From 16505ffe94ef09102e2bd1ecdca72541c2d85ae6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =Corey Hulen Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2015 12:21:47 -0400 Subject: updating make --- .../ | 1469 -------------------- 1 file changed, 1469 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 Godeps/_workspace/src/ (limited to 'Godeps/_workspace/src/') diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/ deleted file mode 100644 index 154881f38..000000000 --- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1469 +0,0 @@ -// A facebook graph api client in go. -// -// -// Copyright 2012 - 2015, Huan Du -// Licensed under the MIT license -// - -package facebook - -import ( - "bytes" - "encoding/base64" - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "testing" - "time" -) - -const ( - FB_TEST_APP_ID = "169186383097898" - FB_TEST_APP_SECRET = "b2e4262c306caa3c7f5215d2d099b319" - - // remeber to change it to a valid token to run test - //FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN = "CAACZA38ZAD8CoBAFCaVgLBNdz0RrH45yUBUA95exI1FY5i4mZBY5iULfM3YEpS53nP6eSF4cf3nmoiePHvMkdSZApkxu1heAupW7OE8tmiySRZAYkZBZBvhveCZCgPaJlFovlI0ZAhWdWTLxxmJaZCKDG0B8n9VGEvcN3zoS1AHjokSz4aNos39xthp7XtAz9X3NRvp1qU4UTOlxK8IJOC1ApAMmvcEE0kWvgZD" - FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN = "" - - // remember to change it to a valid signed request to run test - //FB_TEST_VALID_SIGNED_REQUEST = "ZAxP-ILRQBOwKKxCBMNlGmVraiowV7WFNg761OYBNGc.eyJhbGdvcml0aG0iOiJITUFDLVNIQTI1NiIsImV4cGlyZXMiOjEzNDM0OTg0MDAsImlzc3VlZF9hdCI6MTM0MzQ5MzI2NSwib2F1dGhfdG9rZW4iOiJBQUFDWkEzOFpBRDhDb0JBRFpCcmZ5TFpDanBNUVczdThVTWZmRldSWkNpZGw5Tkx4a1BsY2tTcXZaQnpzTW9OWkF2bVk2RUd2NG1hUUFaQ0t2VlpBWkJ5VXA5a0FCU2x6THFJejlvZTdOdHBzdzhyQVpEWkQiLCJ1c2VyIjp7ImNvdW50cnkiOiJ1cyIsImxvY2FsZSI6ImVuX1VTIiwiYWdlIjp7Im1pbiI6MjF9fSwidXNlcl9pZCI6IjUzODc0NDQ2OCJ9" - FB_TEST_VALID_SIGNED_REQUEST = "" - - // test binary file base64 value - FB_TEST_BINARY_JPG_FILE = "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASABIAAD/4gv4SUNDX1BST0ZJTEUAAQEAAAvoAAAAAAIAAABtbnRy" + - "UkdCIFhZWiAH2QADABsAFQAkAB9hY3NwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAA" + - "9tYAAQAAAADTLQAAAAAp+D3er/JVrnhC+uTKgzkNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" + - "AAAAAAAAABBkZXNjAAABRAAAAHliWFlaAAABwAAAABRiVFJDAAAB1AAACAxkbWRkAAAJ4AAA" + - "AIhnWFlaAAAKaAAAABRnVFJDAAAB1AAACAxsdW1pAAAKfAAAABRtZWFzAAAKkAAAACRia3B0" + - 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Int32 int32 - Int64 int64 - Uint uint - Uint8 uint8 - Uint16 uint16 - Uint32 uint32 - Uint64 uint64 - Float32 float32 - Float64 float64 - String string - ArrayOfInt []int - MapOfString map[string]string - NestedStruct *NestedStruct -} - -type NestedStruct struct { - Int int - String string - ArrayOfString []string -} - -type ParamsStruct struct { - Foo string - Bar *ParamsNestedStruct -} - -type ParamsNestedStruct struct { - AAA int - BBB string - CCC bool -} - -type FieldTagStruct struct { - Field1 string `facebook:"field2"` - Required string `facebook:",required"` - Foo string `facebook:"bar,required"` - CanAbsent string -} - -type MessageTag struct { - Id string - Name string - Type string -} - -type MessageTags map[string][]*MessageTag - -type NullStruct struct { - Null *int -} - -func TestApiGetUserInfoV2(t *testing.T) { - Version = "v2.2" - defer func() { - Version = "" - }() - - // It's not allowed to get user info by name. So I get "me" with access token instead. - if FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN != "" { - me, err := Api("me", GET, Params{ - "access_token": FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN, - }) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot get my info. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if e := me.Err(); e != nil { - t.Fatalf("facebook returns error. [e:%v]", e) - } - - t.Logf("my info. %v", me) - } -} - -func TestBatchApiGetInfo(t *testing.T) { - if FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN == "" { - t.Skipf("cannot call batch api without access token. skip this test.") - } - - verifyBatchResult := func(t *testing.T, index int, res Result) { - batch, err := res.Batch() - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot parse batch api results[%v]. [e:%v] [result:%v]", index, err, res) - } - - if batch.StatusCode != 200 { - t.Fatalf("facebook returns unexpected http status code in results[%v]. [code:%v] [result:%v]", index, batch.StatusCode, res) - } - - contentType := batch.Header.Get("Content-Type") - - if contentType == "" { - t.Fatalf("facebook returns unexpected http header in results[%v]. [header:%v]", index, batch.Header) - } - - if batch.Body == "" { - t.Fatalf("facebook returns unexpected http body in results[%v]. [body:%v]", index, batch.Body) - } - - var id string - err = batch.Result.DecodeField("id", &id) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot get 'id' field in results[%v]. [result:%v]", index, res) - } - - if id == "" { - t.Fatalf("facebook should return account id in results[%v].", index) - } - } - - test := func(t *testing.T) { - params1 := Params{ - "method": GET, - "relative_url": "me", - } - params2 := Params{ - "method": GET, - "relative_url": uint64(100002828925788), // id of my another facebook account - } - - results, err := BatchApi(FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN, params1, params2) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot get batch result. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if len(results) != 2 { - t.Fatalf("batch api should return results in an array with 2 entries. [len:%v]", len(results)) - } - - if Version == "" { - t.Log("use default facebook version.") - } else { - t.Logf("global facebook version: %v", Version) - } - - for index, result := range results { - verifyBatchResult(t, index, result) - } - } - - // Use default Version. - Version = "" - test(t) - - // User "v2.2". - Version = "v2.2" - defer func() { - Version = "" - }() - test(t) - - // when providing an invalid access token, BatchApi should return a facebook error. - _, err := BatchApi("an_invalid_access_token", Params{ - "method": GET, - "relative_url": "me", - }) - - if err == nil { - t.Fatalf("expect an error when providing an invalid access token to BatchApi.") - } - - if _, ok := err.(*Error); !ok { - t.Fatalf("batch result error must be an *Error. [e:%v]", err) - } -} - -func TestApiParseSignedRequest(t *testing.T) { - if FB_TEST_VALID_SIGNED_REQUEST == "" { - t.Logf("skip this case as we don't have a valid signed request.") - return - } - - app := New(FB_TEST_APP_ID, FB_TEST_APP_SECRET) - res, err := app.ParseSignedRequest(FB_TEST_VALID_SIGNED_REQUEST) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot parse signed request. [e:%v]", err) - } - - t.Logf("signed request is '%v'.", res) -} - -func TestSession(t *testing.T) { - if FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN == "" { - t.Skipf("skip this case as we don't have a valid access token.") - } - - session := &Session{} - session.SetAccessToken(FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN) - - test := func(t *testing.T, session *Session) { - id, err := session.User() - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot get current user id. [e:%v]", err) - } - - t.Logf("current user id is %v", id) - - result, e := session.Api("/me", GET, Params{ - "fields": "id,email,website", - }) - - if e != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot get my extended info. [e:%v]", e) - } - - if Version == "" { - t.Log("use default facebook version.") - } else { - t.Logf("global facebook version: %v", Version) - } - - if session.Version == "" { - t.Log("use default session facebook version.") - } else { - t.Logf("session facebook version: %v", session.Version) - } - - t.Logf("my extended info is: %v", result) - } - - // Default version. - test(t, session) - - // Global version overwrite default session version. - func() { - Version = "v2.2" - defer func() { - Version = "" - }() - - test(t, session) - }() - - // Session version overwrite default version. - func() { - Version = "vx.y" // an invalid version. - session.Version = "v2.2" - defer func() { - Version = "" - }() - - test(t, session) - }() - - // Session with appsecret proof enabled. - if FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN != "" { - app := New(FB_TEST_APP_ID, FB_TEST_APP_SECRET) - app.EnableAppsecretProof = true - session := app.Session(FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN) - - _, e := session.Api("/me", GET, Params{ - "fields": "id", - }) - - if e != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot get my info with proof. [e:%v]", e) - } - } -} - -func TestUploadingBinary(t *testing.T) { - if FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN == "" { - t.Skipf("skip this case as we don't have a valid access token.") - } - - buf := bytes.NewBufferString(FB_TEST_BINARY_JPG_FILE) - reader := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, buf) - - session := &Session{} - session.SetAccessToken(FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN) - - result, e := session.Api("/me/photos", POST, Params{ - "message": "Test photo from", - "source": Data("my_profile.jpg", reader), - }) - - if e != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot create photo on my timeline. [e:%v]", e) - } - - var id string - e = result.DecodeField("id", &id) - - if e != nil { - t.Fatalf("facebook should return photo id on success. [e:%v]", e) - } - - t.Logf("newly created photo id is %v", id) -} - -func TestUploadBinaryWithBatch(t *testing.T) { - if FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN == "" { - t.Skipf("skip this case as we don't have a valid access token.") - } - - buf1 := bytes.NewBufferString(FB_TEST_BINARY_JPG_FILE) - reader1 := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, buf1) - buf2 := bytes.NewBufferString(FB_TEST_BINARY_JPG_FILE) - reader2 := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, buf2) - - session := &Session{} - session.SetAccessToken(FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN) - - // sample comes from facebook batch api sample. - // - // - // curl - // -F 'access_token=…' \ - // -F 'batch=[{"method":"POST","relative_url":"me/photos","body":"message=My cat photo","attached_files":"file1"},{"method":"POST","relative_url":"me/photos","body":"message=My dog photo","attached_files":"file2"},]' \ - // -F 'file1=@cat.gif' \ - // -F 'file2=@dog.jpg' \ - // - result, e := session.Batch(Params{ - "file1": Data("cat.jpg", reader1), - "file2": Data("dog.jpg", reader2), - }, Params{ - "method": POST, - "relative_url": "me/photos", - "body": "message=My cat photo", - "attached_files": "file1", - }, Params{ - "method": POST, - "relative_url": "me/photos", - "body": "message=My dog photo", - "attached_files": "file2", - }) - - if e != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot create photo on my timeline. [e:%v]", e) - } - - t.Logf("batch call result. [result:%v]", result) -} - -func TestSimpleFQL(t *testing.T) { - defer func() { - Version = "" - }() - - test := func(t *testing.T, session *Session) { - me, err := session.FQL("SELECT name FROM user WHERE uid = 538744468") - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot get my info. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if len(me) != 1 { - t.Fatalf("expect to get only 1 result. [len:%v]", len(me)) - } - - t.Logf("my name. %v", me[0]["name"]) - } - - // v2.2 api doesn't allow me to query user without access token. - if FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN == "" { - return - } - - Version = "v2.2" - session := &Session{} - session.SetAccessToken(FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN) - test(t, session) -} - -func TestMultiFQL(t *testing.T) { - defer func() { - Version = "" - }() - - test := func(t *testing.T, session *Session) { - res, err := session.MultiFQL(Params{ - "query1": "SELECT username FROM page WHERE page_id = 20531316728", - "query2": "SELECT uid FROM user WHERE uid = 538744468", - }) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot get my info. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if err = res.Err(); err != nil { - t.Fatalf("fail to parse facebook api error. [e:%v]", err) - } - - var query1, query2 []Result - - err = res.DecodeField("query1", &query1) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot get result of query1. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if len(query1) != 1 { - t.Fatalf("expect to get only 1 result in query1. [len:%v]", len(query1)) - } - - err = res.DecodeField("query2", &query2) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot get result of query2. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if len(query2) != 1 { - t.Fatalf("expect to get only 1 result in query2. [len:%v]", len(query2)) - } - - var username string - var uid string - - err = query1[0].DecodeField("username", &username) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode username from query1. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if username != "facebook" { - t.Fatalf("username is expected to be 'facebook'. [username:%v]", username) - } - - err = query2[0].DecodeField("uid", &uid) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode username from query2. [e:%v] [query2:%v]", err, query2) - } - - if uid != "538744468" { - t.Fatalf("username is expected to be 'facebook'. [username:%v]", username) - } - } - - // v2.2 api doesn't allow me to query user without access token. - if FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN == "" { - return - } - - Version = "v2.2" - session := &Session{} - session.SetAccessToken(FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN) - test(t, session) -} - -func TestGraphDebuggingAPI(t *testing.T) { - if FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN == "" { - t.Skipf("cannot call batch api without access token. skip this test.") - } - - test := func(t *testing.T, session *Session) { - session.SetAccessToken(FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN) - defer session.SetAccessToken("") - - // test app must not grant "read_friendlists" permission. - // otherwise there is no way to get a warning from facebook. - res, _ := session.Get("/me/friendlists", nil) - - if res == nil { - t.Fatalf("res must not be nil.") - } - - debugInfo := res.DebugInfo() - - if debugInfo == nil { - t.Fatalf("debug info must exist.") - } - - t.Logf("facebook response is: %v", res) - t.Logf("debug info is: %v", *debugInfo) - - if debugInfo.Messages == nil && len(debugInfo.Messages) > 0 { - t.Fatalf("facebook must warn me for the permission issue.") - } - - msg := debugInfo.Messages[0] - - if msg.Type == "" || msg.Message == "" { - t.Fatalf("facebook must say something. [msg:%v]", msg) - } - - if debugInfo.FacebookApiVersion == "" { - t.Fatalf("facebook must tell me api version.") - } - - if debugInfo.FacebookDebug == "" { - t.Fatalf("facebook must tell me X-FB-Debug.") - } - - if debugInfo.FacebookRev == "" { - t.Fatalf("facebook must tell me x-fb-rev.") - } - } - - defer func() { - Debug = DEBUG_OFF - Version = "" - }() - - Version = "v2.2" - Debug = DEBUG_ALL - test(t, defaultSession) - session := &Session{} - session.SetDebug(DEBUG_ALL) - test(t, session) - - // test changing debug mode. - old := session.SetDebug(DEBUG_OFF) - - if old != DEBUG_ALL { - t.Fatalf("debug mode must be DEBUG_ALL. [debug:%v]", old) - } - - if session.Debug() != DEBUG_ALL { - t.Fatalf("debug mode must be DEBUG_ALL [debug:%v]", session.Debug()) - } - - Debug = DEBUG_OFF - - if session.Debug() != DEBUG_OFF { - t.Fatalf("debug mode must be DEBUG_OFF. [debug:%v]", session.Debug()) - } -} - -func TestResultDecode(t *testing.T) { - strNormal := `{ - "int": 1234, - "int8": 23, - "int16": 12345, - "int32": -127372843, - "int64": 192438483489298, - "uint": 1283829, - "uint8": 233, - "uint16": 62121, - "uint32": 3083747392, - "uint64": 2034857382993849, - "float32": 9382.38429, - "float64": 3984.293848292, - "map_of_string": {"a": "1", "b": "2"}, - "array_of_int": [12, 34, 56], - "string": "abcd", - "notused": 1234, - "nested_struct": { - "string": "hello", - "int": 123, - "array_of_string": ["a", "b", "c"] - } - }` - strOverflow := `{ - "int": 1234, - "int8": 23, - "int16": 12345, - "int32": -127372843, - "int64": 192438483489298, - "uint": 1283829, - "uint8": 233, - "uint16": 62121, - "uint32": 383083747392, - "uint64": 2034857382993849, - "float32": 9382.38429, - "float64": 3984.293848292, - "string": "abcd", - "map_of_string": {"a": "1", "b": "2"}, - "array_of_int": [12, 34, 56], - "string": "abcd", - "notused": 1234, - "nested_struct": { - "string": "hello", - "int": 123, - "array_of_string": ["a", "b", "c"] - } - }` - strMissAField := `{ - "int": 1234, - "int8": 23, - "int16": 12345, - "int32": -127372843, - - "missed": "int64", - - "uint": 1283829, - "uint8": 233, - "uint16": 62121, - "uint32": 383083747392, - "uint64": 2034857382993849, - "float32": 9382.38429, - "float64": 3984.293848292, - "string": "abcd", - "map_of_string": {"a": "1", "b": "2"}, - "array_of_int": [12, 34, 56], - "string": "abcd", - "notused": 1234, - "nested_struct": { - "string": "hello", - "int": 123, - "array_of_string": ["a", "b", "c"] - } - }` - var result Result - var err error - var normal, withError AllTypes - var anInt int - - err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(strNormal), &result) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot unmarshal json string. [e:%v]", err) - } - - err = result.Decode(&normal) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode normal struct. [e:%v]", err) - } - - err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(strOverflow), &result) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot unmarshal json string. [e:%v]", err) - } - - err = result.Decode(&withError) - - if err == nil { - t.Fatalf("struct should be overflow") - } - - t.Logf("overflow struct. e:%v", err) - - err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(strMissAField), &result) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot unmarshal json string. [e:%v]", err) - } - - err = result.Decode(&withError) - - if err == nil { - t.Fatalf("a field in struct should absent in json map.") - } - - t.Logf("miss-a-field struct. e:%v", err) - - err = result.DecodeField("array_of_int.2", &anInt) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode array item. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if anInt != 56 { - t.Fatalf("invalid array value. expected 56, actual %v", anInt) - } - - err = result.DecodeField("", &anInt) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode nested struct item. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if anInt != 123 { - t.Fatalf("invalid array value. expected 123, actual %v", anInt) - } -} - -func TestParamsEncode(t *testing.T) { - var params Params - buf := &bytes.Buffer{} - - if mime, err := params.Encode(buf); err != nil || mime != _MIME_FORM_URLENCODED || buf.Len() != 0 { - t.Fatalf("empty params must encode to an empty string. actual is [e:%v] [str:%v] [mime:%v]", err, buf.String(), mime) - } - - buf.Reset() - params = Params{} - params["need_escape"] = "&=+" - expectedEncoding := "need_escape=%26%3D%2B" - - if mime, err := params.Encode(buf); err != nil || mime != _MIME_FORM_URLENCODED || buf.String() != expectedEncoding { - t.Fatalf("wrong params encode result. expected is '%v'. actual is '%v'. [e:%v] [mime:%v]", expectedEncoding, buf.String(), err, mime) - } - - buf.Reset() - data := ParamsStruct{ - Foo: "hello, world!", - Bar: &ParamsNestedStruct{ - AAA: 1234, - BBB: "bbb", - CCC: true, - }, - } - params = MakeParams(data) - /* there is no easy way to compare two encoded maps. so i just write expect map here, not test it. - expectedParams := Params{ - "foo": "hello, world!", - "bar": map[string]interface{}{ - "aaa": 1234, - "bbb": "bbb", - "ccc": true, - }, - } - */ - - if params == nil { - t.Fatalf("make params error.") - } - - mime, err := params.Encode(buf) - t.Logf("complex encode result is '%v'. [e:%v] [mime:%v]", buf.String(), err, mime) -} - -func TestStructFieldTag(t *testing.T) { - strNormalField := `{ - "field2": "hey", - "required": "my", - "bar": "dear" - }` - strMissingField2Field := `{ - "field1": "hey", - "required": "my", - "bar": "dear" - }` - strMissingRequiredField := `{ - "field1": "hey", - "bar": "dear", - "can_absent": "babe" - }` - strMissingBarField := `{ - "field1": "hey", - "required": "my" - }` - - var result Result - var value FieldTagStruct - var err error - - err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(strNormalField), &result) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot unmarshal json string. [e:%v]", err) - } - - err = result.Decode(&value) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode struct. [e:%v]", err) - } - - result = Result{} - value = FieldTagStruct{} - err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(strMissingField2Field), &result) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot unmarshal json string. [e:%v]", err) - } - - err = result.Decode(&value) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode struct. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if value.Field1 != "" { - t.Fatalf("value field1 should be kept unchanged. [field1:%v]", value.Field1) - } - - result = Result{} - value = FieldTagStruct{} - err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(strMissingRequiredField), &result) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot unmarshal json string. [e:%v]", err) - } - - err = result.Decode(&value) - - if err == nil { - t.Fatalf("should fail to decode struct.") - } - - t.Logf("expected decode error. [e:%v]", err) - - result = Result{} - value = FieldTagStruct{} - err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(strMissingBarField), &result) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot unmarshal json string. [e:%v]", err) - } - - err = result.Decode(&value) - - if err == nil { - t.Fatalf("should fail to decode struct.") - } - - t.Logf("expected decode error. [e:%v]", err) -} - -type myTime time.Time - -func TestDecodeField(t *testing.T) { - jsonStr := `{ - "int": 1234, - "array": ["abcd", "efgh"], - "map": { - "key1": 5678, - "nested_map": { - "key2": "ijkl", - "key3": [{ - "key4": "mnop" - }, { - "key5": 9012 - }] - } - }, - "message_tags": { - "2": [ - { - "id": "4838901", - "name": "Foo Bar", - "type": "page" - }, - { - "id": "293450302", - "name": "Player Rocks", - "type": "page" - } - ] - }, - "nullStruct": { - "null": null - }, - "timestamp": "2015-01-03T11:15:01+0000", - "custom_timestamp": "2014-03-04T11:15:01+0000" - }` - - var result Result - var err error - var anInt int - var aString string - var aSlice []string - var subResults []Result - var aNull NullStruct = NullStruct{ - Null: &anInt, - } - var aTimestamp time.Time - var aCustomTimestamp myTime - - err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonStr), &result) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("invalid json string. [e:%v]", err) - } - - err = result.DecodeField("int", &anInt) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode int field. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if anInt != 1234 { - t.Fatalf("expected int value is 1234. [int:%v]", anInt) - } - - err = result.DecodeField("array.0", &aString) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode array.0 field. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if aString != "abcd" { - t.Fatalf("expected array.0 value is 'abcd'. [string:%v]", aString) - } - - err = result.DecodeField("array.1", &aString) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode array.1 field. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if aString != "efgh" { - t.Fatalf("expected array.1 value is 'abcd'. [string:%v]", aString) - } - - err = result.DecodeField("array.2", &aString) - - if err == nil { - t.Fatalf("array.2 doesn't exist. expect an error.") - } - - err = result.DecodeField("map.key1", &anInt) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode map.key1 field. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if anInt != 5678 { - t.Fatalf("expected map.key1 value is 5678. [int:%v]", anInt) - } - - err = result.DecodeField("map.nested_map.key2", &aString) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode map.nested_map.key2 field. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if aString != "ijkl" { - t.Fatalf("expected map.nested_map.key2 value is 'ijkl'. [string:%v]", aString) - } - - err = result.DecodeField("array", &aSlice) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode array field. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if len(aSlice) != 2 || aSlice[0] != "abcd" || aSlice[1] != "efgh" { - t.Fatalf("expected array value is ['abcd', 'efgh']. [slice:%v]", aSlice) - } - - err = result.DecodeField("map.nested_map.key3", &subResults) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode map.nested_map.key3 field. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if len(subResults) != 2 { - t.Fatalf("expected sub results len is 2. [len:%v] [results:%v]", subResults) - } - - err = subResults[0].DecodeField("key4", &aString) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode key4 field in sub result. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if aString != "mnop" { - t.Fatalf("expected map.nested_map.key2 value is 'mnop'. [string:%v]", aString) - } - - err = subResults[1].DecodeField("key5", &anInt) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode key5 field. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if anInt != 9012 { - t.Fatalf("expected key5 value is 9012. [int:%v]", anInt) - } - - err = result.DecodeField("", &aString) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode field. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if aString != "4838901" { - t.Fatalf("expected value is '4838901'. [string:%v]", aString) - } - - var messageTags MessageTags - err = result.DecodeField("message_tags", &messageTags) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode message_tags field. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if len(messageTags) != 1 { - t.Fatalf("expect messageTags have only 1 element. [len:%v]", len(messageTags)) - } - - aString = messageTags["2"][1].Id - - if aString != "293450302" { - t.Fatalf("expect value is '293450302'. [value:%v]", aString) - } - - err = result.DecodeField("nullStruct", &aNull) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode nullStruct field. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if aNull.Null != nil { - t.Fatalf("expect aNull.Null is reset to nil.") - } - - err = result.DecodeField("timestamp", &aTimestamp) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode timestamp field. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if !aTimestamp.Equal(time.Date(2015, time.January, 3, 11, 15, 1, 0, time.FixedZone("no-offset", 0))) { - t.Fatalf("expect aTimestamp date to be 2015-01-03 11:15:01 +0000 [value:%v]", aTimestamp.String()) - } - - err = result.DecodeField("custom_timestamp", &aCustomTimestamp) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode custom_timestamp field. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if !time.Time(aCustomTimestamp).Equal(time.Date(2014, time.March, 4, 11, 15, 1, 0, time.FixedZone("no-offset", 0))) { - t.Fatalf("expect aCustomTimestamp date to be 2014-03-04 11:15:01 +0000 [value:%v]", time.Time(aCustomTimestamp).String()) - } -} - -func TestGraphError(t *testing.T) { - res, err := Get("/me", Params{ - "access_token": "fake", - }) - - if err == nil { - t.Fatalf("facebook should return error for bad access token. [res:%v]", res) - } - - fbErr, ok := err.(*Error) - - if !ok { - t.Fatalf("error must be a *Error. [e:%v]", err) - } - - t.Logf("facebook error. [e:%v] [message:%v] [type:%v] [code:%v] [subcode:%v]", err, fbErr.Message, fbErr.Type, fbErr.Code, fbErr.ErrorSubcode) -} - -type FacebookFriend struct { - Id string `facebook:",required"` - Name string `facebook:",required"` -} - -type FacebookFriends struct { - Friends []FacebookFriend `facebook:"data,required"` -} - -func TestPagingResultDecode(t *testing.T) { - res := Result{ - "data": []interface{}{ - map[string]interface{}{ - "name": "friend 1", - "id": "1", - }, - map[string]interface{}{ - "name": "friend 2", - "id": "2", - }, - }, - "paging": map[string]interface{}{ - "next": "", - }, - } - paging, err := newPagingResult(nil, res) - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot create paging result. [e:%v]", err) - } - var friends FacebookFriends - if err := paging.Decode(&friends); err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode paging result. [e:%v]", err) - } - if len(friends.Friends) != 2 { - t.Fatalf("expect to have 2 friends. [len:%v]", len(friends.Friends)) - } - if friends.Friends[0].Name != "friend 1" { - t.Fatalf("expect name to be 'friend 1'. [name:%v]", friends.Friends[0].Name) - } - if friends.Friends[0].Id != "1" { - t.Fatalf("expect id to be '1'. [id:%v]", friends.Friends[0].Id) - } - if friends.Friends[1].Name != "friend 2" { - t.Fatalf("expect name to be 'friend 2'. [name:%v]", friends.Friends[1].Name) - } - if friends.Friends[1].Id != "2" { - t.Fatalf("expect id to be '2'. [id:%v]", friends.Friends[1].Id) - } -} - -func TestPagingResult(t *testing.T) { - if FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN == "" { - t.Skipf("skip this case as we don't have a valid access token.") - } - - session := &Session{} - session.SetAccessToken(FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN) - res, err := session.Get("/me/home", Params{ - "limit": 2, - }) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot get my home post. [e:%v]", err) - } - - paging, err := res.Paging(session) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot get paging information. [e:%v]", err) - } - - data := paging.Data() - - if len(data) != 2 { - t.Fatalf("expect to have only 2 post. [len:%v]", len(data)) - } - - t.Logf("result: %v", res) - t.Logf("previous: %v", paging.previous) - - noMore, err := paging.Previous() - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot get paging information. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if !noMore { - t.Fatalf("should have no more post. %v", *paging.paging.Paging) - } - - noMore, err = paging.Next() - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot get paging information. [e:%v]", err) - } - - data = paging.Data() - - if len(data) != 2 { - t.Fatalf("expect to have only 2 post. [len:%v]", len(data)) - } - - noMore, err = paging.Next() - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot get paging information. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if len(paging.Data()) != 2 { - t.Fatalf("expect to have only 2 post. [len:%v]", len(paging.Data())) - } -} - -func TestDecodeLargeInteger(t *testing.T) { - bigIntegers := []int64{ - 1<<53 - 2, - 1<<53 - 1, - 1 << 53, - 1<<53 + 1, - 1<<53 + 2, - - 1<<54 - 2, - 1<<54 - 1, - 1 << 54, - 1<<54 + 1, - 1<<54 + 2, - - 1<<60 - 2, - 1<<60 - 1, - 1 << 60, - 1<<60 + 1, - 1<<60 + 2, - - 1<<63 - 2, - 1<<63 - 1, - - -(1<<53 - 2), - -(1<<53 - 1), - -(1 << 53), - -(1<<53 + 1), - -(1<<53 + 2), - - -(1<<54 - 2), - -(1<<54 - 1), - -(1 << 54), - -(1<<54 + 1), - -(1<<54 + 2), - - -(1<<60 - 2), - -(1<<60 - 1), - -(1 << 60), - -(1<<60 + 1), - -(1<<60 + 2), - - -(1<<53 - 2), - -(1<<63 - 1), - -(1 << 63), - } - jsonStr := `{ - "integers": [%v] - }` - - buf := &bytes.Buffer{} - - for _, v := range bigIntegers { - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)) - buf.WriteRune(',') - } - - buf.WriteRune('0') - json := fmt.Sprintf(jsonStr, buf.String()) - - res, err := MakeResult([]byte(json)) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot make result on test json string. [e:%v]", err) - } - - var actualIntegers []int64 - err = res.DecodeField("integers", &actualIntegers) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot decode integers from json. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if len(actualIntegers) != len(bigIntegers)+1 { - t.Fatalf("count of decoded integers is not correct. [expected:%v] [actual:%v]", len(bigIntegers)+1, len(actualIntegers)) - } - - for k, _ := range bigIntegers { - if bigIntegers[k] != actualIntegers[k] { - t.Logf("expected integers: %v", bigIntegers) - t.Logf("actual integers: %v", actualIntegers) - t.Fatalf("a decoded integer is not expected. [expected:%v] [actual:%v]", bigIntegers[k], actualIntegers[k]) - } - } -} - -func TestInspectValidToken(t *testing.T) { - if FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN == "" { - t.Skipf("skip this case as we don't have a valid access token.") - } - - session := testGlobalApp.Session(FB_TEST_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN) - result, err := session.Inspect() - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot inspect a valid access token. [e:%v]", err) - } - - var isValid bool - err = result.DecodeField("is_valid", &isValid) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot get 'is_valid' in inspect result. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if !isValid { - t.Fatalf("inspect result shows access token is invalid. why? [result:%v]", result) - } -} - -func TestInspectInvalidToken(t *testing.T) { - invalidToken := "CAACZA38ZAD8CoBAe2bDC6EdThnni3b56scyshKINjZARoC9ZAuEUTgYUkYnKdimqfA2ZAXcd2wLd7Rr8jLmMXTY9vqAhQGqObZBIUz1WwbqVoCsB3AAvLtwoWNhsxM76mK0eiJSLXHZCdPVpyhmtojvzXA7f69Bm6b5WZBBXia8iOpPZAUHTGp1UQLFMt47c7RqJTrYIl3VfAR0deN82GMFL2" - session := testGlobalApp.Session(invalidToken) - result, err := session.Inspect() - - if err == nil { - t.Fatalf("facebook should indicate it's an invalid token. why not? [result:%v]", result) - } - - if _, ok := err.(*Error); !ok { - t.Fatalf("inspect error should be a standard facebook error. why not? [e:%v]", err) - } - - isValid := true - err = result.DecodeField("is_valid", &isValid) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("cannot get 'is_valid' in inspect result. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if isValid { - t.Fatalf("inspect result shows access token is valid. why? [result:%v]", result) - } -} - -func TestCamelCaseToUnderScore(t *testing.T) { - cases := map[string]string{ - "TestCase": "test_case", - "HTTPServer": "http_server", - "NoHTTPS": "no_https", - "Wi_thF": "wi_th_f", - "_AnotherTES_TCaseP": "_another_tes_t_case_p", - "ALL": "all", - "UserID": "user_id", - } - - for k, v := range cases { - str := camelCaseToUnderScore(k) - - if str != v { - t.Fatalf("wrong underscore string. [expect:%v] [actual:%v]", v, str) - } - } -} - -func TestMakeSliceResult(t *testing.T) { - jsonStr := `{ - "error": { - "message": "Invalid OAuth access token.", - "type": "OAuthException", - "code": 190 - } - }` - var res []Result - err := makeResult([]byte(jsonStr), &res) - - if err == nil { - t.Fatalf("makeResult must fail") - } - - fbErr, ok := err.(*Error) - - if !ok { - t.Fatalf("error must be a facebook error. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if fbErr.Code != 190 { - t.Fatalf("invalid facebook error. [e:%v]", fbErr.Error()) - } -} - -func TestMakeSliceResultWithNilElements(t *testing.T) { - jsonStr := `[ - null, - { - "foo": "bar" - }, - null - ]` - var res []Result - err := makeResult([]byte(jsonStr), &res) - - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("fail to decode results. [e:%v]", err) - } - - if len(res) != 3 { - t.Fatalf("expect 3 elements in res. [res:%v]", res) - } - - if res[0] != nil || res[1] == nil || res[2] != nil { - t.Fatalf("decoded res is not expected. [res:%v]", res) - } - - if res[1]["foo"].(string) != "bar" { - t.Fatalf("decode res is not expected. [res:%v]", res) - } -} -- cgit v1.2.3-1-g7c22