go-ini ====== INI parsing library for Go (golang). View the API documentation [here](http://godoc.org/github.com/vaughan0/go-ini). Usage ----- Parse an INI file: ```go import "github.com/vaughan0/go-ini" file, err := ini.LoadFile("myfile.ini") ``` Get data from the parsed file: ```go name, ok := file.Get("person", "name") if !ok { panic("'name' variable missing from 'person' section") } ``` Iterate through values in a section: ```go for key, value := range file["mysection"] { fmt.Printf("%s => %s\n", key, value) } ``` Iterate through sections in a file: ```go for name, section := range file { fmt.Printf("Section name: %s\n", name) } ``` File Format ----------- INI files are parsed by go-ini line-by-line. Each line may be one of the following: * A section definition: [section-name] * A property: key = value * A comment: #blahblah _or_ ;blahblah * Blank. The line will be ignored. Properties defined before any section headers are placed in the default section, which has the empty string as it's key. Example: ```ini # I am a comment ; So am I! [apples] colour = red or green shape = applish [oranges] shape = square colour = blue ```