# Change Log # ## v1.5.2 ## * `[FIX]` [#32](https://github.com/huandu/facebook/pull/32) BatchApi/Batch returns facebook error when access token is not valid. ## v1.5.1 ## * `[FIX]` [#31](https://github.com/huandu/facebook/pull/31) When `/oauth/access_token` returns a query string instead of json, this package can correctly handle it. ## v1.5.0 ## * `[NEW]` [#28](https://github.com/huandu/facebook/pull/28) Support debug mode introduced by facebook graph API v2.3. * `[FIX]` Removed all test cases depending on facebook graph API v1.0. ## v1.4.1 ## * `[NEW]` [#27](https://github.com/huandu/facebook/pull/27) Timestamp value in Graph API response can be decoded as a `time.Time` value now. Thanks, [@Lazyshot](https://github.com/Lazyshot). ## v1.4.0 ## * `[FIX]` [#23](https://github.com/huandu/facebook/issues/24) Algorithm change: Camel case string to underscore string supports abbreviation Fix for [#23](https://github.com/huandu/facebook/issues/24) could be a breaking change. Camel case string `HTTPServer` will be converted to `http_server` instead of `h_t_t_p_server`. See issue description for detail. ## v1.3.0 ## * `[NEW]` [#22](https://github.com/huandu/facebook/issues/22) Add a new helper struct `BatchResult` to hold batch request responses. ## v1.2.0 ## * `[NEW]` [#20](https://github.com/huandu/facebook/issues/20) Add Decode functionality for paging results. Thanks, [@cbroglie](https://github.com/cbroglie). * `[FIX]` [#21](https://github.com/huandu/facebook/issues/21) `Session#Inspect` cannot return error if access token is invalid. Fix for [#21](https://github.com/huandu/facebook/issues/21) will result a possible breaking change in `Session#Inspect`. It was return whole result returned by facebook inspect api. Now it only return its "data" sub-tree. As facebook puts everything including error message in "data" sub-tree, I believe it's reasonable to make this change. ## v1.1.0 ## * `[FIX]` [#19](https://github.com/huandu/facebook/issues/19) Any valid int64 number larger than 2^53 or smaller than -2^53 can be correctly decoded without precision lost. Fix for [#19](https://github.com/huandu/facebook/issues/19) will result a possible breaking change in `Result#Get` and `Result#GetField`. If a JSON field is a number, these two functions will return json.Number instead of float64. The fix also introduces a side effect in `Result#Decode` and `Result#DecodeField`. A number field (`int*` and `float*`) can be decoded to a string. It was not allowed in previous version. ## v1.0.0 ## Initial tag. Library is stable enough for all features mentioned in README.md.