# Mattermost is an open source, on-prem Slack Alternative Mattermost modernizes team communication without locking in your data to a single provider. Offer your end users messaging and file sharing across PCs and phones with archiving and instant search--without losing control of your data. ## Features ### Sharing Messaging and Files - Send messages and comments across public, private and 1-1 channels - Personalize notifications for unreads and mentions by channel and keyword - Share files and images internally and externally ### Archiving and Search - Search archives across channels for historical messages and comments - Use #hashtags to tag and recall messages, threads and files - View recent mentions of your name and custom search terms ### Anywhere Access - Use Mattermost from web-enabled PCs and phones - Attach sound, video and image files from mobile devices - Define team-specific color themes across your devices ## Learn More - [Product Vision and Target Audiences](http://www.mattermost.org/vision/) - What we're solving and for whom are we building - [Mattermost Forum](http://forum.mattermost.org/) - For technical questions and answers - [Issue Tracker](http://www.mattermost.org/filing-issues/) - For reporting bugs - [Feature Ideas Forum](http://www.mattermost.org/feature-requests/) - For sharing ideas for future versions - [Contributuion Guidelines](http://www.mattermost.org/contribute-to-mattermost/) - For contributing code or feedback to the project Follow us on Twitter at [@MattermostHQ](https://twitter.com/mattermosthq). # Installing Mattermost Depending on your needs, there are multiple ways to install Mattermost: ### Product Evaluation - [Single Container Installation and Upgrade](doc/install/single-container-install.md) - Explore product functionality using a single-container Docker install on a local machine (Mac OSX, Ubuntu, or Arch Linux) or on AWS Beanstalk. Optionally setup email and upgrade your instance using DockerHub. ### Development - [Developer Machine Setup](scripts/README_DEV.md) - Setup your local machine development environment using Docker on Mac OSX or Ubuntu. ### Production Deployment - [GitLab Mattermost Production Installation](https://about.gitlab.com/downloads/) - Install Mattermost for production environments bundled with GitLab, a leading open source Git repository, using an omnibus package for Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Debian 7, Debian 8, and CentOS 6 (and RedHat/Oracle/Scientific Linux 6), CentOS 7 (and RedHat/Oracle/Scientific Linux 7). Any issues at all, please let us know on the Mattermost forum at: http://forum.mattermost.org