.PHONY: build package run stop run-client run-server stop-client stop-server restart restart-server restart-client start-docker clean-dist clean nuke check-style check-client-style check-server-style check-unit-tests test dist setup-mac prepare-enteprise run-client-tests setup-run-client-tests cleanup-run-client-tests test-client build-linux build-osx build-windows internal-test-client # For golang 1.5.x compatibility (remove when we don't want to support it anymore) export GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 # Build Flags BUILD_NUMBER ?= $(BUILD_NUMBER:) BUILD_DATE = $(shell date -u) BUILD_HASH = $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) # If we don't set the build number it defaults to dev ifeq ($(BUILD_NUMBER),) BUILD_NUMBER := dev endif BUILD_ENTERPRISE_DIR ?= ../enterprise BUILD_ENTERPRISE ?= true BUILD_ENTERPRISE_READY = false BUILD_TYPE_NAME = team BUILD_HASH_ENTERPRISE = none ifneq ($(wildcard $(BUILD_ENTERPRISE_DIR)/.),) ifeq ($(BUILD_ENTERPRISE),true) BUILD_ENTERPRISE_READY = true BUILD_TYPE_NAME = enterprise BUILD_HASH_ENTERPRISE = $(shell cd $(BUILD_ENTERPRISE_DIR) && git rev-parse HEAD) else BUILD_ENTERPRISE_READY = false BUILD_TYPE_NAME = team endif else BUILD_ENTERPRISE_READY = false BUILD_TYPE_NAME = team endif BUILD_WEBAPP_DIR = ./webapp # Golang Flags GOPATH ?= $(GOPATH:):./vendor GOFLAGS ?= $(GOFLAGS:) GO=go GO_LINKER_FLAGS ?= -ldflags \ "-X github.com/mattermost/platform/model.BuildNumber=$(BUILD_NUMBER)\ -X 'github.com/mattermost/platform/model.BuildDate=$(BUILD_DATE)'\ -X github.com/mattermost/platform/model.BuildHash=$(BUILD_HASH)\ -X github.com/mattermost/platform/model.BuildHashEnterprise=$(BUILD_HASH_ENTERPRISE)\ -X github.com/mattermost/platform/model.BuildEnterpriseReady=$(BUILD_ENTERPRISE_READY)" # GOOS/GOARCH of the build host, used to determine whether we're cross-compiling or not BUILDER_GOOS_GOARCH="$(shell $(GO) env GOOS)_$(shell $(GO) env GOARCH)" # Output paths DIST_ROOT=dist DIST_PATH=$(DIST_ROOT)/mattermost # Tests TESTS=. all: dist dist: | check-style test package start-docker: @echo Starting docker containers @if [ $(shell docker ps -a | grep -ci mattermost-mysql) -eq 0 ]; then \ echo starting mattermost-mysql; \ docker run --name mattermost-mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mostest \ -e MYSQL_USER=mmuser -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=mostest -e MYSQL_DATABASE=mattermost_test -d mysql:5.7 > /dev/null; \ elif [ $(shell docker ps | grep -ci mattermost-mysql) -eq 0 ]; then \ echo restarting mattermost-mysql; \ docker start mattermost-mysql > /dev/null; \ fi @if [ $(shell docker ps -a | grep -ci mattermost-postgres) -eq 0 ]; then \ echo starting mattermost-postgres; \ docker run --name mattermost-postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=mmuser -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mostest \ -d postgres:9.4 > /dev/null; \ elif [ $(shell docker ps | grep -ci mattermost-postgres) -eq 0 ]; then \ echo restarting mattermost-postgres; \ docker start mattermost-postgres > /dev/null; \ fi ifeq ($(BUILD_ENTERPRISE_READY),true) @echo Ldap test user test.one @if [ $(shell docker ps -a | grep -ci mattermost-openldap) -eq 0 ]; then \ echo starting mattermost-openldap; \ docker run --name mattermost-openldap -p 389:389 -p 636:636 \ -e LDAP_TLS_VERIFY_CLIENT="never" \ -e LDAP_ORGANISATION="Mattermost Test" \ -e LDAP_DOMAIN="mm.test.com" \ -e LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD="mostest" \ -d osixia/openldap:1.1.6 > /dev/null;\ sleep 10; \ docker exec -ti mattermost-openldap bash -c 'echo -e "dn: ou=testusers,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com\nobjectclass: organizationalunit" | ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com" -w mostest';\ docker exec -ti mattermost-openldap bash -c 'echo -e "dn: uid=test.one,ou=testusers,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com\nobjectclass: iNetOrgPerson\nsn: User\ncn: Test1\nmail: success+testone@simulator.amazonses.com" | ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com" -w mostest';\ docker exec -ti mattermost-openldap bash -c 'ldappasswd -s Password1 -D "cn=admin,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com" -x "uid=test.one,ou=testusers,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com" -w mostest';\ docker exec -ti mattermost-openldap bash -c 'echo -e "dn: uid=test.two,ou=testusers,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com\nobjectclass: iNetOrgPerson\nsn: User\ncn: Test2\nmail: success+testtwo@simulator.amazonses.com" | ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com" -w mostest';\ docker exec -ti mattermost-openldap bash -c 'ldappasswd -s Password1 -D "cn=admin,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com" -x "uid=test.two,ou=testusers,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com" -w mostest';\ docker exec -ti mattermost-openldap bash -c 'echo -e "dn: cn=tgroup,ou=testusers,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com\nobjectclass: groupOfUniqueNames\nuniqueMember: uid=test.one,ou=testusers,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com" | ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=mm,dc=test,dc=com" -w mostest';\ elif [ $(shell docker ps | grep -ci mattermost-openldap) -eq 0 ]; then \ echo restarting mattermost-openldap; \ docker start mattermost-openldap > /dev/null; \ sleep 10; \ fi @if [ $(shell docker ps -a | grep -ci mattermost-webrtc) -eq 0 ]; then \ echo starting mattermost-webrtc; \ docker run --name mattermost-webrtc -p 7088:7088 -p 7089:7089 -p 8188:8188 -p 8189:8189 -d mattermost/webrtc:latest > /dev/null; \ elif [ $(shell docker ps | grep -ci mattermost-webrtc) -eq 0 ]; then \ echo restarting mattermost-webrtc; \ docker start mattermost-webrtc > /dev/null; \ fi endif stop-docker: @echo Stopping docker containers @if [ $(shell docker ps -a | grep -ci mattermost-mysql) -eq 1 ]; then \ echo stopping mattermost-mysql; \ docker stop mattermost-mysql > /dev/null; \ fi @if [ $(shell docker ps -a | grep -ci mattermost-postgres) -eq 1 ]; then \ echo stopping mattermost-postgres; \ docker stop mattermost-postgres > /dev/null; \ fi @if [ $(shell docker ps -a | grep -ci mattermost-openldap) -eq 1 ]; then \ echo stopping mattermost-openldap; \ docker stop mattermost-openldap > /dev/null; \ fi @if [ $(shell docker ps -a | grep -ci mattermost-webrtc) -eq 1 ]; then \ echo stopping mattermost-webrtc; \ docker stop mattermost-webrtc > /dev/null; \ fi clean-docker: @echo Removing docker containers @if [ $(shell docker ps -a | grep -ci mattermost-mysql) -eq 1 ]; then \ echo removing mattermost-mysql; \ docker stop mattermost-mysql > /dev/null; \ docker rm -v mattermost-mysql > /dev/null; \ fi @if [ $(shell docker ps -a | grep -ci mattermost-postgres) -eq 1 ]; then \ echo removing mattermost-postgres; \ docker stop mattermost-postgres > /dev/null; \ docker rm -v mattermost-postgres > /dev/null; \ fi @if [ $(shell docker ps -a | grep -ci mattermost-openldap) -eq 1 ]; then \ echo removing mattermost-openldap; \ docker stop mattermost-openldap > /dev/null; \ docker rm -v mattermost-openldap > /dev/null; \ fi @if [ $(shell docker ps -a | grep -ci mattermost-webrtc) -eq 1 ]; then \ echo removing mattermost-webrtc; \ docker stop mattermost-webrtc > /dev/null; \ docker rm -v mattermost-webrtc > /dev/null; \ fi check-client-style: @echo Checking client style cd $(BUILD_WEBAPP_DIR) && $(MAKE) check-style check-server-style: @echo Running GOFMT $(eval GOFMT_OUTPUT := $(shell gofmt -d -s api/ model/ store/ utils/ manualtesting/ einterfaces/ mattermost.go 2>&1)) @echo "$(GOFMT_OUTPUT)" @if [ ! "$(GOFMT_OUTPUT)" ]; then \ echo "gofmt sucess"; \ else \ echo "gofmt failure"; \ exit 1; \ fi check-style: check-client-style check-server-style test-server: start-docker prepare-enterprise @echo Running server tests rm -f cover.out echo "mode: count" > cover.out $(GO) test $(GOFLAGS) -run=$(TESTS) -test.v -test.timeout=650s -covermode=count -coverprofile=capi.out ./api || exit 1 $(GO) test $(GOFLAGS) -run=$(TESTS) -test.v -test.timeout=60s -covermode=count -coverprofile=cmodel.out ./model || exit 1 $(GO) test $(GOFLAGS) -run=$(TESTS) -test.v -test.timeout=180s -covermode=count -coverprofile=cstore.out ./store || exit 1 $(GO) test $(GOFLAGS) -run=$(TESTS) -test.v -test.timeout=120s -covermode=count -coverprofile=cutils.out ./utils || exit 1 $(GO) test $(GOFLAGS) -run=$(TESTS) -test.v -test.timeout=120s -covermode=count -coverprofile=cweb.out ./web || exit 1 tail -n +2 capi.out >> cover.out tail -n +2 cmodel.out >> cover.out tail -n +2 cstore.out >> cover.out tail -n +2 cutils.out >> cover.out tail -n +2 cweb.out >> cover.out rm -f capi.out cmodel.out cstore.out cutils.out cweb.out ifeq ($(BUILD_ENTERPRISE_READY),true) @echo Running Enterprise tests rm -f ecover.out echo "mode: count" > ecover.out $(GO) test $(GOFLAGS) -run=$(TESTS) -covermode=count -c ./enterprise/ldap && ./ldap.test -test.v -test.timeout=120s -test.coverprofile=cldap.out || exit 1 $(GO) test $(GOFLAGS) -run=$(TESTS) -covermode=count -c ./enterprise/compliance && ./compliance.test -test.v -test.timeout=120s -test.coverprofile=ccompliance.out || exit 1 $(GO) test $(GOFLAGS) -run=$(TESTS) -covermode=count -c ./enterprise/emoji && ./emoji.test -test.v -test.timeout=120s -test.coverprofile=cemoji.out || exit 1 $(GO) test $(GOFLAGS) -run=$(TESTS) -covermode=count -c ./enterprise/saml && ./saml.test -test.v -test.timeout=60s -test.coverprofile=csaml.out || exit 1 $(GO) test $(GOFLAGS) -run=$(TESTS) -covermode=count -c ./enterprise/cluster && ./cluster.test -test.v -test.timeout=60s -test.coverprofile=ccluster.out || exit 1 $(GO) test $(GOFLAGS) -run=$(TESTS) -covermode=count -c ./enterprise/account_migration && ./account_migration.test -test.v -test.timeout=60s -test.coverprofile=caccount_migration.out || exit 1 $(GO) test $(GOFLAGS) -run=$(TESTS) -covermode=count -c ./enterprise/webrtc && ./webrtc.test -test.v -test.timeout=60s -test.coverprofile=cwebrtc.out || exit 1 tail -n +2 cldap.out >> ecover.out tail -n +2 ccompliance.out >> ecover.out tail -n +2 cemoji.out >> ecover.out tail -n +2 csaml.out >> ecover.out tail -n +2 ccluster.out >> ecover.out tail -n +2 caccount_migration.out >> ecover.out tail -n +2 cwebrtc.out >> ecover.out rm -f cldap.out ccompliance.out cemoji.out csaml.out ccluster.out caccount_migration.out cwebrtc.out rm -r ldap.test rm -r compliance.test rm -r emoji.test rm -r saml.test rm -r cluster.test rm -r account_migration.test rm -r webrtc.test rm -f config/*.crt rm -f config/*.key endif internal-test-web-client: start-docker prepare-enterprise $(GO) run $(GOFLAGS) *.go -run_web_client_tests internal-test-javascript-client: start-docker prepare-enterprise $(GO) run $(GOFLAGS) *.go -run_javascript_client_tests test-client: start-docker prepare-enterprise @echo Running client tests cd $(BUILD_WEBAPP_DIR) && $(MAKE) test test: test-server test-client cover: @echo Opening coverage info in browser. If this failed run make test first $(GO) tool cover -html=cover.out $(GO) tool cover -html=ecover.out .prebuild: @echo Preparation for running go code go get $(GOFLAGS) github.com/Masterminds/glide touch $@ prepare-enterprise: ifeq ($(BUILD_ENTERPRISE_READY),true) @echo Enterprise build selected, preparing cp $(BUILD_ENTERPRISE_DIR)/imports.go . rm -f enterprise ln -s $(BUILD_ENTERPRISE_DIR) enterprise endif build-linux: .prebuild prepare-enterprise @echo Build Linux amd64 env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 $(GO) install $(GOFLAGS) $(GO_LINKER_FLAGS) $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/) build-osx: .prebuild prepare-enterprise @echo Build OSX amd64 env GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 $(GO) install $(GOFLAGS) $(GO_LINKER_FLAGS) $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/) build-windows: .prebuild prepare-enterprise @echo Build Windows amd64 env GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 $(GO) install $(GOFLAGS) $(GO_LINKER_FLAGS) $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/) build: build-linux build-windows build-osx build-client: @echo Building mattermost web app cd $(BUILD_WEBAPP_DIR) && $(MAKE) build package: build build-client @ echo Packaging mattermost @# Remove any old files rm -Rf $(DIST_ROOT) @# Create needed directories mkdir -p $(DIST_PATH)/bin mkdir -p $(DIST_PATH)/logs @# Resource directories cp -RL config $(DIST_PATH) cp -RL fonts $(DIST_PATH) cp -RL templates $(DIST_PATH) cp -RL i18n $(DIST_PATH) @# Disable developer settings sed -i'' 's|"ConsoleLevel": "DEBUG",|"ConsoleLevel": "INFO",|g' $(DIST_PATH)/config/config.json; @# Package webapp mkdir -p $(DIST_PATH)/webapp/dist cp -RL $(BUILD_WEBAPP_DIR)/dist $(DIST_PATH)/webapp @# Help files ifeq ($(BUILD_ENTERPRISE_READY),true) cp $(BUILD_ENTERPRISE_DIR)/ENTERPRISE-EDITION-LICENSE.txt $(DIST_PATH) else cp build/MIT-COMPILED-LICENSE.md $(DIST_PATH) endif cp NOTICE.txt $(DIST_PATH) cp README.md $(DIST_PATH) @# ----- PLATFORM SPECIFIC ----- @# Make osx package @# Copy binary ifeq ($(BUILDER_GOOS_GOARCH),"darwin_amd64") cp $(GOPATH)/bin/platform $(DIST_PATH)/bin # from native bin dir, not cross-compiled else cp $(GOPATH)/bin/darwin_amd64/platform $(DIST_PATH)/bin # from cross-compiled bin dir endif @# Package tar -C dist -czf $(DIST_PATH)-$(BUILD_TYPE_NAME)-osx-amd64.tar.gz mattermost @# Cleanup rm -f $(DIST_PATH)/bin/platform @# Make windows package @# Copy binary ifeq ($(BUILDER_GOOS_GOARCH),"windows_amd64") cp $(GOPATH)/bin/platform.exe $(DIST_PATH)/bin # from native bin dir, not cross-compiled else cp $(GOPATH)/bin/windows_amd64/platform.exe $(DIST_PATH)/bin # from cross-compiled bin dir endif @# Package tar -C dist -czf $(DIST_PATH)-$(BUILD_TYPE_NAME)-windows-amd64.tar.gz mattermost @# Cleanup rm -f $(DIST_PATH)/bin/platform.exe @# Make linux package @# Copy binary ifeq ($(BUILDER_GOOS_GOARCH),"linux_amd64") cp $(GOPATH)/bin/platform $(DIST_PATH)/bin # from native bin dir, not cross-compiled else cp $(GOPATH)/bin/linux_amd64/platform $(DIST_PATH)/bin # from cross-compiled bin dir endif @# Package tar -C dist -czf $(DIST_PATH)-$(BUILD_TYPE_NAME)-linux-amd64.tar.gz mattermost @# Don't clean up native package so dev machines will have an unzipped package available @#rm -f $(DIST_PATH)/bin/platform run-server: prepare-enterprise start-docker @echo Running mattermost for development mkdir -p $(BUILD_WEBAPP_DIR)/dist/files $(GO) run $(GOFLAGS) $(GO_LINKER_FLAGS) *.go & run-cli: prepare-enterprise start-docker @echo Running mattermost for development @echo Example should be like >'make ARGS="-version" run-cli' $(GO) run $(GOFLAGS) $(GO_LINKER_FLAGS) *.go ${ARGS} run-client: @echo Running mattermost client for development cd $(BUILD_WEBAPP_DIR) && $(MAKE) run run-client-fullmap: @echo Running mattermost client for development with FULL SOURCE MAP cd $(BUILD_WEBAPP_DIR) && $(MAKE) run-fullmap run: run-server run-client run-fullmap: run-server run-client-fullmap stop-server: @echo Stopping mattermost ifeq ($(BUILDER_GOOS_GOARCH),"windows_amd64") wmic process where "Caption='go.exe' and CommandLine like '%go.exe run%'" call terminate wmic process where "Caption='mattermost.exe' and CommandLine like '%go-build%'" call terminate else @for PID in $$(ps -ef | grep "[g]o run" | awk '{ print $$2 }'); do \ echo stopping go $$PID; \ kill $$PID; \ done @for PID in $$(ps -ef | grep "[g]o-build" | awk '{ print $$2 }'); do \ echo stopping mattermost $$PID; \ kill $$PID; \ done endif stop-client: @echo Stopping mattermost client cd $(BUILD_WEBAPP_DIR) && $(MAKE) stop stop: stop-server stop-client restart: restart-server restart-client restart-server: | stop-server run-server restart-client: | stop-client run-client clean: stop-docker @echo Cleaning rm -Rf $(DIST_ROOT) go clean $(GOFLAGS) -i ./... cd $(BUILD_WEBAPP_DIR) && $(MAKE) clean rm -rf api/data rm -rf logs rm -f mattermost.log rm -f npm-debug.log rm -f api/mattermost.log rm -f .prepare-go rm -f enterprise rm -f cover.out rm -f ecover.out rm -f *.out rm -f *.test nuke: clean clean-docker @echo BOOM rm -rf data setup-mac: echo $$(boot2docker ip 2> /dev/null) dockerhost | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts