",
+ "admin.ldap.usernameAttrTitle": "用户名属性:",
+ "admin.license.choose": "选择文件",
+ "admin.license.chooseFile": "选择文件",
+ "admin.license.edition": "版本:",
+ "admin.license.key": "许可证钥匙:",
+ "admin.license.keyRemove": "删除企业许可证和降级服务器",
+ "admin.license.noFile": "没有上传的文件",
+ "admin.license.removing": "删除许可证...",
+ "admin.license.title": "版本和许可证",
+ "admin.license.type": "授权:",
+ "admin.license.upload": "上传",
+ "admin.license.uploadDesc": "在Mattermost企业版本上传一个许可证key来升级服务器.<ahref=\"http: //\"target=\"_blank\">在线访问我们</a>了解企业版的好处或购买一个关键.",
+ "admin.license.uploading": "上传许可证...",
+ "admin.log.consoleDescription": "通常在产品中设置为否.开发人员应该设置为是来根据控制台日志级别打印日志信息到控制台.如果设置为是,服务器将消息写入到标准输出流.",
+ "admin.log.consoleTitle": "日志输出到控制台:",
+ "admin.log.enableWebhookDebugging": "启用Webhook调试:",
+ "admin.log.enableWebhookDebuggingDescription": "您可以设置为false来禁用所有传入的webhook请求主体的调试日志记录。",
+ "admin.log.fileDescription": "在产品中通常设置为是.当设置为是时,日志文件写入下面指定日志文件位置的字段.",
+ "admin.log.fileLevelDescription": "此设置确定日志事件写入到控制台的级别详情.ERROR: 只输出错误信息.INFO: 输出错误消息和在启动和初始化的信息.DEBUG: 打印开发者调试问题的细节.",
+ "admin.log.fileLevelTitle": "文件日志级别:",
+ "admin.log.fileTitle": "日志输出到文件:",
+ "admin.log.formatDateLong": "日期(2006/01/02)",
+ "admin.log.formatDateShort": "日期(01/02/06)",
+ "admin.log.formatDescription": "日志输出信息格式化.如果没有设置默认为\"[ %D%T ][%L]%M\",如下: ",
+ "admin.log.formatLevel": "级别(DEBG,INFO,EROR)",
+ "admin.log.formatMessage": "信息",
+ "admin.log.formatPlaceholder": "输入文件格式",
+ "admin.log.formatSource": "源",
+ "admin.log.formatTime": "时间(15: 04: 05MST)",
+ "admin.log.formatTitle": "日志文件格式:",
+ "admin.log.levelDescription": "此设置确定日志事件写入到控制台的级别详情.ERROR: 只输出错误信息.INFO: 输出错误消息和在启动和初始化的信息.DEBUG: 打印开发者调试问题的细节.",
+ "admin.log.levelTitle": "控制台日志级别:",
+ "admin.log.locationDescription": "日志文件写入位置.如果没有设置,默认位置为./logs/mattermost,写入到日志文件mattermost.log.启用日志轮转每10000行的日志信息写入新的文件存储在同一目录, 例如mattermost.2015-09-23.001,mattermost.2015-09-23.002,等等.",
+ "admin.log.locationPlaceholder": "输入你的文件位置",
+ "admin.log.locationTitle": "日志文件目录:",
+ "admin.log.logSettings": "日志设置",
+ "admin.logs.reload": "重载",
+ "admin.logs.title": "服务器日志",
+ "": "帮助",
+ "admin.nav.logout": "注销",
+ "": "报告问题",
+ "admin.nav.switch": "团队选择",
+ "": "电子邮件",
+ "admin.notifications.push": "移动推送",
+ "admin.notifications.title": "通知设置",
+ "admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google Apps",
+ "": "不允许通过OAuth 2.0提供者登入",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "": "选择OAuth 2.0服务提供者:",
+ "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>登入</a>到您的微软或Office 365帐号。确定是和您想让用户登入的同一个<a href=''>租户</a>。</li><li>到<a href=''></a>,点击<strong>添加应用</strong>然后用<strong>Mattermost - <your-company-name></strong>做为应用名。</li><li>在<strong>应用秘密</strong>下,点击<strong>生成新密码</strong>后保存以便完整填写以下栏。</li><li>在<strong>平台</strong>下,点击<strong>添加平台</strong>,选择<strong>网页</strong>并在<strong>重指向网址</strong>下输入<strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/office365/complete</strong> (例: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete)。同时反选择<strong>允许隐含流程</strong>。</li><li>最后,点击<strong>保存</strong>并完成以下栏的<strong>应用ID</strong>以及<strong>应用密码</strong>。</li></ol>",
+ "admin.office365.authTitle": "认证端点:",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "您在微软注册您的应用时收到的应用/客户端ID。",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdExample": "例如 \"adf3sfa2-ag3f-sn4n-ids0-sh1hdax192qq\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdTitle": "应用程序 ID:",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretDescription": "您在微软注册您的应用时收到的应用密码。",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretExample": "例如 \"shAieM47sNBfgl20f8ci294\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretTitle": "应用密码:",
+ "admin.office365.tokenTitle": "令牌端点:",
+ "admin.office365.userTitle": "用户API 端点:",
+ "admin.password.lowercase": "至少有一个小写字母",
+ "admin.password.minimumLength": "最小密码长度:",
+ "admin.password.minimumLengthDescription": "有效密码字符的长度必须是大于或等于{min}且小于或等于{max}的整数。",
+ "admin.password.minimumLengthExample": "例如\"5\"",
+ "admin.password.number": "至少有一个数字",
+ "admin.password.preview": "错误消息预览",
+ "admin.password.requirements": "密码要求:",
+ "admin.password.requirementsDescription": "有效的密码所需的字符类型。",
+ "admin.password.symbol": "至少有一个符号 (例如:\"~!@#$%^&*()\")",
+ "admin.password.uppercase": "至少有一个大写字母",
+ "admin.privacy.showEmailDescription": "当设置为否,在其他用户的用户界面隐藏自己的电子邮件地址, 包括团队拥有者和团队管理员.通常用于当系统为管理团队的一些用户选择保持他们的私人联系信息.",
+ "admin.privacy.showEmailTitle": "显示电子邮箱地址:",
+ "admin.privacy.showFullNameDescription": "当设置为否,从其他用户隐藏,包括团队拥有者和团队管理员.用户名是姓名显示显示的是全名.",
+ "admin.privacy.showFullNameTitle": "显示全名:",
+ "admin.rate.enableLimiterDescription": "当设置为是时,API使用率被限制到以下值。",
+ "admin.rate.enableLimiterTitle": "启用频率限制:",
+ "admin.rate.httpHeaderDescription": "填充时,变化率限制通过HTTP头字段指定(例如当配置NGINX\"X-Real-IP\",当配置AmazonELB为\"X-Forwarded-For\").",
+ "admin.rate.httpHeaderExample": "例如\"X-Real-IP\", \"X-Forwarded-For\"",
+ "admin.rate.httpHeaderTitle": "通过HTTP头变化频率限制",
+ "admin.rate.memoryDescription": "连接到系统的最大用户会话数由以下 \"根据远程地址改变频率限制\" 以及 \"通过HTTP头变化频率限制\" 设定而决定。",
+ "admin.rate.memoryExample": "例如\"10000\"",
+ "admin.rate.memoryTitle": "内存存储大小:",
+ "admin.rate.noteDescription": "修改了这部分属性需要重启服务器才能生效。",
+ "admin.rate.noteTitle": "注释:",
+ "admin.rate.queriesDescription": "限制每秒API请求数。",
+ "admin.rate.queriesExample": "例如\"10\"",
+ "admin.rate.queriesTitle": "每秒最大查询:",
+ "admin.rate.remoteDescription": "当设置为是,使用基于IP的API速率限制。",
+ "admin.rate.remoteTitle": "根据远程地址改变频率限制:",
+ "admin.rate.title": "速度限制设置",
+ "admin.recycle.button": "回收数据库连接",
+ "admin.recycle.loading": "回收中...",
+ "admin.recycle.recycleDescription": "在部署使用多数据库时可以在服务器运行情况下修改\"config.json\"且使用<a href=\"../general/configuration\"><b>设定 > 重新从磁盘载入配置 </b></a>来切换Mattermost主数据库至另外个。之后管理员需使用<b>回收数据库连接</b>功能来根据新设定回收数据库连接。",
+ "admin.recycle.reloadFail": "回收失败: {error}",
+ "admin.regenerate": "重新生成",
+ "admin.reload.button": "重新从磁盘载入配置",
+ "admin.reload.loading": "加载中...",
+ "admin.reload.reloadDescription": "在部署使用多数据库时可以在服务器运行情况下修改\"config.json\"且使用 <b>重新从磁盘载入配置</b> 来切换Mattermost主数据库至另外个。之后管理员需使用<a href=\"../advanced/database\"><b>数据库 > 回收数据库链接</b></a> 功能来根据新设定回收数据库连接。",
+ "admin.reload.reloadFail": "重载失败:{error}",
+ "admin.reset_password.close": "关闭",
+ "admin.reset_password.newPassword": "新密码",
+ "": "选择",
+ "admin.reset_password.submit": "请输入至少{chars}个字符。",
+ "admin.reset_password.titleReset": "重置密码",
+ "admin.reset_password.titleSwitch": "切换到电子邮件/密码的账户",
+ "admin.saml.assertionConsumerServiceURLDesc": "输入 https://<your-mattermost-url>/login/sso/saml。确保您使用服务器设定的HTTP或HTTPS网址。此栏又名断言消耗服务网址。",
+ "admin.saml.assertionConsumerServiceURLEx": "如 \"https://<your-mattermost-url>/login/sso/saml\"",
+ "admin.saml.assertionConsumerServiceURLTitle": "服务提供者登入URL:",
+ "admin.saml.emailAttrDesc": "使用SAML断言中的属性做为Mattermost中用户的电子邮箱地址。",
+ "admin.saml.emailAttrEx": "如 \"Email\" 或 \"PrimaryEmail\"",
+ "admin.saml.emailAttrTitle": "邮箱属性:",
+ "admin.saml.enableDescription": "当设为是时,Mattermost允许通过SAML登陆。请参考<a href='' target='_blank'>文档</a>了解Mattermost配置SAML。",
+ "admin.saml.enableTitle": "开启SAML登入:",
+ "admin.saml.encryptDescription": "当设置为是时,Mattermost 将会使用您的服务提供者证书来解密SAML断言。",
+ "admin.saml.encryptTitle": "开启加密:",
+ "admin.saml.firstnameAttrDesc": "使用SAML断言中的属性做为Mattermost中用户的名字。",
+ "admin.saml.firstnameAttrEx": "如 \"FirstName\"",
+ "admin.saml.firstnameAttrTitle": "名字属性:",
+ "admin.saml.idpCertificateFileDesc": "由可信任的身份认证系统提供商所提供的证书公钥",
+ "admin.saml.idpCertificateFileRemoveDesc": "从身份提供者中移除公钥认证信息。",
+ "admin.saml.idpCertificateFileTitle": "身份认证公钥证书",
+ "admin.saml.idpDescriptorUrlDesc": "在使用SAML请求时所访问的身份认证系统的地址",
+ "admin.saml.idpDescriptorUrlEx": "如 \"\"",
+ "admin.saml.idpDescriptorUrlTitle": "身份提供者核发地址:",
+ "admin.saml.idpUrlDesc": "Mattermost发送SAML登入启动初始网址。",
+ "admin.saml.idpUrlEx": "如 \"\"",
+ "admin.saml.idpUrlTitle": "SAML SSO 网址:",
+ "admin.saml.lastnameAttrDesc": "使用SAML断言中的属性做为Mattermost中用户的姓氏。",
+ "admin.saml.lastnameAttrEx": "如 \"LastName\"",
+ "admin.saml.lastnameAttrTitle": "姓氏属性:",
+ "admin.saml.localeAttrDesc": "(可选)使用SAML断言中的属性做为Mattermost中用户的语言。",
+ "admin.saml.localeAttrEx": "如 \"Locale\" 或 \"PrimaryLanguage\"",
+ "admin.saml.localeAttrTitle": "优先语言属性:",
+ "admin.saml.loginButtonTextDesc": "(可选)登入页面中的登入按钮文字。默认为\"With SAML\"。",
+ "admin.saml.loginButtonTextEx": "如 \"With OKTA\"",
+ "admin.saml.loginButtonTextTitle": "登入按钮文字:",
+ "admin.saml.nicknameAttrDesc": "(可选)使用SAML断言中的属性做为Mattermost中用户的昵称。",
+ "admin.saml.nicknameAttrEx": "例如:\"昵称\"",
+ "admin.saml.nicknameAttrTitle": "昵称属性:",
+ "admin.saml.privateKeyFileFileDesc": "用于解析从身份认证系统中返回的SAML数据的私钥",
+ "admin.saml.privateKeyFileFileRemoveDesc": "移除用于解析从身份认证系统中返回的SAML数据的私钥.",
+ "admin.saml.privateKeyFileTitle": "服务提供者密钥:",
+ "admin.saml.publicCertificateFileDesc": "当Mattermost是服务提供者时,用来生成从服务提供者到身份提供者产生的SAML请求使用的证书。",
+ "admin.saml.publicCertificateFileRemoveDesc": "当Mattermost是服务提供者时,删除用来生成从服务提供者到身份提供者产生的SAML请求使用的证书。",
+ "admin.saml.publicCertificateFileTitle": "服务提供者公开证书:",
+ "admin.saml.remove.idp_certificate": "删除身份提供者证书",
+ "admin.saml.remove.privKey": "移除服务提供者密钥",
+ "admin.saml.remove.sp_certificate": "删除服务提供者证书",
+ "admin.saml.removing.certificate": "删除证书中...",
+ "admin.saml.removing.privKey": "删除密钥中...",
+ "admin.saml.uploading.certificate": "上传证书中...",
+ "admin.saml.uploading.privateKey": "上传密钥中...",
+ "admin.saml.usernameAttrDesc": "使用SAML断言中的属性做为Mattermost中用户的用户名。",
+ "admin.saml.usernameAttrEx": "如 \"Username\"",
+ "admin.saml.usernameAttrTitle": "用户名:",
+ "admin.saml.verifyDescription": "设为是时,Mattermost会核实SAML回复签字与服务提供者登入网址一致",
+ "admin.saml.verifyTitle": "校验签名:",
+ "": "保存",
+ "admin.saving": "保存配置中...",
+ "": "连接",
+ "": "邀请盐无法在邮件寄送关闭下修改。",
+ "": "登录",
+ "": "密码",
+ "": "重置密码盐无法在邮件寄送关闭下修改。",
+ "": "公开链接",
+ "": "邮件验证无法在邮件寄送关闭下修改。",
+ "": "会话",
+ "": "注册",
+ "admin.select_team.close": "关闭",
+ "": "选择",
+ "admin.select_team.selectTeam": "选择团队",
+ "admin.service.attemptDescription": "用户必须通过电子邮件重置密码前允许用户登录尝试的次数。",
+ "admin.service.attemptExample": "例如\"10\"",
+ "admin.service.attemptTitle": "最大登录尝试次数:",
+ "admin.service.cmdsDesc": "当设为是时,允许自定义斜杠命令。详情参见<a href='' target='_blank'>文档</a>。",
+ "admin.service.cmdsTitle": "启用自定义斜线命令:",
+ "admin.service.corsDescription": "启用一个特定域的HTTP跨起源请求。如果您想允许来自任何域的CORS请求,使用“*”,或者将其保留为空禁用请求。",
+ "admin.service.corsEx": "",
+ "admin.service.corsTitle": "允许来自以下跨源请求网址:",
+ "admin.service.developerDesc": "开启时,Javascript错误将显示在页面顶端红条里。不推荐在正式环境使用。",
+ "admin.service.developerTitle": "开启开发者模式:",
+ "admin.service.googleDescription": "设置此钥匙以开启内嵌YouTube视频预览。如果没有此钥匙,YouTube预览仍然会在消息或评论中显示但不会显示视频标题。参见<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Google Developers Tutorial</a>教程以获得钥匙。",
+ "admin.service.googleExample": "例如\"7rAh6iwQCkV4cA1Gsg3fgGOXJAQ43QV\"",
+ "admin.service.googleTitle": "Google API 钥匙:",
+ "admin.service.iconDescription": "当设置为是时,webhooks和斜杠命令将允许改变贴文的图标。注意:结合允许用户名覆盖将可能导致用户受到络钓鱼攻击。",
+ "admin.service.iconTitle": "允许webhooks和斜杠命令覆盖个人头像图标:",
+ "admin.service.insecureTlsDesc": "当设置为是,一些外部的HTTPS请求将不需要验证,自签名证书.例如,对外webhooks签名TLS认证服务器,使用任何领域,将被允许.注意,这使得这些连接容易受到中间人攻击.",
+ "admin.service.insecureTlsTitle": "启用不安全的对外连接:",
+ "admin.service.integrationAdmin": "限制仅团队和系统管理员可以建整合:",
+ "admin.service.integrationAdminDesc": "当设为是时,用户创建的集成只能由管理员创建。",
+ "admin.service.listenAddress": "监听地址:",
+ "admin.service.listenDescription": "监听和绑定地址.输入\": 8065\"将绑定所有接口或者\" 8065\".修改这个设置需要重启服务器才能生效.",
+ "admin.service.listenExample": "例如\": 8065\"",
+ "admin.service.mfaDesc": "如果正确,用户将被提供对其账户添加多重因素身份验证的选项。他们需要一部智能手机和一个像Google Authenticator一样的身份验证器应用程序。",
+ "admin.service.mfaTitle": "启用多因素身份验证:",
+ "admin.service.mobileSessionDays": "移动应用会话市场(天):",
+ "admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. After changing this setting, the new session length will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
+ "admin.service.outWebhooksDesc": "当设为是时,允许传出webhooks。详情参见<a href='' target='_blank'>文档</a>。",
+ "admin.service.outWebhooksTitle": "启用对外Webhooks: ",
+ "admin.service.overrideDescription": "当设置为是时,webhooks和斜杠命令将允许改变贴文的用户名。注意:结合允许图标覆盖将可能导致用户受到络钓鱼攻击。",
+ "admin.service.overrideTitle": "允许 webhooks 以及斜杠命令覆盖用户名:",
+ "admin.service.securityDesc": "当设置为是,通过电子邮件通知系统管理员,如果相关安全修复警报已经宣布在过去12小时。需要启用电子邮件.",
+ "admin.service.securityTitle": "启用安全警报: ",
+ "admin.service.segmentDescription": "Segment.com是个可选详细跟踪系统统计的在线服务。您可以在Segment.com注册个免费帐号获取钥匙。",
+ "admin.service.segmentExample": "例如\"g3fgGOXJAQ43QV7rAh6iwQCkV4cA1Gs\"",
+ "admin.service.segmentTitle": "Segment 写入钥匙:",
+ "admin.service.sessionCache": "会话缓存(分钟):",
+ "admin.service.sessionCacheDesc": "会话在内存缓存的分钟数。",
+ "admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "Ex\"30\"",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "移动应用会话市场(天):",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. If the authentication method is SAML or GitLab, the user may automatically be logged back in to Mattermost if they are already logged in to SAML or GitLab. After changing this setting, the setting will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
+ "admin.service.testingDescription": "当设为是时,/loadtest 斜杠命令能载入测试账号,数据和文字格式。修改这个设置需要重启服务器才能生效。",
+ "admin.service.testingTitle": "启动测试指令:",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDays": "Session length LDAP and email (days):",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. After changing this setting, the new session length will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
+ "admin.service.webhooksDescription": "设为是时,允许传入webhooks。为了避免钓鱼攻击,所有webhooks的帖文会标上BOT标签。参见 <a href='' target='_blank'>文档</a> 了解详情。",
+ "admin.service.webhooksTitle": "启用外部Webhooks: ",
+ "admin.sidebar.addTeamSidebar": "从侧边栏菜单添加团队",
+ "admin.sidebar.advanced": "高级",
+ "admin.sidebar.audits": "合规性与审计",
+ "admin.sidebar.authentication": "验证",
+ "admin.sidebar.compliance": "合规",
+ "admin.sidebar.configuration": "配置",
+ "admin.sidebar.connections": "连接",
+ "admin.sidebar.customBrand": "自定义品牌",
+ "admin.sidebar.customEmoji": "自定义表情符",
+ "admin.sidebar.customization": "自定义",
+ "admin.sidebar.database": "数据库",
+ "admin.sidebar.developer": "开发人员",
+ "": "电子邮件",
+ "admin.sidebar.external": "外部服务",
+ "admin.sidebar.files": "文件",
+ "admin.sidebar.general": "常规",
+ "admin.sidebar.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "admin.sidebar.images": "图像",
+ "admin.sidebar.integrations": "集成",
+ "admin.sidebar.ldap": "LDAP",
+ "admin.sidebar.legalAndSupport": "法律和支持",
+ "admin.sidebar.license": "版本和许可证",
+ "admin.sidebar.localization": "本地化",
+ "admin.sidebar.logging": "日志",
+ "admin.sidebar.login": "登录",
+ "admin.sidebar.logs": "日志",
+ "admin.sidebar.notifications": "通知",
+ "admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
+ "admin.sidebar.other": "其他",
+ "admin.sidebar.password": "密码",
+ "admin.sidebar.policy": "策略",
+ "admin.sidebar.privacy": "隐私",
+ "admin.sidebar.publicLinks": "公开链接",
+ "admin.sidebar.push": "移动推送",
+ "admin.sidebar.rateLimiting": "速率限制",
+ "admin.sidebar.reports": "报告",
+ "admin.sidebar.rmTeamSidebar": "从侧边栏菜单移除团队",
+ "admin.sidebar.saml": "SAML",
+ "": "安全",
+ "admin.sidebar.sessions": "会话",
+ "admin.sidebar.settings": "设置",
+ "admin.sidebar.signUp": "注册",
+ "admin.sidebar.sign_up": "注册",
+ "admin.sidebar.statistics": "团队统计",
+ "": "储存",
+ "": "法律和支持",
+ "admin.sidebar.teams": "团队 ({count, number})",
+ "admin.sidebar.users": "用户",
+ "admin.sidebar.usersAndTeams": "成员和团队",
+ "admin.sidebar.view_statistics": "站点统计",
+ "admin.sidebar.webhooks": "Webhooks和命令",
+ "admin.sidebarHeader.systemConsole": "系统控制台",
+ "admin.sql.dataSource": "数据源:",
+ "admin.sql.driverName": "驱动名:",
+ "admin.sql.keyDescription": "32位加密字符可用于加密和解密敏感字段在数据库.",
+ "admin.sql.keyExample": "例如\"gxHVDcKUyP2y1eiyW8S8na1UYQAfq6J6\"",
+ "admin.sql.keyTitle": "静止加密Key: ",
+ "admin.sql.maxConnectionsDescription": "最大数量的空闲连接开放数据库.",
+ "admin.sql.maxConnectionsExample": "例如\"10\"",
+ "admin.sql.maxConnectionsTitle": "最大空闲连接数:",
+ "admin.sql.maxOpenDescription": "最大数量的开放连接开放数据库.",
+ "admin.sql.maxOpenExample": "例如\"10\"",
+ "admin.sql.maxOpenTitle": "最大的开放连接: ",
+ "admin.sql.noteDescription": "修改了这部分属性需要重启服务器才能生效.",
+ "admin.sql.noteTitle": "注释:",
+ "admin.sql.replicas": "数据源副本: ",
+ "admin.sql.traceDescription": "(开发模式)当设置为是、,SQL语句执行过程会被写入到日志.",
+ "admin.sql.traceTitle": "追踪:",
+ "admin.sql.warning": "警告:重新生成盐可能导致一些列在数据库中返回空。",
+ "": "该链接有关于Mattermost部署的很多内容,例如你的组织的内容和受众群体.默认是Mattermost信息页面.",
+ "": "关于链接:",
+ "": "显示在邮件通知和教学上让最终用户提问支持的电子邮件地址。",
+ "": "支持邮箱:",
+ "": "该链接是团队网站主菜单帮助文档.除非你的组织创建自己的文档通常不需要去修改它.",
+ "": "帮助链接:",
+ "": "如果连接到一个外部站点,URLs应该以http://或https://开头。",
+ "": "注释:",
+ "": "为桌面用户和移动设备用户提供隐私策略的链接.如果是空值将隐藏该项来显示通知.",
+ "": "隐私策略链接:",
+ "": "该链接是团队网站主菜单帮助文档.默认情况下,这个链接到对等的疑难解答论坛,用户可以搜索,求助技术难题.",
+ "": "报告问题链接:",
+ "": "Link to the terms under which users may use your online service. By default, this includes the \"Mattermost Conditions of Use (End Users)\" explaining the terms under which Mattermost software is provided to end users. If you change the default link to add your own terms for using the service you provide, your new terms must include a link to the default terms so end users are aware of the Mattermost Conditions of Use (End User) for Mattermost software.",
+ "": "服务条款链接:",
+ "admin.system_analytics.activeUsers": "有发问的正常用户",
+ "admin.system_analytics.title": "系统",
+ "admin.system_analytics.totalPosts": "帖子总数",
+ "": "启用自定义形象,以在登录页上显示一张自选图片,以及一些已经设定好的文本。",
+ "": "所有团队的通讯一站式解决,随时随地可搜索和访问",
+ "": "登录屏幕和UI所示服务名称.",
+ "": "Site Description",
+ "": "自定义形象图片:",
+ "": "您希望出现的自定义形象Markdown-formatted文档在您的登录界面自定义形象图片下方。",
+ "": "自定义形象文本:",
+ "": "启用自定义形象:",
+ "": "选择新图像:",
+ "": "当设置为是,团队按照团队目录配置,主页显示创建一个新的团队团队按照团队目录配置.",
+ "": "开启团队目录: ",
+ "": "每个团队最多用户数,包括启用的和停用的用户。",
+ "": "例如\"25\"",
+ "": "每个团队最多用户数:",
+ "": "无上传的形象图片",
+ "": "设为是时,任何人可以无需邀请在本服务器上注册帐号。",
+ "": "启用开放服务器:",
+ "": "团队和用户帐户只能创建从一个特定的域(例如:或逗号分隔列表域(例如:,",
+ "": "允许用户私信的频道:",
+ "": "'任何Mattermost服务器上的用户'让用户对任何用户发起直接通讯频道,就算他们不在同一个团队。'任何团队成员'限制用户只能对同一团队开启直接通讯频道。",
+ "": "例如\",\"",
+ "": "当设置为是,你不能创建一个团队名称保留字如www,admin,support,test,channel,等",
+ "": "限制团队名称:",
+ "": "只允许特定电子邮件域名创建帐号:",
+ "": "在Mattermost服务器上的任何用户",
+ "": "任何团队成员",
+ "": "登录屏幕和UI所示服务名称.",
+ "": "例如\"Mattermost\"",
+ "": "网站名称:",
+ "": "当设为否,只有系统管理能创建团队。",
+ "": "开启创建团队:",
+ "": "上传",
+ "": "登录界面添加一张自定义图片定制您的用户体验。<a href='' target='_blank'></a>中查看例子。",
+ "": "已上传!",
+ "": "正在上传...",
+ "": "当设置为否,创建帐户被禁用.创建账户按钮时显示错误信息.",
+ "": "开启帐号创建:",
+ "admin.team_analytics.activeUsers": "有发文的正常用户",
+ "admin.team_analytics.totalPosts": "帖子总数",
+ "admin.true": "是",
+ "admin.userList.title": "用户 {team}",
+ "admin.userList.title2": "用户{team} ({count})",
+ "admin.user_item.authServiceEmail": ", <strong>登入形式:</strong> 电子邮件",
+ "admin.user_item.authServiceNotEmail": ", <strong>登入形式:</strong> {service}",
+ "admin.user_item.confirmDemoteDescription": "如果你从系统管理角色降级,没有另一个用户有系统管理员权限,你需要重新指定一个系统管理员通过一个终端访问Mattermost服务器并运行以下命令.",
+ "admin.user_item.confirmDemoteRoleTitle": "确认从系统管理角色降级",
+ "admin.user_item.confirmDemotion": "确认降级",
+ "admin.user_item.confirmDemotionCmd": "platform-assign_role-team_name=\"yourteam\"-email=\"\"-role=\"system_admin\"",
+ "admin.user_item.emailTitle": "<strong>电子邮件:</strong> {email}",
+ "admin.user_item.inactive": "停用",
+ "admin.user_item.makeActive": "设置活跃",
+ "admin.user_item.makeInactive": "设置为停用状态",
+ "admin.user_item.makeMember": "设置成员",
+ "admin.user_item.makeSysAdmin": "设置系统管理员",
+ "admin.user_item.makeTeamAdmin": "设置团队管理员",
+ "admin.user_item.member": "成员",
+ "admin.user_item.mfaNo": ", <strong>多重验证</strong>:否",
+ "admin.user_item.mfaYes": ", <strong>多重验证</strong>:是",
+ "admin.user_item.resetMfa": "移除多重验证",
+ "admin.user_item.resetPwd": "重置密码",
+ "admin.user_item.switchToEmail": "切换到电子邮件/密码",
+ "admin.user_item.sysAdmin": "系统管理员",
+ "admin.user_item.teamAdmin": "团队管理员",
+ "admin.webserverModeDisabled": "已禁用",
+ "admin.webserverModeDisabledDescription": "Mattermost 服务器不会提供静态文件。",
+ "admin.webserverModeGzip": "gzip",
+ "admin.webserverModeGzipDescription": "Mattermost 服务器将传输gzip压缩过的静态文件。",
+ "admin.webserverModeHelpText": "gzip压缩会应用到静态文件。建议开启gzip来增强性能除非您的环境有特殊限制,比如网页代理于gzip文件不兼容。此设定需要重启服务器才能生效。",
+ "admin.webserverModeTitle": "网页服务器模式:",
+ "admin.webserverModeUncompressed": "未压缩",
+ "admin.webserverModeUncompressedDescription": "Mattermost 服务器将传输未压缩过的静态文件。",
+ "analytics.chart.loading": "加载中...",
+ "analytics.chart.meaningful": "没有足够的数据进行有意义的表示。",
+ "analytics.system.activeUsers": "有发文的正常用户",
+ "analytics.system.channelTypes": "频道类型",
+ "analytics.system.expiredBanner": "企业授权已在 {date} 过期。您在即日起有15天时间更新授权,请联系 <a href=''></a>。",
+ "analytics.system.expiringBanner": "企业授权已在 {date} 过期。请更新授权,详情请联系 <a href=''></a>。",
+ "analytics.system.postTypes": "发文,文件和标签",
+ "analytics.system.privateGroups": "私有组",
+ "analytics.system.publicChannels": "公共频道",
+ "analytics.system.textPosts": "纯文字帖文",
+ "analytics.system.title": "系统统计",
+ "analytics.system.totalChannels": "频道总数",
+ "analytics.system.totalCommands": "命令总数",
+ "analytics.system.totalFilePosts": "有文件的发文",
+ "analytics.system.totalHashtagPosts": "有标签的发文",
+ "analytics.system.totalIncomingWebhooks": "引入Webhooks",
+ "analytics.system.totalOutgoingWebhooks": "对外Webhooks",
+ "analytics.system.totalPosts": "全部发文",
+ "analytics.system.totalSessions": "会话总数",
+ "analytics.system.totalTeams": "团队总数",
+ "analytics.system.totalUsers": "用户总数",
+ "": "有发文的正常用户",
+ "": "新建的用户",
+ "": "私有组",
+ "": "公共频道",
+ "": "最近活跃用户",
+ "": "最近活跃用户",
+ "": "{team}的团队统计数据",
+ "": "发文总数",
+ "": "用户总数",
+ "audit_table.accountActive": "账户激活",
+ "audit_table.accountInactive": "停用帐号",
+ "audit_table.action": "操作",
+ "audit_table.attemptedAllowOAuthAccess": "试图允许一个新的OAuth服务访问",
+ "audit_table.attemptedLicenseAdd": "试图添加新的许可证",
+ "audit_table.attemptedLogin": "试图登录",
+ "audit_table.attemptedOAuthToken": "试图得到一个OAuth访问令牌",
+ "audit_table.attemptedPassword": "试图修改密码",
+ "audit_table.attemptedRegisterApp": "试图注册一个新ID{id}的OAuth应用",
+ "audit_table.attemptedReset": "试图重置密码",
+ "audit_table.attemptedWebhookCreate": "试图创建一个webhook",
+ "audit_table.attemptedWebhookDelete": "试图删除webhook",
+ "": "由 {username}",
+ "audit_table.byAdmin": "管理员",
+ "audit_table.channelCreated": "创建 {channelName} 团队/组",
+ "audit_table.channelDeleted": "删除频道/组{url}",
+ "audit_table.establishedDM": "建立了一个私聊频道 {username}",
+ "audit_table.failedExpiredLicenseAdd": "由于新的许可证已过期或尚未启动,无法添加新的许可证。",
+ "audit_table.failedInvalidLicenseAdd": "无法添加无效的许可证",
+ "audit_table.failedLogin": "登录尝试失败",
+ "audit_table.failedOAuthAccess": "允许新OAuth服务访问失败-重定向URL不匹配以前注册的回调",
+ "audit_table.failedPassword": "修改密码失败-试图通过oauth登录更新用户密码",
+ "audit_table.failedWebhookCreate": "创建一个webhook失败-没有频道权限",
+ "audit_table.failedWebhookDelete": "删除webhook失败-不合适的条件",
+ "audit_table.headerUpdated": "更新{channelName}频道/组头",
+ "audit_table.ip": "IP地址",
+ "audit_table.licenseRemoved": "成功删除许可证",
+ "audit_table.loginAttempt": "(登录尝试)",
+ "audit_table.loginFailure": "(登录失败)",
+ "audit_table.logout": "注销你的账户",
+ "audit_table.member": "成员",
+ "audit_table.nameUpdated": "更新{channelName}频道/组名称",
+ "audit_table.oauthTokenFailed": "获取OAuth令牌 - {token}",
+ "audit_table.revokedAll": "撤销所有当前会话的团队",
+ "audit_table.sentEmail": "发送邮件到{email}重置您的密码",
+ "audit_table.session": "会话ID",
+ "audit_table.sessionRevoked": "ID {sessionId} 的会话被撤销",
+ "audit_table.successfullLicenseAdd": "成功添加新的许可证",
+ "audit_table.successfullLogin": "登录成功",
+ "audit_table.successfullOAuthAccess": "成功开启新OAuth服务访问",
+ "audit_table.successfullOAuthToken": "成功添加了一个新的OAuth服务",
+ "audit_table.successfullPassword": "修改密码成功",
+ "audit_table.successfullReset": "重置密码成功",
+ "audit_table.successfullWebhookCreate": "成功地创建了一个webhook",
+ "audit_table.successfullWebhookDelete": "删除webhook成功",
+ "audit_table.timestamp": "时间戳",
+ "audit_table.updateGeneral": "更新您帐户的基本设置",
+ "audit_table.updateGlobalNotifications": "更新全局通知设置",
+ "audit_table.updatePicture": "更新你的个人资料照片",
+ "audit_table.updatedRol": "更新用户角色为",
+ "audit_table.userAdded": "添加{username}到{channelName}频道/组",
+ "audit_table.userId": "用户ID",
+ "audit_table.userRemoved": "从 {channelName} 频道/组删除 {username}",
+ "audit_table.verified": "您的电子邮件地址验证成功",
+ "authorize.access": "允许<strong>{appName}</strong>访问?",
+ "authorize.allow": "允许",
+ "": "应用<strong>{appName}</strong>想要能访问和修改您的基本资料。",
+ "authorize.deny": "否认",
+ "authorize.title": "一个应用将连接到你的{teamName}账户",
+ "": "搜索",
+ "backstage_navbar.backToMattermost": "返回{siteName}",
+ "backstage_sidebar.integrations": "集成",
+ "backstage_sidebar.integrations.commands": "斜线命令",
+ "backstage_sidebar.integrations.incoming_webhooks": "引入Webhooks",
+ "backstage_sidebar.integrations.outgoing_webhooks": "对外Webhooks",
+ "center_panel.recent": "点击这里跳转到最近的消息.",
+ "chanel_header.addMembers": "添加成员",
+ "change_url.close": "关闭",
+ "change_url.endWithLetter": "必须以字母或数字结束",
+ "change_url.invalidUrl": "无效的",
+ "change_url.longer": "必须超过两个字符",
+ "change_url.noUnderscore": "不能包含两个连续下划线。",
+ "change_url.startWithLetter": "必须以字母或数字开始",
+ "channel_flow.alreadyExist": "频道URL已经存在",
+ "channel_flow.changeUrlDescription": "某些字符不允许出现在url中,可能被删除。",
+ "channel_flow.changeUrlTitle": "修改{term}URL",
+ "": "频道",
+ "channel_flow.create": "创建{term}",
+ "": "组",
+ "channel_flow.invalidName": "无效的频道名称",
+ "channel_flow.set_url_title": "设置{term}URL",
+ "": "频道",
+ "channel_header.channelHeader": "设置频道头...",
+ "channel_header.delete": "删除{term}...",
+ "": "组",
+ "channel_header.leave": "离开{term}",
+ "channel_header.manageMembers": "成员管理",
+ "channel_header.notificationPreferences": "消息通知设置",
+ "channel_header.recentMentions": "最近提到",
+ "channel_header.rename": "重命名{term}...",
+ "channel_header.setHeader": "设置{term}头...",
+ "channel_header.setPurpose": "设置{term}目的...",
+ "channel_header.viewInfo": "查看信息",
+ "channel_header.viewMembers": "查看成员",
+ "channel_info.about": "关于",
+ "channel_info.close": "关闭",
+ "channel_info.header": "页眉:",
+ "": "ID:",
+ "": "名称",
+ "channel_info.notFound": "没有发现频道",
+ "channel_info.purpose": "用途:",
+ "channel_info.url": "URL:",
+ "channel_invite.add": "添加",
+ "channel_invite.addNewMembers": "添加新成员到",
+ "channel_invite.close": "关闭",
+ "channel_loader.connection_error": "您的网络连接似乎出现一个问题。",
+ "channel_loader.posted": "发布",
+ "channel_loader.socketError": "请检查连接,Mattermost访问不成功.如果问题仍然存在,请管理员检查WebSocket端口.",
+ "channel_loader.someone": "有人",
+ "channel_loader.something": "新事物",
+ "channel_loader.unknown_error": "我们从服务器上接收到一个异常状态码。",
+ "channel_loader.uploadedFile": "上传文件",
+ "channel_loader.uploadedImage": "上传图片",
+ "channel_loader.wrote": "写到:",
+ "channel_members_modal.addNew": "添加新成员",
+ "channel_members_modal.close": "关闭",
+ "channel_members_modal.remove": "移除(删除)",
+ "channel_memebers_modal.members": "成员",
+ "channel_modal.cancel": "取消",
+ "": "频道",
+ "channel_modal.createNew": "创建新",
+ "channel_modal.descriptionHelp": "描述{term}如何使用.",
+ "channel_modal.displayNameError": "此栏必须填写",
+ "channel_modal.edit": "编辑",
+ "": "组",
+ "channel_modal.header": "头",
+ "channel_modal.headerHelp": "设定在 {term} 标题里在 {term} 旁边的文字。举例,输入常见链接 [链接标题](。",
+ "channel_modal.modalTitle": "新",
+ "": "名",
+ "channel_modal.nameEx": "如: \"错误\",\"营销\",\"客户支持\"",
+ "channel_modal.optional": "(可选)",
+ "channel_modal.privateGroup1": "创建一个具有限制成员资格的新的私人组。",
+ "channel_modal.privateGroup2": "创建一个私人组",
+ "channel_modal.publicChannel1": "创建一个公共频道",
+ "channel_modal.publicChannel2": "创建一个任何人都能加入的新公共频道。",
+ "channel_modal.purpose": "用途",
+ "channel_notifications.allActivity": "所有操作",
+ "channel_notifications.allUnread": "所有未读消息",
+ "channel_notifications.globalDefault": "默认全局({notifyLevel})",
+ "channel_notifications.markUnread": "标记频道未读",
+ "channel_notifications.never": "从不",
+ "channel_notifications.onlyMentions": "仅对提及",
+ "channel_notifications.override": "选择一个“默认”以外的选项将会重写全局通知设置。桌面通知在Firefox、Safari和Chrome中有效。",
+ "channel_notifications.preferences": "通知偏好 ",
+ "channel_notifications.sendDesktop": "发送桌面通知",
+ "channel_notifications.unreadInfo": "有未读消息时,侧边栏的频道名称粗体显示。只有当您被提及时选择“仅对提及”会加粗频道名称。",
+ "channel_select.placeholder": "---选择一个频道---",
+ "": "(私信)",
+ "": "输入频道名。↑↓用来浏览,TAB选择,↵用来确认,ESC用来取消",
+ "channel_switch_modal.not_found": "无匹配项。",
+ "channel_switch_modal.submit": "切换",
+ "channel_switch_modal.title": "切换频道",
+ "claim.account.noEmail": "没有指定电子邮件",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.enterLdapPwd": "输入您LDAP账户的ID和密码",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.enterPwd": "输入你的{site}账户密码",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.ldapId": "LDAP身份标识",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.ldapIdError": "请输入您的LDAP ID。",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.ldapPasswordError": "请输入您的LDAP密码。",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.ldapPwd": "LDAP密码",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.pwd": "密码",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.pwdError": "请输入您的密码。",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.ssoNote": "您必须已经拥有一个有效的LDAP账户",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.ssoType": "当您的账户有要求时,你只能通过LDAP才能登陆",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.switchTo": "切换LDAP账户",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.title": "切换邮箱/密码账号到LDAP",
+ "claim.email_to_oauth.enterPwd": "输入你的{site}账户密码",
+ "claim.email_to_oauth.pwd": "密码",
+ "claim.email_to_oauth.pwdError": "请输入您的密码。",
+ "claim.email_to_oauth.ssoNote": "您必须已经拥有一个有效的{type}账户",
+ "claim.email_to_oauth.ssoType": "当您的账户有要求时,你只能通过{type}SSO才能登陆",
+ "claim.email_to_oauth.switchTo": "切换账户到{uiType}",
+ "claim.email_to_oauth.title": "切换邮箱/密码账号到{uiType}",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.confirm": "确认密码",
+ "": "您将使用电子邮件{email}登录",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.enterLdapPwd": "输入你的{site} 電郵 {ldapPassword}",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.enterPwd": "输入你的新账户密码",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.ldapPasswordError": "请输入您的LDAP密码。",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.ldapPwd": "LDAP密码",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.pwd": "密码",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.pwdError": "请输入您的密码。",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.pwdNotMatch": "密码不匹配。",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.ssoType": "领取您的帐号后,您只能用您的电子邮箱地址和密码登入",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.switchTo": "切换到电子邮件/密码的账户",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.title": "切换到电子邮件/密码的LDAP账户",
+ "claim.oauth_to_email.confirm": "确认密码",
+ "claim.oauth_to_email.description": "在改变您的账户类型后,您只能用您的电子邮箱地址和密码登入。",
+ "claim.oauth_to_email.enterNewPwd": "输入您在 {site} 的电子邮箱账户新密码",
+ "claim.oauth_to_email.enterPwd": "请输入密码。",
+ "claim.oauth_to_email.newPwd": "新密码",
+ "claim.oauth_to_email.pwdNotMatch": "密码不匹配。",
+ "claim.oauth_to_email.switchTo": "切换{type}为邮箱和密码",
+ "claim.oauth_to_email.title": "切换{type}账户为邮箱",
+ "confirm_modal.cancel": "取消",
+ "create_comment.addComment": "添加一个评论...",
+ "create_comment.comment": "添加评论",
+ "create_comment.commentLength": "评论长度至少{max}字符。",
+ "create_comment.commentTitle": "评论",
+ "create_comment.file": "文件上传",
+ "create_comment.files": "文件上传",
+ "create_post.comment": "评论",
+ "": "发布",
+ "create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>发送信息</h4><p>键入此处写一条消息,然后按<strong>Enter键</strong>发送。</p><p>点击<strong>附件</strong>按钮上传图片或文件。</p>",
+ "create_post.write": "写一个消息...",
+ "create_team.agreement": "如果继续创建您的帐户和使用{siteName},您需要同意<a href='/static/help/terms.html'>服务条款</a>和<a href='/static/help/privacy.html'>隐私政策</a>。如果不同意,您将不能使用{siteName}。",
+ "create_team.display_name.back": "返回上一步",
+ "create_team.display_name.charLength": "名称必须是4到15个字符",
+ "create_team.display_name.nameHelp": "您可以使用任何语言命名您的团队。您的团队名称将显示在菜单和标题栏上。",
+ "": "下一步",
+ "create_team.display_name.required": "此栏必须填写",
+ "create_team.display_name.teamName": "团队名称",
+ "create_team.team_url.back": "返回上一步",
+ "create_team.team_url.charLength": "名称必须是4到15个字符",
+ "create_team.team_url.creatingTeam": "创建团队...",
+ "create_team.team_url.finish": "完成",
+ "create_team.team_url.hint": "<li>简短和易记为最好的</li><li>使用小写字母,数字和连字符</li><li>必须以字母开头且不能以连字符结尾</li>",
+ "create_team.team_url.regex": "只使用小写字母,数字和连字符。必须以字母开头且不能以连字符结尾。",
+ "create_team.team_url.required": "此栏必须填写",
+ "create_team.team_url.taken": "URL已被使用或含有预留词",
+ "create_team.team_url.teamUrl": "团队URL",
+ "create_team.team_url.unavailable": "这个URL不可用。请尝试另一个。",
+ "create_team.team_url.webAddress": "选择您的新团队网址:",
+ "custom_emoji.empty": "未找到自定义表情符",
+ "custom_emoji.header": "自定义表情符",
+ "": "搜索自定义表情符",
+ "delete_channel.cancel": "取消",
+ "": "频道",
+ "delete_channel.confirm": "确认删除频道",
+ "delete_channel.del": "删除",
+ "": "组",
+ "delete_channel.question": "您确认要删除{display_name}{term}?",
+ "delete_post.cancel": "取消",
+ "delete_post.comment": "评论",
+ "delete_post.confirm": "确认{term}删除",
+ "delete_post.del": "删除",
+ "": "发布",
+ "delete_post.question": "您确认要删除{term}?",
+ "delete_post.warning": "这个帖子有{count}评论。",
+ "edit_channel_header_modal.cancel": "取消",
+ "edit_channel_header_modal.description": "编辑频道头频道名称旁显示的文本。",
+ "edit_channel_header_modal.error": "T这频道标题太长,请输入一个短点儿的",
+ "": "保存",
+ "edit_channel_header_modal.title": "编辑{channel}头",
+ "edit_channel_header_modal.title_dm": "编辑页眉",
+ "edit_channel_purpose_modal.body": "描述如何使用这个{type}。此文本出现在“更多”菜单频道列表中,帮助他人决定是否加入。",
+ "edit_channel_purpose_modal.cancel": "取消",
+ "": "频道",
+ "edit_channel_purpose_modal.error": "此频道用途描述过长,请输入一个较短的",
+ "": "组",
+ "": "保存",
+ "edit_channel_purpose_modal.title1": "编辑目的",
+ "edit_channel_purpose_modal.title2": "编辑目的",
+ "edit_post.cancel": "取消",
+ "edit_post.edit": "编辑{title}",
+ "edit_post.editPost": "编辑帖子...",
+ "": "保存",
+ "email_signup.address": "电子邮件地址",
+ "email_signup.createTeam": "创建团队",
+ "email_signup.emailError": "请输入一个有效的电子邮件地址",
+ "email_signup.find": "查找我的团队",
+ "email_verify.almost": "{siteName}: 你几乎完成了",
+ "email_verify.failed": "验证电子邮件发送失败。",
+ "email_verify.notVerifiedBody": "请验证您的电子邮件地址。检查你的收件箱。",
+ "email_verify.resend": "发送电子邮件",
+ "email_verify.sent": "发送验证邮件已发送。",
+ "email_verify.verified": "{siteName}邮件验证",
+ "email_verify.verifiedBody": "<p>摸的邮件已经验证通过!点击<a href={url}>这里</a>登录.</p>",
+ "email_verify.verifyFailed": "无法验证您的电子邮件。",
+ "emoji_list.actions": "操作",
+ "emoji_list.add": "添加自定义表情符",
+ "emoji_list.creator": "创建者",
+ "emoji_list.delete": "删除",
+ "emoji_list.empty": "未找到自定义表情符",
+ "": "自定义表情符对所有在您服务器上的用户开放。在信息框输入 ':' 会显示表情符选择菜单。其他用户可能需要刷新页面才能看见新的表情符。",
+ "emoji_list.help2": "提示:如果您用 #,##,或 ### 作为含有表情符的新一行开头,你可以使用大尺寸表情符。输入 '# :smile:' 来体验此功能。",
+ "emoji_list.image": "图像",
+ "": "名称",
+ "": "搜索自定义表情符",
+ "emoji_list.somebody": "其他团队某人",
+ "error.not_found.link_message": "返回Mattermost",
+ "error.not_found.message": "您访问的页面不存在",
+ "error.not_found.title": "页面未找到",
+ "error.not_supported.message": "私隐浏览不支持",
+ "error.not_supported.title": "不支持的浏览器",
+ "error_bar.expired": "企业授权已过期;您在即日起有15天时间更新授权,详情请联系",
+ "error_bar.expiring": "企业授权将在 {date} 过期。需要更新授权,详情请联系",
+ "error_bar.past_grace": "企业授权已过期,详情请联系您的系统管理员",
+ "error_bar.preview_mode": "预览模式: 未配置邮件通知",
+ "": "下载",
+ "file_info_preview.size": "大小",
+ "file_info_preview.type": "文件类型",
+ "file_upload.fileAbove": "文件超过{max}MB不能被上传:{filename}",
+ "file_upload.filesAbove": "文件超过{max}MB不能被上传:{filenames}",
+ "": "最大上传文件数限制{count}.请使用其他帖子上传更多文件.",
+ "file_upload.pasted": "图片已粘贴至",
+ "filtered_user_list.any_team": "所有用户",
+ "filtered_user_list.count": "{count}位成员",
+ "filtered_user_list.countTotal": "{count} 位,共{total}位成员",
+ "filtered_user_list.member": "成员",
+ "": "搜索成员",
+ "": "过滤器:",
+ "filtered_user_list.team_only": "本团队成员",
+ "": "电子邮件",
+ "find_team.findDescription": "发送电子邮件到团队的每一个成员.",
+ "find_team.findTitle": "找到您的团队",
+ "find_team.getLinks": "获取一封电子邮件,通过链接您可到任何所在的团队。",
+ "find_team.placeholder": "",
+ "find_team.send": "发送",
+ "find_team.submitError": "请输入一个有效的电子邮件地址",
+ "general_tab.chooseName": "请选择一个新的名称为你的团队",
+ "general_tab.codeDesc": "点击“编辑”重新生成邀请码.",
+ "general_tab.codeLongDesc": "邀请码用来在主菜单里使用<strong>获取团队邀请链接</strong>所产生的团队邀请链接中的一部分。重新生成一个新的团队邀请链接将使之前的链接无效。",
+ "general_tab.codeTitle": "邀请码",
+ "general_tab.dirDisabled": "团队目录已被禁用.请联系系统管理员,在系统控制台中国的团队设置中启用团队目录.",
+ "general_tab.dirOff": "此系统的团队目录已关闭。",
+ "general_tab.includeDirDesc": "包括这个团队将显示团队的团队名称的目录部分主页,并提供一个链接到登陆页面.",
+ "general_tab.includeDirTitle": "团队目录中已包括这个团队",
+ "": "不",
+ "general_tab.openInviteDesc": "允许时,此团队的链接将会显示在首页让任何有帐号的用户可以加入此团队。",
+ "general_tab.openInviteTitle": "允许任何在本服务器上的用户加入此团队",
+ "general_tab.regenerate": "重新生成",
+ "general_tab.required": "该字段不能为空",
+ "general_tab.teamName": "团队名称",
+ "general_tab.teamNameInfo": "设置出现在您登录界面左侧边栏顶部的团队名称。",
+ "general_tab.title": "基本设置",
+ "general_tab.yes": "是的",
+ "get_app.alreadyHaveIt": "Already have it?",
+ "get_app.androidAppName": "Mattermost for Android",
+ "get_app.androidHeader": "Mattermost works best if you switch to our Android app",
+ "get_app.continue": "continue",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowser": "Or {link}",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowserLink": "continue with browser",
+ "get_app.iosHeader": "Mattermost works best if you switch to our iPhone app",
+ "get_app.mattermostInc": "Mattermost, Inc",
+ "get_app.openMattermost": "Open Mattermost",
+ "get_link.clipboard": " 链接复制到剪贴板。",
+ "get_link.close": "关闭",
+ "get_link.copy": "复制链接",
+ "": "下方的链接允许授权用户查看您的帖子。",
+ "get_post_link_modal.title": "复制超链接",
+ "": "向队友发送下方的链接以便其在此团队站点注册。团队邀请链接可以与多个队友分享,因为它不会改变,除非团队管理员在团队设置中重新生成。",
+ "get_team_invite_link_modal.helpDisabled": "创建用户已禁用.详情请您的团队管理员.",
+ "get_team_invite_link_modal.title": "团队邀请链接",
+ "installed_command.header": "斜杠命令",
+ "installed_commands.add": "添加斜杠命令",
+ "installed_commands.empty": "未找到命令",
+ "installed_commands.header": "斜杠命令",
+ "": "创建与外部系统集成的斜杠命令。详情请见 {link} 。",
+ "installed_commands.helpLink": "文档",
+ "": "搜索斜杠命令",
+ "installed_commands.unnamed_command": "未命名斜杠命令",
+ "installed_incoming_webhooks.add": "添加引入勾子",
+ "installed_incoming_webhooks.empty": "没有找到传入webhooks",
+ "installed_incoming_webhooks.header": "引入Webhooks",
+ "": "创建对内的网络钩子链接以便与内部系统集成。想了解更多请参考 {link}",
+ "installed_incoming_webhooks.helpLink": "文档",
+ "": "搜索传入Webhooks",
+ "installed_incoming_webhooks.unknown_channel": "私有Webhook",
+ "installed_integrations.callback_urls": "回调地址:{urls}",
+ "installed_integrations.content_type": "Content-Type: {contentType}",
+ "installed_integrations.creation": "{creator}在{createAt, date, full}中创建",
+ "installed_integrations.delete": "删除",
+ "installed_integrations.regenToken": "重新生成Token",
+ "installed_integrations.token": "令牌:{token}",
+ "installed_integrations.triggerWhen": "触发于:{triggerWhen}",
+ "installed_integrations.triggerWords": "触发关键词:{triggerWords}",
+ "installed_integrations.url": "网址:{url}",
+ "installed_outgoing_webhooks.add": "添加对外Webhooks",
+ "installed_outgoing_webhooks.empty": "没找到传出webhooks",
+ "installed_outgoing_webhooks.header": "对外Webhooks",
+ "": "创建对外的网络钩子链接以便与外部部系统集成。想了解更多请参考 {link}",
+ "installed_outgoing_webhooks.helpLink": "文档",
+ "": "搜索传入Webhooks",
+ "installed_outgoing_webhooks.unknown_channel": "私有Webhook",
+ "integrations.command.description": "发送事件到外部整合的斜杠命令",
+ "integrations.command.title": "斜线命令",
+ "integrations.header": "集成",
+ "integrations.incomingWebhook.description": "传入的webhooks允许外部集成发送信息",
+ "integrations.incomingWebhook.title": "引入Webhook",
+ "integrations.outgoingWebhook.description": "传出的网络挂接允许外部集成接收和响应信息",
+ "integrations.outgoingWebhook.title": "引出Webhook",
+ "intro_messages.DM": "这是您和{teammate}私信记录的开始。<br/>此区域外的人不能看到这里共享的私信和文件。",
+ "intro_messages.anyMember": " 任何成员可以加入和查看这个频道。",
+ "intro_messages.beginning": "{name}开始",
+ "": "频道",
+ "intro_messages.creator": "这是<strong>{name}</strong>{type}的开始, <strong>{creator}</strong>在<strong>{date}</strong>创建",
+ "intro_messages.default": "<h4 class='channel-intro__title'>{display_name}的开始</h4><p class='channel-intro__content'><strong>欢迎进入{display_name}!</strong><br/><br/>这是团队成员登录后看到的第一个频道—使用它来发布每个人需要知道的更新信息。</p>",
+ "": "私密小组",
+ "intro_messages.invite": "邀请其他人到{type}",
+ "intro_messages.inviteOthers": "邀请其他人入组",
+ "intro_messages.noCreator": "这是{name}{type}的开始,在{date}创建.",
+ "intro_messages.offTopic": "<h4 class=\"channel-intro__title\">{display_name}的开始</h4><p class=\"channel-intro__content\">这是{display_name}的开始,一个用于非工作的频道.<br/></p>",
+ "intro_messages.onlyInvited": "只有受邀的人才能看到这个私密小组.",
+ "intro_messages.setHeader": "设置标题头",
+ "intro_messages.teammate": "这是你与组员私信记录的开始.此区外的人是看不到这里展示的私信和文件.",
+ "invite_member.addAnother": "添加另一个",
+ "invite_member.autoJoin": "被邀请人将自动加入频道<strong>{channel}</strong>.",
+ "invite_member.cancel": "取消",
+ "invite_member.content": "您团队的电子邮件目前已被禁用,不能发送电子邮件邀请。请联系您的系统管理员启用电子邮件和邮件邀请。",
+ "invite_member.disabled": "用户创建已被禁用.详情请您的团队管理员.",
+ "invite_member.emailError": "请输入一个有效的电子邮件地址",
+ "invite_member.firstname": "姓",
+ "invite_member.inviteLink": "团队邀请链接",
+ "invite_member.lastname": "名字",
+ "invite_member.modalButton": "是的,抛弃",
+ "invite_member.modalMessage": "你有未寄出的邀请函,你确定你想要抛弃他们吗?",
+ "invite_member.modalTitle": "丢弃的邀请?",
+ "invite_member.newMember": "邀请新成员",
+ "invite_member.send": "发送邀请",
+ "invite_member.send2": "邀请函",
+ "invite_member.sending": "发送",
+ "invite_member.teamInviteLink": "你可以使用链接{link}邀请别人.",
+ "ldap_signup.find": "寻找我的团队",
+ "ldap_signup.ldap": "用LDAP帐号建立团队",
+ "ldap_signup.length_error": "名称必须为3至15个字母",
+ "ldap_signup.teamName": "输入新团队名",
+ "ldap_signup.team_error": "请输入团队名",
+ "loading_screen.loading": "加载",
+ "login.changed": "登录方式修改成功",
+ "login.create": "现在创建一个",
+ "login.createTeam": "创建一个新的团队",
+ "login.createTeamAdminOnly": "此选项只对系统管理员开放,其他用户不会显示。",
+ "": "电子邮件",
+ "login.find": "查找您的其他团队",
+ "login.forgot": "我忘记了密码",
+ "login.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google Apps",
+ "login.invalidPassword": "您的密码是错误的。",
+ "login.ldapUsername": "LDAP用户名",
+ "login.ldapUsernameLower": "LDAP用户名",
+ "login.noAccount": "没有一个帐户吗?",
+ "login.noEmail": "请输入您的电子邮件",
+ "login.noEmailLdapUsername": "请输入您的电子邮件或 {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.noEmailUsername": "请输入您的电子邮件或用户名",
+ "login.noEmailUsernameLdapUsername": "请输入您的电子邮件,用户名或 {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.noLdapUsername": "请输入您的 {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.noPassword": "请输入您的密码",
+ "login.noUsername": "请输入您的用户名",
+ "login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "请输入您的用户名或 {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.office365": "Office 365",
+ "login.on": "在{siteName}",
+ "login.or": "或",
+ "login.password": "密码",
+ "login.passwordChanged": "成功更新密码",
+ "login.session_expired": "您的会话已过期,请重新登录。",
+ "login.signIn": "登录",
+ "login.signInWith": "登录使用:",
+ "login.userNotFound": "我们找不到现有的帐户匹配您的凭证。",
+ "login.username": "用户名",
+ "login.verified": "验证电子邮件",
+ "login_mfa.enterToken": "请输入您智能手机的身份验证令牌以便完成登录过程。",
+ "login_mfa.submit": "提交",
+ "login_mfa.token": "多重验证令牌",
+ "login_mfa.tokenReq": "请输入多重验证令牌",
+ "member_item.makeAdmin": "Admin",
+ "member_item.member": "成员",
+ "member_list.noUsersAdd": "没有用户添加",
+ "members_popover.msg": "消息",
+ "members_popover.title": "成员",
+ "more_channels.close": "关闭",
+ "more_channels.create": "创建新频道",
+ "more_channels.createClick": "点击'创建新频道'创建一个新的频道",
+ "more_channels.join": "加入",
+ "more_channels.noMore": "没有更多频道加入",
+ "more_channels.title": "更多频道",
+ "more_direct_channels.close": "关闭",
+ "more_direct_channels.message": "消息",
+ "more_direct_channels.title": "私信",
+ "msg_typing.areTyping": "{users}和{last}正在输入...",
+ "msg_typing.isTyping": "{user}正在输入...",
+ "msg_typing.someone": "有人",
+ "navbar.addMembers": "添加成员",
+ "": "请点击这里",
+ "navbar.delete": "删除频道...",
+ "navbar.leave": "离开频道",
+ "navbar.manageMembers": "成员管理",
+ "navbar.noHeader": "没有频道头.{newline}{link}去添加一个.",
+ "navbar.preferences": "通知偏好",
+ "navbar.rename": "重命名频道...",
+ "navbar.setHeader": "设置频道头...",
+ "navbar.setPurpose": "设置频道的目的...",
+ "navbar.toggle1": "切换侧边栏",
+ "navbar.toggle2": "切换侧边栏",
+ "navbar.viewInfo": "查看信息",
+ "navbar_dropdown.about": "关于Mattermost",
+ "navbar_dropdown.accountSettings": "账户设置",
+ "navbar_dropdown.console": "系统控制台",
+ "navbar_dropdown.create": "创建一个新的团队",
+ "navbar_dropdown.emoji": "自定义表情符",
+ "": "帮助",
+ "navbar_dropdown.integrations": "集成",
+ "navbar_dropdown.inviteMember": "邀请新成员",
+ "navbar_dropdown.leave": "离开团队",
+ "navbar_dropdown.logout": "注销",
+ "navbar_dropdown.manageMembers": "成员管理",
+ "navbar_dropdown.nativeApps": "下载原生应用",
+ "": "报告问题",
+ "navbar_dropdown.switchTeam": "切换到{team}",
+ "navbar_dropdown.switchTo": "切换到",
+ "navbar_dropdown.teamLink": "获取团队邀请链接",
+ "navbar_dropdown.teamSettings": "团队设置",
+ "navbar_dropdown.viewMembers": "查看成员",
+ "": "私信",
+ "password_form.change": "修改我的密码",
+ "": "点击<a href={url}>这里</a>去登录。",
+ "password_form.enter": "输入您的 {siteName} 账户新密码。",
+ "password_form.error": "请输入至少{chars}个字符。",
+ "password_form.pwd": "密码",
+ "password_form.title": "密码重置",
+ "password_form.update": "你的密码已经更新成功。",
+ "password_send.checkInbox": "请检查您的收件箱。",
+ "password_send.description": "重置您的密码,输入您用于注册的电子邮件地址",
+ "": "电子邮件",
+ "password_send.error": "请输入一个有效的电子邮件地址。",
+ "": "<p>一个密码重置链接已被发送至<b>{email}</b></p>",
+ "password_send.reset": "重置我的密码",
+ "password_send.title": "密码重置",
+ "pending_post_actions.cancel": "取消",
+ "pending_post_actions.retry": "重试",
+ "permalink.error.access": "此永久链接指向已删除的消息或者您没有权限访问的频道。",
+ "post_attachment.collapse": "收起...",
+ "post_attachment.more": "展开...",
+ "post_body.commentedOn": "{name}{apostrophe}评论信息: ",
+ "post_body.deleted": "(消息被删除)",
+ "post_body.plusMore": "添加{count}文件",
+ "post_body.plusOne": "添加1个文件",
+ "post_delete.notPosted": "无法发布评论",
+ "post_delete.okay": "Okay",
+ "post_delete.someone": "有人删除了你想评论的信息。",
+ "post_focus_view.beginning": "开始频道归档",
+ "post_info.del": "删除",
+ "post_info.edit": "编辑",
+ "post_info.permalink": "超链接",
+ "post_info.reply": "回复",
+ "posts_view.loadMore": "载入更多的消息",
+ "posts_view.newMsg": "新消息",
+ "register_app.callback": "回调URL",
+ "register_app.callbackError": "至少有一个回调URL必须填写。",
+ "register_app.cancel": "取消",
+ "register_app.clientId": "客户端ID",
+ "register_app.clientSecret": "客户端秘密",
+ "register_app.close": "关闭",
+ "register_app.credentialsDescription": "保存这些安全的地方.防止你的客户端ID作为你的应用程序的用户名和你的客户秘密为应用程序的密码.",
+ "register_app.credentialsSave": "我保存了我的客户Id和安全的客户端秘密",
+ "register_app.credentialsTitle": "你的应用程序证书",
+ "register_app.description": "描述",
+ "": "开发者应用程序",
+ "register_app.homepage": "主页URL",
+ "register_app.homepageError": "主页必须填写。",
+ "": "应用程序名",
+ "register_app.nameError": "应用程序名称必须填写。",
+ "register_app.optional": "可选的",
+ "register_app.register": "注册",
+ "register_app.required": "必需的",
+ "register_app.title": "注册一个新的应用程序",
+ "removed_channel.channelName": "频道",
+ "removed_channel.from": "删除从",
+ "removed_channel.okay": "Okay",
+ "removed_channel.remover": "{remover}删除从{channel}",
+ "removed_channel.someone": "有人",
+ "rename_channel.cancel": "取消",
+ "rename_channel.defaultError": "-不能改变默认频道",
+ "rename_channel.displayName": "显示名称",
+ "rename_channel.displayNameHolder": "输入显示名",
+ "rename_channel.handle": "处理",
+ "rename_channel.handleHolder": "小写字母数字#39;只有",
+ "rename_channel.lowercase": "必须小写字母数字字符",
+ "rename_channel.maxLength": "这个字段必须少于22个字符",
+ "rename_channel.required": "该字段不能为空",
+ "": "保存",
+ "rename_channel.title": "重命名频道",
+ "rhs_comment.comment": "评论",
+ "rhs_comment.del": "删除",
+ "rhs_comment.edit": "编辑",
+ "rhs_comment.permalink": "永久链接",
+ "rhs_header.backToResultsTooltip": "回到搜索结果",
+ "rhs_header.closeSidebarTooltip": "关闭侧栏",
+ "rhs_header.details": "消息详情",
+ "rhs_header.expandSidebarTooltip": "扩展侧边栏",
+ "rhs_header.shrinkSidebarTooltip": "关闭侧栏",
+ "rhs_root.del": "删除",
+ "": "私信",
+ "rhs_root.edit": "编辑",
+ "rhs_root.permalink": "永久链接",
+ "search_bar.cancel": "取消",
+ "": "搜索",
+ "search_bar.usage": "<h4>搜索选项</h4><ul><li><span>使用</span><b>“引号”</b><span>搜索词组</span></li><li><span>使用</span><b>来自</b>的<span>查找来自特定用户和</span><b>的帖子,</b><span>中的查找特定频道的帖子</span></li></ul>",
+ "search_header.results": "搜索结果",
+ "search_header.title2": "最近提到",
+ "": "私信",
+ "search_item.jump": "跳",
+ "search_results.because": "<ul><li>如果您需搜索一个部分词组(例如搜索“rea”,查找“reach”或“reaction”),请在结尾附上 *。</li><li>由于搜索结果的数量限制,双字母和“this”,“a”和“is”等常用词不会出现在搜索结果中。</li></ul>",
+ "search_results.noResults": "没任何结果。重试?",
+ "search_results.usage": "<ul><li>使用<b>“引号”</b>搜索短语</li><li>使用<b>来自:</b>查找来自特定用户的帖子;使用<b>在:</b>查找在特定频道中的帖子</li></ul>",
+ "setting_item_max.cancel": "取消",
+ "": "保存",
+ "setting_item_min.edit": "编辑",
+ "setting_picture.cancel": "取消",
+ "": "上传一张JPG或PNG格式的个人资料照片,宽度至少为{width}px,高度至少为{height}px。",
+ "": "保存",
+ "": "选择",
+ "setting_upload.import": "导入",
+ "setting_upload.noFile": "未选择文件。",
+ "": "选择文件",
+ "sidebar.channels": "频道",
+ "sidebar.createChannel": "创建新的频道",
+ "sidebar.createGroup": "创建新组",
+ "": "私信",
+ "sidebar.more": "更多",
+ "sidebar.moreElips": "更多...",
+ "sidebar.otherMembers": "此团队之外",
+ "": "私人组",
+ "sidebar.removeList": "从列表删除",
+ "sidebar.tutorialScreen1": "<h4>频道</h4><p><strong>频道</strong>组织不同主题的会话。他们对您所在团队的每一个人开放。针对单人发送私人消息使用<strong>私信</strong>针对多人使用<strong>私人组</strong>。</p>",
+ "sidebar.tutorialScreen2": "<h4>“{townsquare}”和“{offtopic}”频道</h4><p>这里启用了两个公共频道: </p><p><strong>公共频道</strong>是一个团队范围内沟通的地方。团队中的每一个人都是这个频道的一个成员。</p><p><strong>闲聊频道</strong>是一个娱乐幽默与工作无关的频道。您和您的团队可以决定创建其他频道。</p>",
+ "sidebar.tutorialScreen3": "<h4>创建和加入频道</h4><p>点击<strong>“更多...”</strong>创建一个新频道或加入一个现有频道。</p><p>您还可以通过点击频道或私人组旁的<strong>“+”符号</strong>,创建一个新频道或私人组。</p>",
+ "sidebar.unreadAbove": "未读帖子以上",
+ "sidebar.unreadBelow": "未读帖子以下",
+ "sidebar_header.tutorial": "<h4>主菜单</h4><p><strong>在主菜单中</strong>您可以<strong>邀请新成员</strong>,访问您的<strong>账户设置</strong>和设置您的<strong>主题颜色</strong>。</p><p>团队管理员也能通过此菜单访问他们的<strong>团队设置</strong>。</p><p>系统管理员将找到一个<strong>系统控制台</strong>选项管理整个系统。</p>",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.accountSettings": "账户设置",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.console": "系统控制台",
+ "": "帮助",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.inviteNew": "邀请新成员",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.logout": "注销",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.manageMembers": "成员管理",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.nativeApps": "下载原生应用",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.recentMentions": "最近提到",
+ "": "报告问题",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.switch_team": "团队选择",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.teamLink": "获取团队邀请链接",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.teamSettings": "团队设置",
+ "signup_team.choose": "您的团队:",
+ "signup_team.createTeam": "或者创建一个团队",
+ "signup_team.disabled": "团队创建已被禁用。请联系管理员获得权限。",
+ "signup_team.join_open": "您可以加入的团队:",
+ "signup_team.noTeams": "团队目录中没有该团队且创建团队功能已经禁用。",
+ "signup_team.no_open_teams": "没有可加入的团队。请联系您的管理员询问邀请。",
+ "signup_team.no_open_teams_canCreate": "没有可加入的团队。请创建个新的团队或联系您的管理员询问邀请。",
+ "signup_team.no_teams": "没有已创建的团队。请联系您的管理员。",
+ "signup_team.no_teams_canCreate": "没有已创建的团队。您可以点击 \"创建新团队\" 创建一个。",
+ "signup_team.none": "没有一个没有团队创建方法启用。请联系管理员。",
+ "signup_team_complete.completed": "您已经用此邀请完成了注册或者邀请已过期。",
+ "signup_team_confirm.checkEmail": "请检查您的邮箱: <strong>{email}</strong><br/>您的电子邮件包含一个链接,以建立您的团队",
+ "signup_team_confirm.title": "完成注册",
+ "signup_team_system_console": "转到系统控制台",
+ "signup_user_completed.choosePwd": "选择您的密码",
+ "signup_user_completed.chooseUser": "选择您的用户名",
+ "signup_user_completed.create": "创建帐户",
+ "signup_user_completed.emailHelp": "注册所需的有效电子邮箱",
+ "signup_user_completed.emailIs": "您的邮箱地址是<strong>{email}</strong>。您可以使用该邮箱地址登录到{siteName}。",
+ "signup_user_completed.expired": "您已经用此邀请完成了注册或者邀请已过期。",
+ "signup_user_completed.gitlab": "用gitlab",
+ "": "用Google",
+ "signup_user_completed.haveAccount": "已有帐号?",
+ "signup_user_completed.invalid_invite": "无效邀请链接。请询问您的管理员获得邀请。",
+ "signup_user_completed.lets": "让我们创建您的帐户",
+ "signup_user_completed.no_open_server": "服务器不开放注册。请联系您的管理员询问邀请。",
+ "signup_user_completed.none": "没有启用用户创建方法。请联系管理员。",
+ "signup_user_completed.office365": "和Office 365",
+ "signup_user_completed.onSite": "在{siteName}",
+ "signup_user_completed.or": "或",
+ "signup_user_completed.passwordLength": "请输入至少{min}个字符",
+ "signup_user_completed.required": "该字段不能为空",
+ "signup_user_completed.reserved": "此用户名为预留,请选择一个新的。",
+ "signup_user_completed.signIn": "点这里登入。",
+ "signup_user_completed.userHelp": "用户名必须以字母开头,并且包含{min}到{max}个小写字母, '.', '-'和'_'.",
+ "signup_user_completed.usernameLength": "用户名必须以字母开头,并且包含{min}到{max}个小写字母,'.','-'和'_'.",
+ "signup_user_completed.validEmail": "请输入一个有效的电子邮件地址",
+ "signup_user_completed.welcome": "欢迎来到:",
+ "signup_user_completed.whatis": "您的电子邮箱地址是什么?",
+ "signup_user_completed.withLdap": "您的LDAP凭证",
+ "sso_signup.find": "查找我的团队",
+ "sso_signup.gitlab": "用GitLabAccount建立团队",
+ "": "用GoogleAppsAccount建立团队",
+ "sso_signup.length_error": "团队名必须为3-15个字母",
+ "sso_signup.teamName": "输入新团队名",
+ "sso_signup.team_error": "输入团队名",
+ "suggestion.mention.all": "通知频道全员,使用在 {townsquare} 来通知团队",
+ "": "通知每个频道",
+ "": "通知所有在此频道在线的人",
+ "": "私有组",
+ "": "公共频道",
+ "": "下载",
+ "team_export_tab.export": "导出",
+ "team_export_tab.exportTeam": "导出您的团队",
+ "team_export_tab.exporting": "导出...",
+ "team_export_tab.ready": "准备",
+ "team_export_tab.unable": "不能导出: {error}",
+ "team_import_tab.failure": "导入失败:",
+ "team_import_tab.import": "导入",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelp": "<p>从Slack中导入一个团队,转到Slack>团队设置>导入/导出数据>导出>开始导出。Slack不允许您导出存储在Slack中的文件、图片、个人组或私信。因此,导入至Mattermost中的Slack只支持导入您Slack团队公共频道的文本信息。</p><p>导入至Mattermost中的Slack是Beta版本。尚未导入Slack bot帖子,暂不支持Slack @提到我的。</p>",
+ "team_import_tab.importSlack": "从Slack(Beta)导入",
+ "team_import_tab.importing": "导入...",
+ "team_import_tab.successful": "导入成功:",
+ "team_import_tab.summary": "查看汇总",
+ "team_member_modal.close": "关闭",
+ "team_member_modal.members": "{team}成员",
+ "team_members_dropdown.confirmDemoteDescription": "如果你从系统管理角色降级且没有另一个用户有系统管理员权限,你需要通过一个终端访问Mattermost服务器并运行以下命令来重新指定一个系统管理员。",
+ "team_members_dropdown.confirmDemoteRoleTitle": "确认从系统管理角色降级",
+ "team_members_dropdown.confirmDemotion": "确认降级",
+ "team_members_dropdown.confirmDemotionCmd": "platform -assign_role -team_name=\"您的团队\" -email=\"\" -role=\"system_admin\"",
+ "team_members_dropdown.inactive": "停用",
+ "team_members_dropdown.leave_team": "从团队删除",
+ "team_members_dropdown.makeActive": "设置活跃",
+ "team_members_dropdown.makeAdmin": "设置团队管理员",
+ "team_members_dropdown.makeInactive": "设置为停用状态",
+ "team_members_dropdown.makeMember": "设置成员",
+ "team_members_dropdown.member": "成员",
+ "team_members_dropdown.systemAdmin": "系统管理员",
+ "team_members_dropdown.teamAdmin": "团队管理员",
+ "team_settings_modal.exportTab": "导出",
+ "team_settings_modal.generalTab": "基本",
+ "team_settings_modal.importTab": "导入",
+ "team_settings_modal.title": "团队设置",
+ "textbox.bold": "**加粗**",
+ "textbox.edit": "编辑信息",
+ "": "帮助",
+ "textbox.inlinecode": "`内嵌代码`",
+ "textbox.italic": "_斜体_",
+ "textbox.preformatted": "```预格式化```",
+ "textbox.preview": "预览",
+ "textbox.quote": ">引用",
+ "textbox.strike": "删除线",
+ "tutorial_intro.allSet": "您已经创建好了",
+ "tutorial_intro.end": "点击“Next”进入{channel}。这是团队成员登录后看到的第一个频道。使用它来发布每个人需要知道的更新信息。",
+ "tutorial_intro.invite": "邀请团队成员",
+ "tutorial_intro.mobileApps": "安装 {link} 上的应用以便随时访问和获得通知。",
+ "tutorial_intro.mobileAppsLinkText": "PC, Mac, iOS 以及安卓",
+ "": "下一步",
+ "tutorial_intro.screenOne": "<h3>欢迎进入:</h3><h1>Mattermost</h1><p>您所有的团队会话都在这里,可在任何地方即时搜索。</p><p>随时和您的团队保持联系,帮助他们完成最重要的事情。</p>",
+ "tutorial_intro.screenTwo": "<h3>Mattermost是如何工作的: </h3><p>交流发生在公共频道,私人组和私信中。</p><p>所有信息都能在任何联网的台式机、笔记本或手机中存档和搜索。</p>",
+ "tutorial_intro.skip": "跳过教程",
+ "": "如有任何需求,请邮件我们到",
+ "tutorial_intro.teamInvite": "邀请团队成员",
+ "tutorial_intro.whenReady": " 当您准备完毕。",
+ "": "下一步",
+ "tutorial_tip.ok": "Okay",
+ "tutorial_tip.out": "选择退出这些提示。",
+ "tutorial_tip.seen": "之前见过这吗?",
+ "": "拖动文件上传。",
+ "user.settings.advance.embed_preview": "可用时,显示实验性链接内容预览",
+ "user.settings.advance.embed_toggle": "显示切换所有嵌入预览",
+ "user.settings.advance.enabledFeatures": "已启用 {count, number} 项功能",
+ "user.settings.advance.formattingDesc": "开启时,文章会显示链接,表情符,格式,以及添加断行。默认下,此选项时开启的。修改此设定需要刷新页面。",
+ "user.settings.advance.formattingTitle": "启用帖文格式",
+ "user.settings.advance.markdown_preview": "在消息输入框中显示markdown预览选项",
+ "": "关",
+ "user.settings.advance.on": "开",
+ "user.settings.advance.preReleaseDesc": "检查您想预览的任何预发布功能。在设置生效前,您可能还需要刷新页面。",
+ "user.settings.advance.preReleaseTitle": "预览预发布功能",
+ "user.settings.advance.sendDesc": "如果启用“Enter”键插入一个新行,按“Ctrl+Enter”键提交消息。",
+ "user.settings.advance.sendTitle": "按Ctrl+Enter发送消息",
+ "user.settings.advance.slashCmd_autocmp": "启用外部应用程序提供斜杠命令的自动补全功能",
+ "user.settings.advance.title": "高级设置",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.awayIndicator": "离开显示",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.buttonBg": "按钮BG",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.buttonColor": "文本按钮",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.centerChannelBg": "中心频道BG",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.centerChannelColor": "中心频道文本",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.centerChannelTitle": "输入频道样式",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.codeTheme": "代码主题",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.copyPaste": "复制和粘贴分享主题颜色: ",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.linkButtonTitle": "链接已经按钮样式",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.linkColor": "链接颜色",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.mentionBj": "被提及重要人BG",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.mentionColor": "被提及重要人文本",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.mentionHighlightBg": "被提及高亮BG",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.mentionHighlightLink": "被提及高亮链接",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.newMessageSeparator": "新消息分隔符",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.onlineIndicator": "在线显示",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarBg": "侧边栏BG",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarHeaderBg": "侧边栏头BG",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarHeaderTextColor": "侧边栏头文本",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarText": "侧边栏文本",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarTextActiveBorder": "侧边栏文本活动边框",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarTextActiveColor": "侧边栏文本活跃的颜色”",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarTextHoverBg": "侧边栏文本HoverBG",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarTitle": "侧栏风格",
+ "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarUnreadText": "侧边栏未读文本",
+ "user.settings.developer.applicationsPreview": "应用程序(预览)",
+ "user.settings.developer.register": "注册新应用程序",
+ "user.settings.developer.thirdParty": "开放注册一个新的第三方应用程序",
+ "user.settings.developer.title": "开发人员设置",
+ "user.settings.display.channelDisplayTitle": "频道显示模式",
+ "user.settings.display.channeldisplaymode": "选择中央间频道的宽度。",
+ "user.settings.display.clockDisplay": "时钟显示",
+ "user.settings.display.collapseDesc": "可用时,展开链接显示内容预览。",
+ "user.settings.display.collapseDisplay": "链接预览",
+ "user.settings.display.collapseOff": "关",
+ "user.settings.display.collapseOn": "开",
+ "user.settings.display.fixedWidthCentered": "固定宽度,居中",
+ "user.settings.display.fontDesc": "选择在Mattermost用户界面显示的字体。",
+ "user.settings.display.fontTitle": "显示字体",
+ "user.settings.display.fullScreen": "完整宽度",
+ "user.settings.display.language": "语言",
+ "user.settings.display.messageDisplayClean": "标准",
+ "user.settings.display.messageDisplayCleanDes": "容易浏览与阅读。",
+ "user.settings.display.messageDisplayCompact": "紧凑",
+ "user.settings.display.messageDisplayCompactDes": "显示尽可能多的信息。",
+ "user.settings.display.messageDisplayDescription": "选择在频道里信息如何显示。",
+ "user.settings.display.messageDisplayTitle": "信息显示",
+ "user.settings.display.militaryClock": "24小时格式(例如:16:00)",
+ "user.settings.display.nameOptsDesc": "设置在帖子和私信列表中怎样显示其他用户的名字。",
+ "user.settings.display.normalClock": "12小时格式(例如:下午4点)",
+ "user.settings.display.preferTime": "选择您喜欢的时间显示格式。",
+ "user.settings.display.showFullname": "显示姓名",
+ "user.settings.display.showNickname": "若存在昵称显示昵称,否则显示姓名",
+ "user.settings.display.showUsername": "显示用户名(默认)",
+ "user.settings.display.teammateDisplay": "团队队友的名字显示",
+ "user.settings.display.theme.customTheme": "自定义主题",
+ "user.settings.display.theme.describe": "打开管理您的主题",
+ "user.settings.display.theme.import": "从Slack中导入主题颜色",
+ "user.settings.display.theme.otherThemes": "查看其他的主题",
+ "user.settings.display.theme.themeColors": "主题颜色",
+ "user.settings.display.theme.title": "主题",
+ "user.settings.display.title": "显示设置",
+ "user.settings.general.checkEmail": "在{email}查看你的邮件以验证这个地址。",
+ "user.settings.general.checkEmailNoAddress": "查看你的电子邮件来验证你的新地址",
+ "user.settings.general.close": "关闭",
+ "user.settings.general.confirmEmail": "确认电子邮件",
+ "": "电子邮件",
+ "user.settings.general.emailGitlabCantUpdate": "通过GitLab进行登录。电子邮件不能被更新,用于通知的电子邮件地址是{email}。",
+ "user.settings.general.emailGoogleCantUpdate": "通过Google进行登录。电子邮件不能被更新。用于通知的电子邮件地址是{email}。",
+ "user.settings.general.emailHelp1": "电子邮件地址用于登录,通知以及密码重置。如果修改电子邮件需要重新验证。",
+ "user.settings.general.emailHelp2": "电子邮件已被您的系统管理员禁用。未启用前您将无法收到通知邮件。",
+ "user.settings.general.emailHelp3": "电子邮件地址用于登录,通知以及密码重置。",
+ "user.settings.general.emailHelp4": "验证邮件已发送到{email}。",
+ "user.settings.general.emailLdapCantUpdate": "通过LDAP进行登录。电子邮件不能被更新,用于通知的电子邮件地址是{email}。",
+ "user.settings.general.emailMatch": "您输入的新邮件不匹配。",
+ "user.settings.general.emailOffice365CantUpdate": "通过Office 365进行登录。电子邮件不能被更新。用于通知的电子邮件地址是{email}。",
+ "user.settings.general.emailSamlCantUpdate": "通过LDAP进行登录。电子邮件不能被更新。用于通知的电子邮件地址是{email}。",
+ "user.settings.general.emailUnchanged": "您的新电子邮件地址和旧的电子邮件地址一致。",
+ "user.settings.general.emptyName": "点击 '编辑' 添加您的全名",
+ "user.settings.general.emptyNickname": "点击 '编辑' 添加一个昵称",
+ "user.settings.general.field_handled_externally": "此栏由您的登入提供者决定。如果您想更改,您需要到您的登入提供者改动。",
+ "user.settings.general.firstName": "姓",
+ "user.settings.general.fullName": "全名",
+ "user.settings.general.imageTooLarge": "无法上传头像。文件太大。",
+ "user.settings.general.imageUpdated": "图片上次更新日期{date}",
+ "user.settings.general.lastName": "名字",
+ "user.settings.general.loginGitlab": "通过GitLab({email})登录",
+ "user.settings.general.loginGoogle": "通过Google ({email})登录",
+ "user.settings.general.loginLdap": "通过LDAP ({email})登录",
+ "user.settings.general.loginOffice365": "通过Office 365({email})登录",
+ "user.settings.general.loginSaml": "通过SAML ({email}) 登录",
+ "user.settings.general.newAddress": "新地址:{email}<br/>查看您的邮箱来验证上面的地址。",
+ "user.settings.general.nickname": "昵称",
+ "user.settings.general.nicknameExtra": "使用一个您可能会称呼的与您的名字和用户名不同的昵称作为名字。此方法最常用于两个或多个人有类似的名字和用户名时。",
+ "user.settings.general.notificationsExtra": "默认情况下,当有人输入您的名字时,您将收到提及通知。您可在{notify}设置中更改此默认设置。",
+ "user.settings.general.notificationsLink": "通知",
+ "user.settings.general.primaryEmail": "主要电子邮件",
+ "user.settings.general.profilePicture": "照片",
+ "user.settings.general.title": "基本设置",
+ "user.settings.general.uploadImage": "点击 '编辑' 上传图片。",
+ "user.settings.general.username": "用户名",
+ "user.settings.general.usernameInfo": "选择某些团队成员容易识别和记忆的名字。",
+ "user.settings.general.usernameReserved": "该用户名已存在,请选择一个新的。",
+ "user.settings.general.usernameRestrictions": "用户名必须以字母开头,并且包含{min}到{max}个小写字母,'.','-'和'_'.",
+ "user.settings.general.validEmail": "请输入一个有效的电子邮件地址",
+ "user.settings.general.validImage": "只能上传JPG和PNG图片",
+ "user.settings.import_theme.cancel": "取消",
+ "user.settings.import_theme.importBody": "为导入主题,去Slack小组寻找“Preferences->SidebarTheme”.打开自定义主题选项,复制主题颜色值并粘贴: ",
+ "user.settings.import_theme.importHeader": "导入Slack主题",
+ "user.settings.import_theme.submit": "发送",
+ "user.settings.import_theme.submitError": "无效格式,请尝试再次复制粘贴。",
+ "user.settings.languages.change": "更改界面语言",
+ "user.settings.mfa.add": "向您的账户添加多重验证",
+ "user.settings.mfa.addHelp": "您需要密码之外用基于智能手机的令牌来登入 Mattermost。<br/><br/>请从 <a target='_blank' href=''>iTunes</a> 或 <a target='_blank' href=''>Google Play</a> 下载Google Authenticator 到您的手机,然后<br/><br/>1. 点击上方<strong>添加多重验证到您的帐号</strong>按钮。<br/>2. 使用Google Authenticator扫描显示的QR码。<br/>3. 输入Google Authenticator生成的令牌并点击<strong>保存</strong>。<br/><br/>登入时,您会被要求额外输入Google Authenticator令牌。",
+ "user.settings.mfa.addHelpQr": "请使用您智能手机的Google Authenticator应用扫描二维码并填写一个由应用程序提供的令牌。",
+ "user.settings.mfa.enterToken": "令牌(仅限数字)",
+ "user.settings.mfa.qrCode": "条形码",
+ "user.settings.mfa.remove": "从您的账户中删除多重验证",
+ "user.settings.mfa.removeHelp": "删除多重验证意味着您不再需要基于手机的密码来登入您的帐号。",
+ "user.settings.modal.advanced": "高级",
+ "user.settings.modal.confirmBtns": "是的,放弃",
+ "user.settings.modal.confirmMsg": "您有未保存的更改,您确定你想要放弃他们吗?",
+ "user.settings.modal.confirmTitle": "放弃修改?",
+ "user.settings.modal.developer": "开发人员",
+ "user.settings.modal.display": "显示",
+ "user.settings.modal.general": "基本",
+ "user.settings.modal.notifications": "通知",
+ "": "安全",
+ "user.settings.modal.title": "账户设置",
+ "user.settings.notification.allActivity": "所有活动",
+ "user.settings.notification.push": "手机推送信息提示",
+ "user.settings.notification.soundConfig": "请在您的浏览器中配置消息通知声音设置",
+ "user.settings.notifications.channelWide": "频道范围提及 \"@channel\", \"@all\"",
+ "user.settings.notifications.close": "关闭",
+ "user.settings.notifications.comments": "评论串通知",
+ "user.settings.notifications.commentsAny": "提到任何你参与的主题中的评论 (这包括提及你的主题和任何你评论后的评论)",
+ "user.settings.notifications.commentsInfo": "您参与的评论串的通知触发模式。",
+ "user.settings.notifications.commentsNever": "没有评论提及",
+ "user.settings.notifications.commentsRoot": "任何对你帖中的评论的提及",
+ "user.settings.notifications.desktop": "发送桌面通知",
+ "user.settings.notifications.desktopSounds": "桌面通知声音",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "当您离线时间超过60秒或离开{siteName}超过5分钟,系统将发送提示和私信的电子邮件通知。",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "邮件通知",
+ "user.settings.notifications.header": "通知",
+ "": "桌面通知在Firefox、Safari、Chrome、InternetExplorer和Edge中有效。",
+ "user.settings.notifications.never": "从不",
+ "user.settings.notifications.noWords": "敏感词没有配置",
+ "": "关",
+ "user.settings.notifications.on": "开",
+ "user.settings.notifications.onlyMentions": "只在提及和私信中",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sensitiveName": "您的敏感姓\"{first_name}\"",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "不区分大小写的用户名\"{username}\"",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "其他不区分大小写的词汇,以逗号分隔:",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "桌面通知声音在Firefox、Safari、Chrome、InternetExplorer和Edge中有效。",
+ "user.settings.notifications.teamWide": "团队范围的提及\"@all\"",
+ "user.settings.notifications.title": "通知设置",
+ "user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "您提到的用户名“@{username}”",
+ "user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "触发提及词",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "所有活动",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.disabled": "被系统管理员禁用",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.disabled_long": "移动设备推送通知已被系统管理员停用。",
+ "": "当 Mattermost 有活动时会推送通知到您的移动设备。",
+ "": "关",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentions": "仅限提及和私信中",
+ "": "关闭",
+ "": "当前密码",
+ "": "请输入您的当前密码",
+ "": "邮箱和密码",
+ "": "GitLab",
+ "": "谷歌",
+ "": "上次更新时间{date}{time}",
+ "": "LDAP",
+ "": "用GitLab登录",
+ "": "用LDAP登录",
+ "": "查看并退出正在执行的会话",
+ "": "登录方式",
+ "": "新密码",
+ "": "Office 365",
+ "": "同时间只能用一种方式登录。切换登录方式会有邮件告知您改动是否成功。",
+ "": "密码",
+ "": "您的密码必须包含至少 {min} 个字符。",
+ "": "您的密码必须包含至少 {min} 个字符且至少有一个小写字母。",
+ "": "您的密码必须包含至少 {min} 个字符且至少有一个小写字母以及一个数字。",
+ "": "您的密码必须包含至少 {min} 个字符且至少有一个小写字母,一个数字,以及一个符号(如\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
+ "": "您的密码必须包含至少 {min} 个字符且至少有一个小写字母以及一个符号(如\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
+ "": "您的密码必须包含至少 {min} 个字符且至少有一个小写字母以及一个大写字母。",
+ "": "您的密码必须包含至少 {min} 个字符且至少有一个小写字母,一个大写字母,以及一个数字。",
+ "": "您的密码必须包含至少 {min} 个字符且至少有一个小写字母,一个大写字母,一个数字,以及一个符号(如\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
+ "": "您的密码必须包含至少 {min} 个字符且至少有一个小写字母,一个大写字母,以及一个符号(如\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
+ "": "您的密码必须包含至少 {min} 个字符且至少有一个数字。",
+ "": "您的密码必须包含至少 {min} 个字符且至少有一个数字以及一个符号(如\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
+ "": "您的密码必须包含至少 {min} 个字符且至少有一个符号(如\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
+ "": "您的密码必须包含至少 {min} 个字符且至少有一个大写字母。",
+ "": "您的密码必须包含至少 {min} 个字符且至少有一个大写字母以及一个数字。",
+ "": "您的密码必须包含至少 {min} 个字符且至少有一个大写字母,一个数字,以及一个符号(如\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
+ "": "您的密码必须包含至少 {min} 个字符且至少有一个大写字母以及一个符号(如\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
+ "": "通过GitLab登录。电子邮件不能被更新。",
+ "": "通过LDAP登录。电子邮件不能被更新。",
+ "": "您输入的新密码不匹配",
+ "": "无效最小长度,无法显示预览。",
+ "": "再次输入新密码",
+ "": "SAML",
+ "": "切换到使用邮箱和密码登录",
+ "": "切换到使用GitLabSSO登录",
+ "": "切换到GoogleSSO登录",
+ "": "切换至使用LDAP",
+ "": "切换到使用Office 365 SSO",
+ "": "切换到使用SAML SSO登录",
+ "": "安全设置",
+ "": "查看访问历史",
+ "user_list.notFound": "没有找到用户",
+ "view_image.loading": "加载中",
+ "": "下载",
+ "view_image_popover.file": "{total}的文件{count}",
+ "view_image_popover.publicLink": "获取公开链接",
+ "web.footer.about": "关于",
+ "": "帮助",
+ "web.footer.privacy": "隐私",
+ "web.footer.terms": "条款",
+ "web.header.back": "返回",
+ "web.root.signup_info": "所有团队的通讯一站式解决,随时随地可搜索和访问",
+ "youtube_video.notFound": "视频未找到"
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/zh_TW.json b/webapp/i18n/zh_TW.json
index 8d0dc82c4..b39635dca 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/zh_TW.json
@@ -30,19 +30,21 @@
"activity_log_modal.androidNativeApp": "Android 原生應用程式",
"activity_log_modal.iphoneNativeApp": "iPhone 原生應用程式",
"add_command.autocomplete": "自動完成",
- "": " 於自動完成列表中顯示此指令。",
+ "": "在自動完成列表上顯示斜線命令(非必須)。",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription": "自動完成的描述",
- "": "斜線命令在自動完成列表上的簡短說明(非必須)",
+ "": "斜線命令在自動完成列表上的簡短敘述(非必須)。",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription.placeholder": "例如:\"回傳病歷搜尋結果\"",
"add_command.autocompleteHint": "自動完成的提示",
- "": "自動完成列表上關於命令所需參數的提示(非必須)",
+ "": "斜線命令的參數,在自動完成列表上顯示為說明。(非必須)",
"add_command.autocompleteHint.placeholder": "例如:[患者名字]",
"add_command.cancel": "取消",
"add_command.description": "說明",
+ "": "傳入的 Webhook 的敘述。",
"add_command.displayName": "顯示名稱",
+ "": "斜線命令的名字,最多64個字元。",
"add_command.header": "新增",
"add_command.iconUrl": "回應圖示",
- "": "填入圖片以覆蓋此斜線命令回應貼文時所用的個人圖像。輸入.png或.jpg檔案(至少得128x128象素)的網址。",
+ "": "選擇圖片以置換此斜線命令回應貼文時所用的個人圖像(非必須)。輸入.png或.jpg檔案(長寬皆至少為128像素)的網址。",
"add_command.iconUrl.placeholder": "",
"add_command.method": "要求方法",
"add_command.method.get": "GET",
@@ -50,8 +52,10 @@
"": "POST",
"": "儲存",
"add_command.trigger": "命令觸發關鍵字",
- "add_command.trigger.help1": "例如:病患、客戶、雇員",
- "add_command.trigger.help2": "保留字:echo, join, logout, me, shrug",
+ "": "觸發關鍵字必須是唯一的,且不能以斜線開頭或包含空白。",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "如:client、employee、patient、weather",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReserved": "保留字:{link}",
+ "add_command.trigger.helpReservedLinkText": "請看內建斜線命令",
"add_command.trigger.placeholder": "命令觸發,例如\"hello\"",
"add_command.triggerInvalidLength": "觸發關鍵字必須包含{min}到{max}個字",
"add_command.triggerInvalidSlash": "觸發關鍵字不可用/(斜線)開頭",
@@ -62,7 +66,7 @@
"add_command.url.placeholder": "開頭必須是 http:// 或 https://",
"add_command.urlRequired": "要求網址為必填",
"add_command.username": "回應使用者名稱",
- "": "填入使用者名稱以覆蓋此斜線命令回應貼文時所用的使用者名稱,使用者名稱最多包含22個小寫、數字、\"-\"、\"_\"或\".\"等字元",
+ "": "填入名稱以置換此斜線命令回應貼文時所用的使用者名稱(非必須),使用者名稱最多包含22個小寫、數字、\"-\"、\"_\"或\".\"等字元。",
"add_command.username.placeholder": "使用者名稱",
"add_emoji.cancel": "取消",
"add_emoji.header": "新增",
@@ -80,42 +84,58 @@
"": "儲存",
"add_incoming_webhook.cancel": "取消",
"": "頻道",
+ "": "接收 Webhook 的公開頻道或私人群組。設定 Webhook 時您必須屬於該私人群組。",
"add_incoming_webhook.channelRequired": "必須是有效的頻道",
"add_incoming_webhook.description": "說明",
+ "": "傳入的 Webhook 的敘述。",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "顯示名稱",
+ "": "傳入的 Webhook 的名字,最多64個字元。",
"add_incoming_webhook.header": "新增",
"": "名字",
"": "儲存",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "回呼網址(一行一個)",
+ "": "訊息被送達的網址。",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "請填入一或多個回呼網址",
"add_outgoing_webhook.cancel": "取消",
"": "頻道",
+ "": "接收 Webhook 的公開頻道。有設定一個以上的觸發關鍵字時此項非必須。",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help1": "選擇回應送出時的內容型態。",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help2": "如果選了 application/x-www-form-urlencoded,伺服器會假設您會將參數以 URL 格式編碼。",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help3": "如果選了 application/json,伺服器會假設您將會發送 JSON 資料。",
"add_outgoing_webhook.content_Type": "內容型態",
"add_outgoing_webhook.description": "說明",
+ "": "傳出的 Webhook 的敘述。",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "顯示名稱",
+ "": "傳出的 Webhook 的名字,最多64個字元。",
"add_outgoing_webhook.header": "新增",
"": "名字",
"": "儲存",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "關鍵觸發字(一行一個)",
+ "": "以觸發關鍵字開頭的訊息將會觸發傳出的 Webhook。有選擇頻道時此項非必須。",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "請填入有效的頻道或觸發關鍵字清單",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhen": "觸發於",
+ "": "選擇何時觸發傳出的 Webook:訊息的第一個字完全符合觸發關鍵字,或是訊息以觸發關鍵字開頭。",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenFullWord": "第一個字完全符合觸發關鍵字",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenStartsWith": "第一個字以觸發關鍵字為開頭",
"admin.audits.reload": "重新載入使用者活動記錄",
"admin.audits.title": "使用者活動記錄",
"": "電子郵件認證",
"admin.authentication.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "admin.authentication.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.authentication.saml": "SAML",
"admin.banner.heading": "註:",
"admin.compliance.directoryDescription": "合規報告的寫入目錄,若空白,則設定為 ./data/。",
"admin.compliance.directoryExample": "例如 \"./data/\"",
- "admin.compliance.directoryTitle": "合規報告目錄:",
- "admin.compliance.enableDailyDesc": "若啟用,Mattermost 會每日產生合規報告。",
+ "admin.compliance.directoryTitle": "規範報告目錄:",
+ "admin.compliance.enableDailyDesc": "若啟用,Mattermost 會每日產生規範報告。",
"admin.compliance.enableDailyTitle": "啟用每日報告:",
- "admin.compliance.enableDesc": "若啟用,Mattermost 允許合規報告。",
- "admin.compliance.enableTitle": "啟用合規報告:",
+ "admin.compliance.enableDesc": "啟用時,Mattermost 允許從<strong>規範與審計</strong>分頁使用規範報告。詳請參閱<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">文件</a>。",
+ "admin.compliance.enableTitle": "啟用規範報告:",
"admin.compliance.false": "否",
- "admin.compliance.noLicense": "<h4 class=\"banner__heading\">註:</h4><p>合規為企業授權功能,您的授權不支援合規。點<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">這裡</a>查看企業授權資訊與價格。</p>",
+ "admin.compliance.noLicense": "<h4 class=\"banner__heading\">註:</h4><p>規範為企業授權功能,您的授權不支援規範。點<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">這裡</a>查看企業授權資訊與價格。</p>",
"": "儲存",
"admin.compliance.saving": "儲存設定...",
- "admin.compliance.title": "合規設定",
+ "admin.compliance.title": "規範設定",
"admin.compliance.true": "是",
"admin.compliance_reports.desc": "工作名稱:",
"admin.compliance_reports.desc_placeholder": "例如:\"人事445號查核\"",
@@ -125,9 +145,9 @@
"admin.compliance_reports.from_placeholder": "例如:\"2016-03-11\"",
"admin.compliance_reports.keywords": "關鍵字:",
"admin.compliance_reports.keywords_placeholder": "例如:\"融券\"",
- "admin.compliance_reports.reload": "重新讀取合規報告",
- "": "執行合規報告",
- "admin.compliance_reports.title": "合規報告",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.reload": "重新讀取規範報告",
+ "": "執行檢查規範",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.title": "規範報告",
"": "收件者:",
"admin.compliance_reports.to_placeholder": "例如:\"2016-03-15\"",
"admin.compliance_table.desc": "說明",
@@ -146,17 +166,17 @@
"admin.connectionSecurityTitle": "連線安全:",
"admin.connectionSecurityTls": "TLS",
"admin.connectionSecurityTlsDescription": "加密 Mattermost 和您的伺服器之間的通訊。",
- "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to download the Android app. Users who access the site on a mobile web browser will be prompted with a page giving them the option to download the app. Leave this field blank to prevent the page from appearing.",
- "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkTitle": "Android App Download Link:",
- "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to a download page for the Mattermost apps. When a link is present, an option to \"Download Mattermost Apps\" will be added in the Main Menu so users can find the download page. Leave this field blank to hide the option from the Main Menu.",
- "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkTitle": "Mattermost Apps Download Page Link:",
+ "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkDesc": "新增下載 Android 應用程式的連結。用行動網頁瀏覽器存取站台的使用者將會看到提示頁面以下載應用程式。此欄留空則不會出現提示頁面。",
+ "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkTitle": "Android 應用程式下載連結:",
+ "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkDesc": "新增前往 Mattermost 應用程式下載頁面的連結。當有連結時主選單將會新增 \"下載 Mattermost 應用程式\" 讓使用者前往下載頁面。此欄留空則主選單不會出現該選項。",
+ "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkTitle": "Mattermost 應用程式下載頁面連結:",
"admin.customization.customBrand": "自訂品牌",
"admin.customization.customEmoji": "自訂顏文字",
"admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiDesc": "允許使用者新增用於訊息當中的自訂的顏文字。允許之後,自訂顏文字設定的檢視方式為:變更到一個團隊,按頻道側邊欄上面的三個點,然後選擇\"自訂顏文字\"。",
"admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiTitle": "啟用自訂顏文字:",
- "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to download the iOS app. Users who access the site on a mobile web browser will be prompted with a page giving them the option to download the app. Leave this field blank to prevent the page from appearing.",
- "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkTitle": "iOS App Download Link:",
- "admin.customization.nativeAppLinks": "Native App Links",
+ "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkDesc": "新增下載 iOS 應用程式的連結。用行動網頁瀏覽器存取站台的使用者將會看到提示頁面以下載應用程式。此欄留空則不會出現提示頁面。",
+ "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkTitle": "iOS 應用程式下載連結:",
+ "admin.customization.nativeAppLinks": "原生應用程式連結:",
"admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAdmin": "允許系統及團隊管理員新增自訂顏文字",
"admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAll": "允許所有人新增自訂顏文字",
"admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationDesc": "限制僅特定使用者可以新增自訂顏文字。",
@@ -173,7 +193,7 @@
"": "啟用時 Mattermost 允許使用者用他們的名稱與密碼登入。通常只有停用電子郵件地址驗證時才啟用。",
"": "啟用以使用者名稱登入:",
"": "測試連線",
- "": "從<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">企業App商店</a>瞭解編譯與佈署您自已的行動 app。",
+ "": "從<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">企業 App 商店</a>瞭解編譯與佈署您自已的行動應用程式。",
"": "連線失敗:{error}",
"": "傳送電子郵件時沒有報錯。請檢查您的收件匣確認。",
"": "發送完整的訊息",
@@ -181,10 +201,10 @@
"": "32字元的 Salt 用來簽署電子郵件邀請。於安裝時隨機產生。按\"重新產生\"建立新的 Salt。",
"": "例如 \"bjlSR4QqkXFBr7TP4oDzlfZmcNuH9Yo\"",
"": "電子郵件邀請 Salt:",
- "": "使用有加密、產品品質的 HPNS 連線到 iOS 與 Android apps",
- "": "從iTunes下載 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost iOS app</a>。從Google Play 下載 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost Android app</a>。瞭解更多關於<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">HPNS</a>.",
- "": "使用 TPNS 以及 iTunes 和 GooglePlay 上的 iOS 與 Android app",
- "": "從 iTunes 下載 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost iOS app</a>。從Google Play下載 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost Android app</a>。瞭解更多關於 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">TPNS</a>。",
+ "": "使用有加密、產品品質的 HPNS 連線到 iOS 與 Android 應用程式",
+ "": "從iTunes下載 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost iOS 應用程式</a>。從Google Play 下載 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost Android 應用程式</a>。瞭解更多關於<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">HPNS</a>.",
+ "": "使用 TPNS 以及 iTunes 和 GooglePlay 上的 iOS 與 Android 應用程式",
+ "": "從 iTunes 下載 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost iOS 應用程式</a>。從Google Play下載 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost Android 應用程式</a>。瞭解更多關於 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">TPNS</a>。",
"": "如:\"© ABC Corporation, 565 Knight Way, Palo Alto, California, 94305, USA\"",
"": "從 Mattermost 傳送通知電子郵件時發件者的顯示名稱。",
"": "例如:\"Mattermost 通知\"、\"系統\"、\"勿回信\"",
@@ -204,7 +224,7 @@
"": "正式環境通常為啟用。啟用時 Mattermost 會嘗試從推播主機發送推播通知。",
"": "不要發送推播通知",
"": "詳細設置請看<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">推播通知文件</a>。",
- "": "在您的防火牆後方設置 Mattermost 推播通知服務時請使用。您可以使用 測試,這個服務會連接到 Apple AppStore 的 Mattermost iOS 樣本 app。請勿在正式環境使用此測試服務。",
+ "": "在您的防火牆後方設置 Mattermost 推播通知服務時請使用。您可以使用 測試,這個服務會連接到 Apple AppStore 的 Mattermost iOS 樣本應用程式。請勿在正式環境使用此測試服務。",
"": "例如:\"\"",
"": "推播通知伺服器:",
"": "啟用推播通知:",
@@ -243,11 +263,11 @@
"admin.general.policy.permissionsAdmin": "團隊跟系統管理員",
"admin.general.policy.permissionsAll": "團隊全員",
"admin.general.policy.permissionsSystemAdmin": "系統管理員",
- "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementDescription": "選擇\"團隊全員\"允許團隊裡任何人建立、刪除、改名以及設定私人群組標語。<br/><br/>選擇\"團隊與系統管理員\"則限制只有團隊與系統管理員能夠管理私人群組,包括建立、刪除、改名以及設定私人群組標語。<br/><br/>選擇\"系統管理員\"則限制只有系統能夠管理私人群組,包括建立、刪除、改名以及設定私人群組標語。",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementDescription": "設定誰能建立、刪除、更名私人群組與設定其標題的原則。",
"admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementTitle": "哪些人可以管理私人群組:",
- "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "選擇\"團隊全員\"允許團隊裡任何人建立、刪除、改名以及設定公開頻道標語。<br/><br/>選擇\"團隊與系統管理員\"則限制只有團隊與系統管理員能夠管理公開頻道,包括建立、刪除、改名以及設定公開頻道標語。<br/><br/>選擇\"系統管理員\"則限制只有系統能夠管理公開頻道,包括建立、刪除、改名以及設定公開頻道標語。",
+ "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "設定誰能建立、刪除、更名公開頻道與設定其標題的原則。",
"admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementTitle": "哪些人可以管理公開頻道:",
- "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "選擇\"團隊全員\"將允許任何一個團隊成員使用電子郵件邀請或團隊邀請連結來邀請其他人。<br/><br/>選擇\"團隊跟系統管理員\"會將電子郵件邀請跟團隊邀請連結從非團隊或系統管理員使用者的主選單當中隱藏。<br/><br/>選擇\"系統管理員\"會將電子郵件邀請跟團隊邀請連結從非系統管理員使用者的主選單當中隱藏。註:如果使用了\"取得團隊邀請連結\"的連結,請在想邀請的使用者都加入這團隊之後重新產生連結。",
+ "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "設定誰能用<b>邀請新成員</b>發送邀請郵件或使用在主選單的<b>取得團隊邀請連結</b>來邀請他人加入團隊的原則。如果<b>取得團隊邀請連結</b>被用來分享邀請連結,您可以在希望加入的使用者加入團隊之後從<b>團隊設定</b> > <b>邀請碼</b>讓邀請碼過期。",
"admin.general.policy.teamInviteTitle": "允許發出團隊邀請的使用者:",
"admin.general.privacy": "隱私",
"admin.general.usersAndTeams": "使用者與團隊",
@@ -270,6 +290,16 @@
"admin.gitlab.userDescription": "輸入 https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user。根據伺服器的設定,網址您可能需要改用 HTTP 或 HTTPS。",
"admin.gitlab.userExample": "如:\"https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user\"",
"admin.gitlab.userTitle": "使用者 API 端點:",
+ "": "<ol><li><a href=''>登入</a>您的 Google帳號。</li><li>前往 <a href=''></a>,按左側邊列的<strong>憑證</strong>並輸入<strong>Mattermost - <您的公司名稱></strong>作為專案名。</li><li>按 <strong>OAuth 同意畫面</strong> 標題並輸入 <strong>Mattermost</strong> 作為 <strong>向使用者顯示的產品名稱</strong>。 按 <strong>儲存</strong> 。</li><li>在 <strong>憑證</strong> 標題下,按 <strong>建立憑證</strong>,選擇 <strong>OAuth 用戶端 ID</strong> 並選擇 <strong>網路應用程式</strong>。</li><li>在 <strong>限制</strong> 的 <strong>已授權的重新導向 URI</strong> 中輸入 <strong><您的 mattermost url>/signup/google/complete</strong> (如: http://localhost:8065/signup/google/complete)。 按 <strong>建立</strong>。</li><li>記下 <strong>用戶端 ID</strong> 跟 <strong>用戶端密鑰</strong> 晚點用來完成下面的欄位。</li><li>最後,前往 <a href=''>Google+ API</a> 並按 <strong>啟用</strong>。這可能需要花上幾分鐘以在 Google 的系統完成散佈。</li><li>輸入下面的 <strong>用戶端 ID</strong> 跟 <strong>用戶端密碼</strong>欄位 。</li></ol>",
+ "": "認證端點:",
+ "": "當您在 Google 註冊您的應用程式時收到的用戶端 ID。",
+ "": "Ex \"\"",
+ "": "用戶端 ID:",
+ "": "當您在 Google 註冊您的應用程式時收到的用戶端密鑰。",
+ "": "Ex \"H8sz0Az-dDs2p15-7QzD231\"",
+ "": "用戶端密碼:",
+ "": "Token 端點:",
+ "": "使用者 API 端點:",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketDescription": "輸入 AWS S3 儲存貯體的名稱.",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketExample": "例如:\"mattermost-media\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketTitle": "Amazon S3 儲存貯體:",
@@ -360,7 +390,7 @@
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerification": "跳過驗證憑證",
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerificationDesc": "TLS 或 STARTTLS 連線時跳過驗證憑證。不建議使用於需要 TLS 的正式環境。測試用設定。",
"admin.ldap.syncFailure": "同步失敗:{error}",
- "admin.ldap.syncIntervalHelpText": "LDAP 同步是 Mattermost 更新使用者以反應 LDAP 伺服器上資料變更的程序。例如當一個使用者的名字在 LDAP 伺服器上改變了,這個變更將會在執行同步時反應於 Mattermost 上。在 LDAP 伺服器上移除一個使用者時,現有的工作階段將會被清除且無法再登入 Mattermost。Mattermost 會根據這邊設定的間隔定時執行同步。舉例來說,如果這邊設定了60,Mattermost 會每小時更新一次。",
+ "admin.ldap.syncIntervalHelpText": "LDAP 同步更新 Mattermost 使用者資料以反應 LDAP 伺服器上的變更。舉例來說,當 LDAP 伺服器上一個使用者名字改變時,在執行同步的時候這個改變會更新 Mattermost。在 LDAP 伺服器上被移除或是停用的帳號,其對應的 Mattermost 帳號會被設定成“停用”,並且撤銷帳號的工作階段。Mattermost 根據輸入的間隔執行同步。如,如果輸入60,Mattermost將會每60分鐘同步一次。",
"admin.ldap.syncIntervalTitle": "同步間隔(分)",
"admin.ldap.syncNowHelpText": "立刻開始 LDAP 同步。",
"admin.ldap.sync_button": "開始 LDAP 同步",
@@ -414,6 +444,21 @@
"": "電子郵件",
"admin.notifications.push": "行動推播",
"admin.notifications.title": "通知設定",
+ "admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google Apps",
+ "": "不允許經由 OAuth 2.0 提供者登入",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "": "選擇 OAuth 2.0 服務提供者:",
+ "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>登入</a>您的 Microsoft 或 Office 365 帳號。請確定該帳號跟其他使用者的登入帳號在同一個<a href=''>租用戶</a>下。</li><li>前往 <a href=''></a>,按 <strong>新增應用程式</strong> 並用 <strong>Mattermost - <您的公司名稱></strong> 作為應用程式名稱。</li><li>在 <strong>應用程式密碼</strong> 下,按 <strong>產生新密碼</strong> 並記下用以完成底下的欄位。</li><li>在 <strong>平台</strong> 下,按 <strong>新增平台</strong> 選擇 <strong>Web</strong> 並在 <strong>重新導向 URI</strong> 欄位輸入 <strong><您的—mattermost-網址>/signup/office365/complete</strong> (如:http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete)。同時取消 <strong>允許隱含流程</strong>。</li><li>最後,按下 <strong>儲存</strong> 並完成底下的欄位 <strong>應用程式識別碼</strong> 與 <strong>應用程式密碼</strong>。</li></ol>",
+ "admin.office365.authTitle": "認證端點:",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "當您在 Microsoft 註冊您的應用程式時收到的應用程式/用戶端識別碼。",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdExample": "Ex \"adf3sfa2-ag3f-sn4n-ids0-sh1hdax192qq\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdTitle": "應用程式識別碼:",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretDescription": "當您在 Microsoft 註冊您的應用程式時收到的應用程式密碼。",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretExample": "Ex \"shAieM47sNBfgl20f8ci294\"",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretTitle": "應用程式密碼:",
+ "admin.office365.tokenTitle": "Token 端點:",
+ "admin.office365.userTitle": "使用者 API 端點:",
"admin.password.lowercase": "至少一個小寫英文字母",
"admin.password.minimumLength": "密碼最短長度:",
"admin.password.minimumLengthDescription": "有效密碼所應有的最少字元數目。必須是大於或等於{min}且小於或等於{max}的整數。",
@@ -547,10 +592,10 @@
"admin.service.listenAddress": "監聽位址:",
"admin.service.listenDescription": "設定使用的IP位址與連接埠,輸入\":8065\"將會監聽所有界面的IP位址,或是輸入像\"\"只聽一個IP位址。若變更須重啟伺服器以生效。",
"admin.service.listenExample": "例如:\":8065\"",
- "admin.service.mfaDesc": "若啟用,使用者可選擇將帳號增加多重要素驗證,多重要素驗證需要用智慧型手機與像 Google Authenticator 一樣的認證 app。",
+ "admin.service.mfaDesc": "若啟用,使用者可選擇將帳號增加多重要素驗證,多重要素驗證需要用智慧型手機與像 Google Authenticator 一樣的認證應用程式。",
"admin.service.mfaTitle": "啟用多重要素驗證:",
- "admin.service.mobileSessionDays": "行動裝置 app 的工作階段長度(以天計)",
- "admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "行動工作階段會在指定天數後過期並要求使用者重新登入。",
+ "admin.service.mobileSessionDays": "行動裝置的工作階段長度(以天計):",
+ "admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "從使用者最後一次輸入他們的認證到工作階段過期之間的天數。修改設定之後新的工作階段長度會在下次使用者輸入認證之後開始生效。",
"admin.service.outWebhooksDesc": "啟用時,允許傳出的 Webhook。請參閱<a href='' target='_blank'>文件</a>。",
"admin.service.outWebhooksTitle": "啟用傳出的 Webhook:",
"admin.service.overrideDescription": "啟用時,將允許 Webhook 以及斜線命令修改發文時的使用者名稱。註:此功能跟允許覆蓋圖示並用時有導致釣魚攻擊的可能性。",
@@ -563,19 +608,19 @@
"admin.service.sessionCache": "工作階段快取有效時間(分):",
"admin.service.sessionCacheDesc": "要將工作階段快取在記憶體中多久(分鐘)。",
"admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "例如:\"30\"",
- "admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "GitLab SSO 的工作階段長度(以天計):",
- "admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "GitLab 單一簽入工作階段會在指定天數後過期並要求使用者重新登入。",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "SSO 的工作階段長度(以天計):",
+ "admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "從使用者最後一次輸入他們的認證到工作階段過期之間的天數。如果認證方式是 SAML 或 GitLab 且他們已經登入 SAML 或 GitLab,使用者將會自動再次登入 Mattermost。修改設定之後新的工作階段長度會在下次使用者輸入認證之後開始生效。",
"admin.service.testingDescription": "啟用時,將啟用 /loadtest 斜線命令,該命令會載入測試帳號、資料以及文字格式。修改此項需要重啟伺服器以生效。",
"admin.service.testingTitle": "啟用測試指令:",
- "admin.service.webSessionDays": "電子郵件或 LDAP 認證的工作階段長度(以天計):",
- "admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "電子郵件或 LDAP 工作階段會在指定天數後過期並要求使用者重新登入。",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDays": "LDAP 和電子郵件的工作階段長度(以天計):",
+ "admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "從使用者最後一次輸入他們的認證到工作階段過期之間的天數。修改設定之後新的工作階段長度會在下次使用者輸入認證之後開始生效。",
"admin.service.webhooksDescription": "啟用時,允許傳入的 Webhook。為了避免釣魚攻擊,所有來自 Webhook 的貼文都會被標上 BOT 標籤。請參閱<a href='' target='_blank'>文件</a>。",
"admin.service.webhooksTitle": "啟用傳出的 Webhook:",
"admin.sidebar.addTeamSidebar": "從側邊欄選單加入團隊",
"admin.sidebar.advanced": "進階",
- "admin.sidebar.audits": "合規與審計",
+ "admin.sidebar.audits": "規範與審計",
"admin.sidebar.authentication": "認證",
- "admin.sidebar.compliance": "合規",
+ "admin.sidebar.compliance": "規範",
"admin.sidebar.configuration": "設定",
"admin.sidebar.connections": "連線",
"admin.sidebar.customBrand": "自訂品牌",
@@ -598,6 +643,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.login": "登入",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "記錄",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "通知",
+ "admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.sidebar.other": "其它",
"admin.sidebar.password": "密碼",
"admin.sidebar.policy": "政策",
@@ -651,12 +697,15 @@
"": "隱私政策連結:",
"": "團隊主選單的幫助文件連結。預設連往使用者之間互助的論壇。在那邊可以搜尋跟詢問技術相關的問題。",
"": "回報錯誤連結:",
- "": "電腦跟手機上所看到的服務條款。這欄留空則不會顯示。",
+ "": "連結到使用者使用您的線上服務時的條款。預設情況下這會連到 \"Mattermost 使用條款 (終端使用者)\" 解釋使用者是在怎樣的條款下使用 Mattermost。如果您改變了預設連結以增加您自己的條款,新的條款必須包含連往預設條款的連結以讓使用者知道關於 Mattermost 軟體的使用條款。",
"": "服務條款連結:",
"admin.system_analytics.activeUsers": "有發文的活躍使用者",
"admin.system_analytics.title": "系統",
"admin.system_analytics.totalPosts": "全部發文",
"": "啟動自訂品牌,下面上傳的圖片跟寫下的文字會顯示在登入頁面。",
+ "": "團隊溝通皆在同處,隨時隨地皆可搜尋與存取。",
+ "": "顯示於登入畫面與界面上的服務敘述。",
+ "": "站台敘述",
"": "自訂品牌圖片:",
"": "這自訂品牌的文字將會以 Markdown 格式顯示在登入界面的自訂品牌圖像下方。",
"": "自訂品牌文字:",
@@ -762,7 +811,7 @@
"audit_table.attemptedLogin": "嘗試登入",
"audit_table.attemptedOAuthToken": "嘗試取得 OAuth 存取 Token",
"audit_table.attemptedPassword": "嘗試變更密碼",
- "audit_table.attemptedRegisterApp": "嘗試以ID {id}登記一個新的 OAuth 應用程式",
+ "audit_table.attemptedRegisterApp": "嘗試以 ID {id}登記一個新的 OAuth 應用程式",
"audit_table.attemptedReset": "嘗試重設密碼",
"audit_table.attemptedWebhookCreate": "嘗試建立 Webhook",
"audit_table.attemptedWebhookDelete": "嘗試刪除 Webhook",
@@ -810,7 +859,7 @@
"audit_table.verified": "成功確認您的電子郵件地址",
"authorize.access": "是否允許 <strong>{appName}</strong> 存取?",
"authorize.allow": "允許",
- "": "App <strong>{appName}</strong> 想要能夠存取並修改您的基本資料。",
+ "": "應用程式 <strong>{appName}</strong> 想要能夠存取並修改您的基本資料。",
"authorize.deny": "禁止",
"authorize.title": "一個應用程序想要與您的 {teamName} 帳戶連結",
"": "搜尋",
@@ -1026,8 +1075,8 @@
"emoji_list.creator": "建立者",
"emoji_list.delete": "刪除",
"emoji_list.empty": "沒有自訂顏文字",
- "": "自訂顏文字會對此伺服器上的所有使用者開放,而且會顯示在顏文字自動完成選單當中。其他使用者可能需要重新讀取頁面才會看見新的顏文字。",
- "emoji_list.help2": "Tip: If you add #, ##, or ### as the first character on a new line containing emoji, you can use larger sized emoji. To try it out, send a message such as: '# :smile:'.",
+ "": "自訂顏文字對此伺服器上的所有使用者開放。在訊息輸入框輸入 ':' 會叫出顏文字選單。其他使用者可能需要重新讀取頁面才會看見新的顏文字。",
+ "emoji_list.help2": "提示:如果您增加 #、## 或 ### 作為含有顏文字的新行的第一個字元,您可以使用較大尺寸的顏文字。傳送如 '# :smile:' 的訊息來嘗試此功能。",
"emoji_list.image": "圖片",
"": "名稱",
"": "搜尋自訂顏文字",
@@ -1079,6 +1128,15 @@
"general_tab.teamNameInfo": "設定出現於登入畫面跟側邊欄左上的團隊名稱。",
"general_tab.title": "一般設定",
"general_tab.yes": "是",
+ "get_app.alreadyHaveIt": "已經擁有了?",
+ "get_app.androidAppName": "Mattermost for Android",
+ "get_app.androidHeader": "使用 Android 應用程式時 Mattermost 能有最好的表現",
+ "get_app.continue": "繼續",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowser": "或 {link}",
+ "get_app.continueWithBrowserLink": "繼續使用瀏覽器",
+ "get_app.iosHeader": "使用 iPhone 應用程式時 Mattermost 能有最好的表現",
+ "get_app.mattermostInc": "Mattermost, Inc",
+ "get_app.openMattermost": "開啟 Mattermost",
"get_link.clipboard": " 連結已複製至剪貼簿。",
"get_link.close": "關閉",
"get_link.copy": "複製連結",
@@ -1108,6 +1166,7 @@
"installed_integrations.delete": "刪除",
"installed_integrations.regenToken": "重新產生 Token",
"installed_integrations.token": "Token:{token}",
+ "installed_integrations.triggerWhen": "觸發於:{triggerWhen}",
"installed_integrations.triggerWords": "觸發關鍵字:{triggerWords}",
"installed_integrations.url": "網址:{url}",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.add": "增加傳出的 Webhook",
@@ -1182,6 +1241,7 @@
"login.noPassword": "請輸入密碼",
"login.noUsername": "請輸入您的使用者名稱",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "請輸入您的使用者名稱或 {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.office365": "Office 365",
"login.on": "在 {siteName}",
"login.or": "或",
"login.password": "密碼",
@@ -1237,7 +1297,7 @@
"navbar_dropdown.leave": "離開團隊",
"navbar_dropdown.logout": "登出",
"navbar_dropdown.manageMembers": "會員管理",
- "navbar_dropdown.nativeApps": "Download Native Apps",
+ "navbar_dropdown.nativeApps": "下載原生應用程式",
"": "回報錯誤",
"navbar_dropdown.switchTeam": "切換至 {team}",
"navbar_dropdown.switchTo": "切換至:",
@@ -1284,7 +1344,7 @@
"register_app.clientId": "客戶端ID",
"register_app.clientSecret": "用戶端密碼",
"register_app.close": "關閉",
- "register_app.credentialsDescription": "請將這些保存在安全且機密的地方。請將用戶端 ID 視為您的app的使用者名稱、用戶端密碼視為密碼一樣對待。",
+ "register_app.credentialsDescription": "請將這些保存在安全且機密的地方。請將用戶端 ID 視為您的應用程式的使用者名稱、用戶端密碼視為密碼一樣對待。",
"register_app.credentialsSave": "已經將用戶端 ID 與密碼保存在安全的地方",
"register_app.credentialsTitle": "您的應用程式認證",
"register_app.description": "描述",
@@ -1367,7 +1427,7 @@
"sidebar_right_menu.inviteNew": "邀請新成員",
"sidebar_right_menu.logout": "登出",
"sidebar_right_menu.manageMembers": "成員管理",
- "sidebar_right_menu.nativeApps": "Download Native App",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.nativeApps": "下載原生應用程式",
"sidebar_right_menu.recentMentions": "最近提及",
"": "回報錯誤",
"sidebar_right_menu.switch_team": "選擇團隊",
@@ -1400,6 +1460,7 @@
"signup_user_completed.lets": "讓我們來建立您的帳號",
"signup_user_completed.no_open_server": "此伺服器不開放註冊。請聯絡管理員索要邀請。",
"signup_user_completed.none": "沒有啟用的使用者建立方式。請聯絡系統管理員。",
+ "signup_user_completed.office365": "使用 Office 365",
"signup_user_completed.onSite": "於{siteName}",
"signup_user_completed.or": "或",
"signup_user_completed.passwordLength": "請至少輸入{min}個字",
@@ -1467,8 +1528,8 @@
"tutorial_intro.allSet": "準備就緒",
"tutorial_intro.end": "按\"下一步\"來進入{channel}。這是團隊成員註冊之後第一個頻道。善用此處張貼所有人都需要知道的更新事項。",
"tutorial_intro.invite": "邀請團隊成員",
- "tutorial_intro.mobileApps": "Install the apps for {link} for easy access and notifications on the go.",
- "tutorial_intro.mobileAppsLinkText": "PC, Mac, iOS and Android",
+ "tutorial_intro.mobileApps": "安裝 {link} 上的應用程式以便在行進間存取並接收通知。",
+ "tutorial_intro.mobileAppsLinkText": "PC, Mac, iOS 與 Android",
"": "下一步",
"tutorial_intro.screenOne": "<h3>歡迎來到:</h3><h1>Mattermost</h1><p>您團隊的溝通將可集中在一處、即時可搜尋並隨地都能取用</p><p>讓團隊連結在一起,達成重要的任務。</p>",
"tutorial_intro.screenTwo": "<h3>如何運用Mattermost:</h3><p>利用公開頻道、私人群組以及直接訊息來相互溝通。</p><p>所有的內容都會被記錄下來並且可以經由任何可以瀏覽網站的桌機、筆電或手機來搜尋。</p>",
@@ -1563,12 +1624,14 @@
"user.settings.general.confirmEmail": "電子郵件地址確認",
"": "電子郵件地址",
"user.settings.general.emailGitlabCantUpdate": "經由 GitLab 登入。無法變更電子郵件地址。通知將會寄送到 {email}。",
+ "user.settings.general.emailGoogleCantUpdate": "經由 Google 登入。無法變更電子郵件地址。通知將會寄送到 {email}。",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp1": "電子郵件地址將會用在登入、通知跟重置密碼。更改時需要重新驗證。",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp2": "您的系統管理員已停用電子郵件。在被啟用之前將不會有通知郵件寄出。",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp3": "電子郵件地址將會用在登入、通知跟重置密碼。",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp4": "驗證用電子郵件已寄出到 {email} 。",
"user.settings.general.emailLdapCantUpdate": "經由 LDAP 登入。無法變更電子郵件地址。通知將會寄送到 {email}。",
"user.settings.general.emailMatch": "您輸入的新電子郵件地址不一致。",
+ "user.settings.general.emailOffice365CantUpdate": "經由 Office 365 登入。無法變更電子郵件地址。通知將會寄送到 {email}。",
"user.settings.general.emailSamlCantUpdate": "經由 SAML 登入。無法變更電子郵件地址。通知將會寄送到 {email}。",
"user.settings.general.emailUnchanged": "您的新電子郵件地址跟舊的一樣。",
"user.settings.general.emptyName": "按'編輯'以增加您的全名",
@@ -1580,7 +1643,9 @@
"user.settings.general.imageUpdated": "圖像最新更新於 {date}",
"user.settings.general.lastName": "姓氏",
"user.settings.general.loginGitlab": "已經由 GitLab 登入 ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginGoogle": "已經由 Google 登入 ({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginLdap": "已經由 LDAP 登入 ({email})",
+ "user.settings.general.loginOffice365": "已經由 Office 365 登入 ({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginSaml": "已經由 SAML 登入 ({email})",
"user.settings.general.newAddress": "新電子郵件地址:{email}<br />請檢查您的電子郵件信箱以驗證上面的地址。",
"user.settings.general.nickname": "匿稱",
@@ -1605,7 +1670,7 @@
"user.settings.languages.change": "變更介面語言",
"user.settings.mfa.add": "為您的帳號加上多重要素驗證",
"user.settings.mfa.addHelp": "在密碼之上您還可以要求使用智慧型手機所產生的代碼來登入 Mattermost。<br/><br/>若要啟用,請從<a target='_blank' href=''>iTunes</a>或<a target='_blank' href=''>Google Play</a>下載 Google Authenticator。<br/><br/>1. 按上面的<strong>為您的帳號加上多重要素驗證</strong>。<br/>2. 用 Google Authenticator 掃描出來的 QR 碼。<br/>3. 輸入 Google Authenticator 產生的 Token 並點擊<strong>儲存</strong>。<br/><br/>登入時,除了您原本的認證以外還會被要求輸入來自 Google Authenticator 的 Token。",
- "user.settings.mfa.addHelpQr": "請用您的智慧型手機上的 Google Authenticator app 掃描條碼,並將 app 提供的 Token 填寫於此。",
+ "user.settings.mfa.addHelpQr": "請用您的智慧型手機上的 Google Authenticator 應用程式掃描條碼,並將應用程式提供的 Token 填寫於此。",
"user.settings.mfa.enterToken": "Token (僅限數字)",
"user.settings.mfa.qrCode": "條碼",
"user.settings.mfa.remove": "從您的帳號移除多重要素驗證",
@@ -1659,7 +1724,8 @@
"": "目前的密碼",
"": "請輸入您原先的密碼",
"": "電子郵件跟密碼",
- "": "GitLab SSO",
+ "": "GitLab",
+ "": "Google",
"": "最後一次更新於 {date} {time}",
"": "LDAP",
"": "已經由 GitLab 登入",
@@ -1667,6 +1733,7 @@
"": "觀看並登出使用中的工作階段",
"": "登入方式",
"": "新密碼",
+ "": "Office 365",
"": "同時間只能只用一種登入方式。如果更換登入方式成功,將會寄送通知信給您。",
"": "密碼",
"": "您的密碼最短必須有{min}個字元。",
@@ -1695,6 +1762,7 @@
"": "改為使用 GitLab SSO",
"": "改為使用 Google SSO",
"": "改為使用 LDAP",
+ "": "改為使用 Office 365 SSO",
"": "改為使用 SAML SSO",
"": "安全性設定",
"": "檢視存取紀錄",
@@ -1708,6 +1776,6 @@
"web.footer.privacy": "隱私",
"web.footer.terms": "條款",
"web.header.back": "返回",
- "web.root.singup_info": "團隊溝通皆在同處,隨時隨地皆可搜尋與存取。",
+ "web.root.signup_info": "團隊溝通皆在同處,隨時隨地皆可搜尋與存取。",
"youtube_video.notFound": "找不到影片"