// Copyright (C) 2010, Kyle Lemons . All rights reserved. package log4go import ( "crypto/md5" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "runtime" "testing" "time" ) const testLogFile = "_logtest.log" var now time.Time = time.Unix(0, 1234567890123456789).In(time.UTC) func newLogRecord(lvl level, src string, msg string) *LogRecord { return &LogRecord{ Level: lvl, Source: src, Created: now, Message: msg, } } func TestELog(t *testing.T) { fmt.Printf("Testing %s\n", L4G_VERSION) lr := newLogRecord(CRITICAL, "source", "message") if lr.Level != CRITICAL { t.Errorf("Incorrect level: %d should be %d", lr.Level, CRITICAL) } if lr.Source != "source" { t.Errorf("Incorrect source: %s should be %s", lr.Source, "source") } if lr.Message != "message" { t.Errorf("Incorrect message: %s should be %s", lr.Source, "message") } } var formatTests = []struct { Test string Record *LogRecord Formats map[string]string }{ { Test: "Standard formats", Record: &LogRecord{ Level: ERROR, Source: "source", Message: "message", Created: now, }, Formats: map[string]string{ // TODO(kevlar): How can I do this so it'll work outside of PST? FORMAT_DEFAULT: "[2009/02/13 23:31:30 UTC] [EROR] (source) message\n", FORMAT_SHORT: "[23:31 02/13/09] [EROR] message\n", FORMAT_ABBREV: "[EROR] message\n", }, }, } func TestFormatLogRecord(t *testing.T) { for _, test := range formatTests { name := test.Test for fmt, want := range test.Formats { if got := FormatLogRecord(fmt, test.Record); got != want { t.Errorf("%s - %s:", name, fmt) t.Errorf(" got %q", got) t.Errorf(" want %q", want) } } } } var logRecordWriteTests = []struct { Test string Record *LogRecord Console string }{ { Test: "Normal message", Record: &LogRecord{ Level: CRITICAL, Source: "source", Message: "message", Created: now, }, Console: "[02/13/09 23:31:30] [CRIT] message\n", }, } func TestConsoleLogWriter(t *testing.T) { console := make(ConsoleLogWriter) r, w := io.Pipe() go console.run(w) defer console.Close() buf := make([]byte, 1024) for _, test := range logRecordWriteTests { name := test.Test console.LogWrite(test.Record) n, _ := r.Read(buf) if got, want := string(buf[:n]), test.Console; got != want { t.Errorf("%s: got %q", name, got) t.Errorf("%s: want %q", name, want) } } } func TestFileLogWriter(t *testing.T) { defer func(buflen int) { LogBufferLength = buflen }(LogBufferLength) LogBufferLength = 0 w := NewFileLogWriter(testLogFile, false) if w == nil { t.Fatalf("Invalid return: w should not be nil") } defer os.Remove(testLogFile) w.LogWrite(newLogRecord(CRITICAL, "source", "message")) w.Close() runtime.Gosched() if contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testLogFile); err != nil { t.Errorf("read(%q): %s", testLogFile, err) } else if len(contents) != 50 { t.Errorf("malformed filelog: %q (%d bytes)", string(contents), len(contents)) } } func TestXMLLogWriter(t *testing.T) { defer func(buflen int) { LogBufferLength = buflen }(LogBufferLength) LogBufferLength = 0 w := NewXMLLogWriter(testLogFile, false) if w == nil { t.Fatalf("Invalid return: w should not be nil") } defer os.Remove(testLogFile) w.LogWrite(newLogRecord(CRITICAL, "source", "message")) w.Close() runtime.Gosched() if contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testLogFile); err != nil { t.Errorf("read(%q): %s", testLogFile, err) } else if len(contents) != 185 { t.Errorf("malformed xmllog: %q (%d bytes)", string(contents), len(contents)) } } func TestLogger(t *testing.T) { sl := NewDefaultLogger(WARNING) if sl == nil { t.Fatalf("NewDefaultLogger should never return nil") } if lw, exist := sl["stdout"]; lw == nil || exist != true { t.Fatalf("NewDefaultLogger produced invalid logger (DNE or nil)") } if sl["stdout"].Level != WARNING { t.Fatalf("NewDefaultLogger produced invalid logger (incorrect level)") } if len(sl) != 1 { t.Fatalf("NewDefaultLogger produced invalid logger (incorrect map count)") } //func (l *Logger) AddFilter(name string, level int, writer LogWriter) {} l := make(Logger) l.AddFilter("stdout", DEBUG, NewConsoleLogWriter()) if lw, exist := l["stdout"]; lw == nil || exist != true { t.Fatalf("AddFilter produced invalid logger (DNE or nil)") } if l["stdout"].Level != DEBUG { t.Fatalf("AddFilter produced invalid logger (incorrect level)") } if len(l) != 1 { t.Fatalf("AddFilter produced invalid logger (incorrect map count)") } //func (l *Logger) Warn(format string, args ...interface{}) error {} if err := l.Warn("%s %d %#v", "Warning:", 1, []int{}); err.Error() != "Warning: 1 []int{}" { t.Errorf("Warn returned invalid error: %s", err) } //func (l *Logger) Error(format string, args ...interface{}) error {} if err := l.Error("%s %d %#v", "Error:", 10, []string{}); err.Error() != "Error: 10 []string{}" { t.Errorf("Error returned invalid error: %s", err) } //func (l *Logger) Critical(format string, args ...interface{}) error {} if err := l.Critical("%s %d %#v", "Critical:", 100, []int64{}); err.Error() != "Critical: 100 []int64{}" { t.Errorf("Critical returned invalid error: %s", err) } // Already tested or basically untestable //func (l *Logger) Log(level int, source, message string) {} //func (l *Logger) Logf(level int, format string, args ...interface{}) {} //func (l *Logger) intLogf(level int, format string, args ...interface{}) string {} //func (l *Logger) Finest(format string, args ...interface{}) {} //func (l *Logger) Fine(format string, args ...interface{}) {} //func (l *Logger) Debug(format string, args ...interface{}) {} //func (l *Logger) Trace(format string, args ...interface{}) {} //func (l *Logger) Info(format string, args ...interface{}) {} } func TestLogOutput(t *testing.T) { const ( expected = "fdf3e51e444da56b4cb400f30bc47424" ) // Unbuffered output defer func(buflen int) { LogBufferLength = buflen }(LogBufferLength) LogBufferLength = 0 l := make(Logger) // Delete and open the output log without a timestamp (for a constant md5sum) l.AddFilter("file", FINEST, NewFileLogWriter(testLogFile, false).SetFormat("[%L] %M")) defer os.Remove(testLogFile) // Send some log messages l.Log(CRITICAL, "testsrc1", fmt.Sprintf("This message is level %d", int(CRITICAL))) l.Logf(ERROR, "This message is level %v", ERROR) l.Logf(WARNING, "This message is level %s", WARNING) l.Logc(INFO, func() string { return "This message is level INFO" }) l.Trace("This message is level %d", int(TRACE)) l.Debug("This message is level %s", DEBUG) l.Fine(func() string { return fmt.Sprintf("This message is level %v", FINE) }) l.Finest("This message is level %v", FINEST) l.Finest(FINEST, "is also this message's level") l.Close() contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testLogFile) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Could not read output log: %s", err) } sum := md5.New() sum.Write(contents) if sumstr := hex.EncodeToString(sum.Sum(nil)); sumstr != expected { t.Errorf("--- Log Contents:\n%s---", string(contents)) t.Fatalf("Checksum does not match: %s (expecting %s)", sumstr, expected) } } func TestCountMallocs(t *testing.T) { const N = 1 var m runtime.MemStats getMallocs := func() uint64 { runtime.ReadMemStats(&m) return m.Mallocs } // Console logger sl := NewDefaultLogger(INFO) mallocs := 0 - getMallocs() for i := 0; i < N; i++ { sl.Log(WARNING, "here", "This is a WARNING message") } mallocs += getMallocs() fmt.Printf("mallocs per sl.Log((WARNING, \"here\", \"This is a log message\"): %d\n", mallocs/N) // Console logger formatted mallocs = 0 - getMallocs() for i := 0; i < N; i++ { sl.Logf(WARNING, "%s is a log message with level %d", "This", WARNING) } mallocs += getMallocs() fmt.Printf("mallocs per sl.Logf(WARNING, \"%%s is a log message with level %%d\", \"This\", WARNING): %d\n", mallocs/N) // Console logger (not logged) sl = NewDefaultLogger(INFO) mallocs = 0 - getMallocs() for i := 0; i < N; i++ { sl.Log(DEBUG, "here", "This is a DEBUG log message") } mallocs += getMallocs() fmt.Printf("mallocs per unlogged sl.Log((WARNING, \"here\", \"This is a log message\"): %d\n", mallocs/N) // Console logger formatted (not logged) mallocs = 0 - getMallocs() for i := 0; i < N; i++ { sl.Logf(DEBUG, "%s is a log message with level %d", "This", DEBUG) } mallocs += getMallocs() fmt.Printf("mallocs per unlogged sl.Logf(WARNING, \"%%s is a log message with level %%d\", \"This\", WARNING): %d\n", mallocs/N) } func TestXMLConfig(t *testing.T) { const ( configfile = "example.xml" ) fd, err := os.Create(configfile) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Could not open %s for writing: %s", configfile, err) } fmt.Fprintln(fd, "") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " stdout") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " console") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " DEBUG") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " file") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " file") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " FINEST") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " test.log") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " [%D %T] [%L] (%S) %M") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " false ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " 0M ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " 0K ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " true ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " xmllog") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " xml") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " TRACE") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " trace.xml") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " true ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " 100M ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " 6K ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " false ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " donotopen") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " socket") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " FINEST") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " udp ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, " ") fmt.Fprintln(fd, "") fd.Close() log := make(Logger) log.LoadConfiguration(configfile) defer os.Remove("trace.xml") defer os.Remove("test.log") defer log.Close() // Make sure we got all loggers if len(log) != 3 { t.Fatalf("XMLConfig: Expected 3 filters, found %d", len(log)) } // Make sure they're the right keys if _, ok := log["stdout"]; !ok { t.Errorf("XMLConfig: Expected stdout logger") } if _, ok := log["file"]; !ok { t.Fatalf("XMLConfig: Expected file logger") } if _, ok := log["xmllog"]; !ok { t.Fatalf("XMLConfig: Expected xmllog logger") } // Make sure they're the right type if _, ok := log["stdout"].LogWriter.(ConsoleLogWriter); !ok { t.Fatalf("XMLConfig: Expected stdout to be ConsoleLogWriter, found %T", log["stdout"].LogWriter) } if _, ok := log["file"].LogWriter.(*FileLogWriter); !ok { t.Fatalf("XMLConfig: Expected file to be *FileLogWriter, found %T", log["file"].LogWriter) } if _, ok := log["xmllog"].LogWriter.(*FileLogWriter); !ok { t.Fatalf("XMLConfig: Expected xmllog to be *FileLogWriter, found %T", log["xmllog"].LogWriter) } // Make sure levels are set if lvl := log["stdout"].Level; lvl != DEBUG { t.Errorf("XMLConfig: Expected stdout to be set to level %d, found %d", DEBUG, lvl) } if lvl := log["file"].Level; lvl != FINEST { t.Errorf("XMLConfig: Expected file to be set to level %d, found %d", FINEST, lvl) } if lvl := log["xmllog"].Level; lvl != TRACE { t.Errorf("XMLConfig: Expected xmllog to be set to level %d, found %d", TRACE, lvl) } // Make sure the w is open and points to the right file if fname := log["file"].LogWriter.(*FileLogWriter).file.Name(); fname != "test.log" { t.Errorf("XMLConfig: Expected file to have opened %s, found %s", "test.log", fname) } // Make sure the XLW is open and points to the right file if fname := log["xmllog"].LogWriter.(*FileLogWriter).file.Name(); fname != "trace.xml" { t.Errorf("XMLConfig: Expected xmllog to have opened %s, found %s", "trace.xml", fname) } // Move XML log file os.Rename(configfile, "examples/"+configfile) // Keep this so that an example with the documentation is available } func BenchmarkFormatLogRecord(b *testing.B) { const updateEvery = 1 rec := &LogRecord{ Level: CRITICAL, Created: now, Source: "source", Message: "message", } for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { rec.Created = rec.Created.Add(1 * time.Second / updateEvery) if i%2 == 0 { FormatLogRecord(FORMAT_DEFAULT, rec) } else { FormatLogRecord(FORMAT_SHORT, rec) } } } func BenchmarkConsoleLog(b *testing.B) { /* This doesn't seem to work on OS X sink, err := os.Open(os.DevNull) if err != nil { panic(err) } if err := syscall.Dup2(int(sink.Fd()), syscall.Stdout); err != nil { panic(err) } */ stdout = ioutil.Discard sl := NewDefaultLogger(INFO) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { sl.Log(WARNING, "here", "This is a log message") } } func BenchmarkConsoleNotLogged(b *testing.B) { sl := NewDefaultLogger(INFO) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { sl.Log(DEBUG, "here", "This is a log message") } } func BenchmarkConsoleUtilLog(b *testing.B) { sl := NewDefaultLogger(INFO) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { sl.Info("%s is a log message", "This") } } func BenchmarkConsoleUtilNotLog(b *testing.B) { sl := NewDefaultLogger(INFO) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { sl.Debug("%s is a log message", "This") } } func BenchmarkFileLog(b *testing.B) { sl := make(Logger) b.StopTimer() sl.AddFilter("file", INFO, NewFileLogWriter("benchlog.log", false)) b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { sl.Log(WARNING, "here", "This is a log message") } b.StopTimer() os.Remove("benchlog.log") } func BenchmarkFileNotLogged(b *testing.B) { sl := make(Logger) b.StopTimer() sl.AddFilter("file", INFO, NewFileLogWriter("benchlog.log", false)) b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { sl.Log(DEBUG, "here", "This is a log message") } b.StopTimer() os.Remove("benchlog.log") } func BenchmarkFileUtilLog(b *testing.B) { sl := make(Logger) b.StopTimer() sl.AddFilter("file", INFO, NewFileLogWriter("benchlog.log", false)) b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { sl.Info("%s is a log message", "This") } b.StopTimer() os.Remove("benchlog.log") } func BenchmarkFileUtilNotLog(b *testing.B) { sl := make(Logger) b.StopTimer() sl.AddFilter("file", INFO, NewFileLogWriter("benchlog.log", false)) b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { sl.Debug("%s is a log message", "This") } b.StopTimer() os.Remove("benchlog.log") } // Benchmark results (darwin amd64 6g) //elog.BenchmarkConsoleLog 100000 22819 ns/op //elog.BenchmarkConsoleNotLogged 2000000 879 ns/op //elog.BenchmarkConsoleUtilLog 50000 34380 ns/op //elog.BenchmarkConsoleUtilNotLog 1000000 1339 ns/op //elog.BenchmarkFileLog 100000 26497 ns/op //elog.BenchmarkFileNotLogged 2000000 821 ns/op //elog.BenchmarkFileUtilLog 50000 33945 ns/op //elog.BenchmarkFileUtilNotLog 1000000 1258 ns/op